Turbine Generators and You How power production occurs and the manner in which we accomplish 3 phase...


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Turbine Generators and You

How power production occurs and the manner in which we accomplish

3 phase power

-Power Demands in South Carolina-History of Electric Generators-Modern Day Power Generation-Future of Turbine Generators

South Carolina demands 13.4 Terawatt hours of power annually. This power is provided by turbine generators. The means in which is turbine generator is operated depends on the prime mover. Steam through burning coal, natural gas, or nuclear power makes up the majority of this power. Hyrdo and wind combine for less than 10% of the power South Carolina consumes.

Ancient GeneratorsVan de Graaff Generator Faraday Disk Generator

Bad Boi Generators

Prime Movers

Steam PowerWind PowerHydro PowerHuman Power

Faraday’s Law in Practicehttp://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/faraday

Generator Action3 requirements for Generator Action

1) Conductor

2) Magnetic Field

3) Relative motion between the two

