Audience survey results


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Audience Survey Results

Question 1- Gender

From our results, we found the majority of the people who answered our survey were girls. I don’t think this is going to limit our target audience necessarily.

Question 2- Age

Our initial target audience age group was between 15-26. Our results show that the majority are aged 17-18, with 2 people 16 and under, and 1 person 25 +.

Therefore, our target audience is really between 16 and 18 year olds.

Question 3- Social Media

We can see here that Facebook is used the most by our target audience. YouTube is a close second, followed by Tumblr. This information means we can see what our target audience uses online, and what is the most popular.

Question 4- Genres

Rock is the most popular genre, then followed by pop music. This shows that our target audience is into the sort of music that we are going to be using in our music video.

Question 5- Online Music Videos

This set of results shows that all of our target audience members watch music videos online, even if it’s not that often. This is good, because our video will be online and our audience will predominantly be younger people who go online a lot.

Question 6- Their Opinions

Our final question was to see what our target audience thought about rock music videos in general. We asked them what sort of thing they’d look for in a music video, and these are their responses. I think it shows that they are looking for something different, with a strong narrative, which I believe is what our music video has to offer.