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VOL. $X—NO. 6. MAli(lAltETVll.LB, N . Y „ FRIDAY, J.AJfUAKT 13, 1905. W n O I ^ NO., 515



Fab. 18 th " 20th

Mar. 4th „ 5th •' 9th •• m i l " aim " 86 lh «« 31st

April and " 3rd "' 4th " 6th


45 Weddings, 59 Births, 53 Deaths Dol­ing 1901—The Monies of

the Town. We publish below a sum-up of the town

of MiddlotowuV lil'eiu 1004. It consist B of weddings, bit 4 s, deatlis and the re­port of the town t-xpundlt ure. LJt'o te uetivo In old Mlddletown aud the number of births and deaths la greater than In nrauy towns of the county. The births exceed the deaths by four. The follow­ing are the figures. Date Name Age

Jan. 20tb Lafayette Sehaffer 76 Lena May Kelly 17 QeorgeOjteihoudt i .78 Eliza Jane Stevens 67 Morton Avery 1 Andrew O'Brien 811 Mary Ann Hewitt 77 Win. Fowler 62 Laurie Rosa 78 Wo. H. Eells 61 L-iolnda Mann 69 Cecil W. Fuller * Sidney Waterman 83 Dortliy M. Alton 71

]4th Mary Henderson 97 19th Deuieti'lus D. DeSilva 68

Korn (Infant) Harriett D. Dumond 84 Sarah A. Fuller 67 Sarah Boddulph... ' . 74 Christiana Hatfield 73 Herbert D. Mail , 16

10th Nancy M. Martin 65 10th Martin Morrison 76

P O M W, Decker 64 Samuel P. Ives 77 Sarah 0. Wit's 52 Mead (Infant) Nora Blakosley 34 Amanda Oliver 15 Ohas. A. Dy komau 33 Leone Johnson 25 Maurice Moore (Infant) Edward Carroll 72 Ohas. M. Easley 58 Anna Banker 65 Wru. H. Dickson 00 Hazel Marklo (Infant) Ann Shorwood 74 Ethel Hewitt 11 Louis Meyers 75

Sept. 13th Edward Scott 3 •' 23ad Jaoo V, Lasher ; . . . 46

John W. Lasher 68 Marlon J. Clark (IutUM) Emma Fuller " Vivian Blorrey " Auua A. Hosier 32 Wm. Btraugewwy 68 Janet Ward 82 Dlaua Burner 71 Burr Jones 24 Emily C Hendrlx 82 Anna Travis 40 Delta More 2


2'ird 29 th 1st 4th 6 th 7 th

" 25 th •' 29 th

Juno 2nd " 2rd " 5th " 7th " 2 let

July 3rd '•• 5 th " 7th " 8th " 9th " 16th

Aug. 6th " 7th " 14th " 28 th

26 th 28 th 4th 22nd 19th 21st 29 th 30th 1st


MiiH. ti. Kissork died at the home of bar daughter In Arkvllle Monday at the advanced age of 83 years. Death was caused by a stroke of paralysis received the Saturday previous. Mrs. Klseoek's maiden name was Jennings. Her lorrm r homo was Betta's Brook In the Township of Stamford. Sua la uivlved by three sons and one dauchter. The iuueral was Mid Wednesday at two o'clock, t ie Rev. A. H. Soudder officiating.


From our .„rifflu Corners correspondent. Joseph Todd, one of the oldest clt.lz.ens

of Haleott, died last Thursday of latesti-nal obstruction. He was 78 years of age. The funeral was held Sunday from his late residence, Rev. W. H. Vaugua offici­ating.


Mrs. A. It. Molyneaux, an old a.od re­aped ad resident of Pine Hill, died in her home lu that village Tuesday, at the age of 71 years. She recently foil and frac­tured her ekull. The funeral will be held in the M E. Church there at 10:30 o'clock this morning.




Nov. Deo. 9th " 15th " 27 th

BttroRT or sTPUKv.tTOJr ,7, w. KITTIIH. General Fund.

Received $17,443 28 Presented vouchors 17,325 78

hand $117 50 Amount on ExcUo Fund.

Amount received . . . Vouchers presented.

Fire District Fund. Amount received... Vouchers presented.

Dog Fund, Amount reoolved... Vouchers produced.

1902 1904

$159 48 106 50

620 20 020 20

610 00 (110 00

265 58

205 1)8



Two 0- & W. Trains Collide At Pull Speed—No One Injured.

Shortly before midnight Tuesday, two fflight trains, both moving at a high rale of speed, eollldod in the O. <fc \V. yard at Sidney and both engines were badly damaged and 15 care wore piled in hopeless confusion. The engine crews of both trains had ,]<ist u minute's warn­ing and In that time escaped Injury.

The occupants of the cabooses at the rear of each tiain were badly shaken up aud bruised soine, none were seriously hurt. Tho roar of the collision was heard In all purls of tho village and wakened practically tuo entire popula­tion.

The trains were numbers 23 and 32 and they had orders to moot at Sldnoy, One train was attempting to get into tho *lde track and was moving rapidly when the second train entered the yard. The en­gineer of that train says that his air brakes refused to work and he was un­able to coutrol the train.

The wreckage Is one of tho worst sights ever seou iu Sidney. The tanas of both englneo aro driven up on the hollers, the' 15 cars are piled up blab) some of them thrown on top of the other cars that were

landing en sidetracks In the yard Nearly all of the wrecked cars wore loaded and merchandise of all binds Is scattered all about the wrook.


Balance due Supervisor. . . . Road Machine Fund.

Amount received $372 60 Vouchers produced 308 94

Amount on hand $3 59 School Fund,

Amount received 4,533 04 Vouchers produced 4,504 71 Amount on hand

BMOAl'ITtl IiATION. Due Town from General Fund..

'« " Excise " ., " •' Fire Diet, Futrd " " Rd,, Maoh, " " " School "

Due Supervisor tom dog fund

$28 93

$117'50 00 Of

3 56 28 93

D. H. Hull Receives a Severe Fall And is Considerably Injured.

From our Halcottville eorrespomlont.

D. II. Hull of Hill, In some unknown manner, tell while working in tho wooclo Saturday afternoon and In-jured lib head aud back and broko one rib. The fall rendored him unconscious and It was some litno before he recovered Bulllclenlly tti go to hla home, When ho arrived there Dr. Gaul was immediately s mummed aud made the injured man as comfortable as possible. Ho lo recover-but slowly.


$1411 99 40

Whole am'fc lu Supt's. hands... $140 50 oviutsmisu ov t'ooit, aitonum N, vmw,

Amount on baud settlement De­cember 81, 1903 $56(1 19

Received of ox-Supervisor Glad­stone 145 86

Received of Supervisor Kittle, 020 20 Reoolvod from robatoa, various


Vouchers produced,

87 00

$1,919 25 , 887 09

Amount on hunt] $402 22 COM, Olc rllHIlWAVB (I II). BWAIIT.

Amount resolved , . .$10,70(1 26 Vouchers .produced contracted

by 0, F, Hewitt $61(1 70 Voucher's produced, Including Arena and Kelly Corners b'dgii 1904 btiolntiBB 10,095 87

10,712 (12 Amount on hand, Oil Oil


Amount on hand, settlement. Do-comber 91, 1903 $245 80

Vouchors produced 246 80 HK-tioM. air ifttimvAyri, a V< niowtTX,

Amount lu hlu hatitlo, HOttlomout' 111,190)1 .,.,,$711 01

Credit by natdi paid over to lite nuoooaatii', 0, 111, swart •.11111 ,iy

Bills of iutuonnt«i offered as vouch­ors, bull noli accepted $4110 111).

LnavliiK balance In hie hiuidu, uruioftlod,,,., . ' . , . , , $480 B»

CJciHltUHni on fourth page,

New Kingston 10 Margaretville in ass min­utes-Scared by Sleigh Bells.

A large horse of John Archibald ran from his home a mile above Now King­ston lo Margaretville last Thursday In 22 minutes. Tho horse was captured hero by Robert Winter and was taken home. The animal was covered with foam.

Mr. Archibald had harnossod the team, putting sleigh bolls on them for the flret time. He led ono from lire stable and the other started to follow, whon tho jingle of the boll frlghtenod It aud with a luugo It started on its seveu-mllo-nnr which It Hindi) In 22 minutes or at the rate of 17 miles an hour. The homo did not Injure Itself.


G, ViinDyko Expires at the Homo of His Daughter, Mrs. T, A. Gaul,

Frujo our Hnlootivllle uon'PsjtowloHt. G, VanDyke, father of Mrs. J, A. Gaul

of this place, died, suddenly, at hie daughter')) home Monday morning, Mr. VuuDyko had boon about tho house aa usual during tho morning, had eaten a hoarly broakfast, He had been In the collar and coining up sat down In the rocking chair mid expired Immediately. He was allllctud with asthma and a chronic dleoaso of the heart.

Mr. VanDyke name to Halcottville elx months ago [torn WhoiUlautl, Wyom. He was (U) years of ago. JJTho deceased Is survival by five daughloi'8! 'Mra. J, A. Gaul of Haluott-ville, Mie. G. II. Hiuumell ol'Taimars-vllle, Miss Anna VanDyke of Angelica and two others who live lu tho West,

Tho (iluiu'iil services wore hold at Ron-bury Thursday at 11 o'oloulc aud wore ni mil iml ml by I ho Rov, A, II, Mnudd'w', The Interment Was made In Roxbury.

Pleasant Surprise Party, li'l'imi mil' I'liiur.'ivi'ii ci>rrn»|iiind«al.

A largo number ot young people gain 01 ed at tliti homo of Mr. mid Mm. .lay VanBoimuhoteu Inst Wiidimiutiiy evening mill gave Hi ell1 hoot and hootcim 11. num. pletc nurprlaa, Tho evening WAS very pleasantly puKisud lit garden and lu par­taking of thl) gMIOtOIW t'Otl'lMJlUUOUlB,

Interesting Littlebits That Minor the Doings of Seven Days in the

Pearl of the Calskills. Collector' Gregory has gathered $5,000

of the lowu's taxes lo date. Hopkins and Germaiue have purchased

the complete plumbing outfit of N. D. Olmstead.

Tho surveyors lor the proposed One-onta-Oatsklll Hoe are working near East Windham.

J. Garfield Jenkins has been elected Secretary of the Epwoita League In place of Jttttins Cullen, resigned.

N. D. Olmstead has purchased and had placed In his store a large coffee mill of modern pattern.

Tho mall route from Delhi to Arkvllle has been let to John O'Donohue, the present contractor, for $1,074.

The salailoa paid by Uuole 8am to the postal clerks on the U. & D, roach $5,( 00 a year. The clerks earn the money.

Among recently recorded real estate transfers In Audas were Helen Bishop and another to Hiram B. Kelly. $2,000.

It Is probable that the aunual ball of the Margaretville firemen will bo post­poned until tho opening of the Pocautlco.

Citpeuter work on the Pocantlco is well advanced and the building now awaits sultaole weather lor the plasterers.

The petition to consolidate road dis­tricts Nos. 99 and 2 at Halcottville has been granted aud the district Is now knowu as No. 2.

S. 8. Myers is making some tasty re­pairs to his block while lu town this week. A porch at the back 1B among the Improvements.

Tho Southern Jubilee Slugers next Wednesday evening will bo the best entertainment Margaretville has had In a long time. Don't mles hearing thorn.

Assemblyman J. R Cowan, of Hobarl, was appointed chairman of tlie commit­tee on federal relations aud member of the committees on ways and moans and banks.

The Arkvllle fire laddies will hold a matnuerado ball at tho Firemen's Hall In that vlllago Thursday evening, Janu­ary 19. Mead'e full orchestra, will fur­nish music and a good time Is expected.

Miss Kathryn Swart entertalued a parly of young women ftlecds Saturday night before her departure for school on Monday. Tho evening was passed lu eo-olal Intercourse aud the partaking of refreshments.

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Andrews, who have a Hue summer n sldencu at South Kortrlght, Ball from New York on Jan­uary 19, to spend tho wlotur abroad. They will travel In Southern Spain, Italy, Greece and France.

Miss Ella Cowan of Arkvllle fell re­cently lu Kingston and sustained a se­vere sprain of the wrist of tiro left hand. Tho accident was oaused by a carriage block, whloh projected samo distance Into thef-ldewalk.

A plantation song "Martelle," "When My Ship Oomos Over the 80a" and a tenor solo "bweet Narloue" are on the programme for tho Jubilee Blngors on Wednesday oveulug, January 18. Don't fall to hoar the best treat of tho new year.

Attorney O. L Auclrus went to Albany Tuesday to appear before the Court of Appeals for the defendant lu the suit of Hath way & Company of New York against Delaware County to recover some $15,0o0 on notes made by ex-County Treasurer Woodruff.

Tho auction season will soon be at hand. When you make arrriugemnnls for your sale don't forget thut Tun Ntows ofiloo Is prepared to print your bills at a very, reasonable rate, at short uolloe aud In the latest type, uosorted colors In paper


Weekly Record of Those Who Come an* Go as Noted by " T h e News"


—Miss L. E. Lyon of MUford Is In Mar-ga.retville.

—Dr. W. E. Hendry was In Roxbury Wednesday.

—R. B. Ivee, Esq., of Roxbury, sp<nt Sunday iu town.

—G.M. Parker was In Oneonta Wednes­day ou a business trip.

—Dr. A. A. Goldman is the guest of his Margaretville friends.

—J. K. P. Jackeon, Efrq.,was In Kinp. ston on legal buHlness Saturday.

—Mies Minnie Todd of Lyons Fills vis­ited a.t Mrs. Emma Dickson's last week.

—Mrs. E. F. Keeney Is upending the week at the home of lier daughter In Brooklyn.

L, D. Bishop Is moving his family from Dingle Hill to the rooms over MB grocery on Olympic Ave.

—Miss Maude Stewart of Meredith was a guest Saturday and Sundny at the homo of H. H. Kelly.

—Dr. A. O. Follef, who has been spend­ing some weeks with Treadvivll friends, Is agaiu In Margaretville.

—A. J. Eaeuaau went to VValdeu on Wednesday to attend the funeral of his brother-iu-law, Henry Fcoraau.

—O. A. Swart accompanied his daugh­ter, Ktttbrlne, to Poughkeepsle Monday, where she . will enter a school of music,

—Daniel Hopklds of IloelyD, L. I., ar­rived In town early lu the week and the firm of Hopkins <fc Germaine will soon open their now shop.

—S. S. Myers, a Margaretville boy who holds a confidential and responsible position with the Tuxedo Store Company of Tuxedo Park, Is enjoying bis vacation among his many friends In Margaretville.



Lights and Shadows of Life on Farm and in Hamlet Portrayed fcy

Ready Pens.


The second term of school began on Monday.

A. Sliver has two (earns hauling lops to the Kelly Corners mill.

Miss Mabel Gladstone Is spending t i e week with Walton friends.

R. lph McOumber, who has been ill for for the past three weeks, Is Improving.

A certain young lady of this vlclnlly has boon practicing house-keeping 10 cently.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Myers have been Spending a few days with friends In Bo­vine recently.

M. Laugh man and W. T. Scott aro building a house uoar lire Dunraveu creamery fop Dlney Smith.

About 20 of the young friends of M r and Mrs. Jay VanBonaoiiok'u enjoyed very pleaaauL evmilug at their homo i Wednesday evening of last work.

Mrs. Clarence Wilton fpent Pnnda.y in 11 • f" Shokan with relatives.

Miss Weingart Ifc spending the week in New York.

E. E. Howe, Bfcijh is In Goshen this week "ii professional business.

Verne Rosenfeld is vieitlng relative-* In New York.

Lattliew Rickey and Warner' Griffin of Kingston were iu town Monday.

Maurice Halperu and wife are spend­ing the week In New York.

Mr. and Mrs. N. B, Franklin are spendr lug the winter in Kingston.

Mrs. ('holies Miller and daughter, Beatrice, who have been in New York duilng the holidays, returned Monday.

Severn! of the local members of the Masonic- fraternity attended Installation of officers a t Maj'garetvlMe last Saturdny night,

The chapter, older of the Eastern Star, initiated two ( a.inliilatoH at their meeting Tuesday evening. A banquet was served afterward at the homo of Mrs, D. Stover.

At an adjourned meeting of tho Skene Library Association held at the library last,Saturday oveulug the new set of b j -lawB making It a free library and placing It. under regents' control, was adopted.



at Roxbury


and In dlfT'.ronl colored ink If wanted.

This Is the season when I ho liou.snwlfo soon the coal whittled away rapidly by high winds and dry, frosty air. A libit may be taken from the euglnii stoker who oheoks and controls oombusllon by covering tho lire with lino coul, cinders or ashes. This will keep the heat In the furnaoe or range, whore It belongs, but will not materially obstruct oomhtis-tlou,

V Bohornboiger, a government rural free delivery agent was at Iioliart last week and went over tho proponed new route from tho Hoburt p ut ofllun. Tho route oovors the township to tho Wlnlloltl B, Grant farm, theuou haok and thiough tho narrow notch to I ho ROBOB B 00k toad, down tho valley to H. F. Gould's and thence over tho hill, passing Jtiotua Ooone to tho river at D, 0, Sliarpo'o II.MI1 thence to Hoburt, The dlutanue la about 'M) ratios,

Tho annual mooting of I lie (lateli 111 Mountain Agricultural Society wan held yoatorday, Tho following olllonm wore elected for thu coming yours President., H, M. Cottltor; vluu-Prnildant, R, A. Winter'1 Beurotary, Thoniaa Winter; I'l'saauror, William Muuglo, Jr, 1 Direc­tors for throe yearn, J. W, Kittle, O. A. Swart i Director for one year, Will Hub-boll, T. Winter was ohuuen us General Buperlntendcnl. Tho fair will lie hold August Mil, UK, !H and ait, ltlOfi.

$50,000 Stolen In Cooperstown In July Found Buried In New York.

$50,000 iu jewels that were stolon from Mrs, Ambrose Clark lo Cooperstown the 7th ot last July wore found burled In the ground In a vacant lot iu Harlem Wed­nesday. NKWW readers will remember that at the tluio of the robbery "Billy" Cjlemau, the noted New York crook was arrested but the evidence was not strong euough against htm to holtl him and he wa.s discharged. New York detectives have shadowed him since aud Tuesday night saw him go to a vacant lot and dig up p-irt of th ,| jwelry. He was arrested aud tho remainder of the j iwels fouud In the hidll'g place, Ho has been brought back lo Oooppistotvn and no doubt will serve a long sentence,


Arkville Stonecutter Becomes Suddenly Mad—Sont to Briigkamton.

Richard 13. McDonald of Arkville was Insane last Friday and has been sent If) Hie Slate Hospital at Bing­ham ou. McDonald Is a stonecutter arid 30 years of age and unmarried. He became so violent that several men wore required to hold blm. He' talks religion ooutlnually.

The young man has been deranged before, but none of the previous attacks have boon so violent ire the present one,

To News Subscribers. There Is often some Item of Interest

In your locality that you know about and that we would be glad lo have you solid to us. THE NKWS will be glad to send a package of stamped euvolopeii to any subscribe!1 who will drop us a postal aud, who, though they do not like to undertake ro^ulur correspondence, might Bond us Items ociciisloniilly, If there Is a party ut your home or any ono of the thoiiHiiiKl Items that ruako news, send thorn to us and wo will gladly publish them. Send for a package of envelopes, Don't forget the farmers' excliango col­umn. I t Is free to all suliHorlbora and an ad. there brings auuworsi.

It. of P, En toil«Inn 10111. Ii'roiu our Ii'lPliK.'liriuum norrucnaiiilinil.

The local K. of P. L'ldgo le propiu lug to put Otl luiofher ontfil'tiiliiliiuiit In Hie neitr future. Tito play produced by them Iwtt yomr was a deulilml miuuotw.

Offlcors of Insurance Company. At tho annual mooting or the M hid I e-

town and Roxbury Fire lusiiiHiioe Com­pany the following officers were (.'looted: W. T, Faulkner, prosldeut, Margaret-vlllos J1 R. Arnhbuld, suoretary and treasurer. New Kingston. The follow­ing directors were elected : O, A, Trmii-per, Arena;, G1I1TI11 Cor­ners ; W. Si Vermllyo, Halcottvllloj Z 8. Hull, Rally Contois; 0, F. Morse, Roxbury ; F, Rlohtrayer, Hoxbury ; J. B, Wyckoff, Grand Gorge. The Ineuranoo company has In force 34 policies more this year than last, making a total of 617 poltclos December III, 11104. Amount of Ineuranoo In foroo Deoombor 1)1, 1004, Is $10,471.05,


Interesting Llttlo Ads That Will Save You Monty,

MUiiiiHolioukii to rout. H. M, Dolnmetor, TIIH NimvH prints.

Hubaorlbo for T H F NEWS.

500 palt'B of working gloves, I't'loos 50 to 7li imntii, tipiw.lal sale now at ;iu ueuts a t , loo Hubert's.

Sooton Collie dog, warranted good cow dog, II yearn old, will bo sold for | 5 , 10 Intlillaw, Jr,, Marginal .vllle,

Wnntuti—mono on good iiiorlgnge. Address x, Care of-MMWH Ofnuo.

400 yards ot outing, Prion 10 oetite a yard, will olrmo It out at I) 1-il tienfcn, Will not cut loini titan IU y anla, Joe HI U,K>I t.

NEW KINGSTON. Robert B, Ingles ie drawing wood fot

the creamery. Bernard Hull hao hired to work for It.

8. Blrdsall (be coming season. Charles Sweeney of Margaretville w«9

In town last Thursday. Earnest Baker is working for J. T ,fc

Sinclair Archibald. A. Cunningham Is slaying at Robert

Dowle's this winter. Daniel Tompkins of Arena was In town

last Saturday. Rev. McCalmonl will occupy the pulpit

again next Sabbath. Myron J, Faulkner went to Kingston

on business last Thursday. Will Adeo and Miss Mao Thompson of

Bovlna attended church hereon Sabbath. Ale/ix. Thomson was a business caller

in Griffin Corners last Friday. GUfred Scott has been helping Marvin

VauBenscholen saw wood tills week. 1 J. 0. Russell and wife went to Bovlna

last Sabbath to eeo Mrs. Bussell's nephi w, Wllllsm Thomson, who Is ill.

WllbUni Telford of Bovlna was calling ou friends in this (ilnco Tuesday.

William Vcrmllya and wife of nalcolt-vlllo visited at J, H. SanfVrd's Thursday,

There was r,o school hero last week as the teacher, Miss Lytlla Faulkner, was ooullnf)d to the house with a cold.

J. T. Archibald and wife and grand­daughter, Leone, visited friends In Uo-vlua last Friday.

Howard Coulter attended the dance at George Cable's iu Bovlna last Wednes­day evening. ' The 0. U. Society will moetBabbath evening at Alex. Thorns in'e', Topic, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" Gen. IV. 8-15.

Postmaster P. (I, Yaplo inndo ti busi­ness trip to Mnr aretvllle with the U. S. Mull Curlier last Tueoday.

Robert Cowan of Weaver Hollow \ Isl-toil his, Hiotor, Mrs. ijllzabeth Ilrmill, last Hablmth, roturirli.rg hoine Monday, . Andrew Myers aud family of Canada Hollow visited at 0, W. Hallock's last Halibatti.

David Aden e[ipnt a few days lust week at W. T, Wrrd's lu Bovjtin, Some or the time was spent limiting foxes,

J, A. Scott, Miss Euilly HUlott, Joseph Adoe and Mine Llsssslo llakor attended the surprise party for Jay VauBehsoltolieu and wife of Diiitravon lnsl Weduosday oveulug.

Tlio Woman's Missionary Society of Now Kingston will have an oyster supper In the bueoinont of tho oliurcli Friday evening, Jnnimry 20, $Upnet' HO neiits. A cardial Invltrllon Is ejclendud to all,

Arthur Osborn and Leslie DuMoud of Murgarolvillo citmo over on a bunting expedition Monday. J. W, Chlnlioliu, .tamos Thorneou and Ii. E. Faulkner ac-cotu pan led thuiu anil ihoy Bticoooded In enptiiilng six rabbits,


Pleaching Service Twice Each Day In M. E. Church.

The Methodist Oliurob In this village has been llu< eci'int of preaching services twice each day dining the week, the uer-tnons being delivered by the differ e r t inlulstors of ibis district,

The services began Monday evenlrg with tho preaching of Hie ltov. I, M. Fes-ter oi'Koxbury who spoko strongly upon tho subject "Tim Chrlstlaue' Duty o[Mu-tual Helpfulness." Tho ooutral thought of the able speaker's discourse was that the distinctive feature of Iho gospel Is the brotherhood pf man. The new com­mand of Christ Is not only to love but io love he Outlet loved,

Rov. Foster spoke again the next after­noon, chooi-iijg for Ids BiibjuctObedlenoe. He held ihat obedience was accomplished when th" Hlu was parallel with Gori'e purposes. The douses of life eorue from our desires orosslug God's plans. All doubt or moral questlotis Is a result of desire for the Immoral,

Tuesday evening the Hev, O. O, Wlleey delivered a soiil-ellrrhig ecriuoa on oon-tesslug Christ. Ho said the I through confessing Christ tho Church had made Its advances lu tho past. When a man Is In the spirit of concession he Is In a condition iu which God's spirit can work lu him. The sermon was a very able one and was followed by 1111 altar service,

Wednesday oveulug and Thursday afloruoou Rev, Piper of Blootnvllle oc­cupied the pulpit inul delivered soul stlr-rlugsormons. Ft iday afternoon tho Rov. (I. F, Snyder of Prattsvllle will occupy the pulpit.

Tho meellugB have been the source of much good, I t Is probable that they will bo oontluuod next week.


A R K V I L L E .

The tiiaiuiger of tho lluduoii lilver Telephone Co. WIIH In town I'YIiliiy to make ai'rarigt'niniils wllli H. Korn for 11 pay Station on their llucy

OliHH'or Buttle, of Kelly Comoro wmi lu town on IHIBIIKJBS, '

0, O, (.'ammer has .two pel eqiilnols which were proeentetl to him by a friend, Bob, says tho fun will lly.

Mrs, O. II, Rhymer Is nuperlntending tho household duties at H. Eorus Iu the obBoiioo of MIB, Koru aud Mrs, B,tarulloltl who went to Brooklyn to attend the funeral of their father, '(

It. It, Molyneaux went to New York ou biiiilni'i.iM title week.

Mrs. Peohtnll mid dntighter retui'iioil fromBohnnoolady last Batnrday.

Mies Auua Dloliaou Is our now toncln r In pliion of Miss Marks, who niHlguod,

Mthol Kllpatrlck, who had an atlauk of appeniliollla, Ie alowly reciivorhig,

Mhm MlnuloToild, or Lyon Fftlle, IR vlflltlng her aunt, EITle Bliihlor.

A Wtiuutwoful Supper. From ottr Dry Urook aot'l'oapotulijiil, Thooyator eupiiOf held at George Arm

Btrong'n last) Thiiniday ovetilni! I'ur iho bonolit of Rev. A, H. Htittilder provnil to be a It'imil BUI.M)I»".<I, Tho amount re­

ceived Wll« *4!l.

Robert Brownell of Arkville and Son of David Shultis Injured,

Unhurt Brownell of Arkvllle so lonely crushed lils log while lu the woods above the vlllago one day Inst week. The In­juries con II no Mr. Brownell to his homo for some time,

Tho four year old sou of David Soliulti« of Huckleberry Hill broke bin right leg near the hip whllo oousUug 0110 day last wiUik. The boy will bo kept, to his bed (or soveral weeks. Dr. ('. S. Allabcn re-(limed both the fractures,

Duma von Creaniary Offlcora,

Tho following are tho directors at the Dunra von Croiunory for the eneirlng year : William VahBoneohotOhi I'mnlt Snuford, A, Bllvor, John A. (Ilndntoiie, A, M. Whlt-00111b, Louis Whlloomb, Olnoy Smith, Zlba Banford and Olutrlas Myers, A l a meeting of the directors William Van-Bonsoholou WHS elected president, A. M, Whlloomb sooretary ami IrnaBiiror uud Louis wiiltciMuii biiBluosa manager. Tho nroaiuory will opou for tho season about March 1.



An Hmi.'iual Entertainment. Tho Southern J nblloe Slngera will

pear at Olympic Hall, Margaretvllli' vVodiuuidiiy evening, January lHlh, qltuto the following 'rem 0. Rooliostof Pimtor; "Tim entcrtaliiinoiit given by the J ItblloO Sliigero In our church wnri the muni enjoyable concert of iho kind to wlilnli I have over (Intoned,"


Mrhk PinHliyl.etliiu Church,


Officers of PeopltiH llniik. lie annual mnotliig of tho Block

holdrru cl lb" ipeoplus Nnllmial Batik of MiiiKaretvlllo hold on lite lOlli day of January, Bli D, ltoyiuilibi, E. h. O'Cou-uor, A, I', QiutJoutei'j ilrtiiiiie W, Kittle and N. p, Oliimtr.ail were rooli.'nteil (II-t'liotot'H for tho eiiiiulnij year, M a euh-Hiii|ueut iiicetltig of the Board of Direct' ore the iiaiiiu day E. I/, o'tluiii'nr wac re-I'leolod Pl'Osldenli anil N, D, Olumtiad vlijii.t'iiiMldont aud (tasliler, ,

Yaarly Mmitttig. Ii'roiu mil' Hlilimllvllln iinil'i'iitinndeiil.

On Hiitui'day anil Sunday yearly iiioot-lug wan hold ill, l b " Old Bcliiinl Baptist Uhurnh, llldera Miller, Hanfotd, tllnhit niul Clark wuro pri'iimit and proauhm) noma very able ijertnuits.

Gleanings of a Week from the Notebook of a Lively and Wideawake


Mr. and Mrs. A, Olr-s recently visited friends at Griffin Corners.

Miss Libble George vleitud Kingetou friends first of the week.

J. L. Hasbrouck was at ilriffln Oorrieis on business Tuesday.

Lauren Hubboll visitod first of the week.

Judge Hubboll was a business caller tti town flrst of I he week;

Towneend and White have teams hauling logs from tho mountain.

Jatnea Marshall made a. business trip to FlelBcliuiaiiii on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs, A. VanARon visited friends at Itoxbuiy recently.

J. Francisco of tho U.<v. D. has been in town thu past week.

Henry Ruff of New Kingston has been hauling fooii from hero or late.

T. J. Halt ami A. J. Kcatortook lu the eights at Hoxbury on Thursday.

George I, Jaqulsh was ,it Margaret­ville ou business last Friday.

Mr. aud Mrs. H. B. Mead rpcently visited relatives at Hnloott.

L. E. Bauford and lady visited friends at Bovlna flrtt of the week.

Robert Oartwrlght of Vega was a. busi­ness caller at Halcottville on Thursday.

N. Harrington has boon confined to the bouse of lite with a stitch iu his back.

George L, Hewitt was In New York last week to attend the funeral of an uncle.

F. Morehouse, U. Blytho, Scott Hlnk-lny uud A. T. Dean have been drawing feed of late.

A. F. Swoet hao had several teutns hauling logs from L. A, Bon ton's lo hi* mill of late.

Abuer Morse unloaded a onr of chest­nut coal Orel of the week, whloh he Is Beijing.

DoWitt Hammond aud C. Woolheater of Denver^ weto business callers lu town O.i Thursday,

E. II. Bnrtruru of Oinvnita wno amoug t'ro out-of-town callers at Haloottville on Stlurdoy.

Charles II. Sauford, who hae boon on the sick list for some time, Is some bet-tur this week.

Mr. and MIH. Clint Morse have been entertaining company from Griffin Cor­ners tho past week,

George Brandow recently recolv<d a Polook rrom an employment ngenoy in New York whole very good help.

Towu Collector Giegory was in town 011 Thutsday collecting taxes. He will also be at Smith's Hotel, Halcottville, on Friday, January 20,

Rev. A. U. Soudder will occupy the pulpit of the M. E, Cliinvh a t Halcolt-vlllo next Sunday morning a t 11 o'clock and Eld or J, Clark the pulpit of tho Old School Baptist Church at 1 o'olook In the afternoon.

The speakers at the fnt'mere' Institute at Halcottville on Friday and Saturday, Jauuary '̂ 0 and 81, are tho ablest men In tho work this year. If you are Inter-osted, moot them and have a talk with thoin.

B. Towtisoud, who rooeutly oamo from ih« United states Army, ban boon visit­ing Id's motlii.'i and brother, George. He expects to go to Colorado soon to engage In tiro mining business,

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Corbln, who have been visiting In Michigan, returned home on Friday. Their aunt, Mrs. Haunah Walker, returned with them ami legoing to spend tho winter about here.

Partners' institute. Out Halcottville correspondent fur1-

dishes ue with a programme whloh will latoi'oat every1 farmer who uan he pres. out at llalnottvllle on I'rlday and Satur­day, January 20 and 21,

FlIUMV, 10iU0 A. Jt,

Prayer Rov. A. H. Soudder Address of welcome... W, B, Vornillyoa RoHpoiiHo by conductor Advantage of having fruit on the

farm Charloe M. Day, Geneva" U i'. M,

Question box , A'lvHittitgeH of clovor and how to

grow It . Ii'iiriinl. Henry, Dover, Mii..„. Feitlllty id the soil

John W, Sponcei, Cornell nnlvorelly 7 v, M.

Q'tostltm box antiloii frultn Mr, Day Nature study In the public nchooln,

llhihtraloil with Htnreoptloon,. . Mr. SponiiBi'

Ohlhlrrii urn Invltnil to thin BOBMIOII, BAi'tniriAV, 10 A Mi

Question box How 1 grow it crop of com nvery

year ' , Mr, Henry Food and cure of the dairy c o w . . . .

lloorgo A, Smith, Btlit'o Fixptu'liimnt, Htallon G-otiavn

H r, M,

Question box I'll I'D lit n w l l i o , . , , ,

I t i - i p i l r i i l im i l l i i of HUUOMSn

ln« •lAMIIIN W, VllinMUrilttAi

Local CiMt'iiMpouiiiiiii

. ,Mr. Henry 11 dairy" . .Mr, Siullh

i» / . ' ;>


