Welcome to The Church of St. Dominic


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02-00737-B-6940.jdfParish Office: 507-645-8816 216 Spring St. N. www.churchofstdominic.org
Sat. Mass: 5:00 PM Sun. Mass: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM (Misa)
Confessions: 5:00-5:25 PM Tues., 3:30-4:30 PM Sat.
Parish Email: secretary@churchofstdominic.org June 27, 2021
A Miracle Morning
“In her poem "Aurora Leigh," Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote:
Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes, The rest sit
round it and pluck blackberries.
I have certainly plucked my share of blackberries, blind to what wonder there is in life. But on occasion I have also had my eyes
opened by others, a bit more sensitive and aware. I cherish those moments and recall them when life gets too routine and ordi-
nary. I'll never forget one such moment.
I stumbled out the door of a mountain cabin where I was spending the weekend working with youth and their families at a rustic
retreat center. I had a 6:30 a.m. appointment to keep and squinted from the early autumn sun peeking over pine-blanketed moun-
"Today is a miracle!" spoke a young, enthusiastic voice behind me. I turned toward the radiant face of my teen-aged friend.
"How?" I asked her. I wasn't sure if I could handle any excitement this early in the morning.
"Think about it," she smiled. "The sun rose, didn't it?"
"Yeah." I found it easy to hide any enthusiasm. It seemed to rise on every other morning without any help from me.
"That's a miracle! It is miraculous that the earth turns as it does. At night, the sun goes down and in the morning it rises. It just hap-
I pretty much had this figured out years ago, I thought, as I rubbed sleep from my eyes. I was also busy thinking about how to get a
cup of coffee.
"And look at the mountains! Covered with trees and grass, they
look so beautiful. And there," she pointed, "a valley. It's all a
"What have I stumbled into?" I thought. "And where is the cof-
"Wildflowers blooming," she continued. "It all smells so fresh
and clean and so good." She took a deep breath. Her blue eyes
sparkled. "All of nature receives water and light. Things grow
and blossom -- it is all so beautiful."
Maybe it wasn't coffee I needed...but whatever she had gotten
into! I didn't know if it was her bubbly personality or the fresh-
ness of the morning, but I began to sense her enchantment
with the daybreak. A little, anyway. Somehow, she had me be-
lieving that the day did hold a certain magic.
Then, with a smile that seemed to make her blonde curls
laugh, she gave her pronouncement a note of finality. "And
best of all, it will happen again tomorrow. And the next day!
And the next!" She sighed. "It's a miracle morning!"
My young friend showed wisdom beyond her years. For her,
earth was "crammed with heaven" and "every bush afire." She
should never want for happiness, for she had already learned,
at such an early age, to find wonder in the commonplace and
to feel gratitude for the ordinary. If each day for her is a mira-
cle, then a lifetime will be no less than a marvelous extrava-
Events & Parish News
Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. If you know of
someone who would be a great fit for our SDS family,
please have them visit our website for more information
and details.
Annual Fund
Help us reach our goal of $75,000 by June 30, 2021. We
are currently at $71,946. To donate, please visit our web-
site at: schoolofstdominic.org/donate.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Red Cross Blood Drive at
St. Dominic Church on Tuesday, July 27th from 1-7p.m. We will
need volunteers to donate blood, as well as volunteers to help
during the events. Sign ups will be available soon.
We are sad to announce that Fr. Tim Norris will be transferring
to Holy Rosary & St. Stephen in Minneapolis. His last day was
June 24th. Please pray for him as he embarks on this new
journey. Thank you, Fr. Tim, for all you have done for St.
Dominic’s Parish!
We are excited to announce that Deacon Ramon Garcia and
his wife Suzanne will minister to our Latino Community along
with with Fr. Tom Margevicius who will assist as a Latino and
English Sacramental Minister. They will be with us starting in
July. Please keep them in your prayers.
We welcome to God’s Family our newly Baptized.
Adrianna, Mateo, Mason and Charlotte
Loved the Wedding. Invite Me to the Marriage. Love, God
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can help you do
that! Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married cou-
ples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones —
and focus just on each other. The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekends are Oct 8-10, 2021 in Buffalo, MN
and Oct 15-17, 2021 in Owatonna. Early registration is
highly recommended. For more information visit our web-
site at: twincitieswwme.org or contact Brent & Tracy
at applications@twincitieswwme.org or 612-756-8720.
Due to the lifting of the dispensation for Mass and Holy Days,
we will no longer have monthly parking lot communion. We
are grateful we have been able to share the Holy Eucharist
with you in this way during the restrictive period of COVID.
Please call the Parish Office if you have any questions.
Northfield Noontime Organ Recitals open their 14th season
this summer beginning July 7 and concluding on August
4, Wednesdays from 12:15 to 12:45 p. m.
Wed. July 7th- Noah Klein, winner of the Great Lakes Regional
young organists' competition (RYCO) in 2019, recent graduate
of Indiana University
Wed. July 14- Richard Collman, organist
Location: St. Peter's Lutheran Church, 418 Sumner St., North-
field (Allen Classic Organ) Masking & Social Distancing
**Children especially invited for R. L. Stevenson & Leavitt's
“Scenes of Childhood”
Today is the Peter’s Pence Collection, a worldwide collec-
tion that supports the activities of the Holy See through
which Pope Francis governs the Church and exercises his
charitable works. When used for charitable outreach, funds
from this collection help those most in need. Take this op-
portunity to join with Pope Francis and be a sign of mercy.
Please be generous. Envelopes are available at the wel-
come center. For more information, visit http://
WHO: Those entering 3rd grade through 17 years old
WHEN: Wednesdays—July 7--July 28th
TIME: 9:30-10:30am
WHERE: Carleton Pat Lamb Tennis Courts 815 2nd St. E.
Northfield (follow walking path from the corner of 2nd St and
Oak St.). See St. Dominic website and basket on the Welcome
Center at St Dominic and in the back of church at Annuncia-
tion for more details/registration form.
Next weekend is the July 4th holiday. We pray for a safe, fun
and refreshing holiday for all parishioners and parish staff.
Our office will be closed on Monday, July 5th. The office will
reopen Tuesday, July 6th at 8AM.
Adoration At St Dominic
every Friday from 7:30a.m. until
6:00p.m. During this time, the Blessed
Sacrament is exposed in the chapel on
the altar in the monstrance. Come and
visit Jesus, to pray, or to just sit quietly.
Stay as long as you want—5 minutes or 5
hours. All are welcome. Covid protocol is
Prayer Request
Please pray for all those on the Church of St. Dominic Prayer
If you would like to add someone’s name to the
prayer list, please call the Parish Office at
Act of Spiritual Communion
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I
love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my
soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramental-
ly, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if
You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never
permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
My Jesus,
for July 2021
We pray that, in social, economic and political situations of
conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects
of dialogue and friendship.
The author of The Cloud of Unknowing prays, “That which I am
and the way that I am, with all my gifts of nature and grace,
you have given to me, O Lord, and you are all this. I offer it all
to you, principally to praise you and to help my fellow Chris-
tians and myself.” Knowing that God sustains us in being is
the key to faith. All that we need to do is to love God as God is
and the rest will begin to fall into place. God made us in His
image and desires that we have life. God also desires that we
be healed of all of our wounds, especially those caused by sin,
and know his loving touch. Being weighed down by negativity,
imperfections, the cares of the world, and weakness is not
something that God desires.
Faith can profoundly change how we see God, ourselves, and
one another. It gives a clearer lens through which to see life
and connects us with the powerful virtues of love and hope.
Three friends journeying with us through all that we encounter,
faith, hope, and love, help us experience God’s embrace and
heal us. All we have to do is let God be who God is and not
foolishly try to make Him into what we need or want Him to be.
Without God we cease to be. It’s that simple. The very blood
that flows through my veins and the life that I have come di-
rectly from Divine origins. With this knowledge of who God is
and who I am, I can open my ears and hear the powerful words
Jesus speaks, “Do not be afraid, just have faith.” Trust begins.
When we are struggling, we naturally reach out for God be-
cause we know that a divine remedy is the only remedy. But, in
doing so we wrestle with letting God take charge. We want
something more miraculous and visible than the obvious and
have difficulty in finding consolation simply resting in God’s
presence. Our naked being, stripped of any pretense or self-
serving agenda, is being called to rest in and love the uncreat-
ed Presence of God. Reach out in love to God. Ask God to heal
you from all that separates you from Him. Put aside any ideas
of God that create barriers between you and God’s tender and
endearing presence. The Cloud of Unknowing leaves us with
wisdom, “think of yourself and of him in the same way, that is,
with the simple awareness that he is as he is and that you are
as you are.” This is a meeting of two friends who desire noth-
ing more than to share life together. LPi
Kindness is...good for the heart—in
more ways than one. When we’re kind
we inspire others to do the same, creat-
ing a ripple effect of good deeds. Kind-
ness also slows aging by reducing levels
of free radicals (like anti-oxidants) in the
cardiovascular system. So, increase everyone’s well-being
by taking a moment to do something kind!
NEXT WEEK—Sunday, July 4, 2021
Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Ez 2:2-5/Ps 123:1-2, 2, 3-4 [2cd]
2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6a
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second
typical edition, Copyright © 2001
4a JUNE 27, 2021
Mass Coordinator Brian Goerdt
Ushers LaVergne Adelman, Kathleen Homa, Pat Ziegler
Lector Lisa Theus, Amy Acheson
EMHC Dorothee Ischler, Denise & George Budd
Videographer Anna Imdieke
Mass Coordinator Marcia Simon
Lector Alison Murphy
Pianist/Cantor Shawn Dudley/Pat and Carol Fraher
Ushers Todd Feltes, Linden Feltes, Pat & Kathy Edwards
Lector Julie Sullivan
EMHC Jim Zell, Cindy Green, Bernie Quick
Reminder: You are required to find a replacement if unable to serve
as a minister on your scheduled weekend.
Sat. June 26 5:00 PM † Robert Boudreau
Sun. June 27 8:00 AM † Toots Vesledahl
10:00 AM † John Paul Gordon
2:00 PM For the Parish (Misa)
Mon. June 28 5:30 PM † Charles & Barbara Anderson
Tues. June 29 5:30 PM For The Parish
Wed. June 30 8:20 AM † Timothy Burns
Thurs. July 1 5:30 PM † Astrid Chernugal
Fri. July 2 7:00 AM † Loretta & Richard Keilen
Sat. July 3 5:00 PM † Linda Petricka
Sun. July 4 8:00 AM † Jake McKenzie
10:00 AM † Astrid Chernugal
To schedule a Mass Intention for a loved one, please
contact the Parish Office at 507-645-8816.
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States,
second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970
Confraternity of Christian Dotrine. All rights reserved. Neither this
work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or
displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without
permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Liturgical Ministers
Mass Intentions
Welcome to the Church of St. Dominic
Please use this form if you need to register with us or if
you need to update your contact information. You may
drop it in the collection basket or at the Parish Office
(216 Spring St. N.)
___ I have a new address ___ New phone
I would like my (___ address) (___ telephone)
(___ name) to be unlisted in the Guidebook.
___ I’m moving away; please remove me from roster.
4a JUNE 27, 2021
Mass Coordinator Brian Goerdt
Ushers LaVergne Adelman, Kathleen Homa, Pat Ziegler
Lector Lisa Theus, Amy Acheson
EMHC Dorothee Ischler, Denise & George Budd
Videographer Anna Imdieke
Mass Coordinator Marcia Simon
Lector Alison Murphy
Pianist/Cantor Shawn Dudley/Pat and Carol Fraher
Ushers Todd Feltes, Linden Feltes, Pat & Kathy Edwards
Lector Julie Sullivan
EMHC Jim Zell, Cindy Green, Bernie Quick
Reminder: You are required to find a replacement if unable to serve
as a minister on your scheduled weekend.
Sat. June 26 5:00 PM † Robert Boudreau
Sun. June 27 8:00 AM † Toots Vesledahl
10:00 AM † John Paul Gordon
2:00 PM For the Parish (Misa)
Mon. June 28 5:30 PM † Charles & Barbara Anderson
Tues. June 29 5:30 PM For The Parish
Wed. June 30 8:20 AM † Timothy Burns
Thurs. July 1 5:30 PM † Astrid Chernugal
Fri. July 2 7:00 AM † Loretta & Richard Keilen
Sat. July 3 5:00 PM † Linda Petricka
Sun. July 4 8:00 AM † Jake McKenzie
10:00 AM † Astrid Chernugal
To schedule a Mass Intention for a loved one, please
contact the Parish Office at 507-645-8816.
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States,
second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970
Confraternity of Christian Dotrine. All rights reserved. Neither this
work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or
displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without
permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Liturgical Ministers
Mass Intentions
Welcome to the Church of St. Dominic
Please use this form if you need to register with us or if
you need to update your contact information. You may
drop it in the collection basket or at the Parish Office
(216 Spring St. N.)
___ I have a new address ___ New phone
I would like my (___ address) (___ telephone)
(___ name) to be unlisted in the Guidebook.
___ I’m moving away; please remove me from roster.
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