Wide-area photonic aggregation and wireless converged access


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Wide-area photonic aggregation and wireless converged access networks

Toward Establishing a Linkable Grand Access Network

We are undertaking R&D for establishing the basis for an ultimate access network to which all terminals are connected economically. For this purpose, we are developing an economical access network extended by our PON-base techniques. Our aims are to reduce the number of central offices and individual communication systems for each service and to develop a common network technology supporting both optical and radio access services.

NTT Group Global Advantage We will enthusiastically propose our R&D activities to international standardization sectors (e.g. ITU-T) to expand their global applications.

■ We are striving to extend reachability, increase dynamic range, and achieve economical systems by developing our burst optical transmission and amplification technologies. We expect that by substantially expanding a central office’s coverage area, we can reduce the number of central offices and enhance aggregation efficiency.

■ We are striving to develop technology that flexibly upgrades transmission profiles with software without changing the hardware. This will enable speedy service changes and reduced amount of equipment.

■ We are striving to converge the transmission systems for optical access technology and mobile access technology. This will provide the basis for an economical common network that supports fixed access service and radio access service simultaneously.

■ In the middle term, these technologies will enable both CAPEX and OPEX reduction through reduction of the number of carriers’ central offices and use of common construction technology. In the long term, we will develop a network technology that will enable use of network services without users’ awareness of differences in devices, fees, or carriers.


Application Scenarios

Convergence network

High value-added network services

Connections widely

Connection over one network

Service 1 Service 2

Services 1,2,3,4

Connection with all devices

Service 3 Service 4



For mobile

For fixed line
