Buili>i»»9 -tttttcrirtlo._ TXlTviN PlPE!*. k'laxTfd, vitrnt'd. wttrrant'd in- II ; V_MkU 4 Hniuej Tt>p«, Vaaea, Srat ii-y, fc .. Det>ot jfJ^SSSfS^T^^^ I ___ _ ii_i;_? ENCAISTIC T1LE8 1'I.rMhERS' MATFRIAT>'. CHIMNEY TOPS, DBAIN PIPr'.B. kc. ln M1LLI 11 a fOAVES, No /'-. P.-.l -t. (£>cffln Gtcamcrc, £r. b^'W-YORK to GALWAY, ria BT. JOHN'S, ' t,_t _B_M Bl V..!. .: f.« .11 t _*'k, R^val M.il. ¦a^e^PMaaxe-Fi-tClaaaCaHri, #1(40, #90, #75, ancord- «_!»o*eievti"ri ef 8tate Roonn, ^_PaVf.aa. farward 4"*Mn. *>8%, including cooked proYiaiona. *_*. r.r.afa to 8f John'a. #35. .Jliiiiif Vata paaaenrera ta> pruvide badiilng, knlfe, fork, plate. Ptaapeg. p> by thla ronte are checked tbrongb to any of the _.»cit« ciiietou the railwayaof E'.gland »nu I'elaul. Fa.i p_af>- ar.d rretghi, appiy cu board tbe «hip, at Fl«r No. ¦ |,"*b KlT,r HOW LAND k A8PINWALL. Age.,., Noa 54 and 55 Sonth at TTLANTR'~ROYAirMAIL KTEAM NAVf A UAllON LOMPANY* NMV-YOUK AND OALWAY iiKF Thr n»xt denarforr from New York will he the.p'i ntid "iyU-rful.tean.abP JOLUEN FLKXCE, wMeb wf.l 1-.Y SJft:Sl)A.Y loly 1". 1** touchlng at St. John'., N. F., to r MJre tbe Royal MaUa. T*' Baopr4aa4«B.-F1patclaaa, #9C and *7 >: thitd #30, in- f;,. rteteu to ...iv of tbe pnnc.r>el cl4iea on th« main _uway « ta>a of Gn at Bi'itaiu and Irelaud. Ttdrd elata mott l!j,ide biate, kidfe. fotk. _C, and bid liug. Paeaenae. a to B llw. (Ti»t cla.a ¦»¦,'*.'. Ph«.a«* b the thi dcl".>. Ba b- aaMiired _hrioaper»*:aoiit frem Oajway, for +82 50; frora Dnblli a,.*a»t t< Bbbj l.oudend'.Try, tp.n 5u. from W'aterford, #87; ^^*mm*9V2L%uMi*, Agent" for 'be Line, No M Broadway. STEAMER of JULY S& J5 1 "b SOlTHAMPi'ON AND HAVRE. Tbe I'niled Bbate. Mall Steaipahip VANDEBBILT, P. E L-f.-vre. Maater, fVlliaall from Pier N.«. 3 N. R NewYoik, at 12 oVl"ek. noen, aa 8All'RDAY, July t», with Maila, Paasengvra, and 8pecio, fc Ei'g.nd and 1 rui.. e. lii.t f abiu. #120. Seecnd cabin *60. D. TORRANt E, Arent. No. 5 Bowliua Giaeii, N«w Ye:k. a4r.,,.hip ILLINOI8 Mdh.Augu.tll._ |j_E tl HARD LINE. " *.-.n fion. NFW-YORK to LIVERPOOL. %!a Q. -enalowp.. fte BKlilSH AND NORlii AMEB1CAN ROYAL MAIL 6TEAMER8 IVTNA, fai-t Ander.on, AI'HTR ALAHIAN, Capt. Uocklep, JlRA. » »Pt- Moodie, Kl.DAR. Capt. T fook, Ai.d ,.u.. : ii._ci.ili.< nt ai.d uowerful .teauiCTa, WlQaailfrotuNEW-YORK to l.Iv ERPGOL, e- ery a't «mrb 4PKI RBDAT, calling at QCEEN8TOWN to bvid pa-eengcrr ^f^X1"'- .Th.r.di,,J.lyl9 j, KA.*.'.'.'.'. Tlraraday, Ang 2 Al KTRAI.ASIAN.Thoraday, Ati< U E1NA.Thur.day, Aug. 3* IUtea of Paaaage to 0.neen*tcvr_ or Livi-rpool: CaMn../» bte-ra^.. 30 An<xr*ri*';o< d S nr. on < :. b-..rd. For FtWrage Paaaafe applv n> »« liOODEVE, ARKELL * ELLIOT, No. 153 Broadway. For Fr« I^t and Cabin Pasaage appiy :e E. CUNARD, No. 4 Bcwl.nr. Or,et_ fl^ilE BRITlSF AND NORTH A__RICAN X BOTAl M.\1L STEA.M. .IP9. FRoB MBK-yiiPai TO UTBRPOOI. Chlaf Cabin Puaaage.#1« Bccoud fabin P.>age. . PKOB RofTOS TO LITBRT-OCL. t>hlefC»^nPa_«Mre.BH" 8.>ccr.d l .riin Paaaage. The ,ior, from NewY. rk call at Cork Harbor. . from Bcaton cail a; Halifcx and Cork Ita'tor. FFR81A, fept. Judkina CANADA, Capt. Lana \RABIA, C.pt. J. Stoaa AMERJCA. Capt Minar. A-4IA Capi E. O. Lott NIAOARA, (t-rt. Auderaon. A> rtlCA, Capt Sbannoa. BUBOPA, Capt. J. Le t SfUlIA -.now biirding). TVae yeaaela Oarry a c!.ar white lifbt at m&tt-bead. greeu ou ata'hoard bow r.-d on port how. NlA vKA.Miliar.leave. rt'aton.W'edneaday, Jnne 27 ASI4. Lott.leaYe* New-York... W e 1; ...tay, .l;ily 4 FI hOl'A, Leitrh.IraYea Boaton.Wedn.-aday, July 11 PERSlA, Judkii.a.IfAvea New-York... W edne.day, July 18 AHAP.IA, St.o.e.1. A'.-' Boatoi.Wajd_e*da« 'uly 3v >/Rlf A, Rhannou.leavet New-Yo:k. ..Wedniadey, Ang. 1 CVNADA. L_uk.l*ave.BuaUo.Wed.eaJay, Aag 8 tfr^lA. Lott.leaYea New-York...Wedne.day, Aug 15 I KOl'A, L*iu-h.l.a.ea Boaton.W eauteday, AlIg t: Y R>!A, Judkira.leaYea New-York.. .W'edneaday, \ug. 29 iiertba uot aecurvd uctii |*id for. AnexpeHencd Surgeoi. ..r boi-ri. .... .,, Tbeewnera of UmM ahipa wiii not be aaco.intable for Hol 1. Pii»a_. Lnllion. Rp> cie, J. *.->i Pracioaa Btonoaaa Metala, ui;- ieas bllaa of ladiug are aicned therelor, ai.d the yalue Uiereof Um .eiu expr^-d 1 . r fieirfl.t or naaaar*. appiy to , E. Cf NARD. No. 4 Bowhnp greon. rOR CALIFORNIA. rin PANAMa..In and aRer Joly. a l.rat-cla.a ateemer wil! leaye New-Yerk the lat, ll-b aud tlit of ta. b mo_th; exr.-pt »b". tae.e date. tall ou I. NDAY, when theday of depamrre tarlll a. tba MOMDAY tolUvwux Foi fieikht oi pa*»a#e. appiy at the oUy o*. e. No ',-,-. W>-t at., cor: er ol Wanen >t D B ALI.EN, A<eut PORT-AND and WHITE MOUNI AINS.-Tbe ftrat-cla*. ai.d fayoiiie ttean.ahipa i hrSAPEAKX, Capt Sidr-ey Crowell, aod PATAFSvO. f .pt. Ed. E \aill, arlU fonr. n aee i *eekiy Uue to Por 'and. leayii.g Pier 9, N. R. ayery A"EDNE6 >AY aud SATl'RDAY at4p ua. Pareau-tnd fare. i..cludir.g -WKreii:..#5. Tbia 5 tbe moit 4irgtct and pictureeque route hetw*«n rtew roikai.dtli" V, .(¦ MooiiUln-, Yia Lo:i? 1.1" d ai.d .ineyard Boui.da to Poitiaud, aud Graud Truuk Railway to Oornaoi, ajhkb la t-uJi aix milea Trom the Olen Uon»e. Appiy to J H B.CROMYVF.LLkCo., Noa 86 Weat at. and l~ Broadaay^ SOITIIAMPTON and" HAVRE..Tlie N0R1 I' ATLaNHC BTBAMSHIP W*X*fflJffi*** tne atK-e port. ti -it aplendid ttajaoiablpADRlA llf.t apt J. J. tomirbrck, carninc the ( i.itcd Statet Maila, the Wiwir.*- da>a. irom 4 aual a'.. Whurf. J U4YI MC-. yi.iik: ¦a4Si_.^A.l_ 10 BATCBDAY. June 2. Ti IBDAV . '»" JJ- 8ATI hl'AY, July 14. T E8DAY, July 81. 8AT ITBDbY, An* .'i. TLE8D kY, Bept 11. bATCRDAf. Ott. b. rUEBDAY , Oc. 2J. Ai_l.a- t,ton the day af rrlea.lag liayro. Tbe AAixfcttc ia nndoubtodl, nnf-Celled BD) ateii thew rld forotMnfotrt aafety, and Fpeed. Su ua* »» e-.o LWtaiueUi.. Firatia'.inpa»-a»e d.130. at.,orforiaaBag*»o off.ee on the wl arf, faot of Ct-al-at, Aga-t* at Locdot and 8ea_u_npt<m.MoaafJ Grirmeli, Tiukcr k Mcrgan. AariAut Harre.Johr. Pnr.n.tt eaq. AleutatP.-U-lau.,, W. T.rkex, Btaf,, No. 13 Fatbo'irg ldoLtiu>rr.-._- _ AVEEKLY ('OMMUN-AlTlON by STEAM \\ ,.., ,e. NEW-YORK and LIVEUPOOL caUug rt QtlENSTOWN.Iieland, to lat.d and embaik p^.^ngera and ^be*LWerpo'l, New-York. at-d PMI.delphie *£*** Cj* P_.V» M'li ndid l lyd« built, i. n btatw b:c_aJ-.ip* _e umudod to alli UfoJowi: raoM SEr-Toita fob utbrpool. * TDINRrRiVll .SATL'RDAY, July H. ____U_W./..SAT1RDAY. J ?.Vy*OT BAiTiilOBE.. -. ...S a rjJRDAY, J.ljt!I And evary Sat .rda5 throogloo t th- y.a- from Pier No 44, N. B. aAYTBatoPPAJ _., C'ablB.ToQueeiittowr "r I. . . ¦'¦.','', Caiiu ToLoa ipoo.)...... -.;, rH,-. raaye- ToQocenatownor-iYerpool. ; ;- 8tro^"Iul4l>t. U*ay'aiiab'leVoVrii'iuouthV from Li^.*¦ ^ l_i_t_M__rw-^44*u'HbTTB*, Paf-Vairi-'>-i"BaiBtat', a-3 Aotaarp.atthr.ogliraUaa. ... .itl Cer-beatea el paa«M|. 'a*ucd fro: L^ erpool to Now Y ork. *V^ C Ua^ue.ot ,\.-aJ. ...ued fr. n.Uueet.at>wBl New l ,rk 30. Tl-aVaWaio.-r. baveaup.: '. PBaaeagera, BieJoT.tro'Ud wiU. par !i*i>te. «nd catTT ex- P^^."?i7_-t 01tb- rrt npply »' ' ' "' ",'1V '",,,',' v ,, I,,., . \.. |.S Broadway. ew-York. Ageut I. i .',M IN.VAN "g.. t-X>R"8AVANNAH B_d tbe SOITO-The r ateaeuahip B- R- Cf TLER. fapt .'. Cracker, will leaye P_ nTiT r/ R on THIK-DAV. Jo y 12 at 4 p m Pm mm to Bayanr-h, with nnaorpet'.'d n-roma cU'Un.t #15 Tte* STauUl to tre following placava: New-OrteaMa, *>89 7$; M'MI*, _V Me^ponerr, tV. Meuipbi. a3t 75: Nwtrl.l- a>2.' 5: Bb, Na. M W'eittbat. aad No- Broadway. glenmboate anb Hoiiroob^_ Kew york t*. tbe wnrri;iioi"ntains and LABBMEBlPHBFM/CiOGd.. I A-.d PleBa -re Bbuto t* OgsVaabAirgh. Montrea. aad Quaoec App^r at the N. Y. audN II li R Qm.e.JijU. at N. Y._ STi-MEBTHOifAf ,;r WW- BUBOH, vT8T POINT PUl'tiMKCl WE. BBdBOK- DOL'T, -no l«r< oi Jay-at. a-ory a'.t*/ H - * At J El'NuON BOATfor N#« hurgb uod iiit.Tint- d.at. I " (Suodaya . xorpt, DAY IM'A'1 ti.r AI.tiA.Ni MMl ii.D nn. diati^ piac>- Bt-amar ARMKMA 'r .... ol JJ»nu.ou k'.., e^ery HOND.'.Y. \V\ DN1 <|.\Y u; 1 1ft HIA V at 7 a. m r~K)R NEW-11AVEN. b> sti ti.i.r ELM CITY, fraoi flaw Mo. B Eb.1 Blwr, ai [TtAVELEB, »tll p u r * '_ 1X>RtOZZENK WE8J J'olM M.W Bl KGH «_ i'.ji (.li_i:i.Pblt-Dai:y by aKa-bo-t A Kee ad. ambm-C oolmi-u._ I^OR Gl«?« tove, Tbrntx .ittN.-'K. Hauaa. I'oint, Moit a Dook, <<~n»..od, Kotliu- ataanaarr L<,\:, redeyattp a-a.iy F. II IONO ISLAND RAILROA!) Traiua lesva J BoiithFerry. Broeklya, for Or^pjjt at !6 a m aad 3:M p. ni.; Bor* I.up. 10 a m., 3 M) ano 5;» p. u. Syo.e.t. 12 m _ad4 B p.Bt.; ilempftead, 10a m . «. _.B "'« »:** P_ ; j__ a 10 B «... 12 « 4 < 30j:»5 ^BdJiUp. UA_ JM)R ___arorj4*:_, New-Rofbeiie, City I«!aiid, Whit,.toue, T1W» r.eck and /. r(<a . U m k £b« Btetkia- a' labvad fcby leayaa Ja_sm abp daiiy at 4 p i.i 'are. » oei.ta. Ho duat. aa «al gaa. ByrHurolug, leayea M amaroutok at 7 a. aB.. NcwJUvaWlo at 7|, WbUeatoae at 8:10, Tbrogf't Neck at 8,i». F)R BRIIXJEPORT.DAILY LINE.-The ftteaunMr IOHN RROOKS arfal tee»e Peok Bllp ev.-ry day (Bundav'. (ic( ptar*) at 1 p.ni. amvin* lu Bridieport lu tiuie for the cara of theOl-.uaatoulc, Nausatuck. and Ncw Harre Itiilrotda Fere.'<V Kr»it.bt t-ken ~ I *MTfTa*W. ti fla, TIIWiBga 4 1 ,*(>]{ BRilM.11I-ORT-DAILY LESE.FareM e*_ta, Tfcartaaaaur< aTU.INE Capt. Wa_A.Vaft.viB l**e* O'.i'er «liii e\end<v atll n'oloak ...Min. naaniaaa in<n with tbe HouaatOT.lc Railrond. Tbe eleaui.-r ItKIDflK- PORT will l.ave P-< k .lip ev.ry Moi.rtay Wmmwottl a»d F'iday. at 12 oVioclt uoon, arrivins in tdme t> co.mect wrh all the expr.. tiHi. - OEORfJE \V. I70R-IER. Agent ¦fVJORTTIERN RAILROAD ot N. J..Iva** 1* foot of Couril.tid-at, Jerwy City Fe.ry daiW (Sondeyi eioept.d). ba. m aod 4 and 6 p. tn., for l'i< runutand Sun*n>a; 9a ni (arPkraaOta. I-eeae Kolleiea ot'l. tn a i... aud' aa*. aud Plarn.out 8 and 7:Jft a ui aud 3:40 aod 1:11 p in Stace. eonrw. t f.,i I!«k.-'-»<» Nyeea, S.»i Ity . ,.l H.rv-a'i.w VOR 8AO HARBOR, ORIENT, and GREEN- I PfiRT -T*e ateamer MA8SA('Ht'!>t:TT3 Capt *V. $. Haven., h.'ii'P ejegai i «t ite-ro«m and ''her .- ootouaod iMona all n-w, will lenre pi. rNo. KUnme. .'ip. Kn.t River TL'KSDAY, THIRSDAY andSATIRDAY A l-TEU^OONS at 6 oV.lor.k. Will ieare Sng Harbor Jalv 4 at 6 p. m luatead of 4. p. m. DAY BOAT f..r WE8T 1'OINT, NEWBDROH, a:.d PorOHKI.EPSIK-The ateamboat ALIDA will |a»t* Jay-a:. 1'ler dailA a.t P.R" a. m. laudlng at Wrb-.t PW, re- turnlrg to the city at (f 80 p m Pawni:e'« for ATbAiiy Troy, Saiab-ga, or any polr.t *V*ft. e_n make aure connectieu at P^urbaeepaie. Ttaggete t'.n.'i rrrd fre* Fire 6" aaag* STATEN 18LAND FERRY. KARK WX CENT*. Bonta leare every hout froiu .> a. a> lu 7 p _., foot of Wh'te- IkVI The 7 and 9 a. m 1,4 and 6pm bo&ta from New Yoik ceunoo with the Btatea l.land R.ll.<ad. On fine M'ND/'i b th* boaU l.ave erery balf hour. K~~.A1LROAD to LONO BRANOII, N J..RAR- I'MN aod DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD. Tle,i.»c. boat. BIP VAN WINKLK and AL1CE PRH E will leare Robinaomat wbarf (n-.rth aide) nt H a. ni and 4 p. tn., connect- ti.g uitb, car. at Fcrt Moiii.ic.uUi K.tnrr.in.-. tran.a arUJ I.mvm L«i« Rreoi h »t II *. aa., N ¦ m an ! I n. m The Ali. e Price arlMaaak* aa eat.a trip K\ KKY BATURDAY ArTERNOON et M <.'.l"ek, fi-ni f<vd of K.M'im.u at., mtt tiig an B-tCB triiu or L*a| Bia.cb aadotfcai -t>'i.aaa NEW-YORK amf~*ERIE~RAII,ROAD . Dl'NRIRK EXPKFS.H at * a ax.for Drmkirk Boffalo, Canandairua. andMrtucipal Statir.t a. MAII, ^t R 1.". Jrtn for D.fnkirli kii.1 Inb-nnadiale Rtatlon*. T> ia Tram remaiua over nigiit at Eiiuira. WAYat3:45p m. for Jliddletown. Newburgh and lit-Troedl *te Stetlona M.H1T EXPhESB. tailu. at ip. m, fer Dnckira., Baffaio, Canendaigna »nd priuclpal HUtloni Thetraln of Palnrday «top* *t a'i ir.ail traln atatioua. and rina ouly Eluiire CHAB MINuT Oeneral Bnpt U)ntcr-(Tnrc. MOTTaT PROSPEOT WAT^R CTTRE, lSins;. han.tcn, N. Y., eight bonra from New York city by rall roaA.Thla eatabltahmei.t baa a lorafluu nnaurpaaaed ln niatura] advaetj,.,., by any tvth-;: Every faMllty foi cimfnit and the r-ccrery ofhealth vriM be fonnd. A larte gard.n la attacLed tc the tr*tui*»a, fro.j whii.h tlie bii*st ttrawberrie. vn!l be .erv-r! thla-icnth. Forrir.tiiar. .. Idreaa J. B WOft-H. M. D itUuiral. HEALTll OF AMER1CAN WOMEN. I. *TM KITK. Kv Irine !l, IRTiO. Dk. Bkiihk./'«(' Sii .-1 ain agraiinate of _M lcal collegcr Eithti cu moiitbt ago 1 bad aeTen caaca of Mlt N leinal. di vn.-' t k.A ' kod frtnt'yfailtd '<> cirt. Oa* IaiIj- hal t i.y-t<ric«; ou<- had ¦*!¦ iiried BftM tinica. ,,),.) wa« iu \ rv k**a aaaaaWn MH bad every aymMom of cpileptlc con- vtModi ea*a pwnl upon deraaged meniinatataj; othcra had .: r.tiea. ani all tha RHM «r, .i;.tcii;.« of .oi.tinued nttrine d< ransi in.nt. llaviug uiy attention lailel ta tb' (,i:aki Mii aa M u.-HAi.t.'a 1"thi:j»f. (.'aiii..i.k o.\, 1 u.ed ir, ami ll i ITftXD Ew RI ( ARE. Tnn:i Baa aai rkkn \ im.lk r-Ait. u ia n- oraai C. J. NOItiiiiV-ITON. IBI ORAEFEMiKRO MARSHAI-L? UTftftlMl CATHOLK 'N h afaevi a* a e*fta_t vu* ia afcore. fViM X| 50j,tr Ullie. Ta* Ko« Bll DoU all PlTI R'>1 .: Bg fj.vr n atoaa-B, ami CBaaWBI Pkbvaik ro tub i.iu or Eaieuioii L.Nit PaN Nk»- i..kk. jftj A.M.ta. JOSHUA P. BBIDOE, M. i>., It.-*;.!. t nyaaraui Oi No ii aWMD-fT., NKW-YORK. f|»- Dr. WMift tn'.' <;f'i«(/fo ]>fvjt,iiu. ,1 cillt aud rrriit patini't at hii rrridrnce v: >>.- Ut<\rjenbrrg Imtitule, No. 'JJ K_w-Vo_ IOBN80-T" VEGETABLE COLUMBIAJt '." BATHINO CRIAM for tbe B«th and Narwary. J^Oid bv J. _ L. Coddlucto:., No. U5 IlroadwKjr. Cawwau 4 Mai-k Klfih-aaauine Hotel: lUii.ee 1 Park. Park-plaoei M K toi 4 Robbl a,N* BI Falto -t C. R. wra, N l»F Helefc. Rnek-l. No 21"(;ieei,«|. h-t S: 1- BraWhen Fnlton, l.iiiu r ol i'i. ;..[ -ut «t.. Baa) J |**«*\ M*. tfO MyiBa* .*. t- uanted._ pUHBlAN VAPOR BATH, No.62 E.vt CTth-at.. I » neJ.r 4hav -llii n-ul< opened eatnbltahnient ia ere ted afl.-r tl.e moat approvod Eoropeeu plau, a.d provijtid witl ail i:.r d.n: lr.pro\c:i ii.U Tb* R. V. I'.atb I* B-OWa to be tn« r.eateffit.1 !.t rt-n.edr ln .;,...-. of Oolua, Coogba. Oout. RheB- mat>u: Farah-i- (""' ¦'' »'»*« tiir a BUdaiiai by tbe .i.j.p-e. -ii r-j«li..ti..n ol the .kin. Dp-i ". a m. to '. p. m., and lata r i: taatn J Pei Lielioi relvfromlOa m to 1 p. m. On Bundara. oyn for Oea- l eti <i. (Uly fiom-a. Bk to 2 B. Bk. Tllr.H QHIitEi. L'cgnl Noticfe. IN PFRSFANCE of aa «_« aftbe Banrofate Of llie coi.uty o! N.wi.k, Notne I* h.-l.-by gi»en to *JJ P-r*on. uav_ag'eklaaj aaalea* ANN PROI DKlf, I.t- of tbe rNewYork, widow der-a«.d to rre.M,,t the aanie with ,,,: bentbereol atbeOaiceoi i DWARD D. EWEN ..t. in the ( itv of New-York, on bU, «_, o: N»T( Diboi u. At¦.7VJ^'N,r'S.V;',ritiKiT,t d.yc-M«y -IU _WiftD,>*EAVEN,' rny9 lawbinW Adrniniftr to^ 4. artth tb* W UI aaaa .1 IN PUR81 ANCE of an oTatac ot Hm Bturogate f ilaa Coaatrof rtarw-T**-, aatioa b beraky rif*_ i* all .**¦ ?ona harlng c.'aim. agaiaat HENRY OOL08.E1N,ka. aftU. ( itTofNew York, i.>d preeenl th* aauue witb rouclien tl "renf, t.i tbe aubtcrib.:.. at the oltce of Abfau. J. Dlt* No. m Broadway, in th* < rtj of New-J o/k, m, arr -.-',.:.. lne_ n-t day c: Septa nber iiext - Di ted N>w-V erk. the tSib day oi r ak> "SJ-"6*., . ?^_?^VoTMnASTOra Kxector*. l__ lawtimWed LAZARt 8 OOLD8TEIN, S J \ PTJR8UANCE ofaa ordei <>f th-' kSairrogiito ,ftl.e('....l1t> of IHM.J-. ....t:-- It lier-tiy Jtren, a^ording tolaW.toaflperaoa*B*ritg I Mttb ertabs of JE3SE ( OFTELD, late of tbe town of Ret-gomery, b ¦ U ouuty, , j. ,. ., they n .. ir. d to prraent tho **me, » ,th the ¦.ben ll...-. of. t tue -... acribera^tbe ex^otoi. ..f tU lawt vilt end *r*t_tmrd "l a_tl dee. jaed ..t th ..ffl..- caf J>('i- i [, ,,. CAPRON k <¦...i..U.. j..'.;r ofW.loWta the mti Ifocataomerr, or at the ofcee of WILUAM H. WXk utin No SlWiUiam trt.lnth* City of New- York.oa af be- foie the lat day ofS.pl- inber nautt- Daf d t eb 11, U*30. f,... tu. lataayoi ^,UAM . scoKIELD, i rxec;ltori fl.Mawfn.W Al OUBT18 K. BCOFlELIlj||CIWWOT- IN FURBUANCE oi' tbeStatute relatiog to th- * atiibaraa of Inaoiveni Deb tn, aad af an <.,-oVf awala by WUHati W Sodbtiry, ( oanty Judte ol ( attai inguaCounty, Juiy ., ,|..,,edil..r. or.SI.I.RV.AVS U A'I K IV. .,.. rj ii d t Mi< r b*fvn i i nnty ¦' dgi, ». r;(^d.^!'ed'c',.ty 0Dtb*»i_to«f8EPTEMBER; 1 atiiAlck n i"., io aboweaiM*, if auy tb. rba.- .-kfn,.ifc:Kd notbc dlacbalfled frouibi, dlb-...~I)at^ juiy .mA,^AN.KRS.KL|njN.!Auor.i.y b rlaa*aa*. Jnryll, li -.vtwWed._»aalalab,«.T. eaTEW-YORK 81 PERIOH COURT..ROBERT IN t.oKI.Ei. piairtirt. aaakaat RorttRl' ROM «td NA- THANIE1 A.WULU-18 d. Suinniooai for * aaoaay* d."aud oa ccntract. To the' .save DEFF-SI-ANT.- »««^af <h i- You are bereby*awincnedaod nH^^. ° ."".ef':" 7.n i-ial'l ii. IMi ^ Uon-of wblcbaeopy I- berewitb ¦¦: <-i npon rw and to M-rve * eopy oi , otrt an.v .-, to tbe - Id omplaint on _°, .JbTaribirat hi. oin.-.- No W . -:: £ < /'> "' ^witiua^tlWo^d.^^^ . ill i.ke indiii.ent»I«i'i»t yoe for Ihe anni or twelve unne'red lo 1. . v. h intereat'on th*.U.n .. * Ifa.fio.n Augn-t I, 18» oa ahlr.,rtl.rra.,i.i<.f »15"fn.n on the fi.ither ,:,.;;¦.,::,! t.,.,..,-1 ..,,rf^. fiou. M*\ I, ItddJ, oalhafl tban M-O of «¦!¦" Irom Augu-t 1, DM miTibe fiirtlw »uin 11 HSOfrom MoramUer 1 IW.aiitba .-,.- ,-f'~ro' 'i- ,1.|.:. i. Maj I \'t'v,.rVVi,1 Va 'og^beramo nttotb. .id.-- C. o*U .¦: tbil ac:lon -Da:« d JnijeB. u>£- lliK.i:iu1.^.TAl.iA.UM;UWh:i;^v.t Tle aonalaini la tha'abi !TA*5)atiVite oB.eeol be Naa*r.Y*rk buje-n.;r (.<.nr the ty ... .,: the 1 .tu .lay ..i one .Wi.- D_t,dJnnel"l«*3* KREDER1CR B TALLUAUOB, q, pREME C0UB1 »«Jitj aad Oajuitj tJNew- k^ 1,..k -Willian, OlOT* aii-i Kr.J.'i. k Aallaoo, Pil .,.- t'lt.a...M.dlai.l- :°o^NewS'orl » bd.,of/«r dtoaerve . copy of you/ anawartotto aaidaomplaiiij «ftn."aulocriter at «*."*; ¦.d-n'iV.l'. UAI.DEN, w . Plalutltti' At* fiUPKEME COWE S«l^ ^rVroMDAi' .LEV^BAMlA Wft ...d '< It y and to J. rv. . opy;ofw« anrwti U^-J^ ; ri-u:,.'!.: i.; ..".^Vii. «f ju,.g,,,e,, ^ ffif*rtba |.ty r-ui bondr, .1 a;-d ..liia-ty. dlj-« . d »"'J »'{" ,1 .i.i auly. on »«* '«" ".' , . ,., ,i..,r,,f h«. e.ftee,.lh7d.i a'tbereof,b* aid. Ihe raata o! tl la acUou Dal.-d Maj lb. J*"- ,. ( llAMIO-JDi t POM1.RO., i'laiuljfl. ^H^dw.y. .iu. ...mplain.ab.-. , ^.iBtt-ntl! nVJf&S ^^ ° ii V^eVs'.'i'OMEROY, ^alau'wawT. PlaiuUBaAWomeya O0MMRRV1AL MATTKH8. Balra at Itan *4to< k I-iiharigr.It i v 10. g.non r B. la, 1 '.'"..'>.100,1 «Mi. higaii r.,,t..l KR.. II lo.nnnr. :'. '.., oi7i. .IM JO do. II! 10.(aJOTemie..ee Ba, IRir... PftjIliV) rf,..llOllj 10.4*41 do.bWSB 10(1 do.hlO 514 2"«i \ rraihta Sute C,. "MlHai do.ajfi »1 MB d.Mf 60 do.HI i.Ola N. CaiollniS.-.t. .>., i: d.. g|l I.mv Mi.-o.ri Mate «a, tl| M d...tl* 314 15,000 .1. tafjO Uljllttl do..»* Jl4 SfbCallfornl. 8Ute 7t K>]' 50 d.,.5,1 l.l.-o do. MOi lUO do..)-. -Il l.f.i.N. Y (.oii,l :..... Inij Iiyi ,1....bnw :.; IBftBltaRI IM M..:t...)!¦! 15 do.53 l,H0 Vii. 2d M...1. F..I.I T, 150 do.bbu at 1 -II > lie 11II. 4t:i .Moit.. 71 m>( hi. Hnr k 4J.nlu.RK 7H l.txn i. 7! B do.b3J 7»i 3,W0Ha4eonR<Y*rRR}dmtnAl 276 #*.... ;v I.0CO lUlleui I! f! l.t ui. rt. 9B I4M dn.hiiO e.W-O.Mi.h C. t It It. ,. p.e. lli«. Ileadii.a lUilroad bbo l.t r>- ¦__ K .-.uv'tnd. '.-, i «1 do. l.o-O.Vich fo-M-.V. K lior-.j '. » o«> do .1.10 4.' li ¦..(. d.. . U.. h 8.1 _.V!ud. O.Mk 89 S.KH'M. f< nt. U.R. I! ndt. M <M do.atBN 500 do. 'HJ'liai do.M 19 Maah.tUn llanx.14"' 4") d..!" g*j 70 V-nLai.t. I!..ik.Bl H*J do.a3 3a» 80 Phoei li Bank.107 >"0 do.b«o V> 120 do.!(7i'HVI do. 9Paok"f Couiuarce. 901 50 do lOfet-B B.ik."-I ?."> do I Ani ie.au Exchaagai BklOl l.'.'O do. 3':* 5Com_onwealtbBank... BtW lOnlTI fen I! R. Sorip BJ S Drl & Hud. fai.al Co.. »,(il50 do. iSS 20 ,'. .!#;; ii»i d>. fi.'.| .'¦OPaclfi-Mail 8. Co....3" 9rt 1-4' do .bM M 37 dv. 92J 2"OOal. kt'biV. R. R- 674 400 N. V. r.ntral RR. M 1100 .!...WO «71 670 d<. satilOO do.67 lMf.fl do. Pl.j.nuo do. b .1.1,7 JftO do.t:m 884.1C0 do.bofl «7 541 do.bhd Ri; 2«0 do.a'Obt.l 900 do.h.VM..i«l do.aOOCCa 50 je. bH *\ 50 do. 200 d.b'« HI 2..0 dl.M 100 do..5 88, illOCb-Y. aud Tol-do R. R.. 321 50 Er»e Railioid.bMl «4 :."00 do.I 3 ,b 0 gj _1 2M do.aVJIOOO do.I lOOHudron Riv.r RR...b30 fO '< do. JO do.50 M) do.32) 4'o do. 4"; 100 do.oiO 32 j M) dn.hr,n ,yi t-rttt do. 2*0 do.b30 491 100 do...._.. blO 3'1 |n llarN ui Raihoed. 1'I 100 do.130 Ifj 200Har!.u RR. Pr.f...bbo M HO do. 120 Mil. aad Mi.. R. It... fi imMirb. So J. N.Ind R R 151 450 do. 154 150 do. 15{ r.y, ,b.. lfi 55" do. W llU'Chic. ai.d R. 1. I!. H.. 71 2'Xi do.I'.O 7;j 400 do.'..b n 73 tm do.b'.l 71 M £. 72} ino do.< ,eB 'ii do.;.l,lo '" son likl do.t.blO 'li d-.i.7.: d<.'i.-tw 72i IBf'.ND !0'\nri. kOOOtl 8 N,'65...,. 1001 lOOMI h ("en. U.R. 512 5,i0f>V|rgiiiU6a..... !.li|i<0 do..60 51 j 22 000 Mtasoori 6*a. »ll .'0 ,1. M :'(),(Mi'lenn. ... '!?¦.. fO jl"* do.b4v«i 5J loxns. CaroBaaea.!*5j |00 H-. 52 SK.iMi- St '.«fitM».l«l|lH«J do.aln 52 :>..oPr kiv ( i.y W,t I.-i.lW :lo0 d.. l; SrTMtg K <V* Mi. b. S t N. I It II.. IM jH'o.ii.R IdMtir Plt. 97 o do. V- 1,000 MI h Bo 8 1 Bda.. 7«j MO Mlca 8o. fc N. 1 Ona 10.000 Mieb.Ba Id Mtg.... M ttO do.bbo 80 1000 d. 56] K4\ do..'.} 55.. CblcaRn k R. I R.R.... 7/>| 200 do.hM ft. HI do.bMTSJ |5PaBai_RB.UI I Bmnawick Cliy Ld Co I N M .tBHrl IBPadlrM.B-.Ci. Bl BlfeCeat RR. 8-rip... f,b\ BH.Y "Vl.ti-1. 83 j 50 0*1. a fhic. P..R.....10 Mi, tl# do.bBBilBI A>.BBfl »oo r.rie Railioad.20' .'.O do.tlO 661 lno de.1*0 2i>; 1 a. do. :. r. K 1. 124 150 dn.btO ..7 100 JJarl.'. Ptl .b« 891 Ivxifl-v _ Tol. U.R.M] l'i ,i.tf.j .va. do. I.mio Keadlt i- ij.R. <2j .**> do.5 9*i it.b60 4)1 l.ai do.b30 .12, 50 fhic, Bnr. * Cl'iio.y... 754' a B1HIS« nOABD. ral.c B MUSilverHllI.l-^ li lOOBorklxud. 27 IflOGardneY.bld 7 |M «.,.b30 2'.. l"'l:,. ta . u5J ¦oC, lin.bi.ii. i-i ¦_,'»_._ Bid. a_ d Bld Aaked. :crrerFa!laM. fo.ll lLPontiac. 41 5 e.-.t .1. 9 9{ Quincy.f>\ 87 Fran. ir..351 V) Ho k.aad.27 2.J i!.ii.o.'k.7 I Yapstioa.4 Me Rnyale.1< _ 17 HamiHon. 1* . Mr.ii.r3.5 5J (ol.in.hian. 3; 3| 10-_.8.1 »?> Phenu.. N.-v\ 3"i i-arliner HU1.T II N'..¦(!.(.!». 3] I OaUfBTd.3 3i P»«dbic .'.2 MjlVnrth St-te. 3J Pitubargh.t-5 (j,:SilYer HL1. I| li B- TV-ftBAT, Jt.ly 10.P. M. ]Iut-ibt.-Mi B m_ -ttatt K.vcbutige t.i-.lay wue more HltiV4',ai"l the ei.iten.eiit Bd kjfeit'er llnii .it ¦_. t_M linre ttoWfarfw of W5J ami '58. Th.- baytm w. eweD .:ietii''tif-<i, Bsd-M bjJB-Bb-bO-O orttaB, iiii'l U) !nkf a Guijii iu th« Hp«culeiiv« movemeni-, waa rrnm M>\* for thi« h-ub/ti of tbe ytsar. Kor the \\ estait- A ¦" -, if :ir'i«.:i'i'*.l to a mere a.'i-ain'.l- B B bj ii bby4M_ pjaB in bB, utiti tl c biJs n.llci i:r "" ln*> BJh wit'i gnut ro.riiiy. l_a only e.x.ep'ion w*m CktaBJOi B-r.gtaTaa, aud CJ i'i<y, wliicb, ua bBBBJ acBet.Ji <li..yi;"l BBbBBYbJBI PfilB trartaf il- Bty. Tlie IBbBBBJ .AUnded to pTtrW Ydk < "l.Mi.i, Etta, R4»at_fl ]li.rlflrn Prt_a»Y_il _trj oiIiitb uf our loea! et«.i\H, li.it ihcrv wa« le.B cl_- ti.ity in thc.e tUn in the. WlBBB a_S_ WMeiut detailfl in inrir.iliT BoefcB, we may B UiUrkoT m :i atlMBglj iMIWiTBBwf BwM lluawgllw. _M MawkMof mbB Firtt-BaBria Tr.e BflBBBd Bbm I ."'- aa MBtrij (U^OBbBBBB Bf BM 'l.iy. __ Um prffB- tt.bbbBbbBbb wcrc bBB vcry luriif. Ib Lb-BB tli*;c wtu- aleo brirk movements. aud the dt-iii_id fur .S'.a'e Htucl.s inth- itf'irno BWBI vik;oroui4._iajiii:i|irovt'_"ir. ttt | f orllt ii! Mir."u:;.\ a:nla __BQ aJ\ BBB iuutberp. Baflwaj i',..i dl w.'H-liiet-ii.lj .let.it.d B]ajo,a__Bt)ri_a| M'ttonoe iM-tM Of _l bbbB a_ki MaWYafBI S'.nthern rafata b_I0 ib> ii- whu ii vety kfiaBBw Btnifj. Mi. Ufja- feB-tn BlCu_ MtWtfa-fri advaiKcd to MJ at the S(.coiid Uoard, ai.d tlu boudd wBB in detuand at that artea _t u a Ib_. flw BBaaBf b_bBB_ bbb iu re aDBai at TSJa Xbt BCPJIwgBB IBBBBbbBB B «V»tb Be*. gitBB lfa-4» $lay4V0Q0, ii'id it id a siu^akr coic-ideuee >.!-:.t t. MBO. W_ ' (fO_lj 'i;vid'-'l, fu'.ibg'ip $i)7 000 .t e;, I. Hu-i.l. AIbIm8b«1_b BBlti tl.« excitenieiit COBt-i !. -i b_4|_1b-I-I BTbb_1_B_Bm1 BTwfw Iiigher il.nr. tl" beBqOtyBaMtM Ut _M moruing. Jiir? bufuro ,.,.,.,,. ,,i ,;, MBBtM, bovf-vcr, the BBfefcB wao a Iii.Im ttiire. imd after _M adjuurunitiit Ba_MB fBfBBBJ }4J } f BBB foi i early all of tlie b-'i^itia] gtaxkn. B_8 iriirk.t _d_g rtenly M (I* bbbbbbBB, but raOier dull. There wasctjidrntly coDpiderable realiziiiR dnring the duy. th>i ently movere in tl'« -|. k_BBB BUBj bB* opiuitanity to ajM-B in tii'ir proQui upou a s'roug tnaikcf Lu!. -M iii.i.'UM.l BBffaJ #f BB*. MBBB- B l.uvt- bgJt luile BB fcf tbe time. To tltuee who avatch BBJUB B|BlBaB 1 OOnily. it ha* boen evidetit that the ttdBS BBt ff .Y'-'.-rdiiy ai.d B >-b) BB I »'' H ¦''-it fJ litpt, altboogh tb« «eiifflttl rnrrent ol _B irmrk.-t in un- di.iiUadly toward mij./ovem. ul, liciwe the balt in tho in '.tni-i/t tbia a;iornion wa« noi nn'-xiveoted, Hh<i it will BBMI-H.B BB rwgar.lcd aa a f-ainie in tbo ojierauons, if, aa ii actmi DOt ui.likdy, t__rcacf.ini ia more etrougly ttoTalcpt- to-montrw. Tbe incre-sed activity _d tue Bat-rialbdn i-"1'- Wc,~^ !ii«vedravTii iu.uiite a ubb«V of ontaidi »!_.», bb4 IUi laBfirtBB bIbbBBH inSBBtl will cndynb.edly Bi-BBl B tho t*Bi$mm ¦.. bi-'b l_» iiiiprtrcinent iu BbBB - BB atr .leveb.fd. Jt no» ye'. ho »ever, importaot ,..'vl>'«> I'LV.-nt BB ¦. BbBB- BBBBBriBBf and tui h a cbe. k wiii be all he bettei A r the market. The CBBtafl DttaOi w*re: Fur Lnited St BB B, I*"', 101T* lO.'i laiiuia BUB .'-»., o_*«Mp|| IwBBBBB JJUttti »jb, VaTgBB. fc. 91|af91|i Noi_ CBkTB.Ba*_B _>Buan BBB b_, Blje»8l|; CiailiiilBi hBBtwtl. IS»Wl Pl Ik _J_««>»Jl t«"«w- York Cebtml B3}«waHl KHf Kailrt^d, 90f*9«Hi Hudwri EHw?b_b__b- »I»ej| narlom Iiailroad, Hfxa_aa IBuBbbJ PrPiom--i 3B4BBBJ B>»Vj* ¦I iBBrBBB, lv;.;l-..'; IM igan Centrul R_1-ob-, 'i,^."'J; Micbigan _oa»h«rn, 16_ _»I»>|s laW-fB g atlu-.n GnaiBiiieed :fja:k.| Pi__« Hailroavl, ., (Ja-tral U_r«d ?>"., -z U-*. _aJ__ BB4 Ca-BkfB bb_bB 'ii Cl-'Velaud and To- I'.do Uiubbid ;v:;-a..¦¦.'.; CtiicaRO H_d aMk lobuiil .ii;ro-j.l 72|4>7-4j Clucig.., 15a»lii....'tuii aud t^uiucy KHilrad, Wfa 75|. ¦] ',-..,. i.lo...i. I)4_tort-4I HIBBB bBBbB- rowl... BB^ BB ab-U There bjrjfl b-BBBM uf bBbbBbBbBJ to inake ahont thu !).'¦. tt t> l.aukera to<>k B_*_BBfB of tbe BBUBllBHliyB a-Iv.-ibotlie BBB j oen». 1_ Bapftj 0* eBBMl ritinai'ir#8h_ br*ii m rkrate. St-rling iat lftl'i ' HO. vBBmB HMju I0!«;. bTbbVmBb tarBfklM To Liverjxio!: _,000 boxee CBBBB 'per BM, I.L'OO bl.lrt. Flo.n B '>¦ .'-d. I .*¦ ¦* lOOOBBbb. WBbB |MB,flJ N-i l5,«0iaWBBWlBBl ,,,o BU_.i-r.i. inbar'e.ut UM. 51 bOB4M P'*-" BBJ 10 hhde. UauiB (BB* t'eanieri at '.15b. To EaBBBll I > boxee TotBoco at ?oi>.; 17,000 brjeb. Whcat, in b*gi, at i 9.1 a 9J.L T., R..H, r.Ljm: 1,00« bbla. Roein at 3*, "'-I. ToGlaagow: 300 hbla- Flour on private tenna. To Bnrccn: .100 bbla Shoc IV gs a'. '-2*. 3d. To Ant- »'r,,: 17,000 bvaa. Wbeat, in a-hipe' bu«*, al 10d. A larl ... ivttv with SaatM "n I'livat* terw*. A bark f.i llri-f" a, i»|. *if.ivefi oti priva'e .erro«. A brig of 000 tajaaj roi.o.ih Bide f Cnba and back at 40c. for Sigar i.i,.) fj gaf M,,l^..ee. A vea*l a- IN tOM booie from the Wrtt latMba a' |4 oO tun, port < harge* I**'*. A VOftati of '-:00 tuiia frt:m r.^rth «ido ol (Jnba on privata terme. A rvaaaj of 300 mns to smth aide of Cnha and bat k a- !0t. At Sua-.r aiid f3 for Molaaaea. Oue of .J.'O tajraj ..tn i. tWWajJ [aafiai for $l,J00,|«oit aadarfaj ¦ail. A haiK of'.'^i'i.-i. fxOflJ ii-irtli aiJej ..f CgajJi at |9 M for Stigar MTirl«af-J ."/> i'..r M<>lrt«»Pe on deek. ffgaj BdjaiaVM -f tl^ S'lli-Tw.niry whp: Reoeipt.., <ri!0.;:!l ?Sf-for t'tutonia, fllil.OOO; Payinente. |0f,« H9 ?:>; ¦awaafawklMM '»: Bt. Tbe eamiug*-of tha Mkbiajan SotUaWn Road sinee the (...jiiinucetTitiit $t ifca aUeal JtaW minpare ae foi- lowii: [Mf. 1S60. , Mar-b.*l(d,t*5 45 $i73.5i:s If Apiil. 145,358 39 1IW.995 !W M.a. 1380*414 174W75 , JurTe. Uft.MII i:«i,344 8.1 TotaJ fonr mcntba.. #540,763 46 a**5 h.m MJ ln.- aaag. l.a,lU 57 The fiienda of tlii- rott.l aiiihioate earning* of $.{00,- 000 i»er nionth in Seprtwlier, fJvtuber, and November. Tbe (arniiiga of the Illinoi* Cential KoaJ the liret wtek of Juiy were a* follow*: Flrat week, 1»«0.#41.429 Fti-t wtex, 1859. 33,317 Increaae. *«,03i TL© ean lnu* of the t'leaeland und Tuledo Road for the firat wetk ofJnne were: U>X>.»11,952 lMi9. 11.101 In.iea**. *H51 The (ialeua Road eamed for tho fjrat week of Jnly: l««o.aMMH I ¦¦. 22,6;i9 Pajaag vae. * Ma- The Adriafic Insnranr.': Ci.nitany ha* oVrlartd a ¦ nii-aDii'ial ditidend Oa* I 9 cent, payahlo on de- ruand. The I'ucifio Fire Imraranc** Conipany hare dcilarcd a bb*b*WbbVbbJ dividcnd of li tv ccnt, payable on demai.d. The Fnlton Fire Iuturacce Conipany Iiiive doalared a sni)i-i.nnual dividend of 10 \' ccnt, pajable ou Jemaud. Ihe Iiiiport'-rn and Tntdera' In- nurjiice Coiupuoy ha» declartd l itemi-auDtial dividcnd of 1 tf <ent. Tho Fireuian> Trust. ln.tirancc OaVJafaV iiy of RnKflilyn liaw di-< !«red a dividend of I l* cent, aanraalg cn demand. The btkalBaVal of the Ctaaillj BtMftaaWaM Km\74&,t09. Auontion is aaaM to tht> etiitiruent ol the coi.dkioti of the la-1 KeU'e Savinp* Inrtitijli.'ii ol St. Lo ii», itt another column. The ¦atwj niaiki-t 11 MaMbM in the unnie eaey comlition a* IgaJtMa nifiitioutd. Dtataai louii*,.">«»> t <«nt. Kie*t elas- pa er, Sa C v nn'. foi ahort. and o^al tv cent gavloag liatts. Ti.'um iry nDti'BfiTeselliiiirat 1 f cent pra-ii.ji.ni l-.r long | (' .ente, und | V teiit for WmJtL A ailnmaal of fOO.OoO Cmpoii (lovermnentos, 1W4, rui rrade at 10 '. Tii<- Su!)-Troiwnry is being rapii'.y dt]ileied, hut \ve hear nothing fn»m Wiinhington in re- liard iothe new Lan. The .Secretary can hardly Ra> pe t to iiavo a moie favorahle time i*or pattinir a por- lii.u of i' 011 the nuiiiet, and if thero were a tindncier ii..'. i.d of ¦ baikwO'HiH Lawyerein the Treatury, the 1. »t would have re, u on the niarket befoie tliie*, in- iitend of reiawoing TftataiJ X.iien at 6 l> ceut iutoreet. \V( hrar tli.it ika advi-iaeriK-nt of eah- uf the Krie Road nnd-r the fore loanro ?nit of tho Kii'th Mortgaue, .\ill bppear iu tli- nuiiee of ten da)*. We nnderHtaud that several Bi-itr3 for dam«Ke« 011 bogus New-York ;u 1) Xcw-llaveii stotk liave been couinionoed agiiii.et partifit who were directors during the Sohayler .cginie. W* annex a icnparatiTe etatement of the exporta exclnBive ot jj>eiie fro New-York to Foroi^u l'orw, for the week. and ft-aM .Liu. 1: 1N5-, 10ft. IStiO. K.-rtbeweek.ai.*a.lM ai.Oai.Pa- *l,47";,n.il .y teportaaJ.M.444.W »: IH J a»,»U,4ftl «|.-.Janl.*>_*7l47.4>51 *i'.40f.'Jlii *45,13l.35l Among the axporti »ei« 212,4100 bn.-hehi wlieat, 10,400 buthele ct.rn, a_d 13,908 bklft. Ilonr to I.iver- l^ol: !",r00 tiiBl.elB vl.it, __d 7,600 bbla li.mr to 1.1, 1 |M '.l 1-. j'.hi to Brlafjol) 4,360 llli. Hour, :;i d IJ.000 lushele wheat to (.laiii^ow. Tne annexed 'abl'. ehotva the per centage of upeiie i,. i.t d.p...-iie Ml kf ihe 'ity t'anktj. Uf the lifiy- tive banke, ona holde ncarlji aU t> .ent tonet dejioeitu, one ntarly 4*» t' teut, tbn* report from '¦& to 40 ?* enr, seven l'rtiu :i0 to .'15 tv cent, thirrw n fnim 2-~> to :»0 t' out, t«emt-two f:oiu 20 to S i' cent, and eight m it le-.s then "30 f aaajt. l-nk.f New York.?.'..' Bar.k cf N'nrtb Amerlca.II j Manbhilan I'.ai.k.ftO lanover Ilenk.lifj M.r 1,11,1.' Itank.:('.' Irv'.i.f Bmik.'.'f M. rhani.-.' Bank.i'ti M.-irr.p-'li'an bauk.3¦'¦ OnionEank.I"l Citiaeiia' Hank.2a» l'..,,k *f kaaerlca.*M Na.^111 Bank.113 I'lir ii Kiu.k.33l Market BaiJt.231 City Bank.» i-H. Nicbolai Bank.*¦¦* rrad.'tni.n'a Bauk.WllSho.. au>l L.-iher Hank.Ihj Fi boa HaiA.2n, Corn Eti hange Bank. M Cben ieal Bank.'"i Ceatlaental hank.*<i llercbanU' f-il.ai.ge Hk...2-2 I'.ank oftbeCoinuiouweelrli 30 Nariotaal Pank.»o Onertal Ban*.KtJ B :.'.»' and Drovera' hk..2.' uManne Kank.'«« M- l.ani.V aml Trader.' Hk 21 i! Atlantie Bank.*>} ...liUauk.141 loiu. anJTre4era' Benk ....15a Lrather Maaifactiireri' Kk.Ili Fark Bark.»i BeTeolb Ward Bai.k.W.'l Arti_u_'Bauk.45^ Hank of State of New Y.rk.43 Merlieniia' Bk'g Aa.o.-iat'n.2.'.« Ao.erican Kmbanre Ba. k. ?8» Oreoer.' Bank.UI BaabefCotaaiere*.M| N.>rth Rivcr Bank.3fij Broanv>ay Bauk.22 Eaat Rirer Bank.1H1 11.. an Bauk.*>i K. Y. Dry Do. k Bauk.. Mer.eiiiile!!eiik. »{ S. Y. K».-liange Bank.. Fariac Bank.W Boll'. H^ad Bauk.. Bauk of tbe Repnblic.......37 N'. Y. CountT Bauk.. t'l.ati.ain Bank..?.. .2i t Maiaif. and MonbauU' l!k... iS*aaV*iaii.11 A e uioarison of the pretent eonditiou of the eouutry MmkH of Mawafti btaMtJ with the tignrf8 of the provior.8 raoi.th, and alro th<«e of one aud two years ugo, pre- nei,n> the followipg changeg: June 2. rifitil .tck.**i 512 SOO Loaiia ecd diacounta... t~ i''< t St» ie la bank. 1.631.716 Bulanreauot on int.... 5.t: Duefroiufctbirbank... l,aWlJM f.u.- to r.th.-r banka- 417 244 DiporlU. !it.i»i.li,7 Clr.ulatiou. 15,183,133 Cotcpaii-.n «xi-.b correBponJing peiiod of laetyear atd 'jf 1808: Capil'L Loan*. Speeie. DepodtJ. Clrcn'n. .In..e30, lfaSP.$a3S,er4l l7,655,Ufi L&M74 8.M4 t»_l \\W*» Jui> I , 2ti5.7y* 1,793 932 H,t61,74l 15108,011 luly3' ltM. 2K,742.*aJ aj.12l,141 1,7^2 W»5 ti.972,261 l.',3JU.H1 . Tl - aaaaagaa of canl»al la liy tbe atandnaaaf Bauk of Lowell ilJJM ai.d .-hrlboun-.e lalla Bank wMJmX The ptateiueut* of ihe I'hihidelphi.i banks for the part two Wteki eooipsre a* Ibllowa: Juiy 3 Juiy 9. l.a,u:.$ll,7l'i«!5 a>n,Tfl 713 I^inr . *i HOHW6 »>,8»,*W aWrl-. 4,^4549 4 Due fro.ii Banka. 1.508,273 1.717,'JW Duit..B.uk.. 2W1.441 3,15i»,.|1 Deeo.it.. 15.1-14 Mr. U,«K»1 ClieuUtion. 2,o%,7s5 I,9W.3»l Tlie re.ln.lion of tJie debf. of the ilichigan Central Kailn:ad Conipany iotiag the year haa been addnced oj iij fiiend* ae a »ery la\< rable feature of ihe teceut .mrnalrepoif. Bawilg rewived a pauiphlet copy of i.hat ra-jxtrt, w* are nabhd to diacover how thia re- lin liou i< tk pluee, and tiud that onr etafemoni wui aaajaj, that it was by rea.izinn ae*et>. Tbeaiinex-.d 9i.Mirea ihow timt tbe redueliou of aarcU is $:K),7'J0 0a. .»ti r tl:an tk* r.-i;a< ti'-.n of debt, and ihis aruoant ia iurt ihe Igaj on the year* bcniutBe. Availablo iv**t* of the Michigftn Ceutral Railroad Ctn»i*n» ',J ,H¦',.,. l*"r lr,Jl11^"11^1 Caab ln baud and lo.n.J ou call..MrfN 21 Accotnitaandbiiia rneivtJ. _!I.5TJ 83 A«el.ljib...da',f <> M..y. 33.5IH I3 Aa*eltwb*udeor R.N Rk*. 60.50U 41 Total.?371,1134 64 A -arre in 1«0. (aaliinharul.*MM* M I billa raeeieed. *».1«* W Aia.UlnUacdl Jt (I. Maey. t 424 *. AaaeU lu barda uf R N. ¦ I. 44,151*7 TotaJ.d>la>3.0».l 00 Redactioti in aaaeU .lniii g tl.e year. 310,123 64 IIBUT ix 1M6H BonJ..$,-9*»,2?2? Bi.:.i*rable. 90..1 U*a^«Tid*af. M" °" Tot*l.#8,005,650 60 Dbht i.t 1*59. Bond..w«,l»4.4»« l'r.p*ld Jhld-tJ. . 4*°" T0t.l .$\> 1114.983 89 tt.rfnell noi-deht . 179,331 » n.rt"rti-.n oiaeni. «!« aea ad Krdu.Uoul..a_aet..;-.-.. ai*'l*J it RvUoctl«u_ia«Kta«,*r red -tlculn de»|.. I.." We tuuaot tbe fohWiiip; fromWiUia-i P. Wright A CVb New-York C'otton Circular: ( R.ii- Theaecomtafrom the South couttnae of a reyorablo cbt.a.t.'r. aeaao.-bl.; laaeaj ba.a ral^a, rotlow.«l b,. waru. wt.lb.r .onplaliita b.«» reaaed, and eYerything la In ra»or ol aU-Beand'-arly Yi.-ld Theflrat bale of new Codon waa re- cVii.'d in NewVrb ». iron- T.xaa on 3d tnat., thi. JjU d.y* ..B-Hertbaninanj «f tne paat 26 y.ar. If taken ... an lal-atr-n ol tbe forw.rrfne,, of taM rro,.elv, ,t I. ImporlaM; butaaa ciit.-ii-n of tlie probable extent tbereot. it la of no vui ie. u may be f.nind l.i .todOngtlie follcai I table of d.t-a of hr.t bafc reeel -d wltb the to.«l rop. In iIbb the tirat bale waa reeeired on 15th Juli. the.arlie.t by more thar. a we'k of w.y BB**.o " year .In.-e tW. ,pd vet Ihe'rrop fell .hort by eOO.OnO bale. of tne . pr.c<-oir girop lln55,: _ , Yaai i..te/ Crop BaMalYear. Pa«e. ^"r^rT.-, IM*. taff **. 1 :a-ltaol|mt..Ang. 5.?"2S!_, ll8»..Aor 14.I,a23,M0 1HI-I.. Ang. 7.a'!!?I'.. 1 tn« .'...l.BM.«->||M«O..Aiif. 11.V\" " '.. g H.-l.»ai.CflOjl'*l..JiilT 2S.:' ol-'Ot"' IM9..A4.J 4.iU77.fO» IMB..ABS. 1.3-y,!'__ 1840..a'nig. ».l.63.V*.|ltt53..Aug. 9.2- __2 1»41. .A'K 1". I.f »' *il8H...Iuly 25.!""* 14.' .Ang. «.2 379.000 t:i55..July 2-1. 1848.. Ang 17..2(.:io0o0 HcC.Juiy 15.2 lfc4d..Julv II.2 395<Nwtt57.,Aog. 15.1 114 1X19 iWS July .(<>.i.lM.ota.) I8'Nf..Joly fc. 1.851 Ootl ll^C.A.g 7.1.77o,u04i l>¦>''..J.'ly 33.- , tM7..An* ».2,3411.l*0;i>*60..J.ly 3.-. Fiom ll.i" Itwlll be aeeu tbe e-tcrtt of the T"p ia uot iuflo- em-ed bv tbe dite vihen the Irat bale la reeeived. R.lBl'l'l. Expokt.. a>e, sre aiuell aa 1. a.nel at thtaaeaaon there lt Be fi atnn in eltber northy of particuar n.r.lce. 'Ihe ralV.winf -. atata_a-l 4>flhe moyement to eMUna_u* the l.t c,t 8»pteniber laat. aa cnmpered with the previoua fonr y"n: IBiHI. 183B. ISrtH. 1SBT. 18.14b n_,'u,t p|..4.431,000 3,63e»,000 3.4.17,000 2,Kiii.(«J0 8,450,000 Kxd io(;t Bi ...It-lno l.mpi.ono i.tto.hoo 1,371000 I.8K 000 to Kratoe.... '574 <«0 414.1*0 873,000 301000 473 000 Ex to oth. r F P. 472 (»«) 5M.OO0 MBBb 4-I 000 54-2.000 Total Fxrort I STT.OM 2.846.WI 2.4.3>.,ia«i 2>4 ono Steckonhand. 234.'"* B-JJOO 212.000 l.Vi 000 122,0(10 Of whb h d.iring Ihe paat week. Incloded In the alore: Rei'Dta at P't. . . b5S ".""> 12.000 5 000 7 000 Fxn to Gt Ur.... L?.'00 18.000 3?.0O0 8 000 1 ¦..««.' Ea to Kruir.. 4 000 12.1x30 ?..<m 10 000 »' ...olherK P. 1 "0" l-""* 3""° 2""° MB Total Exporta..... 17,000 81,o00 44,000 2.1000 24,00 HfHiaiBY Breriptt.Increase at the porta, co-i.pan d arBB la-» y<B- 1H IU MM > rywelt-lnereaae to Oreat R 'aln, 75? 000 bale«; iucrea-e to F_.BV, lOO.OOO; decirate to other foisigi. poita, bl.OOO. Total lucr. ate lu exporta, &7(1,000 balea. -aa*- _liirkei--CJ.Ba»x".T Bbpobtbd fob Teb B^IBBIBB. APHE8.Tlte maiket for Tota i. ijuite ateady: the deatand f.ii M 1.¦. of M bbla. at a;5 12. PearW are lirui; aa'ea of 2o bbli. at #5 iu COCOi W e ...r of taleaof 15 bagaOnayaipiil tt l}c, rt b, kraa 24 f .nt. ( OTToN.Tbe market li .a continund uominal ai d dull; salea of THjO baka. We repeut fonBM qaotntiona HBY4-V4IHK CLIK.IPI. ATK.X. 1'pb.nda. Florida. Mobile. N. O.kTei. Ordlnary.6J lij . 6) MMdUng.l''i joj 10? l.l} Mlddiiug Kalr.12 13 12A 18 Kair...".12* 1*4 13 14 COKKFE.Rlo l. .|nbt bnt .t. ».ly aalea ofi7.->bui!. at I <1.. QlLw kkajli BJB allallfy >aiiaofi;7j baii« 8t Uoiulniio, jMirt at 12lc ca.-b 100TriagBCeataBleo, and Ino Triage Lagnayr.i ou nrWati I, rma: l..*0 bi-«. Mari. aibo, at l.tlSlljc COPPEK The market ia qniet. but ateady aulei of 80,000 IT, Lake Boperinr Refin*- Irgotat 21jc. '-a-h. KLOI U AND MEAL-Tne inquiry lor Wpyteni aad 8tat> Klour ia .piite active, but at er.aier rat.'a for tbe low anj un Jiuui gredea, f'e BgieuBd BBBB ex.epted; thla ia Ix reqoeet at t'nll raic. tor cxpoit. and in mo.lera.e a'ippiy; I'.imily extra. are wi'lioiit ii.iouhle change and are in fair re.iiic.t: tn* aalea ar- nbla. at 1*5 iyo>#5 20 for aupemiie Weateru, «>5 '25il> ii H for low g'«de» of evtra dn #5 Wa +5 30 for supertine «iut<- #S4)f_BfH for ej:ra St.te.¦the ir.lde raBt for Au- taBBB gtvaadi #5 fiO'tf #5 65 for choic* do #5 753#5 85 for .hiwdYa brauda of ronnd hoop extra Ohioj #5 90d»#7 50 for trad. biandfd'., and *.«.#7 50 for 8t Loula extraa. Ca nadi.r. Flour la ea.i. r IM l^e d.-inaiid qulte light. eiprclally for the low fadea. the b< tter btanda are acane and firmly held, wi'h ii cood ii'io iry; aalea of i>;0 bbla. at #5 15 for . iperrjne; #5 ;.5_»5:o forbpriug W'beat (itra, aud #5 55S#7 50 for W inter extra, R;e Flot.r ia In atei.ly dermnd ^nd ia rtTii; tale. of 160 bbU at #3 4".c7#4 15 Corn Mea! ia not nln.tv and price. ^re .ii.tai.d: aalea of ^4.0 bbla at #3 50 for Jeraey and &:« :.S for Brandywlne. FRt IT8 Ba.atBa are qiii-t; .ol^a o. 25,0 O Dnracoa focoa- uuta at #-^l V 31 i-''<w b IB. bea Dauanaa at *I<r¦*.! 2.7, 4.0M Ilavr. Pine.ppte, at #10 4* M aud 50 000 Bahama do. at7a K18H.The market I* extren.elY dull and tbe few euiall aalea m.k.i.g from ftore are at pncei wbich ere no criteiiuu 1 .r cargo tra: bbbBobbj th- orTetinga, hewerer, are lixht. GHAIN.Tbe W heat u.arkrt ia ugaiu eaaier at the de< line lb.ro Laagood -hipping d"ii'and, aud but tor the abaenc of .i, i_l t r. om a !frg« b.BBoaB wo.ild have betii doue for vxport: ihe .uci'ly i" Uberal aad rnflkra hold o(T. th* aalea are 11,000 buib Keiio.ha Spiinx at s>l 2H«a>l 27; S.lKO baah. Chicaev Surnaat #1 25;3J.ii». bu.h. Milwankee ( lub at a>l l* MB hii.h Anber lowa. at +1 *1: 3 2"0 btt.h. Red We»teni ut 4-1 ... u lrl 3«: o t0*> buib. good White do. at *1 4. ai.d 3,i»«. lu.ah. W ii'. h.: t> Vy nt afl 55 Hy.- iamore tileuty aa__a_e4 atHKdii?!- Oati are in falr aupply aud are leaa actiYe aan , of Cai ad.i Kj tat!8&3l | .: W. ,t<ru and 4 unadaYVe.tat 3:i«.e<v u,u! r«tate at 4. 6*4i}c aud reiail iota at 41c. Coru la lovrer, the airivab) are iinite iarao, ai.d tl.erc ia no d.n.an^ lor eij.oit; .ale- of 70,1.00 bii-ii. biken for the F .at and Cifv trade at 62''68c. for .o.ii.d MIa.iI WeaBeia; 64c lor ek.Ict do.; '.,i/o-jc. for rour.d Vel'ow-ll.i. i. v.ai.tid lor tho \\ .-.t Indie., aud 6«i. for Whtte HAY'-Thc tupply la talr; MNs of 1,200 balea at 75680c. aj> hlDES.The n.aik^t codinniB dull ^ud h*ay;-. and but little ba. been dnne aalea of 1741 Texaa at 17e., ca.h, aod2,250 Moute- vl.lto t" r Bi.aton, at about 244c, li.a 44{> <-. nt. )., i"V*_'l he d. ruand ia moderate w!e. of X* bal.-a 1859a a' C_ 11c. Old are iu .peculative re.,u.at at2_5c, inclndiug F-tif, ]-..,7tM,d 1 : - ... IP.ON.S'-oicb P'.g tt a'ei.dv, and in mod, rate reijjeit: nlr. of '¦'¦>¦ t. im al #22<7 J.28 tun, 6 moa., ex. tbip aud from yard; oth-. kinda are ouiet, \f t -toady. LIME.Tl e d. mai.J for Bajcklaadla moderate nnd p:i.'c«are ..'Hilv V c qnotrl ointnon atfif'c, und Lump at #1 M. «, MOLA88E8-Y etv little it doiug. The talea are not of anv lu i nrtaice. By Biii-tlen.Balea of H'i2 bhda.. badly daniaged. t art at25v_29JC, aud IM) bbla. New-Orleaut, at40c, caah and 4 .NA\'AL 8TORES.Spirita Turpentine it In limited reouett at .t.atly ratea; .ab.of .0 bbla. mer'bantab'e <t 39c, 245 do. ahlppiDgBt40e.l 23.-. New-Y'ork bbla. at 41c. 4j>gaL, c*»h, and 41 n i'l !a. duliyerable in Septemher.aeller'i optlon, at 42.^ Lrude iadull fornu.or Ro.in It qniet. eien at tho decllue; aalea of "n hh't at t>l 5o-t* 310 tt. m y-id. The n:ediamand n.ie gra-lea ,re tl.o aulet; talt t of 200 bhl«. No. 2 at #1 75 3M If :!00 do. P.leat #8_a>3 50, aud 400 do. WhiU Yirgin at #5 4* 200 tt. Tar coiitinuea dull auJ heayy. f)ILS.Tbe deiimnd for mott de.crlptlont ia lfiulted, bnt pric.t are u.alntained; aalea of 15.o00 gafi. Eng!i"h Liuteed, to nrriYe ni ubout Wi-., 'aah: tJ.o 5,000 bb:.. f rude Sperm, for the week at tbe Ea.' at #1 27</ #1 80, aud 2.000 do. Crude W'hal" at t:.o 44c ,> gal., c -h, with more juyera than tellers at our ex- tr.t.ie i.gurtt. ard IBI gala. Diatiiled City RedattVic, CJta. Otner k'.r.dn tell ilowly at ateady jrrtcea. PR()\ I8IONS- The Fork niark. t la hetter and more aetiye th. a.riial- aie moderate aalea of 1,260 bb'.. at #19 06« #19 12i f.,r nt w M»_; g>14-#H 11) for new Pritii* #Ut 25 f..r o'.r] Mi -a and *12 25-14 for Ruiupe. Beef iain fair roquett, and i. ¦mi \»itb llii.ltt'daniYal.: .hle.of 800 bbla. at *4 IB-gM Bi coun'try Meta; #n 50a #10 50 for repacked Meai; and #U& #12 50 fo. Extra. Piime Meas it in llmited d.a-.and; aalea of 87 tea onprivate ten,.«; ham. are in r'oderate deman.i: »»le. of 12fi bbla. gcod Wcttani, at *15. Bacou i. ia requett, at lu* i lljc 4'ut meata aie lu very metger ai.pply, and ero h> Iu at S:c. frr Shouldera, and 10ic. for Hama. Snnk.d Mt^t. ^re alao very tcarceanjinreqroat. f.urd l.flrmer aud in tair demand for the trnde and tbe F.aM. and, with li _it«d airiv.il. boidera are tinn; aalea of450 bbla. and tca. at U'"13 I'.utt. r is in talr demand, and ia ateady. at l(f«llc. for Ohlo and I3_1*C. for State. fheeie i. in uoderab- requett, at BgBJB, for Obio, and84^/llc for Stat. III(T. it 1.. good denund, a.,lta of 425 tca. at #4 62l<»$4 i~\ V liv fn, ... t., quality. bl GAR8. 'i'here ia a lairdomand _om Rehnera at e^ab.c.i Giocart biiy modoiately at 7|'d>7Jc aalea of*75 hhd>. Porto Rlot>at7-7M chieflvthe Utter price, ard l.lSu hhdt. Ct.ba. at oi'n'f,r. Rebui'd at<" aellit.g at loc. for Cra.hed, Orouud aud (,:a.iu:et,'d. M1EDS.Cah'.tta Limted ii qiict, but hrni, In B.tton, at 01 70; aalea of2 W>i baga Bombay. to arriyc Irom London. at aboul #1 7r.^f>b..li ,4Mtt- ypiCl'S.W'e liear of aalea of 100 caaea and 5,000 u.ata Cat.l.i on private leru.a ....... , , 8FKLTER.The t.urket ladoll, with an <unp_ anpply on tale at^'iSii- for .Stolbexx «ud Sileaian. T'N-Tbe demand Lat been q.iite liniled, pendmg the retult of the aimnal Huv b aele. wbich came ot»' at annotince-l on tbe th bM.OO. Tbe otieritic compii-ed 151.0..0 .aha. wbich waa tak. n ehlafly by ape. ulatort at au aYeri'^e of *9j flortnt, or a _at> ti>u over 82c. The otleriuga for aevenil jea.t have beeu; Slaba. Price. lull-.50.117,766 . I,,1^51.111,181 . InlHSI.150,702 ...v. |.1.!3.122,312) \Z\tu .132.8645.72 fl.orrc !ul«55.____» !;;!^::::::::::::::::::iS-_i.!¦.,«¦!- ¦.MB.1"".'42.6i'j f.., or r Inl85!l.13»12«.61 li.,or32'.c. I.1K0.151,000........ W fl,o. no. At preter.t our market i. noorly tnpp.ied ttUJ tbe ratea nreye L D| .. loi ii.uch high.r M.ao tho*; obtain. d at tte a la. Wi q,.o e Strai.a ai 3W.c I BWM and Banca at OTJc, caah. P'at- . are al.o dull, bnt are ateady at *.» N for id X, aud otlier bramla '"taI.LOW.Tbe maik.etl«rir_;aalea of 15,000 tt priuie, at 10 TOB'aCCO.8»leAare confined to Himediate aoppliea; pnce< lor all but biat gradea nomiual; aalea 32 bhda Kentucky at »« i|ie.; Mlial. aIUvanaand804 do. Y tra on private teriua; 60caaea S-fd Uafat 3a»-C W HIciKY -Tio- market la w.thout mucb change; aaic of 000 1,1,1. at 21*0211. ¦____. W h ALKRhNE !.»' b.. n inorea. tive. and thero i. or.- tot 0 to he i .arx.t; aalea ol 50,.*.* tt. for export, at 7I___ lor South Ba i- *5d iOc (or Ochot.k, ai.d h;i«86c. for Northwe-t, ca-h. Alb»nt f i»t Hiavt-k Irfarkel. [Reported for Thb Nbw-Yobe Tbibohb] C 4TTI K.Notwltnatunding « e have 8,800 hea J on th. market, 4(aj more than laat w.ek.the market la actlte aud more Cattle huve,h..ug.d handa at thia u ace, wilhln tbe i/aat tbroe d_ya, IbsaaayotM we, k .iu. .. Alhi,. y ba. been a.ity. Ilythlaw. ,i,.t ir...... to imply that th.ro haa been any great advau. e, f.r tl... I, acunaly elv, My only from , to \- ?. IV UYe w.igh'.; but ihe New-Y..rk bwyera eonit. bere wlib ourar.-. on ¦ tf ihe better'e.Hnyin th.lr nurt'toi Tueedaj laat and ruauy olllioat wl.« haWJ k.ld t*i.ir>tocB <oit for thre.-. four and bve wteka ta»t had uade un their u.iiida to aell, and all tblngt woiaed ctt BBOOtld. T_ New-Yorfcera outbid the <Ja-«>n' bvycr«, fo that not -v.-r two thlid. at mai.y v. ..1 go to 8."'.',; ki- a. ware taker leat vaeek. but our market »tll be prjatty »e cl.ai.ednp. luidwe .hould «y uot over in) head a ilT "e b. w °BRa*;Bir>ra-Tbe foilowiug la onr oo-jaaraUye tLde^ot of ro- j.-*.337io rs? ifeS ".'"P.J',1"1 III 11,171 Uop.Cor-'ingWeek BJ^obBj Tot-to^adrta _H.Iti 4,111 .'-. Sheep.'."" 7I» 15..'lo ^ AddTVbV^ce;p;.'f|;«:ljim,^W«,^M-**»*^ tTVL\l..i,|e^ftiIan.a.aeyeral _B*MB_ fanada U the fotlow- bUBBaabani Jwr0Uo. 544),KentMky.... 1«3 __.¥_*'.'.'¦.... tttl Mlaaonrt. 207 Mlchlgan. 50 Io"v.a'..r. ... l42.Indb_B. l96,tanad_.¦ « ^utuj.8.8M Aad waia "d'atributed"tbiougb the teverul yardab.e aa fol- "kt-ore'a, 2,036; Huuter-a, ...61i Oallup'a, 709; Uwrence't, ¥ Ph*1^-The'e i. uo cl»ngO to aota in Ibe MB lota, whlU tba ncxtl.ade.ai«.«.ui..q..i4;k»tialight adyjuce ia notadbelow: TU* We,k .' Ul W.<k. iPrevrtoai.%¦ J J *- Eatra..»,,..44/74.'. I M4*. Fir.f qiwiil...... Al**,. |14tjr, Seemid quaality.Mat34e., 4 d»i*. Tbird qualitT./14»*. ; cii^. Sai a». tt e r.nmat g<." .-ne qu*r>.-r ..( ;., ,,.,;.,,,. , deroarnotice wfth'MM taktnf an enlire 4de of thia paper. b-it wpl mputi rrnngl. 'o ii.di.-tfe laWaw**>*at tb* '...rh-t r k I ()..«, le ordiuanr Keute. ay* atliia ii.-ed, v«r»»j .,. wt ,ht 1,115 IT,; »l.o, 45 exlrahe.vy .)... at #71 '-. p fU.O, .«,;_. 1 475 ffi. Ide & Bl.ndm), 57 ?-od loaraa at 1J.- -vveiag. | |a*. IM. J. Ei-gllah. 58 IIMtiol* at #44 4/ hea.1. aver.»e 1 1!W %. c »/ Hogef, for W. Ilogilii, 110 extra K-ntu.-ky. It ..T«ra*a, 1 afii rtb: alao, 3" do. for H. Snddltb, at » t '.0 t' ln<>. 1,429 ffi. B. F. CoMa, 38 exlra l..a\y fttat* RtWer., fe,, «. «T7.. coee at #84 4* hee<',d*lher»d in Nrw-Wik; ttirlr iverace b**ja* ivi ight au J.725 r.: -aer.l p. ir« weUbed »»er 4 0*1 tt, **eb, ai d one palrweiglnd 4,1.80 fb. J. <"olt. 32 iWc lllin.rl. at 4 .. avarafe LJBI It.. Cba*. r<t<m<-, 8S *'.od irthiot* U *l K> 4>ino, average 1,221 II, C II T-mer, 30 fajj |ll,,,..,. .( 4- ae-raae 1 381 ffi. J. r-cott, eitr.. fine Kr-atockya at #4 K.. » li.i m, *< rvt- 1,4i7 Di J. fiiwlaif. 18 Mlcburan at 4>4 30 t> 100, arer- I ? If.. J »eph Hugbea. MprHie Keritnekya at 4».' a.er- ace 1 425 m Jolin Slinninna, 81 (Hil-ei .1 4-e , a.-rag. 1 200 ffi. JFry.W extra Ker.'nrkri at *4 »a»i t> ltwl, »eera«-e L.THI ffi. TUda-liK urtD. *'. Mlni.iaal *.*.3f>l.e»d ea»l nated at 6V) ffi, York weigtt: a,.o, IV. do. .in privat* l>rm*. Thflmaa ll.xeh.ry, cr-oiee Ohin« at *4 80 4? ltV\ aeeragfl 1,550 tb alao, 44 fair do. at *M \Ai ?)> h.ad; aaller aayaKMl ffi. York. l>oy*rBB*fla. I R.li!wiii,30f'-B'** Kei.t.n-ky. uioii'i'iiln cattle. at «3 75 *r 100, areragc 1.408 th. hti. K*ndali 63 faix Kentac-f et 4gc, «*- er.KelSSnffi. Kornaaa F.-ll, JPT Tllin. I- »t ? .58 4* he«d. arerage 1 -f.i Ih. I. P- Hodge. 18 good Iliinota at tjc, arera.e t,135 ffi T Difkey, 30 Kenloekyaal ?** fJ-beiad, aseraavl.*"'!*. Fiatt k ( oorrod, 53 llhnoi* at »ift l> liead. av«ra«* 1.380 ffi. 8. Hy- mim, 17 falr IIHiioi. at #*( f> baad, average TstS ffi, RobeU It lliiaeli 77 urin.e Mliola at *rf, j> bead. aver**- 1.450 ffi al**, 31 r.rdtn.rr llgbt «V< *( at» *>he*d, aa.eraae 1 100 fb. O. Sber- worj, Munme IlllnmaaittC «»*nje 1.40" ffi. K. Brant, 15 piloe Mi.iKUif at +f 7 4* bead. avertjie 1.500 ffi. \V. L. Barton, '. utrabeavy 8tat> at 4fe av.rage 1,190 ffi. 8. Kudloaif, 15 Htate»t4lc...Mrag*1.4n0 ffi. J. CoH, 15 Imrj Ilnooij at $M f bead. avertgr 1,(0" ffi. J. C Smltb, 47 falr Iliinnia at a*4 J<» 4j» bead a*ei.,«. MH ffi l»« T. tVue IM KeiilmkYaat uric** rai-gi'ig Irooi I 8,aji 4> ffi. York weigii'. »*!lea'a e>U-u_*. Hliaap *"»!> I.amh.- Th»- auppir exceeda the d*-nand. and a nnmbera-e l.ldoaer; aelee about 6.5 bead tX pri.^a i«u«U>g frona 2je.to4c. f ffi. H.t,«.w* burene aale* f.j report We qnotc nomiuaJIy at :.J ».Je. Mikh fowa are cbeap and alow of «a!e. heav of bat few rhanglng banda, at price* ranging from 4>33 U, 4>45, tbe oat- aidc price for vtry good. -e» Rereiple wf Pr^vrluoe. Totol ty all Reartea, Je/y 10..f,,7fd) bl.l.. Floor, M,l6lb'itb. Coin, 113,363 do. Wh<-at, 18.I"* do. of (Vita, teil hbl*. t'o.-n Vf*al. 7f0buah Rre Sitfipkn. Provlalon* t,ou do. Whtaky, 852 do.OU Ceke, 69 do A.l:*-, 16 tun* Oil Meal. LA W INTMLL1GENVR aa» >l PREME COURT-CHA«riBKia-JiLT 10..Befoe* Ja«ice Ixobabum. IHK *V_f1 M'A.«BIN'i.hi.v afAaWBTCAaeN In tho ajaajraa r.f .Indive MmotideM arirnrnent in »hai eff on Mond.y, he read the f->llo>-lng exiract. foua * M'er v. rUten to biin BJ l.yman Trenwln, daU-d All.any, J.ily 1. 186a: '. U hy *B»ail taa ( ommiairionera of the Land (Mli.-e r N»ltb<-i wer* pream^ to def. nd tbemaelTea. Tbe c*ae daea not jurtify it. Ti. tblf city itwaa of no iuiportaru-e wbat diapoaition of the pii p»rty wa» uiade bctween the state ir.J IU leaaeaa. It w&a uoni ofita bu.ine**. Could a good reiae requlr-- tacb' '. Now that tbe one'tion iliazged in, aod a.'iU.-re«l hroed- ca.t, will you not \lndirafe the ectloa »' your H->ard W«a it ii t f r tLe iLteiert oi »he st-tt ! T_* annject wae uew to all ti i.a. Ile took no riak, *nd now the tltlx Iw-ing auat^ined, it will owe one lo two mllllooa ln the State Tre»a«ry. \\ aa lt wroug taaJlow i.-.i%.rd to the pnrtj iniiking tbe di.coverv and taklug all tbe riak ! la not 'hut uanal in cawa of eache it orr.th-r wm it not fonuerly tbe cuatnm toglte oae-tbird or oue balf to aa> I. purty f .Indge r..Imnt.da nnclur'ed Ha arjnmcnt to-day. Mr. Noyeaf.'Uow.d in hehal'of tl.* Controiler. Tbe followinl ai. ll;e prii.clpal p'li ta of bia arstueo ei I. The Conlrolfer ha. aut)ori»y, and It ia hla duty, to apply to .j* CoiTt to aet aaide B' y iudg_eut a«aiu.t tbe clta tluof be b«- lle%«. waaobiained C'.lln»ion or la foonded in fraad. (Out- water. et al. *gt The Major, ae.| How. F. R.. 5T2; Mjcoui- heragt-Saire, N. V. 'Kitly Traixmpt. Feb. 22 1360)_ II. rheatter.pt by Taylor und Rreonan <o oMain p*«ie««io_ of the \\ eat ^¦a.Mngtou Market pioparty before and wilho-.it . trinl of theHzht to the prerr.f.. a, w. re Ojaadnlent a».i iHe-yrtl d their pof.eaalou ofthem under t6e jndg.oeiit. ohtalned atainat the tenantaot'the ( ity, hy def.olt and nuder an uueutkortaed attomment, waa alao frandiilent and illegal. aud .ueh peaeew'oi ha* evi r atace continued to he nf tbe aauie fr.oduletit HnM.i-r. III. Tbe late t orp.-iation Coaiiml had uo authoHty to -ti i- athte the city aadef<-Dd*nt ln the ejectmeot, after th- a_tb*al leen vf.liiiTari'vdlnnl-aaMiaaagalriHif, to reHore the Re ihip, 8nd to a'uapel.d tbe exetution of the order of the I i'b of juiy, l*-.'9 n loring tl e poiweaalon. and direeting the Re. ..iver t-> pay'oM-r »W reata aiidptohU re.-eivel hy hio. to tb* City Trona- nry. *tto do aaytMag hy way cf tr-fng the cauae, whi.h h.i alri ada been de.-ldrd tn favor of thedtv. I\ He had do autborlty to w.ive tb* appe*l ln the ejecfnieit anit. oi to ebandon the rlgbt to m.ve for a u-w triel uoderthe atatvte: and aucb wei\ei ani abaudoiuueut were celiuaive and f-audiil. at \' ile had no antl.ority eol-intarily to appear or take any atep* In th<- Baa** o tl.e city in th* action brought ny Taylor agaiuat ihe ity, to teOOlM tbe'rtnta aud protiU from April2i, tH5'l, >o October -'4, 1H59. lnaaraueb aa no proceaa had beajti aenred and lirr-idi-e hia appearaoir aadact. ii. that action were all coipi.no .nd rrandolent, ai d deajp^d only to advaji.ee the wi.hee and pr-l- niote tbe tntoretta cf T»J lor, whieb U prired by the refereoce of an u: refershL- irtion ly cou-eat. by the faet tbat e.ary aro- ceeriin* on the pait of T.yl. r »«. nVlHUti-d by e-maeot, and hy the indeceut li'iiU- by w'uicb ail the proceediuia and tbe trial weiecbareeterbea?. ..... VI..Nor had be any ai-thorily roluutaiUT to appear or take aiiv ati pa a. counae! foi the citv lu the twluai-tiou brooght on ta* aaaaa day ai the lo.t hy Tajb i at Hrennaii, tor*coT«r, aa ai-algi:. e* of tbe Stato, peaaeaalon of th* prenilae* aad the renta i-nd profit- from the 24th day of October, 1833, lo the 24th day of October, lii5*. li.aamnrh sa uo proceaa had been lerred; :nd. he- aid. a. hl« appejranc* and aHa In that aetlnn were alao all ol- hialve aud fraudi'lei't, aud de>igned only to acl.aucethe wiabea and prouiote the imete.t* of Tavlor 4 Rrennan lu tbit auit, whlib iaptovad In llke uiai.ner by bi* coiiaentii.f to lt« i.o.u.-dl- ate referen. e, althc<i*b lt waa not a referable . tion by bia o-i- aeuting to everythiug tbey wiahed, ard bj like baate In the pr j- ( eedlnge and tiiel. . \ II. The action of ejertment upon th* rer.lica. and j.idgTieDt in which theotliertwoa.:tlou' for mea-ie profi'a dep.-'d-d. ha* ne^ er been fnirlr d. feuded. nor ha»e the f*cta relrting to the tatt* (o the prnp.rty e\er been preaenUd U *ny »t «vh welgbt on.' dignlty. oiinaoch a ujaiuier thatthe city a.ithoritiea ougbt to . ntertaln . doubt about the validity of th.-lr title, or ao aa to pre- \ eiit th.ir havlnga new aad a fair aud impartlal trlal. IX. Tbe " rouipromlae" rwrn to hy Taylor (p. 5), by hfa attorrey Plaft lp. »!>>, *r>d by the late t'orp.irati.iii.( ofl*el fpp. TJ ned 13), by whli-h the latter a* he eaya, " withdrew Ma ootie* ol appe*' in cone'eeratloti thal the plaltiMffa would *hldi' by the a.-rdii t," »aa with the (tipelation entered into on the 9th So»., IH59(p.'l62), f«rthe rorpoee of earrying lt luto elfect, wholly wttbont authoritj and colitiaire and voii * BL'P! RIOR COURT-CaAaiBBK.H-Ji i.t 10.-Before Juatlc* SUTHERUXD. riKriaiofis. .Tiimep McAr'h'iragt. CatberueMeArthur.. Report edaad di>fiee :, .nt.-d Before Juitiie ImokamaiI. Aioi Maria Brown agt. L>n\idT. Bromi..Divorce grai.ted. C81TED STATES COMMI'SIONER'S OFFTCE.Jci.t 10.. Before Coiniulanouer NawT<i!f. 1HL aUBaaS M.AVtB K»rt.-J.XAMl>A110.V OF tAFr. oi ro. Tbe exumination of Frederkk Otto. the alleged cap- taln of tbe bark Ka'e, unJer arreKt or. a .harge of belng eDga**d in the a!av»-trade, waa coiAluued at 12 o'clo.-* t-eday. i npt. Ot-oii ainan -5 or 80 year- old.rathi-r b.Inw tb* tnedlnni airr, but arpircrtly etrcng and active, and rery intelllgent. liateii.^i with iiitei. »t to the proceediuea, and fre |ueully mad* surgeation* to bia roncel. Tlioiii*. J. Brown. an ofheer of the ( ua'.oui bouae. teetlned tha» be ».-nt down lu the cutier H.rrlet I.me and boaraiWd tb* bark Kate af the flontbwra: Sntt and there Capt Otto. tbo pr aoner aaid to him h- waa gola* to the Coert of tlrf.-a.: *n.I after he had arrivej at hU pU e of dertiaotlnn. if they dld any. thina with tb* veatrl he would nct be re-Ton,lbln- ^ __"_9 of the taa Yaiikee aaked hlm who tb* Owner of the j-ark waa. aud be mod* no an^er. Surveyor Hart a*ked rrtm «f he knear tbe n.oiieai'.edUaCoata, and he aald he a*r»*r had aeen buu b*ror*. Thla »a* *bou» »n bouratrer the bark .-an.e t-. an.-uor oB _.« tlattcry, w hen Da (oata caine on board »ith Surveyor Hart and rspt Faonce, from the ateamer Magoolla. Otto alai aaid h* waa pnt on board the baik by tlve Magrtolla off QliraaHa*. Ott^ waataken froai tbe bark to the cutter: bad ranveraatioa* with b;i on the cutter but he at no time atated who the owner wae; ,aid to him lt waa reported tbat Oa Co«* waa the owuer, bat he aaala no reply. . '_-. , troa* exaiulned.Do not kn«w that b* aald he w*. not gouig to do anjtulng wtong, or thath« didNot know that anythl.it wrouf waa gotng to be Joue witb the bark alter ahe cot to the Coaat; he a;od he w aa not reaponaibie he did not aduil' ->r aay that be wa« gr ir.t :itt>-r aiave*; at tbe time of thci<e conTereation* U* ve*- ael b*4 baaai ceatureaL ._ . Dtreot te.un ed.U* Coau at firat did nol appear to underaUud A\*b liit&ft.rwaidau.wered quaatliu. with Werable readi- n.aa ai.d flunncy heard aimethlng aald ou board the Kate aho.it tuinin|tbeTe*a<-loTer to t uew captaio on tha coart of Alrtca. [Objittedtoaud walwd. | __._ ....... AlfndTodd.pilotof atewnttif Mapiolla, teatlhed tliat ae »w Uatoita on tbe Ma;nili» with a baaket of pe*cbea: b* r* maii.ed Ir. the pilot bniie duriu* moat of the trlp down ttc bar | he .ald little or iiotLiua .nd did _ot appear apeak Eiigl ah ; *ra* pretty mre Ua Coita and Utto ip-*e together on tb* w*y down but did uotuntH-cthani mneh, being hu.-y .'«"in| V~» ti g; thougbtb. a*w DaCoaU apeak to otLera ou boaid; did n->t kn^v wbat Ihe Magimlia » a. aSged iu on>> >»« .'*>« ftj- La.ry Baaaaaa ou ner <,f the KL ta be at wer ll a »tV«jaat, w.l Iben var ,lire,|,.| l.v M.. M.-(.-iu..ck»»se4th.-l^opb.'.ii Urrmlak gave order. to go alongr.de tt:e bark, w^a fb* eapa-tu wa. put on board. aud t-'U dlrecUd bitii, to v. do*. u to aandy ll/ink ..w th, llairie-Lanedov*ii at the H^ok, mtglU have eu rked that tie cutter would take tbe hark au.e M.-.Cor ',\:'£$ fj0 .n " t\ eut down al. ng th* beach baryoud 8iuJy bo,k a^dtvo0o0rntl.r,eu.ile. ^,^""« >"*¦*. ""to .... 7i,....,»,..,... Alnalor tbe oe k, tbey altere* tb-u ....i.te* to .wthe,;.tterinuiiig- rto ^ ^ ^ UnnSJZi'.TJo aridiZn* ba.k agaln.d.dl not know _h* i l. ^."» >nt. "le ll.er worked for mooey and were -h.-tere3 li-7l.e _.ur heldei ei.tw.rd by McConnkk'. d.rec iou.. a*. ^¦?aSa-a-«W aa-itata- -k. b*Ml W* aSont two .:^^t"ro-rihehea.h.low.,dlhe I.igl.l SMp dld ...at t^ek Z d bU. butalowed the ngine. w_aa tbey aaw tb* Harrlet Uoe ne- r the bark. ... Tb'- eiarntuatlon wa. then adjeonwd untii to-aiorrow at ll o'.-loi.. COL'RT OK OEKERAL 8F.«8ION8-Jct.r I0.-Befor* Judg* Rr.«*iu The Conrt «djonrn«<t t.-day for tlie tenn. .ludge ltmiell conaeated, bowever. to open Court agjala t" iuirt*w for the purpore ol teariug an argitueut or two ia caaea tbat ooiOd u*t l>e tiiiiilu d ther.'.-ixe. _i«_a_a__ Ttoma* OicneaUa. M Intyr* wtj trled aad <»"'**£* °r .*. U mi Ui g to ulrk tbe pork.4 of a conajuotor on the Elgbtb aaeuu* Ralao7<f Oia-aia L VlcLajaa, on tbe 5tb of M.y, and w- -tut to ibe Mete Fri*ou lor two y*ar». _._ Attoj.. Streeder, a grocer »t NV (I MartOJi atreat. waarom- p: i.,ed of b, bl. Ster, An»ol.*tte .-atreeder, f.w b**tln* har a,jd J...til.dai.dro...ict.d wh*reuja»o Judae Kua«U a*i.t aiae. W tl e Fei.itei.tl.iy for . y.-ar. . ...'_. I Larl. . BiiaudtuburaeW * boj. J*** * *»*. WM UU4__* eoiiCT of .'ali.ing Vd-vaaid ttaH^Tb** «Sg*_,r__.*_- p-nded hec*».e the art waedon. ln defene* *f b»«w-U *J»3 hw broiher. ia a Hgbt on tbe »7tb of Juu*. Ttajy ''^..J^i.JJ Kdwar. Maitf... Johu K.bb«, F.aiKi. KUber. a-d QMal|a» ti.i FredeiV Bnud.-nburger, hi. hr-iaer, wa«*'*" tried for *v aeult and battery, hut .cquftted on a aimllar gronnd PeVlek Mocre, who aeratcbeA F.;.k M*«' t*"*!' "? p. arl .a»et ln the fan. w*b . pooke* ki.ife. oa Ut* twh of Joa*. ^o^^nn^lW^^^B^ i.ae chSJe and c.eght blm with .ft_.JtoUell.Tei a^ajT rer'..Wrpolw..io'. llewaaaautto th* Ut«*> ftUm !»¦" y(ar« Adjourijed.

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1860-07-11/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Buili>i»»9 -tttttcrirtlo._ TXlTviN PlPE!*. k'laxTfd, vitrnt'd. wttrrant'din-jfJ^SSSfS^T^^^II

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Buili>i»»9 -tttttcrirtlo._TXlTviN PlPE!*. k'laxTfd, vitrnt'd. wttrrant'd in-II ; V_MkU 4 Hniuej Tt>p«, Vaaea, Srat ii-y, fc .. Det>otjfJ^SSSfS^T^^^ I ___ _ ii_i;_?ENCAISTIC T1LE8


No /'-. P.-.l -t.

(£>cffln Gtcamcrc, £r.b^'W-YORK to GALWAY, ria BT. JOHN'S,' t,_t _B_M Bl V..!. .: f.« .11 t

_*'k, R^val M.il.¦a^e^PMaaxe-Fi-tClaaaCaHri, #1(40, #90, #75, ancord-«_!»o*eievti"ri ef 8tate Roonn,^_PaVf.aa. farward 4"*Mn. *>8%, including cooked proYiaiona.*_*. r.r. afa to 8f John'a. #35..Jliiiiif Vata paaaenrera ta> pruvide badiilng, knlfe, fork, plate.

Ptaapeg. p> by thla ronte are checked tbrongb to any of the_.»cit« ciiietou the railwayaof E'.gland »nu I'elaul.Fa.i p_af>- ar.d rretghi, appiy cu board tbe «hip, at Fl«r No.

¦ |,"*b KlT,rHOW LAND k A8PINWALL. Age.,.,

Noa 54 and 55 Sonth at

TTLANTR'~ROYAirMAIL KTEAM NAVfA UAllON LOMPANY* NMV-YOUK AND OALWAYiiKF Thr n»xt denarforr from New York will he the.p'i ntid"iyU-rful.tean.abP JOLUEN FLKXCE, wMeb wf.l 1-.YSJft:Sl)A.Y loly 1". 1** touchlng at St. John'., N. F., to r

MJre tbe Royal MaUa.T*' Baopr4aa4«B.-F1patclaaa, #9C and *7 >: thitd #30, in-

f;,. rteteu to ...iv of tbe pnnc.r>el cl4iea on th« main_uway « ta>a of Gn at Bi'itaiu and Irelaud. Ttdrd elata mottl!j,ide biate, kidfe. fotk. _C, and bid liug. Paeaenae. a to Bllw. (Ti»t cla.a ¦»¦,'*.'. Ph«.a«* b the thi dcl".>. Ba b- aaMiired_hrioaper»*:aoiit frem Oajway, for +82 50; frora Dnbllia,.*a»t t< Bbbj l.oudend'.Try, tp.n 5u. from W'aterford, #87;

^^*mm*9V2L%uMi*,Agent" for 'be Line, No M Broadway.STEAMER of JULY S&J5 1 "b SOlTHAMPi'ON AND HAVRE.

Tbe I'niled Bbate. Mall SteaipahipVANDEBBILT,

P. E L-f.-vre. Maater,fVlliaall from Pier N.«. 3 N. R NewYoik, at 12 oVl"ek. noen,aa 8All'RDAY, July t», with Maila, Paasengvra, and 8pecio,fc Ei'g.nd and 1 rui.. e.

lii.t fabiu. #120. Seecnd cabin *60.D. TORRANt E, Arent.

No. 5 Bowliua Giaeii, N«w Ye:k.a4r.,,.hip ILLINOI8 Mdh.Augu.tll._|j_E tl HARD LINE.


*.-.n fion. NFW-YORK to LIVERPOOL. %!a Q. -enalowp..fte BKlilSH AND NORlii AMEB1CAN ROYAL MAIL

6TEAMER8IVTNA, fai-t Ander.on, AI'HTR ALAHIAN, Capt. Uocklep,JlRA. » »Pt- Moodie, Kl.DAR. Capt. T fook,

Ai.d ,.u.. : ii._ci.ili.< nt ai.d uowerful .teauiCTa,WlQaailfrotuNEW-YORK to l.Iv ERPGOL, e- ery a't «mrb

4PKI RBDAT, calling at QCEEN8TOWN to bvid pa-eengcrr

^f^X1"'- .Th.r.di,,J.lyl9j, KA.*.'.'.'.'. Tlraraday, Ang 2Al KTRAI.ASIAN.Thoraday, Ati< U

E1NA.Thur.day, Aug. 3*IUtea of Paaaage to 0.neen*tcvr_ or Livi-rpool:CaMn../»bte-ra^.. 30

An<xr*ri*';o< d S nr. on < :. b-..rd.For FtWrage Paaaafe applv n>»« liOODEVE, ARKELL * ELLIOT,

No. 153 Broadway.For Fr« I^t and Cabin Pasaage appiy :e

E. CUNARD, No. 4 Bcwl.nr. Or,et_


FRoB MBK-yiiPai TO UTBRPOOI.Chlaf Cabin Puaaage.#1«Bccoud fabin P.>age. .

PKOB RofTOS TO LITBRT-OCL.t>hlefC»^nPa_«Mre.BH"8.>ccr.d l .riin Paaaage.

The ,ior, from NewY. rk call at Cork Harbor.. i» from Bcaton cail a; Halifcx and Cork Ita'tor.

FFR81A, fept. Judkina CANADA, Capt. Lana\RABIA, C.pt. J. Stoaa AMERJCA. Capt Minar.A-4IA Capi E. O. Lott NIAOARA, (t-rt. Auderaon.A> rtlCA, Capt Sbannoa. BUBOPA, Capt. J. Le t

SfUlIA -.now biirding).TVae yeaaela Oarry a c!.ar white lifbt at m&tt-bead. greeu ou

ata'hoard bow r.-d on port how.NlA vKA.Miliar.leave. rt'aton.W'edneaday, Jnne 27ASI4. Lott.leaYe* New-York... W e 1; ...tay, .l;ily 4

FI hOl'A, Leitrh.IraYea Boaton.Wedn.-aday, July 11PERSlA, Judkii.a.IfAvea New-York... W edne.day, July 18AHAP.IA, St.o.e.1. A'.-' Boatoi.Wajd_e*da« 'uly 3v>/Rlf A, Rhannou.leavet New-Yo:k. ..Wedniadey, Ang. 1CVNADA. L_uk.l*ave.BuaUo.Wed.eaJay, Aag 8tfr^lA. Lott.leaYea New-York...Wedne.day, Aug 15I KOl'A, L*iu-h.l.a.ea Boaton.W eauteday, AlIg t:Y R>!A, Judkira.leaYea New-York.. .W'edneaday, \ug. 29

iiertba uot aecurvd uctii |*id for.AnexpeHencd Surgeoi. ..r boi-ri.

.... .,,

Tbeewnera of UmM ahipa wiii not be aaco.intable for Hol 1.Pii»a_. Lnllion. Rp> cie, J. *.->i Pracioaa Btonoaaa Metala, ui;-

ieas bllaa of ladiug are aicned therelor, ai.d the yalue UiereofUm .eiu expr^-d 1 . r fieirfl.t or naaaar*. appiy to

, E. CfNARD. No. 4 Bowhnp greon.

rOR CALIFORNIA. rin PANAMa..In andaRer Joly. a l.rat-cla.a ateemer wil! leaye New-Yerk the lat,

ll-b aud tlit of ta. b mo_th; exr.-pt »b". tae.e date. tall ou

I. NDAY, when theday of depamrre tarlll a. tba MOMDAYtolUvwux Foi fieikht oi pa*»a#e. appiy at the oUy o*. e. No',-,-. W>-t at., cor: er ol Wanen >t D B ALI.EN, A<eut

PORT-AND and WHITE MOUNI AINS.-Tbeftrat-cla*. ai.d fayoiiie ttean.ahipa

i hrSAPEAKX, Capt Sidr-ey Crowell, aodPATAFSvO. f .pt. Ed. E \aill,

arlU fonr. n aee i *eekiy Uue to Por 'and. leayii.g Pier 9, N. R.ayery A"EDNE6 >AY aud SATl'RDAY at4p ua.

Pareau-tnd fare. i..cludir.g -WKreii:..#5.Tbia 5 tbe moit 4irgtct and pictureeque route hetw*«n rtew

roikai.dtli" V, .(¦ MooiiUln-, Yia Lo:i? 1.1" d ai.d .ineyardBoui.da to Poitiaud, aud Graud Truuk Railway to Oornaoi,ajhkb la t-uJi aix milea Trom the Olen Uon»e. Appiy to


Noa 86 Weat at. and l~ Broadaay^


tne atK-e port. ti -it aplendid ttajaoiablpADRlA llf.t apt J. J.

tomirbrck, carninc the ( i.itcd Statet Maila, the Wiwir.*-da>a. irom 4 aual a'.. Whurf.J

U4YI MC-. yi.iik: ¦a4Si_.^A.l_ 10BATCBDAY. June 2. Ti IBDAV . '»" JJ-8ATI hl'AY, July 14. T E8DAY, July 81.8AT ITBDbY, An* .'i. TLE8D kY, Bept 11.bATCRDAf. Ott. b. rUEBDAY , Oc. 2J.

Ai_l.a- t,ton the day af rrlea.lag liayro.Tbe AAixfcttc ia nndoubtodl, nnf-Celled b« BD) ateii

thew rld forotMnfotrt aafety, and Fpeed. Su ua* »»

e-.o LWtaiueUi.. Firatia'.inpa»-a»e d.130.

at.,orforiaaBag*»o off.ee on the wl arf, faot of Ct-al-at,Aga-t* at Locdot and 8ea_u_npt<m.MoaafJ Grirmeli, Tiukcr

k Mcrgan.AariAut Harre.Johr. Pnr.n.tt eaq.AleutatP.-U-lau.,, W. T.rkex, Btaf,, No. 13 Fatbo'irg

ldoLtiu>rr.-._- _


QtlENSTOWN.Iieland, to lat.d and embaik p^.^ngera and

^be*LWerpo'l, New-York. at-d PMI.delphie *£*** Cj*P_.V» M'li ndid l lyd« built, i. n btatw b:c_aJ-.ip* _e umudodto alli UfoJowi:

raoM SEr-Toita fob utbrpool.* TDINRrRiVll .SATL'RDAY, July H.____U_W./..SAT1RDAY. J?.Vy*OT BAiTiilOBE.. -. ...S a rjJRDAY, J.ljt!IAnd evary Sat .rda5 throogloo t th- y.a- from Pier No 44, N. B.

aAYTBatoPPAJ _.,C'ablB.ToQueeiittowr "r I. . . ¦'¦.','',Caiiu ToLoa ipoo.)...... -.;,rH,-. raaye- ToQocenatownor-iYerpool. ; ;-8tro^"Iul4l>t. U*ay'aiiab'leVoVrii'iuouthV from Li^.*¦ ^

l_i_t_M__rw-^44*u'HbTTB*, Paf-Vairi-'>-i"BaiBtat', a-3Aotaarp.atthr.ogliraUaa. ... .itlCer-beatea el paa«M|. 'a*ucd fro: L^ erpool to Now Y ork. *V^C Ua^ue.ot ,\.-aJ. ...ued fr. n.Uueet.at>wBl New l ,rk 30.Tl-aVaWaio.-r. baveaup.: '. PBaaeagera,

BieJoT.tro'Ud wiU. par !i*i>te. «nd catTT ex-

P^^."?i7_-t 01tb- rrt npply »' ' ' "' ",'1V

'",,,',' v ,, I,,., . \.. |.S Broadway. ew-York. AgeutI. i.',M IN.VAN"g..

t-X>R"8AVANNAH B_d tbe SOITO-Ther ateaeuahip B- R- Cf TLER. fapt .'. Cracker, will leayeP_ nTiT r/ R on THIK-DAV. Jo y 12 at 4 p m Pmmm to Bayanr-h, with nnaorpet'.'d n-roma cU'Un.t #15 Tte*STauUl to tre following placava: New-OrteaMa, *>89 7$; M'MI*,_V Me^ponerr, tV. Meuipbi. a3t 75: Nwtrl.l- a>2.' 5:

Bb, Na. M W'eittbat. aad No- W» Broadway.

glenmboate anb Hoiiroob^_Kew york t*. tbe wnrri;iioi"ntains and

LABBMEBlPHBFM/CiOGd.. I A-.d PleBa -re Bbutot* OgsVaabAirgh. Montrea. aad Quaoec App^r at the N. Y.

audN II li R Qm.e.JijU. at N. Y._STi-MEBTHOifAf ,;r WW-BUBOH, vT8T POINT PUl'tiMKCl WE. BBdBOK-DOL'T, -no l«r< oi Jay-at. a-ory a'.t*/ H - *

At J El'NuON BOATfor N#« hurgb uod iiit.Tint-d.at. I " (Suodaya

. xorpt,

DAY IM'A'1 ti.r AI.tiA.Ni MMl ii.D nn. diati^piac>- Bt-amar ARMKMA 'r .... ol JJ»nu.ou k'..,

e^ery HOND.'.Y. \V\ DN1 <|.\Y u; 1 1ft HIA V at 7 a. m

r~K)R NEW-11AVEN. b> sti ti.i.r ELM CITY,fraoi flaw Mo. B Eb.1 Blwr, ai [TtAVELEB,

»tll p u r * '_1X>RtOZZENK WE8J J'olM M.W Bl KGH

«_ i'.ji (.li_i:i.Pblt-Dai:y by aKa-bo-t AKee ad. ambm-C oolmi-u._I^OR Gl«?« tove, Tbrntx .ittN.-'K.

Hauaa. I'oint, Moit a Dook, <<~n»..od, Kotliu- ataanaarrL<,\:,redeyattp a-a.iy F. II

IONO ISLAND RAILROA!) Traiua lesvaJ BoiithFerry. Broeklya, for Or^pjjt at !6 a m aad 3:M

p. ni.; Bor* I.up. 10 a m., 3 M) ano 5;» p. u. Syo.e.t. 12 m_ad4 B p.Bt.; ilempftead, 10a m 1« . «. _.B "'« »:**P_ ; j__ a 10 B «... 12 « 4 < 30j:»5 ^BdJiUp.UA_JM)R ___arorj4*:_, New-Rofbeiie, City I«!aiid,

Whit,.toue, T1W» r.eck and /. r(<a . U m k £b« Btetkia-a' labvad fcby leayaa Ja_sm abp daiiy at 4 p i.i 'are. » oei.ta.Ho duat. aa «al gaa. ByrHurolug, leayea M amaroutok at 7 a. aB..NcwJUvaWlo at 7|, WbUeatoae at 8:10, Tbrogf't Neck at 8,i».

F)R BRIIXJEPORT.DAILY LINE.-TheftteaunMr IOHN RROOKS arfal tee»e Peok Bllp ev.-ry day(Bundav'. (ic( ptar*) at 1 p.ni. amvin* lu Bridieport lu tiuie for

the cara of theOl-.uaatoulc, Nausatuck. and Ncw Harre ItiilrotdaFere.'<V Kr»it.bt t-ken ~ I *MTfTa*W. ti fla, TIIWiBga 4

1,*(>]{ BRilM.11I-ORT-DAILY LESE.FareMe*_ta, Tfcartaaaaur< aTU.INE Capt. Wa_A.Vaft.viB

l**e* O'.i'er «liii e\end<v atll n'oloak ...Min. naaniaaa in<nwith tbe HouaatOT.lc Railrond. Tbe eleaui.-r ItKIDflK-

PORT will l.ave P-< k .lip ev.ry Moi.rtay Wmmwottl a»dF'iday. at 12 oVioclt uoon, arrivins in tdme t> co.mect wrh allthe expr.. tiHi. - OEORfJE \V. I70R-IER. Agent

¦fVJORTTIERN RAILROAD ot N. J..Iva**1* foot of Couril.tid-at, Jerwy City Fe.ry daiW (Sondeyieioept.d). ba. m aod 4 and 6 p. tn., for l'i< runutand Sun*n>a;9a ni (arPkraaOta. I-eeae Kolleiea ot'l. tn a i... aud' aa*. audPlarn.out 8 and 7:Jft a ui aud 3:40 aod 1:11 p in Stace.eonrw. t f.,i I!«k.-'-»<» Nyeea, S.»i Ity . ,.l H.rv-a'i.w

VOR 8AO HARBOR, ORIENT, and GREEN-I PfiRT -T*e ateamer MA8SA('Ht'!>t:TT3 Capt *V. $.Haven., h.'ii'P ejegai i «t ite-ro«m and ''her .- ootouaod iMona alln-w, will lenre pi. rNo. KUnme. .'ip. Kn.t River TL'KSDAY,THIRSDAY andSATIRDAY A l-TEU^OONS at 6 oV.lor.k.Will ieare Sng Harbor Jalv 4 at 6 p. m luatead of 4. p. m.

DAY BOAT f..r WE8T 1'OINT, NEWBDROH,a:.d PorOHKI.EPSIK-The ateamboat ALIDA will

|a»t* Jay-a:. 1'ler dailA a.t P.R" a. m. laudlng at Wrb-.t PW, re-

turnlrg to the city at (f 80 p m Pawni:e'« for ATbAiiy Troy,Saiab-ga, or any polr.t *V*ft. e_n make aure connectieu atP^urbaeepaie. Ttaggete t'.n.'i rrrd fre* Fire 6" aaag*


Bonta leare every hout froiu .> a. a> lu 7 p _., foot of Wh'te-IkVIThe 7 and 9 a. m 1,4 and 6pm bo&ta from New Yoik ceunoo

with the Btatea l.land R.ll.<ad.On fine M'ND/'i b th* boaU l.ave erery balf hour.


boat. BIP VAN WINKLK and AL1CE PRH E will leareRobinaomat wbarf (n-.rth aide) nt H a. ni and 4 p. tn., connect-ti.g uitb, car. at Fcrt Moiii.ic.uUi K.tnrr.in.-. tran.a arUJ I.mvmL«i« Rreoi h »t II *. aa., N ¦ m an ! I n. m The Ali. e PricearlMaaak* aa eat.a trip K\ KKY BATURDAY ArTERNOONet M <.'.l"ek, fi-ni f<vd of K.M'im.u at., mtt tiig an B-tCB triiuor L*a| Bia.cb aadotfcai -t>'i.aaa

NEW-YORK amf~*ERIE~RAII,ROAD .Dl'NRIRK EXPKFS.H at * a ax.for Drmkirk Boffalo,

Canandairua. andMrtucipal Statir.t a.

MAII, ^t R 1.". Jrtn for D.fnkirli kii.1 Inb-nnadiale Rtatlon*.T> ia Tram remaiua over nigiit at Eiiuira.WAYat3:45p m. for Jliddletown. Newburgh and lit-Troedl

*te StetlonaM.H1T EXPhESB. tailu. at ip. m, fer Dnckira., Baffaio,

Canendaigna »nd priuclpal HUtloni Thetraln of Palnrday «top**t a'i ir.ail traln atatioua. and rina ouly t» Eluiire

CHAB MINuT Oeneral Bnpt


MOTTaT PROSPEOT WAT^R CTTRE, lSins;.han.tcn, N. Y., eight bonra from New York city by rall

roaA.Thla eatabltahmei.t baa a lorafluu nnaurpaaaed ln niatura]advaetj,.,., by any tvth-;: Every faMllty foi cimfnit and ther-ccrery ofhealth vriM be fonnd. A larte gard.n la attacLed tcthe tr*tui*»a, fro.j whii.h tlie bii*st ttrawberrie. vn!l be .erv-r!thla-icnth. Forrir.tiiar. .. Idreaa J. B WOft-H. M. D



Dk. Bkiihk./'«(' Sii .-1 ain agraiinate of _Mlcal collegcr Eithti cu moiitbt ago 1 bad aeTen caaca of Mlt Nleinal. di vn.-' t k.A ' kod frtnt'yfailtd '<> cirt. Oa* IaiIj- hal

t i.y-t<ric«; ou<- had ¦*!¦ iiried BftM tinica. ,,),.) wa« iu\ rv k**a aaaaaWn MH bad every aymMom of cpileptlc con-

vtModi ea*a pwnl upon deraaged meniinatataj; othcra had.: r.tiea. ani all tha RHM «r, .i;.tcii;.«

of .oi.tinued nttrine d< ransi in.nt. llaviug uiy attention lailelta tb' (,i:aki Mii aa M u.-HAi.t.'a 1"thi:j»f. (.'aiii..i.k o.\, 1u.ed ir, ami ll i ITftXD Ew RI ( ARE. Tnn:i Baa aairkkn \ im.lk r-Ait. u ia n- oraai

C. J. NOItiiiiV-ITON.


h afaevi a* a e*fta_t vu* ia afcore.fViM X| 50j,tr Ullie. Ta* Ko« Bll DoU all PlTI R'>1 .: Bg

fj.vr n atoaa-B, ami CBaaWBI Pkbvaik ro tub i.iu or

Eaieuioii L.Nit PaN Nk»- i..kk. jftj A.M.ta.

JOSHUA P. BBIDOE, M. i>.,It.-*;.!. t nyaaraui Oi

No ii aWMD-fT., NKW-YORK.f|»- Dr. WMift tn'.' <;f'i«(/fo ]>fvjt,iiu. ,1 cillt aud rrriit

patini't at hii rrridrnce v: >>.- Ut<\rjenbrrg Imtitule, No. 'JJK_w-Vo_


J^Oid bv J. _ L. Coddlucto:., No. U5 IlroadwKjr. Cawwau 4Mai-k Klfih-aaauine Hotel: lUii.ee 1 Park. Park-plaoei M Ktoi 4 Robbl a,N* BI Falto -t C. R. wra, N l»FHelefc. Rnek-l. No 21"(;ieei,«|. h-t S: 1- BraWhen Fnlton,l.iiiu r ol i'i. ;..[ -ut «t.. Baa) J |**«*\ M*. tfO MyiBa* .*.

t- uanted._pUHBlAN VAPOR BATH, No.62 E.vt CTth-at..I » neJ.r 4hav -llii n-ul< opened eatnbltahnient ia ere tedafl.-r tl.e moat approvod Eoropeeu plau, a.d provijtid witlail i:.r d.n: lr.pro\c:i ii.U Tb* R. V. I'.atb I* B-OWa to be tn«r.eateffit.1 !.t rt-n.edr ln .;,...-. of Oolua, Coogba. Oout. RheB-mat>u: Farah-i- (""' ¦'' »'»*«tiir a BUdaiiai by tbe .i.j.p-e. -ii p» r-j«li..ti..n ol the .kin. Dp-i

". a m. to '. p. m., and lata r i: taatn J Pei LielioirelvfromlOa m to 1 p. m. On Bundara. oyn for Oea-

l eti <i. (Uly fiom-a. Bk to 2 B. Bk. Tllr.H QHIitEi.

L'cgnl Noticfe.

IN PFRSFANCE ofaa «_« aftbe BanrofateOf llie coi.uty o! N.wi.k, Notne I* h.-l.-by gi»en to *JJ

P-r*on. uav_ag'eklaaj aaalea* ANN PROI DKlf, I.t- of tberNewYork, widow der-a«.d to rre.M,,t the aanie with

,,,: bentbereol atbeOaiceoi i DWARD D. EWEN..t. in the ( itv of New-York, on

bU, «_, o: N»T( Diboi u. At¦.7VJ^'N,r'S.V;',ritiKiT,td.yc-M«y-IU _WiftD,>*EAVEN,'rny9 lawbinW Adrniniftr to^ 4. artth tb* W UI aaaa .1

IN PUR81 ANCE of an oTatac ot Hm Bturogate filaa Coaatrof rtarw-T**-, aatioa b beraky rif*_ i* all .**¦

?ona harlng c.'aim. agaiaat HENRY OOL08.E1N,ka. aftU.( itTofNew York, i.>d preeenl th* aauue witb rouclientl "renf, t.i tbe aubtcrib.:.. at the oltce of Abfau. J. Dlt*No. m Broadway, in th* < rtj of New-J o/k, m, arr -.-',.:.. lne_ n-t

day c: Septa nber iiext - Di ted N>w-V erk. the tSib day oi r ak>

"SJ-"6*., . ?^_?^VoTMnASTOra Kxector*.l__ lawtimWed LAZARt 8 OOLD8TEIN, S

J \ PTJR8UANCE ofaa ordei <>f th-' kSairrogiito,ftl.e('....l1t> of IHM.J-. ....t:-- It lier-tiy Jtren, a^ordingtolaW.toaflperaoa*B*ritg I Mttb ertabs of JE3SE

( OFTELD, late of tbe town of Ret-gomery, b ¦ U ouuty,, j. ,. ., they n .. ir. d to prraent tho **me, » ,th the¦.ben ll...-. of. t tue -... acribera^tbe ex^otoi. ..f tU

lawt vilt end *r*t_tmrd "l a_tl dee. jaed ..t th ..ffl..- caf J>('i-i [, ,,. CAPRON k <¦...i..U.. j..'.;r ofW.loWta the mti

Ifocataomerr, or at the ofcee of WILUAM H. WXkutin No SlWiUiam trt.lnth* City of New-York.oa af be-foie the lat day ofS.pl- inber nautt- Daf d t eb 11, U*30.f,... tu. lataayoi ^,UAM . scoKIELD, i rxec;ltorifl.Mawfn.W Al OUBT18 K. BCOFlELIlj||CIWWOT-IN FURBUANCE oi' tbeStatute relatiog to th-


atiibaraa of Inaoiveni Deb tn, aad af an <.,-oVf awala byWUHati W Sodbtiry, ( oanty Judte ol ( attai inguaCounty, Juiy

., ,|..,,edil..r. or.SI.I.RV.AVS U A'I K IV. .,.. rjii d t Mi< r b*fvn i i nnty ¦' dgi, ».r;(^d.^!'ed'c',.ty 0Dtb*»i_to«f8EPTEMBER;1 atiiAlck n i"., io aboweaiM*, if auy tb. rba.-.-kfn,.ifc:Kd notbc dlacbalfled frouibi, dlb-...~I)at^juiy .mA,^AN.KRS.KL|njN.!Auor.i.y b rlaa*aa*.

Jnryll, li -.vtwWed._»aalalab,«.T.eaTEW-YORK 81 PERIOH COURT..ROBERTIN t.oKI.Ei. piairtirt. aaakaat RorttRl' ROM «td NA-THANIE1 A.WULU-18 d. Suinniooai for * aaoaay*

d."aud oa ccntract. To the' .save DEFF-SI-ANT.- »««^af<h i- You are bereby*awincnedaod nH^^. ° ."".ef':"7.n i-ial'l ii. IMi ^ Uon-of wblcbaeopy I- berewitb ¦¦: <-i nponrw and to M-rve * eopy oi , otrt an.v .-, to tbe - Id omplaint on

_°, .JbTaribirat hi. oin.-.- No W . -:: £ < /'> "'

^witiua^tlWo^d.^^^. ill i.ke indiii.ent»I«i'i»t yoe for Ihe anni or twelve unne'red

lo 1. . v. h intereat'on th*.U.n .. * Ifa.fio.n Augn-t I, 18» oa

ahlr.,rtl.rra.,i.i<.f »15"fn.n on the fi.ither,:,.;;¦.,::,! t.,.,..,-1 ..,,rf^.fiou. M*\ I, ItddJ, oalhafl tban M-O of «¦!¦" Irom Augu-t 1,DM miTibe fiirtlw »uin 11 HSOfrom MoramUer 1 IW.aiitba

.-,.- ,-f'~ro' 'i-,1.|.:. i. MajI \'t'v,.rVVi,1 Va'og^beramo nttotb.

.id.-- C. o*U .¦: tbil ac:lon -Da:« d JnijeB. u>£-lliK.i:iu1.^.TAl.iA.UM;UWh:i;^v.tTle aonalaini la tha'abi !TA*5)atiViteoB.eeol be Naa*r.Y*rk buje-n.;r (.<.nr -» the ty

... .,: the 1 .tu .lay ..i one .Wi.-


q, pREME C0UB1 »«Jitj aad Oajuitj tJNew-k^ 1,..k -Willian, OlOT* aii-i Kr.J.'i. k Aallaoo, Pil.,.- t'lt.a...M.dlai.l-

:°o^NewS'orl » bd.,of/«rdtoaerve . copy of you/ anawartotto aaidaomplaiiij«ftn."aulocriter at

«*."*; ¦.d-n'iV.l'. UAI.DEN,w .

Plalutltti' At*


...d '< It y and to J. rv. . opy;ofw« anrwti U^-J^

; ri-u:,.'!.: i.; ..".^Vii. «f ju,.g,,,e,, ^ ffif*rtba|.ty r-ui bondr, .1 a;-d ..liia-ty. dlj-« . d »"'J »'{",1 .i.i auly. on »«* "¦ '«" ".'

, . ,., ,i..,r,,f h«.e.ftee,.lh7d.i a'tbereof,b*aid. Ihe raata o! tl la acUou Dal.-d Maj lb. J*"- ,.

( llAMIO-JDi t POM1.RO., i'laiuljfl. ^H^dw.y..iu. ...mplain.ab.-., ^.iBtt-ntl!

nVJf&S ^^ °

ii V^eVs'.'i'OMEROY,^alau'wawT. PlaiuUBaAWomeya

O0MMRRV1AL MATTKH8.Balra at Itan *4to< k I-iiharigr.It i v 10.

g.non r B. la, 1 '.'"..'>.100,1 «Mi. higaii r.,,t..l KR.. IIlo.nnnr. :'. '.., oi7i. .IM JO do.II!10.(aJOTemie..ee Ba, IRir... PftjIliV) rf,..llOllj10.4*41 do.bWSB 10(1 do.hlO 5142"«i \ rraihta Sute C,. "MlHai do.ajfi »1MB d.Mf 60 do.HIi.Ola N. CaiollniS.-.t. .>., i: d.. g|lI.mv Mi.-o.ri Mate «a, tl| M d...tl* 314

15,000 .1. tafjO Uljllttl do..»* Jl4SfbCallfornl. 8Ute 7t K>]' 50 d.,.5,1

l.l.-o do. MOi lUO do..)-. -Ill.f.i.N. Y (.oii,l :..... Inij Iiyi ,1....bnw :.;IBftBltaRI IM M..:t...)!¦! 15 do.53l,H0 Vii. 2d M...1. F..I.I T, 150 do.bbu at1 -II > lie 11II. 4t:i .Moit.. 71 m>( hi. Hnr k 4J.nlu.RK 7Hl.txn i. 7! B do.b3J 7»i3,W0Ha4eonR<Y*rRR}dmtnAl 276 #*.... ;vI.0CO lUlleui I! f! l.t ui. rt. 9B I4M dn.hiiOe.W-O.Mi.h C. t It It. ,. p.e. lli«. Ileadii.a lUilroad bbo

l.t r>- ¦__ K .-.uv'tnd. '.-, i «1 do.l.o-O.Vich fo-M-.V. K lior-.j '. » o«> do .1.10 4.'li ¦..(. d.. . U.. h 8.1 _.V!ud.O.Mk 89S.KH'M. f< nt. U.R. I! ndt. M <M do.atBN500 do. 'HJ'liai do.M19 Maah.tUn llanx.14"' 4") d..!" g*j70 V-nLai.t. I!..ik.Bl H*J do.a33a»80 Phoei li Bank.107 >"0 do.b«o V>120 do.!(7i'HVI do.9Paok"f Couiuarce. 901 50 dolOfet-B B.ik."-I ?."> doI Ani ie.au Exchaagai BklOl l.'.'O do. 3':*5Com_onwealtbBank... BtW lOnlTI fen I! R. Sorip BJS Drl & Hud. fai.al Co.. »,(il50 do.iSS

20,'. .!#;; ii»i d>. fi.'.|.'¦OPaclfi-Mail 8. Co....3" 9rt 1-4' do .bM M

37 dv. 92J 2"OOal. kt'biV. R. R- 674400 N. V. r.ntral RR. M 1100 .!...WO «71670 d<. satilOO do.67lMf.fl do. Pl.j.nuo do. b .1.1,7JftO do.t:m 884.1C0 do.bofl «7

541 do.bhd Ri; 2«0 do.a'Obt.l900do.h.VM..i«l do.aOOCCa

50 je. bH *\ 50 do.200 d.b'« HI 2..0 dl.M

100 do..5 88, illOCb-Y. aud Tol-do R. R.. 32150 Er»e Railioid.bMl «4 :."00 do.I


,b 0 gj

_12Mdo.aVJIOOO do.I

lOOHudron Riv.r RR...b30 fO '< do.JOdo.50 M) do.32)

4'odo. 4"; 100 do.oiO 32 jM)dn.hr,n ,yi t-rttt do.

2*0do.b30 491 100 do...._.. blO 3'1|n llarN ui Raihoed. 1'I

100 do.130 Ifj200Har!.u RR. Pr.f...bbo MHO do.120 Mil. aad Mi.. R. It... fiimMirb. So J. N.Ind R R 151450 do. 154150 do. 15{r.y, ,b.. lfi55" do. W

llU'Chic. ai.d R. 1. I!. H.. 712'Xi do.I'.O 7;j400 do.'..b n 73tm do.b'.l 71

M£. 72}ino do.< ,eB 'iido.;.l,lo '"

sonlikl do.t.blO 'li

d-.i.7.:d<.'i.-tw 72i

IBf'.ND !0'\nri.kOOOtl 8 N,'65...,. 1001 lOOMI h ("en. U.R. 5125,i0f>V|rgiiiU6a..... !.li|i<0 do..6051 j

22 000 Mtasoori 6*a. »ll .'0 ,1.M:'(),(Mi'lenn. ... '!?¦.. fO jl"* do.b4v«i5Jloxns. CaroBaaea.!*5j |00 H-.52SK.iMi- St '.«fitM».l«l|lH«J do.aln 52:>..oPr kiv ( i.y W,t I.-i.lW :lo0 d..

l; SrTMtg K <V* Mi. b. S t N. I It II.. IMjH'o.ii.R IdMtir Plt. 97 o do. V-1,000 MI h Bo 8 1 Bda.. 7«j MO Mlca 8o. fc N. 1 Ona10.000 Mieb.Ba Id Mtg.... M ttO do.bbo 801000 d. 56] K4\ do..'.}

55.. CblcaRn k R. I R.R.... 7/>| 200 do.hM ft.HIdo.bMTSJ |5PaBai_RB.UII Bmnawick Cliy Ld Co I N M .tBHrl

IBPadlrM.B-.Ci. Bl BlfeCeat RR. 8-rip... f,b\BH.Y "Vl.ti-1. 83 j 50 0*1. a fhic. P..R.....10 Mi,tl# do.bBBilBI A>.BBfl»oo r.rie Railioad.20' .'.O do.tlO 661lno de.1*0 2i>; 1 a. do.

:. r. K 1. 124 150 dn.btO ..7100 JJarl.'. Ptl .b« 891 Ivxifl-v _ Tol. U.R.M]

l'i ,i.tf.j .va. do.I.mio Keadlt i- ij.R. <2j .**> do.59*i

it.b60 4)1 l.ai do.b30 .12,50 fhic, Bnr. * Cl'iio.y... 754'


B1HIS« nOABD.ral.c B MUSilverHllI.l-^ li

lOOBorklxud. 27 IflOGardneY.bld 7|M «.,.b30 2'.. l"'l:,. ta . u5J¦oC, lin.bi.ii. i-i ¦_,'»_._Bid. a_ d Bld Aaked.:crrerFa!laM. fo.ll lLPontiac. 41 5e.-.t .1. 9 9{ Quincy.f>\ 87

Fran. ir..351 V) Ho k.aad.27 2.Ji!.ii.o.'k.7 I Yapstioa.4Me Rnyale.1< _

17 HamiHon. 1* .

Mr.ii.r3.5 5J (ol.in.hian. 3;3|10-_.8.1 »?> Phenu..

N.-v\ 3"i i-arliner HU1.TIIN'..¦(!.(.!». 3] I OaUfBTd.3 3iP»«dbic .'.2 MjlVnrth St-te. 3JPitubargh.t-5 (j,:SilYer HL1. I|li

B-TV-ftBAT, Jt.ly 10.P. M.

]Iut-ibt.-Mi B m_ -ttatt K.vcbutige t.i-.lay wue more

HltiV4',ai"l the ei.iten.eiit Bd kjfeit'er llnii .it ¦_.

t_M linre ttoWfarfw of W5J ami '58. Th.- baytmw. eweD .:ietii''tif-<i, Bsd-M bjJB-Bb-bO-O orttaB,iiii'l U) !nkf a Guijii iu th« Hp«culeiiv« movemeni-, waa

rrnm M>\* for thi« h-ub/ti of tbe ytsar. Kor the\\ estait- A ¦" -, if :ir'i«.:i'i'*.l to a mere a.'i-ain'.l- B Bbj ii bby4M_ pjaB in bB, utiti tl c biJs n.llci i:r "" ln*>

BJh wit'i gnut ro.riiiy. l_a only e.x.ep'ion w*m

CktaBJOi B-r.gtaTaa, aud CJ i'i<y, wliicb, ua bBBBJacBet.Ji <li..yi;"l BBbBBYbJBI PfilB

trartaf il- Bty. Tlie IBbBBBJ .AUnded to pTtrWYdk < "l.Mi.i, Etta, R4»at_fl ]li.rlflrn Prt_a»Y_il_trj oiIiitb uf our loea! et«.i\H, li.it ihcrv wa« le.B cl_-

ti.ity in thc.e tUn in the. WlBBB a_S_ WMeiutdetailfl in inrir.iliT BoefcB, we may B

UiUrkoT m :i atlMBglj iMIWiTBBwf BwM lluawgllw. _MMawkMof mbB Firtt-BaBria Tr.e BflBBBd Bbm I ."'-

aa MBtrij (U^OBbBBBB Bf BM 'l.iy. __ Um prffB-tt.bbbBbbBbb wcrc bBB vcry luriif. Ib Lb-BB tli*;cwtu- aleo brirk movements. aud the dt-iii_id fur .S'.a'e

Htucl.s inth- itf'irno BWBI vik;oroui4._iajiii:i|irovt'_"ir.ttt | f orllt ii! Mir."u:;.\ a:nla __BQ aJ\ BBB iuutberp.

Baflwaj i',..i dl w.'H-liiet-ii.lj .let.it.d B]ajo,a__Bt)ri_a|M'ttonoe iM-tM Of _l bbbB a_ki MaWYafBI S'.nthernrafata b_I0 ib> ii- whu ii vety kfiaBBw Btnifj. Mi. Ufja-feB-tn BlCu_ MtWtfa-fri advaiKcd to MJ at the

S(.coiid Uoard, ai.d tlu boudd wBB in detuand at thatartea _t u a Ib_. flw BBaaBf b_bBB_ bbb iu re

aDBai at TSJa Xbt BCPJIwgBB IBBBBbbBB B «V»tb Be*.

gitBB lfa-4» $lay4V0Q0, ii'id it id a siu^akr coic-ideuee>.!-:.t t. MBO. W_ ' (fO_lj 'i;vid'-'l, fu'.ibg'ip $i)7 000.t e;, I. Hu-i.l. AIbIm8b«1_b BBlti tl.« excitenieiit

COBt-i !. -i b_4|_1b-I-I BTbb_1_B_Bm1 BTwfw Iiigheril.nr. tl" beBqOtyBaMtM Ut _M moruing. Jiir? bufuro,.,.,.,,. ,,i ,;, MBBtM, bovf-vcr, the BBfefcB wao a

Iii.Im ttiire. imd after _M adjuurunitiit Ba_MB fBfBBBJ}4J } f BBB foi i early all of tlie b-'i^itia] gtaxkn. B_8iriirk.t _d_g rtenly M (I* bbbbbbBB, but raOier dull.There wasctjidrntly coDpiderable realiziiiR dnring theduy. th>i ently movere in tl'« -|. k_BBB BUBj bB*opiuitanity to ajM-B in tii'ir proQui upou a s'rougtnaikcf Lu!. -M iii.i.'UM.l BBffaJ #f BB*. MBBB- Bl.uvt- bgJt luile BB fcf tbe time. To tltuee who avatch

BBJUB B|BlBaB 1 OOnily. it ha* boen evidetit that thettdBS BBt ff .Y'-'.-rdiiy ai.d B >-b) BB I »'' H ¦''-it fJ

litpt, altboogh tb« «eiifflttl rnrrent ol _B irmrk.-t in un-

di.iiUadly toward mij./ovem. ul, liciwe the balt in thoin '.tni-i/t tbia a;iornion wa« noi nn'-xiveoted,Hh<i it will BBMI-H.B BB rwgar.lcd aa a

f-ainie in tbo ojierauons, if, aa iiactmi DOt ui.likdy, t__rcacf.ini ia more etrouglyttoTalcpt- to-montrw. Tbe incre-sed activity _d tue

Bat-rialbdn i-"1'- Wc,~^ !ii«vedravTii iu.uiitea ubb«V of ontaidi »!_.», bb4 IUi laBfirtBB bIbbBBH

inSBBtl will cndynb.edly Bi-BBl B tho

t*Bi$mm ¦.. bi-'b l_» iiiiprtrcinent iu BbBB - .¦ BB

atr .leveb.fd. Jt i« no» ye'. ho »ever, importaot,..'vl>'«> I'LV.-nt BB ¦. BbBB- BBBBBriBBf andtui h a cbe. k wiii be all he bettei A r the market. The

CBBtafl DttaOi w*re: Fur Lnited StBB B, I*"', 101T*lO.'i laiiuia BUB .'-»., o_*«Mp|| IwBBBBB JJUttti »jb,

VaTgBB. fc. 91|af91|i Noi_ CBkTB.Ba*_B_>Buan BBB b_, Blje»8l|; CiailiiilBi

hBBtwtl. IS»Wl Pl Ik _J_««>»Jl t«"«w-York Cebtml B3}«waHl KHf Kailrt^d, 90f*9«HiHudwri EHw?b_b__b- »I»ej| narlom Iiailroad,

Hfxa_aa IBuBbbJ PrPiom--i 3B4BBBJ B>»Vj*

¦I iBBrBBB, lv;.;l-..'; IM igan Centrul R_1-ob-,'i,^."'J; Micbigan _oa»h«rn, 16_ _»I»>|s laW-fBg atlu-.n GnaiBiiieed :fja:k.| Pi__« Hailroavl,

., (Ja-tral U_r«d ?>"., -z U-*. _aJ__BB4 Ca-BkfB bb_bB 'ii Cl-'Velaud and To-

I'.do Uiubbid ;v:;-a..¦¦.'.; CtiicaRO H_d aMk lobuiil.ii;ro-j.l 72|4>7-4j Clucig.., 15a»lii....'tuii aud t^uiucyKHilrad, Wfa 75|.

¦] ',-..,. i.lo...i. I)4_tort-4I HIBBB bBBbB-rowl... BB^ BB ab-U There

bjrjfl b-BBBM uf bBbbBbBbBJ to inake ahont thu

!).'¦. tt t> l.aukera to<>k B_*_BBfB of tbe BBUBllBHliyBa-Iv.-ibotlie BBB j *» oen». 1_ Bapftj 0* eBBMlritinai'ir#8h_ br*ii m rkrate. St-rling iat lftl'i ' HO.

vBBmB HMju I0!«;. bTbbVmBb tarBfklMTo Liverjxio!: _,000 boxee CBBBB 'perBM, I.L'OO bl.lrt. Flo.n B '>¦ .'-d. I .*¦ ¦*

lOOOBBbb. WBbB |MB,flJ N-i l5,«0iaWBBWlBBl,,,o BU_.i-r.i. inbar'e.ut UM. 51 bOB4M P'*-" BBJ10 hhde. UauiB (BB* t'eanieri at '.15b. To EaBBBll I >

boxee TotBoco at ?oi>.; 17,000 brjeb. Whcat, in b*gi, at

i 9.1 a 9J.L T., R..H, r.Ljm: 1,00« bbla. Roein at 3*, "'-I.ToGlaagow: 300 hbla- Flour on private tenna. ToBnrccn: .100 bbla Shoc IV gs a'. '-2*. 3d. To Ant-»'r,,: 17,000 bvaa. Wbeat, in a-hipe' bu«*, al 10d. Alarl ... ivttv with SaatM "n I'livat* terw*. A barkf.i llri-f" a, i»|. *if.ivefi oti priva'e .erro«. A brig of 000tajaaj roi.o.ih Bide f Cnba and back at 40c. for Sigari.i,.) fj gaf M,,l^..ee. A vea*l a- IN tOM booie fromthe Wrtt latMba a' |4 oO f» tun, port < harge* I**'*. A

VOftati of '-:00 tuiia frt:m r.^rth «ido ol (Jnba on privataterme. A rvaaaj of 300 mns to smth aide of Cnha andbat k a- !0t. At Sua-.r aiid f3 for Molaaaea. Oue of.J.'O tajraj ..tn i. tWWajJ [aafiai for $l,J00,|«oit aadarfaj¦ail. A haiK of'.'^i'i.-i. fxOflJ ii-irtli aiJej ..f CgajJi at

|9 M for Stigar MTirl«af-J ."/> i'..r M<>lrt«»Pe on deek.ffgaj BdjaiaVM -f tl^ S'lli-Tw.niry whp: Reoeipt..,

<ri!0.;:!l ?Sf-for t'tutonia, fllil.OOO; Payinente. |0f,«H9 ?:>; ¦awaafawklMM '»: Bt.Tbe eamiug*-of tha Mkbiajan SotUaWn Road sinee

the (...jiiinucetTitiit $t ifca aUeal JtaW minpare ae foi-lowii:

[Mf. 1S60. ,Mar-b.*l(d,t*5 45 $i73.5i:s If

Apiil. 145,358 39 1IW.995 !WM.a. 1380*414 174W75

, JurTe. Uft.MII i:«i,344 8.1

TotaJ fonr mcntba.. #540,763 46 a**5 h.m MJln.- aaag. l.a,lU 57

The fiienda of tlii- rott.l aiiihioate earning* of $.{00,-000 i»er nionth in Seprtwlier, fJvtuber, and November.Tbe (arniiiga of the Illinoi* Cential KoaJ the liret

wtek of Juiy were a* follow*:Flrat week, 1»«0.#41.429Fti-t wtex, 1859. 33,317

Increaae. *«,03iTL© ean lnu* of the t'leaeland und Tuledo Road for

the firat wetk ofJnne were:U>X>.»11,952

lMi9. 11.101

In.iea**. *H51The (ialeua Road eamed for tho fjrat week of Jnly:l««o.aMMH

I ¦¦. 22,6;i9

Pajaag vae. * Ma-The Adriafic Insnranr.': Ci.nitany ha* oVrlartd a

¦ nii-aDii'ial ditidend Oa* I 9 cent, payahlo on de-ruand. The I'ucifio Fire Imraranc** Conipany haredcilarcd a bb*b*WbbVbbJ dividcnd of li tv ccnt, payableon demai.d. The Fnlton Fire Iuturacce ConipanyIiiive doalared a sni)i-i.nnual dividend of 10 \' ccnt,pajable ou Jemaud. Ihe Iiiiport'-rn and Tntdera' In-nurjiice Coiupuoy ha» declartd l itemi-auDtial dividcndof 1 tf <ent. Tho Fireuian> Trust. ln.tirancc OaVJafaViiy of RnKflilyn liaw di-< !«red a dividend of I l* cent,aanraalg cn demand. The btkalBaVal of the CtaailljBtMftaaWaM Km\74&,t09. Auontion is aaaM to tht>etiitiruent ol the coi.dkioti of the la-1 KeU'e Savinp*Inrtitijli.'ii ol St. Lo ii», itt another column. The¦atwj niaiki-t 11 MaMbM in the unnie eaey comlition a*

IgaJtMa nifiitioutd. Dtataai louii*,.">«»> t <«nt. Kie*telas- pa er, Sa C v nn'. foi ahort. and o^al tv cent

gavloag liatts. Ti.'um iry nDti'BfiTeselliiiirat 1 f cent

pra-ii.ji.ni l-.r long | (' .ente, und | V teiit for WmJtLA ailnmaal of fOO.OoO Cmpoii (lovermnentos, 1W4,rui rrade at 10 '. Tii<- Su!)-Troiwnry is being rapii'.ydt]ileied, hut \ve hear nothing fn»m Wiinhington in re-

liard iothe new Lan. The .Secretary can hardly Ra>pe t to iiavo a moie favorahle time i*or pattinir a por-lii.u of i' 011 the nuiiiet, and if thero were a tindncierii..'. i.d of ¦ baikwO'HiH Lawyerein the Treatury, the1. »t would have re, u on the niarket befoie tliie*, in-iitend of reiawoing TftataiJ X.iien at 6 l> ceut iutoreet.\V( hrar tli.it ika advi-iaeriK-nt of eah- uf the KrieRoad nnd-r the fore loanro ?nit of tho Kii'th Mortgaue,.\ill bppear iu tli- nuiiee of ten da)*. We nnderHtaudthat several Bi-itr3 for dam«Ke« 011 bogus New-York;u 1) Xcw-llaveii stotk liave been couinionoed agiiii.etpartifit who were directors during the Sohayler.cginie.W* annex a icnparatiTe etatement of the exporta

exclnBive ot jj>eiie fro New-York to Foroi^u l'orw,for the week. and ft-aM .Liu. 1:

1N5-, 10ft. IStiO.K.-rtbeweek.ai.*a.lM ai.Oai.Pa- *l,47";,n.il

.y teportaaJ.M.444.W »: IH J a»,»U,4ftl«|.-.Janl.*>_*7l47.4>51 *i'.40f.'Jlii *45,13l.35lAmong the axporti »ei« 212,4100 bn.-hehi wlieat,

10,400 buthele ct.rn, a_d 13,908 bklft. Ilonr to I.iver-l^ol: !",r00 tiiBl.elB vl.it, __d 7,600 bbla li.mr to

1.1, 1 |M '.l 1-. j'.hi to Brlafjol) 4,360 llli. Hour,:;i d IJ.000 lushele wheat to (.laiii^ow.Tne annexed 'abl'. ehotva the per centage of upeiie

i,. i.t d.p...-iie Ml kf ihe 'ity t'anktj. Uf the lifiy-tive banke, ona holde ncarlji aU t> .ent tonet dejioeitu,one ntarly 4*» t' teut, tbn* report from '¦& to 40 ?*enr, seven l'rtiu :i0 to .'15 tv cent, thirrw n fnim 2-~> to

:»0 t' out, t«emt-two f:oiu 20 to S i' cent, and eightm it le-.s then "30 f aaajt.l-nk.f New York.?.'..' Bar.k cf N'nrtb Amerlca.II jManbhilan I'.ai.k.ftO lanover Ilenk.lifjM.r 1,11,1.' Itank.:('.' Irv'.i.f Bmik.'.'fM. rhani.-.' Bank.i'ti M.-irr.p-'li'an bauk.3¦'¦OnionEank.I"l Citiaeiia' Hank.2a»l'..,,k *f kaaerlca.*M Na.^111 Bank.113I'lir ii Kiu.k.33l Market BaiJt.231CityBank.» i-H. Nicbolai Bank.*¦¦*rrad.'tni.n'a Bauk.WllSho.. au>l L.-iher Hank.IhjFi boa HaiA.2n, Corn Eti hange Bank. MCben ieal Bank.'"i Ceatlaental hank.*<illercbanU' f-il.ai.ge Hk...2-2 I'.ank oftbeCoinuiouweelrli 30Nariotaal Pank.»o Onertal Ban*.KtJB :.'.»' and Drovera' hk..2.' uManne Kank.'««M- l.ani.V aml Trader.' Hk 21 i! Atlantie Bank.*>}

...liUauk.141 loiu. anJTre4era' Benk ....15aLrather Maaifactiireri' Kk.Ili Fark Bark.»iBeTeolb Ward Bai.k.W.'l Arti_u_'Bauk.45^Hank of State of New Y.rk.43 Merlieniia' Bk'g Aa.o.-iat'n.2.'.«Ao.erican Kmbanre Ba. k. ?8» Oreoer.' Bank.UIBaabefCotaaiere*.M| N.>rth Rivcr Bank.3fijBroanv>ay Bauk.22 Eaat Rirer Bank.1H111.. an Bauk.*>i K. Y. Dry Do. k Bauk..Mer.eiiiile!!eiik. »{ S. Y. K».-liange Bank..FariacBank.W Boll'. H^ad Bauk..Bauk of tbe Repnblic.......37 N'. Y. CountT Bauk..t'l.ati.ain Bank..?.. .2i t Maiaif. and MonbauU' l!k...iS*aaV*iaii.11A e uioarison of the pretent eonditiou of the eouutry

MmkH of Mawafti btaMtJ with the tignrf8 of the provior.8raoi.th, and alro th<«e of one aud two years ugo, pre-nei,n> the followipg changeg:

June 2.rifitil .tck.**i 512 SOOLoaiia ecd diacounta... t~ i''< tSt» ie la bank. 1.631.716Bulanreauot on int.... 5.t:Duefroiufctbirbank... l,aWlJMf.u.- to r.th.-r banka- 417 244DiporlU. !it.i»i.li,7Clr.ulatiou. 15,183,133

Cotcpaii-.n «xi-.b correBponJing peiiod of laetyearatd 'jf 1808:

Capil'L Loan*. Speeie. DepodtJ. Clrcn'n..In..e30, lfaSP.$a3S,er4l l7,655,Ufi L&M74 8.M4 t»_l \\W*»Jui> I , 2ti5.7y* 1,793 932 H,t61,74l 15108,011luly3' ltM. 2K,742.*aJ aj.12l,141 1,7^2 W»5 ti.972,261 l.',3JU.H1

. Tl - aaaaagaa of canl»al la liy tbe atandnaaaf Bauk of LowellilJJM ai.d .-hrlboun-.e lalla Bank wMJmXThe ptateiueut* of ihe I'hihidelphi.i banks for the

part two Wteki eooipsre a* Ibllowa:Juiy 3 Juiy 9.

l.a,u:.$ll,7l'i«!5 a>n,Tfl 713I^inr . *i HOHW6 »>,8»,*WaWrl-. 4,^4549 4Due fro.ii Banka. 1.508,273 1.717,'JWDuit..B.uk.. 2W1.441 3,15i»,.|1Deeo.it.. 15.1-14 Mr. U,«K»1ClieuUtion. 2,o%,7s5 I,9W.3»l

Tlie re.ln.lion of tJie debf. of the ilichigan CentralKailn:ad Conipany iotiag the year haa been addnced

oj iij fiiend* ae a »ery la\< rable feature of ihe teceut

.mrnalrepoif. Bawilg rewived a pauiphlet copy ofi.hat ra-jxtrt, w* are nabhd to diacover how thia re-

lin liou i< tk pluee, and tiud that onr etafemoni wui

aaajaj, that it was by rea.izinn ae*et>. Tbeaiinex-.d9i.Mirea ihow timt tbe redueliou of aarcU is $:K),7'J00a. .»ti r tl:an tk* r.-i;a< ti'-.n of debt, and ihis aruoant iaiurt ihe Igaj on the year* bcniutBe.

Availablo iv**t* of the Michigftn Ceutral RailroadCtn»i*n» ',J ,H¦',.,. l*"r lr,Jl11^"11^1

Caab ln baud and lo.n.J ou call..MrfN 21Accotnitaandbiiia rneivtJ. _!I.5TJ 83A«el.ljib...da',f <> M..y. 33.5IH I3

Aa*eltwb*udeor R.N Rk*. 60.50U 41

Total.?371,1134 64A -arre in 1«0.

(aaliinharul.*MM* MI billa raeeieed. *».1«* W

Aia.UlnUacdl Jt (I. Maey. t 424 *.AaaeU lu barda uf R N. ¦ I. 44,151*7

TotaJ.d>la>3.0».l 00Redactioti in aaaeU .lniii g tl.e year. 310,123 64


BonJ..$,-9*»,2?2?Bi.:.i*rable. 90..1 .»

U*a^«Tid*af. M" °"

Tot*l.#8,005,650 60Dbht i.t 1*59.

Bond..w«,l»4.4»«l'r.p*ld Jhld-tJ. . 4*°"

T0t.l .$\> 1114.983 89tt.rfnell noi-deht . 179,331 »n.rt"rti-.n oiaeni. «!« aea adKrdu.Uoul..a_aet..;-.-.. ai*'l*J itRvUoctl«u_ia«Kta«,*r red -tlculn de»|.. I.."

We tuuaot tbe fohWiiip; fromWiUia-i P. WrightA CVb New-York C'otton Circular:

( R.ii- Theaecomtafrom the South couttnae of a reyorablocbt.a.t.'r. aeaao.-bl.; laaeaj ba.a ral^a, rotlow.«l b,. waru.

wt.lb.r .onplaliita b.«» reaaed, and eYerything la In ra»or ol

aU-Beand'-arly Yi.-ld Theflrat bale of new Codon waa re-

cVii.'d in NewVrb ». iron- T.xaa on 3d tnat., thi. JjU d.y*..B-Hertbaninanj «f tne paat 26 y.ar. If taken ... an lal-atr-nol tbe forw.rrfne,, of taM rro,.elv, ,t I. ImporlaM; butaaaciit.-ii-n of tlie probable extent tbereot. it la of no vui ie. u maybe f.nind l.i .todOngtlie follcai I table of d.t-a of hr.t bafcreeel -d wltb the to.«l rop. In iIbb the tirat bale waa reeeiredon 15th Juli. the.arlie.t by more thar. a we'k of w.y BB**.o "

year .In.-e tW. ,pd vet Ihe'rrop fell .hort by eOO.OnO bale. of tne. pr.c<-oir girop lln55,: _ ,Yaai i..te/ Crop BaMalYear. Pa«e. ^"r^rT.-,IM*. taff **. 1 :a-ltaol|mt..Ang. 5.?"2S!_,ll8»..Aor 14.I,a23,M0 1HI-I.. Ang. 7.a'!!?I'..1 tn« .'...l.BM.«->||M«O..Aiif. 11.V\" "

'.. g H.-l.»ai.CflOjl'*l..JiilT 2S.:' ol-'Ot"'IM9..A4.J 4.iU77.fO» IMB..ABS. 1.3-y,!'__1840..a'nig. ».l.63.V*.|ltt53..Aug. 9.2- __21»41. .A'K 1". I.f »' *il8H...Iuly 25.!""*14.' .Ang. «.2 379.000 t:i55..July 2-1.1848.. Ang 17..2(.:io0o0HcC.Juiy 15.2lfc4d..JulvII.2 395<Nwtt57.,Aog. 15.1 114 1X19iWS July .(<>.i.lM.ota.) I8'Nf..Joly fc. 1.851 Ootlll^C.A.g 7.1.77o,u04i l>¦>''..J.'ly 33.- ,

tM7..An* ».2,3411.l*0;i>*60..J.ly 3.-.Fiom ll.i" Itwlll be aeeu tbe e-tcrtt of the T"p ia uot iuflo-

em-ed bv tbe dite vihen the Irat bale la reeeived.R.lBl'l'l. Expokt.. a>e, sre aiuell aa 1. a.nel at thtaaeaaon

there lt Be fi atnn in eltber northy of particuar n.r.lce.'Ihe ralV.winf -. atata_a-l 4>flhe moyement to eMUna_u*

the l.t c,t 8»pteniber laat. aa cnmpered with the previoua fonry"n: IBiHI. 183B. ISrtH. 1SBT. 18.14bn_,'u,t p|..4.431,000 3,63e»,000 3.4.17,000 2,Kiii.(«J0 8,450,000Kxd io(;t Bi ...It-lno l.mpi.ono i.tto.hoo 1,371000 I.8K 000E» to Kratoe.... '574 <«0 414.1*0 873,000 301000 473 000Ex to oth. r F P. 472 (»«) 5M.OO0 MBBb 4-I 000 54-2.000Total Fxrort I STT.OM 2.846.WI 2.4.3>.,ia«i 2>4 ono 234.'"* B-JJOO 212.000 l.Vi 000 122,0(10Of whb h d.iring Ihe paat week. Incloded In the alore:

Rei'Dta at P't. . . b5S ".""> 12.000 5 000 7 000Fxn to Gt Ur.... L?.'00 18.000 3?.0O0 8 000 1 ¦..««.'

Ea to Kruir.. 4 000 12.1x30 ?..<m 10 000»' ...olherK P. 1 "0" l-""* 3""° 2""° MBTotal Exporta..... 17,000 81,o00 44,000 2.1000 24,00HfHiaiBY Breriptt.Increase at the porta, co-i.pan d arBB

la-» y<B- 1H IU MM > rywelt-lnereaae to Oreat R 'aln,75? 000 bale«; iucrea-e to F_.BV, lOO.OOO; decirate to otherfoisigi. poita, bl.OOO. Total lucr. ate lu exporta, &7(1,000 balea.


_liirkei--CJ.Ba»x".T Bbpobtbd fob Teb B^IBBIBB.APHE8.Tlte maiket for Tota i. ijuite ateady: the deatand

f.ii M 1.¦. of M bbla. at a;5 12. PearW are lirui; aa'ea of 2o bbli.at #5 iuCOCOi W e ...r of taleaof 15 bagaOnayaipiil tt l}c, rt b,

kraa 24 f .nt.( OTToN.Tbe market li .a continund uominal ai d dull; salea

of THjO baka. We repeut fonBM qaotntionaHBY4-V4IHK CLIK.IPI. ATK.X.

1'pb.nda. Florida. Mobile. N. O.kTei.Ordlnary.6J lij . 6) 6»MMdUng.l''i joj 10? l.l}Mlddiiug Kalr.12 13 12A18Kair...".12* 1*4 1314

COKKFE.Rlo l. .|nbt bnt .t. ».ly aalea ofi7.->bui!. at I <1..QlLw kkajli BJB allallfy >aiiaofi;7j baii« 8t Uoiulniio, jMirt at12lc ca.-b 100TriagBCeataBleo, and Ino Triage Lagnayr.i ou

nrWati I, rma: l..*0 bi-«. Mari. aibo, at l.tlSlljcCOPPEK The market ia qniet. but ateady aulei of 80,000 IT,

Lake Boperinr Refin*- Irgotat 21jc. '-a-h.KLOI U AND MEAL-Tne inquiry lor Wpyteni aad 8tat>

Klour ia .piite active, but at er.aier rat.'a for tbe low anj un Jiuuigredea, f'e BgieuBd BBBB ex.epted; thla ia Ix reqoeet at t'nllraic. tor cxpoit. and i» in mo.lera.e a'ippiy; I'.imily extra. arewi'lioiit ii.iouhle change and are in fair re.iiic.t: tn* aalea ar-

nbla. at 1*5 iyo>#5 20 for aupemiie Weateru, «>5 '25il>ii H for low g'«de» of evtra dn #5 Wa +5 30 for supertine«iut<- #S4)f_BfH for ej:ra St.te.¦the ir.lde raBt for Au-taBBB gtvaadi #5 fiO'tf #5 65 for choic* do #5 753#5 85 for.hiwdYa brauda of ronnd hoop extra Ohioj #5 90d»#7 50 fortrad. biandfd'., and #« *.«.#7 50 for 8t Loula extraa. Canadi.r. Flour la ea.i. r IM l^e d.-inaiid qulte light. eiprclally forthe low fadea. the b< tter btanda are acane and firmly held,wi'h ii cood ii'io iry; aalea of i>;0 bbla. at #5 15 for . iperrjne;#5 ;.5_»5:o forbpriug W'beat (itra, aud #5 55S#7 50 forW inter extra, R;e Flot.r ia In atei.ly dermnd ^nd ia rtTii; tale.of 160 bbU at #3 4".c7#4 15 Corn Mea! ia not nln.tv andprice. ^re .ii.tai.d: aalea of ^4.0 bbla at #3 50 for Jeraey and&:« :.S for Brandywlne.FRt IT8 Ba.atBa are qiii-t; .ol^a o. 25,0 O Dnracoa focoa-

uuta at #-^l V 31 i-''<w b IB. bea Dauanaa at *I<r¦*.! 2.7, 4.0MIlavr. Pine.ppte, at #10 4* M aud 50 000 Bahama do. at7a

K18H.The market I* extren.elY dull and tbe few euiall aaleam.k.i.g from ftore are at pncei wbich ere no criteiiuu 1 .r cargotra: bbbBobbj th- orTetinga, hewerer, are lixht.GHAIN.Tbe W heat u.arkrt ia ugaiu eaaier at the de< line

lb.ro Laagood -hipping d"ii'and, aud but tor the abaenc of.i, i_l t r. om a !frg« b.BBoaB wo.ild have betii doue for vxport:ihe .uci'ly i" Uberal aad rnflkra hold o(T. th* aalea are 11,000buib Keiio.ha Spiinx at s>l 2H«a>l 27; S.lKO baah. ChicaevSurnaat #1 25;3J.ii». bu.h. Milwankee ( lub at a>l l* MBhii.h Anber lowa. at +1 *1: 3 2"0 btt.h. Red We»teni ut4-1 ... u lrl 3«: o t0*> buib. good White do. at *1 4. ai.d 3,i»«.lu.ah. W ii'. h.: t> Vy nt afl 55 Hy.- iamore tileuty aa__a_e4atHKdii?!- Oati are in falr aupply aud are leaa actiYe aan , ofCai ad.i Kj tat!8&3l | .: W. ,t<ru and 4 unadaYVe.tat 3:i«.e<vu,u! r«tate at 4. 6*4i}c aud reiail iota at 41c. Coru la lovrer, theairivab) are iinite iarao, ai.d tl.erc ia no d.n.an^ lor eij.oit; .ale-of 70,1.00 bii-ii. biken for the F .at and Cifv trade at 62''68c. for.o.ii.d MIa.iI WeaBeia; 64c lor ek.Ict do.; '.,i/o-jc. for rour.dVel'ow-ll.i. i. v.ai.tid lor tho \\ .-.t Indie., aud 6«i. for Whtte

HAY'-Thc tupply la talr; MNs of 1,200 balea at 75680c. aj>hlDES.The n.aik^t codinniB dull ^ud h*ay;-. and but little

ba. been dnne aalea of 1741 Texaa at 17e., ca.h, aod2,250 Moute-vl.lto t" r Bi.aton, at about 244c, li.a 44{> <-. nt.

)., i"V*_'l he d. ruand ia moderate w!e. of X* bal.-a 1859a a' C_11c. Old are iu .peculative re.,u.at at2_5c, inclndiug F-tif,]-..,7tM,d 1 : -


IP.ON.S'-oicb P'.g tt a'ei.dv, and in mod, rate reijjeit: nlr.of '¦'¦>¦ t. im al #22<7 J.28 a» tun, 6 moa., ex. tbip aud from yard;oth-. kinda are ouiet, \f t -toady.LIME.Tl e d. mai.J for Bajcklaadla moderate nnd p:i.'c«are

..'Hilv V c qnotrl ointnon atfif'c, und Lump at #1 M. «,MOLA88E8-Y etv little it doiug. The talea are not of anv

lu i nrtaice. By Biii-tlen.Balea of H'i2 bhda.. badly daniaged.t art at25v_29JC, aud IM) bbla. New-Orleaut, at40c, caah and 4

.NA\'AL 8TORES.Spirita Turpentine it In limited reouettat .t.atly ratea; .ab.of .0 bbla. mer'bantab'e <t 39c, 245 do.ahlppiDgBt40e.l 23.-. New-Y'ork bbla. at 41c. 4j>gaL, c*»h, and41 n i'l !a. duliyerable in Septemher.aeller'i optlon, at 42.^ Lrudeiadull fornu.or Ro.in It qniet. eien at tho decllue; aalea of"n hh't at t>l 5o-t* 310 tt. m y-id. The n:ediamand n.ie gra-lea,re tl.o aulet; talt t of 200 bhl«. No. 2 at #1 75 t» 3M If :!00 do.P.leat #8_a>3 50, aud 400 do. WhiU Yirgin at #5 4* 200 tt.Tar coiitinuea dull auJ heayy.f)ILS.Tbe deiimnd for mott de.crlptlont ia lfiulted, bnt

pric.t are u.alntained; aalea of 15.o00 gafi. Eng!i"h Liuteed, tonrriYe ni ubout Wi-., 'aah: tJ.o 5,000 bb:.. f rude Sperm, for theweek at tbe Ea.' at #1 27</ #1 80, aud 2.000 do. Crude W'hal"at t:.o 44c ,> gal., c -h, with more juyera than tellers at our ex-

tr.t.ie i.gurtt. ard IBI gala. Diatiiled City RedattVic, CJta.

Otner k'.r.dn tell ilowly at ateady jrrtcea.PR()\ I8IONS- The Fork niark. t la hetter and more aetiye

th. a.riial- aie moderate aalea of 1,260 bb'.. at #19 06« #19 12if.,r nt w M»_; g>14-#H 11) for new Pritii* #Ut 25 f..r o'.r]Mi -a and *12 25-14 for Ruiupe. Beef iain fair roquett, and i.¦mi \»itb llii.ltt'daniYal.: .hle.of 800 bbla. at *4 IB-gM Bicoun'try Meta; #n 50a #10 50 for repacked Meai; and #U&#12 50 fo. Extra. Piime Meas it in llmited d.a-.and; aalea of 87tea onprivate ten,.«; ham. are in r'oderate deman.i: »»le. of 12fibbla. gcod Wcttani, at *15. Bacou i. ia requett, at lu* i lljc4'ut meata aie lu very metger ai.pply, and ero

h> Iu at S:c. frr Shouldera, and 10ic. for Hama.Snnk.d Mt^t. ^re alao very tcarceanjinreqroat. f.urd l.flrmeraud in tair demand for the trnde and tbe F.aM. and, with li _it«dairiv.il. boidera are tinn; aalea of450 bbla. and tca. at U'"13I'.utt. r is in talr demand, and ia ateady. at l(f«llc. for Ohlo andI3_1*C. for State. fheeie i. in uoderab- requett, at BgBJB, forObio, and84^/llc for Stat.

III(T. it 1.. good denund, a.,lta of 425 tca. at #4 62l<»$4 i~\V liv fn, ... t., quality.

bl GAR8. 'i'here ia a lairdomand _om Rehnera at e^ab.c.iGiocart biiy modoiately at 7|'d>7Jc aalea of*75 hhd>. PortoRlot>at7-7M chieflvthe Utter price, ard l.lSu hhdt. Ct.ba. at

oi'n'f,r. Rebui'd at<" aellit.g at loc. for Cra.hed, Orouud aud(,:a.iu:et,'d.M1EDS.Cah'.tta Limted ii qiict, but hrni, In B.tton, at

01 70; aalea of2 W>i baga Bombay. to arriyc Irom London. ataboul #1 7r.^f>b..li ,4Mtt-ypiCl'S.W'e liear of aalea of 100 caaea and 5,000 u.ata Cat.l.i

on private leru.a ......., ,8FKLTER.The t.urket ladoll, with an <unp_ anpply on taleat^'iSii- for .Stolbexx «ud Sileaian.T'N-Tbe demand Lat been q.iite liniled, pendmg the retult

of the aimnal Huv b aele. wbich came ot»' at annotince-l on tbeth bM.OO. Tbe otieritic compii-ed 151.0..0 .aha. wbich waa

tak. n ehlafly by ape. ulatort at au aYeri'^e of *9j flortnt, or a _at>ti>u over 82c. The otleriuga for aevenil jea.t have beeu;

Slaba. Price.lull-.50.117,766.I,,1^51.111,181.InlHSI.150,702 ...v.|.1.!3.122,312)\Z\tu .132.8645.72 fl.orrc!ul«55.____»!;;!^::::::::::::::::::iS-_i.!¦.,«¦!-

¦.MB.1"".'42.6i'j f.., or rInl85!l.13»12«.61 li.,or32'.c.

I.1K0.151,000........W fl,o. no.At preter.t our market i. noorly tnpp.ied ttUJ tbe ratea nreye

L D| .. loi ii.uch high.r M.ao tho*; obtain. d at tte a la. Wi

q,.o e Strai.a ai 3W.c I BWM and Banca at OTJc, caah. P'at- .

are al.o dull, bnt are ateady at *.» N for id X, aud otlier bramla

'"taI.LOW.Tbe maik.etl«rir_;aalea of 15,000 tt priuie, at 10

TOB'aCCO.8»leAare confined to Himediate aoppliea; pnce<lor all but biat gradea nomiual; aalea 32 bhda Kentucky at »«

i|ie.; Mlial. aIUvanaand804 do. Y tra on private teriua; 60caaeaS-fd Uafat 3a»-CW HIciKY -Tio- market la w.thout mucb change; aaic of 000

1,1,1. at 21*0211. ¦____.W h ALKRhNE !.»' b.. n inorea. tive. and thero .« i. or.- tot 0

to he i .arx.t; aalea ol 50,.*.* tt. for export, at 7I___ lor SouthBa i- *5d iOc (or Ochot.k, ai.d h;i«86c. for Northwe-t, ca-h.

Alb»nt f i»t Hiavt-k Irfarkel.[Reported for Thb Nbw-Yobe Tbibohb]

C 4TTI K.Notwltnatunding « e have 8,800 hea J on th. market,4(aj more than laat w.ek.the market la actlte aud more Cattlehuve,h..ug.d handa at thia u ace, wilhln tbe i/aat tbroe d_ya,IbsaaayotM we, k .iu. .. Alhi,. y ba. been a.ity. Ilythlaw.,i,.t ir...... to imply that th.ro haa been any great advau. e, f.r

tl... I, acunaly elv, My only from , to \- ?. IV UYe w.igh'.;but ihe New-Y..rk bwyera eonit. bere wlib ourar.-. on ¦

tf ihe better'e.Hnyin th.lr nurt'toi Tueedaj laat and ruauyolllioat wl.« haWJ k.ld t*i.ir>tocB <oit for thre.-. four and bve

wteka ta»t had uade un their u.iiida to aell, and all tblngtwoiaed ctt BBOOtld. T_ New-Yorfcera outbid the <Ja-«>n'bvycr«, fo that not -v.-r two thlid. at mai.y v. ..1 go to 8."'.',;ki- a. ware taker leat vaeek. but our market »tll be prjatty »ecl.ai.ednp. luidwe .hould «y uot over in) head a ilT "e b. w

°BRa*;Bir>ra-Tbe foilowiug la onr oo-jaaraUye tLde^ot of ro-

j.-*.337io rs? ifeS".'"P.J',1"1 III 11,171Uop.Cor-'ingWeek BJ^obBj Tot-to^adrta_H.Iti 4,111 .'-.

Sheep.'."" 7I» 15..'lo ^

AddTVbV^ce;p;.'f|;«:ljim,^W«,^M-**»*^tTVL\l..i,|e^ftiIan.a.aeyeral _B*MB_ fanada U the fotlow-bUBBaabani Jwr0Uo. 544),KentMky.... 1«3__.¥_*'.'.'¦.... tttl Mlaaonrt. 207 Mlchlgan. 50

Io"v.a'..r. ... l42.Indb_B. l96,tanad_.¦ «

^utuj.8.8MAad waia "d'atributed"tbiougb the teverul yardab.e aa fol-

"kt-ore'a, 2,036; Huuter-a, ...61i Oallup'a, 709; Uwrence't,¥ Ph*1^-The'e i. uo cl»ngO to aota in Ibe MB lota, whlU tbancxtl.ade.ai«.«.ui..q..i4;k»tialight adyjuce ia notadbelow:

TU* We,k .' Ul W.<k.iPrevrtoai.%¦ JJ*-

Eatra..»,,..44/74.'. I M4*.Fir.f qiwiil...... Al**,. |14tjr,Seemid quaality.Mat34e., 4 d»i*.Tbird qualitT./14»*. ; cii^.Sai a». tt e r.nmat g<." .-ne qu*r>.-r ..( ;., ,,.,;.,,,. ,

deroarnotice wfth'MM taktnf an enlire 4de of thia paper. b-itwpl mputi rrnngl. 'o ii.di.-tfe laWaw**>*at tb* '...rh-t r k I()..«, le ordiuanr Keute. ay* atliia ii.-ed, v«r»»j .,. wt ,ht1,115 IT,; »l.o, 45 exlrahe.vy .)... at #71 '-. p fU.O, .«,;_.1 475 ffi. Ide & Bl.ndm), 57 ?-od loaraa at 1J.- -vveiag. | |a*. ?£IM. J. Ei-gllah. 58 IIMtiol* at #44 4/ hea.1. aver.»e 1 1!W %. c »/Hogef, for W. Ilogilii, 110 extra K-ntu.-ky. a» It ..T«ra*a,1 afii rtb: alao, 3" do. for H. Snddltb, at » t '.0 t' ln<>.1,429 ffi. B. F. CoMa, 38 exlra l..a\y fttat* RtWer., fe,, «. «T7..coee at #84 4* hee<',d*lher»d in Nrw-Wik; ttirlr iverace b**ja*ivi ight au J.725 r.: -aer.l p. ir« weUbed »»er 4 0*1 tt, **eb,ai d one palrweiglnd 4,1.80 fb. J. <"olt. 32 iWc lllin.rl. at 4 ..

avarafe LJBI It.. Cba*. r<t<m<-, 8S *'.od irthiot* U *l K> 4>ino,average 1,221 II, C II T-mer, 30 fajj |ll,,,..,. .( 4- ae-raae1 381 ffi. J. r-cott, r» eitr.. fine Kr-atockya at #4 K.. » li.i m,*< rvt- 1,4i7 Di J. fiiwlaif. 18 Mlcburan at 4>4 30 t> 100, arer-

I ? If.. J »eph Hugbea. MprHie Keritnekya at 4».' a.er-

ace 1 425 m Jolin Slinninna, 81 (Hil-ei .1 4-e , a.-rag. 1 200 ffi.JFry.W extra Ker.'nrkri at *4 »a»i t> ltwl, »eera«-e L.THI ffi.TUda-liK urtD. *'. Mlni.iaal *.*.3f>l.e»d ea»l nated at 6V) ffi,York weigtt: a,.o, IV. do. .in privat* l>rm*. Thflmaa ll.xeh.ry,2« cr-oiee Ohin« at *4 80 4? ltV\ aeeragfl 1,550 tb alao, 44 fairdo. at *M \Ai ?)> h.ad; aaller aayaKMl ffi. York. l>oy*rBB*fla.I R.li!wiii,30f'-B'** Kei.t.n-ky. uioii'i'iiln cattle. at «3 75 *r100, areragc 1.408 th. hti. K*ndali 63 faix Kentac-f et 4gc, «*-

er.KelSSnffi. Kornaaa F.-ll, JPT Tllin. I- »t ? .58 4* he«d. arerage1 -f.i Ih. I. P- Hodge. 18 good Iliinota at tjc, arera.e t,135 ffiT Difkey, 30 Kenloekyaal ?** fJ-beiad, aseraavl.*"'!*. Fiattk ( oorrod, 53 llhnoi* at »ift l> liead. av«ra«* 1.380 ffi. 8. Hy-mim, 17 falr IIHiioi. at #*( f> baad, average TstS ffi, RobeU Itlliiaeli 77 urin.e Mliola at *rf, j> bead. aver**- 1.450 ffi al**,31 r.rdtn.rr llgbt «V< *( at» *>he*d, aa.eraae 1 100 fb. O. Sber-worj, Munme IlllnmaaittC «»*nje 1.40" ffi. K. Brant, 15piloe Mi.iKUif at +f 7 4* bead. avertjie 1.500 ffi. \V. L. Barton,'. utrabeavy 8tat> at 4fe av.rage 1,190 ffi. 8. Kudloaif, 15Htate»t4lc...Mrag*1.4n0 ffi. J. CoH, 15 Imrj Ilnooij at $Mf bead. avertgr 1,(0" ffi. J. C Smltb, 47 falr Iliinnia at a*4 J<»4j» bead a*ei.,«. MH ffi l»« T. tVue IM KeiilmkYaat uric**rai-gi'ig Irooi I 8,aji 4> ffi. York weigii'. »*!lea'a e>U-u_*.Hliaap *"»!> I.amh.-Th»- auppir exceeda the d*-nand. and a

nnmbera-e l.ldoaer; aelee about 6.5 bead tX pri.^a i«u«U>g frona2je.to4c. f ffi.H.t,«.w* burene aale* f.j report We qnotc nomiuaJIy at

:.J ».Je.Mikh fowa are cbeap and alow of «a!e. W« heav of bat

few rhanglng banda, at price* ranging from 4>33 U, 4>45, tbe oat-aidc price for vtry good.

-e»Rereiple wf Pr^vrluoe.

Totol ty all Reartea, Je/y 10..f,,7fd) bl.l.. Floor, M,l6lb'itb.Coin, 113,363 do. Wh<-at, 18.I"* do. of (Vita, teil hbl*. t'o.-n Vf*al.7f0buah Rre Sitfipkn. Provlalon* t,ou do. Whtaky, 852 do.OUCeke, 69 do A.l:*-, 16 tun* Oil Meal.


>l PREME COURT-CHA«riBKia-JiLT 10..Befoe* Ja«iceIxobabum.

IHK *V_f1 M'A.«BIN'i.hi.v afAaWBTCAaeNIn tho ajaajraa r.f .Indive MmotideM arirnrnent in »hai

eff on Mond.y, he read the f->llo>-lng exiract. foua * M'erv. rUten to biin BJ l.yman Trenwln, daU-d All.any, J.ily 1. 186a:

'. U hy *B»ail taa ( ommiairionera of the Land (Mli.-e r N»ltb<-iwer* pream^ to def. nd tbemaelTea. Tbe c*ae daea not jurtifyit. Ti. tblf city itwaa of no iuiportaru-e wbat diapoaition of thepii p»rty wa» uiade bctween the state ir.J IU leaaeaa. Itw&a uoni ofita bu.ine**. Could a good reiae requlr-- tacb'

'. Now that tbe one'tion l« iliazged in, aod a.'iU.-re«l hroed-ca.t, will you not \lndirafe the ectloa »' your H->ard W«a itii t f r tLe iLteiert oi »he st-tt ! T_* annject wae uew to all tii.a. Ile took no riak, *nd now the tltlx Iw-ing auat^ined, it willowe one lo two mllllooa ln the State Tre»a«ry. \\ aa lt wrougtaaJlow i.-.i%.rd to the pnrtj iniiking tbe di.coverv and taklugall tbe riak ! la not 'hut uanal in cawa of eache it orr.th-rwm it not fonuerly tbe cuatnm toglte oae-tbird or oue balf toaa> I. purty f

.Indge r..Imnt.da nnclur'ed Ha arjnmcnt to-day.Mr. Noyeaf.'Uow.d in hehal'of tl.* Controiler. Tbe followinl

ai. ll;e prii.clpal p'li ta of bia arstueo ei

I. The Conlrolfer ha. aut)ori»y, and It ia hla duty, to apply to.j* CoiTt to aet aaide B' y iudg_eut a«aiu.t tbe clta tluof be b«-lle%«. waaobiained b» C'.lln»ion or la foonded in fraad. (Out-water. et al. *gt The Major, ae.| l« How. F. R.. 5T2; Mjcoui-heragt-Saire, N. V. 'Kitly Traixmpt. Feb. 22 1360)_

II. rheatter.pt by Taylor und Rreonan <o oMain p*«ie««io_of the \\ eat ^¦a.Mngtou Market pioparty before and wilho-.it .trinl of theHzht to the prerr.f.. a, w. re Ojaadnlent a».i iHe-yrtl dtheir pof.eaalou ofthem under t6e jndg.oeiit. ohtalned atainatthe tenantaot'the ( ity, hy def.olt and nuder an uueutkortaedattomment, waa alao frandiilent and illegal. aud .ueh peaeew'oiha* evi r atace continued to he nf tbe aauie fr.oduletit HnM.i-r.

III. Tbe late t orp.-iation Coaiiml had uo authoHty to -ti i-

athte the city aadef<-Dd*nt ln the ejectmeot, after th- a_tb*alleen vf.liiiTari'vdlnnl-aaMiaaagalriHif, to reHore the Reihip, 8nd to a'uapel.d tbe exetution of the order of the I i'b ofjuiy, l*-.'9 n loring tl e poiweaalon. and direeting the Re. ..iver t->pay'oM-r »W reata aiidptohU re.-eivel hy hio. to tb* City Trona-nry. *tto do aaytMag hy way cf tr-fng the cauae, whi.h h.ialri ada been de.-ldrd tn favor of thedtv.

I\ He had do autborlty to w.ive tb* appe*l ln the ejecfnieitanit. oi to ebandon the rlgbt to m.ve for a u-w triel uodertheatatvte: and aucb wei\ei ani abaudoiuueut were celiuaive andf-audiil. at

\' ile had no antl.ority eol-intarily to appear or take any atep*In th<- Baa** o tl.e city in th* action brought ny Taylor agaiuatihe ity, to teOOlM tbe'rtnta aud protiU from April2i, tH5'l, >o

October -'4, 1H59. lnaaraueb aa no proceaa had beajti aenred andlirr-idi-e hia appearaoir aadact. ii. that action were all coipi.no.nd rrandolent, ai d deajp^d only to advaji.ee the wi.hee and pr-l-niote tbe tntoretta cf T»J lor, whieb U prired by the refereoceof an u: refershL- irtion ly cou-eat. by the faet tbat e.ary aro-ceeriin* on the pait of T.yl. r »«. nVlHUti-d by e-maeot, and hythe indeceut li'iiU- by w'uicb ail the proceediuia and tbe trialweiecbareeterbea?. .....

VI..Nor had be any ai-thorily roluutaiUT to appear or takeaiiv ati pa a. counae! foi the citv lu the twluai-tiou brooght on

ta* aaaaa day ai the lo.t hy Tajb i at Hrennaii, tor*coT«r, aa

ai-algi:. e* of tbe Stato, peaaeaalon of th* prenilae* aad the rentai-nd profit- from the 24th day of October, 1833, lo the 24th day ofOctober, lii5*. li.aamnrh sa uo proceaa had been lerred; :nd. he-aid. a. hl« appejranc* and aHa In that aetlnn were alao all ol-hialve aud fraudi'lei't, aud de>igned only to acl.aucethe wiabeaand prouiote the imete.t* of Tavlor 4 Rrennan lu tbit auit,whlib iaptovad In llke uiai.ner by bi* coiiaentii.f to lt« i.o.u.-dl-ate referen. e, althc<i*b lt waa not a referable . tion by bia o-i-

aeuting to everythiug tbey wiahed, ard bj like baate In the pr j-( eedlnge and tiiel. .

\ II. The action of ejertment upon th* rer.lica. and j.idgTieDtin which theotliertwoa.:tlou' for mea-ie profi'a dep.-'d-d. ha*ne^ er been fnirlr d. feuded. nor ha»e the f*cta relrting to the tatt*(o the prnp.rty e\er been preaenUd U *ny »t «vh welgbton.' dignlty. oiinaoch a ujaiuier thatthe city a.ithoritiea ougbt to. ntertaln . doubt about the validity of th.-lr title, or ao aa to pre-\ eiit th.ir havlnga new aad a fair aud impartlal trlal.IX. Tbe " rouipromlae" rwrn to hy Taylor (p. 5), by hfa

attorrey Plaft lp. »!>>, *r>d by the late t'orp.irati.iii.( ofl*el fpp. TJned 13), by whli-h the latter a* he eaya, " withdrew Ma ootie*ol appe*' in cone'eeratloti thal the plaltiMffa would *hldi' by thea.-rdii t," »aa with the (tipelation entered into on the 9th So».,IH59(p.'l62), f«rthe rorpoee of earrying lt luto elfect, whollywttbont authoritj and colitiaire and voii


BL'P! RIOR COURT-CaAaiBBK.H-Ji i.t 10.-Before Juatlc*SUTHERUXD.riKriaiofis.

.Tiimep McAr'h'iragt. CatberueMeArthur..Reportedaad di>fiee :, .nt.-d

Before Juitiie ImokamaiI.Aioi Maria Brown agt. L>n\idT. Bromi..Divorce


Before Coiniulanouer NawT<i!f.1HL aUBaaS M.AVtB K»rt.-J.XAMl>A110.V OF tAFr.

oi ro.Tbe exumination of Frederkk Otto. the alleged cap-

taln of tbe bark Ka'e, unJer arreKt or. a .harge of belng eDga**din the a!av»-trade, waa coiAluued at 12 o'clo.-* t-eday.

i npt. Ot-oii ainan -5 or 80 year- old.rathi-r b.Inw tb* tnedlnniairr, but arpircrtly etrcng and active, and rery intelllgent. H«liateii.^i with iiitei. »t to the proceediuea, and fre |ueully mad*surgeation* to bia roncel.

Tlioiii*. J. Brown. an ofheer of the ( ua'.oui bouae. teetlnedtha» be ».-nt down lu the cutier H.rrlet I.me and boaraiWd tb*bark Kate af the flontbwra: Sntt and there Capt Otto. tbopr aoner aaid to him h- waa gola* to the Coert of tlrf.-a.: *n.Iafter he had arrivej at hU pU e of dertiaotlnn. if they dld any.thina with tb* veatrl he would nct be re-Ton,lbln- ^ __"_9of the taa Yaiikee aaked hlm who tb* Owner of thej-ark waa. audbe mod* no an^er. Surveyor Hart a*ked rrtm «f he knear tben.oiieai'.edUaCoata, and he aald he a*r»*r had aeen buu b*ror*.Thla »a* *bou» »n bouratrer the bark .-an.e t-. an.-uor oB _.«

tlattcry, w hen Da (oata caine on board »ith Surveyor Hart andrspt Faonce, from the ateamer Magoolla. Otto alai aaid h*waa pnt on board the baik by tlve Magrtolla off QliraaHa*. Ott^waataken froai tbe bark to the cutter: bad ranveraatioa* withb;i on the cutter but he at no time atated who the owner wae;,aid to him lt waa reported tbat Oa Co«* waa the owuer, bat heaaala no reply.. '_-. ,

troa* exaiulned.Do not kn«w that b* aald he w*. not gouig todo anjtulng wtong, or thath« didNot know that anythl.it wroufwaa gotng to be Joue witb the bark alter ahe cot to the Coaat;he a;od he w aa not reaponaibie he did not aduil' ->r aay that bewa« gr ir.t :itt>-r aiave*; at tbe time of thci<e conTereation* U* ve*-

ael b*4 baaai ceatureaL ._ .

Dtreot te.un ed.U* Coau at firat did nol appear to underaUudA\*b liit&ft.rwaidau.wered quaatliu. with Werable readi-

n.aa ai.d flunncy heard aimethlng aald ou board the Kate aho.ittuinin|tbeTe*a<-loTer to t uew captaio on tha coart of Alrtca.[Objittedtoaud walwd. | __._ .......AlfndTodd.pilotof atewnttif Mapiolla, teatlhed tliat ae »w

Uatoita on tbe Ma;nili» with a baaket of pe*cbea: b* r*

maii.ed Ir. the pilot bniie duriu* moat of the trlp down ttc bar |he .ald little or iiotLiua .nd did _ot appear t« apeak Eiigl ah ;*ra* pretty mre Ua Coita and Utto ip-*e together on tb* w*ydown but did uotuntH-cthani mneh, being hu.-y .'«"in| V~»ti g; thougbtb. a*w DaCoaU apeak to otLera ou boaid; did n->t

kn^v wbat Ihe Magimlia » a. aSged iu on>> >»« .'*>« ftj-La.ry Baaaaaa ou ner <,f the KL ta be at wer ll a »tV«jaat,w.l Iben var ,lire,|,.| l.v M.. M.-(.-iu..ck»»se4th.-l^opb.'.iiUrrmlak gave order. to go alongr.de tt:e bark, w^a fb* eapa-tuwa. put on board. aud t-'U dlrecUd bitii, to v. do*. u to aandyll/ink ..w th, llairie-Lanedov*ii at the H^ok, mtglU have

eu rked that tie cutter would take tbe hark au.e M.-.Cor',\:'£$ fj0 .n " t\ eut down al. ng th* beach baryoud 8iuJybo,k a^dtvo0o0rntl.r,eu.ile. ^,^""« >"*¦*. ""to.... 7i,....,»,..,... Alnalor tbe oe k, tbey altere* tb-u ....i.te* to.wthe,;.tterinuiiig- rto ^^ ^UnnSJZi'.TJo aridiZn* ba.k agaln.d.dl not know _h*

il. ^."» >nt. "le ll.er worked for mooey and were -h.-tere3li-7l.e _.ur heldei ei.tw.rd by McConnkk'. d.rec iou.. a*.^¦?aSa-a-«W aa-itata- -k. b*Ml W* aSont two.:^^t"ro-rihehea.h.low.,dlhe I.igl.l SMp dld ...at t^ekZ d bU. butalowed the ngine. w_aa tbey aaw tb* Harrlet Uoene- r the bark. ...

Tb'- eiarntuatlon wa. then adjeonwd untii to-aiorrow at llo'.-loi..

COL'RT OK OEKERAL 8F.«8ION8-Jct.r I0.-Befor* Judg*Rr.«*iu

The Conrt «djonrn«<t t.-day for tlie tenn. .ludgeltmiell conaeated, bowever. to open Court agjala t" iuirt*w forthe purpore ol teariug an argitueut or two ia caaea tbat ooiOd u*tl>e tiiiiilu d ther.'.-ixe. _i«_a_a__Ttoma* OicneaUa. M Intyr* wtj trled aad <»"'**£* °r .*.

U mi Ui g to ulrk tbe pork.4 of a conajuotor on the Elgbtb aaeuu*

Ralao7<f Oia-aia L VlcLajaa, on tbe 5tb of M.y, and w- -tutto ibe Mete Fri*ou lor two y*ar». _._

Attoj.. Streeder, a grocer »t NV (I MartOJi atreat. waarom-

p: i.,ed of b, bl. Ster, An»ol.*tte .-atreeder, f.w b**tln* har a,jdJ...til.dai.dro...ict.d wh*reuja»o Judae Kua«U a*i.t aiae. Wtl e Fei.itei.tl.iy for . y.-ar. . ...'_.

I Larl. . BiiaudtuburaeW * boj. 4» J*** * *»*. WM UU4__*eoiiCT of .'ali.ing Vd-vaaid ttaH^Tb** «Sg*_,r__.*_-p-nded hec*».e the art waedon. ln defene* *f b»«w-U *J»3 hw

broiher. ia a Hgbt on tbe »7tb of Juu*. Ttajy ''^..J^i.JJKdwar. Maitf... Johu K.bb«, F.aiKi. KUber. a-d QMal|a»ti.i FredeiV Bnud.-nburger, hi. hr-iaer, wa«*'*" tried for *vaeult and battery, hut .cquftted on a aimllar gronndPeVlek Mocre, who aeratcbeA F.;.k M*«' t*"*!' "?

p. arl .a»et ln the fan. w*b . pooke* ki.ife. oa Ut* twh of Joa*.

^o^^nn^lW^^^B^i.ae chSJe and c.eght blm with a» .ft_.JtoUell.Tei a^ajTrer'..Wrpolw..io'. llewaaaautto th* Ut«*> ftUm !»¦"y(ar« Adjourijed.