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Saturday Training


Bob Price

Team Building Fundamentals

Two Marketing Focal Points; The continuous opening of outlets and volume production per outlet (simultaneously) Set up a system whereby recruiting never stops Law of high numbers makes the law of averages profitableLots of people doing a little bit and a few doing a lot = SUCCESSThe leader with the most duds will also have the most Studs.Constant personal communication: the art of motivation and setting goals for themselves and their people

Team Building Fundamentals

You are always either growing or dyingThe fastest way to become a millionaire: Find onethen do exactly what he/she does.Stop recruiting people to a Business, recruit to an environment that people want to be around Be a Student of the business: Knowledge doesnt produce activity. Activity creates knowledge. Repetition is the mother of skill Constant course correction: Apollo 11 was off course 90% of the time but still landed on the moon. Success will always revolve around 3 things: Focus, Motivation and Execution

Team Building Fundamentals

14. Definiteness of purpose: decisiveness and Persistence

Press on: Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. PPERSITENCE and DETERMINATIONS are OMNIPOTENT Ray Kroc

Team Building Fundamentals

16. The habit of Persistence: (from Think and Grow Rich) a definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment; a definite plan expressed in continuous action; a mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances; a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will engage one to follow through with both the plan and purpose (wing man).

Team Building Fundamentals

Mastermind Alliance: batteries hooked up in series are stronger than any one battery Three Obstacles to Spontaneous Recruiting: 1. Leaders dont sell the big-time opportunity of having large multiples of people to override 2. First emphasis with a new recruit is to Field Train vs Get him/her 3 new recruits. 3. Then focus on making $1,000 or more on a sale vs getting a recruiting decision first. Focus on Recruiting and sales will come: aim at recruits, hit sales. Sell those you recruit/sell to those you dont recruit

Team Building Fundamentals

20. Ladder of Evolution: Nobody to upstartUpstart to contenderContender to WinnerWinner to ChampionChampion to Dynasty21. Repetition is the mother of all skillrelentless inevitability!22. Want to know if you are a LEADERturn around and see if anybody is following you!Have a Relentless Inevitability: Take away my factories, my plants: take away my railroads, my ships, my transportation; take away my money; strip me of all of these, but leave me my men and in two or three years, I will have them all again. Andrew Carnegie

Team Building Fundamentals

People dont care how much you know until they know how much you careThe only way you can fail is to quit: Dont ever quit!

Team Building Fundamentals

Top 7 Tips for Achieving Excellence

Pour your heart into whatever you do.Believe that what you do matters, and it will.Do more than your are being paid for.After doing that, do it again.Customize the delivery of your service.Get up close and personal.Let go of the outcome.

Team Building Fundamentals

Secrets of Success

Seek advice from knowledgeable people and associate with people who have goals similar to yours people who want more from life and are willing to work for it.

Establish both short and long term goals. Prioritize your goals. Most important first.

Remember money simply affords opportunities for a better life for yourself and others.

Team Building Fundamentals

Secrets of Success

You will never get rich working for someone else.It takes courage to break away.You take charge of your life.You determine how much you work and earn.

While you should teach others how to make money, you should demonstrate how to share good fortune.

6. Now that you know a better way, have patience for those who are less aware.

Team Building Fundamentals

How to Ensure You Follow Through

Set realistic goals.Center your goals around your passion.Know your why regarding wanting to do this.Create your own timeline and move forward.Know not everyone will agree with what you are doing. Do it anyway.Avoid energy vampires.

What Makes a Great Leader?

A leader is a person who has the ability to get others to do what they dont want to do, and like it.

Harry Truman


The Next Move is Yours!