Active listening by Dr. Nellie Deutsch



ELT MOOC by Jason R. Levine on WiziQ. This is a professional development massive Open Online Course in listening and pronunciation techniques. MOOC team organisers: Dr. Nellie Deutsch Sylvia Guinan

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Nellie Deutsch, Ed.D

English Language Teacher

Education Leadership Curriculum Instruction and Technology

University of PhoenixAtlantic University

Active Listening Practice

Are you a good listener?

Active Listening Practice

• Think of other things?• Doodle, shuffle papers, look elsewhere?• Silently argue with the speaker?• Select and choose what you like?• Boring???• Feel lifeless?• Interrupt?• Complete sentences (silently or out loud)• Criticize (silently) voice, looks, way of talking?• Please repeat?


Active Listening Practice

• Interest• Empathy• Focus on them• Keep silent• Accept the speaker• It’s not about you

Try to duplicate others?

Find ourselves

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice


Real world learning

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice

Whole Person

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice

Teacher as Learner

Learner as Teacher

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice


Tap student feelings

Reflect your ownRelationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice

Feeling good

about yourself

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice

Gain Confidence

Collaborative ProcessNot alone

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice


Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice



Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice

Alexander Technique

Yoga, Reiki, Chi Kong

Active Listening Practice

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities


Long distance Running

Active Listening Practice

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice

Let Go

Give SpaceWatch

Let them speak

Suspend Evaluation

Ask to Respond

Full Attention

Active Listening Practice


Audio American


Active Listening Practice

VOA News

PRE-CASS TASKa. How do you know when someone is

really listening to you? List the things that indicate they are listening. You may provide examples. 

Active Listening Practice

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities


b. What do you gain from talking and what do you gain from listening to someone? 

Active Listening Practice

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities


c. Do you prefer to listen or talk? Explain your choice.

Active Listening Practice

Relationship-basedInteractive socially engaging activities

Active Listening Practice

Reading• Brady, M. (2003). Wisdom of listening. Boston:

Wisdom. • Donoghue, P. & Siegel, M. E. (2005). Are you

really listening? Keys to successful communication. Notre Dame: Sorin Book.

• Isaacs, W. (1999). Dialogue. New York: Currency. • LeClaire, A. D. (2010). Listening below the noise:

The transformative power of silence. New York: Harper

Active Listening Practice

Let’s have some fun!!

Thank you!