Volcanoes 12-8-09



Magma vs. Lava Liquid rock that forms under Earth’s surface! When magma erupts on Earth’s surface!

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Volcanoes Magma vs. Lava Liquid rock that forms under Earths surface!
When magmaerupts on Earthssurface! Volcanism Any movement of magma onto Earths surface!
Volcano The vents in Earths surface which magma and gases are released. Where do Volcanoes form?
Plate Boundaries Convergent Boundaries (Subduction Zones) Converge = Collide/Move Together Divergent Boundaries (Mid-Ocean Ridges) Diverge = Move Away Hot Spots Major zone of active volcanoes that circles the pacific ocean!
Major Volcanic Zones Active volcanoes occur near both convergent and divergent plate boundaries! Volcanic Zones Most volcanoes are located near both convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Pacific Ring of Fire Major zone of active volcanoes that circles the pacific ocean! Convergent Boundary Boundaries that form when two plates collide.
Three Types of Plate Collisions Oceanic and Continental Oceanic and Oceanic Continental and Continental Subduction Zone Zone where one tectonic plate moves under another. Lava flows to surface forming a volcano. Divergent Boundary When two plates move away from each other
Divergent Boundary When two plates move away from each other! Mid-Ocean Ridges form in this area and magma rises to the surface forming a volcano! Hot Spot Volcanically active site away from a plate boundaries where large balls of magma (mantle plumes) rise and reach the surface!
