Financial Tips You Would Give Your Younger Self


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#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

Financial Tips You Would Give Your Younger Self

Join our #CreditChat every Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET. This week, the community shared some personal finance tips

they wish they could go back and give their younger selves.

#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What financial tips would you give your younger self about saving money?

Save early and often! You won’t notice if you automatically have

money sucked out of your accounts.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Lauren Young@LaurenYoung

Live below your means- just because you can afford it doesn’t mean you

should buy it.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Brad Sherman@shermanwealth

Start automating your paychecks so a portion goes to a savings account. If you can’t see the money, you can’t spend it.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Save 10% of each paycheck. The sooner you start getting into a routine with saving, the better!

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat


#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What financial tips would you give your younger self about debt?

Debt can help you do some good things like go to school or buy a car, but don’t bite off more than you can


Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Southeast Financial@SFCUNews

I would make sure my younger self knew how debt works and tie that in with lessons in cash flow. Know what

you owe and when.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Douglas A. Boneparth@dougboneparth

Know the difference between credit and debt. Learn to use credit as a

financial tool.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Rod Griffin@Rod_Griffin

#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What financial tips would you give your younger self about budgeting?

Budgeting isn’t meant to be restraining. It’s meant to keep you free; it’ll keep

you from falling into debt.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Leslie H. Tayne, Esq@LeslieHTayneEsq

Learning to budget is the backbone to your financial success. Spend the time

to get organized.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat


Make a list of what you want to spend for a year, but put it in two columns: Wants and Needs. They’re different.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Brad Sherman@Shermanwealth

Every good budget starts with tracking your spending so you budget your

expenses more accurately.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What financial tips would you give your younger self about credit and credit scores?

Make sure you’re keeping track of what is being reported on you. Check

your scores at least 1/yr.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat


If you can’t afford to pay the whole credit card bill, pay the minimum, then

adjust your next month’s budget to catch up.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Brad Sherman@Shermanwealth

Get a credit card early! Make small purchases and pay off promptly = strong credit history later on.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Miriam Cross@MiriamSCross

Start establishing credit history as soon as you can. Pay off your debts in

a timely manner!

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

Emerge@emergebenefit #CreditChat

#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What financial tips would you give your younger self about student loans?

Aim for a college that makes the most sense for your career path,

NOT for the name-brand recognition.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Lauren Young@LaurenYoung

Unless you have to, don’t pay for more than tuition/books with

student loans. Get a job to pay for living expenses.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Southeast Financial@SFCUNews

Only get what you need and pay interest when you can. (Even if it’s not

technically due yet.)

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Shirley DuBose@MzShirleyD

Know your student loan rate, terms and deferment options. Make sure you understand them before you take the


Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Brad Sherman@Shermanwealth

If you’re thinking about asking someone to cosign on your loan be aware that if

you default, your cosigner will be responsible.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat


#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What financial tips would you give your younger self about investing?

Do the math: the earlier you start saving and investing, the more interest

you’re getting on your interest.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Brad Sherman@Shermanwealth

Invest in yourself at a young age. Always take advantage of your

company’s 401(k) plan.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat


#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What financial tips would you give your younger self about earning extra income?

If you have a side gig (freelance writer, photographer, etc.) you may

be able to deduct a lot of expenses at tax time.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Lauren Young@LaurenYoung

Nothing wrong with a side hustle. Creating other revenue streams is smart and can help create wealth.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Tanya Taylor@ttaylor2u2

Get a side job now, relax later. Earning that extra income while you’re young

can make all the difference in the future.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Cinch Financial@CinchFinancial

#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What financial tips would you give your younger self about saving for retirement?

Set your own goals for what you want retirement to look like. Don’t let

anyone tell you you have to work till you’re 70!

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Brad Sherman@Shermanwealth

Retirement seems far away, but it isn’t, and other stuff always comes up. Start

now and make it a habit to save.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Cinch Financial@CinchFinancial

Don’t give away free money by not taking advantage of an employee

match on your 401(k).

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Brad Sherman@Shermanwealth

Contribute to a 401(k) as soon as you get your first job. Even better is a Roth

401(k), if you can.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat


#CreditChatWednesdays | 3 p.m. ET

What’s the #1 financial tip you would give your younger self?

Don’t put it off! Educate yourself about personal finance and financial planning

ASAP, and get comfortable with the concepts.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

”Brad Sherman@Shermanwealth

You can have it all, but you don’t need to have it all at once.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Pay yourself first!

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat


Take your finances seriously. The quality of your decisions determine

the quality of your life.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Tanya Taylor@ttaylor2u2

Follow Einstein’s advice: Take advantage of the power of


Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Lauren Young@LaurenYoung
