Train the Trainer



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Training Module

Cover sheet Sheets 1 / 50

Training of


A seven days event

Development of the training module is supported by UNDP exclusively for the Balochistan Rural Development Academy.

Version 1.0

Developed by:

Roomi S. Hayat

Islamabad December 25, 2008

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 2

Training Module Credits Sheet 2 / 50

Designing Training Module

This training module is prepared and developed at the request of United Nations Development Programme, Governance Unit, Quetta, Balochistan for strengthening and capacity building of Balochistan Rural Development Academy, Quetta. The purpose of this Training Modules is mainly to provide the necessary training curriculum guidelines/tools, specific learning objectives, session plans as well as suggested contents or learning support materials on relevant topics in support of the xxxxxxxx project. It is expected that this training module will be used to train a considerable number of Master Trainers who in turn will also train large numbers of concerned officers of the government department and NGO field workers who will further train other members of the rural communities on matters related to community-based organization for rural and agricultural development. The Training Module “Training of Trainer” is primarily developed and written by Mr. Roomi S. Hayat, Islamabad, International Consultant on Management and Capacity Development. The module has been developed in January 2009. The focal person from UNDP has been Mr. Faisal Karak. This seven days workshop is based on the needs assessed by the report comission by the UNDP and draws on the many years of experience of the author of conducting over 30 TOTs in Asia and Pacific region. The Training modules has the following components:

1. What is training, Padagogy and Andragogy; 2. Training Needs Assessment 3. Designing Training Modules 4. Effective Communications Skills 5. Group Dynamics 6. Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes: Focus on Gender Issues and facilitation skills;

The author acknowledges the support of the Director UNDP, Governance unit Quetta and the Officers of the BRDA.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 3

How to use and adapt the Module:

The module is designed and configured in user friendly and easy to use manner, so that any entity that is interested can adapt is for its purposes on the basis of specific training needs such as; availability of time, topic, type of audience, venue and availability of resource, both human and financial.

All the session’s plans are indicative and in no way implies that this is the only way forward, it is expected that experienced trainer’s will improve upon it and bring innovation with time. All activities can easily be integrated with one another as there are several ways to combine the contents of one session with another session or an activity.

Guidelines for the user:

Read its contents and delivery steps of each activity, to know it is all about, and to correctly prepare the material needed during teaching and learning process.

1. Adapt the content, if needed and make working guidelines plan to follow during the presentation / session.

2. The time needed for each session/activity has been specified on the contents framework sheet.

3. There may be a need to arrange the content and learning point in each activity to complete all in time.

4. While adding or extend time for discussion, be aware of the time frame.

5. The materials to be reproduced are:

Handouts and pre/post test sheets should be copied as per number of pax.

Handout can also be used on power point slides over multimedia.

The handouts produced in this module are for reference. Some of them may be converted into flip charts, some as posters, some as flash cards and some may be shown on multi-media power point slides based on the situation and available facilities.

Make available ZOOP cards and other training aids in the training hall before beginning of the session.


1. All documents have an expiry date and the only way to keep it updated and efficacy intact is to keep it updated. This module should be updated keeping in view the changing needs and situations on need basis.

2. While selecting components of the module, it is pertinent to consider the need for suitability of the technical issues as necessary for the learner’s need.

3. Learning is a continuous process and no module in the world is final or complete, it is recommended that this module should be translated in simple Urdu / local language as per needs.

4. The presentation of the module should be in a three ring binder so that its users can add notes to make it even more user friendly.

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Training Module List of Contents Sheet 3 / 50

Designing Training Module

List of Contents 1. ....... List of Abbreviations ................................................................................ 3 2. ....... Acknowledgement ................................................................................... 4 3. ....... Introduction .............................................................................................. 4 4. ....... Check list for developing module ............................................................ 5 5. ....... Objectives ................................................................................................ 7 6. ....... Intended beneficiaries ............................................................................. 7 7. ....... Duration of the workshop ......................................................................... 7 8. ....... Contents framework ................................................................................ 8 9. Training type and its structure ................................................................. 9 10. Training Methodology .............................................................................. 9 11. List of Ice Breakers / Energizers ........................................................... 9 12. Tentative Schedule ............................................................................... 10 13. ..... Session plans ........................................................................................ 11 14. ..... Peer Assessment of participant ............................................................. 23 15. ..... Participant Evaluation by Trainer ........................................................... 24 16. ..... Trainer’s Terminal Evaluation ................................................................ 25 17. ..... Trainer’s Session Assessment .............................................................. 26 18. ..... Summative Workshop Design Evaluation .............................................. 27 19. ..... Organization of Workshop evaluation .................................................... 28 20. ..... Task Responsibility Framework ............................................................. 29 21. ..... Joining Instructions to pax. .................................................................... 30 22. ..... Letters to resource persons (follow up) ................................................ 31 23. ..... Admin & logistics arrangements letters ................................................. 32 24. ..... Pax. Registration sheets ........................................................................ 33 25. ..... Pax. List (short and with address) ......................................................... 34 26. ..... Pax attendance sheets .......................................................................... 35 27. ..... Training Cancellation Fax ..................................................................... 36

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Training Module List of Abbreviations Sheet 4 / 50

Designing Training Module

List of Abbreviations and Acronym 1. BRDA Balochistan Rural Development Academy

2. BRSP Balochistan Rural Support Programme

3. HRD Human Resource Development

4. IRM Institute of Rural Management

5. ITQ Improving Training Quality

6. NRSP National Rural Support Programme, Pakistan

7. Pax. Participant

8. PLG Peer Learning Group

9. TNA Training Needs Assessment

10. TOT Training Of Trainers

11. UNDP United Nations Development Programme



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Training Module List of Abbreviations Sheet 5 / 50

Designing Training Module

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks all the members of UNDP-Quetta and BRDA, whose untiring support and desire to improve has resulted in this creative endeavors. This module is based on the experiential learning and uses adult learning principles of Palo Fierie and draws theoretical concept from the Institute of Rural Management, Islamabad for Improving Training Quality (ITQ).

Introduction: After conducting several Training of Trainers (TOT) workshops in Pakistan and abroad, I realized that there exists a need to provide a purely experiential learning experience to the trainers. This module is developed from the several years’ experience of working with development professionals from many countries mostly in rural setting. This training module aims to support those professionals who are involved in conducting training, developing training modules and training material based on experiential learning. In this module an attempt is made to take the participants through a process of simulated and real life experiences to enable them to acquire the skills and ability to understand the process of development of training module and related material. Contents of this module are based on the information gathered during the short visit to Quetta, meeting with BRDA training staff, senior officers of the Government of Balochistan, the UNDP Quetta staff and the study of secondary material. Due to shortage of time for the training the contents are some what squeezed to fit in the time frame.

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Training Module Check list for the Module Sheet 6/ 50

Designing Training Module

The sequence for designing the module is listed below; this is only an indicative list to facilitate the new incumbents in the field of training. Designing needs based modules is a skill that can be learnt and those practicing it know that there is no short-cut to it. The process has to be completed to get to the right choices of the contents. A checklist is developed to ensure that nothing is left on the memory. Selection of Target Audience

Training Needs Assessment (TNA)

Name of training

Setting Objectives

Development of Contents framework

Making a list of topics from TNA

Prioritizing of the topics

Determine duration of the event

Selection of type of training and its structure

Training Methodology

Group activities

Ice Breakers / Energizers during day

Opening and closing activity

Session plans

Schedule preparation

Activity Sequence Sheet

Develop / select training material and handouts

Develop Evaluation plan

Select review techniques and design formats,

Participants evaluation instruments

Peer Evaluation Form

Evaluation by Trainer

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Training Module Check list for the Module page 2 Sheet 7 / 50

Designing Training Module

Trainer’s Evaluation Forms

Trainer’s Session Assessment

Trainer’s Terminal Assessment

Formative Workshop Evaluation

Daily review in the morning

Workshop Contents Evaluation

Summative Workshop Evaluation

Workshop design

Administration and Logistics arrangements


Preparation of tentative budget


Release of advance

Administration & Logistics Arrangements

Task Responsibility Framework

Admin & logistics arrangements letters

Letters to resource persons (follow up)

Joining Instructions to pax.

Workshop announcement letter / brochure

Preparation of pax. List (short and with address)

Reservation in hotel and confirmation

Preparation of Banner

Pax. Registration forms

Photocopying of handout

Preparing folders

Training Cancellation Fax

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 9

Training Module Introduction Sheet 8 / 50

Designing Training Module


The objectives of this seven days TOT workshop are to enable the participants to:

Understand how to conduct training needs of the target audience

Develop training module based on the assessed training needs

Organize the module according to learnt process of setting objectives, organizing contents, methods, training aids, budgeting and evaluation.

Intended beneficiaries: This workshop is designed for the instructors of BRDA involved in capacity building and training of officers and officials from government departments, attached agencies and non-governmental organizations. The participants are expected to develop training modules based on the determined training needs of the target audience.

Duration of the workshop: This is a very intensive, seven days interactive workshop, spread over 75 hours.

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Training Module Contents frame work Sheet 9 / 50

Designing Training Module

Contents Session time

(One session is 2 hours)

Registration and Picture Taking minus one 30 minutes

Introduction of Participants one 30 minutes

Readiness preparation (opening circle) 20 minutes

Expectations and Fears 15 minutes

Introduction of workshop 15 minutes

Matching objective with expectations 40 minutes

What is a Training one

Types of training 30 minutes

Classification of Training 30 minutes

Training Cycle 30 minutes

Process of Training Cycle 30 minutes

Exercise ----- 20 minutes

Group Formation 15 minutes

Determine Training Needs 1 ½

What is Training Needs 20 minutes

Why TNA? 20 minutes

How TNA? 30 minutes

Exercise on TNA 60 minutes

Presentation on TNA 50 minutes

Planning Training Module one

Name of training, target audience, setting Objectives 30 minutes

Developing the training contents 45 minutes

Duration of events 15 minutes

Selection of type of training and its structure 15 minutes

Training Methodology 15 minutes

Sessions plans one 45 minutes

Schedule 30 minutes

Activity Sequence sheet 45 minutes

Evaluation and review one

Summative Evaluation 20 minutes

Participants Evaluation 20 minutes

Workshop evaluation 20 minutes

Trainer’s Terminal Assessment 20 minutes

Summative Workshop Evaluation 20 minutes

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 11

Daily review and recap 20 minutes

Administration and Logistics half 60 minutes

Closing Circle 30 minutes

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Training Module Training Structure Sheet 11 / 50

Designing Training Module

Training type and its structure: It is a formal workshop having a structured schedule with indicated time frame, set within participatory learning techniques.

Training Methodology: A combination of short interactive lectures, group discussions, simulation exercises, role-plays, reflective thinking and experiential games will be used in an atmosphere which encourages participation. Learning by doing approach is followed to maximize learning.

List of Suggested Ice Breakers / Energizers Opening Circle

Paired interviews

Paper Fold

Nine Dots

Two people drawing at the same time

Perception exercises

Pencil and paper test

Space for living

Closing circle

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Training Module Tentative Schedule Sheet 12 / 50

Training of Trainers

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) & Balochistan Rural Development Academy (BRDA)

TTrraaiinniinngg ooff TTrraaiinneerrss Quetta, January 15, 2009

................................................................ Day One:


Registration of the participants, handing over folders and training material, picture taking and settling down



Introduction of the training, trainer and the participants ~ Through peer interview and video recording

Consultant/ pax.


Sharing Expectations & Fears through colored cards



Matching the Objectives with Expectations.



Setting the Norms, selecting Time managers, Group formation and selecting lead communicators


Inaugural Session (Optional)


Recitation from Holy Quran Participants


Welcome Note UNDP Rep.


Introduction of training (Sharing Objectives) Consultant


Speech by the Chief Guest Chief Guest

1030 Break for refreshments UNDP

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 14

Module – I: What is training and training cycle?

1045 Discussion on what is training;

~ Types of training

~ Classification of training;

~ Training cycle

Stages of the training cycle.


1250 Mood Meter Participants

1300 Break for Lunch and Prayers UNDP


How Adults Learn

~ Trainer Characteristics

~ Trainers Check list

~ Pedagogy & Andragogy


1545 Break for refreshments UNDP

Module – II …. TNA


~ Definition of TNA;

~ What is TNA?;

~ Why and how TNA?



Clearing the mist in Training proces and training cycle through,

~ Q&A session,

~ Recap and review of learning;



Closing of day one, to be folowed by assignments on designing TNA

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 15

................................................................ Day Two:


Review and recap of the previous day learning Participants

Module – II: TNA …. Continue.


~ Presentation on TNA;


1030 Break for refreshments



~ Approaches to TNA;

~ Perceptions of TNA;

~ Process of TNA;


1250 Mood Meter Participants


Break for Lunch and Prayers



~ Sources of Information

~ Tools

~ Problem Analysis

~ Research Methodology



Break for refreshments UNDP

1600 Clearing the mist in TNA

~ Q&A session,

~ Recap and review learning;



Closing of day two to be folowed by assignments on designing TNA module;

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 16

............................................................. Day Three:


Review and recap of the previous day learning Participants


~ Group Presentation on TNA;


1030 Break for refreshments UNDP

Module – III: Designing Training Module


~ Name of training

~ Target audience

~ Setting objectives


1250 Mood Meter Participants


Break for Lunch and Prayers



~ Development of contents framework

~ Training methodology

~ Determine the duration of the event

~ Session plan



Break for refreshments UNDP

1600 Clearing the mist in TNA

~ Q&A session, ~ Recap and review learning;



Closing of day three, to be folowed by assignments on Designing Training Module

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 17

............................................................... Day Four:


Review and recap of the previous day learning Participants


~ Group Presentation on Designing Training Module


1030 Break for refreshments UNDP

Module – III: Designing Training Module Skills – continued….


~ Schedule preparation

~ Selection of type of training and its


~ Development / Selection of training

material and handouts


1250 Mood Meter Participants


Break for Lunch and Prayers



~ Develop evaluation and review plans

~ Budgeting and Logistic Arrangements

~ Invitation Letter and cancellation letters

~ Factor X



Break for refreshments UNDP

1600 Clearing the mist in DTS

~ Q&A session, ~ Recap and review learning;



Closing of day three, to be folowed by assignments on Designing Training Module

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 18

................................................................... Day Five:


Review and recap of the previous day learning Participants

0930 ~ Group Presentation on Designing Training Module; Participants

1030 Break for refreshments


Module – IV: Effective Communication and Presentation Skills


~ What is Communication

~ Communication Models

~ Types of Communication

~ Communication Stimuli

~ Filters, Perception, Communication blocks

~ Presentation pointers

~ Mirroring

~ Conceptualization of presentation


1300 Mood Meter Participants


Break for Lunch and Prayers


Module – V: Group Dynamics


~ Group or Team

~ Stages of Team Development

~ Exercises: Egg drop



Break for refreshments UNDP

1600 Clearing the mist in ECS and Group Dynamics

~ Q&A session,

~ Recap and review learning;



Closing of day three, to be folowed by assignments on Material Development in Logistics

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 19

................................................................. Day Six:


Review and recap of the previous day learning Participants


~ Group Presentation on Logistics and material



1030 Break for refreshments UNDP

Module – VI: Broad Area – Knowledge, Skill and Attitudes


~ Gender Issues


1250 Mood Meter Participants


Break for Lunch and Prayers



~ Facilitation Skills

~ Out of Box Thinking



Break for refreshments UNDP


Clearing the mist

~ Q&A session,

~ Recap and review learning;



Closing of day three, to be folowed by assignments on Training Module.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 20

............................................................. Day Seven:

Module – VII Final Presentation


Presentation Group

Group – I


Break for refreshments


1045 Presentation Group

Group – II


Break for Lunch and Prayers



Presentation Group

Group - III


Workshop Terminal Evaluation; Certificate Distribution and

Training Closing ceremony.



Closing high Tea


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Training Module Session Plan 1/16 – Day 1 Sheet 20 / 50

Designing Training Module

From: 0830 to: 0845 Name of Facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Registration Date: January 15, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta Objective: The pax. will be able to:

To register the participant and have their picture taken;

To provide the pax. with reading material;


Registration of the pax;

Pax. Picture;

Provision of reading material, i.e folder etc;


To register the pax. by filling in the registration forms;

Take picture of each pax. for the registration form and record;

Provide each pax. with training folder, and reading material;

Equipment Required:

Registration Forms and a pen for each pax.

Digital Camera

Folder containing training material and schedule

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Pax. have registered and had their picture taken

Readiness for the session is optimum and they are prepared to participate in the workshop

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Training Module Session Plan 2/16 – Day 1 Sheet 21/ 50

Designing Training Module

From: 0845 to: 0935 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Introduction Date: January 15, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

To introduce the pax. and in the process break their initial ice;

To share pax. expectations and fears of the workshop;

To match expectations with objectives of the workshop;

To set the norms of the workshop.


Introduction of pax.; Expectations and Fears;

Objectives of the workshop;

Opening Circle;

Set norms (ground Rules); Select Time manager and lead communicator.


Pair introduction, by first interviewing each other taking five minutes each and then introduce their peer in the plenary with video recording;

Facilitate pax. to share their expectations and fears by using card;

Explain objectives of the workshop and try to match the expectations of the pax. and ask them to explain when needed;

Encouraging pax. To set norms of the workshop and select the time manager for each day and form various groups.

Equipment Required:

o Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Sheets of white paper and pencil o Markers o Rope 30 feet long (white)

o ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Initial ice is broken and pax. know each other;

Pax. have enunciated their fears and expectations of the workshop and are ready for the workshop;

Pax. are ready for the workshop

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Training Module Session Plan 3/16– Day 1, M1 Sheet 22 / 36

Designing Training Module

From: 1045 to: 1250 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: What is training? Date: January 15, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

Enunciate the concept of training;

List various types of training and classify them;

Expalin training cycle and the various stages of training cycle;


Discussion on “what is training?”;

Types of training

Classification of training;

Training cycle, Stages of the training cycle


State the objectives of he session, so that the pax. know what is going to happen;

Start by asking the pax. “what is training?” and based on their response explain the concept of training; also discuss the types of training and their classification;

Finally explianing the concept of cycle, explain the training cycle and its various stages.

Equipment Required:

o Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Markers o ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Pax. have understood and practiced the concept of training cycle, types of training and its classification.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 24

Training Module Session Plan 4/16– Day 1, M1 Sheet 23 / 50

Designing Training Module

From: 1400 to: 1545 Name of Facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: How Adults Learn Date: January 15, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta Objective: The pax. will be able to:

Explain “how adults learn” through the concept of Pedagogy & Andragogy;

List different characteristics of trainer;

Illustrate a check list of trainers, needed to intitiate the training;


~ How Adults Learn

~ Trainer Characteristics

~ Trainers Check list

~ Pedagogy & Andragogy


State the objectives of the session, so that the pax. are aware of process;

Start by asking the pax. “how adults learn” then explain the concept of Pedagogy & Andragogy and encourage pax. to relate the concepts of P&A with how adults learn in a class room setting;

Develop a list of different characteristics of trainer though inputs from the pax. and then compare it with your own list;

Illustrate a check list of trainers, needed to intitiate the training;

Equipment Required:

o Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Markers o ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Pax. know how adult learn and are using the concept of P&A in their training;

Using the developed checklist of trainers and characteristics of trainers.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 25

Training Module Session Plan 5, 6, 7 /16, Day 2 Module 2, Sheet 24 / 50

Designing Training Module

Name of Facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: TNA Date: January 15-16, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta Objective: The pax. will be able to:

Develop a strategy of conducting TNA;

Understand concept of TNA;

Know about various steps of TNA;

Ennunciate sources, tools, needs assessmenet techniques.


Session 5: Time 1600, Dated: Dec 15, 2009

~ Definition of TNA;

~ What is TNA?;

~ Why and how TNA?

Session 6: Time 1045, Dated: Dec 16, 2009

~ Definition of TNA;

~ Presentation on TNA;

~ Approaches to TNA;

~ Perceptions of TNA;

~ Process of TNA;

Session 7: Time 1400, Dated: Dec 16, 2009 ~ Sources of Information

~ Tools

~ Problem Analysis

~ Research Methodology

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 26


State the objectives of the session, so that the pax. are aware of process and understand what is going to unfold;

Start by asking the pax. “How do we find out the training needs of people?”

Then explain the concept of TNA and encourage pax. to relate to the concepts by defining TNA;

Discuss and explain TNA, why it is needed and how it is conducted?

Explain what are the approaches to conducting TNA and how people perceive training needs;

What are the sources of Information while determining training needs;

Discuss various tools used in determining training needs, explaining both the dead tools and the live tools;

Carryout Problem Analysis and share how to conduct them for TNA;

Discuss what research methodology is and the various tools of this methodology that can be used in TNA.

Equipment Required:

o Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

o ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Pax. carry out TNA, with good understanding of the process, methodlogy, tools and techniques;

Develop Startegy documents and report of the TNA.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 27

Training Module Session Plan 8 /16, Day 3 Module 3, Sheet 26 / 50

Designing Training Module

Time: 1045 to: 1250, Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Designing Training Module- I Date: January 17, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

Name the training with understanding of the nomenclature of training;

Set objectives of the training;


~ Nomenclature / Name of Training;

~ Target Audience;

~ Setting Objective;


State the objectives of the session, to enable pax. understand the process and know what is going to happen in the session;

Start by asking the pax. “How do we name training and what is nomenclature?”

Discuss “what is objective” and how they are set, also practice setting up objectives;

Equipment Required:

o Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

o ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Pax. understand nomenclature of training and is naming training accordingly;

Set objectives of the training with proper understanding;

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 28

Training Module Session Plan 9 /16, Day 3 Module 3, Sheet 27 / 50

Designing Training Module

Time: 1400 to: 1545 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Designing Training Module-I Date: January 17, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

Develop contents framework;

List training methodologies;

Determine the duration of events based on the contents;

Write session plans.


~ Development of contents framework;

~ Training methodology; ~ Determine duration of the event;

~ Session Plans


State the objectives of the session, to enable pax. understand the process and know what is going to happen in the session;

Start by asking the pax. “How do we develop contents of training?”

Based on feedback, encourage the pax to develop contents framework;

Facilitate them in understanding what are training methodology;

Enable pax. to determine the duration of the event;

Explain the importance of session plans and then carry out an exercise on writing session plans to enable pax. learn by practice.

Equipment Required:

o Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Markers o ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Pax. develop contents framework and the know training methodolody;

Determine duration of event and write session plans.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 29

Training Module Session Plan 10/16– Day 4, Module 3, Sheet 28 / 50

Designing Training Module

Time: 1045 to: 1250 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Designing Training Module-II Date: January 18, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

Develop training schedule;

Enunciate types of training and its structures;

Select and develop need based training material.


~ Schedule preparation;

~ Selection of type of training and its structure;

~ Development / selection of training material and handouts;


State the objectives of the session, to enable pax. understand the process and know what is going to happen in the session;

Start by asking the pax. “what is a training schedule?” and based on the feedback, share a schedule and ask them to prepare a simple schedule;

Discuss types of training and their various structures;

Encourage pax. to practice developing training material.

Equipment Required:

o Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

o ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Pax are using training schedule, developed by themself;

List various types of training and their structures;

Developing need based training material.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 30

Training Module Session Plan 11/16– Day 4, Module 3, Sheet 29 / 50

Designing Training Module

Time: 1400 to: 1545 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Designing Training Module-II Date: January 18, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

Develop simple evaluation instruments;

Prepare budget;

Arrange logistic arrangements according to the checklist;

Make changes in the programme on the bases of factor X.


~ Develop evaluate and review plans;

~ Budgeting and logistic arrangements;

~ Factor X including letters for arrangements and cancellation.


State the objectives of the session, to enable pax. understand the process and know what is going to happen in the session;

Start by asking the pax. “what is the value of evaluation?” and based on feedback, encourage them to list various methods they are familiar with;

Facilitate pax. to develop a budget sheet;

Facilitate development of a checklist of logistics arrangements;

Discuss what is factor X and how to be prepared for it.

Equipment Required:

o Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

o ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Developing simple evaluation instruments;

Preparing budget;

Making logistic arrangements according to the checklist;

Changing programme on the bases of factor X.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 31

Training Module Session Plan 12/16 – Day 5, Module 4, Sheet 30 / 50

Designing Training Module

Time: 1045 to: 1300 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Effective Communication Skills (ECS) Date: January 19, 2009. Location: Hotel - Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

Explain the communications process, its types and models;

Make effective presentations and know the right pointers.


What is communication, models and types,

Communication Stimuli, Filters Perceptions and blocks,

Presentation pointers, mirroring and conceptualization.


State the objectives of the session, to enable pax. understand the process and know what is going to happen in the session;

Start by asking the pax. “What is communication?” and then based on feedback, encourage pax. to explain its types. Discuss the models of the communication, is stimuli, filters, blocks and perceptions;

Discuss what is presentation with examples and the share pointers for effective pesentations.

Equipment Required:

O Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

O Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

O ZOPP cards (in 5 color) 100 each color and board pins

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Knowledgeable about the process of communications and factors effecting it;

Make effective presentations and understand various factors that effect them.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 32

Training Module Session Plan 13/16 – Day 5, Module 5, Sheet 31 / 50

Designing Training Module

From: 1410 to: 1545 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Stages of Group Dynamics Date: January 19, 2009. Location: Hotel – Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

To understand the concept of group dynamics and team work


Group Vs Team

Forming, Storming, Norming ,Performing

Ice breaker and an exercise – straw tower

Reflection on how team behaves


State objective of the session in the beginning and repeat the saliant point at the end of session to recap and refresh;

Brain storm with the pax what is a group and then what is a team.

Facilitate the pax. in understanding the four stages of group dynamics.

Cary out an exercise to build straw tower

Encourage the pax. to reflect and discuss in small groups, then present in plenary how did they behave in the pressure situation and did they went through the process of group dynamics as explained earlier or not and why.

Equipment Required:

Zopp Cards (5 colors, 100 each) and soft board with board pins.

Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

100 drinking straws and 1 inch wide making take about 25 feet

o Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Participants have understood and practiced the four stages of group dynamics and are able to relate it to real life situations.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 33

Training Module Session Plan 14/16 – Day 6, Module 6, Sheet 32 / 50

Designing Training Module

From: 1045 to: 1250 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Gender issues Date: January 20, 2009. Location: Hotel – Quetta

Objective: The pax. will be able to:

To understand the concept of Gender and issues related to it;


Concept of Gender and Sex

Gender Values & norms, stereotypes, roles

Gender Equality

Gender Discrimination

Human rights are fundamental rights at work


To state objective of the session in the beginning and repeat the saliant point at the end of session to recap and refresh;

An exercise to understand social relations between man & woman;

Brain storm with the pax what is a sex and then what is a gender;

Facilitate the pax. in understanding the four concepts of gender: values, norms, stereotypes and roles;

Encourage the pax. to reflect and discuss in small groups, then present in plenary how did they view gender discrimination;

A review of woman’s fundamental rights at work as human rights

Equipment Required:

Zopp Cards (5 colors, 100 each) and soft board with board pins.

Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Behavior of pax modified regards gender issues.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 34

Training Module Session Plan 15/16 – Day 6, Module 6, Sheet 33 / 50

Designing Training Module

From: 1400 to: 1545 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Facilitation Skills and out of box thinking Date: January 20, 2009. Location: Hotel – Quetta


To understand the facilitation and thinking out of the box.


Opening and closing training;

Handling difficult situations;

Out of box thinking - video

How to be creative and think outside the box.


State objective of the session in the beginning and repeat the saliant features at the end of session to recap and refresh;

Discuss how to start and close a session;

Learn how to handle difficult situations;

To brain storm with the pax what is a out of box thinking;

View a video on out of box thinking and then discuss in plenary how to do it;

Encourage the pax. to reflect and discuss how to creative’

Equipment Required:

Zopp Cards (5 colors, 100 each) and soft board with board pins.

Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Participants have understood and practiced handing difficult situations and think out of the box.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 35

Training Module Session Plan 16/16 – Day 7, Module 7, Sheet 34 / 50

Designing Training Module

From: 0900 to: 1530 Name of facilitator: Roomi S. Hayat Topic: Final presentation of the training module by the pax. Date: January 20, 2009. Location: Hotel – Quetta


To present the training module developed by the pax in plenary.


Presentation by Group 1;

Presentation by Group 2;

Presentation by Group 3;

Workshop terminal evaluation.


State objective of the session in the beginning and inform the pax about the importance of the presentaion by each group;

Each group makes a 1:30 minutes presentations;;

Each presentation is judged and the best group wins;

Terminal evaluation is carried out at the end of the session.

Equipment Required:

As requested by each presenting group.

Multimedia w/screen, o soft board, o White board, o Flipchart stand

o Permanent Markers o White Board Markers

Expected Outcome/ Output:

Final presentation presented and evaluation conducted.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 36

Training Module Peer Assessment of Participants Sheet 35 / 50

Designing Training Module

Name of Participants:_________________________________________ Peer Assessment of Participant:

S. No.

Behavioral Characteristics


Excellent <------------------- Poor







Listening to Others


Encouraging Others


Being to the Point


Raising Important Issues


Using Simple Language


Being Alert / Attentive


Being Well-Prepared


Interacting Positively with Others


Showing Responsible Behavior


Willing to Share Ideas and Information

Any Other Comments:

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 37

Training Module Participant Assessment by trainer Sheet 36 / 50

Designing Training Module

Name of Participants: _______________________________________ Assessment of Participant by Trainer:

S. No.

Behavioral Characteristics


Excellent <------------------- Poor







Listening to Others


Encouraging Others


Being to the Point


Raising Important Issues


Using Simple Language


Being Alert / Attentive


Being Well-Prepared


Interacting Positively with Others


Showing Responsible Behavior


Willing to Share Ideas and Information

Score from Participants: ______________________ Score from Trainers: ______________________ Average: ______________________ Any Other Comments:

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 38

Training Module Trainer Terminal Evaluation Sheet 37 / 50

Designing Training Module

Name of Trainer: ___________________________________________

S. No.

Performance Indicators


Excellent <------------------- Poor







Relaxed Behavior


Dealing with Training Situations

(including crisis situations)


Ability to Relate to Participants


Equally Attentive to All Participants


Organized Presentations


Effective Communication


Meaningful Discussions


Grasp Over the Subject


Innovative Approach


Accommodating and Supportive

Any Other Comments:

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 39

Training Module Trainer Session Assessment Sheet 38 / 50

Designing Training Module

Name of Trainer: ___________________________________________ Session: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Time: ____________________

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 40

Training Module Workshop Design Evaluation Sheet 39 / 50

Designing Training Module

Summative Workshop Evaluation – Design

S. No

Qualities / Items Grade

Excellent <------------------- Poor







Coherence among topics


Consistency of topics


Coverage (Inclusion of topics)


Clarity of contents


Sessions load (too much / too little)


Relevance to your work


Applicable to your work


Built in problem solving approach


Methods Employed



Any Other Comments:

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 41

Training Module Workshop organization Evaluation Sheet 40 / 50

Designing Training Module

S. No.



Excellent <-------------- Poor







Contact and Correspondence


Accommodation arrangements


Airport pick and drop


Workshop brochure


Joining instruction


Working Hours


Supply of Material


Travel & Transport Arrangements


Snacks and tea / coffee.


Cultural visits arrangements

Any Other Comments:

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 42

Training Module Task Responsibility Framework Sheet 41 / 50

Designing Training Module


Responsible Person

Backup Person


Deadline To complete

Correspondence-letters to Pax.

Training material Development

Video film making

Handout, supplies, stationary

Transport arrangement

Administration support

Course Coordinator

Signatures: Xx ________________, XX _______________, XX ________________, XX ________________, XX _______________, XX ________________, XX ________________, XX _______________, XX ________________, Director ________________, Date: ________________,

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 43

Training Module Joining Instructions Sheet 42 / 50

Designing Training Module

Joining Instructions Dear Participants,

I take this opportunity to welcome you to the workshop on "Creating High Performance Teams" and inform you about various administrative and logistic arrangements. Title: Training of Trainers (TOT)

Duration: Seven days

Venue: Quetta - Hotel

Arrival: by evening of January14, 2009 at the Hotel

Timing: Kindly be in 10 minutes before the start if the session as per


Please note that punctuality would be adhered to strictly.

Travel Arrangements: All participants should make their own travel arrangements to Quetta and back.

Accommodation: Accommodation is arranged at Hotel / Hostel for outstation

participants. Contact Person: For any information and clarification your contact person is Mr.

Naimat ullah, AdminAssitant, UNDP, Quetta. Emergency Contact: In case of emergency contact at the ………………………… I hope this training will expose you to new ideas and techniques, see you on January 15, 2009. Director BRDA, Quetta

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 44

Training Module Letter to Resource Person Sheet 43 / 50

Designing Training Module

Letter to Resource Person _____________________ ______________________ ______________________

Jan 05, 2009 Subject: Request to be a resource person in TOT Workshop


Training course on " Training of Trainers (TOT) " is being held from January 15 to 21, 2009. The participants of the workshop are mid level officers from different Government departments.

Kindly note the timing of the session in which you are requested to be a resource person listed in the training schedule. You are requested to please confirm and intimate us by filling in the attached session plans forms at your earliest. With warm regards, Yours truly, Director BRDA - Quetta

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 45

Training Module Letter to Administration Sheet 44 / 50

Designing Training Module

To: Director - BRDA From: Instrucotor Date: Jan 5, 2009 Subject: Arrangement for Workshop on Creating High

Performance Teams An event is being organized by BRDA from January 15 to 21, 2009 at Hotel. Please ensure that the following arrangements are made: 1. STAY Accommodation for 20 professional on single / double occupancy basis 2. MEALs & TEAs Daily lunch for 25 persons at the hotel according to schedule attached. Daily tea for 25 persons according to schedule attached. 3. TRANSPORT

Pick & drop form airport as per running requests,

Excursion visit on January 22, 2009 at 0930 hrs for six hours.

Transportation of 24 pax. and staff from Quetta to_______ on January 22, 2009.

A full time van for administration use from January 15-21, 2009. For any clarification feel free to contact me. Thanks.

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 46

Training Module Participant Registration Form Sheet 33 / 36

Designing Training Module

REGISTRATION FORM January 15 –21, 2009


Name: Age: Designation: Department/Section: Tel: Sponsoring Agency: Mailing Address:


Degree Subject Year

Experience: Organization Years

Experience of working with teams in ________year(s) Present position and responsibilities in your organization: ____________________________________________________________________ . Date: Signature: ________________

Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 47

Training Module Participant List Sheet 46 / 50

Designing Training Module

# Name Designation Dept Sponsor

























Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 48

Training Module Participant Attendance Sheet Sheet 47 / 50

Designing Training Module

# Name Designatn Jan 15 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19

























Training of Trainers for BRDA, Quetta 49

Training Module Training Cancellation Fax Sheet 48 / 50

Designing Training Module

Training Cancellation Letter

URGENT FAX MESSAGE Subject: Cancellation of Workshop on "Designing Training Module"

We regret to inform you that the workshop on “Training of Trainers (TOT)" scheduled

from January 15 to 21, 2009 has been canceled due to circumstances beyond our

control. The workshop will now be held sometime in future, the new dates shall be

intimated to you as soon as they are finalized.

I appreciate your concern and personally assure you that as soon as we are able to

schedule it we will inform you of the new dates.

With personal regards,

Yours truly,


BRDA - Quetta