University of California, Davis myInfoVault Project Overview Academic Personnel Information Systems...


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University of California, Davis

myInfoVault Project Overview

Academic Personnel Information Systems Meeting

March 9, 2006

Project Overview & Status

Joyce JohnstoneProject Manager

Information & Educational Technology

myInfoVault Oversight2001-2003 Schools of Medicine (SOM) and Veterinary Medicine (SOVM) wrote and

piloted the myInfoVault (MIV) program.

January 2004 Campus Academic Merit and Promotion Oversight Committee was


Reviewed technology to facilitate the campus’ academic merit and promotion processes and lessen the associated workload.

Several options were evaluated:

Document Management Approach Existing Entomology Departmental System Build option MIV School of Medicine System (in development)

myInfoVault SelectionFall 2004 Oversight Committee:

Consulted with campus community and technicians on the options evaluated.

Recommended proceeding with a campus pilot of MIV for the 2004-2005 academic year.

IET technical team:

Began work with technical staff from the SOM to transfer the application.

Conducted analysis for architectural changes needed to integrate the application into the campus infrastructure.

AP Functional team:

Worked with team from SOM to understand functional capacity and develop prioritized enhancements to address broader range of user needs.

Began series of campus user meetings to initiate 2004-05 Pilot.

myInfoVault PreparationsWinter – Summer 2005

Architectural changes for the campus version of MIV were completed: Purchased new servers for location in the campus Data Center Integrated application with main campus Kerberos authentication

Functional enhancements were completed: On-line Review/Roles Management PDF upload utility for specific letters Added ability to capture additional service information New Home Page/Login Page New Index/Menu Page

Policy decisions made to address emerging user needs: MIV optional at discretion of Dean and Vice Provost Phased roll-out of MIV at discretion of Dean Priority for enhancements:

High volume users Broad application across user groups Critical need for users and reviewers

myInfoVault Pilot ContinuesFall 2005

The pilot was extended for 2005-06.

Modifications to the MIV application were completed.

The application was transitioned from the Health System to campus servers at the Data Center.

Load testing was completed; one web server will be added to meet capacity for 500 concurrent users.

A project Web site was launched in mid-December.

MIV Workgroup continues to provide recommendations to the MIV Oversight Committee regarding prioritization of functional enhancements.

myInfoVault SystemSystem Functionality The system facilitates the preparation and processing of these

Academic Personnel Actions:

Merits Promotions

These actions are planned to be included in the future:

Appointments Appraisals Five Year Reviews

myInfoVault SystemSystem Functionality Provides an on-line repository for all dossier documents via data entry

screens, uploads for existing documents, and templates for letters and comments, including:

Personal Information Employment History Education/Training Research/Publications Research/Grants Teaching Service Candidate’s Statement Department Letters & Recommendations

Facilitates document routing between departments, deans’ offices, faculty personnel committees, and Office of Academic Personnel.

myInfoVault ProjectsContinued Technical Projects

Archival of dossiers using electronic document management system (EDMS)

Refactoring to address technical issues in the application Review of security issues

Technical Projects & StatusLawrence Fyfe

Application DeveloperInformation & Educational Technology

myInfoVault ProjectsMIV & EDMS

A separate Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is maintained by the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost.

MIV includes a step to archive dossiers when they are deemed final by the Office of Academic Personnel.

The dossier is archived in MIV and transferred to the EDMS system for archival and review when necessary.

myInfoVault ProjectsMIV Refactoring Purpose & Benefits

A number of technical issues remain in the application and need to be addressed. Refactoring will provide the following benefits:

Reduced cut/paste coding Separation of business logic from the display logic Increased performance of the application Streamlined code base to ease troubleshooting Ease of coding for future improvements Technical coding practices to comply with standards and other


myInfoVault ProjectsMIV Refactoring Steps

The following steps have been identified:

Move to XML for intermediate documents Role Management/reduce proxy account use Convert servlets to JSP Improve workflow and workflow monitoring Improve letter handling Improve electronic signature functionality Add audit columns to database tables Use date (or timestamp) data type whenever possible

myInfoVault ProjectsMIV Security

Role management changes Improve role management by making it more fine grained Allow greater control over access to sensitive documents

Digital signature changes Simplify the digital signature process All MIV users are identified by the system at login Allow users to click a button to sign documents The signature data is recorded in MIV

Goals for myInfoVaultConnie Melendy

Assistant Vice ProvostAcademic Personnel

myInfoVault GoalsRationale for “E-DOSSIER”

Rationale equation:

Desire to streamline M&P process+ Desire to maintain existing processes

Technology solution

Rationale equation:

Proliferation of unit specific systems

+ Concerns for securityCentral campus involvement in potential “E-dossier”


myInfoVault GoalsWorkload & Processes

Reduce department workload and eliminate process redundancies.

Faculty members can enter their own data Staff can add data anytime during the year Database design is multi-functional and connects to other

databases One-time data entry –> multiple outputs

myInfoVault GoalsCritical Components

User “delight” will offset initial learning curve and generate campus acceptance

Senate confidence in security

Phased implementation

User training & support

Central funding for initial data entry

Department assumes responsibility after initial data entry

myInfoVault Goals

Faculty Personnel Committee Reviews SOM FPC reviewed on-line this year

Biological Sciences departments reviewed on-line this year

Discussion with CAP and Joint Federation Committees

CA&ES FPC will review on-line next year

myInfoVault GoalsFaculty Use

Focus on staff users

Faculty participation in MIV development MIV Workgroup Campus Technology Committee Oversight Committee

More on-line reviews will increase faculty participation

myInfoVault GoalsArchiving Files Alternatives = MIV and Electronic Document Management System


Rationale for Decision EDMS for Correspondence Retrieves Historic Files for CAP Department Archives in MIV One System for Academic Personnel

Archive pilots April 1, 2006

myInfoVault Goals

Achievements and Challenges

High user enthusiasm and acceptance

Adequate training, support & data entry

Consistent user view that system has tremendous potential

High confidence in technical team

Personnel review cycle influences participation

Enhanced functionality necessary for future

User perceptions about convenience and security

myInfoVault GoalsNext Steps

Extend MIV access

On-line review functionality for faculty users

Integration of existing databases into MIV

Campus Oversight Committee

Workgroup evolves to user group

myInfoVault Questions?Contact Information

Connie Melendy (530) 752-5726

Joyce Johnstone (530) 757-3205

Lawrence Fyfe (530) 757-3355
