Trinity In Action December 2014




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“Christmas is for Children ALL Parents!” The California December evening was cold and windy. Parents hurried their children into their classrooms as they kept one hand over their children’s well- groomed hair. Then everyone scurried to get out of the cold and into the warm candlelit sanctuary. Inside, the Christmas Tree was topped with a golden star, and the lights trailed around and around its dark green branches. The organ began playing softly and parents got their video cameras ready. In came row after row of children dressed in their “Christmas best.” Each row assembled neatly into place and stood at attention watching their teacher for the cue. With a lowering of the hand they all were seated in their chairs. Of course that’s when the wave began. No, not like the wave at a baseball game. This was different. This wave was the kind that had no order at all, more chaotic and frantic, certainly not uniform. It was the hand of every parent waiting to catch eyes with their child and as soon as they did, the hand waving started. You would have thought that the kids just returned from a week-long winter camp and hadn’t seen their parents in years. This was a CHRISTMAS ADVENT SERVICE put on by children. I knew the story they were going to tell. I have heard it every year for well over 35 years. But tonight was special. Why? Because it included my children, dressed in their best, so excited to be presenting that message to us as parents. I watched and listened to my son’s speaking part and my daughter’s voice singing with her class. (I know I heard her clearly above everyone else!) My eyes sparkled and my heart warmed. I was so proud of them. It is one I don’t want to forget. Then it occurred to me. This is how my parents felt with me when I was a child. I still can remember their smiling faces. My mom would love to tell the story about one of my Advent services where I was to place a tree branch in the Christmas tree. However, when it came time for me to place it, I bolted down the aisle in the middle of the worship service and grabbed my dad’s hand and asked him to help me do it. Now that I have kids, I feel like I understand the smiles and the joy they had as parents. Could it be that He feels that way too? Not just about this night, my children, but every Sunday morning with me? As I get dressed up and head to the sanctuary to share a story I know so well? Does He beam with excitement as I sing out with the praise songs I have learned? HE DOES. He told me so,

by Rev. Chris Singer

Psalm 149:4 “For the LORD takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with salvation.” Zephaniah 3:17 “The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”

God the Heavenly Father delights in us because He delights in the One who bought us. He was born in a manger bare to dwell among us. Jesus Christ was born with a purpose, to seek and to save those children who were lost to the Father. Because of Jesus’ journey to the cross, and the victory at the grave, we are now God’s children, HOLY and Dearly LOVED. In fact, DELIGHTED IN. I believe that God the Father now looks down and smiles, probably even waves as He catches our eye. I know He never forgets. And I know He never grows tired of hearing and watching us sing of His incredible story. The Wonder of the Father in me made me a child again that Christmas. May His love cuddle you again in His arms throughout this Christmas and New Year as you discover the Joy of being His Child.

German Christmas ServiceDecember 21

6 p.m.

Advent ServicesWednesday Evenings10:30 a.m. & 7:15 p.m.

Family Worship6 p.m.

“Christmas is for Children ALL Parents!” December Nursery Hours:(Bible Studies break while Trinity School are on holiday breaks)

Sundays 8:20 a.m. to end of 11:00 a.m. service (Ages 2 months- Pre K)

Tuesdays 8:00-11:30 a.m. Precepts and MOPS Bible Wed. 9:00-11:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study

Wednesdays 6:00-8:15 p.m. Bible Class & Church

Holidays: Nursery open for all Advent Services including the Family

Service on Wednesday nights and all Christmas Eve Services.Nursery is offered for other Ministry Programs as they specify in

their advertising.SNACK DONATIONS: We appreciate donations of

Goldfish, animal crackers, Cheerios, raisins, pretzels, Kleenex, baby wipes, Clorox wipes, and small

disposable drinking cups.

TOYS NEEDED: Nursery toys are getting a little worn. If you have gently used more recent toys you are

looking to donate, we will happily accept them. We cannot accept fabric toys.

CHRISTMAS EVE Help Needed: If you are available to volunteer in the nursery during one of the services

please contact Sarah Dill.Nursery questions? Contact Sarah Dill at or 281-290-4911.

Miss Cathreen and these two cuties are teaching each other the words for food in English and

Spanish. Our ESL Class Nursery on Tuesday and Thursday evenings have been busy!

MEET GOD Worship@The Gospel of YouTubeby Dr. William Brusick, D.M., Minister of Music

YouTube is a very humbling website. I know there is also a lot of foolishness on there, you just have to wade through the muck. I’ve found that just when I think I have a handle on something, or have achieved a certain level of expertise, I simply watch YouTube and am immediately washed over with equal amounts of amazement, disbelief, humility, inspiration, and depression. Case in point, organist Paul Jacobs (b. 1977) – the youngest professor ever appointed to Julliard School of Music faculty, by his mid-20’s had performed and memorized the complete organ works of Cesar Franck (54), Oliver Messian (66), Johannes Brahms (15) and J.S. Bach (270) – a total of 405 pieces of music. Check out guitarist Sungha Yung or pianist Martha Augerich, and one of a hundred other impressive artists. Sports legends, entertainers, etc. – God has knitted together an amazing human form whose extraordinary feats leave us shaking our heads.I am daily humbled by all the great things I see and hear, but none so much as God’s ultimate sacrifice; sending His only Son to this corrupted world to pay the ultimate price for our sinfulness. Jesus came in utter humility, performed miracles which are still unexplained and unduplicated, lived an absolutely sinless 33-year-life, and in the end was tortured and killed on our behalf. The story begins this month – a humbling story, in that despite my unworthiness and my meager efforts and contributions to this world, God still loves me, guides me and has saved my life. If Jesus were walking the earth today he would no doubt be a YouTube sensation, having millions of hits, (and the usual critics). But then again … maybe He is already. After all, God lives in each of us, so all these incredibly gifted people are merely a reflection of God’s creation. Wow, now I am even more humbled.



Grow to Know GodParents of Public School or

Homeschool Children: Mark your calendar for Dec. 7, 12-1:15 p.m. We

would like to meet with you (and your kids) to learn how we can better serve your families.

(Specifically our GROW Group program, Sunday school and outreach efforts)

Lunch will be provided! Please RSVP and let us know ages of kids

attending. If your kids can’t eat pizza, please provide a lunch. Questions? Please contact

GNO With God Meets

Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. in the

Pier. See the website

for the rest of the dates

throughout the year.



Our me e t i ngs ar e at 7pm i n t he Pi e r on t he f ol l owi ng dat e s : Monday Sept ember 22, 2014 Monday Oct ober 20, 2014 Monday November 24, 2014 Monday December 15, 2014 Monday Januar y 26, 2015 Monday Febr uar y 23, 2015 Monday Mar ch 23, 2015 Monday Apr i l 20, 2015 Monday May 11, 2015  



Dec. 7Christmas Party

Dec. 14Regular Time:

6-8 p.m.

Exciting Report From CREW Serve!

High school students raised $1,061.65 to purchase supplies for hygiene and children’s kits, and to fill 35 Christmas

stockings. The hygiene kits were donated to 45 & Hope for distribution

to homeless folks; the children’s kits were donated to Arrow Ministries;

and the Christmas stockings are for elementary school age foster children

in the Klein ISD. The students also collected 500 canned/boxed food

items for the Trinity food pantry. Praise God for His work through

these students!

GROW Groups

The first round of GROW Groups was a huge success! We had such a great

turnout on Wednesday evenings. Enjoy your break, and we will see you

again January 14! If you would like to know more about GROW Groups, contact Pastor John. We’d love for

you to join us!

Public School Confirmation will meet Dec. 7 & 14 and then be off until Jan. 11, 2015.


Serve and Love God

10 Tips for Aging Gracefully & Graciously

1. Remember who you are and whose you are—a child of God.

2. Take care of your body with exercise and nutritional eating.

3. Sift and sort out what is happening around you—then adjust your life to changes that

are necessary.4. Be passionate about helping people in need

wherever and whenever you can.5. Keep developing relationships with people from all

walks of life.6. Be a positive person and avoid “pity” parties.

7. Help young people with your pearls of wisdom and experiences.

8. Find pleasure in learning new things—staying active in mind, body, and spirit.

9. Drink in God’s awesome creation and apply what you learn for daily living.

10. Spend time reading Holy Scripture, worshipping with God’s people, praying regularly, listening for God’s

voice, and meditating.

Engaging Prayer Thoughts: Help me forgive as I have been forgiven.

Help me treasure my happy memories of my working days.Help me soften the memories of unpleasant times.

Help me seek a new purpose for daily living.Help me discover new ways to adapt to these extra years of living.

Help me reach out to others in loving and caring ways.Help me not to hesitate to share my faith with family, friends, and strangers.

Help me develop a healthy style of daily living.Help me serve You through my family, my church, my community, my friends.

“O Lord, teach me to number my days that I may get a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12


When: January 16-19, 2015Where: Brenham, TXGoal of the STARS Retreat: To celebrate God’s love in Jesus Christ; to grow as one who knows Him and follows Him, and to shine the light of new life that Jesus gives in a setting of solitude, prayer, worship and fellowship, using clear teaching and powerful inspiration.Cost: $200 for transportation, accommodations, meals and retreat materials.

Contact Joel Eisenbraun at for scholarship information.


Go & Share God

I feel truly blessed in my spiritual journey, and the recent opportunity to travel to Kenya with the Trinity Ablaze team was both a memorable and rewarding part of that journey. In return for the small sacrifice of time, talent, and treasure it took to participate in this ten-day mission trip, I was able to experience first hand some of the peace, contentment, and fulfillment in purpose that all of God’s missionaries no doubt humbly and gratefully receive.

I recall from the prior trips, the Trinity Ablaze mission team members always came back energized and excited about the ministry in Kenya, some going back as many as a dozen times. I have seen our church at Trinity evolving from what could be described as a primarily inward focus, to a more balanced - indeed “missional” - church culture that seeks, in addition to fulfilling the duty to meet in worship and study of the Word, to also actively undertake Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28:19, where He commanded: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” The mission tithe the voters dedicated in the last two capital campaigns has enabled Trinity to fund many church plants and humanitarian and evangelistic missions, both near and far. Kenya stands out among these as being an international mission that involves not only the hearts and money of Trinity members, but also their hands and feet.

I can’t say enough about the excellence

of the vision clinic operations in Kenya. The Kenya staff and volunteers, and the missionary volunteers, were great. They were all focused on the mission, did their jobs well, and were kind and appreciative to one another. The eye clinic concept is great, combining a much-needed health service with a forum in which patients see volunteers’ faith in action as they serve, hear the gospel preached in their language by local evangelists, and receive personal attention to minister to their spiritual needs. On this trip, several thousand heard the gospel, several hundred received eye drops or glasses, scores had eye surgeries, and as many committed their lives to Christ, and will be connected with a local Lutheran congregation where they live.

I was gratified and relieved to see that God was at work in this place, in spite of the lack of economic prosperity, modern industrial and societal development, that people could live with dignity and mutual respect, love of family, fellowship in community, and contentment with a life where through God’s grace, their true needs can be met. I was overwhelmed by the warm welcome we received from the Kenyan people, and for the deep and sincere gratitude expressed by many at the clinic.

I would strongly encourage anyone who may be feeling led to join in a future mission trip to Kenya or elsewhere to push past your fears and excuses and do it. I am confident you will receive far more in return than you give, or expect.

Trinity Ablaze In Kenyaby Rick Hevle


We are blessed to have several opportunities for

our Trinity families to bless others during the Christmas season. We have an Adopt a Family ministry. Going

into December, we still have about 11 needy families in the community whom you can adopt and help provide

presents for the families. We also accept toys for local children in need through the NAM (Northwest Assistance

Ministries). If you would like to be a part of either of these ministries or if you have any questions please

contact Jennifer Kielat

TLS NEWS Our theme for this school year is, “Encourage one another in the Lord, and build each other up” (1 Thess. 5:11). Some of our favorite groups of people to build up are Veterans of the Armed Forces and our Community Helpers (firemen, policemen, etc.). We recognized these very dedicated people in our November 12th chapel service. We sang patriotic songs and presented each of them with some very special cards made by TLS students. We hope you were able to attend the annual Fall Festival. Our wonderful PTL volunteers always do an exceptional job and make this a day of great fun for everyone. Thanks to everyone for your participation ... whether you worked at the event or simply brought your children/grandchildren to enjoy the festivities.

Our students have been going on a number of excellent field trips this year. Most recently, our sixth grade (pictured) went to Houston’s Museum of Natural Science. This particular adventure is always the winning combination of being highly educational and a lot of fun. Our fall TLS sports teams had an exceptional season. Our Varsity Teams all won their League Championships. Congratulations to the players and coaches of our football, volleyball, and soccer teams! Basketball and Swim are our winter sports. Check our game calendar and cheer these Eagles on to victory as well. The Christmas season provides some great opportunities for our children to help you get into the spirit of the holidays. The annual Christmas Concert (choirs and band) will be Monday, Dec. 8, at 7:00 p.m. The Christmas Program (grades 1-8) will take place Tuesday, Dec. 16, at 7:00 p.m. As a reminder to our parents, Christmas parties will be Friday, December 19, followed by a noon dismissal. There will not be any Extended Care available after school lets out that Friday.

by Brenda Burdick

2015 Contribution Boxed Envelopes for Weekly Offerings

are coming! NEW THIS YEAR, they will NOT have envelope numbers, but member’s names and addresses. Look for your box in alphabetic order on tables in the back of the Sanctuary in December. Watch the weekly

announcements for the date of their arrival. Simply Giving is our automatic giving option. If you are

interested in finding out more about that program, please contact Jim Kellerman at ext. 230. If you have difficulty

finding your envelope or have any other contribution questions, please contact Mary Gibbs ext. 214.

2014 Contributions Notice!In order for contributions to be included on your 2014 giving statement, the IRS rule states that they must be received by the Church by December 31, 2014. This means that the last chance to give during a worship

service will be at the New Year’s Eve service (3:00 p.m. on Dec. 31.) You can also bring your offering to the Church Office no later than 3:00 p.m. Tues., Dec. 30th, or have it POSTMARKED by December 31st in order to meet the deadline. Thanks for your cooperation with this


“In the Christmas story, God descends to re-ascend. He comes down … down

to the very roots and sea bed of the Nature He has created. But He goes down to come up again and bring the

whole ruined world up with Him.”

– C.S. Lewis, from “Miracles” A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life



Sunday, December 14, 7:00 p.m.

Christmas at Concordia
