U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY District 7, Division 14 · Surface Warfare Officer and Officer of the...


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Next Division 14 Meeting Saturday, January 19, 2019

St Augustine Airport Conference Center,

4730 Casa Cola Way, St Augustine FL 32095

Board Meeting: 0900-1015 General Meeting: 1030-1200

In this Issue:

• DCDR & VCDR Reports…......…..2&3 • Helo Exercises & Rescue..……...…..7 • HAZWOPER……………..………….11 • Meeting Minutes..……..…..…...17&18

Also, on various pages, you will find reports and/or articles from Flotilla Commanders and Staff Officers

U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY District 7, Division 14 XXXIX Volume 1 Editor: David Patrick, SO-OP Division 14 January 2019

Helo Exercises with Flotilla 12-6, East Cooper River, Charleston SC (see article on page 6)

Photo courtesy Robert Miller




Vic Aquino



Jon Hunt

As we begin 2019, it is an inauspicious debut, as we are mired in the third week of the government

shut down with no end in sight. Already, we have had to cancel the Division and a Flo�lla Change

of Watch, with the first quarter mee�ng also likely to be canceled as well. Nonetheless, when the

government is re-opened, we need to be prepared to resume all ac�vi�es at a moment’s no�ce.

For some, 2019 will be a year full of new challenges. Of the sixteen Division Staff posi�ons, eleven

of the posi�ons will have new officers. I’m looking forward to working with all of them all as they

become familiar with their responsibili�es and their parallel Chain of Leadership for their

respec�ve offices.

We have a great deal of con�nuity with our Flo�lla Commanders this year, as four of the five will

be comple�ng their second year as Commanders this year. They are a dedicated group, all of

whom do a fine job and we will rely on their experience a great deal in the coming year.

One of our greatest challenges remains our shrinking membership. We are down five percent in

Division membership from this �me last year, a trend that con�nues na�onally. Despite that, the

need for our par�cipa�on in assis�ng the ac�ve duty remains high. In addi�on to our regularly

scheduled Auxiliary ac�vi�es, there is a constant need for direct support of the “gold side” to

include radio watch standing, food service, gate guards and clergy support, just to name a few.

While we have several volunteers working in all of these areas, there is always a need for more.

Lastly, as we will not have a Change of Watch this year, I would like to thank you for the honor of

elec�ng me Division Commander. It is not a responsibility that I take lightly and I will do my best

to maintain the standards of the finest Division in District seven. We have an outstanding group of

members and I will be ready to support you in all of your endeavors.

Semper Paratus!

Jon Hunt, DCDR 14





I would like to say how honored I am to have been

elected as Division 14’s Vice Division Commander for

2019. I look forward to suppor�ng and working not

only with all of our appointed Staff Officers but also

the members of our en�re Division.

As I write this we have all recently received the L2 message about “CONTINUING AUXILIARY

OPERATIONS DURING THE LAPSE IN APPROPRIATIONS.” This was very good news and will allow the

Auxiliary to once again be ac�ve in many, but not all, of our missions. While having to curtail a lot of

our programs is never pleasant, I was very impressed with the resiliency and dedica�on of our

membership. Throughout our period of shut down all I heard was posi�ve comments and planning

for what we would be doing. I believe it is this dedica�on and effort that goes a long way to

achieving one of our goals, “to have its people be the best trained, most valued mari�me volunteer

organiza�on in the world.”

I realize that I have not been in this Division as long as some of you so I wanted to take a minute and

tell you about myself. I joined the auxiliary in 2011 with the Palo Alto CA Flo�lla. While there I held

assorted staff posi�ons at Flo�lla and Division levels, including Vice Flo�lla Commander and two

Years as Flo�lla Commander. I was selected as Auxiliarist of the year by my Flo�lla and Division. In

2015, we moved to Florida and I joined the Jacksonville Beach Flo�lla 14-4. I have been serving as

both Flo�lla and Division Human Resource Officer. During my �me at Jacksonville Beach, I was

selected both as Auxiliarist of the Year and Instructor of the year. For the past few years I have also

served on the Na�onal Staff, currently as Director of Response (surface, air and telecom opera�ons).

I look forward to mee�ng more of our members and being of service to our Division and our


Rick Saunders, VCDR 14

Well folks, it looks like 2019 starts off with a

whimper but we can’t let that dissuade us. At

least we have more �me to plan and

brainstorm for upcoming events. I for one,

and I am sure I am not alone, find this “slow

�me” to be anything but that!

With the 2018 audit due, new officers to install, a 50th Flo�lla Anniversary to plan and execute, a

fishing tournament with a million dollar purse to support, and NSBW here before we know it, the

year has barely begun and I am overwhelmed. Paul Tynda told me, “wait �ll you make FC”, how right

he was.

David Howells, FC 14-8



Vic Aquino

Vice Division


Rick Saunders

David Howells, FC

14-8 Jacksonville


Flo�lla 14-1 Elected Leadership introduc�ons:

Flo�lla Commander Report

John Herald FC

14-1 Amelia Island

BMC Ehrhart, 14-1’s Sta�on AUXLO, receives a le�er of

apprecia�on from John Herald FC at their recent Change of

Watch for all the support he has provided to the flo�lla.

Flo�lla Commander - John Herald:

John has been a member of the USCG Auxiliary since March 2015. He has served as FC, VFC, FSO-PV and

Division 14 SO-PV and is qualified as a Coxswain, Boat Crew Member, RBS Partner Visitor and Vessel

Examiner. John is a re�red Chief Warrant Officer (W4) in the U. S. Navy. He is Qualified in Submarines,

Surface Warfare Officer and Officer of the Deck. John re�red in July 1995 a,er comple�ng thirty-two years

of service. He is a graduate of Hawaii Pacific University and Valdosta State University with degrees in

Business Administra�on and General Educa�on.

Flo�lla Vice Commander—Walt Lavender :

Walt joined the USCG Auxiliary in July 2014. He has served as FSO-SR and FSO-MS and Division 14 SO-MS

and is qualified as an Instructor; Program Visitor, Vessel Examiner and Boat Crew. He also serves as Auxiliary

Pollu�on Response for USCG. Walt served in U.S. Naval Reserve, re�red from Dow Chemical, working in

Environmental, Health, & Safety, as an Emergency Response Coordinator and Security Supervisor, and has

been a First Aid/CPR/AED instructor. Walt received Doctorate in Theology from Landmark Bap�st Bible

College and a PhD from Bap�st College of America. He also volunteers with the Nassau County Sheriff Office.

Photos courtesy Louie Casey

Tom Pippin receives the Order of the Megalodon

from John Herald FC


Happy New Year everyone!

Flo�lla Commander Report

Bill Candeletti, FC

14-7 Saint Augustine

Photos courtesy Dylan Cadwalader/Sean Flynn

Thankfully 14-7 was able to enjoy our Change of Watch prior to the Government shutdown.

As Flo�lla Commander and FSO VE, I have begun contac�ng all of our local dry storage facili�es and marinas

to give them more of an insight into exactly what we, as the USCG Auxiliary, do. In speaking to the

managers of Cats Paw Marina (Dry storage), Ship Yards (dry storage) and Rivers Edge Marina, they have all

agreed to allow us to set up a Public Affairs tent and offer their customers courtesy vessel examina�ons in

the next coming weeks or months. I set up a date, January 19, to conduct the first event at Rivers Edge

Marina since it will be in coordina�on with a barbecue they are planning, however this event may be

cancelled due to the shut down. It is also the same date as the Division mee�ng!

St. Augus�ne 14-7 Vessel Examiners will strive to exceed the number of Vessel Safety Checks we conducted

in 2018! That number was 159.

Flo�lla Commander - Bill Candele> (2nd yr)

Vice Commander - Carmen Gau�lle

Bill Candele explains his

2019 vision for Flo�lla 14-7

Karen Gau�lle applies new shoulder

boards to Carmen’s uniform.


Kevin Holbrooks, FC 14-4 Jacksonville Beach

Flo�lla 14-4 Change of Watch

Photos courtesy

Bailey Holbrooks

Gary Gray was recognized as

Instructor of the Year

Kevin Holbrooks Fc & Andy Koenig VFC

are sworn in..

New Staff Officers being sworn in at the Change of Watch

From the le&:

Drew Chase, Mark Vitry, Elizabeth Filippelli, Gary Gray, Bill

Vaughan, Ken Jacobs, San�ago Castrodad, Mike Christnacht,

Judy Davis

Bob Cook presents 14-4 Auxiliarist of the

Year to Mark Vitry


Helo Exercises & Charleston Harbor Rescue

I had something interes�ng happen on a Friday

night in October last year, October 26 to be exact.

I was on patrol with Flo�lla 12-6 East Cooper,

Charleston SC. The flo�lla regularly provides

target boats for the helicopter crews at Air

Sta�on Savannah and I went along to shoot some

Public Affairs photos to give to the Air Sta�on.

We finished well aBer dark and on the way back

across Charleston Harbor, no�ced a strobe light in

the air a short distance away from what looked

like a sta�onary small boat on the far north side

of the harbor. We approached slowly, as we

were very close to the Hog Island shoals and

found a shrimper waist deep in the shoal water

(out in the harbor off the mouth of Shem Creek).

He was waiving his strobe over his head to try to

aCract the aCen�on of the diners in the

restaurants that line Shem Creek, but without any

luck. His partner was standing a short distance

away holding onto a small john boat, in which

they had their shrimp bai�ng gear. They had

suffered engine failure and had been out there

for only about 45 minutes when we found them.

We took them back to their marina using a side


The incident was a great reminder why it's important to have standardized, trained crews and all of

your gear ready and in good shape. The Coxswain was Walter Runck (Flo�lla 12-6 East Cooper), who

I think logged over 250 underway hours during 2018.

Robert C. Miller, AUXPA1

Division Chief for Publica�ons, Public Affairs Directorate

Thanks to Robert Miller, Flo�lla 14-4, for this interes�ng ar�cle and photos, here and on the front page.

In less than five years in the Auxiliary, Robert has amassed a very long list of Auxiliary qualifica�ons

and is an integral part of Team Coast Guard - see his other contribu�on elsewhere in this newsle&er.

He does all this while being a member of the medical staff at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville!

Thank you Robert for all you do for the Auxiliary and the Ac�ve Duty Coast Guard - Editor.


Right Whale Fes�val

Jacksonville Beach on November 3, 2018

Staff Officer Reports

Marine Safety Mark Vitry, SO-MS

As many of you know, Right Whales are a severely endangered species. They receive their name from the

fact that decades ago whalers would target these animals for two reasons; 1) they contained more cooking

and fuel oil for lamps and other consumer needs; 2) and because they would float near the whaling ship

a,er they were killed and thus they earned the name the Right Whale to kill for their oil. Whalers hunted

these creatures to near ex�nc�on. Today, less than 400 – 500 are es�mated to survive in the wild.

Incidentally, some of the Right Whales migrate to the waters off the coasts of Georgia and Florida annually

during this �me of year and people on our

beaches have reported seeing their dis�nc�ve

water spouts during exhala�on. While off our

ocean waters, they give birth and mate but

this puts the adults and calves in danger to

injury from humans and preda�on including

entanglements in discarded nets, impacts by

large fast moving vessels, and possibly sharks

aBacks. As the female produces only one calf

at most per year, care is needed to ensure the

survival of this unique species.

Usually, once per hour during the Right Whale

calving and ma�ng season, the U. S. Coast

Guard Sector Jacksonville broadcasts on very

high frequency (VHF) channels 16 and 22A a

no�fica�on to mariners in our offshore waters

to remain vigilant for whales in the area. Specific informa�on is provided to mariners on what ac�ons to

take if a whale is spoBed and to assume any whale sighted is a Right Whale unless otherwise iden�fied and

are further reminded to stay at least 500 yards from any whale observed as this is the law. If you seek

addi�onal informa�on about Right Whales see:


Julie Albert, and others from the Northern Right Whale Monitoring Program as part of the Marine Resource

Council, visited Flo�lla 14-4 and explained their program for helping to save the Right Whales. Their hotline

for any sigh�ngs is 1-888-97-WHALE. Their program was insighDul and informa�ve.

Marc Lang (14-2) and I staffed a booth at the Right Whale Fes�val held annually at the Pavilion Grounds at

Jacksonville Beach, FL. I enjoyed par�cipa�ng in the fes�val that was well aBended. Bravo Zulu to Marc

for making annual arrangements for our ac�ve par�cipa�on in this event. Make plans to aBend next.

Photo courtesy Mark Vitry


With surface opera�ons shutdown for the moment I thought I’d detail the fantas�c numbers our

42 Division 14 coxswains and crew members have complied in 2018:

Mission Categories:

• Search and Rescue

• Marine Observa�on

• Safety and Security Perimeters


• Rowing regaCas

• Familiariza�on patrols for Coast Guard

• Sailboat RegaCs

• Christmas tree ligh�ngs

• Fireworks displays

• Boat parades

• NAS Jacksonville Air Show with the Blue Angels

Currently the Division has ten facili�es, but we could use many more. That increase would be a

result of recrui�ng through flo�lla Human Resources and word of mouth. Adding coxswains and

crew members would come from promo�on of Opera�ons to flo�lla members and having

Instructors hold member training sessions. But a great resource in the effort to gain facili�es and

personnel will be through promo�ng Auxiliary membership in Public Educa�on classes and during

Vessel Safety Checks.

I will make it a priority to promote these ideas in this new year.

Staff Officer Report

Total hours on the water 3,052

Search and Rescue incl. within total hours 253

Number of Missions 156

Surface Operations Bill Sekeres, SO-OP


Happy 2019, (Not So Happy Shutdown)

The Division 14 website and the Division Calendar have been updated. Please look them over and

report any errors to me so I can fix them.

Some things to look at and access from our Division 14 Website, while you are idle in some of your

Auxiliary ac�vi�es:

Uniforms - Check out the new Uniform PowerPoint, which you can access from the homepage leB

menu. It’s the best and most complete guide to our uniforms ever released, and it is well worth your

�me to review. It’s is an outstanding tool to mentor new members, or those in your flo�lla that

aren’t properly dressed for ac�vi�es.

AuxInfo – Also accessed from the leB menu. You can s�ll see how your ac�vity repor�ng measured

up to your peers. Ask the ques�on, “Did I really get credit for everything that I did in 2018?” Point

out to your fellow flo�lla members that you know have put in the hours, however, their report card

doesn’t measure up compared to how it could have been had they turned in their �me. (Again, I’m

encouraging mentoring to your fellow flo�lla members, new and old.)

7029 Ac�vity Form – Easily accessed from the Division website leB menu. This is how we get paid, and

this link is how you get there. Get your January 7029s sent in, so everyone knows that we’re not


Aux LMS & Core Training – If we can’t leave our homes to work in our communi�es, then we have

more �me to train online. Encourage new flo�lla members to gain a new qualifica�on. Update your

Core Training (especially those who completed it 5 years ago). In 2019, a lot of our members are

going to need to re-qualify for the 5 year courses. Get it done now.

The Basic Qualifica�on Course II (BQII) - Auxiliary members who are familiar with the customs,

tradi�ons, and history of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, understand our Missions and Programs, the

organiza�onal structure, the policies and regula�ons that guide us, and understand the protocols and

uniform wear will be far beCer prepared to serve the Coast Guard than less knowledgeable members.

This course is required of new members and those wishing to serve at the District level.

Follow this link to access the Basic Qualifica�on Course within the Auxiliary Classroom

So, my message has been, “Don’t let the Government Shutdown shut you down” AND encourage your

fellow flo�lla members to remain ac�ve at home and online. The first quarter of the year is no �me

to be idle, and we have mul�ple means of communica�on to mentor our fellow shipmates.

Staff Officer Reports

Computer Services Paul Burns, SO-CS



The purpose of teaching HAZWOPER (Hazard Waste Opera�ons & Emergency Response) to Auxiliarists is to

provide “first responders” with the capability to respond to hazardous incidents in a safe and competent

manner at the “Awareness” Level for hazardous material response. As first responders at the "Awareness"

level, Auxiliarists in an opera�onal role may be likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance release

and may need to ini�ate no�fying authori�es but should take no further ac�on.

Robert Miller, Flo�lla 14-4, instructs both the USCG and Auxiliary members throughout the year. In 2018, he

instructed a total of six classes at Sector Jacksonville (see photo below), Sta�ons Mayport, Ponce (see below)

and Canaveral. The total par�cipa�on at these classes was over 120 and included Ac�ve Duty, Auxiliarists

and three civilian employees. Editor

Photos courtesy USCG

HAZWOPER Class at Sector Jacksonville





Members taking NTC Tests on line from 29 OCT 2018 to 05 JAN 2019 need to send the following to

their Flo�lla FSO-IS for inpuLng:

NTC Problems – As you know there has been a problem with courses taken through NTC since the end

of October. Based on informa�on from Na�onal, members have been encouraged to submit their

completed cer�ficate through a District 7 Help Desk Ticket for any NTC or AUXLMS since

October. This has caused confusion. Actually, the missing NTC courses are from 29 October. We

have found that the AUXLMS courses are flowing into AUXDATA (except some of the mandated

workshops that have been a con�nuing problem). Hopefully, this situa�on will be resolved soon and

the courses will start to flow from NTC to AUXDATA.

If asked, the cer�ficate needed can be printed from member's entry in AuxDirectory.

In addi�on, if a member has taken the AUXCT, Core Training (except BCQ II courses), the member

should complete the Self-ACesta�on form and give a copy to the FSO-IS or inpuCer to enter into

AUXDATA. Again, check the member’s Training Report to make sure that the course has not already

been entered. InpuCers, remember to put AUXMT for the Opera�ons Code. Encourage members to

use the Self-ACesta�on instead of entering comple�on in NTC for these mandated courses. 2019 is

the year that many members will have to update their 5-year recer�fica�on of these courses.

ACCORDING to AUX NATIONAL, the NTC Problem has been addressed and corrected, as of 05 JAN


To date this month reserva�ons and monies collected

for the Change of Watch have been received. All

monies were paid by check. With the cancella�on of

the Change of Watch dinner, all par�es were no�fied

checks received were NOT deposited and the checks were destroyed.

The financial part of the ANSC 7025 for Division 14 was completed and forwarded for endorsing

signatures on January 10.

The 2019 budget is being developed at this �me.

Staff Officer Reports

Information Services Bob Cook, SO-IS

Finance Bill Hall, SO-FN


Staff Officer Ar�cle

Human Resources Mark Vitry, SO-HR

Recently, I received this thank you card from a

dear friend of mine in the Auxiliary who just

wanted to thank me for doing what any other

friend would do for someone. Then I started

thinking, which is always dangerous for me!

Perhaps we in the Auxiliary and our Division

should try to take just a few minutes

periodically to thank those Auxiliarists who

work with us and for us to say a simple “Thank

You Very Much “ for all we do for each other,

for the members of our respec�ve flo�llas, for

our leaders who spend more countless hours

than we can imagine processing forms, wri�ng

memos, aBending mee�ngs, and the list goes

on ad infinitum.

Thank You Very Much - A common saying but so important; a simple Thank You Very Much with meaning

goes much further in promo�ng fellowship, encouraging Auxiliarists to stay in our organiza�on, and

encouraging new members to become more ac�ve within our organiza�on. A simple Thank You Very Much

does more, in my opinion, to promote fellowship than terse orders from someone to complete this or that

assignment by a certain date. We must all remember that we are a diverse organiza�on filled with veterans

from many branches of the service who have served our country when requested and we have many

members who have no military experience who desire to do something posi�ve for their country and the US

Coast Guard but may not know how to properly wear a uniform or what insignia goes wear. I suggest we

take �me to help each other on a one-on-one basis and show new members how a uniform is worn, what

insignias mean, how to properly wear them, and what a gig line is. Yes, members can go to a 900 page

manual and try to memorize everything contained therein but a few minutes of our �me helping rather than

lecturing a new member will go much further than telling them to go read a military type manual that has

put me to sleep more �mes than I can count.

Finally, our division’s diversity makes us a more effec�ve and useful unit because we all bring different

educa�on levels, different backgrounds, and different skills. Let us all make a sincere effort to help exploit

the gi,s, backgrounds, experiences, talents, and diversity that we have in our Division and use that diversity

to make us a more effec�ve team that can and will assist the US Coast Guard; and please let us all take more

�me to use and mean that common but so important phrase, the simple but sincere phase of “Thank You

Very Much.”


Staff Officer Report

Diversity Harry Tipper, SO-DV

It’s a new year, and the Auxiliary will face a series of

challenges – some new and some old. For example,

as I write this ar�cle the country is in the middle of a

par�al shutdown of the USC government, which

means that we Auxiliarists have to stay home. We

can do things on our computer (which means that

this is a good �me to take a course to learn a new

skill) but nothing else unless the “Gold-side” tells us

to do it. Yet, this shutdown will end some�me. And,

we will have to get everything done in 2019 that we

planned to do, just with less �me to do it.

What, you may ask, does the Shutdown have to do with diversity? It underscores the point that

new challenges can present themselves at any�me and from any direc�on. We already know that

the “Gold-side” is asking us to assume more responsibili�es as it concentrates the focus of its

scarce resources on its principal homeland security missions. To meet those challenges, we need

members with a wider array of experiences and capabili�es than ever before.

I was reading an ar�cle from the Wharton School of Business that was looking at the “gig”

economy. In this passage, discussing Uber and its future with the advent of autonomous vehicles,

the Wharton professor was making this point about the role of an Uber driver in the not-too-

distant future:

“We will need someone there [in the Uber vehicle], but the driver might be very different

than what we have now, and the set of skills they will need will be vastly different.

Imagine geng into a taxicab, and rather than having a driver whose main skill is the

ability to get you to where you want to go, he is [instead] a concierge who knows the city

well, who can advise you where to go, who can give you comments on how to prepare for

your next mee�ng. The set of skills will change.

The USCG already is asking us to do new tasks, assume new roles, for which we need a new set of

skills. Can we find the people who have them just like Uber will need to find a new type of

“driver?” Or, we will do the same old things and end up like Sears?

The choice is yours!


Shipmates, I must confess I’ve been feeling out of

sorts of late. Our Flo�lla Staff mee�ng was

cancelled, the Division Change of Watch was

cancelled, now the Division Mee�ng has been

cancelled (Ed – now on as of January 11). I haven’t

been in uniform in a month. I don’t know when I can

proceed with the scheduling of our joint QE mission for 14-4 and 14-7.

Yesterday I finally figured out what is bothering me. I miss my shipmates!

O,en �mes, we are so busy running this organiza�on that, I think we forget about how much fellowship is

involved. We greet one another, we work together, and we catch up on what is happening in our units and our

lives. We are really more connected to each other than we realize.

This year I will con�nue to help with Member Training while we search for someone to officially take the

posi�on, because my primary efforts will be as the District Staff Officer for Diversity and Inclusion. I am so

pleased that Harry Tipper is con�nuing as our SO-DV.

Our efforts this year are not only with the NACO Three Star Award but to coordinate with all staff officers to

help “on board” (as Harry says) our new members. To get people thinking about how Diversity/Inclusion

officers are a vital resource in recrui�ng and retaining members.

As I thought about my reac�ons to the current situa�on and the lack of contact with valued shipmates, I found

myself thinking, “Is this what it is like for a new member?”

At some point we will resume our regular ac�vi�es and have the opportunity to greet one another in person.

When you do, remember those new members, and those who have been absent. Greet them enthusias�cally

and help them integrate into the fabric of your unit.

This is really what it is ALL about. We have one mission with many facets. There are so many ways we can be

involved, not just on the water. Let’s work together to welcome all who have so much to give to this

organiza�on and its mission.

At this �me, we only have two Auxiliarists standing radio

watches at Sta�on Mayport. We need you if you are involved

in this area.

Bravo Zulu to ScoB Debrauwere from 14-1 for con�nuing to

stand watches at Sta�on Mayport a,er a number of years.

I will once again be looking for more members to fill these important posi�ons.

There will be a Division-wide VHF drill in the March �me frame.

I'm looking into having another Telecommunica�ons Operator (TCO) qualifying session in the second quarter of

2019. Please let me know if you are interested.

Staff Officer Reports

Member Training Gary Gray, SO-MT (acting)

Communications Joe Colee, SO-CM


Allow me introduce myself. I’m

the incoming Staff Officer for

Partner Visitors (SO-PV) and I’m

very excited to be working with

the Division 14 Partner Visitors

(PVs). Last year, I was FSO-PV for Flo�lla 14-4. My USCG Auxiliary career began back in 2010 at Flo�lla 11 in

Fajardo, Puerto Rico. From 2011 to 2014, I held several posi�ons at the flo�lla level including the Materials

Officer, Secretary of Records, Public Educa�on instructor, Aids to Naviga�on (ATON) Verifier, Vessel Examiner

and Partner Visitor. I was also the SO-PV for Division 1, Puerto Rico, which includes seven flo�llas. In 2013, I

received a District 7 Auxiliary Recogni�on for the member with the highest number of PVs. During 2014 I

moved to Jacksonville where I was a member of two flo�llas.

During mid 2015 I received a job offer and moved to Lemoore, California, spending seven months at a flo�lla in

Visalia and eventually transferred to another flo�lla in San Diego, Ca. Finally, in 2017, I transferred to

Jacksonville to Flo�lla 14-4. Last year a,er a few years of training in different flo�llas, I successfully completed

Boat Crew training as another step in my Auxiliary career.

Last year, our Division 14 totaled over 1,100 marine dealer visits. This year, I’m looking forward to increase by

at least 10%, the number of PVs we complete at the Division level.

I’m looking forward to working with all our

Division 14 Vessel Examiners this year as soon

as the Government Shutdown ends.

2019 Vessel Safety Check (VSC) decals were

mailed to flo�lla commanders on 19 December

before the 21 December Shutdown.

Thanks to those who responded to the on-line ‘I Want a VSC’ requests to conduct a,er Shutdown ends.

Let’s try to assist Chuck Truthan with his annual Bassmaster VSC Blitz Event on 6 February in Palatka. Flo�lla 14-

8 will be involved with their elected leadership and Chuck Whipple and Kathy Fisk who live near Palatka.

Also, it’s not too early to start planning for NSBW.

Staff Officer Report

Partner Visitors Santiago Castrodad-Rodriguez, SO-PV

Vessel Examinations Phil Tallon, SO-VE


The Division honor is proud to be called upon to present the Colors at many events during the year for civic

organiza�ons, the City of Jacksonville, businesses and sports teams. In 2018, we were pleased to have been

asked through the City’s Military Affairs to present the Colors at four of the nine Jaguars home games.

Unfortunately, I was not able to get photos of the first pre-season game or the last home game on December


. At that game the Jaguars asked us to come back out at half �me to present the Colors for the first ever

NFL game for a naturaliza�on ceremony for about 100 new ci�zens. I remember the Jags fans giving a

tremendous ova�on for our new brothers and sisters when the Judge, who was presiding at mid-field,

announced at the end of the ceremony: “Congratula�ons, you are now American ci�zens.” It was also very

moving to see some of those being sworn in wiping tears of joy from their eyes.

Photos courtesy NFL Publica�ons

Division Honor Guard - Bill Sekeres

US Army Band and Joint Services color guard, created by the Division Honor Guard at the request

of the City’s Veterans and Military Affairs Department, during Na�onal Anthem pre-season game.

2019 Upcoming Winter Events:

• Annual Propeller Club annual State of the Port luncheon,

• Daytona 500

• Annual conference American Associa�on of Occupa�onal Health Nurses

Above - CWO Fealy, CO Sta�on Mayport was invited to

salute the Colors during the Na�onal Anthem.

Above - No 78, Alejandro Villanueva of the Pi�sburg Steelers

Came over to the Colors as we were wai�ng to enter the

field to shake the hand of every member - a class act!


I’ve recently had the honor of accep�ng the responsibili�es of ASC for the Area of Responsibility (AOR) of

Sector Jacksonville which includes the Auxiliary Divisions 4, 14 and 17.

Since they have become aware of my appointment, some long �me Auxiliarists and new members have

said they really don’t know what the ASC does so I’ve included herein a par�al list of edited items from my

job descrip�on:

• Establishing a construc�ve rela�onship between the Auxiliary and Sector.

• Monitoring and improving Auxiliary performance and readiness in support of Sector needs.

• Coordina�ng the full range of con�ngency and readiness planning and execu�on among all

Auxiliary components to address opera�onal requirements in support of sector.

• Taking the lead on the GAP Analysis Program, including communica�ng with Sector leadership

and the AUXLO(s) to obtain informa�on on what and how the Auxiliary can assist in

emergencies at the Sta�ons* and Sector.

• Educa�ng the Auxiliary on the GAP Analysis Program and coordina�ng recrui�ng, interviews,

training and assignments.

• Partnering with the Auxiliary Liaisons (Sector AUXLOS) on joint events, support the Coast

Guard and keeping the Auxiliary Standard Opera�ng Procedures current and communicated.

• Ensuring (�mely) recogni�on and awards of appropriate Auxiliary performance and

accomplishments in support of Sector programs requests.

• Communica�ng with DCDRs to understand how the Coast Guard can support the Auxiliary

Divisions within the Sector.

* Sta�ons Mayport, Ponce De Leon, Canaveral


Bill Sekeres

Area Sector Coordinator (ASC)

Area Sector Coordinator (ASC)

Above - Members of Air Force 125th

Fighter Wing and who

performed pre-game fly-over are recognized during half


More Honor Guard photos courtesy of NFL Publica�ons

Above -Fireman Appren�ce, Alex Johnson, Sector Annex,

carries the Coast Guard flag during hal&ime swearing-in

ceremony of recruits of every military branch.


Commander DCDR Jon Hunt

Vice Commander VCDR Rick Saunders

Immediate Past Commander IPDCDR David Patrick

Flo�lla Commander 14-1 FC 14-1 John Herald

Flo�lla Commander 14-2 FC 14-2 Chuck Hayes

Flo�lla Commander 14-4 FC 14-4 Kevin Holbrooks

Flo�lla Commander 14-7 FC 14-7 Bill CandeleL

Flo�lla Commander 14-8 FC 14-8 David Howells

Staff Officer - Communica�ons SO-CM Joe Colee

Staff Officer - Communica�on Services SO-CS Paul Burns

Staff Officer - Diversity SO-DV Harry Tipper

Staff Officer - Finance SO-FN Bill Hall

Staff Officer - Human Resources SO-HR Mark Vitry

Staff Officer - Informa�on Services SO-IS Bob Cook

Staff Officer - Materials SO-MA Mark Vitry

Staff Officer - Marine Safety SO-MS Mark Vitry

Staff Officer - Member Training - Ac�ng SO-MT Gary Gray

Staff Officer - Naviga�on Systems SO-NS Robert Ethier

Staff Officer - Opera�ons SO-OP Bill Sekeres

Staff Officer - Public Affairs SO-PA Ken Jacobs

Staff Officer - Publica�ons SO-PB David Patrick

Staff Officer - Public Educa�on SO-PE Vacant

Staff Officer - Partner Visitor SO-PV San�ago Castrodad– Rodriguez

Staff Officer - Secretary/Records SO-SR Mike Christnacht

Staff Officer - Vessel Examina�on SO-VE Phil Tallon

Honor Guard Bill Sekeres

Staff Officer - Food Services SO-FS Vacant

2019 Division Staff


Division 14 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes St Augustine Airport Conference Center

October 20, 2018

Presiding: DCDR David Patrick Attending: VCDR Jonathan Hunt DCPT-N(e) John Holmes OTO CWO Perry Flt 14-1 John Herald FC FC 14-2 Charles Hayes FC Flt 14 -4 Kevin Holbrook FC Flt 14-8 Whatley Law IPFC Flt 14-7 William Candeletti FC SO-FN Klaus Baumann SO-SR William Hall Visitors: Rick Saunders 14-2, Harry Tipper 14 -4, Gary Gray IPFC 14-4, Libby Rattrie ASC, OTO Perry

DCDR: • Called the meeting to order at 0900. • Welcomed DCPT-N(e) John Holmes to the meeting. Mr. Holmes presented a letter of authorization to represent the D-7

COMO in overseeing the meeting, voting and to cast a vote, if required. Introduced CWO Perry, our OTO stationed in Miami.

• Asked for discussion of the July minutes, distributed and published in the Nor’easter. No discussion, motion for approval unanimous.

• Asked SO-FN Baumann to review financial report. No corporate support to the Division this year and none likely in future years. Necessary considerations in the future are required. Income has exceeded expense by $70 this quarter. Motion to accept with unanimous approval.

• Reviewed Division election procedures to include instructions for a secret ballot at the General Meeting for positions of DCDR and VCDR. If necessary, the COMO representative will cast a vote according to procedures. Members Bob Cook, Bill Hall and IPCDR Vic Aquino have been the Election Committee. Today, Whatley Law, will replace Vic Aquino, who is ill.

• Addressed the disenrollment process. The process is specific and with time constraints. File forms properly with DCDR. • Commented on and reviewed select subjects from DTAIN Conference in September – Paddle-craft Program (some money

available in 2019), encourage taking of BQII by all, new security check procedure coming soon, changes to Auxdata, re-negotiating PE contract to save money, Everbridge, new applicants must keep taking ICS 100/700 until dropped from CT and a general review of potential alliance with Sea Scouts, nothing is to be done until so directed by National and District.

• Led discussion on development of leadership qualities that included setting goals for 2019 (model the way), greater member participation (share your vision), challenge the process (changing the status quo), learn from mistakes and encourage others through recognition.

• Ribbons, Medals and other recognition items should be available soon as a problem we have had with the supplier has been fixed.

• Announced that the NACO 3 Star Award was presented to 14-1, 14-4, 14-7 & 14-8 for continuing excellence in diversity activities.

• D-14 2019 meeting dates and locations will be announced shortly. • Harry Tipper will present a Safe Boating project “I’ve Been Caught Wearing My Life Jacket” at the General Meeting. • 2019 Change of Watch will be held at Allegro-Fleming Island, January 12, 2019. Uniform will be Tropical Blues after

discussion & motion that carried unanimously. • Thanksgiving Dinner at Station Mayport has had to be cancelled due to Galley renovations. • Recent Everbridge test had 99% success. Two people did not respond. One was away and the other had a Post Office box as a

contact address. The latter has been corrected. • Award lead time is shrinking. Allow 90 days to completed award review process. Flotilla Commanders should begin

immediately if they wish to include awards in their COWs. • Next D-14 Board meeting at St Augustine Airport Conference Center, January 19, 2019. • FC Hayes suggested the Division and Flotillas work with the JAX US Power Squadron in Boating Safety activities.

Meeting adjourned at 1005 HRS.

Minutes - BOD Meeting: October 20, 2018


Minutes - General Meeting: October 20, 2018 Division 14 General Meeting Minutes St Augustine Airport Conference Center

20 October 2018

Presiding: DCDR David Patrick Attending: VCDR Jonathan Hunt Lt Ruck, AUXLO OTO Perry DCPT-N(e) John Holmes Flt 14-1 FC John Herald FC 14-2 Charles Hayes Flt 14 -4 FC Kevin Holbrooks Flt 14-8 IPFC Whatley Law Flt 14-7 FC William Candeletti Staff Officers: SR- Hall, FN-Baumann, CS- Burns, MT- Gray, PV-Herald, IS- Cook, NS-Ethier, HR- Saunders, PE/DV-Tipper, ASC- Rattrie, Aux Members: Bill Vaughan, Mike Christnacht, Robert Cook, Mark Vitry, Gary Gray, DCDR: • Called the meeting to order at 1030 Hrs.

• Requested a moment of remembrance for two distinguished past members – John Davis and Don Mooers.

• Welcomed and introduced CWO Perry, our OTO stationed in Miami and DCPT-N(e) John Holmes to the meeting. Mr. Holmes presented a letter of authorization to represent the D-7 COMO in overseeing the meeting, the voting and to cast a vote, if required.

• IPDCDR Aquino is absent due to illness.

• DCDR Patrick addressed the Division election of leadership for 2019. He described the election process and protocols for both D-14 DCDR and VCDR which require a secret written ballot for each position. The Election Committee (SO Cook, Hall and IPDCDR Aquino) certified eligibility of single candidate, VCDR Hunt, for DCDR and three announced candidates for VCDR are former FCs Gray, Tipper and Saunders. The Election Committee will supervise the election and count the ballots. (AUX Member Whatley Law replaced the absent IPDC Aquino on the committee). DCDR asked if there are any nominations from the floor for DCDR. There were no nominations from the floor. DCDR Patrick invited Mr. Hunt to make a presentation to the membership, limited to 5 minutes in duration prior to the casting of ballots. With no nominations from the floor for the position of DCDR or questions on the process, the election Committee distributed, then collected completed ballots for the position of DCDR. The Election Committee retired to count the collected ballots and reported a clear majority of votes were in favor of VCDR Hunt be elected to the position of D-14 DCDR in 2019. D-CPT-N(e) Holmes did not cast a vote.

• DCDR then announced the position of VCDR was to be elected. There are three announced candidates and DCDR asked if there were any nominations from the floor. Being none, nominations were closed. The Election Committee (SO Cook, Hall and IPDCDR Aquino) certified eligibility of three announced candidates for VCDR, former FC’s Gray, Tipper and Saunders. The Election Committee will supervise the election and count the ballots. DCDR invited each of the three announced candidates (AUX Gary Gray, AUX Harry Tipper, AUX Rick Saunders) to make a presentation to the membership, each limited to 5 minutes in duration. Following the presentation of each candidate, ballots were cast. The first ballot was returned without a “clear majority” in favor of any candidate. A second ballot was cast and returned without a “clear majority” for the any candidate. DCDR following the voting protocols, then requested D-CPT-N(e) Holmes to cast a vote in the third balloting. The third ballot was returned with a “clear majority” in favor of Rick Saunders for the position of VCDR D-14, effective January 2019. AUX Rick Saunders was declared the in-coming VCDR, D-14. DCDR declared elections closed and instructed the Election Committee to retain the ballots for 24 hours, should inspection be required and then destroy.

• DCDR reviewed relevant information shared at DTRAIN.

• VCDR Hunt asked for reports from Staff Officers – all reports stand as publish except as noted below: SO-MS Vitry reviewed Camp Blanding seminar, SO-MT Gray reminded all 5 year cycle on AUX CT (MT) is approaching., 14-1 has

a self-attestation training disk available, SO-IS Bob Cook- Core Training certification for many is expiring. • Harry Tipper SO-VE quickly reviewed “I’ve Been Caught Wearing my Life Jacket” RBS program and campaign. Reminded all contract

and agreements must be reviewed by AUX Legal before implementation. The proposed program is approved and pending review and funding (solicitations of money).

• DCDR reported NACO 3 Star Diversity Award presented to 14-1, 14-4, 14-7 and 14-8.

• Announced 2019 D-14 Change of Watch set for Saturday January 12 and Fleming Island Allegro. Uniform of the Day Tropical Blues.

• Thanksgiving Dinner at Sector Galley cancelled due to renovations.

• LT Ruck, Sector AUXLO & Enforcement Chief at Station, commented on fewer calls to AUX and USCG Active Duty for SAR cases. More local municipalities have rescue units available and no longer call upon the USCG for aid or notify USCG of an incident. He suggested we direct our attention to observation of surface vessels for compliance and presented us with a form “Vessel Sighting Log” to be filled in by Auxiliarists on surface patrols.

• With no further business the meeting adjourned 12:12.
