Why you need Stratity™? Mantos Consulting, Inc. Stratity™ is a proprietary process used to...


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Why you need Stratity™?

Mantos Consulting, Inc.

Stratity™ is a proprietary process used to develop Information Technology (I.T.) Strategies that

support and advance Business Objectives

Why do I need Stratity™? 2

The Purpose of Stratity™

• Determine if the business has an I.T. problem

• Align I.T. strategy with business objectives

• Optimize I.T. for tomorrow’s objectives

Bottom Line: Improve the bottom line


Why do I need Stratity™? 3

Benefits of I.T. Alignment

• Save Money– By spending less on I.T. purchases and support

• Make money– Use Integrated solutions that work together– Gain employee productivity and efficiency

• Security– Know your I.T. systems support the business– Be able to see your I.T. future to your horizon


Why do I need Stratity™? 4

The Stratity™ Process


Business Objectives

InformationTechnology Assessment



Why do I need Stratity™? 5

Determine Business Objectives

• Review Business Strategy

• Review Quality Management (mission & metrics)

• Identify and Interview key personnel

• Pose structured, but open questions


Why do I need Stratity™? 6

Assess Existing I.T.

• Infrastructure Software • Hardware • Databases • Web Site • Procedures (Documented? Followed?)

• Support • Performance (Metrics, Biz Continuity)


Why do I need Stratity™? 7

Outputs / Deliverables

• Comprehensive I.T. Strategy report (~15 pgs)– Exec Summary– S.W.O.T (identify immediate threats)–Core Strategies –Recommended I.T. Roadmaps –Recommended Next Steps and Cost Options


Why do I need Stratity™? 8

Sample Roadmap

Area Capability Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4InternetTelephoneNetwork Cisco / Cat 6Hardware - Server, Desktop, Mobile

Windows SBS 2003 "Cloud"Windows SBS 2008

Windows XPWindows 7

Windows 8MSIE 8Firefox 2012

MSIE 9EmailOffi ce Software Offi ce 360

KerpaskySymantec Enterprise

Operating System - Server

Operating System - Desktop


Web Browser

2012 2013 2014

Commodity I.T.


Deploy Support Retire

Why do I need Stratity™? 910/23/2012

Why do I need Stratity™? 10

Stratity™ Costs

Stratity™ costs average $ 5750

For a typical firm of 50 users;Ballpark Estimate: $100 per user

Stratity™ Benefits: priceless!


Why do I need Stratity™? 11

Stratity™ Benefits


Identify I.T. projects with high R.O.I. that support and advance your specific, unique BUSINESS OBJECTIVES



Mantos Consulting, Inc.info@mantos.comwww.mantos.com


10/23/2012 Why do I need Stratity™?