WELCOME TO CLASS Mrs. Wells AP Government AP Euro Please take a seat


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Mrs. Wells• AP Government• AP Euro

Please take a seat

K-W-L about Mrs. Wells

What do you KNOW?

What do you WANT to know?

What have you LEARNED?


• Incase of Fire?

• Incase of Tornado?

• Incase of other safety?

1st Lesson: Class Procedures

Procedures are needed so the following can happen:

1. Everyone can learn including the teacher!

2. Class can run smoothly

3. Class is a fun and safe environment!

Procedure #1

• No profanity! It is the tool of an unimaginative mind.

Be “clean”…

Procedure #2

• Do not be late to class.• “To be early is to on time,

to be on time is to be late”.

• Be in your seat ready when class begins.

• School rule= 3 free, 4th on


Procedure #3

• Please come to class prepared. Do not expect class supplies to appear magically.

• Bring paper, pencils, binder, textbook and homework.

• I will not be sending students to lockers for materials.

Be Prepared…

Procedure #4

• Stay on top of your class readings , homework and assignments.

• I will not accept materials that resemble the picture to the left.

• You are responsible for what you turn in!

• Look at expectations sheet for late guidelines

Be responsible…

Procedure #5

• Please do not be disruptive or off-task during class.

• In turn, I will be efficient with your time.

• GOLDEN RULE: treat others as you want to be treated.

Be Respectful…

Be Aware of Technology

Mrs. Wells’ thoughts on…Weapons of Electronic Destruction!!!

You can use them all day, why do you Need to use them in class??

Unless specifically given the okay,

No phone (etc…) zone.

Thank you for following the policy.

Sequence of Events

In order for this class to be fun and efficient, procedures were created that need to be followed.

I respect individuality, but in order for ALL to have a fun and efficient class time, consequences are in effect.Severe disruption =

Immediate office time

Cause and Effect!First Time: Verbal Warning

Second Time: See me after class on that day to discuss rule.

Third Time: See me after school for 30 minutes for Detention (set up with Mrs. Wells). Phone call to Parents and the office will be notified.

Fourth Time: See me after school for 30 minutes. Referral written to office dealing with continued behavior. Meeting set up between Student, Parents/Guardian and Teacher and possibly Dean.


• Bathroom• Pass to

locker/office/another class

• Roaming the room?• Other questions…

DAY YOU ARE OUT SICK1. Visit Mrs. Wells’ website2.Make sure you finish work that was due on day you were sick first.3.Start working on new work that was assigned on Absence day4.Create a list of questions for when you get backDAY YOU RETURN1.TURN IN WORK THAT WAS DUE THE DAY YOU WERE ABSENT.2.Pick up missing work for folder3.Ask a classmate any questions4.Ask Mrs. Wells questionsDAY AFTER YOU RETURN1. TURN IN WORK FROM ABSENCE AND WORK FROM THE DAY YOU WERE BACK!!!

Sick?? Please stay home!

But don’t panic… follow these simple guidelines and you will not fall behind.

Questions or Concerns?!

• ASK ME!• I am here before and

after school!

7 a.m. to 1st period

after school until 3 p.m.

?Make an appointment if you need to!

Procedural Homework

1. Take home procedures/expectations sheet to parent/guardians for signature by Friday

2. Get a 3-ring binder/or multiple folders by Friday