Welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed ... … · Ted and Mary Baldwin would like...


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March 24, 2013/24 de Marzo 2013

“… Welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed, speak out for justice, and love one another.”

Parish Information

Served by the Passionist Community

Founded in 1954

MASSES Sunday: 7:00am (Espan ol), 10:00am (English) 1:00pm (Espan ol) Monday - Friday: 7:30am Wednesday: 7:30am Communion Service Saturday: 9:00am Communion Service Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm (English)

Eucharistic Adoration First Friday Mass: 12:00 noon. (followed by Exposition) Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00pm Benediction: 8:00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00pm (or contact the office for an appt.) Sacrament of Baptism First and Third Sundays (except during Lent) Preparation Class: 2nd Saturdays of each month. Contact the office for information. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least six months before setting a date. Anointing and Visitation of the Sick Contact the Pastor or the Parochial Vicar Adult Faith Enrichment Bible Study: Thursdays, 3:00pm Prayer Group: Tuesdays, 6:00pm

Opening Our Hearts to Christ and to the World Abriendo Nuestros Corazones a Cristo y al Mundo Phone: 404-696-6704 Fax: 404-696-4735

Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

After Hours/Emergency Line: 304-280-3588

Email: stpaulofthecrossatl@gmail.com Website: saintpaulofthecross.org

St-Paul-of-the-Cross-Catholic-Church Follow@SaintPaulATL

Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Jerome McKenna, C.P., Pastor

Rev. Fr. Alberto Cabrera, C.P., Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Hilliard M. Lee, Jr., Deacon Rev. Mr. Joseph Goolsby, Deacon Rev. Mr. George Smith, Deacon

Second Sunday of Easter

April 23, 2017

“My Lord

and My God.”

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Mass Intentions for the Week of

April 23-29, 2017


The Pastor’s Corner


Second Sunday of Easter Sunday, April 23, 2017

9:00a Choir Rehearsal - MR1 11:15a-12:30p English Classes - Media Room 11:30a Youth & Children Religious Ed. - School & MR1 11:30a SVDP society Meeting - Spiritual Center 2:00p Cameroon Catholic Women - School Monday, April 24 2:00p Legion of Mary - MR1 7p-9p Children & Youth Music and Singing - MR1 7:30p-9p English Classes - Media Room Tuesday, April 25 - Feast of St. Mark, Evangelist

6:00p English Prayer - Chapel 7:00p Pastoral Council—MR1 7:30p Hispanic Bible Study– Spiritual Center Wednesday, April 26 7:00p YAM - Media Room 7:00p Adult Religious Ed. - MR1 7:30p Mass in Spanish - Spiritual Center Thursday, April 27 3:00p Bible Study - MR1 6:00p KPCLA 301 Exe. Board Meeting - Spiritual Center 7:00p Finance Council - MR1 7:00p Hispanic Choir Rehearsal - Church 7:00p Men’s Club - Media Room Friday, April 28 6:30p Hispanic Prayer Group - Church 7:00p Mass in Spanish - Church Saturday, April 29 12:00p Quincean era

Sunday, 10:00 am: People of the Parish Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 7:30 am : Intention of the Donors Wednesday, 7:30 am and Saturday, 9:00 am: Communion Service

April 16, 2017 Total Offertory — $6,744.00

Needed: $12,000.00


Envelopes & Cash $6,084.00

Mail-ins $370.00

On Line $290.00

Other Collections and Contributions:

Donations (Capital Campaign Fund) $12,175.29

Easter $1,105.00

Archdiocesan Seminarians $1,068.00

Votive Candles $84.50

Georgia Bulletin $46.00

Palm Sunday Holy Places $30.00

Easter Flowers $20.00

My dear Parishioners,

Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter also known

as Divine Mercy Sunday. It was the now Saint John Paul II

who, as Pope, declared it to be such. The origin of the devo-

tion to Divine Mercy came about through revelations by

Christ to a Polish nun and mystic, St. Faustina, who lived in

the early years of the 20th century. She claimed that Jesus

told her to bring the message of Divine Mercy to the world

so that sinners might be saved. That message is being pro-

claimed broadly throughout the world today. It is interesting

to note that years before, in the early 13th century, another

nun and mystic, St. Juliana of Mont Cornillon in Belgium,

who had great devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament,

worked ceaselessly to have a special feast of the Blessed

Sacrament. Her persistence won out and today Catholics

throughout the world observe the Feast of Corpus Christi

(The Body and Blood of Christ) every June. Think of it,

two nuns living in the solitude of their convents were divine

instruments in awakening Christians around the world to the

reality of the abiding sacramental presence and mercy of

Christ in the world.

God can use any one of us to achieve God’s purpose. All we

have to do is make ourselves available: like the prophet Isai-

ah, we have to tell God: “Here I am, Lord, I come to do your

will.” Like the two nuns who did not let cloister walls dead-

en their zeal, we too can move beyond whatever it is that

may be keeping us from giving ourselves more completely to

God’s service. The Easter Season is an opportune time to let

God know we are here to serve him. As we listen to the

Gospel stories of the Risen Lord calling and sending forth

the early disciples, we can pray that we will be alert to hear

the call and eager to deliver the Good News to our world.

Fr. Jerome, C.P.


For an end to the violence perpetrated by harsh words, deadly weapons, or cold

indifference. May our homes, our nation, and countries around the world become havens of peace, let us pray to the Lord.


Pidamos para que termine la violencia ejercida por las duras palabras, armas mortales, o indiferencia. Que nuestros hogares, nuestra nacio n y los paí ses de todo el mundo se conviertan en refugios de paz, oremos al Sen or.

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Our Sick, Homebound, Recovering And Hospitalized

Parish News and Other Events

Today is the last day to return CRS Rice Bowls. Thus far, Parishioners have contributed $ 730.00, and our Religious Education Students have contributed $106.67. Congratulations and thanks to all!

2017 Catholic Home Missions Appeal - April 29-30 The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place next weekend. One way that this appeal works to strengthen home mission dioceses in the United States is by funding the formation of their seminarians. Seminarians are a blessing but the cost of their education often places a financial burden on poor dioceses. Your support helps lighten that burden. Please help strengthen the Church at home by making a gen-

erous gift to next week’s appeal.

Our Parish Staff

Rev. Mr. Joseph Goolsby Facilities Manager Ms. Patricia Elguera, Administrative Assistant Ms. Veronica Hodges-Johnson, Religious Education Ms. Alison Mason, Adult Faith Formation Ms. Kristi Crawford, Youth Ministry Dr. Lawrence Weaver, Music Director Dr. Gregory Nash, Music Associate Mr. Elmer Cortez, Bookkeeper Mr. Edgardo Rubio, Custodian

Warren Hayes

Yvonne Fullen June Rambo James Porcher Johnny B. Strong Gwendolyn Kelly Catherine Goolsby Sylvia Beal Mary Williams

Helen Grant Juanita Brooks Lynda Porcher Abriyn Ellison

Coming Events

May 7: World Day of Prayer for Vocations May 14: Mother’s Day May Crowning following the 10am Mass May 27: First Communion Mass at 1:00pm May 28: Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord May 28: Youth Religious Ed. Program ends ‘til August. May 29: Memorial Day - Mass at 9am - Parish Office Closed May 31: Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary June 4: Solemnity of Pentecost June 11: Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity June 16-18: Eucharistic Congress - GA Convention Center - No Saturday 4:30 pm Vigil Mass - June 18: Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 18: Father’s Day

Ted and Mary Baldwin would like to thank our church family, for all the expressions of sympathy and prayers given to us during the loss of Mary's brother, Ricardo O. Cowan. Please

continue to keep our family in your prayers.


Ted and Mary Baldwin

Eucharistic Congress 2017 News: Registration for our Kid Track is officially open! This is a wonderful opportunity for children ages 5-11 to fellowship with one another through various activities and spend time in Eucharistic Adoration. To register go to: http://congress.archatl.com/kid-track-registration/

… more on the Eucharistic Congress: STARVE

WARS! is back for episode two at this year's Eucharistic Congress! We are seeking 650 volunteers of all ages to help pack 100,000 meals to go to the impover-ished developing country of Burkina Faso in Africa. The event will be Friday, June 16th at the Georgia International Convention Center (GICC). There will be two sessions, 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. to register go to: http://helpinghands.crs.org/events/atlec/

save the date!

The Wednesday evening Ongoing Adult Religious Education Program will resume online soon. Please go to the Parish Website for instructions on how to

access the sessions.


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Lectores: Luis Delanoy y Gonzalo Ramirez

Ministros de la Eucaristía: Luz y Jose L. Zavala - Maria y

Jose L. Hernandez

Guías: Roberto González, Juan Pacheco, Antonia Pacheco,

Verónica Cruz y Enrique Wences

Monaguillos: Lucero Ramirez - Brigny Cruz

¡Bienvenidos a San Pablo de la Cruz!

Santa Misa en Español: Domingos, 7 a.m. y 1 p.m.

Horas de Oficina: Lunes - Jueves, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

P. Alberto Cabrera, CP: 347-819-5968

Numero de Teléfono (Oficina): 404-696-6704

Numero de Teléfono (Emergencia): 347-819-5968



Mensaje: Llamado a una Nueva Vida.

Vale la pena asumir este mensaje a fin de que sea siempre la

Palabra de Dios que nos invite a crecer en la Fe, y en la vida

de fe.

Dos puntos queremos acentuar de la Palabra de Dios en este


El Modelo de vida que nos presenta los Hechos de los


El comportamiento de Tomás el apóstol.

En cuanto a lo del Domingo de la “Divina Misericordia” le

viene este nombre de Polonia, donde Santa Faustina Kowalska

difundió esta devoción a la Misericordia de Dios, sobre todo

porque en el evangelio de hoy Jesús dá a su Iglesia el poder

de perdonar los pecados. Esto debe despertar en nosotros

una profunda confianza en el Dios de la Vida y del Perdón.

Fomentar esta devoción, nos debe llevar a una vida de amor y

servicio a ejemplo de Jesús. Llevar una vida de mayor san-


La Primera lectura - hechos de los Apóstoles- nos dice que

los creyentes todos vivían una vida de gran comunión y

fraternidad. Nos señalan cuatro puntos fundamentales de esa


a. “escuchar las enseñanzas de los apóstoles”,

b. “la vida común”,

c. “la fracción del Pan”

d. y “la oración en común”.

Hablamos de imagen “modelo” porque es el ideal al que de-

be tender la comunidad aunque nunca se ha vivido ni se vi-

virá totalmente sobre la tierra, porque las limitaciones hu-

manas están presente en nuestras vidas.

San Juan en el evangelio, nos presenta la actitud del apóstol

Tomás. El mismo día de Pascua, se presenta Jesús a los

apóstoles. Jesús Resucitado se manifiesta trayendo la paz y

enviando a la misión. Tomás no está en ese momento. Pero

su actitud negativa frente al testimonio de sus compañeros, lo

llevan a sentirse un poco ajeno al ‘misterio’ que están vivien-

do sus compañeros. El quiere ver y tocar con sus propios

ojos. A los ocho días se presenta nuevamente Jesús Resucita-

do e invita a Tomás a testificar su realidad. Tomás hace, sin

ver ni tocar, su gran manifestación de Fe, diciendo: “Señor

mio y Dios mio”.

Mis Hermanos, que en esta cincuentena pascual logremos

con la Gracia de Dios enriquecer nuestra fe, mediante la fidel-

idad a su Palabra. Con la gracia de la oración y la fuerza de la


P. Alberto, C.P.

Anuncios Parroquiales y

otros Eventos

¡Felicitaciones a Jose Luis Zavala y Edith Wences! Ellos han

sido elegidos Vocales del Cursillo de Cristiandad de San Pablo

de la Cruz.

CAJITA - PLATO DE ARROZ: Hoy es el último día para regresar

su Cajita-Plato de Arroz. Hasta el momento, los feligreses han

contribuido $ 730.00, y nuestros estudiantes de Educación Religi-

osa $106.67. ¡Felicitaciones y gracias a todos!

La próxima semana realizaremos la colecta para las Misiones

Católicas. Esta colecta funciona fortaleciendo a las diócesis misio-

neras en Estados Unidos otorgando fondos para la formación de

seminaristas en las diócesis con dificultades financieras. Su apoyo

es necesario para que estos jóvenes puedan regresar y servir en

sus parroquias. Por favor, fortalezca la Iglesia en casa dando una

generosa donación a la colecta de la próxima semana.

Noticias sobre el Congreso Eucarístico 2017 : La inscripción

para nuestra programa para niños está oficialmente abierta! Esta es

una oportunidad maravillosa para los niños de 5 a 11 años de

interactuar con otros niños a través de diversas actividades y pasar

tiempo en la Adoración Eucarística. Para registrarse diríjase a:


...Más sobre el Congreso Eucarístico: STARVE WARS! Está de vuelta

para el segundo episodio del Congreso Eucarístico de este año!

Buscamos 650 voluntarios de todas las edades para ayudar a

empacar 100,000 comidas para enviarlas al país Burkina Faso en

África. El evento será el viernes, 16 de junio en el Centro Internacional de Convenciones de Georgia (GICC). Habrá dos

sesiones, 9:00 a.m.-10: 30 a.m. y 11:00 a.m.-12: 30 p.m. para

registrarse ir a: http://helpinghands.crs.org/events/atlec/
