Union Jack Newspaper – December 2012



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Continued on page 4

o IS IT A CAR? Or is it a bike? Well it could be either one depending on where one lives… See Car Man Phil on Page 10

An updated version of the classic tale, in the style of the traditional British family Panto, A SNOW WHITE CHRISTMAS features family-friendly magic, a comedic twist and modern music. A Panto is known for its interactive style and humor that appeals to fairytale fans of all ages.

This interactive, modern musical show will be enjoyed by the entire family”. The Lythgoes have created television shows such as American Idol

and So You Think You Can Dance. Audiences will enjoy modern music from Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Katy Perry, and Bruno Mars.

Featured actors include: Ariana Grande from Nickelodeon’s Victorious as Snow White, Charlene Tilton from Dallas as the Wicked Queen, an on screen appearance by Neil Patrick Harris from How I Met Your Mother as The Magic Mirror and a beautiful white pony named Blitzen.

IF YOU wondered whatever happened to the good old British family Pantomime and thought you had to head back home to see one . . . think again!

Kris Lythgoe, with Lythgoe Family Productions, is on a mission to bring Panto Productions to the United States, “We are thrilled to be partnering with The Pasadena Playhouse. Pantos are a British tradition.”

Google, Amazon And oStarbucks Face Questions On Tax From Lawmakers

By David StringerMULTINATIONAL companies are paying little or no tax on their earn-ings in Britain, angry lawmak-ers charged last m o n t h a t a n unusual hearing involving Star-bucks, Google and Amazon.

Legis la tors were skeptical, for example, about the coffee chain Starbucks’ claim that it is not making profits in Britain.

In sometimes bitter exchanges, leg-islators said they could not accept that Starbucks had reported losses for all but one of the 15 years it has operated in the UK, suspecting the firm was at-tempting to minimize the taxes it pays in Britain.

“You have run the business for 15 years and are losing money and you are carrying on investing here. It just doesn’t ring true,” said Margaret Hodge, head of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee.

Troy Alstead, Starbucks global chief financial officer, acknowledged to the panel that its taxable profits in the UK are calculated after royalties paid to its European headquarters in the Neth-erlands have been deducted. Alstead acknowledged that it has a special tax arrangement with the Dutch government covering its headquarters.

ADVANTAGECompanies operating in Europe can

Former MP Sir Cyril oSmith Sexually Abused Boys, Police SayDESPITE being investi-gated three times during the 1970s and 1990s, it wasn’t until last month that police said that the now deceased former MP Sir Cyril Smith was a sex abuser of boys in the late 1960s.

The Crown Prosecution Service also said he should have been charged with the crimes more than 40 years ago.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said the boys “were victims of physical and sexual abuse” by the late Rochdale MP. Smith died in 2010.

It was confirmed by the CPS that procedural changes meant a prosecution would have been pursued even today if smith was still alive.

In a statement, Sir Cyril’s family said they were “deeply saddened and concerned” by the allegations “made so long after Sir Cyril’s death and at a time when he is no longer able to defend himself”.

RAINSTORMS and floods have hit Brit-ain, killing four people and injuring many during the last week of November.

Three casualties occurred when a large spruce tree collapsed in Exeter, near the southwestern coast. A 21-year-old woman was in a small tent when the tree fell on it, police said. She later died at a hospital. In nearby Cornwall, people had to briefly evacuate their homes as flood waters and torrential rain battered villages. Major highways and roads in the southwest were closed due to the flooding and several train services were canceled.

Officials said the situation was stabi-lizing there, but more bad weather was moving north.

The body of an elderly woman was

the change as the vote among lay members on fell short of the required two-thirds majority. Bishops and clergy, in separate votes, overwhelmingly backed the pro-posal.

Speaking to the synod a day after the vote, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said any church member who thought there was an easy solution to the impasse between traditionalists and proponents of female bishops was being unrealistic.

“Yesterday did nothing to make po-larization in our church less likely,” said Williams, who had long supported the proposed change.

“We have, to put it very bluntly, a lot of explaining to do,” he added.

Speaking in the House of Commons, Prime Minister David Cameron urged the church to resolve the schism and swiftly approve female bishops.

RIGHT TIME“I’m very clear the time is right for

women bishops, it was right many years ago,” Cameron said.

Storms Batter UK; Four People Killedfound in a flooded home in St Asaph, north Wales, as heavy rain continues to cause problems. And, at least 500 homes in St Asaph had to be evacuated after the River Elwy broke its banks the town was flooded with two to three feet of water in a short space of time.

STRONGThe rain and strong winds battered

areas of Britain flooding 800 homes, of-ficials said.

In Cambridgeshire, a man was driving a car when it plunged into a swollen river in a flooded area. The man was pulled

from the water, but he died on the way to the hospital.

Meanwhile the Environment Agency issued more than 200 flood warnings and almost 300 flood alerts across the country, British broadcaster Sky News reported.

Hundreds of highways and roads were closed due to the flooding, and several train services were cancelled.

Britons will now also have to brace for forecast freezing temperatures.

Prime Minister David Cameron pledged that all flood victims would get the help they needed.

Church Of England Leader: Vote Needs Explanation

By Robert BarrTHE CHURCH of England has much explaining to do following its failure to vote to allow women to serve as bishops, its leader said last month – and politicians from the prime minister downward are already demanding action or answers.

One legislator even suggested there might be an issue under anti-discrimination laws.

The governing General Synod blocked

“The support from the British Community has

been amazing, Panto gets bigger and bigger every

year.” – Kris Lythgoetold Union Jack

See Ad Page 7 for more details

base themselves in any of the 27 EU na-tions, allowing them to take advantage of a particular country’s low tax rates.

Alstead insisted that Starbucks was not seeking to mislead investors or tax authorities about its performance in Britain.

“We are not at all pleased about our financial performance here. It is funda-mentally true everything we are saying and everything we have said histori-cally,” he told the committee.

Last month, Britain and Germany called for the world’s largest economies to do more to collaborate to fight tax evasion, particularly in online com-merce.

Legislators were also questioning executives from Google and Amazon about their tax affairs in Europe.

L to R: Ariana Grande, Neil Patrick Harris, Charlene Tilton. Photo by F. Scott Schafer.

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year To All Our Readers & Advertisers

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Birds Frightened Away By Tina Turner … Songs

TINA TURNER may or may not be pleased to know that birds are being scared from a British airport runway by her songs.

The crowded runways at Gloucester Airport had nothing to do with planes, but birds, and the sounds of Turner appear to frighten the feathered pests away.

The airport in Staverton has been playing songs, such as Simply The Best, full volume from a loudspeaker mounted on a van which is driven up and down the runways.

Head of Operations Darren Lewington told the Gloucestershire Echo: “Normally we use the speakers on the top of the vehicle we use to drive around the airport to play bird distress calls. But when our bird distress noises weren’t working properly, they turned the tape player on, and that day it was Tina Turner who scared the birds away.”

Christopher Short, of the Countryside and Community Research Institute, said: “Clearly birds and planes are not a good combination for either the bird or the plane. You want something therefore that’s going to keep those birds away, and create a habitat that’s not of interest for them.”

Confidence Boosting Spray Tans For Jobless In Wales

IN AN EFFORT to use psychology to boost the confidence of the unemployed in parts of Wales sees free spray tans being prescribed for the candidates.

In Abadare, one of the worst unemploy-ment blackspot in Wales, Job Centre staff are sending candidates for tans and make-overs at the town’s Well-being and Training Academy.

The town suffers from an unemployment rate of 9.6 percent – but critics have ques-tioned whether a free fake tan is the best way of helping.

Sarah Sweeden, director of the Academy, said they were happy to give the makeover and free spray tans to genuine jobseekers. She said: “We want to give people that extra confidence – or that Gok Wan makeover – to give people the incentive to find work. It will recognise those who are doing their utmost to find unemployment by giving them a beauty treatment.”

Job Centre staff will only send candidates for the treatment if they are seen to be serious about finding work. It is not paid for by the Job Centre or council.

The Academy is a not-for-profit Com-munity Interest Company which aims to help people get back to work by improving their fitness, appearance, nutrition and confidence.

But Plaid Cymru councillor Pauline Jarman complained: “I don’t know any employer that would be impressed if you turned up tanned. They’d be more inclined to be impressed if you had the skills and experience to undertake the job that’s been advertised.”

Firework Display Goes Off In It’s Entirety Taking Minutes

AN EDINBURGH firework display “went off” early last month when a stray rocket ignited the entire firework stock.

When the rocket at the Pentland Com-munity Centre display misfired and rico-cheted into the remaining fireworks, the explosions were spectacular, taking just a few minutes.

Police and Red Cross representatives attended to spectators but no one was seri-ously injured, reported the BBC.

Organisers have apologised for the freak accident and said they would be reviewing safety procedures. A girl suffered a burn to the side of her face and was taken to Edin-burgh’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

It is understood that £2,000 worth of fireworks were involved.On the net: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzPmlhtsa6E

Couple Divorce Over Book Fifty Shades Of Grey

IN AN attempt to infuse art into their married life a couple ended up on the route to divorce court last month.

When her demands for touches of S&M sex, which is a theme in the novel Fifty Shades Of Grey, didn’t appeal to a top busi-nesswoman’s husband, the 41-year-old wife filed for the divorce.

The bestseller became a reference book to the wife, who earns over £400,000 a year, according to the Daily Mail.

High Court papers filed say his lack of adventure is evidence of unreasonable behaviour – one of five grounds for divorce under family law. A leading British matrimo-nial lawyer, Amanda McAlister, representing the wife said she believes it’s the first time the book has triggered a divorce.

McAlister said: “The woman had been reading the book and wanted to spice up her love life. She thought their sex life had hit a rut – he never remembered Valentine’s Day and he never complimented her on her ap-pearance. “So she bought sexy underwear in an attempt to get her husband more involved. But when he still didn’t take any notice she told him he had a boring attitude to sex and she was fed up.”

The woman’s husband is not contesting the divorce so it can be granted quickly without an open hearing in court.

Litter Cleaner Punished For Clearing Rubbish

MESSAGE from a local council is apparently “don’t pick up litter” or you may be fined.

This is what happened to David Baker, a litter-clearing enthusiast, who donates 30-minutes of his time every day to his cause – but he was recently fined for putting rubbish in a bin.

Council officials accused David Baker, 39, of Stourbridge, West Midlands, of fly-tipping, reported the Daily Telegraph.

They said he had used a public street bin to deposit a pizza box and junk mail – con-sidered as “domestic waste”.

The former geologist has gathered tonnes of rubbish dropped by strangers over the last six years, winning awards for his efforts. He described his fine as “bureaucracy gone mad” and said the council seemed so “des-perate for money” it would fine anybody.

Baker said: “I think that it is completely outrageous that I should be fined for actually cleaning rubbish off the streets. How can people who actually want to put rubbish in the bin be fined? To claim that what I put in the bin amounts to fly-tipping is crazy. I moved to a town centre flat six years ago and got fed up with all the rubbish in the street. I am out at least an hour every day and do it all for free. I just think the council are desper-ate for money and have a mentality of fining people for anything at the moment.”

Councillor Tracy Wood said: “Our en-forcement officers issued a fixed penalty fine to Mr Baker in Stourbridge, after they found his domestic waste and letters in the litter bin on a number of occasions.

“However, we will be reviewing the fine and speaking to Mr Baker directly to discuss it.”

‘Skeleton Police Force’ Makes Example Stealing Bikes

COPS STEALING bikes?Stealing bicycles right underneath the

general public’s eyes proved to be an easier exercise that police thought it would be last month – even when they were dressed in skeleton outifits!

On another occasion PCSO Neil Spiring, of Avon and Somerset Police, even used bolt croppers and brute force to “steal” four bikes in Bristol city centre, reported the BBC.

Then came the attention-grabbing skel-eton outfit, but as noticeable as he was more than 50 people witnessed his “thefts”, but nobody called 999. The force filmed his “crimes” and posted the footage on YouTube to encourage members of the public to call 999 if they see a crime.

Inspector Keith Rundle said: “We’re not suggesting that anyone become a ‘have-a-go hero’ but we’re asking people to call 999 and report bike theft as soon as they see it happening so we can catch the bike thieves in the act. We are constantly on the lookout for bike thieves but we also need the com-

munity to be vigilant and to call us if they see a crime happening. The faster you let us know the more likely we are to be able to catch the thief.”

The stunt was conducted as part of Op-eration Relentless which is being run by the force this autumn.

Special Brick House Built For Agoraphobic Owl

GANDALF the Great Grey Owl is a much hap-pier bird now his owners built him his own red-brick house due to his fear of flying out in the open skies.

The agoraphobic owl now has his own aviary inside a brick shed.

The bird can be seen watching the world go by through his window, reported the Daily Telegraph.

“He is a bit of a wuss as he doesn’t like flying in big open spaces,” said owner Janet Southard, who runs the Wild Arena photogra-phy company, based inside Knowsley Safari Park near Liverpool.

“When we moved here we put him in the shed temporarily while we built his aviary outside. But he didn’t want to move so now he has an aviary inside the lovely red brick shed. He loves sitting at the window and watching the other birds.”

Amateur photographer Mark Bridger, 44, from Kent, had quite a fright when he saw the big round face at the window. I looked around and saw this face at the window, then suddenly realised it was an owl. It gave me quite a shock,” he said.

Speech-Recognition Phones Can’t Understand Brum

A BRAND new high-tech auto-phone system installed by Birmingham Council is missing one vital quality – it cannot understand the Brummie accent.

Hundreds of people trying to contact the council’s rent-arrears department have com-plained it is impossible to get through.

The system features computerised speech-recognition technology, reported the Daily Telegraph. But whenever locals call, the recorded voice of a woman with a Geordie accent says: “I can’t understand that, could you please repeat it?”

Residents are now calling on the council to scrap the £11m system so they can deal with human operators again.

Labour councillor Mike Leddy tried to ring the number on behalf of a resident. After nearly half an hour, he was forced to give up. He said: “I am a proud Brummie and most people understand me when I talk to them. It just didn’t recognise my voice. Finally, I gave up and rang the strategic director to sort it out. It’s ridiculous that a five-minute phone call should take half an hour.”

Council deputy leader Ian Ward admitted: “Our performance is a long way short of where it should be.”

On Air ‘Star-Listeners’ Banned At The Beeb, Unhealthy

LISTENING to a planet has been banned by the BBC for it’s own astronomy professor Brian Cox.

The reason cited for the ban is that aliens may breach editorial guidelines.

Cox’s BBC2 show, Stargazing Live, featured a planet called Threapleton Hol-mes B, recently discovered by two amateur astronomers. But Professor Cox said his plans of listening to the new planet live on

air was blocked by BBC health and safety regulations.

He told BBC 6 Music radio: “The BBC actually said, ‘But you can’t do that because we need to go through the regulations and health and safety and everything in case we discover a signal from an alien civilisation’.

Professor Cox added: “You mean we would discover the first hint that there is other intelligent life in the universe beyond Earth, live on air, and you’re worried about the health and safety of it? It was incredible.”

Breakfast host Shaun Keaveny added: “The idea that intelligent life could be discov-ered and it might swear and that’s why we wouldn’t broadcast it – it’s such a brilliant BBC thing, isn’t it.”

Professor Cox also told of another bizarre run-in with BBC managers while making Stargazing Live.

He said: “We were thinking of looking for signs of geological activity which might point to life on Mars. Someone from the BBC said to me, ‘Would there have to be a prize if someone discovered it?’.”

He added jokingly: “You’re going to say to someone, you discovered the first evidence for alien life beyond Earth – and here’s a book voucher as well?”

Bash Street Kids Honoured In Dundee

BEING the 75th annversary of The Beano comic, no time could be better than to honour the characters The Bash Street Kids by having a street named after them.

So, Dundee-based DC Thomson, which publishes the comic, has submitted plans to the city council to name to create a real life Bash Street.

It would be next to the city’s West Mar-ketgait where there are proposals to build a new children’s soft play area.

A spokeswoman for DC Thomson said: “We’re discussing with Dundee City Coun-cil the idea of naming a new street Bash Street… We think it’s a fun idea.”

Councillor Will Dawson welcomed the proposal to immortalise the worst behaved class in the history of British education.

He said: ‘“We’ve already got Desper-ate Dan and Minnie the Minx in the centre and it’s good to tie in the Bash Street kids. We’ve got to make these historic connections.”

GREAT YARMOUTH has many attractions, but soon, it seems, The Louis Tussauds House of Wax will not be one of them. The waxworks is said to be Britain’s worst waxworks and ironically has built up a cult recognition due to it’s models looking nothing like their intended subjects.

A waxworks described as Britain’s worst is facing closure because nobody wants to take it over.

Thousands of visitors pay £5 each to visit the seaside attraction to mock the far from lifelike models, reported the Daily Telegraph.

It features 150 models including David and Victoria Beckham, Samantha Fox, Cliff Richard, Paul Gascoigne and most of the royal family.

Jane Hayes, 82, and her husband Peter, 85, who have run the museum since 1955, fear they will have to close the business if nobody wants to take it on.

Mrs Hayes said: “We don’t want to retire but when your health starts to decline you have to think.

“It will be a shame as we’ve been here 57 years, and it would be nice to make 60, but we’ve no family interested in taking it on.”

Many of the models have been widely mocked on the internet, particularly by visitors on the review website TripAdvisor. Some have even admitted travelling more than 120 miles to visit the waxworks so they can laugh at the models.

One visitor said: “This is well worth the £5 entry fee as its sooooo bad it’s good.”

Prince Charles’ spitting image?

Worst Waxworks In Britain Could Be Closing

December 2012 Page 3ujnews.com

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The BBC’s Director-General, George Entwistle, admitted responsibility for the mistakes, and resigned – causing a further scandal about why he was allowed to resign with a “golden handshake” of a full year’s salary when after serving only 54 days in office, he was technically entitled only to six months’ pay.WILLIAM’S FRIEND TIES THE KNOT

It will be the society wedding of the year when Prince William’s oldest chum, Thomas van Straubenzee, is to walk up the aisle with the beautiful Lady Melissa Percy. Fittingly, the Royals and their inner circle will play a central role when the couple get married. Prince Harry’s old flame, Chelsy Davy, who is Missy’s best friend, is expected to be chief bridesmaid, and William’s pal, Guy Pelly, is likely to be the best man.

Tom runs VanHan, a successful high-end London property consultancy, which he set up with former Christie’s director, Giles Han-nah four months ago.

Thomas proposed to Missy last month while staying at her family’s estate, Alnwick Castle in Northumberland – the castle doubles as Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films.

“It has been a whirlwind since the pro-posal but plans are already in motion for a wedding next summer at Alnwick”, said a close friend.

Old Harrovian Thomas – nicknamed Van – made a speech at last year’s Royal Wedding. Missy, 25, is a tennis coach at Queen’s Club in London, and is the younger sister of George Percy, who was a flatmate of Pippa Middleton at Edinburgh University.


Sir Paul McCartney and his wife were just two feet away from disaster when the pilot of their helicopter became “disorientated” in bad weather and plunged towards trees. They avoided a potentially fatal crash with just a split second to spare when the pilot dramati-cally lifted the chartered Sikorsky S-76C away from the rain-lashed tree tops.

The drama happened as the aircraft, with the couple on board, attempted to land at night on a helipad at their East Sussex estate. It eventually touched down safely after divert-ing to a nearby airport.

It is understood that Sir Paul and his wife, Nancy Shevell – who declined to comment on the incident – were unaware how close they came to crashing.

The near miss is being investigated by the Department of Transport. According to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch report, the minimum reading from the helicopter’s altimeter was “two feet”. It is understood the fixed point was the tree tops rather than the ground.

The report also reveals flying conditions that night included “low cloudbase, poor visibility and rain”.

The helicopter was chartered from Air

gates with an automatic number plate recog-nition system and iPad controlled lighting.

Outside, it has a 120ft-long landscaped garden and a grand double staircase.

Cornwall Terrace was designed and built in the 1820s by renowned architect Decimus Burton with the project overseen by the ac-claimed John Nash.

It became the official London residence of the New Zealand High Commissioner from 1955 until the 1970s, with lavish parties frequented by royalty and other members of high society.

HEATHROW’S THIRD RUNWAY?Dutch aviation chiefs have brazenly

launched a fresh campaign to promote Schiphol as a hub airport for Britain, cheek-ily nicknaming one of the six runways at the Amsterdam airport “Heathrow’s third runway”.

A new advert unveiled last week boasts of more than 100 daily flights from the UK to Schiphol, with connections to more than 275 destinations around the globe.

The Schiphol Group president, Jos Nijhuis, said: “Each year we serve seven million pas-sengers to and from Britain. In September, UK business travellers voted us best European airport for the 23rd time. We are proud to be the UK’s preferred non-British airport.”

The Dutch airport stressed that it serves 23 destinations in Britain, compared with Gatwick’s 12 and Heathrow’s seven. But it strongly denied rumours it plans a seventh runway to become Britain’s top hub airport if no more runways are built here in coming years.

KRAZY FOR THE KARDASHIANSHordes of screaming teenage girls turned

out for an all-girl group last month – American reality-TV stars, the Kardashians.

Thousands of fans descended on Lon-don’s Westfield shopping centre to see sisters Kourtney, Kim and Khloe, launch their clothing range, the Kardashian Kollection, for Dorothy Perkins.

Police and security guards struggled to contain the throng and several fans received medical attention before Sir Philip Green, who owns Dorothy Perkins, spoke to the crowd in a bid to calm the situation.

The stars of Keeping Up With The Kar-dashians said how much they enjoyed meeting their British fans.

“The response has been amazing”, said Kim, 32, who like her sisters wore an outfit from the clothing range.

Sir Philip said: “You can see how popular the girls are here. The three of them have dif-ferent looks, so they have a broad appeal.”

The collection includes bodycon dresses, pencil skirts and clutch bags.

FINALLYAs the elephant with a knot in his trunk

said: “I can’t remember what it is that I’m never supposed to forget.”


Scandals At The BBCIT HAS been a bad month for the BBC.First they had the scandal of entertainer Jimmy Savile being allowed to continue working in spite of reports that he was a paedophile. Then came the Lord McAlpine story – he was wrongly accused of sexually abusing children, and received an apology from the BBC’s Newsnight programme which broadcast the story without, apparently, checking its accuracy.

Harrods, which describes itself as the “lead-ing London-based business aviation service provider”.

A spokesman for Air Harrods said: “Har-rods Aviation are working in full cooperation with the AAIB which are currently investigat-ing the incident.”

LONG MAY SHE ‘RAIN’!A new book reveals that the most surpris-

ing part of the Queen’s wardrobe is her collec-tion of umbrellas. About 30 bespoke brollies can be seen hanging in the Buckingham Palace cupboards – each one a perfect match for the monarch’s handmade outfits.

They are made for the Queen by Fulton umbrellas, which earned its first royal warrant in 1993 from the Queen Mother. Nigel Fulton, who succeeded his father Arnold as head of the company in 1996, said it was the Queen’s idea to match the trim, handle and tip of each umbrella with her clothes.

He said: “A lot of people view them as a commodity but the Queen has demonstrated they’re not just utility products. They can be beautiful and enhance her outfit and overall look.”

The extent of the collection emerged this week in royal dresser Angela Kelly’s book, Dressing the Queen. Kelly said: “It goes without saying that a good stock of umbrellas is a necessity for the British monarch.”

It takes the firm three months to manu-facture a brolly to the colours supplied by Kelly. Only one of each colour is made and firm supplies the monarch with four to six umbrellas a year.

The Department for Transport stressed that the UK is one of the best-connected countries in the world. A spokesman said: “Maintaining that is vital to our economy.”THE WORLD’S MOST EXPENSIVE

TERRACEA Grade One listed mansion overlooking

Regent’s Park in central London, One Corn-wall Terrace, has gone on sale for £100m – a world record for this type of house.

At that price, the buyer would have to stump up £7m in stamp duty and pay £1,369 a year in council tax to Westminster Council. Estate agent Savills has described it as “one of the most important private residences in London”.

The four-storey home has had a no-expense-spared makeover to be transformed into one of the capital’s premier “trophy homes”. It boasts seven bedrooms, nine bathrooms and 11 reception rooms spread over 21,500 sq ft. The end-of-terrace man-sion also comes with a gym, swimming pool,

By Raphael SatterTWO FORMER confidants of the Prime Minister have been charged with conspir-ing to pay public officials in exchange for stories and information – the latest devel-opment in the UK’s establishment-shaking scandal over media malfeasance.

Britain’s Crown Prosecution Services said last month that former tabloid edi-tors Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks were among five people being charged with conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office.

Prosecutors said that Brooks, a neigh-bor, close friend, and political ally of Prime Minister David Cameron, conspired with journalist John Kay to funnel as much as £100,000 to Ministry of Defense employee Bettina Jordan Barber in return for a stream of stories that were published in Murdoch’s The Sun newspaper.

In a statement, the prosecutors alleged that Coulson, who until last year served as Cameron’s top press aide, conspired with journalist Clive Goodman to pay of-ficials for access to a royal phone directory known as the “Green Book.”

The charges stem from the phone hack-ing scandal that erupted last year at Mur-doch’s News of the World tabloid, which Brooks and Coulson used to edit before she took a job as chief executive of News International and he went to work for the government.

EXPLODEDThe scandal exploded after it was re-

vealed that News of the World routinely journalists hacked phones and paid bribes to win scoops. The scale of wrongdoing was staggering; ruthless reporters violated the privacy of some 600 victims, from powerful ministers to well-known celebri-ties and even crime victims.

Coulson and Brooks already face charges in relation to phone hacking; in July prosecutors charged the pair with

Former PM Confidants, Coulson And Brooks, Face Bribery Charges

conspiring to intercept the communica-tions of hundreds of people between 2000 and 2006. Brooks faces separate charges of obstruction of justice relating to her alleged attempts to hide evidence from police. Coulson is charged with perjury in relation to evidence he gave at a 2010 trial in Scotland.

The pair have in the past repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. Coulson said last month he would fight the charges, while a lawyer for Kay declined comment. A message left with Brooks’ law firm was not immediately returned.

EMBARRASSThe gradual pile-up of charges could

further embarrass Cameron, who hired Coulson as his chief communications adviser and once counted Brooks and her horse-trainer husband Charlie in his circle of friends. Cameron ignored persis-tent warnings about the pair’s ethics and promised to stand by Coulson even as an increasing number of reports implicated him in tabloid wrongdoing.

The scandal shows little sign of winding down. London’s police force, chastened by its failure to uncover the scandal earlier, has kept up a steady drumbeat of arrests and American officials are still weighing whether Murdoch’s company violated US anti-corruption laws. In Britain, the legal process is still grinding forward. Mark Lewis, a prominent victims’ lawyer, recently announced lawsuits against the Daily Mirror newspaper over allegations of phone hacking – further expanding the circle of tabloid suspects.

The scandal is likely to be a watershed moment for Britain’s rambunctious press. A judge-led inquiry into the ethics and practices of the country’s media set up in the wake of the scandal is due to report shortly, and its recommendations could lead to sweeping changes in the way that the British media operates.

Downton Abbey Season Four ConfirmedTELEVISION channel ITV has con-firmed that hit drama Downton Abbey will return for a fourth season.

Filming of eight new episodes for the award-winning period series will begin in southern England’s Highclere Castle and London’s Ealing Studios early next year.

ITV said last month that as before, the opening and closing episodes will be feature-length, and that the

series will continue the story of the Crawley family and their servants in the 1920s.

The channel said that an extended special episode for next Christmas is also planned.

Downton Abbey has won fans worldwide and an average of 11.9 million viewers in Britain watched its third season, which will premiere in the US on PBS in January.

Page 4 December 2012ujnews.com


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“They need to get on with it, as it were, and get with the program. But you do have to respect the individual institutions and the way they work, while giving them a sharp prod.”

Labour Party lawmaker Diana Johnson asked for a statement from the church’s representative explaining “what this means in terms of the continuing discrimination of having only men eligible to sit in the House of Lords as bishops.”

John Bercow, the speaker of the House,

Church Of England Leader: Vote Needs ExplanationContinued from page 1 noted that there were “very strong voices”

in favor of women bishops among leg-islators.

He suggested that Johnson approach Maria Miller, the government’s minister for women and equalities, to see whether she “has any responsibilities in relation to this matter.”

REPEATINGMore than 100 members of the Gen-

eral Synod spoke in the debate, largely repeating arguments which have become familiar in the 18 years since the church

By Robert BarrA FORMER OIL executive with experi-ence in conflict resolution has been chosen to lead a global Anglican Communion riven by sharply divided views on gay people and their place in the church.

Prime Minister David Cameron an-nounced last month that Justin Welby, 56, a fast-rising priest with only a year’s experience as a bishop, had been picked to succeed Rowan Williams as archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England and spiritual leader of the world’s 77 mil-lion Anglicans.

Welby, the 105th holder of a post that stretches back to the sixth century, will take over after Williams retires in December.

Welby said he felt privileged, and as-tonished, to be chosen to lead the church at “a time of spiritual hunger.”

“It’s something I never expected,” Welby told reporters, saying he had been “overwhelmed and surprised” to be of-fered the job.

Ex-Oilman Welby Named Archbishop Of Canterbury

“My initial reaction was ‘Oh no,”’ he said.

Welby said he supported the ordination of women as bishops, and indicated his thinking on same-sex marriage – which he has opposed – was evolving.

EXAMINE“We must have no truck with any form

of homophobia in any part of the church,” he said, adding that he planned to “listen to the voice of the LGBT communities and examine my own thinking.”

Cameron welcomed the selection of Welby, who was chosen by a church com-mission and formally approved by Queen Elizabeth II.

Welby has denounced multi-million executive pay packages in big British companies as “obscene” and has said the Occupy movement “reflects a deep-seated sense that something is wrong.”

His views on corporate responsibility, he has said, “came out of working in an extractive industry often in developing countries where ethical questions were very frequent.”

Welby was schooled at Eton College and Cambridge University. His mother was a private secretary to Winston Churchill. But his father went to the United States during Prohibition and became a bootleg-ger, the Mail on Sunday newspaper quoted Welby as saying.

Welby and his wife, Caroline, have two sons and three daughters. Their first child, a seven-month-old girl, was killed in a traffic accident in 1983.

began ordaining women as priests.Williams, who had campaigned for the

change, said that much of the prolonged debate is “not intelligible to our larger society.”

John Sentamu, the archbishop of York, said he was confident that women would become bishops in his lifetime.

“The principle has already been ac-cepted by the General Synod, it has already been accepted by all the dioceses,” Sen-tamu, 63, said in a BBC radio interview.

“So what we need to do is find the legislation: 99.9 percent of the legisla-tion is there, it’s this little business of provision for those who are opposed,” Sentamu said.New Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin Welby BRITAIN’S government will halt all aid spending in India in 2015 and won’t ap-prove any new projects before then.

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said last month that it is changing its relationship with India to reflect the country’s economic growth and rising status.

In 2011, Britain offered India about £280m in assistance. Many lawmakers have complained that helping a rising economic power is unjustified as Brit-ain’s struggles with harsh austerity measures aimed at slashing its debt.

Greening’s department said that the change in policy would save Britain about £200m by 2015.

It confirmed existing aid programs in India would be completed.

“Now is the time to move to a re-lationship focusing on skills-sharing rather than aid,” Greening said.

UK To End Aid Spending In India By 2015

The Most Famous Wave In The World Can Now Be Yours!Many of us who have watched Her Majesty celebrate her Diamond Jubilee this year saw the royal wave many times as the Queen showed her appreciation of millions of Britons. We even got to see it after Her Majesty’s meeting wth “JamesBond” and her daring “parachute jump” into the Olympic opening ceremony.Now you can have the most famous wave in the world on your window sill or desk.  • Solar panel on top of the Queen’s handbag powers the royal wave  • Ingenious tribute to the Queen  • Discreet wave with a gentle move of her wrist  • Measures 6-1/4 inch tall  • No batteries requiredPlace this solar queen in the sun and watch Her Majesty deliver her signature subtle “changing the light bulb” wave. May she wave forever. Rule Britannia!

December 2012 Page 5ujnews.com

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VIRTUALLY ALL observers were expecting that, if he won a second term, President Obama would come under a great deal of pressure to make a push to fulfill his first-term promise to pass immigration reform. But in the wake of the President’s re-election, im-migration reform has momentum far beyond what even the strongest reform advocates were hoping for.

The single driving force behind this new momentum is the Latino vote. For the first time ever, Latino voters exceeded ten percent of the voting public. And they voted overwhelmingly for President Obama. Latino voters favored President Obama over Mitt Romney by 71 percent to 28 percent. And they played important roles in key battle-ground states.

This demographic pattern has led many top Republican voices, both in and out of Congress, to identify immigration as the issue that Republicans must approach dif-ferently to renew their ability to appeal to Latino voters.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity was telling listeners just two days after the election that he has “evolved” on immigration, and that Republicans have “got to get rid of the immigration issue altogether”, by enacting immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented.

In the House, where the Republican major-ity had been strongly opposed to immigration reform, Speaker John Boehner stated post election that he is “confident” that Congress and the White House could reach a deal on comprehensive immigration reform.

So the landscape for immigration reform is dramatically different than it was prior to the election. It’s too early, though, to start

placing bets about whether this very sticky issue can in fact be dealt with, or how quickly. It’s also too early to predict what this new momentum for legalization will mean for high-skilled immigration reform. The key question is whether there remains any opening for targeted reforms on high-skilled immigration issues or whether no immigration issues will be addressed until legalization is.

Two bills had been moving in the Congress before the election. One would eliminate the per-country limits on green cards. The current system is “quota/supply-demand” based. This Bill would make it more of a “first come-first served” based system.

Another Bill would make over 50,000 new green card numbers available for persons with advanced degrees in Science, Technol-ogy, Engineering & Math (STEM) fields from a US university.

While we watch what happens in Con-gress, we are likely to see a few administra-tive developments. Our firm’s Government Relations Group is hearing, for example, that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will soon issue a proposed regulation that will allow the spouses of certain H-1B workers to get work authorization. Spouse of a workers in a few other work visa categories can apply for a work permit so this would be a highly anticipated change.

Immigration In A Second Obama Administration

By Jill LawlessBRITAIN’S media are in a meltdown and its government is gaffe-prone, so Oxford Dictionaries has chosen an apt Word of the Year: “omnishambles.”

Oxford University Press last month crowned the word – defined as “a situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged, characterized by a string of blunders and miscalculations” – its top term of 2012.

Each year Oxford University Press tracks how the English language is changing and chooses a word that best reflects the mood of the year. The pub-lisher typically chooses separate British and American winners. This year’s American champion is “gif,” short for graphics interchange format, a common format for images on the Internet.

The editors said gif was being recog-nized for making the crucial transition from noun to verb, “to gif”: to create a gif file of an image or video sequence, especially relating to an event. And, in-evitably, to share it online. Cute kittens, Olympic champions, President Obama – they’ve all been giffed.

PREPARATIONSCoined by writers of the satirical

television show The Thick of It, om-nishambles has been applied to every-thing from government PR blunders to the crisis-ridden preparations for the London Olympics.

Oxford University Press lexicog-rapher Susie Dent said the word was chosen for its popularity as well as its “linguistic productivity.”

She said “a notable coinage coming from the word is Romneyshambles” – a derisive term used by the British press after US presidential candidate

Oxford Dictionary Selects – ‘Omnishambles’ Word Of The Year

Mitt Romney expressed doubts about London’s ability to host a successful Olympics.

Omnishambles was chosen over shortlisted terms including “mummy porn” – the genre exemplified by the best-selling “50 Shades” book series – and “green-on-blue,” military attacks by forces regarded as neutral, as when mem-bers of the Afghan army or police attack foreign troops. (For American English speakers, it’s “mommy porn.”)

The Olympics offered up finalists including the verb “to medal,” “Games Maker” – the name given to thousands of Olympic volunteers – and distance runner Mo Farah’s victory dance, “the Mobot.”

CRISISEurope’s financial crisis lent the

shortlisted word “Eurogeddon,” while technology produced “second screening” – watching TV while simultaneously using a computer, phone or tablet – and social media popularized the acronym “YOLO,” you only live once.

The final shortlisted term in Britain is an old word given new life. “Pleb,” a de-rogatory epithet for lower-class people, was alleged to have been uttered to a police officer by British Cabinet minister Andrew Mitchell. He denied using the term, but resigned.

Other words on the US shortlist included Higgs boson (as in particle), superstorm (as in Sandy) and “nomopho-bia,” the anxiety caused by being without one’s mobile phone.

All the shortlisted words have made a splash in 2012, but editors say there is no guarantee any of them will endure long enough to enter the hallowed pages of the Oxford English Dictionary.

University Fees Push UK Inflation Higher

INFLATION IN Britain rose by more than anticipated in October, largely on the back of higher university fees.

The Office for National Statistics also said that higher prices for clothing, shoes, food and non-alcoholic beverages were also factors behind the increase in the headline annual inflation rate to 2.7 percent from 2.2 percent in September.

The markets were anticipating a more modest rise to 2.4 percent.

The government’s official target is to keep consumer price inflation at or near 2 percent. The October rate was the highest since May, when it was 2.8 percent.

Samuel Tombs, an economist at Capital Economics, says he believes the weakness of the UK economy will rein in inflationary pressures in the coming months.

Police: Royal Bodyguard Fired Accidental Shot

POLICE are investigating an incident in which an officer believed to be guarding the home of Prince William and his wife the former Kate Middleton accidentally fired a shot inside a vehicle.

Metropolitan Police confirmed last month that the incident involving a Spe-cialist Operations officer happened last month in north Wales.

Police said the shot damaged the floor of the vehicle but did not injure either of the officers inside.

The officer involved has been removed from firearms duty while the incident is investigated.

William and his wife, now known as the Duchess of Cambridge, have a rented home in Wales, where the prince is a Royal Air Force search and rescue helicopter pilot.

The royal couple has managed to stay out of the limelight while in Wales.

TOUR DE FRANCE champion Bradley Wiggins spent a short time in hospital last month after a collision with a car, a few hours after a separate crash left his head coach at British Cycling suffering bleeding to the brain.

Wiggins, who is also the Olympic time trial champion, sustained bruises to his hand and ribs when he was hit by a car while out training on his bike.

“Bradley has been discharged from hos-pital after suffering minor injuries ... but is expected to make a full and speedy recov-ery,” said Team Sky’s Dr Richard Freeman. “He is now going to spend the weekend at home convalescing with his family.”

Wiggins returned home just as Britain coach Shane Sutton was hospitalized fol-lowing an accident at a nearby location in the Manchester area.

“Shane was taken into hospital where it was identified he has suffered bruising and bleeding on the brain.” British Cycling said in a statement. Sutton stayed in hospital under observation for a few days.

RARE“It is extremely rare that our riders and

coaches are hurt while out cycling on the road, even rarer that two incidents should occur in a short space of time, and we wish Shane and Bradley a speedy recovery.”

As Sutton continued to recover from the incident last month that left him with a fractured cheekbone and bleeding on the brain, the Great Britain head coach, described the roads around the Manchester velodrome as “a death trap” for the Olym-

pic squad due to the potential dangers the riders face as they ride to and from the national cycling centre.

“I’m here because I love cycling and I want to watch it,” said Sutton, who has been instructed by his doctors to “take it easy” and confessed that he still does not feel himself. He returned to action just as his protégé and fellow crash victim Wig-gins got back in the saddle in Majorca to begin training for next year’s Tour de France.

Bradley Wiggins

Shane Sutton

Santa Gets Beard Caught In Abseiling RopeTHE CROWD, including parents and children waited excitedly for Father Christmas to abseil into the shopping centre, but unfortunately Santa’s big white beard was caught in the rope, leaving him dangling midair to the disappointment of the many kids wit-nessing his visit, and the amusement of others.

Father Christmas was left “hang-ing around” 15ft above the ground for about 40 minutes inside Read-ing’s Broad Street Mall, reported the BBC.

Eyewitness Ryan Gaudreau said: “Everyone was laughing at him – he didn’t really know what to do.”

Stephanie Maynard, marketing manager at the centre, said Santa, whose appearance was part of the switching on of the mall’s Christmas

lights, was not hurt.“He could have just taken his beard

off and let himself down but he was such a professional and he didn’t want to let the children down,” she said.

“He lost his footing as he came through the hole in the ceiling and there was a sudden jolt and he got caught in the clip on the rope.

“Some people were absolutely mor-tified while others thought it was the funniest thing ever. They had to let another rope down and another man got him down and there was such a roar from the crowd.

“Usually after the lights switch-on the centre empties but there were so many people still there waiting to see if Father Christmas was going to get down.”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4a6qQNNgLI


Wiggins And Coach Sutton Recovering After Accidents




Page 6 December 2012ujnews.com

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BBC TV’s weekly Question Time chaired by David Dimbleby is probably the most influ-ential political programme on the box. On the last Thursday before the US presidential elec-tion, the panel included Jerry Springer and Professor Colleen Graffy, supporting Barack Obama and Mitt Romney respectively. The London audience was almost unanimously pro-Obama.

This was surprising since you felt the audience would be evenly balanced be-tween Republicans and Democrats. The last presidential candidate to be so disliked was George W Bush, largely because he was gen-erally perceived as having very little between the ears. I suspect we Brits felt similarly about Romney. Superficially appealing in a prosper-ous very American sort of way, immaculately suited and booted with healthy lashings of Grecian 2000 on his crowning glory.

Throughout the presidential contest, Obama seemed to be the only runner. His poor performance in the first debate fooled no-one here: it took place in the middle of the night and made no impression anywhere.

As luck would have it, my Californian brother-in-law and his wife arrived in South-ampton a couple of days before the election itself. They had crossed the Atlantic on the Queen Mary 2 from New York, putting to sea very hastily as hurricane Sandy bullied its way across New Jersey. So abruptly did the vessel take off, in fact, that numbers of passengers were left behind, stuck in buses taking them from their hotels to the docks.

They were both very scathing about Obama, describing him as a liar (well, he is a politician, after all) and incompetent. They put this down to the simple fact that his background is in the law whilst Romney’s is in business. We spent the next three days studiously avoiding television and radio news and any discussions about politics.

One of their biggest complaints was that if you lived in California, the result was fully known before you’d even had a chance to vote. Their remedy was to delay the start of the voting count till all states had closed for business. This seems quite a good idea till you look at the way votes changed between 2008 and 2012: the furthest east where the voting differed was Indiana where I reckon the time zone effect would have made no difference at all.

WORRYThe o ther b ig

worry the result left them with was the Supreme Court. I gathered that three appointments might be at Obama’s dis-posal in his second term. They felt this would have an influ-ence (an unhealthy one at that) on the USA for decades to come. Since we do not have an equivalent organisa-tion, it is hard to understand the fuss.

British politicians by and large welcomed Obama’s victory. David Cameron rang him the day after the result and spoke to him personally to offer his congratulations. We know this because Cameron had a special photo taken of him sitting in 10 Downing Street with his feet on a chair talking into a telephone.

This may have something to do with what happened back in September. One of the PM’s old Etonian chums, Charlie Brooks, claims he was playing tennis with Cameron when an aide announced Obama was on the phone for him. At this point the score was one set all and Cameron decided to finish the game before ringing Obama himself.

DENIESNumber 10 denies this version of events,

claiming that all calls between heads of state are scheduled 15 minutes ahead. Charlie Brooks is married to the red-haired Rebekah, former News International Chief, and there are suspicions that Brooks cooked up the story to embarrass Cameron since he was visiting the US at the time.

Cameron had another reason for welcom-ing the re-election of Obama: he was visited by Romney during the summer. Romney made a number of faux pas. Chief among them was his publicly expressed doubt that the UK could organise a successful Olympic Games. An infuriated Cameron retorted that Britain was delivering the games in a bustling city. “Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere,” he said in a none too subtle reference to the 2002 Salt Lake City games famously rescued by Romney.

He also complimented Cameron on the

Obama’s Success Welcomed In Britainview from the “backside of Downing Street” where he could see the Olympic beach volley-ball event full of lovely young things bouncing around and whacking a ball over a net.

Romney fared little better with the Labour Party. He scratched around to remember Ed Miliband’s name and came up with “mister Leader”. The most confusing thing from a Labour Party perspective is not his name, something to do with a fist and marshes in Sussex and Kent (Romney Marshes, keep up at the back!), but that the Republicans are red and the Democrats are blue.

In a way, we weren’t surprised by Rom-ney: he seemed to have graduated from the same home for the bewildered as George Bush. What astonished us was that he could ever seem a credible contender for the White House compared with Obama.

Our relatives left shortly after Romney departed the political scene. It struck me that they were like convicts released from prison after many years away from reality so I asked them what struck them most about England in the 21st century.

It was the sheer numbers of people on the streets. That added to the abundance of small cars driven at breakneck speeds along narrow streets made their old home very intimidating.

LATE NEWSA couple of late news items might be of

interest. As this column wings its way to San Diego in mid-November, Britain’s first election for police commissioners is taking place. Heaven knows who is standing for election and where the people are who will vote for any of them. I’ll try and enlighten you in the new year when it may have become obvious.

The other thing is that the Government intends to make a great celebration in 2014 of the beginning of the First World War. A really strange decision that. I mean, you don’t really want to celebrate a war in which so many millions died for nothing.

On the other hand, it will be a celebration of Britishness and quite by chance it will occur at the same time as the referendum in Scotland. An excellent advertisement for the Union, doncha think?

Happy Christmas to one and all.John Polleyjohn.polley1@ntlworld.com

THE GOVERNMENT has chosen Mark Carney, the head of Canada’s central bank, to become governor of the Bank of England effective July 1.

Treasury chief George Osborne an-nounced the surprise choice to the House of Commons November 26.

“Mark Carney is the outstanding candi-date to be governor of the Bank of England and help steer Britain through these diffi-cult economic times,” Osborne said.

“He is quite simply the best, most ex-perienced and most qualified person in the world to do the job.”

It is the first time someone who isn’t British has been selected to lead the UK’s monetary authority, though Osborne said Carney would apply for British citizen-ship.

The Canadian had been speculated as a possible choice but was not considered a front-runner.

“I’m honored to accept this important and demanding role,” Carney said.

“It’s a decisive period for reform of the global financial system including its lead-ing financial center, the City of London. And it’s a crucial point in the Bank of

Canadian Central Bank Head To Lead Bank Of England

England’s history as it accepts vial new responsibilities.”

Carney will succeed the current gov-ernor, Mervyn King, when his term ends next year. As well as chairing the com-mittee which sets the UK’s main interest rate, the governor will be given the new responsibility of supervising the country’s banking industry. Carney told Osborne that he will only serve five years of the usual eight-year term.

Carney, 47, was appointed to a seven-year term as government of the Bank of Canada in February 2008.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in eco-nomics from Harvard University in 1988, and master’s and doctoral degrees in eco-nomics from Oxford University.

Carney was employed by Goldman Sachs for 13 years, working in London, Tokyo, New York and Toronto, before being appointed deputy governor of the Bank of Canada in 2003.

He is not the first ex-Goldman Sachs employee to lead a central bank, Presi-dent of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi is also a former employee of the US investment bank.

DOG DIRT seems to be a global poblem in most civilised countries and because of this a Kent parish council wants to use DNA testing on dog waste in a bid to catch owners who allow pets to soil the pavement.

Lots of complaints from villagers convinced Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council to take action.

Councillors sitting on Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council discussed the plans after hearing a string of complaints from residents of both villages.

Residents in the locations, near Seven-oaks, complained inconsiderate pet owners were “ruining the area”. The council says it is now considering collecting DNA from waste and using it to prosecute anti-social

Doggie DNA Tests Suggested By Local Councilowners.

CONSENTAlthough never be-

fore used in the UK, DNA testing on dog mess has been used in Germany and the US. Owners must give con-sent for a DNA sample

to be taken from their pet, but once they are on the database their behaviour can be logged for their entire lifetime.

According to the minutes of the meet-ing, the council agreed to take a tougher stance on fining offending dog owners and to make sure the dog warden visited the area regularly.

The minutes added: “If this still remains a problem it is possible to take DNA from the poo and trace it back to the dog and its owner.”

December 2012 Page 7ujnews.com

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Danny Boyle Opposes Plan To Sell Moore Sculpture By Raphael Satter

IT’S JUDGMENT day for Britain’s press.

After nearly 18 months of damag-ing revelations about widespread media misconduct, the senior judge tapped to investigate the ethics and practices of some of the English-speaking world’s most powerful newspapers was to deliver his verdict November 31.

Lord Justice Brian Leveson’s inquiry was ordered by Prime Minister David Cameron in response to the phone hacking scandal at Rupert Murdoch’s now- shut-tered News of the World tabloid where journalists spied, bribed, and hacked their way to sensational stories.

“The reputation of the British press is as low as it’s possible to be,” said James Cur-ran, a professor of communications who has written extensively on the history and politics of the media. “For the first time, there is a possibility of modest reform.”

EXPOSEDA year’s worth of hearings exposed

shady journalistic practices, from black-mail and stalking to trafficking in stolen medical records and other private infor-mation.

Celebrities, crime victims, and the false-ly accused described feeling helpless as re-porters ground their privacy and reputation to bits, while some of the country’s most senior police officers – who should have been investigating the wrongdoing – were described glugging Champagne at intimate dinners with those who would later become the scandal’s chief suspects.

What Leveson made of all this, what his recommendations will be, and how the press and politicians will react have all been a matter of intense speculation since the inquiry was ordered in July of last year.

REFORMThe battle lines are being drawn as pro-

prietors and reform campaigners prepare to fight their corner. Victims of press abuse met with Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to argue their case

for greater protection against unscrupulous journalists. Days later, the Free Speech Network, a press lobbying group, un-leashed a publicity campaign against any attempt at state-backed regulation.

The group’s ad in Murdoch’s The Sun newspaper was particularly stark:

Judgment Day: UK Media Faces Moment Of Truth“These people believe in state control

of the press,” the ad said over pictures of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. “Do you?”Online: The Leveson Inquiry: http://www.levesoninquiry.org.uk/

DIRECTOR Danny Boyle has joined leading British arts figures urging a cash-strapped local authority not to sell off a valuable Henry Moore sculpture – arguing it should be erected in London’s Olympic Park instead.

“Draped Seated Woman” is owned by London’s Tower Hamlets Council and stood for years on a public housing complex in the city’s East End.

It was moved in 1997 to a sculpture park in northern England.

Last month the council announced plans to sell the artwork to offset funding cuts. Estimates of its value range from £5m to £20m.

Boyle, who directed London Olym-pics’ opening ceremony, said that the sculpture was priceless because it “defies all prejudice in people’s minds about one of London’s poorest boroughs.”

In an unrelated event two men pleaded

guilty in a British court to stealing a dif-ferent bronze Henry Moore sculpture worth up to £500,000.

“The Sundial,” created in 1965 as a working model for a larger sculpture, was stolen from the grounds of the Henry Moore Foundation in Much Hadham, eastern England, in July.

The distinctive bronze sculpture was found following a televised appeal for information.

Liam Hughes, 22, and 19-year-old Ja-son Parker admitted at St Albans Crown Court to stealing the sundial sculpture and the sculpture’s bronze plinth.

They were granted bail and are to reappear at Luton Crown Court on December 4 for sentencing.

Moore, who died in 1986, was one of Britain’s best-known 20th-century artists.

Draped Seated Woman

Page 8 December 2012ujnews.com


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I’M SORRY not to be writing a truly festive column, or offering you a quiz or competition with unbelievable (and untaxable) prizes! But in the little world of taxes, things keep hap-pening I think you should know about!

In September, the US government signed the first agreement “to improve international tax compliance and to implement FATCA”. (I’m sure you all remember that FATCA is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act 2010.) The other party to the agreement is the UK.

From January 1, 2013 foreign financial institutions must notify the IRS of accounts and income held by US citizens and resi-dents. As I have previously written on, these institutions raised various objections to this proposal. Their complaints were not, “Why should we do this?” but more, “This will be really difficult for us to do”.

In February the US government, together with those of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK issued a statement about the implementation of FATCA. Essentially, foreign financial institutions would provide the neces-sary information to the tax authorities in their home countries, who would then pass it to the IRS. Same result, slightly different process!

Under the US/UK agreement, some accounts are exempt from the reporting process, because they are considered to be unlikely to be used by anyone attempting to avoid US reporting. The most common of these are retirement accounts, ISAs, most products issued by UK National Savings and Investments, share incentive schemes and company share option schemes.

Building societies, investment trust com-panies and venture capital trusts also have different treatment because they are more likely to be held by UK residents. If you cur-rently have an account with one of them, you

.... And A Happy New Year!!may be asked to close your account over the next year. They must ensure 98 percent of their account-holders (by value) are UK or EU residents. Small accounts will therefore probably escape notice under this provision, but they are no longer guaranteed choices for US taxpayers.

Pre-existing bank accounts will be subject to filing, and they are divided into three groups – balances of less than $50,000, balances of between $50,000 and $1,000,000 and balances over $1,000,000. The balance is determined on December 31, 2013. The first group does not need to be reported at all. The investigations the financial institution makes to reach a conclusion about whether the owner is a US citizen or resident dis-tinguish the other two groups. The factors they take into account to make this decision include US mailing addresses, US telephone numbers and requests to send money to a US account.

I’m sure there’ll be more on this in 2013 as the implications become clearer. One point for now is that the UK institutions will be asking for your SSN. Often they will not appreciate this is rather more significant than asking for a National Insurance number. For all the emphasis on identity theft on the IRS website, I have not read anything about any protection being offered to US taxpayers in these situations. And a Happy Christmas to you too!

Mary-Heather Styles has professional qualifi-cations from both the US and the UK and works for Transatlantic Tax Inc in Phoenix, Arizona – a long way from her birthplace in Epsom, Surrey. She wishes all UJ readers a happy and healthy 2013. She can be contacted at mhstyles@transatlantictax.com or (602) 845-1420.

THERE’S NO fool like an old fool, as Audrey knows well, and she’s not about to be taken in by Lewis again. So when Lewis goes missing and a mystery woman turns up saying Lewis owes her a few thousand pounds, Audrey’s all a flutter. Has Lewis pulled the wool over her eyes again? Like a bad penny, Lewis returns to face Audrey and the mystery woman eye-to-eye for a heart-to-heart with them both. He denies owing the mystery woman any money. He denies trying to deceive Audrey and she believes him, for now. She even pays off the mystery woman so that she’ll never darken her door any more. Will Audrey ever listen to her head? It seems the only sound she will listen to is the cry of her heart and the sound of her oven warming up to cook a Freshco frozen meal for one, and it’s a sound she doesn’t much enjoy hearing.

Over at the Rovers, Gloria lays on a honey trap to snare Lewis, to see if he’s really being faithful to Audrey, or not. She pretends that she’s dying and has come into some money to see if Lewis will rob her blind and disap-pear, the way others have said he’s done in the past. So far, so good. Lewis is being as good as his word to Audrey, who’s relieved her fella’s not as feckless as everyone thinks. Not yet, anyway.

Determined to out Tracy Barlow’s lies about her relationship with Michelle’s son, Ryan, Steve breaks up with Michelle in front of Tracy and Ryan. If only he’d told Michelle of his man-scam-plan, but no, she thinks it’s for real and treats it as such with tears and tantrums before finding a warm seat next to Rob in the factory office for a bit of TLC. Oh Steve. Oh dear. Steve thinks he’s doing great, he even convinces Ryan to do a full frontal

THE NEWS of Ben’s murder confession, (with Jay as the accessory), hits the front page news before Jay even gets back to the Square and he is persona non grata. People do everything but spit at him in the street. And because he won’t lie to the Old Bill, and try to say Ben didn’t do it, Phil tosses him out with nothing and he’s sleeping rough. Patrick takes pity on him and allows him to stay at the B&B... And once Shirley realizes that Phil knew about Ben all along, she leaves Phil, lurching around the Square drunk for days until Denise brings her to stay at the B&B and all...

Across the Square, Kat continues her dangerous game with the mystery man... Abi returns from Costa Rica looking for Jay but once she is told what he’s done, she wants nothing to do with him either...

We see Janine’s vulnerable side more than ever as she struggles to cope with her preemie daughter – and while still in hospital, when everything is touch and go, Michael is mostly MIA. What exactly is Michael up too? Is it an affair or is he just trying to fleece her while she is indisposed? We can’t

tell, and neither can Janine, but he is up to something...

Ian slowly emerges from his catatonia, with the help of Sharon, and is desperate for Lucy to forgive him. She has seemed so helpless of late, in the face of keeping her life afloat (and Derek’s) that we forget what a tough cookie teen Lucy has always been. So at first we think she’s just scared but soon we start to see the old Lucy (the first clue should have been when she changed the name of the cafe from “Kathy’s” to “Cindy’s”) as she says that the only way she’ll forgive him is if he’ll sign all his businesses over to her because, she says, that will show her that he really means what he says. So he does. Ian signs papers giving Lucy full ownership the Cafe, the Chippy, the Fruit & Veg stall, the house – everything. Ian is now just a lodger in Lucy’s place – and Lucy’s dodgy boyfriend Joey (son of Derek) is living there too...

Meanwhile Sharon is still trying to get her bearings as well. She showed up in the Square, still in her wedding dress, having just ditched her fiancé at the altar, and looking for Phil because she claimed that her fiancé had her son Denny and she needed help getting him back. It seems that he was holding the boy because he’d been dumped. Why she came running to Phil, we have no idea, but as the story emerges, we find out that Sharon has led a nomadic life since Dennis’ murder. Over protective of Denny, she’s told him his father Dennis died a war hero rather than the

way he did, (stabbed to death on New Year’s Eve by a hit man), and moves on quickly when she thinks the truth is about to come out. In her short time back in Albert Square, she’s had a one-night stand with Jack (which I believe is a Council requirement) and alternately pissed off-then-to-become best buddies with Tanya. She now wants to move on but Ian and the nostalgic parts of her past are begging her to stay. Will she?...

My latest Dispatch from the Downton Ab-bey Diaspora post for PBS Thirteen’s website is now up. I’ve got a few juicy tidbits about Downton, including a link to GQ UK where you can see the men of Downton posing for a rather sexy fashion spread. But mostly, this Dispatch is about Upstairs Downstairs as I did an interview with Michael Landes, who played the dashing American business-man, Caspar Landry. Michael is currently working on a new sitcom for NBC, but his credits include a long list of British shows that are PBS staples (New Tricks, Miranda, Miss Marple), and he is utterly charming. Here’s the link: www.thirteen.org/program-content/dispatch-from-the-downton-abbey-diaspora-9/ Enjoy!

And if you’d like to keep up with all thing EastEnders, just email me here at the Launder-ette and I’ll sign you up for our FREE, weekly EastEnders e-newsletter called The E20 Chronicles: E20Launderette@gmail.com

S igned , You r Fa i t h fu l Repor te r Deborah Gilbert AKA E20Launderette

proposal to Tracy in the Rovers so everyone can hear what’s going on. Not only does Tracy turn him down, she tells him she’s no longer pregnant although we all know that she never really was. So while Steve was aiming to do the right thing and his actions might have had the results he was after, Michelle wants nowt to do with him now.

Over at Roy’s Rolls, Mary holds more café theme nights but after the Moroccan night, Anna tells Mary she’s quitting, it’s too much hard work and she’s not sure Roy’d be happy. Oh he isn’t. Especially when he re-turns from his holiday in America to discover the council want him in a meeting to explain why his café was selling alcohol without a licence. Roy isn’t best pleased with Mary and sacks her from the café but she’s not out of a job for too long. Impressed with her impresario skills as a restaurateur, Nick takes Mary on to run theme nights at the Bistro.

Deirdre’s not happy this month as Ken’s attentions turn to Wendy flamin’ Crozier, again.

Deirdre warns Ken that while he can go back to his job at Bessie Street School, he’d better knock on the head any thoughts about showing his kimono to Wendy flamin’ Cro-zier. Ken’s delighted and polishes his shoes. He and Wendy get friendly and it’s clear Wendy’s wanting more and invites Ken back for supper after a meeting at school. After a bit too much red wine, Ken falls asleep on the sofa where Wendy leaves him, all night! He has a bit of explaining to do to Deirdre when he wends his way home from Wendy’s in the morning. Deirdre, of course, doesn’t believe a word and suspects hanky-panky.

And finally this week, the Rovers Return comes first in the competition to win Pub of the Year, until the title is cruelly snatched from the glorious Gloria’s hands by Lewis, when he finds out she’s been stringing him along.

Glenda YoungCoronation Street Blog http://coronationstreetupdates.blogspot.com

Coronation Street Actor Bill Tarmey Dies ACTOR BILL TARMEY, 71, who for 30 years played loveable rogue Jack Duckworth on British soap opera Coronation Street, has died.

The show’s producers say Tarmey died in Tenerife. He had been in poor health for several years.

Jack and his tart-tongued wife Vera, played by Liz Dawn, were among the longest-running characters on the soap, which is set in a working-class community in northwest England.

Tarmey, a former laborer, joined Coronation Street in 1979 and left in 2010.The program has fans around the globe – including rapper Snoop Dogg, who

recorded a message to mark its 50th anniversary in 2010.

New IRA Faction Claims Northern Ireland KillingA NEW IRISH Republican Army faction has claimed responsibility for its first killing.

The group, which calls itself simply the IRA, says in the statement last month its members shot to death 52-year-old David Black last month because he worked as a guard at Northern Ireland’s high-security Maghaberry prison.

About 40 members of IRA factions are imprisoned there. The inmates have protested for more than a year against a policy of strip-searching them in search of weapons, drugs and cell phones.

Black was shot as he drove to work No-vember 1. His car plunged off a highway into a ravine.

The new faction says it represents a merger of three IRA splinter groups hostile to Northern Ireland’s peace process.

VALERIE ELIOT, the widow of TS Eliot and zealous guardian of the poet’s literary legacy for almost half a century, has died. She was 86.

In a statement last month, the Eliot estate said Valerie Eliot died two days before at her London home after a short illness.

Born Valerie Fletcher in Leeds, northern England, on August 17, 1926, Eliot was the second wife of the US-born Nobel literature laureate. She met him at London publisher Faber & Faber, where he was a director and she a star-struck secretary who had been a fan of his work since her teenage years.

“I felt I knew him as a person” from his poems, she told The Independent newspaper in 1994, “and evidently I did.”

The poet’s first marriage, to the mercurial Vivienne Haigh-Wood, had been unhappy; she died in an asylum in 1947.

HAPPYHe and Valerie wed in 1957, and

friends described the marriage as a happy one despite the almost 40-year gap in their ages.

Valerie Eliot later recalled that their routine included evenings at home eat-ing cheese and playing Scrabble and trips to the theater.

“He obviously needed a happy mar-riage,” she later said. “He wouldn’t die until he’d had it.”

After TS Eliot’s death in 1965, Val-erie became his executor, editing his poems and letters for publication and steadfastly refusing to cooperate with


would-be biographers, in keeping with the poet’s last wishes.

She did, however, welcome the un-likely idea of a stage musical based on a volume of Eliot’s whimsical verses, Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. It became the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Cats, a global hit that brought in huge sums for the Eliot estate.

Valerie Eliot used some of the windfall to set up a literary charity, Old Possum’s Practical Trust. She also funded the TS Eliot Prize, an annual award for poetry.

MASTERPIECEShe oversaw publication of a much-

praised facsimile edition of TS Eliot’s modernist masterpiece The Waste Land – whose bleakness was thought by some to have been influenced by his first marriage – and edited multiple volumes of letters that gave scholars new insights into the intensely private poet.

The latter was a long and unfinished project – the third volume of letters, published earlier this year, reaches only to 1927.

Valerie Eliot rarely gave interviews, but did speak to The Independent in 1994 on the release of the movie Tom and Viv, which portrayed the poet’s first wife as an adventurous spirit neglected by an unfeeling husband. Valerie de-fended TS Eliot against the allegation of neglect in his first marriage.

“Tom tried very hard and for a very long time to make a go of it, and he’s never given credit for that, is he?” she said.

TS Eliot’s Widow Valerie Eliot Dies At 86 Former Falklands Governor Rex Hunt

Dies At 86SIR REX HUNT, who was governor of the Falkland Islands at the time of the Argentine invasion in 1982, has died. He was 86.

Prime Minister David Cameron said last month that Hunt “should be a hero to everyone in Britain” for his service during the war, in which Britain successfully reclaimed the contested islands, called the Malvinas by the Argentines.

“He gave years of dedicated service to this country and to the Falkland Islands,” Cameron said. “Faced with invading forc-es in Port Stanley in April 1982, his cour-age, resolve and judgment fired the spirit of the Islanders and the British people to stand up to aggression and to defend the rights and freedom of the Islanders. My thoughts are with his family and friends as they mourn him today.”

Hunt’s government said the former governor, who died at a hospital in his country last month, will be remembered “for his courage and dignity” at the time of the Falklands conflict.

Hunt was taken captive by Argentine forces and expelled to Uruguay. He re-turned to the islands after British forces defeated the invaders, and resumed serv-ing as governor until 1985. He also served for many years as chairman of the Falk-land Islands Association and as president of the UK Falkland Islands Trust.

The cause of Hunt’s death was not given.

December 2012 Page 9ujnews.com



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UJ’s American in the UK Born in sunny California to a Liverpudlian

and Texan, I think I have a different take on life. I have been raised with the best of both worlds, and am lucky enough to have dual nationality, but consider myself American through and through. I grew up in America and spent summers in the UK. Since I’ve lived both in California and London, I have a unique perspective on life in the UK and America. While going to University in London, I produced a short film about Fisher FC, a small yet crazy football club. It was quite an experience ... I am now moving back to the UK, pursuing my PhD at Greenwich University in London. When I’m in the UK ... I long for LA, In LA I long for UK, a little case of grass is greener. C’est la vie.

I welcome UJ readers contacting me with questions. I can talk with passion and knowledge about both places. Just ask me, I’ll tell you what I know.

Feel free to contact me here on the UJ site, or at catsnitzer@gmail.com, or Facebook.LIVING IN London again is nothing short of amazing, finding a place to live, on the other hand, has been nothing short of horrendous. From an over amorous dog to an apparent haunted room, it has been a nightmare. After living at a hotel, which cost an arm and a leg, I have finally settled in a post-war (I think that is what we are calling it...) flat next to the rambunctious freeway. To be fair it is in an awesome location, four ways to school, next to a pub, all the essentials. I love having the choice between bus, walking, train and my all-time favourite, the boat.

The University of Greenwich, where I study, holds so much history; it is a dream to go there every day. It was originally The Palace Of Placentia, which indecently was the birth place of Henry The VIII. The Palace was torn down in the 17th century and The Greenwich hospital was built, this was later

turned into the Old Royal Naval College, and is now The University of Greenwich, the best University in the world! I am enjoying my studies; I am not however enjoying the bronchitis I seem to have picked up. Get-ting sick seems to be par with the course, however the NHS patched me right on up (granted it took three visits, but hey they don’t charge me, who am I to complain it would have cost $400, not including prescriptions back home).

Beautiful Greenwich Park overlooks the school, and was the site of many Olympic events, they really poured money into the area, now there are so many more restau-rants and pubs, they really made a big differ-ence, it was always lovely, but now it leans on the awesome side... On another note Thor 2 is being filmed at the university as I write this. I have to say the highlight was watching Chris Hemsworth, a security guard had to asked me to move on … Living in Greenwich there is so much to do. I absolutely love the markets here. I have a thing for vintage jewellery and regularly buy my body weight in it. I have turned into one of those people I hate; I have started my Christmas shopping. With all the amazing things in the market it is hard not to get a jump on it. I need some stuff to keep my new flat from looking like a bare insane asylum. I picked up some paints and canvas for super cheap, and hot tailed it down to the antique stores. For about £30 I turned my room into a great little place, now if they had extra bathrooms in the market I would be jumping for joy, six people, one house, two bathrooms, useless...

The lights have gone up all around London and it just looks beautiful. Christmas here is always so magical. They have a bar they put up every year in Canary Wharf and it feels like walking into a lodge in Tahoe. It is all just so lovely. London knows how to do Christmas right, and don’t even get me started on the mulled wine, I can’t get enough!!!

I was going to go with an enchanting Christmas quote about the joys and wonder-ment of the holiday but this really is much better, “Christmas carols always brought tears to my eyes. I also cry at weddings. I should have cried at a couple of my own.” ~Ethel Merman

Read Cat online at www.ujnews.com/columns/ujs-american-in-the-uk/

THE BBC’S TOP executive, George En-twistle, resigned last month amid a flood of controversy over the broadcaster’s handling of child sex-abuse cases.

His resignation caps a difficult month for the broadcaster, which first came under fire for not airing allegations of child sex abuse committed by one of its star hosts, the late Jimmy Savile. Just weeks later, the BBC’s prestigious investigative program, News-night, wrongly implicated a British politician in a child sex-abuse scandal.

It was the same program that had earlier shelved a report into Savile.

Here are key developments in the scandal:

October 29, 2011: Longtime BBC chil-dren’s television host Jimmy Savile dies at the age of 84. The eccentric, platinum haired entertainer, known for his garish tracksuits and Cuban cigars, is hailed as a true English eccentric when he is buried 10 days later. He had received a knighthood and numerous other honors.

December 2011: The long-trusted and publicly funded BBC pulls a Newsnight program that would have linked Savile to the repeated sexual abuse of children dur-ing his career at the broadcaster. Instead, the BBC shows tribute programs praising Savile, who had been active in numerous charities.

September 17, 2012: George Entwistle named BBC director general, succeeding Mark Thompson, who is becoming chief executive of The New York Times Co. in November.

October 2, 2012: Newsnight editor Peter Rippon writes a blog post saying the Savile program was shelved for editorial reasons, denies it was part of any BBC cover-up.

October 3, 2012: The extended media silence about Savile’s sex abuse is broken with a documentary by the BBC’s main commercial rival, ITV. The broadcast ex-poses the dark side of Savile’s life, which had been rumored but not documented. The show prompts a probe by police, which later leads to a formal criminal investigation into alleged sexual abuse by Savile and others.

October 12, 2012: With the police investigation producing many new leads, BBC director general George Entwistle announces the broadcaster will launch an official review of its culture and practices at the time of Savile’s offenses and investigate why the earlier Newsnight program was shelved.

October 22, 2012: A BBC Panorama show airs, with reporters quizzing senior management about why they canned the bombshell program on Savile. BBC says Pe-ter Rippon, Newsnight editor, will step aside pending an investigation into his decision to scrap the Savile story. The broadcaster also issues a correction to Rippon’s previous blog post, calling it “inaccurate.”

October 23, 2012: Entwistle appears before British lawmakers to address the BBC’s handling of the Savile crisis. He acknowledged there had been “a problem of culture within the BBC” that allowed Savile’s behavior to go unchecked. The BBC also said it is investigating claims of sexual abuse and harassment against nine staff members and contributors, in addition to Savile.

October 25, 2012: Metropolitan Police say there may be 300 potential victims of Savile and his associates as abuse reports increase. Savile is identified as one of the worst sex offenders in British history.

October 28, 2012: Police arrest former glam rock star and convicted sex offender Gary Glitter as part of the investigation into Savile and his associates.

November 2, 2012: BBC’s Newsnight show broadcasts an expose about child sex abuse in Wales in the 1970s and 1980s that includes allegations about an unnamed senior politician from the Margaret Thatcher era.

November 9, 2012: Alistair McAlpine, a

The Savile Child-Abuse Scandal As It Unfolded

Conservative party member of the House of Lords named in Internet chatter as the culprit, comes forward to deny the charges and threaten legal action against the BBC. The person who made the accusations in the Newsnight broadcast, Steve Messham, then apologizes and said it was a case of mistaken identity. BBC apologizes and suspends Newsnight investigations.

November 10, 2012: BBC’s top execu-tive, director-general George Entwistle, re-signs after his attempts to explain and apol-ogize for the situation fail to quell mounting criticism of the flagship broadcaster’s handling of the sex abuse scandal.

• Last month police swooped in on British comedian Freddie Starr.

Scotland Yard said in a statement released that a man in his 60s from the English county of Warwickshire had been taken into custody on suspicion of sexual assault. It didn’t name the suspect, but nearly all major British media outlets identified the man as Starr, who is in his 60s and lives in the village of Studley, in Warwickshire.

Starr – was a 1970s variety show favorite known for his good looks and roguish humor. Police refused to answer any questions about the arrest, but the development had been widely anticipated. Starr himself volunteered to speak to detectives after being accused of having groped the woman whose claims are at the center of Savile scandal.

He had previously denied any wrongdo-ing. “Never would I go with an underage girl,” he told the BBC last month. “Never, ever, ever.”

Starr stands accused by Karin Ward, who says she was 14 when the come-dian “had a very bad attack of wandering hands” when the pair were backstage at a television show hosted by Savile in the 1970s. Ward’s claims have received par-ticular attention because she was the first alleged victim of Savile to speak publically about her ordeal. Her allegations helped touch off an avalanche of sex abuse claims against the eccentric BBC star, resulting in a massive scandal which has pulverized Savile’s reputation, rocked the BBC, and horrified Britons.

• A decision by Jimmy Savile’s execu-tors to freeze his estate has cleared the way for a host of financial claims against the late entertainer, alleged to be one of Britain’s most prolific child sex abusers.

National Westminster Bank said last month it had frozen his considerable as-sets to make it easier for possible victims to get financial settlements.

The bank gave few details, citing confidentiality rules, but victims’ lawyers welcomed the decision, which means Savile’s estate will be kept intact while claims are pursued.

“It’s what they needed to do,” said lawyer Alan Collins, who represents 12 women who say they were abused by Savile in the 1960s and 1970s. “Obviously it’s welcome news, otherwise you would have to go to court to get a freezing order. This makes it easier.”

He said that under British law it will

be possible for Savile’s alleged victims to seek financial compensation based on pain and suffering even though he has died.

Savile’s estate is reportedly worth £4.3m. He left much of it to a charitable trust.

Many crimes have a three-year statute of limitations, but that doesn’t apply to child sex abuse cases because of a 2008 ruling by Britain’s top court, she said.

• Amidst allegations that Jimmy Savile used his fame and charity work that took him to schools and care homes to abuse hundreds of young people in past decades, there are now other serious child-abuse allegations aganst unnamed policital figures that have been brought up by various news sources. This has caused the Prime Minister to warn against a witch hunt

David Cameron has authorized two new inquiries into widespread child abuse at care homes, foster homes and other institutions for vulnerable young people in Wales in the 1970s and 1980s. One victim has alleged that previous investigations had failed to examine accusations against a senior figure within Cameron’s Conservative Party at the time.

The political figure has not been named, and no official with the Conser-vative Party – led from the mid-1970s until 1990 by Thatcher – has ever faced charges in connection to the abuse scandal.

• The beleaguered BBC is asking its staff to tone down the tweets.

Britain’s national broadcaster is in crisis over its bungled reporting of a child sex-abuse scandal. Its top executive has resigned, two more have temporarily stepped down and others are facing disciplinary proceedings.

Unsurprisingly, some of the BBC’s 20,000 staff – including well-known personalities – have taken to social media to discuss its woes.

The Daily Telegraph newspaper re-ported last month that Fran Unsworth, the newly appointed head of BBC News, had sent an email urging staff to pull together and advising that “it would be helpful if some of our problems were not played out publicly across social media and in the pages of the national press.”

The BBC confirmed that Unsworth “did send an email of that nature.”

BBC Could Face Public Inquiry Over SavileCULTURE Secretary Maria Miller said last month the government could order a full public inquiry into the British Broadcasting Corp’s handling of the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal.

Maria Miller was quoted as telling The Sunday Telegraph newspaper that a formal investigation into the broadcaster “remains an option.”

Savile, one of the BBC’s best known entertainers, has been accused of sexu-ally abusing hundreds of vulnerable young people. Police said that the TV host, who died last year at the age of 84, and accomplices, may have abused at least 300 people, mainly women.

The BBC is conducting its own internal inquiries into how Savile’s behavior was allowed to go unchecked for decades. It is also probing the decision by the channel’s flagship current affairs show to shelve an investigation into Savile.

George Entwistle

Olympic Security Firm G4S Loses UK Prison Contract

THE BRITISH security company criticized over its failures at London’s Olympic Games has lost a contract to run a private jail.

G4S acknowledged in early July – weeks before the Summer Games began – that it could not provide all 10,400 security guards it had been contracted to deliver, forcing Britain’s government to call in thousands of troops. The firm said the problem cost it £50m.

Britain’s justice ministry says that, from next year, G4S would stop running Wolds prison in northern England. Inspectors have voiced concern over security at the prison, including the availability of drugs to prisoners.

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling says bids by the firm would also not be considered when contracts to run four other prisons are awarded next year.


Page 10 December 2012ujnews.com

IS IT A CAR? Or is it a bike? Well it could be either one depending on where one lives.

In the UK, it is a bike or at least it is taxed as one. Stateside it depends in which State it is registered in. In California you would need a car driver’s license to drive this three-wheeler. Elsewhere in the States though one

crumple-zone encased cocoon with the oc-cupants surrounded by cushions of airbags, lulling the drivers and their passengers into a serene sense of comfort and security. This is what driving should be like, few distractions, perhaps only to change a radio station or select a different song to enjoy, while sipping one’s latte.

It’s great that this is how motoring has evolved. To compare motoring today against the experience 50 years ago, it is like a magic carpet ride in current times, but, yet some-times we still feel like something is missing from time to time. It is the thrill, modernisation has taken away the thrill, the risk and the sheer exuberance of driving.

The great Sir Stirling Moss once said that it was the danger of motor racing that gave him the pleasure and the thrill to race. Well, the Morgan three-wheel cycle car satisfies this need. Imagine, leaving the decadence of the luxury family car at home on occasion, and donning your windcheater and bonnet (a hel-met is a good idea but not a legal necessity). Goggles are not a must but are advisable, as this baby is so open, and drives so close to the ground that road debris and fodder could become lethal at speed. Plus, earmuffs would be a welcome extravagance. To maneuvre oneself into the cockpit of this Morgan three-wheeler the steering wheel can be detached by the aid of a quick-release fitting to aid the process. Settle down in the hand-sewn leather seat, engage the three-point seat belt harness, press the starter together with the accelerator pedal and allow oneself to be thrilled beyond belief.

The smile or grin if you will is a natural reaction for the occupant even before one actually gets going. It’s the sound generated from the Morgan’s S&S proprietary V-twin engine and the throbbing, warbling power delivered right through the seat. It has been designed loud, I suspect as a a safety feature to warn anyone in the vicinity to be aware and “get the hell out of the way” as this three-wheeled bullet is about to exit from the barrel of civility. The 120hp generated from the two-litre Harley Davis tuned V-twin motor is transferred to the single rear drive wheel via a modified Mazda slick five-speed manual gearbox through to a prop shaft, then to a bevel gearbox before being picked up by a rubber belt.

Zero to sixty, if one has got the nerve, takes only 4.5 seconds and can propel the occupants to 115mph. All this so close to the

ground, that just reaching beyond the exhaust pipe one can touch that same ground. It is no magic carpet ride and yet the exhilaration of driving this new three-wheel Morgan exceeds all expectation.

The Morgan motor car company is not new to the three-wheeled motor cars, in fact they have had a long history of making them from 1911 through to 1952. They figured out back then that two wheels up front and one driving wheel at the rear was the only way to go for maneuverability and stability. They were renowned for competition back then with their speed and great handling power. This new modern version has dispensed with the sliding pillar suspension used on the originals in favor of a modern Formula One approach. This new three-wheeler has an independent front suspension that soaks up bumps, potholes, and pavement irregulari-ties with alacrity. The steering is nimble and, with the three-wheeler’s almost absurdly compact dimensions, one soon feels as if he could drive around everything as if on a motorcycle. That is, within a safer, more stable relation.

As for looks, well it’s not unlike the Morgan three-wheelers of the past which is probably the best thing about them, they look bloody marvelous. As with the originals the V-twin engine is open and on display up front, it is a two-litre V-twin S&S on today’s models as opposed to a one-litre Matchless V-twin on the original but they look strikingly similar. The livery is bespoke, that is you can order them in any range of colors and trimming, the cockpit is all leather with an instrument clus-

ter resembling that of a WW1 bi-plane. The RAF spitfire livery is particularly impressive.

These are not your average daily runabouts although they could be, they are two seaters and tight at that, they are open topped with no cover except for a tonneau cover so if it rains one will get wet, and they cost upwards of $40,000. That’s the downside; the upside is that they are a heck of a lot of fun, thrilling fun, they have style, the drivers have style, they look fantastic and it is very unlikely that you can lose money on a Morgan as their value almost never decreases, and in time will greatly increase.

Having mentioned that, it’s Christmas time soon, order one now and it might be ready by next Christmas as there is a waiting list as usual for this new Morgan. They are worth it though, a time capsule back to the days of real motoring.

Happy Holidays and Happy Motoring.

would have to pass a test on two wheels to legally drive one, as a motorcycle license is required to drive the Morgan three-wheel cycle car.

There are a few car safety regulations that do not apply to the Morgan three-wheeler even in this rule-stringent day and age of motor car safety requirements. No crash test requirement, no body impact zones, and no airbags are needed on these very fast vehicles. This, of course makes them super-frighteningly fast which is a great part of the charm of this new Morgan.

Such is the technology of motorcars today that one can be travelling twice the speed than it actually feels along a pavement that feels twice as smooth as it actually is in reality. All this inside the quiet comfort of a

The Morgan

BRITAINWASN’TBUILT ONCAMOMILEFancy, frilly, flowery teas are all very well. But to get through a busy day, us Brits need a strong, satisfying builder’s tea. The brew that gets right to the heart of your thirst.

You dig?

Make Mine a Builders tea is now available at Cost Plus World Market and British stores across America. To find your nearest retailer visit www.makemineabuilders.com/us

If you are a retailer interested in stocking Make Mine a Builders tea, please contact: BWI, Inc. 818-991-6644 info@bwi-imports.comwww.bwi-imports.com

(I welcome comments, requests and recipes and can be reached at Yourcuppatea1@yahoo.com)

December 2012 Page 11ujnews.com

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of Love”

– Mary Englebreit

DURING MY recent trip back to England in September, all the pubs were advertising their Christmas Eve, Day and Boxing Day menus, and encouraging early booking. I understand that a lot of people do not cook anymore and this is getting to be more the norm, going to a pub or hotel. I started to collect all the menus I found, and even thought the tradi-tional items were featured, there were a lot of creative different choices and a lot for vegetarians. So I thought it would be of interest to you foodies out there, if I would just list some of the goodies I saw. The areas we were in were, Market Harborough, Leics, Hitchin, Herts, Saffron Walden, Essex, Rye, Chid-dingley, and Eastboume, all in Sussex.

Sta r te rs i nc luded : Scottish Salmon and King Prawns in a horseradish mayonnaise, Smoked chicken and bacon pate, Spiced Pear and Blue cheese tart, Foie Gras and chicken parfait, fig and ginger jam, Duck Liver parfait, Devilled Whitebait, Chestnut soup, truffle oil and walnut bread, Wealdon smoked venison carpaccio, chick-en and walnut dressing, Roast beetroot carpaccio, pickled walnuts, goats cheese and honey dressing, Woodland mushroom and Spinach tart, Pigeon breast, cauliflower puree, bacon and parsnip crisps, Smoked trout, watercess and horseradish tart, Pate served with apricot, sultana and cinnamon chutney, etc etc!! Not to mention all the variety of soups also, a wonderful and eclectic choice.

Main Course: Of course all had roast turkey and traditional sides, and a lot of vegetarian choices, but other choices included: Bistro filet of beef with wild mushroom and rosemary sauce with truffle mash, Vegetable strudel stuffed with Quorn,

mushrooms, chestnut and sage with an orange cranberry sauce and new potatoes, Local game in a rich port and thyme stew, Suckling pig, crackling and caramelized apples, House Deli board which had honey roast ham and watercress, lemon and thyme chicken breast and spinach, stilton cheese, with roasted red onion chutney. Duck, Lamb, Pork, Salmon and other fish, Partridge and venison were also served in various ways.

Desserts: One of every thing please! A wonderful selection of choices, all of course included the traditional Christmas pudding with brandy sauce and mince pies, but other choices included: Chocolate Truffle torte and clotted cream, Jersey Clotted cream cheesecake with apple and flapjack crumble topping, Chocolate and raspberry fondant with blackcurrant ice cream, Rum and winter spiced fruit cheesecake, Poached winterberry shortbread with lavender ice

cream, Spiced pineapple carpaccio and coconut panna cotta, Winter fruit crumble, Iced orange curd parfait with hazelnut shortbread, Meringue with whipped cream, poached winter fruit and mulled wine syrup. Double chocolate profiteroles filled with chocolate cream and served with warm chocolate and orange sauce, Citrus lemon tart with blueberry compote and crème fraiche, and so much more.

Cheese Selection: I love a cheeseboard after a special meal like Christmas, nowa-days I just serve stilton when I can find it. However I think British cheeses are the

world’s best, and such a variety depending on the region one is in, but luverly choices include, Stilton, Cheddar, Wendsleydale, Gloucesteshire, etc, all so great. So, as you can see from the above incredible choices, things have changed, quite a bit through the years, and it is all very im-pressive, I think the previous bad reputation that British food had, is no longer warranted.

So, dear readers, I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday sea-son, and you can make your own traditions for your meals.

My recipe is one I made up several years ago, and I served

it at all my personal Holiday teas, always very popular and timely for the season, hope you enjoy it.

Mulled Wine:3 cups burgundy or favourite full bodied

red wine4 cups water1 orange stuck with. Whole cloves2 sliced oranges1 can lemonade concentrate6 Tbsp honey12 sticks of cinnamon2-3 Tbsp fruit liquor such as Cointreau,

Grand Marnier, or BrandyPut all the ingredients into a large heavy

saucepan, and simmer slowly until the honey has all dissolved. Keep simmering at a very low heat (a crock pot is ideal for this) Do not let boil. Yield about 18 servings, depending on the size if the mugs used.

It makes the house smell divine too!!!

A NEW ZEALAND man was charged with planning to assault Prince Charles during a royal visit to the Pacific nation.

Charles and his wife Camilla were on a six-day tour of New Zealand, the last leg of their Pacific tour marking Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th Jubilee.

Police say they arrested a “known anti-royalist” near a downtown Auckland venue where the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall were due to appear. Police say the royal couple had not yet arrived at the venue and were never in any danger.

Police say the 74-year-old man was carrying an item but they would not say what it was. He was due to appear in the Auckland District Court.

NZ Man Arrested For Planned Assault On Prince Charles

Merry Britmas to all my readers – Hugs and Happiness – Patricia

Page 12 December 2012ujnews.com

This paper reaches the British community in all parts of Florida and, of course, the US o

The opinions in this column are Patri-cia Kawaja’s and not necessarily shared by Union Jack Publishing.

‘TIS HARDER to feel that incomparable English Christmas among palm trees, so celebrating with jolly Brits at the events below may kick start your Yuletide spirit. Many British clubs across Florida don’t get Union Jack Newspaper so don’t provide info for this column, so email me so I can connect you directly with a club near you. Likewise British pubs across Florida, many of which offer English Christmas ambiance. Send to britishflorida@aol.com with From UJ reader on subject line.

n ENGLISH CHRISTMAS PARTY hosted by the British-American Club of SW Florida. A fun evening of music, prizes and a tradi-tional Turkey Dinner plus all the traditional trimmings with English Christmas pudding and mince pies with brandy sauce or cus-tard. Great raffle prizes and a Christmas hamper filled with various British goodies. Live DJ all evening. This event takes place on Friday, December 14 from 7pm-10pm at a British-run bistro-bar in downtown Ft Myers. Book early as this always sells out. Cost is $30 per person or $15 members). Must pre-book call (239) 691 4745.

n CHRISTMAS PARTY by the British American Chamber of Commerce of Or-lando at a fun and elegant wine bar between Orlando and Kissimmee. This exclusive and private event is 7:30pm on Friday, December 14, with full buffet, plenty of wine, endless dancing and unlimited networking opportuni-ties. $65 a ticket. Must pre-book by calling BACC office on (407) 226-7251.

n ENGLISH CHRISTMAS SHOPPING simplified! Imagine a place where you can get all your must-have English Christmas goodies from classic Cadbury’s selection boxes and Hobnobs, to Premier League football shirts and Royal souvenirs in an Aladdin’s cave of gifts for every male and female Brit and Anglophile in your life. In one

place. On one trip. Plus you can take a break while choosing over a fresh-brewed cuppa and Mr Kipling in their tearoom next door. That’s what the British Marketplace (954) 584-8888 in Davie offers, so it’s highly rec-ommended. Whenever inside, I’m stunned at the vast inventory of imported British items you can’t see elsewhere in Florida stocked by Welsh owner David Williams. It’s the go-to choice for Miami Brits who lost their only Britshop years ago. See their ad this issue. Their tearoom is a gathering spot for jovial Brits, so chances are you’ll run into pals for a few larfs.

n AGATHA CHRISTIE’S Classic Mystery Series The BBC Murders runs from Janu-ary 15 to February 3, 2013 at the Broward Cente, Ft Lauderdale. More information on tickets (954)462-0222.

n ST GEORGE’S SOCIETY OF PALM BEACH, formed October 2012, meets once a month for dinner at the Chesterfield Hotel in Palm Beach. To Join call (561) 659-2045 and ask for Elizabeth.

n PALM BEACH at the Norton Museum of Art. The Windsor Castle Lecture and Afternoon Tea reception presented by the Reverend Canon Dr James Woodward over from the UK. During the Second World War Windsor Castle was the safe and secluded home of Their Royal Highnesses, The Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. This presentation offers a rare glimpse into life in the Castle and St George’s Chapel, sharing previously unseen pictures from the Royal Archives and stories of determination to con-tinue living and working in the face of war. In 2009, Her Majesty the Queen appointed Dr Woodward to a Canonry of St George’s Chapel within her Castle Windsor. His duties include oversight of the 55 mediaeval build-ings that make up the 700-year-old College of St George. Takes place Tuesday, January

15, 2013 at 3pm at the Norton.Must pre-book by phoning Graham Rus-

sell on (561) 832-5196 extension 1117.n ENGLEBERT HUMPERDINCK. Yes he

must be three centuries old, but like Tony Bennett his talent is undimmed. Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 8pm at Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood. Phone Box Office (954) 797-5555.

n ROLLING STONES SHOW. (Not the real Rubber Lips with Craggy Cheeks Richards, of course). This is called Satisfaction, The International Rolling Stones Show and is celebrating the real Stones 50th Anniversary Celebration Tour. Haven’t seen this and wouldn’t because I loathe Rolling Stones music, so this homage may be great or feeble for you Stones fans but confirmed Florida dates are: December 27, 2012 in Hammock Beach, Palm Coast March 20 and Ft Myers March 23 with others to follow. For complete Florida dates (866) 215-3811.

n BURNS SUPPER. The Scottish Ameri-can Society of South Florida invites you to A Dinner, Concert and Dance, complete with the Ode to the Haggis by a real Scotsman to commemorate the 253rd Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns. This event takes place Saturday, January 26, 2013 at the Or-angebrook Country Club in Hollywood. Must pre-book by calling (954) 894-0555.

n PINT AND A PIE CORNER. Herewith one Florida British pub picked at random. This is not a recommendation, unless I have personally checked out the pub, so you may deem it divine or dire. Pop in and see: THE SHAMROCK and THISTLE PUB in Titusville (321) 567-4911. A Scottish-Irish name but with British owners Andrew and Deb Palmer.

n BRITISH CLUBS CORNER:1) OCALA Area in the Villages. The

British-American Club call (352) 750-9109 and ask for Jean Haslam.

2) PENSACOLA: The British West Florid-ians Club. Phone (850) 453-3316 and ask for Jean Curtis.

ELSEWHERE: Looking for British clubs in your corner of Florida? No space on this page to list them all, so email me your name/city/contact phone and I will reply with details. Put UJ Club info on subject line.

n MIAMI: Ongoing till Spring 2013. A great dose of British culture! Super films Live from the acclaimed National Theatre of London will be showing at South Miami’s Coral Gables Cinema for several

months. See details on their website www.gablescinema.com or phone cinema office (786) 385-9689.

n SIDE-SPLITTING BRITISH musical Monty Python’s Spamalot – a deserving Tony winner – returns to Florida. From Janu-ary 25 to 26, 2013 at the Broward Center, Ft Lauderdale. Box Office (954) 462-0222 or www.BrowardCenter.org.

n SUBMIT BRITISH EVENTS. Tampa, Jacksonville, Kissimmee, Naples, Gaines-ville, Pensacola, Key West, Palm Beach and all crannies of Florida. I am Miami-based without mind-reader powers, so can’t know what your activities are unless you notify me. This is a monthly paper so submit details by email only weeks ahead. Must include name and phone of the organizer. Send to britishflorida@aol.com with UJ Florida Column on the subject line.

December 2012 Page 13ujnews.com


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www.ackroydsbakeryAMANDA’S UNION JACK, MA

978-536-0874 www.amandasunionjack.comAMES BRITISH FOODS, IA

515-598-5127 www.amesbritishfoods.com

BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX 512-691-9140

www.sherlockspubco.comBAKER ST PUB & GRILL, CO

720-974-9490 www.sherlockspubco.com

BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX 817-377-9772

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303-953-5510 www.sherlockspubco.com

BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, CO 303-577-2790

www.sherlockspubco.comBAKER ST PUB & GRILL, OK

405-751-1547 www.sherlockspubco.com

BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX 713-942-9900

www.sherlockspubco.comBAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX

713-986-8536 www.sherlockspubco.com

BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, OK 918-286-2227

www.sherlockspubco.comBAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX

281-517-0828 www.sherlockspubco.com

BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX 281-362-7431

www.sherlockspubco.comBASICALLY BRITISH, OH

937-222-1488 www.basicallybritish.com


www.britishbeer.com BEST OF BRITISH, VA

757-723-7480 www.bestofbritishonline.com

BEST OF EUROPE, CA 661-943-0257

BLACK WATCH PUB, CA 909-981-6069



www.theblueanchor.comBOB’S NEWS AND BOOKS, FL


321-639-6839BRITANNIA ARMS – SJ, CA

www.britanniaarms.comBRITANNIA ARMS – Cupertino, CA

408-252-7262 www.britanniaarmscupertino.comBRITANNIA ARMS – Aptos, CA

831-688-1233 www.britanniaarmsaptos.com

BRITISH ACCENTS, IL http://british-accents.comTHE BRITISH AISLE, WA



CHARLOTTE, FL 941-627-9908



www.thebritconnection.comBRITISH CONNECTION, WA

253-509-0474 www.thebritconnection.com



407-396-9534 cw8619@yahoo.com

BRITISH ISLES INC, TX 713-522-6868

http://britishislesonline.comBRITISH PANTRY, GA

478-953-4009 www.britishpantryga.com

BRITISH PANTRY, UT 801-562-0123


www.thebritishpantryltd.comBRITISH PEDLAR, FL

855-366-9919 www.britishpedlar.com


www.broadripplebrewpub.comCHURCHILL’S PUB, TX

972-562-2929 www.churchillsmckinney.com

COAT OF ARMS PUB, NH 603-431-0407

www.coatofarmspub.comTHE CODFATHER, AZ

602-788-1199 www.thecodfatheraz.com

COOK’S (DELI/KITCHEN), FL www.theenglishcook.com

813-832-2665THE CORNER SHOP, GA

404-579-9629 www.thecornershopga.com


www.crownandanchorlv.comENGLISH GARDENER GIFT SHOP, NJ

856-354-5051 www.shophaddonfieldnj.com/retailers/englishgardener.php

ENGLISH SHOP, MO 636-946-2245

www.theenglishshoponline.comTHE ENGLISH TEACUP, CO

303-751-3032 www.englishteacup.com


EVERSEW ENGLISH, VA 540-371-3547

http://eversewenglish.com/FOX & PARROT TAVERN, TN

865-436-0677 www.fox-and-parrot.com

4&20 PASTY COMPANY, FL 941-927-1421

www.4and20pastycompany.comGEORGE & DRAGON PUB, AZ

602-241-0018 www.georgeanddragonpub.net

GEORGE & DRAGON PUB, WA 206-545-6864

www.georgeanddragonpub.comHARE & HOUNDS PUBLIC HOUSE, WA


352-563-0028HILLER’S MARKET, MI

248-355-2122 www.hillers.com


HORSE BRASS PUB, OR 503-232-2202

www.horsebrass.comHOSPITALITY USA, TX

713-464-8167 http://hospitalityusa.com

INDO-CHINA MARKET, CA 805-968-3353

INDO-EURO FOOD, INC, AZ 602-485-0776


www.johnbullenglishpub.comLADY DI’S BRITISH STORE, OR

503-635-7298LION & ROSE (Sonterra), TX

210-798-4154 www.thelionandrose.com

LION & ROSE (Castle Hills), TX 210-798-4154

www.thelionandrose.comLION & ROSE PUB, (San Antonio), TX

210-822-7673 www.thelionandrose.com

LITTLE CROWN & ANCHOR 702-876-4733

www.crownandanchorlv.comLITTLE TASTE OF BRITAIN, UT

801-390-2318 www.littletasteofbritain.com

LONDON BRIDGE PUB, CA 831-372-0581

www.lbpmonterey.comLONDON LOOKS, FL

305-772-6156 www.londonlookshairdesign.com

LONDON MARKET, UT 801-531-7074

www.thelondonmarket.comLONDON PRIDE, FL

727-517-3550 www.londonpride.com

THE LOOKOUT BAR & GRILL, CA 805-985-9300

www.thelookoutchannelislands.comMACNIVEN’S RESTAURANT & BAR, IN

317-632-SCOT www.macnivens.com

MAJOR MARKET, CA 760-741-7827 / 760-723-7305

www.majormarketgrocery.comTHE MAYFLOWER, CA

415-456-1011 www.themayflowerpub.com


www.ninasgrocery.netOH FANCY THAT, CA


805-736-1122 http://penelopesteas.comPENNY HA’PENNY, CT

203-762-2233 www.pennyhapenny.com

PLAZA PANTRY, CA 724-526-3619

THE PRESS ROOM, CA 805-963-8121


THE PRINCE OF WALES, FL 904-810-5725

www.theprinceofwalesstaugustine.comTHE PUB HAMPTON, VA


702-794-9458 www.queenviclasvegas.com

QUIPS PUB, PA 717-397-3903

www.quipspub.comRED LION PUB & RESTAURANT, FL

863-439-1700 www.redlionpubandrestaurant.biz

ROSE & THISTLE, OR 503-287-8582

ROYAL MALE, RI 401-846-8465

www.royalmale.comROYAL MILE, IA

515-280-3771 http://royalmilebar.comSCOTS CORNER, FL

941-953-6707 www.scotscorner.net


www.scottishmillshop.comSHERLOCK’S BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX

972-726-6100 www.sherlockspubco.com


www.sherlockspubco.comSHERLOCK’S BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX

512-380-9443 www.sherlockspubco.com


www.sherlockspubco.comSHERLOCK’S BAKER ST PUB & GRILL, TX

210-572-9307 www.sherlockspubco.com

SHERLOCK’S BAKER ST PUB, TX (281) 461-4702

www.sherlockspubco.comSHERLOCK’S BAKER ST PUB, TX

713-977-1857 www.sherlockspubco.com

SHIP INN, OR 503-325-0033

SIMPLE 2 UNIQUE, AZ 623-536-1190

THE SIXPENCE, GA 912-238-1348

www.sixpencepub.comSPENCERFOODS.COM, IL

312-415-6919 spencerfoods.com

STREETS OF LONDON PUB - Folsom, CA 916-984-3706

www.streetsoflondon.netTAVERN RESTAURANT GROUP, OH

513-605-4700 www.tavernrestaurantgroup.comTHE BRITISH CHIP SHOP, NJ

856-354-0204 www.thebritishchipshop.com

THE PUB HAMPTON, VA 757-838-2748

www.thebritishpubs.comTOUCH OF BRITAIN, CA

916-344-8472 www.touchofbritain.comTHINGS UK LTD, OK


386-756-0896THE UK SHOPPE, FL

352-391-5788 www.theukshoppe.com

UNION JACK PUB & REST, VA 540-722-3976

www.theunionjackpub.comUNION JACK PUB 2, IN

317-257-4343 www.unionjackpub-broadripple.com

UNION JACK STORE, MA 978-535-6256


www.unionjacksbethesda.com UNION JACK’S COLUMBIA, MD

410-740-5225 www.unionjackscolumbia.com


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Retired Bishop Arrested In Sex Abuse ProbePOLICE HAVE arrested a retired Church of England bishop and a retired priest in an investigation of alleged child sex abuse in the diocese of Chichester.

Britain’s Press Association said 80-year-old retired bishop Peter Ball was arrested at his home on suspicion of eight offenses with boys and young men in the 1980s and 1990s. Police would not identify the suspect, but when asked about Ball, po-lice said the force arrested an 80-year-old at his home on suspicion of sex offenses.

He was later released at his home “on

medical advice” and police said they intend to interview him at a later date.

British police do not generally identify suspects under arrest by name until they are charged.

Police confirmed that a 67-year-old priest also was arrested on suspicion of abuses in 1981 and 1983. He was not identified, but police later said he had been released on bail while inquiries continue.

The bishop of Chichester, Martin War-ner, said the church had cooperated with the investigation.

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Cuban Trader by Roger Asquith

ROGER ASQUITH Trained as a Marine Radio Officer in London and set sail around the world on British, Australian and Swedish vessels and finally the hell ship known as the Cuban Trader. He then went on to become a cameraman for the CBC in Canada and on to Hollywood where he started writing for magazines and founded the Hollywood News Service.

This is an autobiographical novel of the Cuban Revolution, a murderous captain and a mutinous crew and their challenges while carrying hot molasses from Cuba to Philadelphia.

I found this a tough one to start. It is quite graphic in the descriptions of what happens to the young East German refugees that sign on to what they think is going to be a better life away from their past, only to find that they now work for a former Nazi U-boat officer and are sexually abused by the officer in charge of them.

Roger befriends his fellow officer, an American, Richard, and they find themselves

caught in the middle of the revolution in Cuba where they are thrown in jail. The jail is rat-infested and they are forced to witness torture, gang rape and executions.

The story of their escapades and their eventual very close escape which includes gold bars, mutiny and a shipwreck, is a good one in itself and makes the book worth a read.

Imperial Blood by Andrew Richards

THIS IS the second book by the wonderful writer Andrew Richards! Imperial Blood starts off with a bang, similar to his first book, The Devil’s Wave. It again has our CIA man Scott Adler involved. Modern day Russia is in turmoil. The President barely clings to power and has agreed to let the people decide whether to maintain the presidency or reinstate the rule of the Tsars. The President, Petrov, of course has laid plans (he thinks) that will keep him in power.

There is a descendant from the Romanov family who can claim the crown and Petrov wants to make sure this person is dead. Only a secret few know of the identity of this per-son and it is a race between Petrov’s people and Scott Adler’s loyal crew (once again including the Brits) who try to beat Petrov’s people in locating the person and protecting them. In order to do this they have to follow and decipher a set of clues left by the heir’s guardians.

The search takes you from the United

States to Russia to France to Italy and the UK. Plenty of action and, once again, you can totally relate many things to modern day news pieces. And, as before, Scott Adler can trust only a very few in his group.

Andrew once again keeps you on the edge of your seat for this wild ride and I will give the same caution I did with his first book – you won’t want to put it down once you start! Absolutely wonderfully written and a great story.

Can’t wait for the next one!

The Evening Wolves by Kate Carter GoochTHIS STORY is a World War II murder mystery with plenty of twists and turns and will keep you guessing until the very end.

Sergeant Whitaker is in the hospital when he’d much rather be at home with his wife and children. He decides to go home (sneaking out) and he takes a shortcut down the haunted Monk’s Lane. He never reaches home and the next day there are several questions about a murdered girl found in Monk’s Lane. His daughters know the murdered girl and then the one daughter meets the murdered girl’s brother. Much mystery and intrigue ensue and many more people wind up dead while we are trying to figure out why the girl was murdered and who did it. Nazi spies are involved as well as a group called the evening wolves.

An interesting read of a story that winds a bit of history along with a murder mystery.

Page 14 December 2012ujnews.com

ABOUT 10,000 socialist protesters marched through Dublin last month in opposition to government plans to unveil Ireland’s sixth straight austerity budget.

The capital’s major boulevard, O’Connell Street, was filled in both direc-tions with marchers, some donning ghostly white masks and Santa hats.

The demonstrators were from a wide range of anti-tax campaigns, labor unions and community groups, most of them with a hard-left bent. Many bore banners de-nouncing government leaders and vowing not to pay new and future tax hikes.

“The government can’t be given a free hand to cut whatever they like. You have to be willing to get out on the streets and do something,” said Lizzy Stringer, a 26-year-old school assistant who marched in a hand-made protest suit emblazoned with words summarizing the personal despair

FANTASTIC FIBBERS competed at a remote pub in northwestern England last month for the title of world’s big-gest liar.

Judges planned on deliberating into the night after two hours of competition at the Bridge Inn in the Lake District hamlet of Santon Bridge. Contestants were given five minutes to impress the judges with a whopping but convinc-ing lie.

This years World’s Biggest Liar is Jack Harvey, the 25-year-old local man from Whitehaven, entered for the first time and wowed the judges and audience with his story telling. He told a tale of how the genetics of a “Cumbrian” per-son is made up of two percent badger, he concluded this from the way we eat our food and other mannerisms.

Second place went to The Right Hon Septicas Peabody who claimed that a Fish and Chip shop had opened on the top of Scafell Pike, and third place went to Johnny Liar, the World’s Biggest Liar champ who has won the competi-tion seven times! Politicians and lawyers are barred from entry, as they are con-sidered to have an unfair advantage.

10,000 March In Dublin Against Next Irish Budget

behind Ireland’s debt crisis: hunger, de-pression, suicide.

The parade mixed darker themes with gallows humor. A rider on horseback in white mask and black cape depicting Death led the parade, while the horse had a “no to austerity” banner round its neck.

On placards Irish leaders were portrayed as serpents, with pleas to St Patrick to re-turn and banish them from Ireland. March-ers donned Santa hats, some bearing the slogan “No no no!” rather than ho ho ho, and warned that the government wanted to play Grinch and steal Christmas.

Ireland faces more protests in the buildup to the December 5 budget, when the government of Prime Minister Enda Kenny is committed to unveiling a further euro3.5bn ($4.5bn) in spending cuts and tax hikes in this country of 4.6 million people.

Liars Line Up To Challenge For World’s Biggest Liar Trophy

The competition was founded in honor of 19th-century Bridge Inn land-lord Will Ritson, who was renowned for his tall tales.

The event was sponsored by local brewer Jennings, which has produced a World’s Biggest Liar ale to mark the event.

December 2012 Page 15ujnews.com

Karen’s California Events Calendar

Man Demoted For Facebook Comments

Wins CaseBRITAIN’S High Court ruled last month that a Christian was unfairly demoted for posting his opposition to gay marriage on Facebook.

Adrian Smith was stripped of his management position with the Trafford Housing Trust in northwest England and had his salary cut by 40 percent after posting that gay weddings in churches were “an equality too far.”

The trust said Smith broke its code of conduct by expressing religious or politi-cal views that might upset co-workers.

But High Court judge Michael Briggs ruled that Smith had been “taken to task for doing nothing wrong” and found his employer guilty of breach of contract.

Smith said he was glad the court had backed the principle that “Britain is a free country where people have freedom of speech.”

And he received support from vet-eran gay rights and civil liberties cam-paigner Peter Tatchell, who said Smith’s employer had overreacted.

“In a democratic society, Adrian has a right to express his point of view, even if it is misguided and wrong,” Tatchell said.

Trafford Housing Trust chief execu-tive Matthew Gardiner, said he “fully accepted” the court’s decision and had apologized to Smith, though it was not clear whether he would be reinstated.

In Britain, same-sex couples can cur-rently form civil partnerships, which carry the same legal rights as marriage. The government wants to change the law to include gay marriage, a move opposed by many religious groups.

Britain Chastises Spain For Gibraltar ‘Incursions’

NORTHEAST OHIOBy Joe Nicholls. Joe and Kevin McGinty can be

heard on “Sounds of Britain and Ireland” Sundays 4-5pm (EDT) on Cleveland’s WCPN 90.3FM and www.wcpn.org.

DECEMBER2: Cleveland Manx Society, Christmas lun-

cheon, Holiday Inn, Independence,1pm (216) 481-2476.

7, 21: British-American Club, Fish & chips din-ners, 8564 Ravenna Rd, (off Rte 82) Twinsburg, 6:30-8:30pm (330) 963-6370.

7, 14, 21, 28: West Side Irish American Club, Irish-style dinners, 8559 Jennings Rd Olmsted Township, 6-9pm (216) 251-4075.

8: Jaguar Club of Ohio, President’s Gala, Mavis Winkle Restaurant, Independence. 2:30pm, (330) 467-3953.

11: British-American C of C Link Club, Christ-mas Luncheon,100 Bomber Group Restaurant, 20920 Brookpark Rd, Cleveland, 11:30am, (216) 621-0222.

11: SHANO, Scottish Heritage Meetings, Com-munity Presbyterian Church, 5132 Mayfield Rd, Lyndhurst. 7:30pm (330) 463-5559.

12 Calon Lan Welsh Club, Lunch Meeting, Denny’s Restaurant, Rte 224

Boardman, 1pm (330) 758-4202.14, 28: British-American Club, Pub Nights,

8564 Ravenna Rd., Twinsburg, 8pm, (330) 963-6370.

21: English Speaking Union, Beefeater’s Ball, Mayfield Country Club, South Euclid, 6:30pm (216) 268-4160.

27: Daughters of the BE, Westminster Chapter, meeting, Lyndhurst, 7:30pm (440) 461-2533.

DECEMBER2, 9: Mayflower Club of N Hollywood holds

a Christmas Afternoon Tea on the 2nd and 9th; 15: Is the Christmas Dance; 31: New Year’s Eve Dinner/Dance 8pm. Get your reservations in now!! (818) 769-9805.

o British Connection in Torrance is all set for the holidays with tons of Christmas goodies and gift baskets if you give Pam enough time to make one up (310) 214-1790.

5: Afternoon English Tea at Plaza Pantry in Ojai with a very special holiday Christmas Tea Dec 8 Call now for reservations (805) 646-6325.

o Browns English Toffee has the best English Toffee since my mother’s! They have dark, milk, and white chocolate along with Scottish Tablet in traditional, single malt Whiskey, and Vanilla (209) 245-5400 www.brownsenglishtoffee.com

13-30: Lythgoe Family Productions offers this years Panto of A Snow White Christmas at The Pasadena Playhouse featuring Ariana Grande; Charlene Tilton; and Neil Patrick Har-ris with special appearance by Blitzen www.pasadenaplayhouse.org (626) 792-8672 39 S El Molino Ave in Pasadena. We highly recommend this show … funny script and fun watching the children, especially these little girls in their princess costumes!

o Cameron’s Inn of Half Moon Bay is ready for the holidays with a full bar, entertainment, and lots of good food. Happy Holidays everyone!! (650) 726-5705.

14: BABC of Los Angeles presents A GREAT Year for Britain … a GREAT Christmas Celebra-tion. Make Your Reservations NOW for The Best Holiday Luncheon in Town for the 53rd Annual Christmas Luncheon Friday, December 14, 2012, 11:30am at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel & Bun-galows in Santa Monica PLUS Meet the Ugly Step Sisters from Lythgoe Family Productions of Cinderella Christmas, a traditional British Panto! With Special Appearances by Tom Arnold, Peter Asher, and Emcee Carlos Amezcua. Hosted Champagne Reception; Traditional British Christ-mas Luncheon; Entertainment; Silent Auction with Great Prizes; Grand Raffle with Spectacular Trips; And a Holiday Toy Drive Benefiting Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

o Hampstead Village of Santa Barbara has great ideas for those special holiday gifts: from that just right book, to Irish glass, to sweets, to an ever so nice fragrance. Just ask (805) 845-3343.

o Mac’s Fish and Chips of Santa Barbara offers the best fish and chips you could ask for!! I love their clam chowder. (805) 897-1160.

o Rosie Lee Imports of Ventura has the

largest selection of teas and sweets this side of London! She does special orders, too (805) 643-5TEA.

o The Lookout Pub in the Channel Islands Harbor of Oxnard celebrates Christmas and New Years twice: 4pm and midnight. And a rockin’ holiday band to be enjoyed by all! (805) 985-9300.

o The Press Room Cocktail Lounge of Santa Barbara will celebrate New Year’s Eve many times starting at 3pm for their German patrons, 4pm for Manchester United fans, and midnight for the rest of us!! Arrive early to guarantee getting in the door! (805) 963-8121.

o The Olde Ship of Fullerton (747) 871-7447 and Santa Ana will celebrate in style as usual with good food, good ales, and good holiday entertain-ment. Don’t forget they cater (747) 550-6700.

o Ye Olde Kings Head of Santa Monica offers Christmas Afternoon Tea each Monday through Saturday 12-5pm with reservations; offers Christ-mas cakes and mince pies from their own bakery; is fully stocked on crackers, puds, fine wines, etc; will have the original ‘British’ style New Year’s Eve celebration 4pm on Dec 31; and don’t forget to book your holiday party now (310) 451-1402.

o You Say Tomato of San Francisco is ready for the holidays with bursting shelves of goodies! They’re also celebrating their 8th anniversary!! Congratulations David Kidd!! (415) 921-2828.

A Perfect

Gift That







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BRITAIN has summoned the Spanish ambassador and condemned “provocative incursions” into UK waters after incidents off the disputed colony of Gibraltar

Europe Minister David Lidington says that last month a Spanish naval vessel pa-trolled inside Gilbraltar’s territorial waters. He said that in a second incident Spanish Customs attempted to seize a Gibraltarian civilian boat.

Lidington says he condemns “these provocative incursions” and urges the

Spanish government to ensure that they are not repeated.

He said such incidents risk damaging “the prospects of developing a harmonious and collaborative relationship between Gibraltar and Spain.”

Spain’s ambassador to London, Fed-erico Trillo, was later summoned to the Foreign Office for a dressing-down.

Spain has long laid claim to Gibraltar, a British overseas territory on the southern tip of the Iberian peninsula.

UK Studying Claims HSBC Accounts Used By Criminals

Police Open Inquiry Into Breast Cancer Surgeon

Man In Naked Standoff On Statue In Central LondonPOLICE and eyewitnesses observed a naked man who climbed atop an equestrian statue in the heart of Whitehall, London’s government district last month.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said that the man, believed to be in his 30s or 40s, sat atop the statue for the better part of two hours.

Photos posted to Twitter appear to show the man straddling a statue of the 19th century duke of Cambridge, down the street from the prime minister’s official residence.

The man’s motives weren’t clear, and, with London’s late autumn temperature reach-ing a brisk 50F, he didn’t stay much longer before climbing down.

UK Political Dispute Over Foster Kids’ Removal

BRITAIN’S education secretary says he will investigate how local officials removed three children from their foster family because of concerns about the parents’ political beliefs.

The Rotherham borough council sparked criticism last month when it was revealed that its social workers removed the children, who are European migrants, because their foster parents are members of the right-wing UK Independence Party.

The party wants Britain to withdraw from the EU and favors immigration curbs. Social workers said they were concerned that the children’s “cultural and ethnic needs” may not be met in the foster family.

Education Secretary Michael Gove condemned the decision as arbitrary and indefensible, saying that political beliefs should not stop anyone from fostering children.

POLICE say a surgeon is being in-vestigated by both detectives and the country’s General Medical Council over allegations about his treatment of more than 1,000 breast cancer patients.

Ian Paterson is alleged in negli-gence suits filed by former patients to have performed up to 1,150 “unneces-sary, inappropriate or unregulated” operations.

The General Medical Council,

which licenses doctors, suspended Paterson’s registration in October pending its inquiry.

West Midlands Police, in central England, said last month it was open-ing a criminal inquiry.

Lawyers allege 700 cases involve procedures in which some breast tissue was left behind after a mastec-tomy. Other patients allege they re-ceived invasive breast surgery when a biopsy may have been sufficient.

BRITAIN’S revenue and customs service says it is examining allegations that criminals may have used offshore accounts with HSBC, Europe’s biggest bank, to launder money.

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs said that it had received data related to the allegations and was studying it.

In a report, the Daily Telegraph news-paper alleged that a list disclosed by a whistleblower had shown drug dealers and other criminals were using accounts based in Jersey.

It said the list identified 4,388 people holding £699m in offshore current ac-

counts. Jersey, a British dependency off the coast

of France which has its own currency and tax laws, is a major offshore financial center.

HSBC said it was also investigating the allegations and the purported loss of client data in Jersey.

Page 16 December 2012ujnews.com

by Murdoch’s reporters and others, may prompt the government to impose statutory regulation on the British print press, which is overseen by an industry watchdog.

Many say the reputation of the British media is at an all-time low.

“The issues the BBC is dealing with at the moment ... are very different from the phone hacking and illegal intercept of communications which led to the Leveson inquiry,” said Bob Calver, a journalism professor at Birmingham City University. “(But) clearly in the public mind there won’t be that distinction, the public will see it as poor standards across the board.”

Murdoch’s grudge against the BBC was vented in detail in a 2009 speech by his son James, a TV executive who railed against the BBC’s funding, which comes from a television license fee paid by every TV household in Britain.

Because of its funding, “the BBC feels empowered” and “the scope of its activi-ties and ambitions is chilling,” said James Murdoch.

RESISTPhil Harding, the BBC’s former con-

troller of editorial policy, warned UK media to resist the temptation to criticize too much.

“If you really tear into another journal-istic organization, what you are going to do is ... undermine public confidence in journalism,” he said at a Society of Editors conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

BBC chief George Entwistle resigned last month, and the head of news, Helen Boaden, and deputy Stephen Mitchell were temporarily removed from their positions, though the broadcaster said neither were implicated in the errors involving its child sex abuse reports.

The broadcaster also came under fire for the terms of Entwistle’s removal after only 54 days on the job. He is drawing a full year’s salary of £450,000.

“Clearly, it is hard to justify a sizeable payoff of that sort,” Cameron’s spokesman Steve Field told reporters.

RESIGNEDIain Overton, who was involved in

preparing the Newsnight story about the politician, resigned last month as editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. The organization, a nonprofit muckraking group based at City University in London that works with several news organiza-tions, said the BBC story had been “strictly contrary to the fundamental principles and standards of the bureau.”

Further resignations or suspensions at the BBC are likely as the investigation develops.

“Consideration is now being given to the extent to which individuals should be asked to account further for their actions and if appropriate, disciplinary action will be taken,” the BBC said.

In New York, Mark Thompson, En-twistle’s predecessor who was in charge when a BBC investigation into Savile’s alleged abuse was sidelined, said he is “very saddened” by the scandal at the broadcaster. Arriving on the first day of his new job as chief executive of The New York Times, he told reporters he has “no doubt it (the BBC) will get back on its feet.”

Sinn Fein Official Charged With IRA Membership

Electrical Chain Comet Goes Into AdministrationSTRUGGLING British electrical goods retailer Comet says it is seeking bankruptcy protection, putting 6,500 jobs at the chain at risk.

Comet, which has 240 stores across Britain, announced last month that it would go into administration, a form of bankruptcy protection.

Restructuring specialist Deloitte will be brought in to handle the adminis-tration and will try to find buyers for Comet’s stores.

Founded in 1933, Comet has been hit hard by Britain’s recession and the rise of online retailing.

The chain was bought earlier this year by investment firm OpCapita for a token £2, but has been unable to secure the trade credit insurance needed to safeguard suppliers. All stores could be closd by the end of the year.

UK Unemployment Falls But Pay Lags Below Inflation

Millwall Ban 13-Year-Old Fan For Racist Abuse

MILLWALL has banned a 13-year-old supporter indefinitely after he admitted racially abusing Bolton striker Marvin Sordell.

The fan has issued a written apology for abusing Sordell during the English second-tier club’s 2-1 win over Bolton Wanderers on October 6.

The incident led to investigations by the Football Association and both clubs.

Because of the fan’s age, Millwall de-cided not to issue a life ban, only “for the forseeable future.”

Accused Royal Marines Granted Anonymity

Rupert Murdoch Gleeful At BBC Debacle In Britain

By Robert BarrFEW SEEM to be enjoying the manage-ment meltdown at the venerable BBC more than Rupert Murdoch, the News Corp chief whose rival British newspapers have been caught up in their own lengthy, embar-rassing and expensive phone-hacking scandal.

But the troubles for both media organi-zations highlight that the news industry in Britain is at rock-bottom in public esteem, and could face increased restrictions from the government of Prime Minister David Cameron, which appears convinced it has been unable to police itself.

The BBC has moved into full-bore damage control since it retracted mistaken allegations by its marquee news program that a politician sexually abused children. That serious mistake followed the BBC’s earlier failure to report on widespread child sex abuse allegations against one of its big-gest stars, the late Jimmy Savile.

“BBC mess gives Cameron golden opportunity (to) properly reorganize great public broadcaster,” Murdoch tweeted gleefully.

The scandal follows several years of turmoil over the phone-hacking scandal, which exploded with the discovery that employees of Murdoch’s News of the World tabloid hacked into a kidnapped girl’s mobile phone. The scandal widened when scores of celebrities, sports stars and politicians said they, too, had been hacked. The tabloid folded, Murdoch’s media paid out millions in compensation and still faces scores of lawsuits. Several news executives have been arrested.

TESTIMONYA report due this month from Lord

Justice Brian Leveson, based on months of jarring testimony about wrongdoing

ANONYMITY has been granted to five Royal Marines accused of murder in Afghanistan.

The five men, identified only as Marines A, B, C, D and E, were charged last month with the murder of an unidentified captured Afghan national on or about September 15, 2011.

The men were given the right to remain anonymous during their trial because they could face attack if identified, a British military judge said last month.

UK military officials have said the incident involved an “engagement with an insurgent” in Helmand province, where the majority of Britain’s 9,500 troops in Afghanistan are deployed. They say no civilians were involved.

British news organizations, including the Press Association agency and the Guardian newspaper, challenged an order that the men – who have been released

from custody and allowed to return to their units – could not be publicly identified un-til the end of court martial proceedings.

But Judge Advocate General Jeff Blackett ruled that “there may be a real and immediate risk to the defendants’ lives” from terrorists or “lone wolf” attackers if they were named.

The judge said that risk “will increase significantly when all of the prosecution evidence is disclosed as the trial unfolds.” He said, “I am not prepared to take a chance with these men’s lives.”

The defendants are the first British troops to be charged with murder in Af-ghanistan since deployments began there in 2001.

Blackett said he would reconsider the anonymity order if any of the men was convicted.

Their next court hearing is set for De-cember 10.

Girls Squeeze 28 Into A Mini Setting Guinness World Record

IN A FLASHBACK to the 60s a group of 28 flexible, well-trained ladies man-aged to fit into a Mini car last month breaking their own record.

The ladies, from Sussex squeezed inside the iconic vehicle in London to set the official record as part of Guin-ness World Records Day.

It took them 18 minutes to wriggle into position, with faces squashed against the windscreen and bodies teeming out of windows. Organiser Dani Maynard said the girls had been confident they could break their own record of 27 people set in Eastbourne last year.

“While we have not quite been able to fit any of the girls into the Mini’s glove box, there is a surprising amount

of space to utilise,” she said.“After our achievement last year, we

know exactly what it takes to squeeze 28 people into a Mini and we stepped up our training regime to include extra stretching and fun activities like hula-hoop relay racing.”

More than 420,000 people world-wide took part in the eighth annual Guinness World Records Day in cele-bration of “weird, wacky and downright astonishing” records.

Guinness World Records editor-in-chief Craig Glenday said: “The Mini is a British icon, and the Mini-cram has be-come a symbol of classic world record breaking, up there with cream-cracker eating and leaving your fingernails untrimmed.”

Trick-Or-Treaters Given Cocaine; Man Charged

POLICE SAY a man has been charged with a drug offense after children were given bags of cocaine instead of candy during Halloween trick-or-treating.

Greater Manchester Police says officers were called after children in the town of Royton in northwest England reported finding sachets of white powder in their Halloween bags. Tests confirmed that the substance was cocaine.

Police say 23-year-old Donald Junior Green was charged with possession of drugs. A woman was arrested but released without being charged.

Police say they believe it was an iso-lated incident and that it appeared that the man’s drugs were given to the children accidently. None of the children consumed the cocaine.

AN OFFICIAL in the Irish nationalist Sinn Fein party has been charged with Irish Republican Army membership in a case that highlights a pivotal unsolved murder, the 2005 stabbing of a Catholic civilian outside a Belfast pub.

The victim’s sisters complained the IRA covered up evidence and received White House backing, embarrassing Sinn Fein and spurring the major IRA faction, the Provisionals, to renounce violence and disarm that year.

But nobody has been convicted of killing Robert McCartney. His sisters, however, have told police that Padraic Wilson was one of two IRA officials who met them about the murder.

In the Belfast court appearance Wil-son was charged with membership in an outlawed organization and organizing IRA meetings. His lawyers rejected the charge, and Sinn Fein demanded his immediate release.

OFFICIAL STATISTICS show that the unemployment rate in the United Kingdom fell to 7.8 percent in the July-September period.

The Office for National Statistics said last month that the unemployment rate dropped from 8.0 percent in the previous three months and from 8.2 percent in the year-earlier period.

Despite the decrease over the three-month period, there was an increase of 10,000 in the number of people claiming unemployment benefits in the month of September. Martin Beck, an analyst at

Capital Economics, says that may signal that the job market is starting to weaken again.

Meanwhile, the statistics agency also says that pay growth of 1.8 percent in the last year continued to lag behind the rate of inflation, currently 2.7 percent.

Teenage Boys Arrested In Pensioner’s MurderTWO BOYS have been arrested on suspi-cion of murder by police investigating the death of a partially-sighted pensioner after being mugged.

Paula Castle, 85, was robbed in an alley-way off Oldfield Lane South in Greenford, west London, November 19 and died in hospital.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said two males – aged 14 and 15 – were in custody and being questioned at a London police station.

Castle, who is registered blind, was found with a head injury and taken to Ealing Hospital, then transferred to St Mary’s Hospital, where she died shortly

afterwards. A post-mortem examination took place at Uxbridge Mortuary and found her cause of death to be head injuries.

Police said officers believe two males approached the pensioner from behind and stole her handbag. In the process the widow, who lived alone, was assaulted and fell to the pavement.

Residents in Greenford spoke of their shock and anxiety about using the alleyway where Castle was attacked.

A lone bunch of flowers was tied to rail-ings at the alley’s entrance. A card attached to it read: “RIP (lady in alley). What a senseless waste of a good life xxx.”

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December 2012 Page 17ujnews.com

By John PolleyBy John Polley

Rugby World Cup Seedings CrucialTHE NEXT World Cup is still the best part of three years away but the seedings will be announced in December. The crucial decision revolves around who will be one of the four top sides. Three nations have already qualified automatically: New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. The next three sides in line for that fourth spot are Wales, current Six Nation Grand Slam champions, France World Cup runners-up) and England.

But Argentina is coming up fast on the rails after their winless but encouragingly good participation in the inaugural southern hemisphere Champion-ship. Ireland too are not far behind despite the thinness of their talent. That is what makes the current autumn series in Europe of key importance.

Wales 13 Argentina 26For the Welsh to be beaten 26-13 by

Argentina was a very nasty shock. For the first time in 10 years they were confidently expecting to win their opening autumn game. When they led 12-6 at half-time thanks to four goals from Leigh Halfpenny things were very much on track.

Admittedly the Pumas were stifling Welsh attacks with some ease but, well, Welsh technical brilliance would pay off in the second half. In fact, the opposite was true. The Argentinians simply picked up the pace, ran in a couple of tries, then ran out comfortable winners. Two things were clear: the Pumas’ game has picked up enormously; and Wales are struggling to find the rhythm that made them so exciting for the past couple of seasons.

Scotland 22 New Zealand 51Scotland had quite a good summer,

even beating Australia, but on home soil against New Zealand they were simply

blown away. Outstanding in the All Blacks’ record victory was Dan Carter who scored 21 points converting each of the visitors’ six tries and adding three penalties for old time’s sake. The Scots still haven’t beaten them after a century of trying and despite all

the summer success, they start the season very much where they have been for years.

Ireland 12 South Africa 16Ireland made a convincing

start against Australia taking a 12-3 lead into the interval, Jonny Sexton doing the hon-ours with four penalties Alas, as

the half-time whistle blew, captain Jamie Heaslip got a yellow card for collapsing a maul, obliging Ireland to start after the interval with a key man missing. It was enough to turn the game for the Wallabies seized the initiative and added 10 points to establish a lead they kept throughout the second half. Pat Lambie poked over a third penalty to add to his conversion of Ruan Pienaar’s try. The 12-16 defeat was a bitter blow for the Irish.

England 54 Fiji 12France enjoyed a comfortable 33-6

victory over Australia and Italy sneaked past Tonga 26-23 but it was England who had the easiest – and most successful – match against Fiji with a crushing 54-12 win. Stronger challenges lie ahead for Stuart Lancaster’s men and the English performance was by no means flawless. Still a win is a win and England have bought themselves a ticket for the No 4 spot in the world rankings. France and Argentina are now the other main contenders with England leading a now-fading British challenge.

A Happy New Year to rugby fans everywhere!

John Polleyjohn.polley1@ntlworld.com

Cantona Among Guests For Ferguson

Statue UnveilingCURRENT and former Manchester United stars huddled under umbrellas outside Old Trafford on November 25 for the unveiling of a nine-foot bronze statue of manager Alex Ferguson.

Eric Cantona, Peter Schmeichel and Ruud van Nistelrooy, as well as Wayne Rooney and the entire United first team squad were among the guests. Over 2,000 United fans also came, some carrying ban-ners that read “Sir Alex the Great”.

“Normally people die before they see their statue, I’m outliving death,” said an emotional Ferguson, who has been United’s manager for more than 26 years. Rain sprinkled onto the statue, which depicts the manager in typical Ferguson-fashion, arms crossed.

A plaque, which Ferguson unveiled with his wife Catherine, described her as “his greatest supporter”.

Ferguson said of his wife that “someone has to control me and she is the only one who can.”

The statue has been placed in front of the “Sir Alex Ferguson Stand”, which has two large pictures of Ferguson holding the Premier League and Champions Leagues trophies aloft.

David Beckham appeared before the crowd on a video screen, with the LA Galaxy midfielder saying that his time at United was “without doubt the best of my career”.

The sculptor Philip Jackson said that he wanted to portray Ferguson’s humor “so there’s just a slight smile in the corner of his mouth”.

Ferguson is the Premier League’s most successful manager with 12 titles. Ferguson has also won the Champions League twice, and the FA Cup five times. Earlier this year he was voted the Best Manager in the Pre-mier League’s 20 Seasons Awards.

Former Chelsea, United Manager Sexton Dies

DAVE SEXTON, who led Chelsea to FA Cup and Euro-pean Cup Winners’ Cup triumphs in the 1970s, has died. He was 82.

Sexton’s death was announced November 25 by the English Football Association. No date or cause of death was given.

During his period as Chelsea man-ager between 1967 and 1974, Sexton followed up the FA Cup triumph in 1970 with the European success the following year.

Sexton also managed Manchester United for four years from 1977 and England’s under-21s team.

League title gives him a “good feeling.”Berg was a 27-year-old defender when

he won the Premier League with Blackburn in 1995. The Norwegian spent 7-1/2 years over two stints playing for the club, making nearly 300 appearances.

The 43-year-old Berg says “it gives me a good feeling to be here. I have good memo-ries. I know a lot of people still involved with the club.”

Blackburn was relegated from the Premier League in May and is in fifth place in the League Championship, trailing leader Cardiff by five points

Redknapp Mulls Move To Sign Beckham For QPR

NEW QUEENS Park Rangers manager Harry Redknapp is considering making a move to bring David Beckham to the London Premier League club.

The 37-year-old former England captain is leaving the Los Angeles Galaxy after six seasons this month in search of a new challenge.

Redknapp told the BBC he’s sure Beckham “could still play in the Premier League,” add-ing: “I’ve not discussed it with the chairman so we’d have to look at that.”

In 2011 Beckham trained during the Major League offseason with Tottenham, which Redknapp was managing at the time.

A day after being hired by QPR, Redknapp said that Beckham “could still be a great asset to anyone. Just having him round the place, showing people how to train and look after yourself.”

Relations Between FA And Blatter Begin To Thaw

MORE THAN a year after the leaders of English football tried to block his re-election, FIFA President Sepp Blatter signaled an end to the tensions between the two sides at the England team’s new training base.

Blatter, who was booed during his last visit during the London Olympics, visited St George’s Park last month.

Relations between FIFA and England were strained last year when the Football Associa-tion tried to block Blatter’s re-election amid corruption scandals, while the FIFA president hit out at English “arrogance” after their failed bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

Blatter says “what we witness today is not only a co-operation at the footballing level. It is on friendship ... don’t go back to

the past. Now we are living a wonderful day. It’s the present.”

UEFA Postpones Serbia Racism Hearing

UEFA has postponed a hearing into allega-tions that Serbian fans racially abused Eng-land players during an Under-21 European Championship qualifier October 16.

UEFA says its disciplinary panel decided late last month that it needed more time “to allow for further investigations.”

The case will be heard on December 13.The British government has urged UEFA

to take strong sanctions against the Serbian football association.

UEFA charged the Serbian FA with mis-conduct over racial abuse allegedly directed at black England players during the match in Krusevac.

UEFA also charged Serbia and England with “improper conduct” after scuffles involv-ing players and coaches broke out at the end of the match.

England won 1-0 to qualify for the cham-pionship in Israel next June.

Bahrain-Based Bank To Complete Leeds Takeover

MEMBERS of the Npower Championship, Leeds United, says a Bahrain-based bank will complete a takeover of the club this month, ending its seven-year search for investment.

Leeds chairman Ken Bates says GFH Capital Limited has “completed the first part of the purchase and they will be taking over 100 percent of the club” on December. 21.

Bates, the former chairman of Chelsea, will stay on in his role during a “transitional period” while the new owners get to know the club. British media are valuing the takeover at £52 million pounds.

Leeds reached the semifinals of the Cham-pions League in 2001 but was relegated from the English Premier League three years later after being engulfed in financial problems.

The northern team is currently mid-table in the League Championship standings.

Continued from page 20

FORMER light-welter-weight champion Ricky Hatton hastily retired

again November 24 after he was knocked out by Vyacheslav Senchenko on his return to the ring after more than three years.

“I needed one more fight to see if I had still got it, and I haven’t,” said the 34-year-old Hatton, whose record dropped to 45-3 (32 KO).

The Briton succumbed to a painful body shot in the ninth round from the Ukrainian welterweight Senchenko in a non-title fight in his home city of Manchester.

Hatton Retires Again After Losing Comeback Fight

“A fighter knows and I know it isn’t there anymore,” Hatton said. “It’s too many hard fights, I’ve burned the candle at both ends, I’ve put my body through the mire in and out of the ring, but it doesn’t matter how hard I train, I couldn’t have done any better.”

Hatton fought again 3-1/2 years after being knocked out by Manny Pacquiao, a loss which sent the former two-weight champion into retirement and his life spiraling out control, with depression, personal problems and battles with drink and drugs.

Page 18 December 2012ujnews.com

Compiled by Larry Gardner

Cricket; England Tour IndiaENGLAND began a tour of India, running October 30-January 30, which includes four Test matches and a series of five match ODIs to be played after the Christmas break. England commenced the tour at Mumbai with a three day draw against the India A side. India A 369 and 124-4 at close. England 426 (Alistair Cook 119, Samit Patel 104) The second game, also a three-dayer at Mumbai, was drawn too. England 349 (Jonny Bairstow 118)-9 dec and 149-2 at close. Mumbai A 286. The final warm-up for the first Test saw England tie a four day match with Haryana. England 521 (Kevin Pietersen, retired hurt 110)-9 dec and 254 (Jonathan Trott, retired hurt 101)-6 dec. Haryana 334 (Rahul Dewan 143) and 133-6 at close. The First Test at Ahmedabad, saw India confidently surge to a big first innings total that saw them claim a nine wicket victory as England were forced to follow on. India 521 (Virender Sehway 117, Cheteshwar Pujara)-8 dec and 80-1 at close. England 191 and 406 (Alistair Cook 176)

Yorkshire completed their schedule in the Champion League’s Twenty 20 Club Cup in South Africa, losing the final game against the Chennai Super-Kings by four wickets. Yorkshire 140-6 at 20 overs. CSKs 141-6 at close. Unfortunately, the Tykes did not record a victory during any of their matches in the group stage of the competition. In the final, October 28, the Sydney Sixers beat the Highveld Li-ons by 10 wickets. Highveld Lions 121 all out. Sydney Sixers 124-0 after 12.3 overs.Brit Golfers In The Thick Of Things

The BMW Masters in Shanghai, witnessed Peter Hansen of Sweden, fight off Rory McIIroy during the final round, finishing one stroke ahead of the Irishman with 21 under par 267.The field echoed the increasing power of the British game with Luke Donald, Justin Rose, Ian Poulter, Graeme McDowell, Lee Westwood and Paul Casey all challenging strongly… A few days later in contest affec-tionately called the “Duel of Jinsha Lake,” at Zhengzhou in Henan province, Tiger Woods and Rory McIIroy faced off for the reputed prize of $2m in a one-off round of golf. Thousands turned out to see the world’s top golfers as McIIroy recorded a round of 67, to beat the Tiger by one stroke … Ian Poulter claimed his first win of the year at Shenzhen, China, in the WGC- HSBC Championship, where a final round of 65, gave him a 21 under 267, two ahead of the field. After his stunning Ryder Cup performance and a fourth place finish in the BMW Masters, the 36-year-old Englishman commented,” It’s so nice to get my hands on another trophy and get back in the winner’s circle.” Lee Westwood led the field by three strokes at the start of the final round, before a double bogey on the fifth halted his momentum … Rory McIIroy’s third place finish in the Singapore Open, November 11, puts him top of the European money earners list for 2012. The northern Irelander was three strokes behind winner Matteo Manassero, who won after a play-off with Louis Oosthuizen … Luke Donald captured the Dunlop Phoenix Tournament in Japan, November 18, where his 16 under 268, put him five ahead of the field. Same weekend, Miguel Angel Jimenez made some European golfing history when he became the oldest winner of a tour event at the age of 38, when he won the Hong Kong Open with a 15 under 265.Tennis

There was little joy at the Paris Masters tournament, early November, where US Open Champion Andy Murray, and the world number one Novak Djokovic, made early exits. Djokovic was beaten in the second round by American, Sam Querrey, while Murray overcame Paul Henri Mathieu of France after a first round bye, but was toppled by Jerzy Janowisc of Poland 5-7, 7-6 (7-5) 6-3, in the third.

At the Barclays ATP World Tour event at the O2 Arena, London, November 5-12, the formula pitted the top eight players in the world playing round robin match against each other in two groups of four. Andy Murray com-menced with a victory over Tomas Berydich, but lost to Novak Djokovic in a three setter, before beating Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. He lost to Roger Federer in the semi-finals, who was beaten by Novak Djokovic in the final.Boxing

Nathan Cleverly kept his unbeaten record at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, November 10, retaining his WBO light-heavyweight crown with an eight round stoppage of Shawn Hawk The Welshman (25-0) who was escorted to the ring by Tom Jones and actor Mickey

Rourke, floored the American (23-3-1) twice in the seventh round. Same weekend in Ham-burg, Wladimir Klitscho (58-3) kept his IBF, IBO, WBO, and WBA world heavy weight crowns with a unanimous decision over the former unbeaten Pole, Mariusz Wach (27-1).

Rugby UnionThe Autumn Internationals began No-

vember 10-11, with England beating Fiji at Twickenham 54-12, and Wales losing at Cardiff to Argentina 26-12. New Zealand beat Scotland at Murrayfield, 51-22, France won in Paris prevailing over Australia 33-6, and Ireland were beaten in Dublin, 16-12 by the South Africans, while Italy overcame Tonga 28-23. A week later, England were beaten at Twickenham, 20-14 by Australia, while Wales lost in Cardiff,26-19, against Samoa. Scotland struggled at home to South Africa, losing 21-10, while France beat Argentina 39-22 in Paris, and Italy were beaten in Milan, 42-10 by New Zealand.

Motor RacingThe 2012 Formula One Championship is

down to Sebastian Vettel (273pts) and the chasing Fernando Alonso (260pts) who will fight it out in the Brazilian Grand Prix late November, the final race of the season. Vettel won the India Grand Prix at Noida, and Kimi Raikkonen the Abu Dhabi GP. Lewis Hamilton won the United States of America Grand Prix, November 18, but his 190 accumulated points leave him in fourth position in the driver’s table and out of reach of the title this year.

Horse RacingGreen Moon, a 19-1 shot won the 152nd

running of the Melbourne Cup, the richest race in the Antipodes. Two British challengers, Red Cadeaux and My Quest For Peace, were amongst the 24 horse field but finished well out of the running. While a British horse has never won this race, the Duchess of Cornwall who was touring Australia with her husband, The Prince of Wales, presented the trophy.

International SoccerA series of international friendlies, No-

vember 14, saw the home nations in action. England went 2-1 up against Sweden in Stockholm, after goals from Danny Welbeck 35th minute) and substitute Steven Caulker three minutes later. Paris St Germain’s striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic proved the star of the show however, after adding three more to the one he had already scored for the Scandi-navians to win 4-2. Caretaker Scottish coach Billy Stark pulled off a 2-1 win in Luxembourg, with a brace from Jordan Rhodes in the 11th and 24th minutes. The hosts got one back just after halftime. Northern Ireland played a world cup qualifying match against Azerbaijan at Windsor Park, and was one down after five minutes. Irish fans were taken to the very brink before David Healy scored in the final minute for a 1-1 result, in a niggly game that saw nine yellow cards issued. Jurgen Klinsmann took his United States team to the Krasnador Stadium, where Russia were enjoying a string of world cup victories led by former England coach Fabio Capello. The Russians led twice but each time the US came back and tied the game 2-2. The Russians went ahead after nine minute, before Michael Bradley leveled it up in the 76th minute. Eight minutes later the Russians were in the lead again, but lost the advantage in the closing minutes as Mix Diskerod got a second for the US.European Soccer

The fourth series of matches in the Cham-pions League and Europa League, took place November 6-7. After being two up in Germany, courtesy of Theo Walcott and Olivier Giroud, Arsenal witnessed, Schalke 04 get one back on half-time and scored an equalizer in the 67th minute for a 2-2 result. Manchester City were 1-2 behind at the Itihad Stadium after just 26 minutes against Ajax of Amsterdam. However, Aguero netted in the 74th minute to give the Sky Blues a 2-2 draw. Celtic pulled off a great win at Parkhead over Barcelona, where Victor Wanyana (21st minute) and Tony Watt (83rd) forged a 2-1 victory with Lionel Messi scoring for the Spaniards in the last minute. A flowing match at Stamford Bridge saw Chelsea beat Shaktar Donetsk 3-2. Torres put the Blues ahead in the sixth minute, Willian leveled for the Ukrainians three minutes later, Oscar scored five minute before the break. Willian got another one, two minutes after the con-tinuance, while Victor Moses got the Chelsea winner in the final minute. Manchester United won in Portugal beating Braga 3-1. The goals came in the last ten minutes, the marksmen being Robin Van Persie, Wayne Rooney, and Javier Hernandez.

In the Europa League, Jermain Defoe scored a hat-trick at White Hart Lane, as Tottenham beat NK Maribor of Slovenia 3-1. Newcastle tied 2-2 in Belgium against Club Bruges, with goal by Vurnon Anita and Shola Ameobi. Liverpool were beaten in Russia, by the only goal of the game by Anzhi Makhachkala.

English League CupArsenal went 4-0 down at the Madjeski

Stadium in the fourth round of the Capital One English League Cup, late October, against Reading, but came back to win 7-5 aided by a hat-trick by Theo Walcott. Chelsea succumbed to nine men and a 3-2 loss at Stamford Bridge against Manchester United in a Premier League match, but bounced back a few days later in a home Cup game against the Reds, winning 5-4 in extra time. The score finished 3-3 at ninety minutes. Leeds United beat Premier League strugglers Southampton 3-0 at Elland Road, while Liverpool suffered a 3-1 home defeat at the hands of Swansea. A Simeon Jackson goal three minutes from time gave Norwich City a 2-1 result over Tottenham, and Middlesborough beat local rivals Sunderland with the only goal of the game. Aston Villa won 3-2 at Swindon, and Bradford forced a goalless draw at Wigan, before winning the penalty shootout 4-2. The quarter-finals are December 19.FA Cup

The first round of the FA Cup, November 3, 4, 5, saw the non-leaguers and the division one and two clubs clash, that produced the usual surprises. Home side Swindon Town were down to ten men after Eden Flint’s sending off which enabled Blue Square Conference side Macclesfield to come away with a 2-0 victory. Louis Thompson added to Swindon’s misery with an own goal in the final minute. Conference North side Harrogate Town went ahead at Torquay United with a 20th minute netting by Chib Chilaka, and held on to the 1-0 scoreline. Chelmsford City hosted Division One outfit Colchester United, where a double by Donovan Simmonds pushed the City to a 3-1 win. Other Conference successes, saw Dorchester Town beat Plymouth Argyle courtesy of a Jake Gosling goal four minutes after the break. Argyle had Conor Houribane sent off after just eight minutes which certainly proved an advantage for the home side who prevailed 1-0. Ryan Bowman got a brace at Hereford United, where first division’s Shrewsbury were dispatched 3-1. Second round scheduled, December 1-2.Scottish Soccer – Craig Levein Out

Scottish Coach Craig Levein, was fired November 5. The former manager of Hearts, Leicester City and Dundee United, saw his reign terminated after the SFA pondered recent defeats in World Cup qualifiers against Belgium and Wales. Levein was brought in three years ago and leaves with a record of ten wins, five draws and nine losses, after 24 games leading Scotland. Under 21 coach Billy Stark, was put temporarily in charge.

Scottish professional football is in the throes of change with many clubs looking for a complete restructuring of Scotland’s game. The SPL, the Scottish League and the SFA, are looking for a compromise to halt the alarming decline in attendances at stadiums across the nation. After the Rangers debacle, another premier league club is having financial dif-ficulties. Heart of Midlothian is apparently not

being fuelled moneywise by its controversial Lithuanian owner, Vladimir Romanov, and the supporters club is looking to raise £2m to get the club through to the end of the season. Several times in the last year, Hearts has been late with the payroll.

Kilmarnock left Celtic fans gasping at Parkhead, where the Killie’s recorded their first away victory against the Hoops since 1955. Cillian Sheridan scored two minutes before the break followed by a Liam Kelly penalty in the 62nd minutes that gave Kilmarnock a 2-0 win and their first triumph in the Celtic heart-land for 57 years. Celtic retained leadership of the Scottish Premier League mid-November. Goal feast at Brechin City in the second Divi-sion, October 27,where the hosts slammed Stenhousemuir 7-2.Scottish Cups

The quarter-finals of the Scottish Com-munities League Cup, October 30-31,saw Celtic easily move into the semi-finals with a 5-0 demolition of St Johnstone at Parkhead, where Kris Commons reveled with a three goal tally. Aberdeen and St Mirren tied 2-2, at Pittodrie, but a 4-2 penalty shoot-out saw the visitors prevail. Dundee United hosted Hearts to a 1-1 result, followed by a 5-4 penalty decider that made Hearts the winners. Rangers welcomed Inverness Caledonian Thistle to the Ibrox Stadium, and the visitors enjoyed the occasion winning 3-0, thus put-ting them in the League Cup semi-finals for the first time in their history. Ally McCoist commented that the Rangers had a long way to go to recover their original feistiness and classic footballing skills.

The third round of the Scottish Cup, November 3, saw a bunch of high scoring games. Rangers slammed Alloa Athletic 7-0 at the Ibrox with Lee McCulloch and Barrie McKay getting two apiece. Cowdenbeath massacred the Vale of Leithen 8-1, and Elgin City beat East Fife 5-1. Brechin City were held 2-2 at home against junior side Bon-nyrigg Rose, but won the away fixture 6-0.Arsenal & United Through To Euro-Knockout Phase

The fifth series of group games in the Champions League, November 20-21, witnessed two of the five remaining British clubs make it through to the final thirty two of the competition. Manchester United lost 1-0 in Turkey to Galatasaray, but remained uncatchable as winners of Group H. At the Emerates Stadium, Arsenal beat French side Montpelier 2-0, courtesy of Jack Wilshere and Lukas Podolski. Chelsea was beaten 3-0 at Turin by Juventus, and resulted in coach Roberto Di Matteo getting his cards, and Rafael Benitez brought in as interim manager. Celtic fell behind at Benfica in the seventh minute, but Georgio Samaras lev-eled it in the 32nd minute, while a 71st minute goal by the Portuguese side saw them 2-1 winners. At the Ethihad, Manchester City went a goal down in the tenth minute against Real Madrid. Sergio Aguero put a penalty away in the 74th minute when Madrid’s Al-

varo Arbeloa got his marching orders. The 1-1 result was not enough to keep the Sky Blues in the Champions League however, and they make their exit. Manchester United and Arsenal reach the knockout phase of the competition, while Chelsea and Celtic’s fate will be decided in the final group game December 5.

Magpies European Quest ContinuesIn the Europa League, fifth series of group

games November 22, Newcastle move to the knockout stage after a 1-1 tie at home against Maritimo. Sylvain Marveaux put the Magpies ahead in the 23 minute, while the Portuguese struck back eleven minutes from time. Liverpool went twice ahead against the Young Boys of Berne at Anfield, but the Swiss came back both time with equalizers for a 2-2 result. Jonjo Shelvey and Joe Cole were the Anfield opportunists. Tottenham produced a goal-less game in Italy against Lazio. Both Liverpool and Spurs continuation in Europe depends on the final game of the group, December 6.

Late Scottish soccer, November 24, saw Inverness CT win their first game at Parkhead ever, when a Billy McKay goal in the 64th minute gave the visitors a 1-0 historic vic-tory over Celtic. Same day, Rangers’ game at Elgin City in the Scottish Third Division, was called off, after it was discovered that the Moray club had sold more tickets than their 4,520 capacity stadium could hold. The local council and police called it a public safety issue.Beckham Exits The Galaxy

Former England, Manchester United and Real Madrid mid-field maestro David Beckham, announced his departure from the Los Angeles Galaxy after the final of the MLS Cup, scheduled December 1. The 37-year-old Beckham, spent 12 years at Manchester United fostering a highly successful England career before moving to Real Madrid. His move to Los Angeles in 2007 resulted in a media frenzy and a renewed national interest in the American soccer game. It’s unclear if Beckham, will continue his soccer career with another club or not, but the announce-ment made no mention of him hanging his boots up.Late Sports News

BOXING: Carl Froch retained his IBF super-middleweight crown at the FM Arena, Nottingham, November 17, proving too much of a handful for Yusef Mack (31-5-2) of Philadelphia. The ref stopped it in the third round as Froch’s non-stop aggression left the American struggling. Ricky “The Hitman’ Hatton’s (45-3) comeback fight against Vyacheslav Senchenko (33-1) at the Man-chester Arena, November 24, ended in defeat in the ninth round to the Ukrainian.

LATE CRICKET: Some late Test results saw South Africa draw their first encounter with Australia at the Gabba. South Africa 450 (Hashim Amla 104,Jacques Kallis 147)-9 dec and 166-5 at close. Australia 565 (Edward Coward 136, Mike Hussey 100, Michael Clarke 259 not out)-5 dec. West Indies beat Bangladesh by 77 runs at Mirpur. West Indies 527 (Kieran Powell 117, Shiv Chanderpaul not out 203)-4 dec and 273 (Denesh Ramlin 121, Keiran Powell 110). Bangladesh 556 (Naeem Islam 108) and 167. Sri Lanka beat New Zealand by 10 wickets at Galle. New Zealand 221 and 118. Sri Lanka 247 and 93-0 at close.

LATE RUGBY UNION results, November 24, saw England edged 16-15 at Twick-enham by South Africa, and Wales lost in Cardiff, 33-5, to the New Zealanders. Tonga embarrassed Scotland at Murrayfield, win-ning 21-15, while Ireland beat Argentina, 46-24, in Dublin. France prevailed 22-14 over Samoa, while Australia won 22-19 in Milan over Italy.

Scotland rugby coach Andy Robinson has quit after more than three years in the job fol-lowing a 21-15 loss to Tonga. Robinson says “I am very disappointed by our recent results but I have belief in the players to develop into a winning team.” Scotland has lost 10 of its last 13 tests.

LATE GOLF; Rory McIIroy won the Dubai World Championship by two strokes No-vember 25 after finishing with five straight birdies to shoot a 6-under 66, ending a year in which he won the PGA Championship and the European and PGA tour money titles.

The top-ranked Northern Irishman re-covered from some early putting woes to total of 23-under 265 at the season-ending tournament to beat Justin Rose of England, who shot a course-record 62 that included an eagle and eight birdies.

LATE FORMULA ONE: Britain’s Jensen Button may have worn the laurels as winner of the final Formula One race of the year, the Brazilian Grand Prix, November 25, but Sebastian Vettel’s sixth place finish gave him the points to become the Formula One Champion for the third year in a row. Vettel beat out second man Fernando Alonso by just three points.


GROUP B P W D L F A Pts GDSchalke 5 3 2 0 9 5 11 4Arsenal 5 3 1 1 9 6 10 3Olympiakos 5 2 0 3 7 8 6 -1Montpellier 5 0 1 4 5 11 1 -6

GROUP D P W D L F A Pts GDBorussia D 5 3 2 0 10 5 11 5Real Madrid 5 2 2 1 11 8 8 3Ajax 5 1 1 3 7 12 4 -5Man City 5 0 3 2 7 10 3 -3

GROUP E P W D L F A Pts GDShakhtar D 5 3 1 1 12 7 10 5Juventus 5 2 3 0 11 4 9 7Chelsea 5 2 1 2 10 9 7 1Nordsjaelland 5 0 1 4 3 16 1 -13

GROUP G P W D L F A Pts GDBarcelona 5 4 0 1 11 5 12 6Benfica 5 2 1 2 5 5 7 0Celtic 5 2 1 2 7 7 7 0Spartak Moscow 5 1 0 4 6 12 3 -6

GROUP H P W D L F A Pts GDMan United 5 4 0 1 9 5 12 4Galatasaray 5 2 1 2 5 5 7 0CFR Cluj-Napoca 5 2 1 2 8 7 7 1Braga 5 1 0 4 6 11 3 -5

FIXTURESTuesday, December 4

Group B Montpellier v Schalke 04Olympiakos v Arsenal

Group D Borussia Dortmund v Man City

Real Madrid v Ajax

FIXTURESWednesday, December 5

Group E Chelsea v Nordsjaelland

Shakhtar Donetsk v Juventus

Group G Barcelona v Benfica

Celtic v Spartak Moscow

Group H Braga v Galatasaray

Man Utd v CFR Cluj-Napoca


Tuesday, December 11Bradford v Arsenal; Norwich v Aston Villa

Wednesday, December 12 Swansea v Middlesbrough

Wednesday, December 19 Leeds United v Chelsea


Saturday, December 1 Ross County v Inverness CT; Aberdeen v Motherwell;

Celtic v Arbroath; Cowdenbeath v St Johnstone;Dumbarton v Hamilton; Forfar v Ayr;

Kilmarnock v Queen of Sth; Livingston v Dundee;Partick Thistle v Dunfermline; Raith Rovers v Deveronvale;

St Mirren v Brechin; Stenhousemuir v Falkirk;Stranraer v Dundee Utd; Turriff United v Morton

Sunday, December 2Rangers v Elgin; Hibernian v Hearts


Saturday, January 26 Inverness CT v Hearts

Sunday, January 27St Mirren v Celtic


P W D L F A Pts GDA Makhachkala 5 3 1 1 6 2 10 4Liverpool 5 2 1 2 10 9 7 1Young Bys Bern 5 2 1 2 11 12 7 -1Udinese 5 1 1 3 7 11 4 -4

GROUP D P W D L F A Pts GDBordeaux 5 3 1 1 8 5 10 3Newcastle Utd 5 2 3 0 7 3 9 4Club Brugge 5 1 1 3 5 9 4 -4Maritimo 5 0 3 2 2 5 3 -3

GROUP J P W D L F A Pts GDLazio 5 2 3 0 5 1 9 4Tottenham H 5 1 4 0 5 3 7 2Panathinaikos 5 1 2 2 3 8 5 -5Maribor 5 1 1 3 5 6 4 -1

FIXTURES Thursday, December 6

Group A Udinese v Liverpool; Young Boys v Anzhi Makhachkala

Group D Bordeaux v Newcastle; Maritimo v Club Bruges

Group J NK Maribor v Lazio;Tottenham v Panathinaikos

Arsenal: Five different players scored as the Gunners overcame a 1-0 deficit by pummeling 10-man Tottenham, 5-2. Per Mertesacker

tied the game in the 24th minute, Lucas Pod-olski provided a lead shortly before halftime, and Oliver Giroud’s goal in first-half stoppage time effectively decided the match. Goals by Santi Cozorla and Theo Walcott fattened up the final margin. Mikel Areta’s failed penalty kick late in stoppage time left the Gunners tied with Fulham, 3-3, after they had blown a two-goal lead. Two strikes by Giroud sandwiched around a Podolski goal had built a 3-1 lead that eventually collapsed.

Aston Villa: Brad Guzan needed to make just one save in shutting out Arsenal but Villa was also blanked in a 0-0 result. A two-goal lead provided

by Andreas Weimann evaporated in a 3-2 loss to Manchester United. He scored in first-half stoppage time and again in the 50th minute to provide the lead Villa squandered under a United onslaught that included an own-goal equalizer by Ron Vlaar. Gabriel Agbonlahor’s first league goal of the season enabled Villa to beat a feeble Sunderland side, 1-0, that failed to put a shot on target.

Chelsea: The era of Rafael Ben-itez began with a 0-0 home match against Manchester City during which boos and whistles revealed

the fans’ opinion of him replacing Roberto Di Matteo. Eden Hazard equalized six minutes before halftime but West Bromwich Albion re-gained the lead early in the second half and held on to win, 2-1, for Chelsea’s first away defeat of the season. John Terry scored the opening goal in the 20th minute, then left the game injured and Chelsea couldn’t hold onto the lead in a 1-1 draw with Liverpool.

Everton: A 2-1 loss at Reading left Everton with just their second defeat in the last 20 matches. Steven Naismith’s goal provided a

1-0 lead in the 10th minute but Everton con-ceded an equalizer early in the second half and then gave away a late penalty kick. Maroune Felliani’s header hit the post in stoppage time. Fellaini and Nikica Jelavic swung the game decisively in Everton’s favour with goals in quick succession in the last 15 minutes to ensure manager David Moyes’ 400th Premier League match ended in victory.

Fulham: Brent Hangeland was dismissed with a straight red card in the 30th minute and though substitute Mladen Petric equalized

in the second half, the Cottagers lost at home to Sunderland, 3-1. Mark Schwarzer saved a penalty kick in stoppage time to preserve a thrilling 3-3 tie at Arsenal that featured a comeback from 2-0 down. Dimitar Berbatov cut the deficit in half, Alex Kacaniklic leveled before halftime, and the Cottagers took the lead midway through the second half with a Berbatov penalty kick. After Arsenal equalized, Sascha Riether was whistled for handball, but Schwarzer dived low to turn away Mikel Arteta’s spot kick.

Liverpool: Luis Suarez scored twice early in the second half and then assisted on a third goal in a 3-0 defeat of Wigan Athletic won just their second home game of

the season. Suarez took his tally to 10 goals by scoring in his fifth successive game. Pepe Reina got the shutout in his first action since October 7, and Jose Enrique scored his first goal for the club to close out the scoring.

After colliding with defender John Terry, who needed to leave the game, Suarez scored in the 73rd minute in a 1-1 tie at Chelsea.

Manchester City: Sergio Aguero and Carlos Tevez each converted a penalty kick and also scored from the run of play as

City trampled Aston Villa, 5-0. David Silva had opened the scoring late in the first half. Edin Dzeko came off the bench to score the winner in the final minutes – Aguero had scored 20 minutes into the second half – in a 2-1 home victory over Tottenham. Manager Roberto Mancini went to three in the back for a game at West Ham, and despite a 22-6 edge in shots City failed to score for the first league game in nearly seven months and drew 0-0.

Manchester United: The Red Devils scored three goals in seven minutes to wipe out a 1-0 deficit and beat Queen’s

Park Rangers, 3-1. A slightly depleted squad – Wayne Rooney sidelined by tonsillitis, An-ders Lindergaard replacing keeper David de Gea – fell, 1-0, at Norwich City. United held a 62-38 percentage edge in possession but Robin van Persie failed to put away several chances, and Antonio Valencia and Javier Hernandez were substituted after disappoint-ing performances. Hernandez’s entry as a sub triggered a comeback at Aston Villa and a 3-2 victory; his two goals, plus an own goal, wiped out a 2-0 deficit.

Newcastle United: Dembe Ba, deprived of forward part-ner Papiss Cisse by the FIFA regulation that prohibits a club

appearance if a player turns down a national-team callup because of injury, managed a stoppage-time goal as the Magpies lost at home, 2-1, to Swansea. Ba squandered sev-eral chances as Newcastle failed to exploit a 32-16 edge in shots until the very end. Hatem Ben Arfa got to the byline to drill a low cross that Yohan Cabaye smacked home in a 1-1 tie at Liverpool.

Norwich City: Sebastien Bas-song scored well into stoppage time to earn Norwich City a 1-1 draw at Everton. The Canaries won their

third game out of the last five in impressive fashion, downing Manchester United, 1-0, with a headed goal on the hour by Anthony Pilkington. Left back Javier Garrido overlapped to hit a precise cross that the former United youth player nodded into the net. Keeper John Ruddy recorded six saves, and preserved the win with a superb stop of a deflection deep into stoppage time. Bradley Johnson headed home a Robert Snodgrass free kick just before halftime to push the Canaries past Stoke City, 1-0.

Queen’s Park Rangers: Harry Redknapp watched from the stands as QPR lost, 3-1, at Manchester United. He signed

a 2½ year contract to replace predecessor Mark Hughes, whose fate was sealed after QPR’s 3-1 home loss to Southampton kept them winless in Premier League play. David Hoilett’s goal early in the second half narrowed the deficit to 2-1 but an Anton Ferdinand own-goal in the 83rd minute sealed the outcome. The defeat left Hughes with only six wins in his 30 matches since taking over last January. Djibril Cisse’s equalizer midway through the second half brought QPR level with Reading at home, 1-1, but Adel Taarabt’s potential winner was saved brilliantly to preserve the result.

Reading: Adam Le Fondre equalized early in the second half and with 11 minutes left

converted the penalty kick by which the Royals won their first league match of the season, 2-1 over Everton. Nicky Shorey’s free

kick created the first goal for Le Fondre, who then earned the penalty himself and sent keeper Tim Howard the wrong way to cash it in. A record crowd of 24,184 celebrated the victory at the Madejski Stadium. A second great save by Alex McCarthy helped secure a 1-1 tie at Queen’s Park Rangers provided by Kaspars Gorkss’s goal.

Southampton: Captain Adam Lallana scored the first goal and helped Jason Puncheon to set up the second for Gaston Ramirez in

a 2-0 defeat of Newcastle. Rickie Lambert’s goal midway through the first half and Jason Puncheon’s tally in first-half stoppage time proved to be decisive as the second-from-bottom Saints defeated cellar-dweller Queen’s Park Rangers, 3-1. Morgan Schneiderlin’s cross bounced into the net off an opponent in the final minutes for the third goal. First-half dominance led to a Morgan Schneiderlin goal early in the second half and a 1-0 lead at home against Swansea; an equalizer conceded nine minutes later yielded the 1-1 result.

Stoke City: Charlie Adams scored the only goal as Stoke downed Fulham, 1-0, to extend their unbeaten streak at home to

13 games. Jon Walters’ goal in the 13th min-ute gave Stoke a 1-0 lead at West Ham and though an equalizer was conceded early in the second half, they held on for a 1-1 draw. Steven Nzonzi crashed a shot off the underside of the crossbar with the score, 1-0. Adam’s first goal for the club propelled the Potters to a 1-0 defeat of Queen’s Park Rangers. The summer signing from Liverpool scored in the 52nd minute after Walters had flicked a free kick in his direction.

Sunderland: The Black Cats won at Craven Cottage for only the second time in Premier League play when they scored

three times in the second half to beat Fulham, 3-1. Steven Fletcher scored five minutes into the second half and after Fulham equalized, Carlos Cuellar and Stephane Sessegon tallied against a fatiguing opponent that had gone down to 10 men after half an hour. Winger Adam Johnson scored his first goal for the club on the stroke of half-time but Sunderland conceded goals three minutes apart in the second half to lose, 2-1.

Swansea City: Former Swans manager Brendan Rodgers left with a point after they and Liver-pool both failed to score. Goals by

Michu and Jonathan de Guzman produced a 2-1 win at Newcastle for the Swans, which prevailed despite conceding a goal in stop-page time. Pablo Hernandez’s cross set up Michu early in the second half and De Guzman scored on a rebound with three minutes left in regulation. Hernandez scored in the 88th minute to earn the Swans a 1-1 home draw with Chelsea.

Tottenham Hotspur: A pair of goals by Jermaine Defoe sand-wiched around a Gareth Bale strike took Spurs past West Ham, 3-1. US international Clint Dempsey banged a

shot off the woodwork before setting up Bale for the decisive goal. Emmanuel Adebayor scored an early goal and seven minutes later got sent off for a reckless tackle that left Spurs down to 10 men at Arsenal, and despite a goal by Bale they were soundly beaten, 5-2. The defeat was their fourth straight. Steven Caulker’s goal in the 21st minute posted a 1-0 lead at Manchester City that dissipated in the second half of a 2-1 loss.

West Bromwich Albion: A 4-2 win at Sunderland moved the Bag-gies into third place; Romelu Lukaku

scored the winner with a penalty in the 81st minute, to give manager Steve Clarke, a former Chelsea assistant, seven wins in the last eight games. Shane Long scored the first goal and crossed for Peter Odemwingie to notch the winner as WBA knocked off former manager Roberto Di Matteo’s Chelsea side, 2-1. Long honored his grandmother, who died the day before the game, by displaying a T-shirt that read ‘RIP Nan’ after scoring his goal. Goal-keeper Boaz Myhill came up with several big saves in his first senior game for the club in 21 months as the Baggies won, 2-1, at Wigan. Odemwingie got both goals in a 2-0 defeat of Southampton.

West Ham United: Jussi Jaaskelainen’s six saves weren’t nearly enough to stave off a Tot-tenham onslaught that downed

the Hammers, 3-1. Andy Carroll’s goal in the 82nd minute averted the shutout. Joey O’Brien’s goal early in the second half erased a 1-0 deficit against Stoke but there were no more goals and West Ham had to settle for the 1-1 draw at home. The point pulled the Hammers into a tie for sixth with Arsenal. Kevin Nolan scored against his former club late in the first half as the Hammers won at Newcastle, 1-0. Jussi Jaaskelainen’s eight saves, several of them excellent, enabled West Ham to beat former manager Alan Pardew.

Wigan Athletic: Jordi Gomez’s hat trick overcame a bobbled Ali Al-Habsi own goal to earn the Latics a 3-2 defeat of Reading.

Gomez scored 10 minutes apart in the sec-ond half and nailed the winner in the second minute of stoppage time. Aroune Kone’s goal just before halftime brought the Latics to within a goal of West Bromwich Albion at 2-1 but they failed to score in the second half and lost by that score. They won a second straight game, following a six-match winless run, with a Ben Watson goal in the 56th minute that was enough to down Tottenham, 1-0, at White Hart Lane.

December 2012 Page 19ujnews.com

By Ridge Mahoney











– Saturday, December 1 –West Ham v Chelsea Arsenal v Swansea

Fulham v Tottenham Liverpool v Southampton

Man City v Everton QPR v Aston Villa

West Brom v Stoke Reading v Man Utd

Sunday, December 2 –Norwich v Sunderland

– Monday December 3 –Newcastle v Wigan

– Saturday, December 8 –Arsenal v West Brom Aston Villa v Stoke

Southampton v Reading Sunderland v Chelsea Swansea v Norwich

Wigan v QPR – Sunday, December 9 –

Man City v Man Utd Everton v Tottenham West Ham v Liverpool

– Monday, December 10 –Fulham v Newcastle

– Tuesday, December 11 –Sunderland v Reading

– Saturday, December 15 –Newcastle v Man City Liverpool v Aston Villa Man Utd v Sunderland

Norwich v Wigan QPR v Fulham

Stoke v Everton – Sunday, December 16 –

Tottenham v Swansea West Brom v West Ham

– Monday, December 17 –Reading v Arsenal

– Saturday, December 22 –Wigan v Arsenal

Man City v Reading Newcastle v QPR

Southampton v Sunderland Tottenham v Stoke

West Brom v Norwich West Ham v Everton Liverpool v Fulham

– Sunday, December 23 –Swansea v Man Utd Chelsea v Aston Villa

– Wednesday, December 26 –Arsenal v West Ham

Everton v Wigan Fulham v Southampton Man Utd v Newcastle Norwich v Chelsea QPR v West Brom

Reading v Swansea Sunderland v Man City Aston Villa v Tottenham

Stoke v Liverpool

– Saturday, December 29 –Sunderland v Tottenham

Aston Villa v Wigan Fulham v Swansea

Man Utd v West Brom Norwich v Man City

Reading v West Ham Stoke v Southampton Arsenal v Newcastle

– Sunday, December 30 –Everton v Chelsea QPR v Liverpool

– Tuesday, January 1 –West Brom v Fulham

Man City v Stoke Swansea v Aston Villa Tottenham v Reading West Ham v Norwich

Wigan v Man Utd Southampton v Arsenal

– Wednesday, January 2 –Chelsea v QPR

Liverpool v SunderlandNewcastle v Everton

P W D L F A GD PtsRangers 11 7 3 1 29 9 20 24Elgin City 12 6 4 2 29 20 9 22Queens Park 12 5 4 3 18 13 5 19Montrose 13 5 4 4 22 24 -2 19Berwick Rangers 12 5 3 4 19 15 4 18Peterhead 12 5 2 5 13 14 -1 17Annan Athletic 12 4 4 4 23 24 -1 16Clyde 12 4 1 7 13 19 -6 13East Stirlingshire 12 4 0 8 17 32 -15 12Stirling Albion 12 2 1 9 17 30 -13 7

P W D L F A GD PtsMan United 14 11 0 3 33 18 15 33Man City 14 9 5 0 27 10 17 32Chelsea 14 7 5 2 24 13 11 26West Brom 14 8 2 4 24 18 6 26Tottenham H 14 7 2 5 25 23 2 23Everton 14 5 7 2 24 18 6 22Arsenal 14 5 6 3 24 14 10 21Swansea C 14 5 5 4 21 17 4 20Stoke City 14 4 7 3 13 12 1 19West Ham 14 5 4 5 16 16 0 19Fulham 14 4 5 5 25 23 2 17Liverpool 14 3 7 4 18 18 0 16Norwich City 14 3 7 4 11 20 -9 16Newcastle Utd 14 3 5 6 14 21 -7 14Wigan Ath 14 4 2 8 15 25 -10 14Sunderland 13 2 7 4 12 16 -4 13Aston Villa 14 3 4 7 11 22 -11 13Southampton 14 3 3 8 21 31 -10 12Reading 13 1 6 6 16 23 -7 9QPR 14 0 5 9 10 26 -16 5

P W D L F A GD Pts Cardiff City 19 12 2 5 37 25 12 38Crystal Pal 19 11 4 4 36 24 12 37Middlesbro 19 11 2 6 32 24 8 35Leicester City 19 10 3 6 31 17 14 33Millwall 19 9 5 5 33 26 7 32Hull City 19 10 2 7 27 24 3 32Brighton & H 19 8 7 4 27 16 11 31Watford 19 9 3 7 33 27 6 30Nottingham F 19 7 8 4 27 24 3 29Blackburn R 19 7 7 5 27 24 3 28Huddersfield 19 8 4 7 24 27 -3 28Derby County 19 7 6 6 29 27 2 27Charlton Ath 19 7 6 6 26 24 2 27Burnley 19 8 3 8 32 33 -1 27Leeds United 19 7 5 7 26 30 -4 26Blackpool 19 6 7 6 31 28 3 25Bolton W 19 6 7 6 27 28 -1 25Wolverhmptn 19 6 4 9 24 26 -2 22Birmingham 19 5 6 8 23 30 -7 21Barnsley 19 4 5 10 18 28 -10 17Ipswich Twn 19 4 5 10 17 40 -23 17Bristol City 19 4 3 12 28 37 -9 15Sheffield W 19 4 3 12 22 36 -14 15Peterborough 19 4 1 14 20 32 -12 13

P W D L F A GD PtsTranmere R 20 11 6 3 36 16 20 39Doncaster R 20 12 3 5 29 16 13 39Milton K 20 10 6 4 28 14 14 36Sheffield Utd 20 9 9 2 26 17 9 36Brentford 20 9 8 3 28 19 9 35Notts County 20 9 7 4 32 20 12 34Stevenage 20 9 7 4 27 27 0 34Swindon T 20 9 5 6 29 17 12 32Crawley Town 20 9 4 7 27 28 -1 31Bournemouth 20 7 8 5 34 32 2 29Preston NE 20 7 7 6 31 24 7 28Yeovil Town 20 9 1 10 30 31 -1 28Leyton Orient 20 9 1 10 22 23 -1 28Crewe Alex 20 7 6 7 24 27 -3 27Coventry City 20 6 6 8 28 27 1 24Oldham Ath 20 6 5 9 20 24 -4 23Colchester U 20 6 5 9 23 31 -8 23Carlisle U 20 6 5 9 26 38 -12 23Walsall 20 5 7 8 22 30 -8 22Portsmouth 20 5 4 11 25 31 -6 19Bury 20 4 7 9 23 33 -10 19Shrewsbury T 20 4 6 10 21 27 -6 18Scunthorpe U 20 4 5 11 20 37 -17 17Hartlepool U 20 1 6 13 15 37 -22 9

P W D L F A GD PtsGillingham 20 12 5 3 37 17 20 41Port Vale 20 11 6 3 44 21 23 39Cheltenham T 20 10 5 5 27 25 2 35Rotherham U 20 10 4 6 33 29 4 34Southend U 20 9 5 6 33 21 12 32Bradford City 20 9 5 6 30 22 8 32Fleetwood T 20 8 7 5 28 20 8 31Rochdale 19 8 6 5 28 26 2 30Exeter City 20 9 3 8 29 29 0 30Northampton 20 8 5 7 32 27 5 29Burton 20 8 5 7 28 28 0 29Chesterfield 20 7 7 6 26 23 3 28Torquay U 19 7 7 5 26 23 3 28Accrington S 20 7 5 8 26 31 -5 26Dagenham&R 19 6 7 6 31 27 4 25Morecambe 20 7 4 9 26 28 -2 25York City 19 5 9 5 23 26 -3 24Oxford Utd 20 7 3 10 29 35 -6 24Wycombe W 19 5 4 10 21 30 -9 19Plymouth Arg 20 4 6 10 23 30 -7 18Bristol Rov 19 4 6 9 23 37 -14 18Wimbledon 20 5 3 12 23 39 -16 18Aldershot T 20 4 5 11 15 31 -16 17Barnet 20 3 6 11 18 34 -16 15

P W D L F A GD PtsCeltic 15 8 4 3 28 13 15 28Hibernian 16 8 3 5 27 21 6 27Inverness C T 16 6 7 3 31 28 3 25Aberdeen 16 6 6 4 22 17 5 24Motherwell 16 6 6 4 24 20 4 24St Johnstone 16 6 5 5 19 20 -1 23Dundee Utd 15 5 5 5 19 21 -2 20Kilmarnock 15 5 4 6 24 20 4 19Heart of M 16 4 6 6 14 18 -4 18Ross County 16 3 8 5 17 22 -5 17St Mirren 16 4 4 8 20 28 -8 16Dundee 15 3 2 10 10 27 -17 11

P W D L F A GD PtsPartick Thistle 13 9 2 2 31 9 22 29Dunfermline 13 9 2 2 33 13 20 29Morton 13 7 4 2 28 17 11 25Raith Rovers 13 5 5 3 18 15 3 20Livingston 13 5 4 4 20 19 1 19Falkirk 13 3 5 5 15 18 -3 14Cowdenbeath 13 3 4 6 18 22 -4 13Hamilton Ac 13 3 3 7 13 20 -7 12Airdrie Utd 13 3 3 7 16 30 -14 12Dumbarton 13 1 2 10 11 40 -29 5

P W D L F A GD PtsQueen of the South 13 11 2 0 32 7 25 35Alloa Athletic 13 8 2 3 26 13 13 26Brechin City 13 6 1 6 24 23 1 19Forfar Athletic 13 6 1 6 25 28 -3 19Arbroath 13 5 3 5 21 27 -6 18Ayr United 13 5 2 6 20 22 -2 17Stenhousemuir 13 3 6 4 23 28 -5 15East Fife 13 4 2 7 19 18 1 14Albion Rovers 13 3 2 8 18 28 -10 11Stranraer 13 2 3 8 14 28 -14 9



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It’s Not The Usual . . .. . .venue you might expect to see

Welsh singer Tom Jones. See Sporting Roundup on page 18

The Perfect Christmas Gift !

A Union Jack Subscription~ See Page 3 ~

Benitez Booed As Chelsea Is Held 0-0 By Man City

RAFA BENITEZ endured a hostile reception and gave the restless Chelsea fans nothing to cheer about as his first match in charge ended in a drab 0-0 draw with Manchester City last month.

An insipid performance extended Chel-sea’s winless run to five matches with Benitez, four days after replacing Roberto Di Matteo, failing to engineer an immediate uplift in fortunes amid constant jeering.

Di Matteo lost his job after a loss to Juventus left Chelsea’s hopes of progress-ing in the Champions League in jeopardy, although Mancini’s City went out in the group stage for the second successive season only days earlier.

The on-pitch announcer had to plead with the fans to mute their dissent so that tribute could be paid to former manager Dave Sex-ton, who died the same day.

But after a minute’s applause, the Chelsea fans turned on Benitez again with chants of, “We don’t want you here,” while “Rafa Out” banners appeared in the ground.

BPL-Seeking Ipswich Hires Mick McCarthy As Manager

STRUGGLING second-tier English club Ipswich has hired Mick McCarthy as its new manager, hoping he can guide a third team to promotion to the Premier League.

Ipswich said that the former Wolver-hampton Wanderers manager has signed a contract that will keep him at the club until 2015. He replaces Paul Jewell, who left in October.

McCarthy guided Sunderland to the Premier League in 2005, and repeated the accomplishment with Wolves in 2009.

McCarthy said that “while the long-term ambition is to take the club back into the Premier League, it’s clear that the first priority is to get some confidence back into the team and start climbing the table.”

Ipswich is currently last in the League Championship, and has not won a game since August.

Roberto Mancini Loses Cool, Demands ‘Respect’

MANCHESTER City manager Roberto Man-cini lost his temper after more questions about his links with Monaco, claiming he deserves more respect for ending the club’s long search for silverware.

Mancini hasn’t disputed reports he held talks with the French club in the offseason, saying last month that he was “very close with seven or eight teams.”

Questions persisted about the nature of the talks, leading to Mancini banging his hand on the table at a news conference and saying: “We won three trophies in two years (at City) – I think you should have respect for this, for me.”

City won the English league title in May for the first time in 44 years and captured the FA Cup in 2011, but Mancini’s future remains a subject of debate.

Henning Berg Returns To Blackburn As Manager

BLACKBURN manager Henning Berg says returning to the club that he won the Premier

Continued on page 17