Wake Up Call Issue 182



Magazine of the Australian Islamic College Perth

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AIC KEWDALE COLLEGE139 President Street, Kewdale WA 6105Ph: (618) 9362 5340 Fax: (618) 9355 2988P.O.Box 252 Cloverdale WA 6985E M A I L : i n f o @ a i c . w a . e d u . a u

AIC THORNLIE COLLEGE17 Tonbridge Way Thornlie WA 6108Ph: (618) 9493 2718 Fax: (618) 9493 1204

AIC DIANELLA COLLEGE81 Cleveland Street Dianella WA 6062Ph: (618) 9375 9770 Fax: (618) 9375 9772

Quarterly Magazine of the Australian Islamic College - Perth

Wake Up CallTERM 4 - ISSUE 182 December 2011

. Executive Principal’s Message

. Dianella Principal’s Report

. THORNLIE Principal’s Report

. KEWDALE Principal’s Report

. Year 12 Graduation 2011

. And much much more!

FREE Magazine


22 Executive Principal’s Message

3 Message from the Kewdale Principal

4 - 5 - 6 - 7

Dianella Principal’s Report

8 - 9 -

AIC Kewdale Primary

10 -11

Year 12 Graduation Appreciation letters

12 Physical education department

13 ESL Mosaic Project

- After-hour Homework Support

14 -15 -16 - 17

AIC Thornlie activities

Australian Islamic Colleges

KEWDALE COLLEGE139 President Street, Kewdale

WA 6105Ph: (618) 9362 5340 Fax: (618) 9355 2988

P.O.Box 252 Cloverdale WA 6985

THORNLIE COLLEGE17 Tonbridge WayThornlie WA 6108

Ph: (618) 9493 2718Fax: (618) 9493 1204

DIANELLA COLLEGE81 Cleveland Street

Dianella WA 6062Ph: (618) 9375 9770Fax: (618) 9375 9772

EMAIL: info@aic.wa.edu.auWEBSITE: www.aic.wa.edu.au


Assalamu’Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

Knowledge helps you to reach your destination provided you know what the Destination is! Unless we focus we cannot achieve our goal. It is hard to focus and concentrate, but it is a skill that can be learned and I’m sure you can acquire it.Australian Islamic College provides a unique learning environment that enables us more fully to walk this journey with our students. What’s so unique about AIC? Well, we get to blend the best of both worlds in many ways. When students come to AIC, they benefit from the religious, academic, and extracurricular activities.At AIC, we value each student as an individual and as part of a community. We seek to recognize and develop all aspects of their personality. We are committed to providing students with an educational experience that will develop every aspect of their being to their fullest potential. I would also like to emphasize on certain values for our students. Self discipline is the only very first value which can help astudent to develop a disciplined mind that gives a bright future for every student. Further, time planning leads to success. Time which is limited in supply is always in demand. A self disciplined student manages time very well by way of proper time planning to achieve his/her goal. Self discipline gives healthy body and mind and keeps a stu-dent always away from feelings of hatred and egoism. I call upon the students to conscientiously adopt and follow these values for betterment of their future.We see our mission as “Education for Life” and we believe that we assist students to progressively accept more responsibility for self-discipline, to develop self respect, to contribute to the community, to develop a love of learning and to strive for excellence academically and islamically.

Abdullah Khan Executive Principal

Executive Principal’s Message


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Dear ParentsMay this letter find you and your family in the highest of Islamic spirits and in good health. Ameen!On behalf of the college and myself, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all parents who have been diligently and patiently supportive and cooperative to ensure the school’s smooth opera-tion and success. I would also like to thank all teachers, staff and the schools management for their excellent work, team spirit and commitment. It’s sad to say goodbyes, but unfortunately Sr Farida Begum, Sr Paula Carreno, Sr Lucinda VanWyk and Sr Alison Jones are leaving the Australian Islamic College. Sr Hissen will be on Maternity leave in 2012. May her new baby come out healthy into this world. Ameen! I would like to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication towards the college, may you pursue your dreams and we wish you all the best for your future endeavours. Masha Allah, this term has been a very productive term. We have encountered lots of events and have successfully achieved good outcomes. Here are some highlights of the activities:Malaysian VisitsDuring week 5, we had a group of 12 students and 4 teachers from the Muar Science Secondary School of Johor, Malaysia. It was a memorable day as they had shown a presentation from their school and a speech given by their Principal. The following day

we had another Malaysian group, Imtiaz school of Excellence who visited our college and passed around some classes.Year 12 Graduation DayRecently the year 12 students partook a Graduation night held in the Gym on 27th November 2011.It was such a beautiful evening as the year 12 stu-dents had organised the event by themselves. Year 6 Graduation DayOur year 6 graduation was held on the 11th Decem-ber 2011.Award CeremonyOn the 6th December 2011, we had an award ceremony for all top students who have achieved so much throughout the year. This event was very special as the students received certificates for their hard work and dedication towards their studies.Year 6 Parents orientation nightAll the year 6 students and parents were invited to an orientation night held in the Gym by all Heads of Learning Areas. This evening was to inform parents on what will be expected from all learning areas in the secondary schooling programme. Year’s 7-10 Parents nightThere will be a meeting for all parents on the 7th December 2011 from 4.30pm – 6.30pm, regarding our schools policies and future planning for students’ academic excellence.Year 7 from Dianella VisitWe had a visit from the year 7 boys from Dianella, who came and had a small orientation held by Br Wahaj and Br Dervish. Art Classes and VET CoursesI am glad to say that we now have Art classes where students learn creativity and calligraphy. It’s also a class where students express their frame of mind. We are currently elaborating various courses for our students.Islamic Studies and Arabic classesRecently we are increasing our emphasis and focus on the Islamic Studies and the Arabic classes.I am looking forward to another productive year full of memorable events taking place and more stu-dents succeeding their academic goals.

Sr Nasreen AhmadPrincipal

Message from the Kewdale PrincipalThe Australian Islamic College

4 Dianella Principal’s Reportaic DIANELLA

Assalamu Alaykum

Dear Parents

I pray that you are well with the Grace of the Almighty. It is with great pleasure and pride that I present you with a brief overview of the Dianella College’s aimsphilosophies, achievements, and successes of 2011. The year was filled with great memories of wonderful moments for staff, students and parents alike. I am particularly proud of our students’ outstanding academic performance in the NAPLAN and New South Wales ICAS testing.

I thank Allah (swt) who has Blessed our College with the responsibility (Amaanat) and well-being of 731 students this year. This is a challenge that the staff and I undertook with full commitment, loyalty and dedication; we strived to provide every child in our TRUST with the opportunity to excel (academically and spiritually) Insha’Allah!Dianella College (staff, students, administration) is a ‘FAMILY’ – where foundations of trust, respect, honesty sincerity, loyalty, tolerance, acceptance and gratitude

as well as the ability to utilize all the GIFTS that Allah (swt) has Bestowed us with is practiced and implemented DAILY with conviction.Our ethos and philosophy, students’ impeccable behaviour, positive attitude, confidence, high self-esteem, good strong moral values, tolerancehonesty, sincerity, perfect manners and RESPECT for ‘ALL’ are just some of the things that we strive to instill in ALL our students. Our golden rule that we all live by is, “Everyone has the right to be safe, to be happy and to learn”. All our students are encouraged to excel in Government and Islamic subjects, integrated with other communities and strive towards a goal in life.

They are encouraged to make their aspirations a reality. Our students are also taught to promote and propagate Islam by participating in various inter-school activities.

Examples of these include celebratory occasions such as Harmony Day, Multicultural day, Inter-Faith Sports Activities, Students Uniting Nations (SUN) Summit, and Inter-faith visits to our neighbouring schools and Universities.


I would like to take the opportunity to commend all the staff for their sterling efforts in working so hard to attain our 2011 goals.As a result of this amazing pastoral care our enrolments have peaked to 740 students for 2012, and the College has a growing waiting list extending well into 2015. All parents are encouraged to put in the expressions of interest ASAP.Alhumdulilah, our students excelled in this year’s NSW International Competitions & Assessments for Schools (ICAS) in Maths, Spelling, English, Writing and Science Competition.

The competition is entered by millions of entrants across Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pacific Region, Singapore & South Africa. A summary of results is listed on the following pages below:

With sincere gratitude I wish to thank my staff for their tireless efforts to improve our school, our parents for their support and compliance in paying the school and bus fees and I am indebted to all my beautiful students for their commitment, and dedication for making AIC one of the most sought after Islamic Schools. A very special thank you to everyone who made such a concerted effort to make our multicultural day such a success. All our guests were so impressed with the children’s performances, the excellent behaviour displayed, beautiful colourful National Dress code, and most importantly the love, respect, unity and friendships that was so clearly evident within the school. Thank you to all our parents for the ‘yummy’ cultural dishes that both staff and students enjoyed tremendously.I wish you all well for the coming holidays and pray that Allah (swt) shower you with His Mercy and Blessings Insha’Allah!

Jazaka-Allah Khairun

Dr. Ahdielah EdriesPRINCIPAL

DIANELLA Harmony Day


REMINDERFOR PARENTSNO HAT NO PLAY SCHOOL POLICY: Parents please make sure your children are protected from the harmful U.V. rays by ensuring they

have a hat to wear at recess and lunchtime.FEES: Parents please ensure that you pay school fees as your contributions will go to providing better quality education, resources and





ON TIME! Punctuality is important in ISLAM! CHEWING GUM is NOT ALLOWED in school.

Dear Students, Staff and Parents,

Asalamu Alaykum

Praise be to Allah, the AlmightyWe have had an amazing year in 2011. We were as busy as buzzing bees. As the Head of Primary School (Kewdale), I am delighted to mention some of the things we have accomplished this year. Amongst others, we started off with Harmony Celebration, where children dressed up in their nation-al costumes. Teachers and students dressed up in an array of colours that wonderful day. To commemorate the occasion, students brought a plate of their traditional food to share with their peers.

To collect donations for the trees that we wanted to plant on our campus, we organized a “Tree Day”. Teachers and children were encouraged to dress up in green. We succeeded in collecting the required sum to plant two trees. We became a “Crunch-and Sip” school this year. We encouraged our students to have a serving of fruit or vegetable each day in school. This allows our students to meet their health requirement of having 2 servings of fruit a day.

We also collected donations for the Wudhu taps and now we are proud owners of the Wudhu taps. Teachers organized cake stalls to collect donations for the Wudhu taps. Teachers and students too designed the Wudhu area with Mosaic art.

At the end of Term 2, we had a teachers-versus-stu-dents footy match teachers and students participated enthusiastically for the match It was a fun event and all were happy.

In Term 3, we had the Spell-a-thon for the lower primary and Quiz competition for the upper primary. Most recently, we participated in the Adidas Fun Run, where teachers and students walked and ran with zest around Tomato Lake. This was done in good faith to collect donations for our school Oval. Our latest activity was to dress up in the colour of our favourite fruit or vegetable for the Gutsy Dress-up Day, so that we could raise money for the cancer founda-tion. Well done to all the students who made the effort to come dressed up and congratulations to the winners: Abdulrahman from Pre-primary A, Billal from year 1A and Hayfa from year 2A who won the best dressed category. I am extremely proud of the support and commitment of all students, staff and parents. Without our students, we won’t be a school. Without our staff, we won’t be able to run the school and without the supportive parents, we won’t be successful in the numerous activities we organize. May Allah SWT bless you with abundant blessings!I wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday.Wassalaam

Mrs. Zainap Akoojee

AIC Kewdale Primary ----------- aic kewdale ACTIVITIES

8aic kewdale ACTIVITIES

Year 6 reportScience

The year 6 class is learning about packaging and the properties of different materials used in packaging.The investigation in this lesson was to test the ca-pacity of materials to protect an object from impact. They tried different packaging materials for packing a cracker biscuit keeping in mind the criteria needed- strength, waterproof, environmental issues etc.

Different teams came up with the following conclusions.• use recyclable plastic, with cardboard• use corrugated cardboard with plastic coating .• bubble wrap is an affordable packaging material, strong and waterproof.

MathAs part of the measurement and geometry lesson the year 6 class drew a couple of hop-scotch squares and four squares on the paved area of the primarycampus.They sketched the squares with chalk and metre ruler after making calculation on how to divide the tiles and how many cm will each square measure.The school then hired a line marker to finalise the

drawing with bitumen paint.They left a mark showing year 6 - 2011 as a remembrance of their primary school



please make sure your children are protected from the harmful U.V. rays by ensuring they have a hat to wear at recess and lunchtime.

FEES: Parents please ensure that you pay school fees as your contributions will go to

providing better quality education, resources and infrastructure.



AIC Kewdale Primary -----------

9aic kewdale ACTIVITIES

Our ESL students were extremely active during term 4. They were involved in many projects facilitated by the Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre (MMRC), The City of Belmont Youth and Family Centre, The Muslim Women SupportCentre, Extra Edge and BJL Connecting Communities. Apart from the language skills involved, students have acquired many other skills such as gardening, soccer,beading photo-framing and mosaic, resume writing and interview skills. At the end of the projects, students received certifi-cates of achievement.

As summer is approaching, the students were also offered a couple of presentations by Jade Browning, Inclusion Coordinator from The Royal Life Saving Soci-ety WA and Sergeant Steve Banks – Sergeant Coordi-nator from WA Police (Cannington). Both presentations covered topics such as water safety and safety rules.

Bunnings Warehouse Belmont welcomed the oppor-tunity to create a new vegetable patch with students of the Australian Islamic College in November 2011. Students new to Australia were given the opportunity to learn about local gardening practices and received tips on how to grow their own fresh produce. The day’s work provided the school with its own veg-etable patch which students involved could be proud of.

Bunnings Warehouse Belmont Activities Organiser Frank Alvaro said initiatives like these were the ideal way for Team Members to give back to the local com-munity and schools. “The students involved are new to Australia so we de-signed this activity to help familiarise them with the West Australian landscape,” Frank said.

“As most of the students are learning English, the hands-on gardening activity helped overcome the barrier of language, whilst teaching them the impor-tance of sustainable gardening practices.”The activity was part of Bunnings Warehouse Bel-mont’s ongoing community involvement program.

Rabab Soueidan ESL Coordinator

From the ESL (New Arrival) Department

10 Year 12 Graduation 27th november 2011

Dear Nasreen,I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me to your graduation ceremony last night. As always, it was a warm and welcoming environment and the pride that the students felt in their school and in their achievements shone through.I particularly wanted to remark upon your choice of motivational speaker. The young man in question showed such courage and humility when passing on his advice to your Year 12s that I was reduced to tears. Moments like those are rare and I feel very honoured to have been in the audience for this. If possible, please pass on my congratulations to him for what must have been a very difficult task. If his lessons can be learnt from his speech then that is truly a wonderful gift he is giving.I wish you and your staff a safe and happy holiday break and I look forward to working with you all again in 2012.Kind regards Sophia Sabatier ESL Literacy Consultant

11 Year 12 Graduation 27th november 2011

Year 12 Graduation Appreciation letter

Dear Sr NasreenI have heard nothing but praise from all who attended the Graduation Ceremony yesterday. The students were well prepared. Everyone felt that you and your team including students did a superb job organizing the event. Congratulations on both a successful and a memorable graduation.When such a ceremony is a success, the credit starts with the planning committee. The organizing committee did a fine work, excellent planning and real-istic scheduling.I want to express my sincere appreciation for the advance planning, which made the graduation such a success.I do understand this is team work under your leadership. Please pass on my congratulations to the whole team on a job well done. Abdullah Khan Executive Principal

12aic kewdale ACTIVITIES

Assalamu’AlaikumWelcome to another exciting installment of the Wake Up call from the Physical education department. Well, what a year it has been, certainly with its fair share of excitement and action. We have had many firsts this year, some of which have taken place in this last term of the year. First off the rank was Australian Islamic college first ever participation in the Schools Sport WA inter school athletics carnival held at WA Athletics Stadium in Claremont competing against six other schools around Perth. A team of athletes were selected through their participation in the school carnival held in term three. Those students selected represented our school honourably. A special mention must go to Loseni Dulleh who breezed in his pet event to win the 100 metre sprint with students. Student comradeship was evident amongst all and Insha’Allah next year will be even better.

Another first which occurred this term was the Adidas Fun Run. Forms were handed out to the students who were subsequently asked to obtain sponsorship from friends and family. Sponsorship was based upon the number of laps completed around Tomato Lake Kewdale. Amongst the seventy high school students and three hundred primary students who participatedmotivation was high as their sponsorship and prizes were dependant on their laps completed.

Unbelievably another first was the primary school Gutsy challenge. The gutsy challenge is a great charity which raises money for the gastro intestinal research. Students were asked to eat two fruits and four vegetables each day for a whole week and record their results in their own personal tally sheet. Following the great dietary achievements made by the students through the week, students were given a free dress day in which they had to dress up as either a fruit or a vegetable. Assembly that day was very colourful.

Our boys have also participated in interschool soccer matches against Belmont City College. Our year 7-10 boys tried out for two weeks to make it into the team that played a close game in week 6, with the final score 1 – 0 to Belmont. This should fire up the students for some revenge next year.

Finally on a sour note, the physical education depart-ment will be losing two of its valued members at the end of this term. It is with great sadness that we farewell our beloved team members Lucinda Vanwyk and Paula Carreno. Both team members have been inspirational and professional at all times. Their hard work and efforts will be sorely missed and Insha’Allah their memories at our school will be present for many years to come.

Mohammed Shady Fouda


13aic kewdale ACTIVITIES

The year 10s have been designing and carving a wooden board coated with mixed media materials. Their designs are based on traditional Islamic Rug Art. The student now are in the process of carving the wooden boards and these art works are going to be displayed in the upcoming exhibition held towards the end of next year’s first semester. The students have put a lot of effort in these artworks and I’m looking forward to seeing the final works.

Amelia JosephArt specialist teacher

islamic floral patterns Project – Year 10

Short Story Competition 2011

At the start of week 7 we had the Australian Islamic Col-lege, Short Story Competition 2011.This year we decided on a format that was to challenge our best writers as well as make it a fun and enjoyable experience for all. This year the format was not to be a selection of stories that students would write at home and then bring in before a pre-determined date with a set topic. Instead, a “First Lines” format was created. Students came to the computer rooms (A10-boys, A11-girls) on Monday, 28th November (Period 1 & 2) and were given a choice of three opening lines. Students remarked how much they enjoyed the mystery leading up to the competition and not knowing what those opening lines would be. The competition’s format lent itself very well to ICT integration as well as giving students an unexpected challenge under timed conditions – excellent for upcoming exam practice. During the two periods of writing, stories underwent several revisions to fit into the maximum word count of 500 words (or 750 words for Year 10) as just one word over would bust the limit and disqualify their story. Almost all of the stories were exactly on the word count, meaning that each word had been chosen carefully for the maximum effectiveness. If they can keep this skill in their other assignments, they will do very well indeed in the future.

Judging for the competition was done in the following two periods by six judges (3 boys, 3 girls) of the year group above the entrant (eg. Year 8 stories judges by Year 9 judges). No names were attached to stories, only student numbers. It was amazing to see the differing tastes of the judges. Some stories that rated highly with some judges did not rate at all with others and vice-versa. When selecting the “Overall Winner” (from all year groups), the winners of each year group were given to several members of the English department. It was again a matter of personal taste and the Overall Winner pulled ahead by just one vote but it was a very hard decision by many in the Department. In the end, a Year 8 boy, Youssef El-Hassan was named the “Overall Winner” and prizes/certificates were given to all year group winners and one encouragement award. WinnersOverall Winner: Youssef El-HassanYear 10: Najma MohamedYear 9: Salwa MerzaYear 8: Khdija MansoorYear 7: Aishah Al-ShabibEncouragement Award: Sarah Dihishi.This year’s competition was a resounding success with 31 entrants on the day. It’s very nice when one of your own students wins the Overall award but Youssef is a very talented boy when he puts his mind to it. I look forward to the next com-petition and a very big thank you to the wonderderful student judges and English Department staff.Well done to all participants and winners!!

Michael Phillips

14 Principal’s Message THORNLIE COLLEGE


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah2011 has been a remarkable year in the history of our AIC Thornlie. Alhamdulillah huge improvements and achievements have been made in respect of Islamic and Government curriculum as well as school’s resources, maintenance and buildings. In Arabic and Islamic education we have restructured the Islamic Department in light of a new vision to ensure that as of this year, our students should be able to fluently read the Quraan with tajweed rules by the end of Year 3 starting from Kindy classes.

In Numeracy and literacy our school achieved excellent results in NAPLAN years as well as in even

years. Many thanks to our dedicated staff and teachers for that. We are trying our best to secure the necessary resources to improve the numeracy and literacy levels; and now we can confidently say that we are competing with other schools around us — Alhamdulillah.Next year Insha’Allah we will be having our new library, theatre and three additional classrooms with their facilities for the early childhood classes. We will also carry out lots of necessary maintenance work to include artificial turf in the oval, concrete work in school grounds to comply with safety issues, renovating the school roof and upgrading the power to allow for the installation of new air conditions in all classrooms. Insha’Allah, we promise that we shall keep moving forward to meet the high expectations of the parents. However, as you always do, we look forward to your support to enable us achieve our plans and targets to serve your children. All what we ask for at this stage is your support in paying school fees to help us include more facilities and services. I would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank the majority of the parents who are always and constantly paying their children’s school fees. I also would like to urge those parents who haven’t paid the fees to immediately take action in this regard. I wish all staff and students a happy and safe holiday and look forward to seeing everyone back to school next year Insha’Allah.  Dr M Eid Principal

M Eid

15During Literacy & Numeracy Week, each class in our school had to present poems of their choice. They were all very entertaining and enjoyable. Everyone who was presenting, felt excited and nervous at the same time. Our class performed a poem called “The Teachers’ Show”. We imitated and dressed like the teachers. The last teacher performing was Br Mahmoud Eid. Everyone laughed until their bellies ached.It was hilarious! There were also other funny and entertaining performances. The Year 1 classes did a poem called ‘The Zoo’. In the beginning, they presented a wonderful PowerPoint with amazing acting on the stage. We loved it! Everyone laughed. Some students dressed as animals and the others dressed as zoo keepers and doctors. They were so cute! The year 5 also did a magnificent performance called ‘Monster at the AIC!’ One student called Hassan dressed up as a monster - A Hungry Monster! The others made the ‘monster’ a soup. It was so entertaining and funnyespecially the monster. The year 6A did a superb poem about ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ - with a twist! Instead of saying, “Oh, what big ears you have” etc, she says, “What a great big furry coat you have!” and she shoots him dead! It was a great fun week. We can’t wait until next year’s Literacy & Numeracy Week! We hope it’ll be even better! By: Aya, Ikram, Sumaya and Haneen (4A)

LITERACY BOX“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” Charles Dickens Check out these websites Between the

lions http://pbskids.org/lions/ Education place http://www.eduplace.com/kids/

ART & SCIENCE ACTIVITIESThroughout Term 4, AIC Thornlie students have been completing two murals outside their assembly area with the help of visual artist Paula Hart. One side is a colourful scene of the Australian outback (flora and fauna) and the other is a mosaic of colourful, patterned squares with feature paintings on either side. The murals have really brightened up the school and showcase the artistic talent of our students. Once they are complete we will include a photo so everyone can see how wonderful they look.

In the science lab, the year 7B did experiments about removing insoluble impurities, we got some hands on experience. And we also learnt about the soil’s layers. We were divided into groups of four and examined the soil. At the end of it we got to take pictures of the Jar of soil with our group mates. It was awesome and we had a great time experiencing the soil.Sulaiman: “At the beginning I never actually knew there were layers until I experienced myself. It was amazing.”






In line with Science Week that took off on the 13th August, AIC Thornlie had their own Science fiesta with worms. The Year 2s, 3s and 6s experienced firsthand, hands on - one on one experience with the little wriggly worms. Many of the girls started out excited, speaking loudly and squealing until they got to know the worm intimately. They held them,


The Maze was really fun. We did a lot of mazes but the biggest was the best. It took us a long time for us to figure it out but it was great. In that maze, the whole class went with the teacher but Zamira and I couldn’t keep up and ended up getting lost. When the teacher finished the maze, she sent someone

to come and help us. When we finally got out, we went to see the koalas and a man came to talk about them. After when we started to look around , we saw peacocks, kangaroos, emus, ducks and the big dog. If I really think about it, the day was really great and I really enjoyed myself. Article by Ikra Ul-Haq (YR 5)

CIVIC EDUCATIONSalaam Everyone!This year, Perth hosted the 2011 Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting and our students participated in many incursions that helped us understand what this special meeting was about and the way our Government is run. Students from Year 1 to Year 8 learnt about Federation in Australia, and our democratic system through a range of interac-tive role plays, puppet shows and discussions. It was a fantastic program and the students and presenters were very engaged.Sr Jamilah







2011Friendly netball and soccer games for the Year 7 and Year 8 with AIC Kewdale.AFL football clinics for all levels organized by the Perth Football Club (Incursion).AFL football clinics for the Year 5 organized by the Fremantle Football Club (Incursion and excursion).AFL Multicultural Day for the Year 6 and Year 7 at the Perth football oval

Eagles Rock My School incursion program organized by the West Coast Eagles football club with special guest from Rick the Eagle mascot. AFL Dockers Cup competition organized by the Fremantle Football Club for the Year 7 girls at the Perth football oval in Lathlain.AFL Annual Eagles Cup competition organized by the West Coast Eagles Football Club for the Year 7 boys.AFL Fremantle Super Clinic organized by the Fremantle Football Club for the Year 4 and Year 7 at the Fremantle Oval in Fremantle.AFL Eagles Super Clinic organized by the West Coast Eagles Football Club for the Year 7 and Year 8 at Curtin University of Technology.Soccer clinic conducted by Mr. John Carbone from the Darling Range Primary School for the Year 7 boys and girls.Soccer competition organized by State Sports Western Australia for the Year 7 boys and girls. School gymnastics program organized by Activated Group.



Punctuality is important in ISLAM! CHEWING GUM is NOT ALLOWED in



CONGRATULATIONS Islamic Studies, Qur’aan win-

ners: Ikram Abdi (Yr4), Hasifa Rahman

(Yr4), Aria Yaqubi (Yr5) Abdul Rahman Elsir (Yr5) Hajira Saleh (Yr5) Baneen Al-Asadi (Yr6) Ai-sha Wahhedy (Yr6) Alisha Cox (Yr6) Khadija Saleh (Yr7), Reda

Al-Asadi (Yr7)








Achievements for 2011Interactive boards placed in most classes.Outstanding NAPLAN results.Beautiful Mural outside the assembly area .UNSW commemorative 30 year Plaque for the Australian Islamic College for achieving fantastic results in NSW tests.



Islamic ArtThe Yr 7 students, as part of their Islamic Studies art, de-signed a Kaba. They took initiative and showed great enthusiasm to come up with great design of the Kaba. They were very excited and it only took them two lessons

Camp Day at AIC (Thornlie): The Yr 6,7 & 8 girls had a great opportunity to go on an all girls camp at the AIC (Thornlie Campus). The girls had a jam packed schedule. They had different activities throughout the day. The girls had sports in the morning, had some talks with muslim girls from the outside. The girls were given three hot meals. The girls really enjoyed it and can’t wait to have another one! Noura Hildeed

On the 16th of September the Whole School was involved in an Eid Ul Fitr celebration. Guestsparents, School Board Members PTA Representatives, principals from A.I.C Kewdale and Dianella other local schools as well as local politicians were also invited. Selected classes performed entertaining performances. It was a wonderful event enjoyed by all. Morning tea was served.


Hello Everyone,It has been a very busy and rewarding year. There was a marked improvement in our NAPLAN results this year and I believe that with continued effort, hard work and dedication that we, as a school, will continue to grow and progress. I am excited to play a vital role in the ongoing success of our school and I’m looking forward to the new challenges that2012 will hold.Yours in Education, Mrs K Abrahams (School Curriculum Coordinator)

MY VISION FOR 2012:To continue to align our schools current curriculum, assessment and reporting framework to meet the requirements of the New Australian Curriculum.To continue with the National Partnerships agenda with a focus on reading (Guided Reading and Fluency) and improving the quality of teaching and learning at our school.To continue to support the teachers in a positive and constructive manner.To continue to develop and enrich the curriculum so as to facilitate even better NAPLAN results in 2012