appendix gross


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This is the normal appearance of the appendix against the background of the cecum.

Fig 1. The Vermiform Appendix in Subhepatic Position (Red ),

The Vermiform Appendix in Peritoneal Fossa

A picture showing again appendix as content of hernia Amyand's hernia

itus Inversus: Gross natural color opened peritoneal cavity showing cecum and appendix on left side


Situs Inversus: Gross natural color opened peritoneal cavity showing cecum and appendix on left side

Acute appendicitis with yellow to tan exudate and hyperemia, including the periappendiceal fat superiorly, rather than a smooth, glistening pale tan serosal surface.

 Long impacted worm bolus with transerosal visbility in a child who had incidental finding of worm inside appendix.

Appendiceal ascariasis in children

Gross photograph of the resected appendix measuring 3.8 cm in length; arrow showing mucinous material at the outer surface, predominantly around the tip.



Appendiceal Mucocele Detected under Treatment of Ulcerative ColitisA large quantity of viscous liquid was present in its lumen.s


Figure 1: Dumbbell distended appendix.

Dumbbell distended appendix. Villous Mucinous Cystadenoma of the Appendix in a Postmenopausal Woman

Appendix: Adenocarcinoma: Gross colloid lesion

Carcinoid tumour of the appendix in children, solid, moderately hard, elastic and yellowish mass on the appendix tip, with diameter 1,0 cm.

Photograph showing the two parts of bifid appendix: the shorter and the longer limbs.



Metastatic Malignant Melanoma Presenting as an Appendiceal Mucocele, lobulated green/brown partially hemorrhagic, and pigmented tumor occupy the proximal portion of the appendiceal lumen.


                             Figure 3Gross finding of appendix. Appendix measures 7×1.5 cm in dimensions. The serosal surface of appendix shows fibroadipose adhesion. The mucosal surface of cecum shows erythematous appearance with fibrosis.

Appendix measures 7×1.5 cm in dimensions. The serosal surface of appendix shows fibroadipose adhesion. The mucosal surface of cecum shows erythematous appearance with fibrosis.

1 Proximal one-third, close to surgical margin: one cross-section. If tumor is present in the specimen, paint the surgical margin with India ink and take an additional section from it

2 Mid one-third: one cross-section

3 Distal one-third: one longitudinal section

Sections for histology
