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il w h<»jv»<l «bat their injnrve wi!l not prive foraiFiai»«-«-»' Hunt, a lit'le girl. ien yrara oW, wi« Mobinjnred. andelie waa tiiong t to Ve ityi-g, bn) is nownu« h better, and w»B pi.'.!> reiover. Danas, bVaterril !e arome ment of the Inhabit ¦¦'.¦¦¦

i an» «I. Caí lie-, fie Bar*.Those who won intb auyeie threw the*the gnmod atrae crept nnder ti-»- aid«

de, ai .'. 'h' r< - on

1 bera were Di a y mu 'r".-"draw. Mea ran theit . f* ".

with graup, and hara n t ¦- a brara


,'v. h-building

ovei la- head. A boaik-.waJk. 'I Ma¦ wen al na


»y, and be ai w two d

and earned dowu ta¬il had jurt lime

,. o,,V door aad «I »wu the bank, throwiugaeheatm the ground, when tiieir DOOM p.--..1 over

tb ir ii« ««te.

Tb h\\. W. w'. Jtorton, who reridee io tbDOteS or

u.,,... .i-in tbe ah olDO M II mowed '1 'Vil

1 i it. and hotted the trace hat tbatied with his fondly :¦> tin

«, in ito f< rae, bul ila cuín e fort,¡y ihe tornado wm makbg dire y

ai d when it wm wi bin sixty unir, aweep-eryibteg befoieit, tbey retornen to thebi th elter, and e iiumitted tbom» Ivm t. < i i.

The tornado poaned o little to iba eoath of tbobooM,exdfeftibnl without injury, wbite H deetroyi t >.

. c., ;;il|t. a.-« Bonn m it panned a linio,Vr. N «-u went for tkmo nf Ma ehildn-n. The chfl-

Dg borne from achool, mw tlning and ron teto tbe t; me ! Mr. !>..". ..

i'nr. Haiby burr . .1 t'en, aa I her cbfldren don a eeU nr,»ad wnaanont going down herocM with her yci;11 ta kor arma, when the toewado »ro ktbelswept fa from ito foandatioo, and carried i» a«ne «ev-tn'> foot or moto. The ««lia- orra left bare, and tbo<h hin n unharmed. Mis. h, - recov*it. '! bj herbu band from the rabbfau, withou McteraInjury o bam It ir i hud.

I nernl expression OÍ : uponthe 111* of almost every one, tlmt no more iivea wen

I -, w hoee ¦. fromtheir

red.Leal that Mr. I »old Ii1 e bit a

1 , If« un.I bun uponi bed on tbe aV» a id hie

«.u that be era* dead,rould m.t find it in my heart io ear so. IlkMomed uan l>le truth, ami uo

ibe the agony et' Ibe son. It w;ib

<i«rt scene, I beBeve, 1 «ver r/itnem 1., imaniferU I on ibe part of ike inbabitanu

i bel If of tbrae who are Buffering, and all ia dons|. u' an ba do»e to re!.eve ¡hem.

8TÂTE r*. CITY-MADE /..nos.

7\> tu Kern m ./ Th? s Y Trmm r.

I : .eiwien Mappenratobs man

tVwntO two points. In your fandet of .line 1. \ou

IBad Bnwot t" my l ij i Tatni ni

Iban mj en lbs s to and 1 peoauase, tbenfbn,b».

tie tiit-t: I understand you to tbonet <d iv,'-; pjnra tba ofay authority to "./fl" not, <i for, or < noy puiili'- ante," it Iboraby an-

ofntento any extent int theri v.- r beyond the city's grani J pters and «lipnr bo tew of 1803 (conaoUdatod in 1813 autfai..i. bi ended were itk itbs ty'a grant, \ fateHr Jv.~ lail'.li OÍ the grumo ni.-ide of S-.llfii Bad W I .-.

unfilled, and the píen were extended oat¦. rtif tr. a: : Iboaleft unfilled moat of the alipa

nndlota iawtaV <>t ilms md itwra totboMibe taw of is-»:« and 1813 nppBed.

.«. w Lere the long lim- of atona now ataba, be-Waahington and W« r; airee'.-, WM thon, in

leW j i a di| s am! nuiL. n lois.He- to, eut, to bo of any avail, must go

i: that, when the lawr in 1813), gave the city powM

it Wasnoteonfined i" the bgiiiamte purpoeraoi pien andalip«, but tbnt the eity might till up into tbe riv.

for pteraa then laaa. title, fionh a rnn ti wtiun, i:

M me, ¡.alii';. an auower.tb t tie- bw of '"-"T was an

net .i

¦ onft ui:-lei.Aa I I point, i thai

.!¦... -id t!a- oiling in oi is'...k«:n lot-ortb« land Mm lion, the

ml ilate totheeitj. Pnin yoi '< ;.¦ .--. d you do not ray. 1

your idea is tba Moped,ranafi r fin m State I

:! "a which n

:.: :.| ¡.'a-, lo -unatsn Ulla, aiiU sink.-,i "1 the mum bw

Hie lo

.- ! think, qi

bt, 1 s (and wb,n.cunt-, leal only in tl ration) <»f real

i:id on


" lay. for which i »plu à



P. S. Agki

even lo tinyhl i i biúhl

..." t .. ¦.

, o: buildingDetd ran <

iland i te. t'et[hi of tbe

1 ::d v. ben J I

Il ai Boepected of :

n n

rbo land.-

. I toand ih<

_i r. r.

BlMMonani Knwa..Tb New»York and Bnr i. u MiHrioiii held a ragnlne meeting inthe Ml M ftl l .rd :. B Dtfaj and i«-

«eirod irom miri- partsPerate, India, I oa, an!

,i m-. Omar Éffendi, the leaderI :).. y, ia unfavorably epo-

b n cd ».«¦ to aoaoonal character m lett< i- froi .

limmle, being repreaented a* iguoi1 be Metbodtat inisrionnrii is in Bulgari i rep irt a refanaJ<t Mvcral Bnlgarian village» to pay the ace adornedtitbeaol :. ir < ope to their irehbbbo]»*, in which they by the Tuiki-b aotboriUee. Al Aia'ikiron tie Kuibia«-s, Mr. Ricfoordeon w I

I. Mr. .s, ;..

wri'i a that tl M of KiJüa. in tb fiii¦ 1*1 «Í Turkey, a ii rirjairiiigly read; I«,

atti lidtlie n ,'.h. and tkerevi n .> toward lb m. Mr

deneribaa n ravirai aeeno in Bntyrnn. Mr. Jes-tup, wri'ing io' Byi a, apeak« cfaoerfuUy of tbo do-inga 'h m... n. .,n traveler paid 8500re« . ¦' üy i"i- the baandk af ras toanafaanii laitortrinnviolent sfmonktfa» La- bora excited by "be beginning

DOOM Of th« r. u MationM Huh-, a wild >. gi««u,Air. Kniipj. and the native ln-lp«-ir, having boon no>Banked ky n mob. From Orvomteh, in Perate, newsenano to ana aBbot tkat the Mujvakaann an boconungfovoraldyimprooiodwHhCbrbttenity, nad the NowTsanraarat, and mm of Ike boibatof their MaBahsdÍM-ui-a ii in tbdr familie«. In China much aolteitudeia felt with ret rones to tba position in wbteb rafaduni rfaa B/aedd ka ata» oí . wie with Englandano Pranee, 'j he Cbo i iwa, it wan rajpreaented, araraI i Hbi ui< now weUow Wl re idle, and are now

bttlnetrioaa, aad have m stock Btoral Itntni'tn thatnrbbt prnfle to ttbie u> croatUice kOioug them.


it.. Booodof hkpervkon Mbl a rtguki weeklyneeting)«*t«itky bioneoi tboraomaof tee Court oft .,.. i- ..u' l'!< as, rrvesdes tSTawani in the t buk,

Ifr. Dam« referred to theoecenouwe bj Mr. Ken«i coy ot the c. neral 8ui rrint red the Police,

-. it"' Mi. Kennedy e resignation <>! hi- p «itiouta lin- Itonid ol Bu]

".ni'" ii SsrauisTuannarorFouca,)sei ..i Elm, (

\7 .'/". I , .-. iKr T. »'...yni Srv York,

pon ta .'. tit wi..0 i. t.

l.tljt. ot a a '" Mi .¦: tas

"lit- VSelf v.eir l',l vr\i) oit sefeUMVlH hieb 1 '|.'t' "'¦

. .. ..r «.. h.-M bv sommes IIbt-ir ft tjow-rlll tk wlMawIhavssuwstssaMayp »«

1. i- ." t.iu tbeaoi.tiiueiit* of MOBSávttb»1 ici. 1 i I".

"JOBB A. KENNEDY."Mr. Connoi m >\. I that tho raaigontkn be u. ept< d,

whirl nm done, and ka prmtatad n oerke of kgbljeon ( !in t nt »n it solutions.

'Ile n f-o'iitions wen «. <<>n led, shortly bit BObi M> an*. Pi i i and Uli >T,aud wire puntad nnam*

Tie Beard then procoododlo h!1 the vacancy MMc'.itiii.i Mr. Kennedy'sresignation.Mr. BLi'Ri nominated 8uaa II. BntoMr. omLmballot, Mi Dutcher rotoived eleven votM,tMwnolt

r at,Mesars. briggi and LHtk were appointed a Commit-

... t.i wait on Mr. Dotelmr, Bod inform tarn oi hitt lection.Op non ination ofJudge Clauck, Bdward B Has

nett mai onl ra>edM an ofJoM ol tho Baprama Court.'II. I lorieni Bridge Comn iañoners report 'hat they

1 :.\e appointed Wm, J, MeAlptae EnglneM, and hoIt in «i " B ni| ¦.!.' neture ot iron, r.-sting on three

itri r piert nd a draw supported on ten net iron eyl«im.eis arranged in n tírele. Iron trtisstn will s.reithfrom tk a itmenta and from pier to pier,prttentingthree nn Ma and two draw anana each of 80 bet, tut>ii;..iiii, d bj cornice and balustrade. The draw willle formen of rubukr trinar« oí 211 feet In l<mrnkg en tee iron cylinders whkb form ha support,atd affording coi píete accommodation for the wants

u; aid to arrangedm tooppOM the leaat\ to il. si-i', of veaai la, \ irrl or-'-

way "i '.Sb-et iu width in tee '' tr, amply sufficientfoi 'tl. large travel and tranait tw king a te<

¡i r 'oin for a railroad track ii deai ed, trav-tbe ridge a< d on ach i.à- a loot-path ol

t., in width k provided for tl.nvenienct ol pedes-Tbe amonnti quired from the City ol New«

Vorh for this bridge is 0150,000, whkb tee Coari H..L the Board of guperviaoi to appropriate,

i,. ft '. d i" < D i. ittee on \ un tal i um«.Tho Centratk r wns reqa sied t.. r. port k the B mrd

tbe amount appropriated lo the Metrop litno Poiiet(¦ n missiom i« sino the ..ig.ii..zut.on of the PoliceBoard t i law expansée.

hkhardBuaVed'ai dary of $3.000 a year for 1838 9,bi el to the ié rd. me ordered paid yo vote ot

ul tl. Demot rôti ai ¦! Meeora. Bteworj and Davia,Mr. Me*erok. beeper of tat Boom of Detention,

reported that Alke M evtnand Mary Brooke,detainedaawiteMMak tee McDonald com,Mve hew tetalli.;i_\ after 90 days' confinement. Then other peri- s dis. fcrg- .i durum tha month had bees unprisoiie 131 dayamwitneasfi ma cum of a.««ault. H tboeeDOW ii» Id. BBm Ann QOMOhjUC btl leen detain.d 188d I I in B C: re ,.) !v(v¡ IJOU Ol ttO t-11 goods.

.Mr. Dutcherw aastigand tMnkoMonCommitteMhitherto ocenpied by Mr. Kennedy,

Aitei iiiiitn| riant hm im -s. ft.- l'tord adjourn* d. tomeet in tk i....m of tk Supervisors on Tueetk) next,ut -i p. m.

POLIt h < OMMI88IONEB&Tbe Board ol Police Commkrionerl met yesterday

afternoon, M Mtial. at Headquartera, and dlspoaedoffit ret oils of the Sanitary Sanad. Sergeant Lord r.

n. o lie building No .! Cedar atieet ae in a dun-genius condition, and liable to (all at any mouu nt.

\"» nliam Wnteon ant! Gid on R.I tee Pirat Wardput upon the retired lit as superannuated. They

n i .ve an annuiti ol 01S0the meeting of the mevioM day tb/ following

t Bimunicoiioi wm received from tk Bute Tram reiBurn oi Naw-Tuax, Fauanrunu's Orines /

.',i bai r, Jans I, 1Mb >'¦' K'ni'i r-t) < ......

a-a-, île- d posit .rio. of the,,;, .,... ,.,.; _

in Ibe t \ <!.., v. 'i ¦¦tí. tl," Shoe snd I.esthsr bank. «i d in its( ¡t; ..i Bretèdra th- Mech nica1 bank.

^ son, \.-i v re»p*. trnüv,"1*. HOKMIKIMKK, Trassat**.

< >r, motioned Commissioner Bergen:i.i tha r. ¦ l at

r .toi the tiri.'i. .. umI nr-.-j '

Hrlk. Ill ili-ter-:. tl,. ^ ¡:. and at the h sritl

»n motion of Commuait nor Bowen:/ ....

li -i:. ..:. i :.¦ h. ....



tbe knowing rtnolutions won offend by\ ( ;. Hunt, .-<(.. ;".«! adopt« d.

-i u.

r.Il lltfd I

,! \, ts ieI

tj of Bicbinoud

have bee« J tbestl ' -i .. VMM

for the


.. r ¡M-

II At,. ad '

t.- Qiili min.. :

linn, and t!:. ... - la vi a

II /,»..... " '. ah in::.:-'.

.1 -.j, tha

lure «ill ...


ill ... i

II '.......

i :i t¦jr: :..| ..v.. i, .1 ...


lhaua .: i. 11 n .-

I SI '¦ f tl.- l

Itbt t».

... ...%¦.,.

I. ..i (. .i

it | ..-.' be a itiior'7« by hporto! Quai

OaiTt rar.- idkpatebfrom Medtannnnonnof BikaM. Burroughs, Representative in Con*

.ii.-'iii t'.'i.i on d "i Niagara and -1-. Mr. BnrrangbawM horn in tbk Stele, lbted to Us I IB i." and a.aiu in 1850,

1851 and 1853. Mr. Bnrron hi wt ¦.> andprominent memberof the Legislature. Aa one often

mi o on Colleges, Arademka and Commonu.,- trum :.¦ m framing our p.nt

- h -..i laws: and wm on odrocnte of the- mo Ubi ralm ot ...n..not. s.!.....I education. He wm oko

!.. ¡ed in t:;rt!,. ring tbe i of der both k tk Committee on Catmk and on tec

aoorof ih> II. lie wns un ardent and rioqnent«¡--ai., i always securing Ihe attention of the Assembly

tears ah '... anj mojí et. lu 1850b>- w o elected to Congreoa, and was rnekcted in IBjS,Iu ( i ingresa be was an euicietillegklater, and madeMvenl ipeoohtoof great powor aad eksnoneoi Mr.}iuri"il;d:« WM ll.I IBjf year- at age. He was

ri'd, IM second t,uie, ohoag two years.It i tr Etl * 11. Tbefolli n ing soIm wen made yon-

larday »t tt. ItswMnnV Eaekaaest bj A. J. Haaetor,Seu1 psrael on the n. W. cor. of Wi-.hlnston mid BttBWM.ti 22 und H.4MÍÍ autl '/'.OM»

|n r] on Hsnmsead-at., sdjoining, tliXi . 2,7mI y^trnl on Hammond «I ¡t.ljt.inn.i;, y.'ni,.! H't ul.t bi.l.. Zfilb

fiLontoi¦« A--Ai i i..I'ntric« Brady and MatthewII iBSBWtVS hirole'l >. Wsresv tomad ten* having lu a r-luil-

dward Morgsuof No inOreaa»! barestInstitution to |" uneuif Mr. Morgaa a tb tbi i bat«, on.

, i,,,,, o, n .. i« .¦ i< .ti. ¦ U» injiiiiiis Ui ruht... Tha priaonen wtre hvlJ lA t-Àtumuativu bj JuntiocQaeetoahuaa.

CITY ITEMS.dauTaraCoactar. IConorti fa to be giro» tkfa

evening in tl e Bnptfal Chun-h M Port I.' nd. tawl eh tie principal attractioo i« the anaantranM «>fseveral annWonre. s bm prorraaioo»] pararan are toi ki j a-t fa the exi the pr -.. f aarer Jbdb« among the p -.. i.. baraaovra basonBpprarad in pnbko, fa lbs petal «>. tatorask.

Tit fTniOR PXUBI TO BnOO tl The F'-ioti

Parry I r thn al n to rates tl s rate of fione and ab to

.-I ll. letra in n .-¦. ¦¦' 606 to |>63,8*6 per mirara. Tonyear»ago, wlea tbe leera wm» taken M lb ¦¦

rate, tro nnpntetteo .' Brooklyn o I8S6it had inerensed to Bon II ii pi -! ..'':v

¦pon 306,668. bt thiamm it would bbbmw Mast Mmnon team iaactooBy aredoetion ol the rate r trgedMl rowrl ago, white lb» roodpu) »re mure tha-itielli.l. Thi l>ii.':: StWl hau bi -n aulhoii/ed b\ re-

rj «ii ^ il I.- pin'i« r t.. moke the fcdbwing propoefatena fori! .¦ i.lil file Fnioii Kerry t'oinjiany:

I. Te five *;<3.<«>. per aar m for tea ytwaMrtbakaM>.¦ ¦', i. ». .i -i,, |. o, baa*.

..¦.¦ . .....,

.I '. .- p --. .¦ »ail4. T.. «<.),«. -l-.i *ir» property «i th« (.'ocipany etl th'ir Land«

.ti.lai h tejekal ..¦ tatuarían,Tba ] soph n abfing ta Brooklyn, wko are oMnpoflsd

>»r the ferri«r eo f-«'|ii«-ni!y, would not bora Iks-i objection to any sock aooBBMMtoatana a« thes»

ntoptnfcionsMl fottkM hi iog BraaUankM ami de- able.-?

Tur Chavili i \ini-i.--For several day« pant, tbo«oui tel fol il B .oii'ending parties in 'he ma'ter of theChi.mi erlnim « tarro boon oegotJadng for the aovan»»of enacting aon i earlier way aioondng lo a c anatenteataiiii bj the ordinary M BIM iboMMWOnM take toatoOt' '. S ipreOM Court, and they lave BOMS to the eoneln-I-ion. by mntanlngrrararat. to intrus] the Making up

.are forUmt t'ollrt to tbe CoMBBBI for th'- C-ll-ti>¦!'« ;-. v»m. M. Bi i ks,cwj< Onlynofcort delay willtb n fon aerar, n« Mi. Erarte will to ready i-1 i iyM two.

Paok'i InsTiTora, Tl.- Vnaaeby l'ai/.-, mkfohhMIt-en on exbibitten for a ornek or iwo ¡> ist ¡it s-uv-v< -a, t !i.-; in »-, bur bran nmoved to tbe eommodioaac Ik y of Mr. Ila imano, ai theoornorof Broadway

Bm ! -t.. I. An interewing exhihítíoo of otherpaint tog*, by Fiii-'ish. French, and American artiste, i-ta lbs rime gnlbry,Tnr Am m vu Mâi.r»Asanci 11 rni Conronx-

TIHN Ai.iii-m .'- (n 1 .- Bpeetel ( oliimitteeopp inted by the fingid nf Ciainiiliinui lu iiifwtigsuithe chnrgra made againai Mr. George I soet, Cor¬poration Att< ii-i-v. by Mr. Jam j, the Preeident of .l.eBoard of Cosmeibnen, tarra eoormeoeed advertfoing,and orhH contins» to do m until Mosraay oozt, for allpartira who bare basa stead by Maat OBMerssnostbalot of Janoary for ths vtelaUoa of Corporation otdln-am 1 - t" present their receipts for the s une. in or.Irthat the el'i'. of the Committee may lake eoptea nfthem; and all other partí ltím- informationm toUm matter will be requited to lenrifs what tkoyknow. A nun.Lei- nf atteomewla bora bean roraivedmai. Mated in a l". <k ten the pnrpoM by the ekrk, bntnothing ran 11 mud public until the Coin...¡¡in- bansa in sting.TiMMam Bali rrnnan inro «t i-.t-Hoosi..

Afeo her» «.' fAe forr will be pfaoeed 11 learn t'.at SheriffK«l!ylu- ¡...und mom.datioM aat IkofM]Court in Taannany Had. T >. two tata rooMs onibe second Boor bare been obtained fix onnnaonlk, Mti., snmot $506, tbo propriotor of tko Hnfl to I k«han and in Order. Ti¡<- C-u-t will MSOt in TammanyHa in nay.An Oin Law i o m \immiuikiv or nu.

Trenn Bwranuaa.Capi, Bartl of ihn CfayRalPrates bas hm Mm dseeovory, it. torntag over th*Volalililloll- ellill III;' lit.» of the L-L'i latlir. of Uli 'l«lbra opon ticket awindNng which i- threefold more fis*efaiveoad cok dated b> meet the waarteoí tbo piwho m « oraralraaly boiog swindled and f mied by tin

fjuettes, than isti.a: afeptod by tbe Legbhatarea! iir bat weeioa. 61 aion reranrknbfa .'rlie

viag In en ra.-.-d in Lvi7i i-i lha> no perKm Le-cither t" ibe legal jirofenrion or the eity

wberasneb eomptaiota aie wont to be nuub, ahonldbare brat an a of iteexfateni .-.

Tl >¦ 'ii-' aeotten of Mm bw provides t1 bj.- ." i.i.i,

r 1, itbontVIi.flrl fm -al.-

! :or th.-

r< tell¦-;.':1-,

11 a sec« . andI wliil, a-oi ..: «¦! tii.-lv o\«il -ok.-d

in il e mon I« Ml en :..i.


ji a i- .liicli ai f bo

i'i.. .!'¦ '!> - .:.!

IbO "UltfI k. 11 and upon j

' -a--.

i.* ¥ lint .¦-.-.i j

otThe per ally isdeereedtob "Whin of not bmt than

km tb ... thn i- m

0 bi ." T ea \. la v ni'i age '¦'" of;-"l t-ia: ¦¦ of the St...f Bow«York, fifth\ o urn. '.'.

'I wo wbdbn named C R B '. ui and IsaacHamilton, wora arra-t d yeoterdnj by the Cky*Hnfl

-aii oi \Vm. Mercer nf Bconfort,Kortl ('an ina, and talon beton : Polio Jaattee«iitil g Bt tl wko, on being roforredahori law, instantly co an kted ll . m to prison I are»,amii ¡.u 1. m d u ah

M11 iT.'.rv.-Th-'!" ran j tl i Ki rian -.t, "Nationalof which Bravo) Cot. Jacob Rayrme fatbi

1 I. a tb-ir i!i.1 y -fifth ;t«i':i-\- irai \ y aa im m ¡> n t Orange, .v-. 1 , n lb

laat¦:. M bj bt, as tl ¦. 'i 1: m Bt

Hutteil .M. were n n 'roa il«- l»rignde drilloaI- a verj -tf'-' .. ¦'

il ... a ..t il .-a pn .. ienej in lighi infiinir« tae-iki Thej came down Brand raj -ii tauarrab ofsjobbanddonb] -¡unk tfano. It w.-.s tba Brat attempt over

y any tegtawnl b lbs dtj to inks Broadwaythe douhb-qobk Hendos dull, nnd B wm n pot

I I: :¦: Btil § OB the run. ur.l the

1 1 the r..mpani«-s moving «i .-urb a ti« in-¦

aooa pace and arfal preciateo, made a atroogbt] .¦ 1 loi n th* -¡ " t.' ¦!-.

Tie S«."i d Brigade loftb PotnrtkBeg*il.'.elit; ( el. Hinken. Pifth l.'e.'inai'. ('.!. B .-.'.a:/-

watl.'i-t. Sixth I'i tin. nt Cd. Fin.'..ta--., .,nd live', ft h!. ment, Col. Botta IfaJd 1 th.-ocra»ion '. ii. je. itefl and review, on HasaBtoB BSjaatldaring Monday, va* rary fiad At .r t.r¡,-¡,ít. h..\- i- ,,,..,,1, C.l. Hu'lerlield pre-- nte«l Lieut.I,.,, he, «i Compan] P, on behalfof i1- ¦BBOobt'oa, Iks

oa i. Mafai -. ns» ta >fld, v^itbthe coa- of MM r ia. d in nain: 1.

'I Le S.v. nt ti Begknato BaUoMsJ Cuarda, lutve défi¬ni:. !y di :. n,in. .i upon fol MÍ0g an en.'aui| n.< nt duringtkt Siui.ii.i r, and ii is lin Bgkt l'ai tbe eient w ill lakej lu« e in duly, on the ground kannrnM the KichmondCtal lirotind.


BcsncMva Cana. Ttotoraay mwmmj 06mmLinl/. of the Eighth Ward, found a man lying tn«oii«i-bl "ii ll» sidewalk at lia «orner of Pifan» atn-et andBtoadwy. On saaarantag bkn tofotndbk» to Ik-ieri"url\ injuri d and immediatelv eonveved him to thMew-York Boapital, where bowto ptwa*satosdltobjsuffering fron n frnctore of tbo aknfl, A man M¦ --IFeti-i Brosrn wm subaequently arraated by Un ara» r

on aanoakfaa of knowing aaajnnjblM f.lative t> tL-J

iifTair. He vas held for cxituiinatiou by Justi

QoarimlnmhTin.'" oil I o Imoo l'li, m h. -Tuo-ti of our eit\'-

wl.ii on act ist..nt"! to -( end >M '¦ < nUMM M t'"' "

ohora, and MWe >" in itett rre.l Irin vbMag L t

Brain h H"l t!- ti'ljHcen' Suiuiuer resort« by the dir

culiy "f kaiMjtag to and Irin th.- ¦ <. k a

MMM aid' «. ate of t:me, will .«. tab roatod iu ti... a:.- now pawed wi»hk a tt>hMtii¡.ti. tu ti t w m Bo»ho» aM !>. k tai

li.iv Baikeod, 11 which menti m hot'. ti.oma i Wt smm and i;

\ an Winl rej nm '"' "' ¦

i. -. bstreet,V ... ¡ dnflj atOj t. 0)«aud3}p.m.,tfl Polb, ;e .tr Keynsarhj wk m out railroad begin

Tl a ktti r rara m BhiowaMry, Bad Noah, hmumte n

o,,a-|.rí, and Phmaan Bay,having ¦Wstobolita.bol thnaO watering-.lace«, and Brill ho

p. ¦ and on or before tee 13th bum. MetokMhu 1..W Hike en th. ¡r rMawMM al ohmoroftMi

retorta, and i i I ifond Ira or six kmndoily in th

liiv. returning in tan oraohng i" thnkonmioot. it

:..'ici; ut.-d thai this road will connect with that rut

ning fron Cootoon to Ithutok Cfcy, fat oppoofcka t

the Camdea and Amboy route t I'uUadelphw.

Cot on' r-v>t Tin: Si\ m BnotWI I r. Two loga, Mand bino, imfankd m one ohk and tmhnidond m thother, and appropriately inscribed, which MM bMordered by tM any m aooat of 1588, to be pronoun*to tha am Bnokntnt, were placed k ohargoof thhntanrofthn iity Hall m Monday. The »'th nmgfaonarc to he formally presented with the colors, by th

Mnyor, on mo day of tan raeeptka of teoJopooMKaummrr, ¡vier ta mar. tag tan ago tho city.


MhnouCnl IrEM?. Menduy wu« H scorcher; bil

in theevenit,'.'a sharp shower fell, BOOOWg tMtoMM11 .¦. on ikykgmo aunt Tom rdoj wo had .«-ver.!

show.ts. and the wti.ther wut qukl chillyBrenhtog of «bist, here« tha Chy It

t, ¦. ;,,,, in t far tl <. OM! week: dll men WOfl

tmilo'.'d. wi.. porfainmd 1,1*19 days' worki8,019 kadi of mnniiio. 4,782 loada of dirt and rubbishund .1 :¦'.' b 0M I BtOM MO totoiof I¦','-'' ' " hi Ol

hü Berts .'! rnt bioh were roanrrad -nil at m m paon <>

-::i i,-h tena the praviono wooh, whm18,1 :...... : i In wan n moví i

w. paid |I,713, tea 'h I and nunara rartmet

|| 'j and the Mb OOltM B |3,1BB 60 0 I

-...' to My nothing of ten salorkt of aborde ..!

oañetaktateo oartkooftho Cfylummetor. Wtooan ne t" Laie a tinr, kgiitawto "ii'iaci far kootagteeitrtckl Wbatli i become of that nfaindto teai omonC ...iitoi approvnl? TbegLwioasGari*babii ¦. n Indi admiren in Bew-Yorh. Boom otout are going t tr.*t up a iMiOtag to Or*

¦i- b r rairkg materiel nod pernonol aid kt tlioiclkf. Speed tk good worfc!....TM New«

Tori Ch b whU mm coran* tk of Mr.¡I. bt, 'i. fifth avenue) m a Club-HouM.TheJm attiMt M. K. Ci.inch hm hi raekoad for azknriradtoontkna, now aarneta, apholstory, print, and free*

...Mi. H. C. Torrj wm t" laaneb, on Monday,ft m bht ihhyyard at Keyport, two proprikrt, for

A. DoglOOt .'. ndetl for bailor « irvke.i't i Hart., OM if thi faw nur\ Ivors of tic Xew->oik \iia.teei- ¦. mirar, mío buried m

[ay. Ib. ha.« boon rich rev»ml montea, andbraatk d ¡s 1. at tht I fly Hoej ' c tad enmi Senior Qkm kColon bk College MOM enced n Monday i.ning, audwill i '} dm eg île- web. Ob Mondaynest t1'.- studt nl . of the three kww cut sei will r ;u-

u e; n their eaamtamkno, whkb will ahm contlnM¦.¦ eck. ( .. i ¡tdi .L*ri'-u t ) tha

n II hoi Duntat 1 ¦¦ Pridoj 2¿d, i rdday, í1 .. C* nunencoment exerriaet willlohn ¡ fan "ii ti i 26th taut. m in o. let h a. ;u., ia tho

M .Onond after Fbamdey Mat teaSt,i|,iii"Io:i Hi.. N II lava ¦' font of

('..a tl .if 8 o'ebieh-Th« m w Btototi I«!:.11. Perrj Company boratk foBowkg cdaconi Wm. c. Poaamtou ¦; Now-

' krii i Da \ oi Pott Bkh>m ¦' \ '. Ban !',,.-

ryviuV 1 :.

ton, Stcietaiy. The alian.' !.. OhOOltwelve bnr.dnd at rt u dsy_Pm mom

a i igraita arrivtag at Castle Oardeaham ben oyed by I. ..¦ [ theii

-, |... by ii" ho i orho ho I '¦ m tatea ..' !\. :.! "in of theof the Incluent* and robbing the unwary I

K lv has accordinglyIk of his position bj o

oued at th ¡. ar-

. !.r-!; '.

, tk newly-.-u- taking tho ia .'.

-\> orn into i bMn\ or. John iffin ae

" u n C in-

Bo rd of i!' dth hon . I noon, tk prom di igt f whkb

i i re of Hmu in teeret.8ergennt Lord raportod i" tM Hoardof Polka JBrti

' in n thewölb d io -u. b i. degree i:

nue «.¦ mi ' .' Ie to WI at n Tk m itti r.b- -i V.. i

Ml'.' : i .. University of thi knvi ¦:i '...-. of tMI nivert itj have mam a baudsomi contriintion,t.. M by ¦' Dm im

¦-..'.- botlm! ;.i.Depottaw ¡.i I t:. !.. I -i.

H«lI- wu'l ell m ¡ant',,,, r.-,|.,_. th.- old"... ... mkgdnk,. i Tía-1,i, .i, hu Id

taot 1 .>-.-i.\th itit-:. Tenth attune, and Broad¬way, nil tit ¦, le.hl«. streets.The new North Birai

iboUl l»:.l.hi Drew, «'apt. .1. P. TallnHM, wetil to

.. m a trial trip m leapt kto n

tern to-day, Bk rftkr pkrmotof Anceatnet at 7dnrkfl n.. m d Mart, d in II ¦ ityl. -C. Wm B.

Hallt t tl M'l ¡If died at lii.- Sumiller in f!.i«

ritjj ning. II.- arrived froa ion ik Cnhawho no Bonony afternoon, k nstnnmill Itiih'. huvkg b.eií na kvalidkr nrarnl toara.Col Balkl wm h r nearly thirty non tho Pn «i-id. m .i tie Bnnh of Moblk, and wm known..- a lueottafol mamlmilt and bonkoi.Oo Kri-day, JWM I, it tlas'i if hghtntag ^'r:|cli :t rilver

tee, ¦. sthnated to M a Mndrad fi cr high m ovmtw.. t.. r in tii:,n ner. standing UUMtk lawn 0Í Mr.DoPeyi atTlvofi, Dntowmo Coaoty. Boom of Itwm apuntered n« if it hod bei n twkb tl by an imra ma

power, an.! k patoti it wm bkokenadm tf by tkf pon -li\-l'ie- d.-tit PkffOI and QoO.

Caleb Custtkg i...- txptetod k tea ritytaadaj Mt.\" tobepreeoat a» the marriage of Bydnej Wob-fcter. d. .!. Borntary lo tie u*PrMnmai, aithoroaghkt of t-.\-i'nited Btetei Banatet HnorihonFI '¦... ii v'eeay, fermoti] American CommlatBavn t:. in whkb poriohm be wm renaoved hid. n* Bnehmmn MeMm d bj 8ea.Dtateoowotm tho odariaontentka of thi Mow«] oh Pi-«t-oiti. .*


Hunt m m Ti xi n ot Lu;.- A BJBBuM-aom] man,MiltewOJ Uelrh, engaged ¡g th- BOOuMgi of

( i, .t.-Iniir.e n.altiug in lia BJsm of Rio, M Williamstreet, Moan kd ta blow out hi« brain., about r, o rioohla.t ev.i.iig, and in fact was ponklj su.«-ful.There Were b H or five b, ys at the tlll.e bj the Hhop,when Womb OWUnd one of them to g.-t him Homo

powdti in,.!, wlic!, be wsiited loobOOt rats With.Tht bot «M uMamtoMsU, wh.-n aimther one wat..nt and MM rt tin in,1 wilt, the aititl-s denied.Webb then derr,i,g,r, which he loaded,

and distbi,rod MMtM times again«! the wuM. ||.v-hbj « OM H' r.- ,,1 ..;, ,| bOtOIMd |0 Potrkl Knko,tie olaMt boj in the them, utsj Mha, "If any ,.,te

, comti between u¿e. hild dcuOi, Uicy will Lave to ibc uo

f tint going m d >." Without ftptber worde, he the"pbJtead Mm pfofttd M hir forehead, and dtaakjaaanj it -th®aosabu i« cute n g (he brain, and lay tag bin Hen*elc«auc n i! e tarnt The baya ran out id Mm a ato for helpBad rail, d OÉhuiS WU I '-and al< Kay, who MMMWdUtesnkddfai i"Mm BasrdtoL

1 n- r ,Tr ¡mom m ran N'i-i'tii Pole to Bail nTwo ttn.h». Bosk iii'.l. rl I ;.s »'«-«-n < X''il«-'l ill t'ii.

«in by tbe pfi j-et of oapodkkn to tb At us

lagteno. Hr. ITayw, tbo emaponten oí tbo httoaotodKm a ia th»* Orbt.ell eapedrUon, volunteered to lendam ii t pnrtj t« the faranroatenoof Mm W rtii »otio b un t' a ia 11* bir .("'ni PrankJJo, bot toeofttM fie¡M'-at aerigrtiplil prebbm of so o¡».n Potar ko».Mm v Mim forward rannr to totehfa eoatnaoy, buts.ib i1 a ii" v Mo-ma r.ii«d. Pn'die ateeifaaga were

b«k| ben and ta Boato» aad PkBadeJnsna, to'.t; bol Mill it knng b«e. 830,660 ivm tbavery lowest mm tbntoonN powi 4j boMm, mad ofthbtwo or thn» aketoamd wen- rt;]| warning on Sr-

u fey night, whoa tlie Aratfa Ooonrktos of theQeaigrapbtea] Soetety m>-t and neerrad to ne-

..-,. ib,- bátanos ihsiMslff'S, so Matt the Expedidima« Mil rafts saoafd go, Tnn the qnostteu bsnttted.lin- nbaartnfttea» wBl to immediately tBM»dks,Mnl¡)r Hnuo ¡nil MOf from fit port ia aOOOj tiro

amain, Mana, Ibwnfin^k is snofradtkot tonaradkfen will Bartokdy go, it bMMsra ¦ MtoM» of ei»m-

miin buniiiiiity thai i: tbOoM to e:i;»bl-.) t" gO with a

BStOpto outfit, wirb Matokfe sbUdug and Bjawafekttoj so

iknttbora brava mm nVonktaat barra t«> aajsararfkihorii'le rutl'elings ¡.lieadv «.>. BM fasHWd BJ both Or.

Boyes and Mr. Kan.-. Ta furnish tbaw BSUrutfaCommi i<-.- anomal to ti e publie fot addadosad taatoiibiitio'is bolb in money and in kind. fio\'.>/ km$0¿ '

ii, fmmuà mad tante lbs srraaf, flwsoddtonaaanM¡I A'l n '- York roilii mit priiriih for ihr JBOfdjf " JWgUrO.

1 h. ... . : tally art do«rn bo tbo looroo) r tba.¦ Uoa if «rbtcB w

fortín ilHtif lo of thi aubocripUoa, bM !.. ,1 |»r.Hay»« will .. i 1. i. tba low oal am, a. erorvaaUH

it avili 'bal - i a...I >.¦

i and ¦ i -a

T r roll, 1 mv (»rluoell, v..

L '. ob Ho It Broad rayí i erea W Pb Id,No. Vi Wñn*

ry !.' ''.. ul u " ¦. .. ..¦'o(the Coa ntttee, ivili n .. Iin .«.¦ . j ... ia .'... ry BO-


Ill ll > ;.! !.

1 p .,,,"I 'I «' Etl !... ,.|. tl-

... It, H ,t ,. Buni Older, b Ilead toi -. t-, iniTi: roboa, for, and

bo pro-.¦.-..-¦¦.. |ft]

will -¦ a ) i- i-i-' . ._, aa»

lii L'o aia!n

N Bt i "it niK Wl« khi. -Hy th" i... nt deino-Hiton of tin- oi.l buBdiogs on tliat port! sj ni ii^- blankbounded by Brost Broadway, vYortfa and Cbraobstin i-, a lar a MMsbra of mi/K-iable and artotcbodmi n and wotnan bora bren ateptived of a ptaraofi' .-. an.) many bnve aioM I.s compelled I i wander

about tbe -üei Is or arah aheltor In lb mttion Himm a,or in Bnfreqnenwd albywaya. 0» Mnnday nigkt, anumber of il.e-e nnfottanOtOa took refuge in ¡«n un«r--

eupted .'liar in Weal Brandwny from wktek tkoywemdrii a by tba pcdato, on nceoont of I tobdfaor»derij conduct. Eight waaaaa arara uakeu in en-todyand lacked np in the Fiftn Ward Si,t ; r-II« use.

Tim Pviice 11 lb» Fifteenth rVnrd, on Monday afajkt,ntnde a drama» up« n a'l tas ttrrat^walbnrs b Mnl I'ro-einet wbontboj found abroedi and nrrratod 23. Theprteoton not taken t»» tho KUrbih Ward fbnUon*Hoi .. and locked op. Nearly all of arm «Ten- w-ll.lier-. 1 and 00polled InOBMOlvM qofatly eil'.'i ;b inibe sin:i .i.-iioa-e. They ratted ta agafromlfito jo

years .and all proteetod BgafalM b'-itiu' UTMtod amilocked up. ,-t\iiiii.' ti M iboy bad not »onmittcd nnybraaek of i1 s paaaa The aadjority of th.-in won for«pjorij re. ¡<!rn;s,,! the Eighth P/md,irom n/btebumyad aa di ¡ran by tl a prdfa», and no i of them wen»

¦y tifiad ; being urtentod ta bm Pncfent and lockeduji in onotbar.


A Pbubom mi K: >Ki.iN.A Bltb boy aged i yens,.lunk.-r, while Btoyb with » Hub gfal aged 6M» II M 1er, both Lviug at No. 1')

Tboi paon ttn et, fteraetj atfafktd her, and tafiteted so

aeveraan mjary ']¦' ¦ torbasnltbnlsb bnoti x;«. n dTl.- In.!.- boy is s;.id to have exhibited a

di lition ...i Mr* oeenai «at.

PasjxajTATion. !'i s Booaby-oebool ton pi an sdt<. ''o now Chunk of the AtoooMsnt, rarnra >>f

Tkirly-third straet and rtetnnd avenu.-, a boaatUal..1 bat, «at froMfineItnlfauinrtrbla. It ima

a| p.-"¡ liaie curvingt and inacript ioas, and at tba ]....-aentatii n wm i fablj .'.-1 ral I wttlMr. Cbria .' i; .-. Mr.

retting addrasn ^ nponthe 11 BM ion.

Bxanxa tnn Bxrint Courue ro ruts Coonrnr..tsof the ttbment of lbs .'' ipnto

ahouttl itoftwo campaigns bytied ¦ which they will, nodoabt, reap

After a toar oíaigbl moka ta Bo»n! mi and Ireland, in tba cooim oi ^\'. thoj srfll

v. Mtionaln the prinripal towns. Heeunn andboyera m ill mm to tbb eo lutry togi 'her.

'i M ine Hall AssotiATion.Tl N itioual l>.- noerntfa HnD irao«

ciaii .n met M No. ', I. Broadway on Monday « rontag;Mr. s. Lid va :muM was tlerted CbairannoftkaBoard of Trastees, and Mr. Dndby Bean rtecratory.In takbg the .'-or, Mr. WOBama admoui.-hed

prarantthat Bint ry WMneeeeeary totbeperpetun'teaof tbe Unten. A s«--:is ofreaolnUons wen adopted,

for) fortune ot a I.' >paWi am (¡ »v«

i ;m: i i,i wm tl" parteaba] ahoeka prado ¦..! by inA utrarion, and that i'. wm tba duty af

aBgood ritbena, when auch changes weranboattooorar, to elect rational mento the ami ofCrovernsssnft.Tbe !. Don tag prnikmaa arara i tee» .1 C mmtestenonto intend th«- forthcoming Conranlioa a! l.'i hrnond:

.l"tiB K. Boiat. IbBM Ltuvrei:«.. .Ii i,.s 1'. i ..¦>. .lime«ViUiVia

«v. ar-- le.iki' Faraena, JaaaetI LIHbj It. Dt

; oi Lmrf.Hon. Obteea I. .....l Dr. O1 imii 1» n.


BlDI '.r Tin: CUOTOS Omi i:. Tw-i bid.« were re¬

vived and opened on Batato»1 fortheíarnbhtagoíbol fol :: lav, i::iua-[.¡;ie to .onvtv WUfttrMTOM thelli.'l. Bridge, ihoi apaeily of tba ptrasnl ons toknj toobmited for tbe powfaig want oftbs rity, ToboaasMMtof boa r nedrod h 648,166 l'as, of bofl¦ i-j.lato, andI00(14d Ibn. of baaga Iroa, of varteaa speefated ataaaTbe den won Mi mm, Warna aad KmbUb, andHorace di Abbat. No awardwaa Made, boentra, fae nraqnew» ni Mayor v\ ood objection to hav¬ing tkfa k.n.l of work den» by pfeosnanL Bfcfaworanbn tobar» baca apañad fu- Mraral IrapJdookrantneta, tad tba OnaäroBto had toaMOndtbatato«arrean sale, and tb rofon fou d to to peon at, ta n>

.eijiata.-,.f whisk Iks .poadag ».". ptotoonadi>>\\ .1; -lay.


Exciti CoMuiMionaa, ai Iks Msatfa of th.eBaard on Tiarday niorniug, ten tansatonatn1 andtWO I'torekecprr:, BmMM wire grant.). 'ltiiHt.r,I IS IteenaM have boon gnatod, and Ika la ard li;w heldniie i. en m --ions.

Tm (.¡i tañan»! 1)«m«..v -..Tba CnManfantesawiajjoii.t.d under the act of MM ItojlBtaton to aaaaemfeund the iajnsant eoraad by the detraction ofMM Marine Boapfa»] and iciau property at the tunarantine, held t\icir lirai moettag on Tuoaday no m at No. 47Wallstreet. Mer«rn Pwbff B. Swe.-n.'v aud »Mmtol F.BtofMOf N. w-inrk, and Mr F. \V. L-a\-u\M'ith of

Ryraeiiie. were pre-ent, the latter iu the ci.air, BOJE MrAlexander W. ilursey af BsjBal ', the fourth Otosmm>aionor, did not arrive. The following antjatal mudeIkafa Hpji«'araiH'e fof the in-veial aanjttej int^roritod:John L. |)ev)in, er,., lor the Coiuiuiaeioners of Fiuigra-tieii, and f.u- two jirivate elainiaiit*; Intt C.Gkjtfaa,ec|., ii'r Ibj Suj^'rvinorH of Kifhmond Couniy, ajsjMi. JaksMOa foi Dr. Thoni|>son kihI oihers. la cou-

aaaaaaaanj af tiie abeem.«. ol Mr, Harvey, uv buaiâoe«

wa* trun «acted, and the Commnsnen a/lymirned, toui'-ct at noon to-day.ARK AI.I. TIIK ¦tHtPAI LAWS TO HK KNTflRCKD?In an KA.t m J Tht S. Y. Trt^«i#.Bim I inn i.e.-of th ie " oatc-fai-ed people" who,

'". t», t.:«d n.i' .' til» ritr, h,tht m and «-i.«.: »Itai MOU 'ointry, last

i. nkr.ii «ad " rWreah."! sfl»ref In, all.liai .i'-y."

I. ir i;«ími,» jTeci, ii, i,Ib, o,.' "leek (row Notan np to n».tun '» i;...!." o. nn,,,)>t T ,\ j,, th« ».»i ant it in a ma bamt<. las »...| my llttl- in, || , fo ten l+ion.«nH .»'lie ., t'i4

m tent .i y. IwaaonsbuVwe-In which th» This-

i »I b I mi. nlar, V» y*e-ti-n'jy "f II:.- .«'....' v .-,. m. i^n». »"'I th" D".-il>:l SSBaf ».,»).. .hi, a I ret r.ate.n which they plv-e witiiiu tL- rea, b of " totl-

N w "l <rk ia "

>... i. o fiTnr of l'i»»lin« and sujo '« ofthe ¦. Nt» V'.rV Sil ' «l!i ('..:,ii U.-,'. a« I h-ü-y» it 1, r»*!^

«i. » .'t ¦. th» old and n»w RnB-' r.l»y, yiai SSJI Th» Pe-

-» lo make a 'till further <-tn,rt lo »oforwr,byprse «tor»«

..'. I... k ». m."

New I sat ikaanl.-haiwiys leid« t> lti >>n tho

ti'.t .'ay of antweth. aoMbaaMaatto,!¦bj ii. .¦! «-k srnsies IM matter tt toaanjt I to am «nub ta

limy nVspetaBen Oaudsy. law «t«i*o '«<» ¡i o»

.«' 'nii v i.-l.t sad no' t>|" i' «-* ¡'i tu. M'l-iiliy rnornlii». But¡i I i..lit. ke not. tl.» rui lim; of ni.II» »orireyane»« on Su-ilsy.»

Bsy eats ato eactstal ks th» pr»rt*mel un w, se wall es bei oa*oi aMtfOto

' :,il in tí.. ir eü i>r»v»ntal:,>(?.. ..n S..r<l y what s-«i.ran"» liar« w» that «h»y

WfJ M| l!..-n »top'l'O Soealiy Ctfl »:nl BMUtvkU Moat» * IBut» rn\d on»- tf tb»Ir '' tl-, liment»" itnd f.iiiid Sundiy Tarsthen J'aouii'i d a« on» ot th" " iin«tance»" wLkh "WJet ts»I..1"

I', -i I. I ,->m bsWBai t.. re .»'<! tlie rl^ht- of ray n»l.-hbor, whitI« ¦ S | d»y iu hi« S-tbbatb.

Why iMnUMMeaaanBak I I ou Sunday*I» it .

. ¦ btn 11 th» amount of one «uta ofhl, iia onie from duly ii -,r '

u*nu>,QTsn 1'wO. feMtsb J r.oKiNO.

To thi. Charitable.--An Anurictn woman with(<air. f whom are dep.nd.-nt ,,,ioi li. -, .i»;li>d to

« wita a

drinking ha band and worked hard to «apport her faintly, Y»arafter yscr III« ruin lie, «rue more . -i¡ «an» *tt.-»

ment) i sime be abandoned but fanuly entirety, lewi:.» tha\ in ¡'i\9ll>l .rd suntevined n.r. She SFW f., i.i-rly a

nit n I.».-. f the Nethadto Choreh, » :i tin fami.y w. W ¡» e«*ycbvaiustanres, hot they hevi on,» |K>or, i,ntll nowota i- ni.i oaiy to ¦apport h.-r i-n'ly. bet i» oa,ri»tt»d!.

.' n .:¦¦. .! '' aha m\ " l ln^ am s h.-.-. ,>¦ .!re.^ n>

In i.i.'ii I bWAWWod tht t.eor." SV l.-in-rtarertiftcstofrom ¦!..- Bservtsry ,. .!. ',-. revatotl. .edition of th» Toor, «. .1 I .Icsiht nut sbs is worthyMena:. She devirea to «tart S Small | i l-w li.,trj-..-. .<'. to earn a ¡¡Tin.- wiih !..-r n- IL-, iimüiuj

IVe WUUM '. b. -I. luit »be fill, Uo':h«lBeuac s i'. aot psnnjt If tl I m b»lp

f thet Ibtokaa,', . i:. I!. Ha:iu\., h m I'tiii.t. Mty.

K. R. aanXOW, 8ur>*t-

Mr. .Ii'l'itrr '/.n>'* Hesser de-ire-t fo »f:»fe that lieaevw bad snjthtoi t.> .!'¦ «¡ih sh nskl ea VstMttoi

i- .. .,n."-eti,.ii with Bketos I -tif. of KMSO¦¦.'"! i"ti'i .¦:¦.¦ 0MuaaM

CouncBptayi reli»l loi It..- -'aniri [H-ople.

Bnronr oi rai Diiri i ubimoI tho City of Xei\ 'ilk loi the BOSSrb ' f Miir, ISfiO:

Dig bu y 9 9%- J o »

m -5

HOfiT-, -, j -.3 ~\ - IIIf. w <i 3 ^ ¦< ¦< 3

..-cfiiulrpati. i- I 'OUI 7*1»NiualuiftiasshnailfainU t.titl Ijm IM WI -.HI

TotAli.1 13Tresleil .i dvrsl i- .-«. HITreated ^t DunI*.In -y v.-.. ins low

itiin«. Itimbervsaeinated] OM

Ni.'i.i er o! idnlU..'.. 'i

NuAihet ii« n.I.0T1'. Tl

Number fon-iiu patient» .1,091-.. Hoeptto. i»**

Numbt refdeatk. 2*Pre«ciiptici.«.!l.pei p.I..«.4:i i,"*l MM 1,0*8 2M Î12»»

I ai;- the nrantli ot Mny, as above tbown, saadksl »".tInatio .onl in» li.';' » w»ru urt-rde-l g'.itu-

Itocsly to l'..i:r nerums. The principal team of ,l»»tli w»rn

.ji'atliiii-, scarlet ferer, end smill p^x.

Minan Polici Itehs..On hfondnT evootag Mra.C. WUjln« of Harleii: wat pt-iiiii» ti.roiuh Sour I Iwh«n Macdoncal /<n et sha wm run by t.»., filera».

In in m. ¦.tcli" ¦, fr ...r' ...I t portm i.'i a- .. t.iiln»i., i.../... u,.'. hatUOmmtCrawbaek. of tha raVals

Waei, tmr.-ied ad snooted I ','¦. iry i .-vt.He lo sJIrfF« to he the one whs anstehodtht oarss, bit c. wai... r.. sd in ibtj kavks e'*-"1' if Is tna

led U! .. . . .e.. A.h'ny, '¦ .. p!i l,i n,

.1 ¦. 11 IHsrvey K »». i n-.l ¦» fi »i

-. tl T t t :. ire u? n I arln _1t.o dy ent.-'t-dih» bardtrmir atoro of f ii * W :: II, eon rol

ley Aptchafs...a kntvea wss. S*d

equally amoaftMhoys, 'settee IJ . snasMtdakMo si


Cabklbm Daman, bhoM N m m. on Mondaybel n , . l).n»-ahrid w»i»

.;.'luirdi'wni:.' .. ., ;: «U-dired thoM

v.-1 I .i .!r ?.!ie..-,,l. The in-...- id tsken to J I

Market 1jr*B Injurie».

\.|-.- j». The tîicht ltAM in i ¡n. kiihit Plací.'*'.

\\ -i.e. .11.': u." sa tho

Mes tir "a i":n. .. vVt --.,.. l'i... r en.««,.1. »lid

uh. , with[man! I.i*i-

n, .« reek vviuu

r.\! sssssaV],T.*il*«M.SK EMBAOwT.

Juot received from A> »hfi itou, on >ci' tttoa stBoant'i Oannauv,

Im'ii.;. hOl ." i-i BaV ''«natryîle- l'iesidcuçy a..d Vioo>

l'i. ridonoy. ? .

ment]K.MriOVMKNT. I ¡o:e .le, .'|)tilll{ tl «¡t'lation,

n LlierI bo well to li iv» a em

noon ti. y > .... n!.. pektoMe, uud

',, eq.iil j.iap.i '_>

ÍAdvt-.l ,..ei . |Tu TBC TbAVI, I OaUtl MTV.

\.'-i: :.> î Scaiunaa tmonani s- a ««er» sbMBl... sdaoi ..-.¦. y trstsaler. No tutUf »*io»l"i l.-ov« too

. orb» wit dm i | the warn.rthoc, UtotWset« of thaaps of tr» other, sad seteMW

tut nn in piet and iivt.-t bof.:-. tobthpel Drud«**. <*ro>tiers and Prtttt -1

"Aldo, ii'nu'l'« Pin« 0 B8 TAC,'" a asna < i a i¡ i -i -.


'.M.i.s ",« lauaai uuv*I'.UT A 1SK "

i. Manu «i i -n*¦ who u»e \\-i.» «nil /<,- ti« .>¦ .fei»ii.-» to the

..- 1 Lev ii« «¡i » ::rii¡iti t pur» aad the n-ti i;-.a'iiy. Kt-ih..:'.' *j. ...f i'. ..::. ...e of it. ,., Bf W.1» l,y ailirica Kndt toMsaOratea*,aMtal tos i»»p->t. Ma. m


A.H.-rt;., un i,L|BlLTn S'ViP.A lieii'eet piejaiatioii for clenn-

.ii;.«:l\.' ría'--. I.- 1 r v. Mur.-. JtalbjOa bswM mare coufo->i. -il a..a ..':>.. l(«e .S.-a ». ) otest.Rond ibs n41 .

HünTox, May 2, Ist*Bteew» Sin...hi t Hi klirr.

sktn: After rsnosotot Mvw Been weonai-...,, n . e,i ¡i t, i>. i-rjt . . toar »<.«.« ¡t.OssWtoj

1. e,: ... .| >,:,,, w , ti lai ,.,, t,» uaed by every faailly.Uiii,:iii>. t .SiiKRvit, !:...*> \ Cm

Hill v Co.»atsnufsrtorsd only t,

H. masa I C«., Bi ularay, *M tiners.?

| AdrertUrmer.t |Mkr«. WiMaumr.

Aa firericaced r:,¿ ci .»U- t'iij.. lan. !.»» a *«.-ia.««#Sikii i.K I mi.nitas Tikthimu, *hi«-ii fTrsUy uclmu»« tho

isud rod 1.-114 all '.tw¬it nmTS*ir**l iwtUsifcj ail pola, and U auto te .s<..ia'» Um h.,»»!*.

rt» nwi t« yooraetvosaM ttMij and keaim '*" yoai n .'. 1. ",«y-t:y »aie la ill sa»»«.

HI s .ehl every pooj la the l.'aitoJ Stales.I h)M Ojd tM «eUtird te...»Jy,

Kino* j»it .'.. M'en i Koma.N.M.» <»noino asisss ib» tka-aki .la sf Cuarta k Pssaine

Now-Yort tsoatk settlesarraafwSwiJ by Lr-....-. Uto [heal ilia world.-o>

lAAvt sawaasto 1<»VK Orí hard Ai id SPRiM. Wati.k..Thti imv

laailtM oí Uii« Wat»! »j» H'Uv ih- < n I'- tb.- t..«limo-uia!. Huí. |.l.y.i ¡au. usd othnl r....».ei«bls iull»iJual>. «tu.-Oa.»y I,, »eeo ui< ai.pll. einoi lo llu> A10.11I. I»»*it«i» .uuiilit-J o«tttoraltem i N..U»t... ,, | , H.W..OOVWICK, Bole Agent. Metí..paitan Hotel builjiu«. Nj. »14i't.edw.i


[Adverttasment.]CitAM) Famh.\ Hiii.iday at tiik Ami-.hii-\h

htcapea !-«-Thls aftsnw su «t >i tfetssa. mknitH DftMsntolWfonuancet tske piar» fot lia siuua»iia«iit offamilia» and asnaoOl«.ai. h througthe Betabttsh cent svorj vVs kastny, AU .Itaaoa«lit bs«. .1 f I odiBod b« (h» i,,ii..r»lle|...| a'tra-liou».lhaliUnt ilaby, the "What i« II"' th.. t!.1 ¦. a-.n* î*o«-»Soasttaa m th.- v »;- lUe 'i.uid A .:.*, the LiaâtiUii- ' a»9*4*a-

tv«, he, M«
