Who was William Shakespeare?. Shakespeares Works Tragedies Romeo and Juliet | Macbeth | King Lear |...


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Who was William Shakespeare?

Shakespeare’s Works• Tragedies

• Romeo and Juliet | Macbeth | King Lear | Hamlet | Othello | Titus Andronicus | Julius Caesar | Antony and Cleopatra | Coriolanus | Troilus and Cressida | Timon of Athens

• Comedies• • A Midsummer Night's Dream | All's Well That Ends Well | As You Like It | Cymbeline | Love's Labour's Lost

| Measure for Measure | The Merchant of Venice | The Merry Wives of Windsor | Much Ado About Nothing | Pericles, Prince of Tyre | Taming of the Shrew | The Comedy of Errors | The Tempest | Twelfth Night, or What You Will | The Two Gentlemen of Verona | The Two Noble Kinsmen | The Winter’s Tale

• Histories

• King John | Richard II | Henry IV, Part 1 | Henry IV, Part 2 | Henry V | Henry VI, part 1 | Henry VI, part 2 | Henry VI, part 3 | Richard III | Henry VIII

• Sonnets |

• Venus and Adonis | The Rape of Lucrece | The Passionate Pilgrim | The Phoenix and the Turtle | A Lover's Complaint

William Shakespeare Facts

There are many mysteries that surround the life of William Shakespeare - some are based on facts and some are based on fiction! Some are interesting facts, some are strange facts and some are down right weird facts

Shakespeare was interesting! Check out our Top 10 Facts on Shakespeare


Trivia Fact 1 - Anne Hathaway (Shakespeare’s wife) was eight years older than Shakespeare and three months pregnant when  they got married!

Trivia Fact 2 – Many Shakespeare life facts are unknown - these are referred to as the Lost Years

Trivia Fact 3 - The majority of his plays were only published seven years after his death!

Trivia Fact 4 - Shakespeare's actual birthday is unknown but April 23rd has been generally used - stranger still, his actual date of death is also unknown and this has also been given the date of April 23rd! Fact!

Trivia Fact 5 - We do not really know what Shakespeare looked like! Not one portrait was painted of Shakespeare while he was still alive!

Trivia Fact 6 - Shakespeare and his company built TWO Globe Theatres!

Trivia Fact 7 – Shakespeare’s grandchildren all died – he had no descendents.

Trivia Fact 8 – The only mention that Shakespeare specifically makes of his wife in his Last Will and testament was to leave her his "second best bed." (NICE GUY!)

Trivia Fact 9 - Many eminent Authors and Politicians do not believe that Shakespeare wrote his plays...What do you think???

Trivia Fact 10 - Shakespeare's family were all illiterate!

Famous Quotes“To be or not to be”

“To be or not to be”

“The course of true love

never did run smooth.”

“The course of true love

never did run smooth.”

“O Romeo, Romeo!

Wherefore art thou Romeo?”

“O Romeo, Romeo!

Wherefore art thou Romeo?”

“Out damned spot! Out, I


“Out damned spot! Out, I


“Et tu, Brute!”“Et tu, Brute!”

What was it like in America during the time Shakespeare was around?

Why didn’t he use “Plain English?”

• Of course he did! The Elizabethan language was different than ours!

• There weren’t so many words used in the Elizabethan period and people used a whole variety of way to spell them as dictionaries weren’t available!

• There are at least 16 different Elizabethan spellings of “Shakespeare!


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