Values Attitude and Job Satisfaction 2


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  • 8/3/2019 Values Attitude and Job Satisfaction 2


    Organizational BehaviorValues, Attitude & Job Satisfaction


    Team South West AirlineSairam, Rakesh, Pratik, Daniel, Mayank

  • 8/3/2019 Values Attitude and Job Satisfaction 2



    Values:Belief of a person in which he has hisemotional thoughts. Be it positive or

    negative the end state is essential. Value system:A hierarchy based on rankings of anindividuals values, in terms of theirintensity.

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    Types of values

    Terminal values: The goals that a person would like toachieve in his/her lifetime.

    Instrumental values:

    Modes of behavior to achieve Terminalvalues.

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    Terminal values

    A comfortable life Free of war and conflicts Family security

    Mature love Pleasure True friendship Wisdom Social recognition Equality

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    Instrumental values

    Ambitions Broad-minded Cleanliness Honest

    Independent Obedient Self-controlled Polite Logical

    Helpful Forgiving Courageous Cheerfull

  • 8/3/2019 Values Attitude and Job Satisfaction 2


    Work values in todaysworkforce

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    Values and behavior

    Ethical climate in the Organizationdepends on the Ethical values andbehavior of the Leaders.

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    Hofstedes Framework forAssessing Cultures

    Power distance Collectivism Individualism Quantity of life Quality of life Uncertainty avoidance Long-term Orientation Short-term Orientation

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    Attitudes: Tendency to respond positively ornegatively towards a certain Idea,object and situation.

    Cognitive component of attitude: The opinion or belief segment of an attitude.

    Affective component:Emotional or feeling segment of an attitude. Behavioral component:An intention to behave in certain way towards


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    Types of attitude

    Job involvement:Active participation in particular job andconsidering performance important to self worth.

    Organizational commitment:It is his/her psychological commitmenttowards the organization and It isemployees attachment to the organization.

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    Measuring the A-Brelationship

    Research indicates that the Attitudes (A)significantly predict Behavior (B) whenmoderating variables are taken intoaccount.

    Moderating Variables: Importance of attitude.

    Specificity of the attitude. Accessibility of the attitude. Social pressures on the individual. Direct experience with attitude.

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    Types of organizationscommitment

    Affective:Very affectively committed to the

    organization. Normative:

    Give and take relationship with the

    organization. Continuous:

    He/she committed to the organizationbecause they have to other option.

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    Job Satisfaction

    Job Satisfaction describes how content is anindividual with his/her job.

    Measuring job satisfaction: Single global rating Summation score

    Decline attributes to: Pressure to increase productivity. Less control over work.

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    Responses to jobsatisfaction

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    How employees ExpressDissatisfaction

    Exit:Dissatisfaction expressed through behavior directedtowards leaving the organization.

    Loyalty:Dissatisfaction expressed by waiting for conditions toimprove.

    Voice:Dissatisfaction expressed through active and constructiveattempts to improve conditions.

    Neglect:Dissatisfaction expressed through allowing conditions toworsen

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    Job satisfaction and OCB

    Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship(OCB):

    Satisfied employees who feel that they aretreated well by the organization are more willingto behave in such a way that they go beyondtheir job profile.

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    Project on JobSatisfaction


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    Thank you