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Art in social

Alex Villar

Endre Tot

Bas Jan Ader

Lilly McElroy, The Square - After Roberto Lopardo2004

Francis Alÿs, Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing

John Baldessari, Throwing Three Balls in the Air to Get a Straight Line (Best of Thirty-Six Attempts) (detail)

Haley Morris-Cafiero, Wait Watchers

Valie Export - Body Configurations, 1972-1982

Liu Bolin, Hiding in the City

Ai Weiwei

Banksy, Sirens of the Lambs, 2013

Gabriel Orozco, Extension of Reflection, 1992

Gabriel Orozco, Yielding Stone

Gabriel Orozco, Cats and Watermelons

Artist unknown (planking)

Artist unknown (planking)