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Witchology 101

A Sourcebook for Modern OGL Campaigns

Written by Julie Ann Dawson

©2014 Bards and Sages Publishing www.bardsandsages.com

Based on the world of the Nancy Werlock’s Diary Series


Some artwork by Fat Dragon Games, Sade, Morrigan

Used with permission

OGL Logo courtesy Louis Porter Jr.

Editorial Assistants: Sylvia Marie Thomas and Allyson Williamson Playtesters: LeAnne Baxter, Joseph Fantini, April Jones, Heather Redding, Sam Stephens, Sylvia Marie Thomas, Walter Wexler Sam

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A Note from your Chancellor Greetings, Adepts! Welcome to the College of Evocation, the third college among the Colleges of High Magic. The Colleges of High Magic represent the original five paths of arcane study and were formally established in the year 10 AD during the reign of Augustus. As an Evoker, you follow in the storied footsteps of generations of witches who have taken up the shield to preserve the Balance and protect the material world from otherworldly forces. Defendere Velo, To Defend the Veil, is more than a motto. It is a solemn code that we follow with honor. We are proud of the fact that the majority of Justicars come from our College. This is a testament to the excellence of our educational programs and the strength and skill of our members. As you begin your journey, know that you do not walk down this path alone. Your mentor, to whom you now apprentice, will always be your primary contact in relation to the College. However, the College of Evocation has hundreds of regional guilds around the world that can serve as your local research center and support community. The Archmages of our guilds are renown for their commitment to educational excellence. A full list of regional guilds can be found on our website. The College of Evocation is also home to four of the most influential specialized schools of study in the arcane arts: Cryptology, Demonology, Elementalism, and Exorism. Our Magi have hundreds of years of practical knowledge in their chosen fields of expertise and are dedicated to sharing that knowledge with future Evokers. Adepts interested in pursuing a specialized path should speak with their mentors to ensure all prerequisites are met. Membership in the College of Evocation is a lifelong commitment, however we believe that commitment applies both ways. Members of all ranks, from the newest apprentice to the most seasoned Rank One Demonologist, are expected to support their fellow Evokers throughout their magical careers. As Evokers, we stand together in both our pursuit of knowledge and in defense of the Balance.

Defendere Velo,

Rank One Evoker Orval Straus

Chancellor of the College of Evocation




Contents An Arcane Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Who’s Who in the World of Magic ......................................................................................................... 10

The Nine ................................................................................................................................................. 10

Advocates ........................................................................................................................................... 11

The Esteemed .................................................................................................................................... 11

The Council of Chancellors ................................................................................................................. 11

Archmages.......................................................................................................................................... 11

Justicars ............................................................................................................................................... 11

Magi..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Colleges of Magic ....................................................................................................................................... 12

The Colleges of High Magic ................................................................................................................ 12

Conjuration ........................................................................................................................................ 12

Transmutation ................................................................................................................................... 13

Evocation ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Enchantment ..................................................................................................................................... 14

Necromancy ....................................................................................................................................... 15

The Colleges of Expanded Studies ..................................................................................................... 15

Divinities ............................................................................................................................................ 16

Witchery ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Psionics ............................................................................................................................................... 16

Technomancy .................................................................................................................................... 17

Rank .................................................................................................................................................... 17

WitchNet ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

The Inquisition ........................................................................................................................................... 19

The Veil ....................................................................................................................................................... 19

Hot Zones .............................................................................................................................................. 19

Relationship to Other Supernatural Creatures .................................................................................. 20

Allegiances ................................................................................................................................................... 20

Reputation ................................................................................................................................................... 21

Spellcasting Schools Compared to the Colleges of Magic ................................................................... 22

Caster Type and College Membership ............................................................................................... 22

College of Psionics ................................................................................................................................ 22

Core Proficiencies and Common Knowledge ................................................................................... 22

Accessing Advanced Spells .................................................................................................................. 23

Core Proficiencies ............................................................................................................................. 23

Conjuration ........................................................................................................................................ 23

Transmutation ................................................................................................................................... 23 Sam

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Evocation ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Enchantment ..................................................................................................................................... 24

Necromancy ....................................................................................................................................... 24

Divinities ............................................................................................................................................ 24

Witchery ............................................................................................................................................. 25

Technomancy .................................................................................................................................... 25

Feats ............................................................................................................................................................. 26

Alchemist ................................................................................................................................................ 26

Artificer ................................................................................................................................................... 26

Associative Thinking ............................................................................................................................. 26

Blessed ..................................................................................................................................................... 26

Cairn-Touched ....................................................................................................................................... 27

College Focus ......................................................................................................................................... 27

College Focus (Greater) ........................................................................................................................ 27

College Mastery ...................................................................................................................................... 27

Coven ...................................................................................................................................................... 27

Cryptologist ............................................................................................................................................ 28

Demonologist......................................................................................................................................... 28

Elementalist ............................................................................................................................................ 28

Erosmancer ............................................................................................................................................ 28

Exorcist ................................................................................................................................................... 29

Illusionist................................................................................................................................................. 29

Medium ................................................................................................................................................... 29

Mesmer.................................................................................................................................................... 29

Necrobiologist ........................................................................................................................................ 30

Patron ...................................................................................................................................................... 30

Rank ......................................................................................................................................................... 30

Rank (Greater) ....................................................................................................................................... 31

Rank Three Trials .................................................................................................................................. 31

Sage .......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Seer .......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Technomancer ....................................................................................................................................... 32

Telekinetic............................................................................................................................................... 32

Telepath .................................................................................................................................................. 33

Theomancer ........................................................................................................................................... 33

Thaumaturge .......................................................................................................................................... 33

Traveler ................................................................................................................................................... 33

Spells ............................................................................................................................................................ 34

Animal Messenger* ............................................................................................................................... 34

Animal Trance* ...................................................................................................................................... 34

Barkskin* ................................................................................................................................................ 35

Bolster Resistance .................................................................................................................................. 35

Bug ........................................................................................................................................................... 35 Sam

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Calm Animals* ....................................................................................................................................... 36

Calm Emotions* .................................................................................................................................... 36

Chill Touch* ........................................................................................................................................... 37

Clairaudience/Clairvoyance* ............................................................................................................... 37

Contract .................................................................................................................................................. 37

Death Sight ............................................................................................................................................. 38

Ghost Tools ........................................................................................................................................... 38

Heretic Brand ......................................................................................................................................... 39

Iron Wall ................................................................................................................................................. 39

Plant Growth* ........................................................................................................................................ 40

Sever Magicka ........................................................................................................................................ 40

Snip .......................................................................................................................................................... 40

Teleport, Minor ...................................................................................................................................... 41

Teleport, Lesser ..................................................................................................................................... 41

Third Eye ................................................................................................................................................ 42

Through the Veil ................................................................................................................................... 43

Through the Veil, Greater .................................................................................................................... 43

Traveler’s Mark ...................................................................................................................................... 43

Witch Mark ............................................................................................................................................. 44

Incantations................................................................................................................................................. 45

Cairn Tap ................................................................................................................................................ 45

Circle of Repelling ................................................................................................................................. 45

Servitor .................................................................................................................................................... 46

Psionics ........................................................................................................................................................ 47

Astral Projection .................................................................................................................................... 47

Calling ...................................................................................................................................................... 48

Creatures ...................................................................................................................................................... 49

Brownie ................................................................................................................................................... 49

Gremlin ................................................................................................................................................... 50

Hob .......................................................................................................................................................... 51

Wisp ......................................................................................................................................................... 52

Thought Beast ........................................................................................................................................ 53




Ascendency: A magical theory that explains the possibility of achieving a transcendent state equal to that of a god or god-like entity. There are those who believe The Nine are in fact Ascendants, though the Advocates for The Nine refute this claim. Ascendant: A person who has achieved Ascendency. Adept: A spellcaster who has only recently developed magical abilities or started delving into the magical craft. Also a term used when discussing low-to-moderately powerful spellcasters who do not officially belong to any of the Colleges. Aether: A plane of existence that connects all of the other planes together. The Aether is comprised of raw magical power, and witches can tap into that power to perform magical feats. Apprentice: An adept that has taken an apprenticeship under a higher ranking witch. The Balance: For the most part, witches are free to do whatever they want so long as they don’t interfere in the work of other witches or upset the Balance. The Balance refers to both protecting the Veil and preventing Mundanes from knowing the full extent of magic’s prevalence in the world. Extreme displays of vulgar magic or excessive use of high level magical powers can create tears in the Veil, causing dangerous levels of exposure to raw magical power. More importantly, after the Inquisition it became clear that magic users needed to protect themselves from the rage of the masses. Blessed: A term used to refer to a person who has been Imprinted by a divine entity. Cairn: A Hot Zone that has been partially sealed in order to allow supernatural entities to tap directly into its energy. Cairns are powerful, and dangerous, resources that have been fought over for thousands of years. Many Cairns are considered sacred to the indigenous people of the region. Members of the College of Evocation (who are often responsible for sealing Hot Zones) and the College of Witchery (which include shamans and druids that consider such sites holy) control the majority of known Cairns, though some of the most legendary Cairns are currently under the control of ancient Heirophants. College: An area of magical study. The term does not generally mean a physical location spellcasters go to for learning. Rather, it is a curriculum of related magical theory. Coven: A group of witches who support each other in magical study. Coven structure varies from group to group, but all covens are exclusive in member selection and tend to keep their numbers small. Some covens are comprised of witches of a specific College, while others are comprised of witches from different Colleges. In modern times, covens are far more common among witches that are not formally associated with the Colleges. Most College-associated witches join guilds instead. Cryptid: A normal animal mutated by excess exposure to magical energies.

An Arcane Glossary




Deity: A term used to refer to those beings who reside in pocket dimensions within the Aether. Though commonly considered good, the reality is more complicated. Divine entities tend to focus on order, which can encompass everything from upholding the social contract to encouraging dictatorships. Demon: A term used to refer to all of the supernatural creatures that normally reside in the outer planes. The term covers demons, devils, rakashas, naga, and other outsiders. Though commonly considered evil, in reality it is more complicated. Some types of demons are evil-incarnate, but others are merely mischievous. Some actually mean well and focus on individual freedom. Others are anarchists that just enjoy shaking up the social order. Elemental: A term used to refer to the supernatural creatures that reside on the elemental planes. The term covers mephits, djinn, salamanders, sylphs, and other elemental outsiders. Elemental Planes: The Elemental planes are those that directly connect to the physical world. Fae: A term used as a catch-all for various races that exist simultaneously in the Aether and the material plane. It includes elves, pixies, brownies, changelings, and other races. The primary difference between fae and other supernatural creatures is that fae are considered mortal and can be killed on the physical plane (whereas Demons, Elementals, and other creatures destroyed on the physical plane are merely banished back to their home planes). Fae are also capable of shape-changing into a human form at will in order to pass as human. In most cases, this is a “fixed” form (i.e. the fae has its real form and a single human form it can switch back and forth between). Guild: A group of witches who establish a formal institution of learning akin to a school or training center. Guilds operate very much like private continuing education institutes and provide both independent study resources and classroom training. Guilds are inclusive and open to any witch that wants to study (and can afford the guild dues). Guilds must be approved by the Council of Chancellors, and some guilds are specifically created by the different Colleges to research a particular subject or train witches in a specific set of skills. In the past, large guilds dedicated to a specific subject have become dedicated schools within a College. Hereditary witchcraft: One of the ways a person becomes a witch. Magic runs in some families, with the magical power passed down to children from their same-gender parent. Hereditary magic still requires training to use effectively, and if a witch refuses to train and never develop his or her powers, over a few generations the magical energy can die out. Hierophant: A powerful spellcaster who is completely self-taught and not an official member of any of the Colleges. Usually reserved for those who would otherwise be considered at least Rank Two if a part of a College. Hierophants are rare, reclusive, and generally not trusted by witches associated with Colleges. Only the College of Witchery routinely interacts with known Hierophants. Hot Zone: An area in which the Veil has been torn to the point that magic has permeated the land to a dangerous level. Hot Zones are often the home of Cryptids and Thought-Beasts. Sam

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Imprinting: One of the ways a person becomes a witch. Some supernatural entities have the ability to grant magical power to Mundanes. In some cases, an imprinted witch can pass on the magical power to offspring as hereditary witchcraft. Mundane: A person who does not know how to use magic and is unaware of the existence of real magic. Nexus: Each College has a Nexus; a central repository of collected knowledge and lore. In classical times, all of the Nexus points centered on Rome. Over the centuries, many have been transplanted to other locations for the security of the collections. A Nexus exists as a local on both the physical plane and the Aether, and as such also serve as a method of transportation between the planes and between Nexus locations. Outer Planes: The Outer Planes is a catch-all term for the countless planes of existence that exist beyond the Elemental Planes. Pact: A contractual agreement entered into by a human with an entity from the Outer Planes, normally for the purpose of becoming Imprinted. Prodigy: A person who spontaneously develops innate magical ability without the benefit of imprinting or study. Most prodigies are psions who develop their abilities after a traumatic experience involving a supernatural entity. Rank: witches and other supernatural entities are ranked on a scale of one to five, with five being the weakest. Rank is commonly referenced as a sort of shorthand to convey general information regarding an entity’s known level of power. In reality, the ranking system is a complex web of comparative ratings. For example, a Rank Three Demonlogist would be considered higher rank than a Rank Three Evoker, even though Demonology is a specialized school within the College of Evocation. Thought-Beast: A creature than spontaneously manifests from the collective consciousness of a community, usually due to an influx of magic in a Hot Zone. Veil: A buffer plane between the physical world and other planes of existence. The Veil is akin to the Earth’s ozone layer, except instead of protecting the world from radiation it protects from the world from excessive exposure to magical energies. Witch Hunter: A witch that tracks witches and other supernatural creatures for purposes of capture or destruction. Wizard: A witch that learns the craft through research and study. Wizardry is not hereditary, but learned just like astrophysics or nuclear biology. Sam

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Who’s Who in the World of Magic

The Great Seal of the Arcane

Until the addition of the College of Divinities, the Pentagram served as the Great Seal for all witches. After the addition of the College of Divinities, a crescent moon was added to the top of the pentagram. When the College of Witchery was adopted, the entire seal was placed inside an oval (representing the World Egg). With the addition of the College of Psionics, the seal received another makeover with the addition of an eye to the center of the pentagram. Notably, the Seal was not changed when the College of Technomancy was introduced, nor has any push come from that College to request a change.

Though often found in jewelry or adorning the cover of a grimoire, the Great Seal’s primary purpose is as a ward and to identify safe houses. When etched or traced upon a surface by a witch, is invisible to Mundanes. When a witch sees the Great Seal on the door of a business, she knows it is a “witch-friendly” establishment and she can find understanding assistance inside. When found on the side of a residence or the door of a private home, it indicates a witch willing to open her door to a fellow witch in need.

The Nine The Nine represent the supreme leaders of the magical community, yet almost nothing is known

about them. The Nine are never referred to by name (because nobody is even sure what their names are). They are instead referred to by number based on which school they represent. First of the Nine, for example, refers to the Nine responsible for the College of Conjuration. Ninth of the Nine refers to the Nine responsible for the College of Technomancy. The Nine only rarely involve themselves in the day-to-day affairs of the magical community.

Even the origins of the Nine are a mystery to most magic users. The earliest records of their existence are found in ancient Babylon, where they were first referred to as the Five Pillars of Heaven (the original five colleges of magic). One scroll hints that the original Five were the highest ranking Bare among the Babylonian priesthood, one representing each of the five Supreme gods of Ishtar, Marduk, Nabu, Ninurta, and Nergul. But there is no known corroborating evidence to support this. Sam

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Each of the Nine has an Advocate. The Advocate conducts business between The Nine and the Council of Chancellors. Though they prefer to work through indirect channels, they will directly communicate with a witch on pressing matters if doing so is the most efficient method of obtaining information. Advocates are always Rank One members of their College.

Advocates are rarely addressed by their names. Instead, they are referred to with the honorific Lord Advocate or Madame Advocate.

The Esteemed

The Esteemed are paranormal beings who serve the Nine. It is unclear exactly WHAT The Esteemed actually are. The Esteemed are not affected by spells and powers that normally affect otherworldly entities and routinely circumvent wards designed to block even the most powerful of demons and fae. All that is known for sure is that they are the unwavering servants of the Nine, and have a vast array of peculiar powers. The Esteemed do not have individual names insofar as anyone knows, and are simply referred to as Esteemed when addressed.

The Council of Chancellors Founded in 10 AD during the reign of Augustus, The Council of Chancellors serves as the

administrators of various Colleges of Magic. Each College appoints a Chancellor to sit on the Council, as well as a Vice-Chancellor to assist the Chancellor. Chancellors serve for ten years and are elected by the general membership of the College. In theory, any Rank Three or higher member of a College can seek the Chancellorship. In practice, the position rarely goes to anyone that is not at least Rank Two, and all of the current Chancellors are Rank One. In formal communications, the title of Chancellor is used with the witch’s last name (i.e. Chancellor Parker).


An Archmage is the leader of a guild. Though most witches train privately under a master or with a coven, there are actual guild halls in which formal study takes place. In privately organized Guilds, the Archmage is either the founder of the Guild or someone appointed to the task by the previous Archmage. For College-sponsored Guilds, the Archmage is appointed by the Council of Chancellors. In formal communication, the title of Archmage is used with the witch’s first name (i.e. Archmage Douglas)


Justicars are the official Witch Hunters for the Council. The sole purpose of the Justicars is to deal with rogue witches and supernatural creatures that threaten the Balance. While authorized to use any means necessary to neutralize an immediate threat to the Balance, they are not all-powerful and cannot act with impunity. In formal communications, the title of Justicar is used with the witch’s last name (i.e. Justicar Williams).


A Magus is the head of a magical school within a College. Magi report to the Chancellors of their respective Colleges, but generally act independently of the College itself. The honorific Magus replaces the witch’s last name in formal communications, and is also commonly used with the formal title from his or her School. (i.e. Warlock Marcus Magus) Sam

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Colleges of Magic

Almost all witches dabble in a variety of magical practices. Apprentices are usually provided with a working knowledge of all colleges of magic as part of their basic studies. Witches join a specific College to focus their study on a particular method of spellcasting, but belonging to a College does not prevent a witch from delving into other fields of study. It is also not uncommon for witches to change Colleges over the course of their lifetimes, and many witches hold ranks in multiple fields.

While there are rivalries between all of the colleges, the greatest divide is between the traditional five colleges of magic, collectively referred to as the Colleges of High Magic, and those colleges that were added after the Inquisition.

The Colleges of High Magic The Colleges of High Magic consist of the original five Arcane Colleges. Purists contend that the Colleges of High Magic are the only true fields of study, and that the Colleges of Expanded Studies are merely specializations within the core colleges.


Motto: Creare Est Ex Nihilo Aliquid “To Create Something from Nothing.” Title: Conjurer Nexus: London, England Current Chancellor: Rank One Conjurer Verona Saint

The College of Conjuration focuses on the art of drawing magical energies from the Aether in order to produce physical items or effects on the material plane. Conjurers learn how to shape and manipulate raw magical energies to create all manner of items and effects. Conjurers represent the typical fireball-throwing, storm-summoning, teleporting spellcasters commonly found in high fiction. This type of magic is the most common, but also the most susceptible to vulgar displays of power.

The College of Conjuration is considered the First College of magic because it is seen as the basis for most other forms of magic, which at some point depend on pulling energies from other planes of existence.


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Transdimensionalism [Traveler]: A school within the College of Conjuration that focuses specifically on the study of travel between dimensions or using interdimensional routes to travel across the physical world. Transdimensionalism is one of the smallest schools throughout all of the Colleges, and its members are some of the most peculiar because of their constant exposure to interdimensional energies.

Thaumaturgy [Thaumaturge]: A School within the College of Conjuration that focuses specifically on the study into miracles. Miracles are defined as magical effects that are beyond the normal rules of magic, or that redefine the accepted limits of what is possible from magic. Though mundanes associate miracles with gods, a “true” miracle is a magical effect that cannot be explained simply by virtue of Divine Intervention (see the College of Divinities). A miracle may simply be something that was assumed to be impossible, but once it had been accomplished can be reversed engineered and replicated. They are essentially magical breakthroughs that expand the boundaries of the craft.


Motto: In Tantum Constans Est Mutation “The Only Constant is Change.” Title: Transmuter Nexus: Vienna, Austria Current Chancellor: Rank One Artificer Frederick Brunn

The College of Transmutation studies the mutability of the natural world. Shapeshifting, polymorphing, and turning one thing into something else are the fields of interest for a Transmuter. The College of Transmutation’s philosophy is that all organic matter possesses latent magical properties, and that once can shape and mold these properties to create effects.

Transmutation is considered the Second College of magic because it provides the fundamental understanding of latent magic that exists on the physical plane.

Alchemy [Alchemist]: While all witches learn the basics of brewing potions, Alchemists are the true chemists of the magical world. Alchemists dedicate their lives to studying the magical reactions of various compounds. Many alchemists are also scientists, and several major scientific breakthroughs in the course of human history started in an alchemy laboratory. Artifice [Artificer]: If alchemy is the magical answer to chemistry, the school of artifice is the magic world’s version of engineering. Artificers specialize in the crafting of magically-powered devices, including everything from common staves and wands to golems and portals.


Motto: Defendere Velo “To Defend the Veil.” Title: Evoker Nexus: Hamburg, Germany Current Chancellor: Rank One Evoker Orval Straus

The College of Evocation focuses on the summoning, banishing, and commanding of supernatural creatures from other planes of existence, as well as methods of defending against other forms of magic. While Conjuration is the most common field of study, evocation is considered the most powerful because of the ability to nuetralize and ward off other types of magic. Almost all Justicars are Evokers.

Evocation is the Third College of Magic because of its ability to control other types of magic. Sam

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Cryptology [Cryptologist]: A school within the College of Evocation that focuses on the study and control of cryptids, Thought-Beasts, and Hot Zones. Demonology [Demonologist or Warlock]: Evokers in the school of demonology focus specifically on dealings with denizens of the outer planes, such as demons, devils, and similar creatures. Demonologist is the currently accepted title for these practitioners, but the old term of Warlock is still used by traditionalists, and many witches use both titles interchangeably. Elementalism [Elementalist]: Evokers in the school of Elementalism focus specifically on dealings with elemental beings from the elemental planes. Exorcism [Exorcist]: The School of exorcism focuses exclusively on the banishment of extraplanar creatures, whether demons, elementals, spirits, or fae. The School of Exorcism has the largest percentage of members who are cross-trained, with many Exorcists holding rank in the College of Divinities.


Motto: Realitatem Formari a Mente “The Mind Shapes Reality” Title: Enchanter Nexus: Paris, France Current Chancellor: Rank One Mesmer Celeste Cellier

The College of Enchantment focuses of the inflencing of the mind to shape individual reality. Spells that cloud the mind, alter memories, enflame or dull emotions, or alter how people perceive events are part of the College of Enchantment.

Enchantment is the Fourth College of Magic and one with the most controversial history. Many of the codes enforced by the Council are the direct result of perceived abuses by Enchanters, who use their powers to possess the minds of others. Ironically, some of the most deadly episodes in the course of human history were triggered not by the overt powers of Evokers or Conjurers, but the subtle manipulations of Enchanters.

Erosmancy [Erosmancer]: Originally part of the College of Necromancy, erosmancy is the practice of sex magic. Traditionally, erosmancy was employed to guarantee offspring and protect the lineages of the powerful. Over time, however, the school evolved to focus less on producing offspring and more on tapping into the raw power of the sex act itself. By the late 18th century, a schism between practitioners of erosmancy and the College of Necromancy resulted in the entire school transplanting. Illusionism [Illusionist]: A school within the College of Enchantment that focuses on the creation of tangible and intangible illusions. Mesmerism [Mesmer]: A school within the College of Enchantment that focuses on the manipulation of memory, whether unlocking buried memories, erasing unwanted memories, or completely rewriting memories for events that never happened. Sam

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