Vision i2020 – Lobbying Strategies for ICT Policy in the next decade Dr. Andreas Tegge, DEPG chair


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Vision i2020 – Lobbying Strategies for ICT Policy in the

next decade

Dr. Andreas Tegge, DEPG chair

1. Overview EICTA2. EICTA i2020 Project3. EU ICT Task Force4. National IT Summit in Germany5. ICT policy strategies in Romania, Bulgaria,

Croatia, Turkey, Hungary6. Discussion


EICTA Mission Statement

Initiate research for possible solutions of any problems of interest to the Digital Technology Industry in the widest possible sense, in particular those of a scientific, technical, documentary and institutional nature

Issue, promote and contribute to statements and opinions on Digital Technology Industry issues to national, European and international governmental bodies and institutions

Participate in the formulation, adoption and implementation of European public policy, legislation and regulation

Advocate the interests and contribution of the European Digital Technology Industry with regard to competitiveness and growth in the European Union

Fulfill the function of representative and spokesperson of the European Digital Technology Industry vis-à-vis the institutions and governments of the European Union, the media, and other organisations and institutions where relevant

EICTA Members

A wide range of multinational companies (61) and national trade associations (40)…

Which represent more than 10,000 businesses and two million employees…

And generate revenues of over 1,000 billion euros …

Thus bringing credibility and legitimacy to the organisation…

Which has become the voice of the European Digital Technology Industry.

EICTA’s Operational Structure


TRPGTechnical &RegulatoryPolicy Group



GENERAL ASSEMBLY40 national associations & 61 corporate members

GENERAL ASSEMBLY40 national associations & 61 corporate members


Policy Coordination Group

Policy Coordination Group

Director General +


Director General +


EICTA Digital Economy Policy Group

Chair: A. Tegge – SAP Vice Chairs: E. Bonfiglioli – Microsoft & M. Brandl – NSN


Next Generation Networks

EU Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications

Advertising Technologi

esePrivacy Directive

General Data Protection Directive

IPR Campaign

European Patent

Litigation SystemLondon


Community Patent

Cybercrime/personal interest


Critical Information


Consumer Acquis

Service Network Mapping

Telecom Review


FP7 Funding

Services Directive



Blue Card

Public Procurement

Networked Identity

Evaluation of EICTA political impact

Highly regarded at EU Level as the major European ICT Trade AssociationActive and vocal on all ICT related EU policy issuesInfluencial among the ICT policy community in BrusselsBut: limited access to EU political leaders

Importance of ICT industry not understoodICT not a political priority at EU levelFavourable framework conditions not ensured

1. Overview EICTA2. i2020 Project

3. EU ICT Task Force4. National IT Summit in Germany5. ICT policy strategies in Romania, Bulgaria,

Croatia, Turkey, Hungary6. Discussion


EICTA i2020 Project - Objectives -

Convince Top EU Policy-MakersICT is essential to achieve key EU policy objectivesA strong ICT industry in Europe is needed to exploit potential of ICT

Position ICT on top of EU policy agendaPropose a set of concrete ICT policy measures for the next decade

EICTA i2020 Project – Criteria for Success -

Focus on three questionsWhy is ICT essential to achieve key EU policy objectives?Why does Europe need a strong European ICT industry?What should EU policy-makers do to support ICT in Europe?

Address new EU political leadersPresident of the European CommissionPolitical Leadership in the European ParliamentEuropean Council: Heads of State

EICTA Messages must beSubstantial (back by facts and figures)Simple (to be understood by politicians)

Adequate ressources and clear responsibilities within EICTAInvolvement of CEOs is keySupport of NTAs to approach EU Member StatesAlliance with other stakeholders: user industries, consumers, unions, academia, etc.Ensure press coverage

EICTA i2020 Project – Ideal timing in 2009 -

New EU political leadership European Commission in October 09New European Parliament (elections in June)

... will lead to a complete revision of EU public policy until 2014

Revision of EU Lisbon StrategyContinous discussion on economic recoveryRevision of EU i2010 agenda

Unique opportunity to position EICTA and the ICT Industry to the new EU


Communication Plan

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

>2008 2009<

Sept09: new EP in place (elections in June)

Sept: EP Hearings / New


Nov 09: New Commission takes


Nov09: Swed.Presidenc

y event: „i2020“

6/7April: eGov Conference

16/23April: Future of Emerging Technologies


7Nov: EC SecGen

Draft Measure

s Economi

c Recovery

20April: Safer Internet

11/13May: Future Internet Assembly

EIF Digital Economy event series

5/6March: Comp. Council

19/20Feb: eHealth


11/12 Dec: EU Summit

19/20March: ICT4EE event (Czech Pres.)

EICTA European ICT Summit

EICTA Briefings with new MEPs

Feb: Input for EICTA Paper ICT & Post-

Lisbon Strategy

6Nov: EICTA Paper ICT & short term measures



6March (CeBit)










launch EICTA external study

EICTA partici-pation in

Czech Pres. Events,

continous dialogue with Commission

completion external


completion EICTA Paper i2020

EICTA i2020 Project – Communication Plan

EICTA i2020 Project – key deliverables

EICTA contribution to EU economic recovery plan EICTA contribution to Post-Lisbon StrategyEICTA White Paper „EU 2020 – the role of ICT“External Economic StudyComprehensive Lobbying and Communication Plan for 2009European ICT Summit with CEO involvement

EICTA White Paper „EU 2020 – Role of ICT“

Content of White PaperFuture Challenges of EU Policy-Makers: enhancing innovation and competitiveness; completion of the internal market; addressing demographic change; climate change and energy efficiencyImportance and enabling role of ICTNeed for a strong European ICT industryStatus of ICT in Europe and global ICT trendsPolicy Recommendations

Deadline: August 2009No longer than 10 pages (incl. executive summary), simple and clear messagesTarget audiance: high-level policy makersCritical: agreement on strong recommendations among EICTA MembersImportant input: Economic studyLead: Andreas Tegge, Chair DEPG

EICTA Economic Study

Objectives of study: demononstrate with facts and figuresICT is key enabler for achieving key EU policy objectives of the EU in the next decadeNeed for a strong ICT industry in Europe

Content of study (should reflect outline of EICTA White Paper)Budget: around 200 k €Deadline: July 2009Committed companies: Nokia, NSN, Siemens, Ericcson, Alcatel-Lucent, Microsoft, Qualcomm, SAP, SESNext steps

Create EICTA Economic Study Steering CommiteeFinalize Terms of ReferencePick vendor

EICTA European ICT Summit

ParticipantsEICTA Members: CEOs onlyPresident of European CommissionCommissioner for Information SocietyCommissioner for Industry and EnterprisesKey Members of the European Parliament

Envisaged outcome: Joint declaration (i2020 action plan)Possibly: Addiotional meeting with EU Heads of StatesPress ConferenceOpen issues

Involvement of other industry playersInvolvement of other stakeholdersCooperation with EU Commission

1. Overview EICTA2. i2020 Project3. EU ICT Task Force

4. National IT Summit in Germany5. ICT policy strategies in Romania, Bulgaria,

Croatia, Turkey, Hungary6. Discussion


European ICT Task Force 2006

Initiated by EU Commissioner VerheugenObjectives

Promote uptake of ICT in EuropePromote competitive European ICT industryPropose concrete policy measure

Format and OrganisationHigh-Level Task Force composed of IT industry exectutives, academics, industry associations, unions, consumer associations; chaired by Commissioner Reding and Commissioner VerheugenSubstance developed in working groups open to all stakeholdersProcess monitored by European Commission

Outcome: ICT Task Force Report

European ICT Task Force 2006 - Structure and Timeline -

ICT Task Force25 Members, Chairs: Commissioner Verheugen, Commissioner Reding

Sherpa Group25 Members, Chairs: Sue Binns (DG IS), David White (DG E)

Rapporteurdrafts final report

WG 1 – ICT Uptake

WG 2 - IPR WG3 – Innovation

WG4 – SMEs WG5 – Skills WG6 – Single Market

17 May

1st Sherpa Meeting

Discussion on: - Governance- Objectives- Working Processes

6 June

1st Meeting of the TF

- Adoption of Agenda and Governance Structure- Exchange of views

20 Sept.

2nd Sherpa Meeting

- Discussion of draft topic papers from Working Groups- Meeting with TF-Rapporteur

18 Oct.

Deadline for final draft of

topic papers from Working


8 Nov.

Draft final report

circulated by Rapporteur

Late Nov./ Early Dec.

2nd Meeting of the TF

-Adoption of final report-Final debate

European ICT Task Force 2006 - Evaluation -

ProAwareness raising of importance of ICTFinal report contains comprehensive list of policy measures

ConLittle impact, no follow-up, no concrete projectsNo top level participation/committment by policy-makers and industryWorking Groups not composed of expertsComplex decision-making due to openess of working groupsLack of leadership, unclear processesNo agreement on key issues among industry

1. Overview EICTA2. i2020 Project3. EU ICT Task Force4. National IT Summit in Germany

5. ICT policy strategies in Romania, Bulgaria,

Croatia, Turkey, Hungary6. Discussion


National IT-Summit in Germany– Approach -

ObjectivesDevelop Germany into a world-leading ICT countryPromote cooperation between industry, universities and policy-makersAgree an firm ICT strategy and concrete measures and projects

FormatAnnual high-level conferenceParticipation of Chancelor Merkel, several Ministers, CEOs and leading academics

OrganisationOverall lead: German ministry of economics9 high-level working groups on specific topics, chaired by a Minister, a CEO or leading academic, supported by cherpas and numerous expertsPreparation of summit and follow-up has turned into a permanent effortBlog to engage with other stakeholders

Outcome: Joint Declarations with clear action items

National IT-Summit in Germany - Achievements -

IT-Gipfel 2006Agreement on 12 Point Action Plan with key priorities for ICT policy in GermanyIdentification of 3 concrete lighthouse projects: Internet of Services, RFID, eEnergy

IT-Gipfel 2007Identification of future ICT growths markets; further development of lighthouse projectsPromote eGovernment; creation of a „CIO“ to coordinate eGovernment in Germany; agreement on targets and prioritiesNational Program to promote qualified ICT workforcePromote secure and user-friendly ICT

IT-Gipfel 2008Leadership in future growths marketsGreen IT action planBuild trust in new ICT

National IT-Summit in Germany - Evaluation -

ProOutcome: Clear decisions and concrete measuresActive participation and commitment at the top level in Government and industryAdequate resources to implement measuresFollow-up of measuresClear leadershipSupporting PR campaign

ConDecision-making complicated due to involvement of many stakeholders with divergent interestsRequires huge resources

1. Overview EICTA2. i2020 Project3. EU ICT Task Force4. National IT Summit in Germany5. ICT policy strategies in Romania,

Bulgaria,Croatia, Turkey, Hungary

6. Discussion


National ICT Policy Strategies


1. Overview EICTA2. i2020 Project3. EU ICT Task Force4. National IT Summit in Germany5. ICT policy strategies in Romania, Bulgaria,

Croatia, Turkey, Hungary6. Discussion

