Trinity In Action - October 2014

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“Because I Said So!” One of the things as a child that I rarely appreciated hearing were those words from my parents as a response to my constant questioning of their decision. It meant that there would be no further explanation and no more discussion. The decision was made. This, of course, left me in a place where there could be no more debate. Instead, I was now faced with either accepting those words and following or rejecting those words by choosing to go against that phrase and breaking away from that phrase. Today as a parent I often find myself now using those same words. I also have a deeper appreciation for the importance of that phrase as I raise my children. It is about trust, health and well-being, discipline, learning, and attaining wisdom.

Yet as God’s child I still hear those words spoken to me. Honestly there are many times that I do not understand God’s reasoning. There seems to be other logic and other ways of living that often seem to make a lot of sense to me. As I hear God’s Word it invites me to trust and believe not because I understand it, but rather simply to trust and follow, listen and obey because He said so.

When I find myself in sin and hear Jesus say, “I love you and forgive you” I often find it difficult to understand. I ask, “Why Jesus? Why would you forgive me again?” His grace answers me, “Because I said so!”

Discipleship is really a constant pattern of walking with Jesus, our teacher, our trainer, our Savior. Jesus sends His Holy Spirit to “remind us” of everything He taught as we walk through life. He often shows us how immature our thinking can be while at the same time in love giving us wisdom and calling us into abundant living by following Him and trusting His plan. That plan is highlighted in God’s Word.

We may not always feel like Worshipping Him, Growing in the study of His Word, Serving others, and Going to tell others about Jesus yet as His disciples we are invited to do so and trust that His plan of discipleship is the best way.

Why should you trust Him? You know the answer to that now. Don’t you?

by Rev. Chris Singer October is always an exciting time for the school. The heat begins to wane (hopefully), the leaves start to come down, and there is fresh energy in the air. That is why it is such a great time for some of our fun “outside events.” The seventh and eighth grade classes will leave for Outdoor Education at Camp Carolina Creek on October 6th. They will return to campus on the 9th. While they are there, they will have the opportunity to share some great experiences with nature, develop leadership and team skills, and take part in some in awesome spiritual growth opportunities. It is one of those unique TLS activities that our alumni always mention. On October 10th, PTL will host our annual Wachsmann Walk-a-thon. Not only do the students really enjoy this very fun on-campus event, but it is one of the three fundraising events that our PTL coordinates each year. If one of our students asks you to make a pledge, please consider doing so. These funds are used towards our larger purchases such as buses, computer carts, and facility improvements. In mid-October, school parents will receive an email asking you to sign up for a parent-teacher conference. Please do so. These brief meetings provide much-needed time for parents and teachers to discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and concerns that are evident at this point in the school year. We will release early on October 16th, for afternoon conferences. There is no school on the 17th so that teachers have that entire day open for conferences as well.


A Game of Opposites.................Pg. 3

What are Grow Groups?............Pg. 4

Serve Ministry Groups..................Pg. 5

Trinity Piecemaker’s 7th Annual Quilt Show.................Pg. 6

Meet the New Faces in the Church Office..............................Pg. 7

Ladies Aid Country Store............Pg. 7

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MEET GOD Worship@


TRADITIONAL: Sunday 8:30 a.m.Wednesday 7:15 p.m.

CONTEMPORARY: Sunday 11 a.m.SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sunday 9:50 a.m.

by Dr. William Brusick, D.M., Minister of Music When I was a teenager playing trumpet in the high school band, we had on occasion the opportunity to meet and be conducted by composers of music that we were performing. This fascinated and excited me, and after a while it became kind of a game. I would know several weeks ahead of time when a visiting composer was coming to conduct us … Would the man resemble his music? It turned out more often than not that some of the most uproarious festive music was written by some of the most quiet, demure – dare I say - shy people. Here is another example. Take a few minutes to listen to “Mars: The Bringer of War” from The Planets. (It might sound familiar because it has been used in several sound tracks and was definitely an influence for John Williams’ Star Wars score). Now, Google image the composer – Gustav Holst. Holst was a very quiet, introspective man, constantly plagued by bouts of self doubt and depression. He suffered from asthma and had a severe form of neuritis which did not allow him to hold a pen for any extended period. How can this be? God is up to His old tricks again. After all, some of the greatest men and women of the Bible were – shall we say – less than Biblical. A tiny mustard seed brings forth a mighty tree, a microscopic germ causes planetary disease, a whale shark – the largest creature on the planet subsists solely on tiny plankton. God’s world is full of these opposites – it fascinates me, moves me, gives me hope. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10) I am so looking forward to the great plans that we have in store for this season. I am not yet sure how all of this will be carried out and it is daunting to think about it, but I take comfort in the fact that what for us seems monumental is made easy by God’s grace, and what may seem inconsequential and routine for us can be so very, very powerful.

October Nursery Hours:Sunday: 8:20 a.m. to end of 11:00 a.m. service

(Ages 2 months- PreK)Tuesday: 8-11:30 a.m.

(Precepts and MOPS Bible Study)Wednesday: 9-11:30 a.m.

(Ladies Bible Studies)6-8:15 p.m.

(Bible Class & Church)

Contact Sarah Dill at [email protected] if nursery care is needed. Nursery is offered for

other Ministry Programs as they specify in their advertising. (For additional Sunday School

information contact Jeanette Singer at [email protected] or 281-290-4902.)

We appreciate donations of Goldfish, animal crackers, Cheerios, raisins, pretzels,

Kleenex, baby wipes, Clorox wipes, and small disposable drinking cups.

The nursery is hiring caregivers for ESL Nursery on Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings

6:45-9:15 p.m. This is a great opportunity to serve the families in our community. If you enjoy caring for and playing with children

ages 2 months-Kinder, please contact Sarah Dill for additional information.

Nursery questions, contact Sarah Dill at [email protected] or 281-290-4911.

A Game of Opposites

4 year-old MOPPETS learning about Creation with Mrs. Kathy.

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Grow to Know God

50 + TripsOn October 21, at 7:45 a.m. the county bus will leave from Trinity’s Family Life Center parking lot and travel to Orange,

TX to spend the day at the Shangri La Botanical Gardens. The morning garden

walking tour is a little over one mile. Wheelchairs are available at no cost and

all paths are wheelchair accessible. Lunch will follow and the box lunches will need to be pre-ordered. Choices are: chicken salad sandwich, turkey sandwich, ham Ssndwich, mediterranean veggie wrap and park avenue salad (details on the

sign-up sheet). Following lunch a pontoon boat will take you on a ride along Adams Bayou. Along the way you will see many

cypress and tupelo trees in the swamp that play and important role in providing

habitats for numerous animals. Cost of the two tours and your lunch is $18.50 per person. Pre-paid and pre-ordered

lunches must be received by October 9. Information and payment envelopes are

available in the Church Office and at both Welcome Centers.

Regular CREW is Oct. 12 & 19 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Crew Play is Oct. 52nd Annual CREW Tour de Prayer is

Oct. 26.Watch bulletin for more details!

Confirmation Info:Confirmation classes for our 7th and 8th graders attending public school meet

Sundays, 6-8 p.m. in FLC 213.GROW Groups for ALL of our 7th and 8th graders meet Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m. in the Pier. Food

and drinks are available for $1 per item. GROW Groups are a required part of Confirmation. They’re also a GREAT place to bring a friend!

What Are GROW Groups?

GNO With God Meets Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. in the

Pier. See the website for the

rest of the dates througout the




Our me e t i ngs ar e at 7pm i n t he Pi e r on t he f ol l owi ng dat e s : Monday Sept ember 22, 2014 Monday Oct ober 20, 2014 Monday November 24, 2014 Monday December 15, 2014 Monday Januar y 26, 2015 Monday Febr uar y 23, 2015 Monday Mar ch 23, 2015 Monday Apr i l 20, 2015 Monday May 11, 2015  


Reserve your spot this month for $250!

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellow-ship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42

There is a rhythm to the Christian life and here at Trinity we recognize how important it is for brothers and sisters in Christ to be meeting together around God’s Word, praying, building one another up and growing in our faith. To that end we are excited to begin launching GROW groups. GROW groups offer a place to form strong rela-tionships, grow in God’s Word and encourage each other on a more personal level.

FAQ’sWho: Couples, men, women, singles, life stages and blended groups - even children.When: Groups meet on different nights and days of the week. Grades K-8th meet on Wednesday nights and High School meets on Sunday nights. Where: Usually in homes but also restaurants, coffee shops, church etc …Duration: Six weeks to start but many groups keep meeting and stay together for years. Grades K - High School meet ongoing throughout the school year.Size: Usually a GROW group has anywhere from 4-12 people.

Already we have launched GROW groups for children ages K-8th grade on Wednesday evenings and High School on Sunday evenings and we are looking forward to launching them for the whole church in the next year. If you have questions, feel free to contact Pastor John.

by Pastor John Cordrey

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Serve and Love God

The new emergency phone number is 281-291-1933. This

phone line will forward calls to Pastor Wendell Stavig. You can also call the church office and

follow the prompts.

New Emergency Contact Phone Number

We care. If you are in need of a support group to help you through grief, divorce, finances, or getting adjusted to a new environment, we care! We are here to help

you. For more information about these ministries or to register, visit

Trinity’s website.


Wednesday, October 8,

at 10:30 a.m. Table games will be

played and a pot luck lunch will be


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Go & Share God

Tr in i ty Ablaze In Kenya

Please be praying for safe travels and a wonderful

trip to those who will be in Kenya this month. Included are a couple of pictures to give you insight into what the group will be seeing and doing. To the right is

Mt. Kilimanjaro, and Evelyn Prestwood when she went

to Kenya.

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New Faces OfT R I N I T Y

Meet Melissa Kasper. Melissa grew up as a member of Trinity, and began her job as media coordinator two days after graduating from Baylor University in May. Some of Melissa’s job roles include producing the bulletin, announcements and newsletter, as well as working on Trinity’s website and social media sites. She also designs marketing materials for various ministries. Melissa loves traveling, Crossfit, and keeping up with her seven-month-old puppy, Brodie. If you need to reach her, you can call the office at 281-376-5773 ext. 266, or her direct line is 281-290-4954. If you have content to submit to Melissa, please send it to [email protected].

Submission deadline for the November issue of Trinity In Action will be October 15. Please send your content to Melissa Kasper at [email protected].

Altar FlowersMembers who wish to

commemorate a special occasion (anniversary,

birthday, etc.) may donate a flower arrangement for a

Sunday church service. Please sign the book located on the table on the west side in the

church narthex. A member of the Anna Circle will call and verify all the information and

order the arrangement for you. The florist will send you an

invoice afterwards. The cost is $50 per arrangement.

“When we are faithful to our calling, people will learn through the work of the Holy

Spirit that the best choice in any life crisis is to know what God says in His Word and then make a decision that is God pleasing. Christians need to trust God and choose life. But if we don’t talk about it, how will

they know?” - Diane E. Schroeder A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life

Volunteer to Help a Child

KISD has a surrogate parent volunteer program to assist in the educational decision making for students in foster care settings and receiving special

education services through KISD. The surrogate parent attends the student’s

special education meetings and attempts to meet with the student at least once a month at school. The

meetings are to gain information from the student regarding their educational progress. There are no other obligations

for the surrogate parent. Next training is Oct. 2, 11-12:30 at the Central

Office Building in room 209. Contact [email protected], Mary Ann Day at

springdays@outlook, or Caroll Mueller at [email protected]

for more info.

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