We Need Water Bottle Fountains! - Salud America · • Latino kids are more likely to see tap water...


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We Need Water Bottle Fountains!


"Access to clean water is the most violated human right." —Maude Barlow, former senior advisor on water to the 63rd president of the UN general assembly


Kids Need Water

Kids Need Water

Water is an essential nutrient! 1 in 4 kids drank no water throughout the day Mild dehydration can be a problem

•Nausea •headaches •Mild cognitive impairment

Sources: Kenney, et al. (2015), CNN (2015), http://salud.to/2HyUnUq, water.usgs.go

What’s a Water Bottle Fountain?

A Water Bottle Fountain is a filtered water fountain used for filling and refilling water bottles!

Salud America! (http://salud.to/2HCozya), BecauseWater (http://salud.to/2GyUrlW)

Ensures access to safe, clean, free drinking water throughout the day for students and faculty/staff!

Saves $$$, no need to pay for bottled water!

Saves waste, if you use reusable water bottles!

How a Water Bottle Fountain Helps

Source: Salud America! (2016) research review; Patel & Hampton (2011); Patel & Brindis (2016), Kenney et al. 2016, http://salud.to/2EItLTg

How a Water Bottle Fountain Helps

Promotes student health! • Kids consume ½ of calories at school • 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act requires schools to provide water where meals are

served…yet many schools lack access to water (~54% in Massachusetts, for example) • Latino kids are more likely to see tap water in fountains as unsafe and less likely to drink

it; the less young people trust water fountains, the more sugary beverages they drink • Conversely, students drink fewer sugary drinks when water is an option • NY elementary and middle schools replaced vending machines w/ water jets and kids’

overweight rates decreased 0.9% (boys) & 0.6% (girls)

"Keeping kids hydrated can help them with learning and to perform better in school." —Anisha Patel, MD, Stanford, researcher on access to water in schools

Source: CNN (2015); Patel & Hampton (2011)

How a Water Bottle Fountain Helps

Aren’t regular fountains enough?

Photos: http://salud.to/2HzA1ug

Salud Hero of School Water!


In San Antonio, fifth-grader Praxina Guerra wanted to make a difference for the health of her peers. Praxina worked with her teacher/mentor, Cathy Lopez, to ask for donations from school board members and legislators, and got a Water Bottle Fountain added at their school, so kids could fill their bottles with water at lunch and beyond!

Salud Hero of School Water!


Cutler-Orosi is the largest unincorporated community in one of the poorest counties in California. School district food services director Brenda Handy went above and beyond to ensure there was clean, safe drinking water on every student’s desk. They used grant money to add three Water Bottle Filling Stations at schools!

OK. How much is a Water Bottle Fountain going to cost? Every company differs in price and models, so depending on preference and budget, costs can range from $400 up to $1,600 per Water Bottle Fountain. But there are great ways to get them for no cost or little! There are also filter, plumbing and installation costs, where if your school has a facilities or maintenance team, it may help deter the plumbing and installation costs. Example: Principals might lead the effort for Water Bottle Fountains at schools; PTAs might handle the fundraising. A district’s School Board may also decide to add these costs as a district budget item.

Is It Possible for Us?

How do you get funding for 1 or more Water Bottle Fountains? Companies like Walmart or Brita can help with fundraising ideas. There are also ways to get grants or in-kind donations from groups or corporations interested in health, the environment, or Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, faith-based groups, or other service groups will fall in line with your initiative or may have company divisions that promote social responsibility, sustainability or citizen engagement and may help with funding. Other grant resources: • Becausewater.com lists State-by-State grants for Water Bottle Fountains:

http://becausewater.com/grants-water-bottle-filling-stations/ • The Awesome Fountains offers grants: http://www.awesomefoundation.org/en

Is It Possible for Us?

We’re Building a Case!


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Salud America! is a national organization that creates culturally relevant and research-based stories, videos, and tools to inspire people to start and support healthy changes to policies, systems, and environments where Latino and all children and families can equitably live, learn, work, and play. They are based at the University of Texas Health San Antonio under the direction of Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez.

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