Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, October 16, 1959 \ CATSKnX MOUNTAIN NEWS Phoenicia Phoenicia, Oct. 12 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Botchford have closed their cottage and re- turned to Wilmington, Del., for the winter. Mrs. Gaby De-Rango, a cousm of Bill Wrixon and Harry Fastenau of New York city, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. William Wrixon Sr. Mrs. De-Rango is a former Ziegfeld Follies girl. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maresca had 15 guests over the weekend. Miss Gertrude E. Savary of Weehawken spent the holiday weekend at her cottage. She was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W alter A. Smith on Sunday. Miss Emma Messner of Stutt- gart, Germany, is visiting her sis- ter, Mr. Carls Haipt, in Bloom- field, N. J., for a few day. They are sisters of Mrs. Herman Fol- kerts. Dr. Eugene Fried and mother, Mrs. David Fried, have closed their cottage for the season. Mrs. William Phillips of Pali- sade Park, N. J., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. William Malloy. Mrs. Nathan Cooper of Engle- wood, N. J.,' entertained her bridge club at her cottage on Wednesday for luncheon and bridge. Mrs. William Malloy joined them for bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cunning- ham entertained her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Petersoil, of Brooklyn over the weekend. They and daughter, Eileen, visited the Shrine of Lady of Fatima in Ash- land Saturday. Mr. Cunningham was called to San Francisco to resume his duties as radio oper- ator on the SS George S. Long. He expects to return East in a month. From Oct. 10 until Oct. 15 Rev. Larry Wincentsen was guest speaker at the Schuyler Falls cir- cuit in the Troy conference. The Lanesville Methodist church will serve a turkey dinner on Sat- urday in the church hall, begin- ning at 5 p. m. Saturday Is Work Day Next Saturday has been set aside as a work day on the church and parsonage in Phoenicia. Any- one from the three churches in the parish are invited to help. Next Simday the polls will be open in the Phoenicio Methodist church from 10:15-11:15 a. m. to vote for the trustee class of 1962. Mrs. Nancy Hancock enter- tained four guests from Ellenville last Sunday. The meeting of the M. F. Whit- ney Hose Co. Auxiliary which was held in the fire house Tuesday, Allaben AUaben, Oct; 12 Mr. and Mrs. John VanEtten of Phoenicia were callers at the home of Andrew Hinkley Supday. Mrs. C. R. Bangs of Tanners- ville was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. West Saturday. • Mrs. M. H. Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Beck, who spend the summers at Allaben Inn, re- turned to their home in Brooklyn on Sunday. Percy M. Carter of Phoenicia was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Harbig on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Car- jter left the Catskills Thursday to spend the winter in Orlando, Fla. Joseph J. Garrity is a patient at Margaretville hospital. Mrs. Samuel Scudder and her mother, Mrs. Lester Randall, of Kingston were guests at the home of the Misses Esther and Anna B. Riseley on Saturday. Page Eleven THE ROXBURY NEWS Monday, Dct. 12 , 1959 Irma M . Griffin, Editor Cpl. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes have moved from Hensonville to Roxbury into Ralph Cantwell’s tenant house. Mr. Hayes is a trooper, stationed at Margaret- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mamhart have moved from Stamfofd to Roxbury and are living in the house of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ballard on the comer of Bridge and Locust streets. Went to “North Pole” Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eagan and daughters, Linda and Karen, of Valley Stream, L. L, spent a few days with their mother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mag- enheimer. They were on a trip which included the Adirondacks, the “North Pole,” Lakes George and Champlain and were to re- turn home through Vermont. David Fetter has been ill with pneumonia at the Stamford hos- pital. Mrs. Roderick C. Dorrance, Mrs. Marshall Slauson, Mrs. Richard Guice, Mrs. Stanley Young, Mrs. Omar J. Griffin, Mrs. Katherine Scudder, Irma M. Griffin and Mrs. Willieun Mattice of Roxbury attended the WSCS meeting at Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Granson Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thorington, Mr. and Mrs. George VanAken, Raymond Ives, Mrs. David Brower, Irma M. Griffin and Herbert Van- Aken attended the Grange offi- cers. meeting Friday evening at the new Col. Harper Grange, Har- persfield. Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Meade and Mrs. Bruce Meade were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nelson Meade at Schenectady. They were recently transferred back there from Branford, Conn. Howard Slater of Jamaica, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed of Voorheesville were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Granson Slater. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins of South Salem were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ballard. Mrs. Sarah G. Frisbee has re- turned from Margaretville hospi- frea»vill offering will be taken to tal to the home of her son-in-law defray the cost of the meal. . and daughter, Mr. and Mrs^ George Goes To Texas Roxbury, Oct. 7.—^Daniel Dor- rance left Monday after a 10-day furlough vwth his parents, Prin. and Mrs. Roderick C. Dorrance. He will have the following address: A-3c Daniel Dorrance, 12574654, 7th ' Combat Support G.P. SAC, Carewell, Texas. He was trans- ferred there from Lackland AFB, near ^an Antonio, Texas. was attended by eight members and two ^ests. Plans were made for a dinner party in the near future. Turkey Shoot Postponed Due to rain last Sunday, the turkey shoot sponsored by the Phoenicia Fish and Game club has been postponed to Sunday, Oct. 25, at the ski hut. Present Church Program The MYF will meet at the Shan- daken Methodist church Monday. Bible class meets at 4 p. m. and the commission on stewardship and finance meets at 7:30 p. m. A congregational supper will be held in the parish hall on Wednes- day, Oct. 21, at 6 p. m. for mem- bers and friends of the Methodist church. The coming program of the church will be presented. A Mrs. Reuben birthday party Ryder gave a for her grand- daughter, Louise Lee H i n e s, | daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Hines, on Wednesday. She was two years old. B. Mattice. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Valk and children, Sharon, Richard and Christopher, of Georgetown were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette G. Long. A birthday party for James B. Ploutz was held at his home in Heu:dscrabble Saturday evening, with 34 friends and neighbors. The evening was spent playing pinochle and prizes were won by H. Ivan Smith, Mrs. Willieun L. Baker, Marshall Slauson and Mrs. Henry C. Morse. Refreshments in- cluded two birthday cakes made by Mrs. WiUiam Q. Baker and Mrs. Fred Weber. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dewey E. Caswell of Plainville, Conn., who spent the weekend at the Ploutz home. Mrs. Ernest S. Powell of Minne- apolis, Minn., spent part of the week with Mrs. M. E. Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Emil VonHoven of West Hempstead, L. I., Mrs. A Pracny and Mrs. Elsa - Thompson of Wantaugh, L. I., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baumbach. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sparling and children, William, Glerm and Linda, of Utica and Clifford Spar- ling of High Falls were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willicun L, Baker. Lisa Bross celebrated her eighth birthday Friday with a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bross. Sharon Hag- gerty, Beth Hewitt, Bonnie Davis, Marilyn Peck and Sandra Van Buren were supper guests. They attended the movies, with ice cream and cake at the home after- ward, followed by a “pajama party.” Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haas of Montauk, L. I., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bouton and children, Rob- ert and Carol, of Brooklyn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bouton, their parents. Mrs. Frances Finkle of this place, Mr. and Mrs. Raeder Finkle and daughter, Shirley, of Oneonta and Mrs. Neyy Ives of Prattsville spent Saturday with Mrs. Rose Post at Dumont, N. J. Mrs. Nellie McIntosh has re- turned after two weeks with her cousin, Mrs. Mabel Kelly, in Gil- boa. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shimer of Oneonta were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waljwle. Mr.'and Mrs. Edward Farell of Rutherford, N. J., visited Mrs. Farell’s father, Theron Hadden, who is spending time vwth his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Flyod Hadden. 1 DMY IS HLCON DAY 2- and 4-doot Falcon models offar full 6-pasaeniar sizt prices down close to 4-passenger, 4-cyllnder Imported cars. It^s th e c a r a ll A m erica has been w a itin g for,,, the easiest car in the world to own,,, ifs in our showrooms now w a itin g fo r you! Change all your ideas on how cars of the new, easy-to-handle, easy-to-park size should look. And it’s the lowest-priced, new- size car built in America.* There’s room for six and all their luggage. Visibility’s greater than in some ’59 full-size cart. A feather touch steers it . . . a toe-tip stops it. You get up to 30 miles to a gallon. But that’s just the start of the Falcon’i thrift. Come see what makes the Falcon the easiest car in the world to own. *Based on a comparison of manufacturers’ suigesUd reM pricis The New-size 1 9 6 0 FO RD Ford fa lo o fL WORLD’S MOST EXPERIENCED NEW. CAR A. H. TODD & SON, Inc. M ain S treet and W agner A ve. , Fleischm anns N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. George Shultis and children, Jonathan, Elizabeth and Hilary, of Darien, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. Robfert Knight and chU- rden of Treadwell and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Rosenthal and chil- dren,' Maxine and Donald, of Flushing, L. I., were Columbus day weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shultis. Mr. and Mrs. Irv- ing Spector and children, PhyUis and David, of Roosevelt, L. I., were New Year weekend guests last week. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hewitt of Crystal Springs farm had 24 for Columbus weekend and a few for New Year. Joseph Conway and daughters, Margaret and Mary, of Long Island City were weekend guests at the Hewitt home. Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Barrett of Fleischmanns were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. VirgU Taylor. Miss Donna M. Saxon, student at Cobleskill Agricultural and Technical institute, spent the weekend at her home in Roxbury. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuhl and family of Fayetteville were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irving H. TVIer. . ® Mrs. Harry B. Stewart of Sche- nectady spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. David Stewart. Dr. and Mrs. David S. Morse of Schenec- tady came for her and accompa- nied her back to Schenectady. Is Music Bfajor Daniel Kim has entered Mac- Murray college at Jacksonville, HI., his mother’s alma mater. He is majoring in music. George Hendricks and son, AUen, of Newburgh were Satur- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Rickard. Kenneth Etts of Syracuse spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Etts. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Purcell spent one day with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Comfort at Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. Vilas McDonald were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ketchum at Sidney Center. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Demar- est of West Nyack were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Denson. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gray of Green Mountain farm had a full house for New Year weekend and 12 for Columbus weekend. Miss Christine Pommerer of South Nyack spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner. Mr. ajid' Mrs. Charles Nevijans of Springfield Gardens, L. I., were waken'd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weber. Mr. and Mrs. John Shultis, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cartwright, Mrs. James Sweeney and John B. Hew- itt Jr. attended the Republican club meeting at Walton Thursday night, where Representative Kath- arine St. George spoke. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hewitt of Delhi were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright took their grandson, Thomas Dwyer, to Go- shen Tuesday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dwyer and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cart- wright. Mrs. Howard Cartwright and Mrs. Doris Segnini motored to Catskill Monday to get Mrs. Sula Jones and bring her to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shultis, whom she will visit before visiting at the Cartwright home. Church Services Church newa to be inserted in tht# colunm must, reach the News office not later than Monday evening of publication week. Shandaken Awarded Prize For College Study , Shandaken, Oct. 13. — Miss Stephanie Cange, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cange, has been awarded a half-tuition scholar- ship for undergraduate s.tudy at Alfred university. The scholarship is for* 1959-60 academic year. Announcement of the scholarship was made by Philip J. Hedstrom, director of Administrations at Alfred uni- versity. Miss Cange is a 1956 graduate of Onteora central school and is enrolled in the school of nursing at the university. Pine Hill Communlt.y Church, Rev. Roger G. Brown, pastor: The regular worship service will be held in the church at 8 p. m. on Sunday, Oct. 18. ShaJidaken Methodist Church, Rev. Roger G. Brown, minister; Mrs. George L. Marinor Jr.', organ- ist; Regular worship service at 11 a. m.. Choir practice in the church on Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Saint M argaret’s E p i s c o p a l Church, Orchard street: Sunday, Oct. 17, 9:15 a. m., parish euch- arist and church school. Wed- neday, Oct. 21, 7:30 p. m.. Saint Margaret's Guild at the parish hall . Sacred Heart Parish, Margaret- ville, masses: Sunday, Oct. 18, Fleischmanns, 8:30; M ^garetville, 10; Andes, 11:30. October devo- tions Monday, 7:30 p. m. Confes- sions Saturday, 4::30 and 7:30 p. m. Advent Christian Church, Rev. Albert Larcombe, min&ter: 10 a. m., church school; 11, morning worship: evening hymn sing and message. Wednesday prayer meeting, 8 p. m.; choir rehearsal, 9 p. m. ArkvUle Free Methodist Church, pastor, Esther K. Howard. Sun- day school, 10 a. m. No other Sunday services Oct. 18 because of the district meeting at Maple- crest, N. Y. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:45. Arkville Methodist Church, Rob- ert A. Gevert, minister: Sunday services, 9:30, morning worship. Laymen’s day; 10:45 a. m., Sun- day school; 6:30 p. m„ MYF at Margaretville. Wednesday, 7 pjn., choir rehearsal. Wednesday, Oct. 21, 6:02 p. m., congregational din- ner. Jay Gould Memorial Reformed Church, Roxbury, John J. Fryling, minister. Thursday, 7 p. m., choir rehearsal. Sunday: 9:30 a. m Sunday school; 10:30, morning worship; s^ermon topic, “A P at- tern of Devotion”; laymen will take part in the service; 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. Clovesvllle Bible Baptist Church, Fleischmanns, Rev. Richard Tait, pastor: Oct. 18, Sunday school at 10 o’clock; morning worship at llj evening service at 7:30. Friday evening, Oct. 16, the pastor and choir of The Little White Church of Conklin, N. Y. wiU be at this church at 8 o’clock. The public is invited. Margaretville - New Kingston Larger Presbyterian Parish, Rev. Arthur F. Kopp, minister: Mar- garetville, 10, morning worship; 11:10 a. m., church school; 7 p. m.. Young people. New Kingston, 10:15 a. m., church school; 11:30, morning worship. The New Kings- ton trustees will meet Friday night, Oct. 23, at 8 o’clock. Fleischmanns Methodist Church: Laymen’s Sunday Oct. 18. Marion Morsfe will preach at Dry Brook 9:30 a. m.; Reischmanns at 11; Robert Todd will preach, assisted by Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Murray Mayes. Edward, Alton will give a report on Lajmien’s weekend; MYF Sunday evening, 6-7:30. Halcott Center, Sunday evening at 8, Mike Morse will give a short talk. Tuesday, Oct. 20. junior choir rehearsal. MargaretviUe Methodist Church, Robert A. Gevert, minister: Sun- day services, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11, morning worship. Lay- men’s day; 6:30 p. m., MYF. Wed- nesday, 7:15 p. m., senior choir rehearsal. Thursday, 3:15 p. m., junior choir rehearsal. Thursday, Oct. 22, 6:29 p. m., congregational dinner. Sunday, Oct. 18, the Rev. Alex Porteus will visit the parish for purposes of instruction for the officers, teachers and workers of the educational work of our churches. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Townsend visited relatives in Port Allegheny, Pa., from Saturday to Tuesday. Miss Inez Satterlee of Kings- ton was a luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cleaveland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grinrod and two children of Riverhead, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baran and children of Batavia were weekend guests of Mrs. Baran’s mother, Mrs. F. S. Os- terhoudt. Donald Buley is having a well driven. Earl KeUerhodse is doing the work. Honored On 75th Birthday Mrs. Sarah Bush W£is honored recently on the occasion of her 75th birthday by a party at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Frasier. Twenty-four guests were present and two birthday rakes and ice cream were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Townsend motored to Fort Hunter on Sun- day to visit friends. Mrs. Otto Platz of%Diunont, N. J., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Platz. Mrs. Percy Rosa is assisting in the Allaben post office. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Wit- inesses Arkville. Friday, Oct. 16: V7:30 p. m., ministry school, writ- ten review; 8:30 p. m., service meeting. Saturday, Oct. 17, all day, work on Kingdom hall. Sun- day, Oct. 18: 3 p. m„ public talk, “What Can Prayers Do for You”; 4:15 p. m., Watchtower study, “Walking in the Name of Jeho- vah.” Tuesday, Oct. 20, 8 p. m., book study in “Your Will Be Done.” Wednesday, Oct. 21, 7 p. m., work on Kingdom hall. All welcome. No collections. M iss M orse Is Bride In Roxbury W edding Roxbury, Oct. 12.—^The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison C. Morse was the scene of a quiet wedding Sunday afternoon when the^ daughter. Miss Nancy Jane Mqrse, became the bride of Wilson David Haring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son Haring of Havertown, Pa. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Richard Guise, pastor of the Roxbury Methodist church, in the presence of the immediate femiilies. The couple was attended by Mrs. Erwin Straehley of Oreland, Pa., sister of the bride, and Peter. Haring of Havertown, brother of the bridegroom. The bride wore a navy blue wool sheath with a corsage of pink carnations, and her matron of honor wore a gray wool dress with a corsage of lavender mums. A reception at the home fol- lowed the ceremony. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Haring and sons, Peter and Richard, of Havertown and Mr. and Mrs. Er- win Straehley of' Oreland. Following the reception the couple left for home, which will be an apartment on the campus at the University of Pennsylvania, where Mr. Htuing is a senior and Mrs. Haring a sophomcye. She is an aluhnmus of Roxbury central school, class of 1958. Republican Rally & Supper HamSupper ' Sponsored by TOWN OF ANDES REPUBLICAN CLUB Served by the Methodist Church Thursday Evening, Oct. 22, at 7:30 Andes Legion Hall Tickets on Sale Until Oct. 20 ADULTS - $2.00 CHILDBEN UNDER 12 - $LOO KHRUSHCHEV SAYS One Party Is Best for the People BUT... America has found that a fairly even balance of powerbetweenparties has givenit the efficiency and knowhowto give us the highest living standards of any country in the world. These so-called off-years in politics are MOST important to us personally." This year we elect the men who will run our town and county. These are men who will tell us howmuch our taxes will be and these are the men who will spend the money after it is collected. You andI, as taxpayers and voters, will receive much more consideration fromour elected officers if they have some opposition at the polls instead of knowing that the nomination by one party ^one. means their election. For top efficiency in our town and county Let’s Vote for A Balance of Power EVERYBODY WELCpME AT OUR HpSPI- TALITY ROOMIN INSLER BLDG .—FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Afternoon and Evening. M iddletown Democratic dub Get Ready for Winter New Kelly Springfield Elxplorer II SNOW TIRES 6 . 70 x 15 Tube Type Blackwall in Pairs $16.28 ea. Plus tax andrecappable casing. 7 . 50 x 14 Tubekss Blackwall in Pairs $18.82 ea. Plus taxandrecappable casing. Sunoco Permanent Type • ANn-FREEZE gal. $2.25 Cash and carry. Additional charge for installation. Change Oil Change Oil Filter Complete Lubrication Anti-Freeze Installed 10% OFF RoxburySunocoService EVERETTE SNYDER JERRY BRAREN Managers PHONE 7707 ROXBURY, N. Y.

Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, October 16, 1959 CATSKnX ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1959-10-16/ed-1/seq-11.pdfMrs. Sarah G. Frisbee has re turned from Margaretville

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Page 1: Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, October 16, 1959 CATSKnX ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1959-10-16/ed-1/seq-11.pdfMrs. Sarah G. Frisbee has re turned from Margaretville

Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, October 16, 1959\


PhoeniciaPhoenicia, Oct. 12

Mr. and Mrs. H enry Botchford have closed their cottage and re ­turned to W ilmington, Del., for the winter.

Mrs. Gaby De-Rango, a cousm of Bill W rixon and H arry Fastenau of New York city, spent the week­end w ith Mr. and Mrs. William W rixon S r. Mrs. De-Rango is a form er Ziegfeld Follies girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M aresca had 15 guests over the weekend.

Miss G ertrude E. Savary of W eehawken spent the holiday weekend a t her cottage. She was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W alter A. Sm ith on Sunday.

Miss Emm a M essner of S tu tt­g art, Germany, is visiting her sis­te r, Mr. Carls H aipt, in Bloom­field, N. J., for a few day. They are sisters of Mrs. Herm an Fol- kerts.

Dr. Eugene Fried and m other, Mrs. David Fried, have closed their cottage for the season.

Mrs. W illiam Phillips of Pali­sade Park , N. J., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W illiam Malloy.

Mrs. N athan Cooper of Engle­wood, N. J.,' entertained her bridge club a t her cottage on Wednesday for luncheon and bridge. Mrs. W illiam Malloy joined them for bridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cunning­ham entertained her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Petersoil, of Brooklyn over the weekend. They and daughter, Eileen, visited the Shrine of Lady of Fatim a in Ash­land Saturday. Mr. Cunningham was called to San Francisco to resum e his duties as radio oper­a to r on the SS George S. Long. He expects to retu rn E ast in a m onth.

From Oct. 10 until Oct. 15 Rev. L arry W incentsen was guest speaker a t the Schuyler F alls cir­cuit in the Troy conference.

The Lanesville M ethodist church will serve a turkey dinner on S at­urday in the church hall, begin­ning a t 5 p. m.

Saturday Is W ork DayN ext Saturday has been set

aside as a work day on the church and parsonage in Phoenicia. Any­one from the three churches in the parish are invited to help. N ext Simday the polls will be open in the Phoenicio M ethodist church from 10:15-11:15 a. m. to vote for the trustee class of 1962.

Mrs. Nancy Hancock en ter­tained four guests from Ellenville la s t Sunday.

The m eeting of the M. F. W hit­ney Hose Co. Auxiliary which was held in the fire house Tuesday,

AllabenAUaben, Oct; 12

Mr. and Mrs. John V anEtten of Phoenicia were callers a t the home of Andrew Hinkley Supday.

Mrs. C. R. Bangs of Tanners- ville was a guest a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. W est Saturday. •

Mrs. M. H. Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Beck, who spend the summers a t Allaben Inn, re ­turned to their home in Brooklyn on Sunday.

Percy M. C arter of Phoenicia was a guest a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry H arbig on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Car-

j ter left the Catskills Thursday to spend the w inter in Orlando, Fla.

Joseph J. G arrity is a patient a t M argaretville hospital.

Mrs. Samuel Scudder and her m other, Mrs. L ester Randall, of Kingston were guests a t the home of the Misses E sther and Anna B. Riseley on Saturday.

Page Eleven

THE ROXBURY NEW SMonday, Dct. 12, 1959 Irma M. Griffin, Editor

Cpl. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes have moved from Hensonville to Roxbury into Ralph Cantw ell’s tenan t house. Mr. Hayes is a trooper, stationed a t M argaret- ville.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M am hart have moved from Stam fofd to Roxbury and are living in the house of Mr. and Mrs. John F. B allard on the com er of Bridge and Locust streets.

W ent to “N orth Pole”Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eagan and

daughters, Linda and Karen, of Valley Stream , L. L, spent a few days w ith their m other-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mag- enheimer. They were on a trip which included the Adirondacks, the “N orth Pole,” Lakes George and Champlain and were to re ­tu rn home through Vermont.

David F e tte r has been ill w ith pneumonia a t the Stam ford hos­pital.

Mrs. Roderick C. Dorrance, Mrs. M arshall Slauson, Mrs. Richard Guice, Mrs. Stanley Young, Mrs. Omar J. Griffin, Mrs. K atherine Scudder, Irm a M. Griffin and Mrs. Willieun M attice of Roxbury attended the WSCS m eeting a t Jefferson.

Mr. and Mrs. Granson Slater, Mr. and Mrs. C hester Thorington, Mr. and Mrs. George VanAken, Raymond Ives, Mrs. David Brower, Irm a M. Griffin and H erbert Van­Aken attended the Grange offi­cers. m eeting Friday evening a t the new Col. H arper Grange, H ar- persfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Meade and Mrs. Bruce Meade were Sun­day guests of Mr. and Mrs. K eith Nelson Meade a t Schenectady. They were recently transferred back there from Branford, Conn.

Howard S la ter of Jam aica, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. H enry Reed of Voorheesville were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Granson Slater.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins of South Salem were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ballard.

Mrs. Sarah G. Frisbee has re ­turned from M argaretville hospi-

frea»vill offering will be taken to ta l to the home of her son-in-law defray the cost of the meal. . and daughter, Mr. and Mrs^ George

G o e s T o T e x a sRoxbury, Oct. 7.—^Daniel Dor­

rance left Monday a fter a 10-day furlough vwth his parents, Prin. and Mrs. Roderick C. Dorrance. He will have the following address: A-3c Daniel Dorrance, 12574654, 7th ' Combat Support G.P. SAC, Carewell, Texas. He was trans­ferred there from Lackland AFB, near ^ a n Antonio, Texas.

was attended by eight members and two ^ e s ts . P lans were made for a dinner party in the near future.

Turkey Shoot PostponedDue to rain las t Sunday, the

turkey shoot sponsored by the Phoenicia Fish and Game club has been postponed to Sunday, Oct. 25, a t the ski hut.

P resent Church ProgramThe MYF will m eet a t the Shan-

daken M ethodist church Monday. Bible class m eets a t 4 p. m. and the commission on stewardship and finance m eets a t 7:30 p. m. A congregational supper will be held in the parish hall on W ednes­day, Oct. 21, a t 6 p. m. for mem­bers and friends of the M ethodist church. The coming program of the church will be presented. A

Mrs. Reuben birthday party

Ryder gave a for her grand­

daughter, Louise Lee H i n e s, | daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Hines, on Wednesday. She was two years old.

B. M attice.Mr. and Mrs. Julian Valk and

children, Sharon, Richard and Christopher, of Georgetown were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. B urdette G. Long.

A birthday party for Jam es B. Ploutz was held a t his home in Heu:dscrabble Saturday evening, w ith 34 friends and neighbors. The evening was spent playing pinochle and prizes were won by H. Ivan Smith, Mrs. Willieun L. Baker, M arshall Slauson and Mrs. Henry C. Morse. Refreshm ents in­cluded two birthday cakes made by Mrs. WiUiam Q. B aker and Mrs. F red Weber. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dewey E. Caswell of Plainville, Conn., who spent the weekend a t the Ploutz home.

Mrs. E rnest S. Powell of Minne­apolis, Minn., spent p art of the week w ith Mrs. M. E. Ballard.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil VonHoven of W est Hempstead, L. I., Mrs. A Pracny and Mrs. E lsa - Thompson of W antaugh, L. I., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Baumbach.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sparling and children, William, Glerm and Linda, of U tica and Clifford Spar­ling of High Falls were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willicun L, Baker.

Lisa Bross celebrated her eighth birthday Friday w ith a party a t the home of her parents, M r. and Mrs. Charles Bross. Sharon H ag­gerty, Beth H ew itt, Bonnie Davis, M arilyn Peck and Sandra Van Buren were supper guests. They attended the movies, w ith ice cream and cake a t the home afte r­ward, followed by a “pajam a party .”

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H aas of Montauk, L. I., Mr. and Mrs. F rank Bouton and children, Rob­e rt and Carol, of Brooklyn spent the weekend w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M. Bouton, their parents.

Mrs. Frances Finkle of this place, Mr. and Mrs. Raeder Finkle and daughter, Shirley, of Oneonta and Mrs. Neyy Ives of P rattsv ille spent Saturday w ith Mrs. Rose Post a t Dumont, N. J.

Mrs. Nellie M cIntosh has re ­turned afte r two weeks w ith her cousin, Mrs. Mabel Kelly, in Gil- boa.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shim er of Oneonta were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F red Waljwle.

M r.'and Mrs. Edward F arell of R utherford, N. J., visited Mrs. F arell’s father, Theron Hadden, who is spending tim e vwth his bro ther and sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Flyod Hadden.


2- and 4-doot Falcon models offar full 6-pasaeniar sizt prices down close to 4-passenger, 4-cyllnder Imported cars.

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Dr. and Mrs. George Shultis and children, Jonathan, Elizabeth and H ilary, of Darien, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. Robfert Knight and chU- rden of Treadwell and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Rosenthal and chil­dren,' Maxine and Donald, of Flushing, L. I., were Columbus day weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shultis. Mr. and Mrs. Irv ­ing Spector and children, PhyUis and David, of Roosevelt, L. I., w ere New Year weekend guests last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John B. H ew itt of C rystal Springs farm had 24 for Columbus weekend and a few for New Year. Joseph Conway and daughters, M argaret and Mary, of Long Island City were weekend guests a t the H ew itt home.

Mr. and, Mrs. Charles B arre tt of Fleischmanns were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. VirgU Taylor.

Miss Donna M. Saxon, student a t Cobleskill A gricultural and Technical institute, spent the weekend a t her home in Roxbury.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuhl and fam ily of Fayetteville were week­end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irving H. TVIer. . ®

Mrs. H arry B. S tew art of Sche­nectady spent a week w ith Mr. and Mrs. David S tew art. Dr. and Mrs. David S. Morse of Schenec­tady came for her and accompa­nied her back to Schenectady.

Is Music BfajorDaniel Kim has entered Mac-

M urray college a t Jacksonville, HI., his m other’s alm a m ater. He is m ajoring in music.

George H endricks and son, AUen, of Newburgh were S atu r­day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken­neth Rickard. K enneth E tts of Syracuse spent the weekend w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S tanley E tts.

Mr. and Mrs. H enry Purcell spent one day w ith Mr. and Mrs. M ilton Comfort a t Middletown.

Mr. and Mrs. Vilas McDonald were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ketchum a t Sidney Center.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Demar- est of W est Nyack were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Denson.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gray of Green M ountain farm had a full house for New Year weekend and 12 for Columbus weekend.

Miss C hristine Pom m erer of South Nyack spent the weekend w ith M r. and Mrs. Paul Turner.

Mr. ajid ' Mrs. Charles Nevijans of Springfield Gardens, L. I., w ere w aken 'd guests of Mr. and Mrs. F red Weber.

Mr. and Mrs. John Shultis, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cartw right, Mrs. Jam es Sweeney and John B. Hew­it t Jr . attended the Republican club m eeting a t W alton Thursday night, where R epresentative K ath ­arine St. George spoke.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H ew itt of Delhi were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cartw right. Mr. and Mrs. C artw right took their grandson, Thomas Dwyer, to Go­shen Tuesday and spent the day w ith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dwyer and Mr. and Mrs. R obert C art­wright.

Mrs. Howard C artw right and Mrs. Doris Segnini m otored to Catskill Monday to get Mrs. Sula Jones and bring her to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shultis, whom she will visit before visiting a t the C artw right home.

Church ServicesChurch newa to be inserted in tht#

colunm must, reach the News office not later than Monday evening of publication week.


Awarded Prize For College Study, Shandaken, Oct. 13. — Miss

Stephanie Cange, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cange, has been awarded a half-tuition scholar­ship for undergraduate s.tudy a t Alfred university.

The scholarship is for* 1959-60 academic year. Announcement of the scholarship was m ade by Philip J. Hedstrom, director of Adm inistrations a t A lfred uni­versity.

Miss Cange is a 1956 graduate of O nteora central school and is enrolled in the school of nursing a t the university.

Pine Hill Communlt.y Church,Rev. Roger G. Brown, pastor: The regular worship service will be held in the church a t 8 p. m. on Sunday, Oct. 18.

ShaJidaken M ethodist Church,Rev. Roger G. Brown, m inister; Mrs. George L. M arinor Jr.', organ­ist; Regular worship service a t 11 a. m.. Choir practice in the church on Thursday a t 7:30 p. m.

Saint M argaret’s E p i s c o p a l Church, Orchard stree t: Sunday, Oct. 17, 9:15 a. m., parish euch- a rist and church school. Wed- neday, Oct. 21, 7:30 p. m.. Saint M argaret's Guild a t the parish hall .

Sacred H eart Parish, M argaret­ville, m asses: Sunday, Oct. 18, Fleischmanns, 8:30; M ^garetville, 10; Andes, 11:30. October devo­tions Monday, 7:30 p. m. Confes­sions Saturday, 4::30 and 7:30 p. m.

Advent Christian Church, Rev. Albert Larcombe, min&ter: 10 a. m., church school; 11, morning worship: evening hymn sing and message. W ednesday prayer meeting, 8 p. m.; choir rehearsal,9 p. m.

ArkvUle F ree M ethodist Church,pastor, E sther K. Howard. Sun­day school, 10 a. m. No other Sunday services Oct. 18 because of the d istrict m eeting a t Maple- crest, N. Y. P rayer m eeting Wednesday, 7:45.

Arkville M ethodist Church, Rob­e rt A. Gevert, m inister: Sunday services, 9:30, morning worship. Laymen’s day; 10:45 a. m., Sun­day school; 6:30 p. m„ MYF a t M argaretville. Wednesday, 7 pjn., choir rehearsal. Wednesday, Oct. 21, 6:02 p . m., congregational din­ner.

Jay Gould M emorial Reformed Church, Roxbury, John J. Fryling, m inister. Thursday, 7 p. m., choir rehearsal. Sunday: 9:30 a. m Sunday school; 10:30, morning worship; s^ermon topic, “A P a t­tern of Devotion” ; laymen will take p art in the service; 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship.

Clovesvllle Bible B aptist Church,Fleischmanns, Rev. R ichard Tait, pastor: Oct. 18, Sunday school a t10 o’clock; m orning worship a t l l j evening service a t 7:30. Friday evening, Oct. 16, the pastor and choir of The L ittle W hite Church of Conklin, N. Y. wiU be a t this church a t 8 o’clock. The public is invited.

M argaretville - New Kingston Larger Presbyterian Parish, Rev. A rthur F. Kopp, m inister: M ar­garetville, 10, morning worship; 11:10 a. m., church school; 7 p. m.. Young people. New Kingston, 10:15 a. m., church school; 11:30, m orning worship. The New Kings­ton trustees will m eet Friday night, Oct. 23, a t 8 o’clock.

Fleischm anns M ethodist Church:Laymen’s Sunday Oct. 18. Marion Morsfe will preach a t Dry Brook 9:30 a. m.; R eischm anns a t 11; Robert Todd will preach, assisted by Mrs. Todd and Mrs. M urray Mayes. Edward, A lton will give a report on Lajmien’s weekend; MYF Sunday evening, 6-7:30. H alcott Center, Sunday evening a t 8, Mike Morse will give a short talk . Tuesday, Oct. 20. junior choir rehearsal.

M argaretviUe M ethodist Church,Robert A. Gevert, m inister: Sun­day services, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11, m orning worship. Lay­men’s day; 6:30 p. m., MYF. Wed­nesday, 7:15 p. m., senior choir rehearsal. Thursday, 3:15 p. m., junior choir rehearsal. Thursday, Oct. 22, 6:29 p. m., congregational dinner. Sunday, Oct. 18, the Rev. Alex Porteus will visit the parish for purposes of instruction for the officers, teachers and w orkers of the educational work of our churches.

Mr. and Mrs. C arl Townsend visited relatives in P o rt Allegheny, Pa., from Saturday to Tuesday.

Miss Inez S atterlee of Kings­ton was a luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. F . M. Cleaveland Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. R obert Grinrod and two children of Riverhead, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. W alter Baran and children of B atavia were weekend guests of Mrs. B aran’s m other, Mrs. F . S. Os- terhoudt.

Donald Buley is having a well driven. E arl KeUerhodse is doing the work.

Honored On 75th B irthdayMrs. Sarah Bush W£is honored

recently on the occasion of her 75th birthday by a party a t the home of her daughter, Mrs. M yrtle Frasier. Twenty-four guests were present and two birthday rakes and ice cream were enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Townsend m otored to F o rt H unter on Sun­day to visit friends.

Mrs. O tto P latz of%Diunont, N. J., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F rank Platz.

Mrs. Percy Rosa is assisting in the Allaben post office.

Kingdom H all of Jehovah’s W it- inesses Arkville. Friday, Oct. 16: V7:30 p. m., m inistry school, w rit­ten review; 8:30 p. m., service meeting. Saturday, Oct. 17, all day, w ork on Kingdom hall. Sun­day, Oct. 18: 3 p. m„ public talk, “W hat Can Prayers Do for You” ; 4:15 p. m., W atchtow er study, “W alking in the Name of Jeho­vah.” Tuesday, Oct. 20, 8 p. m., book study in “Your Will Be Done.” Wednesday, Oct. 21, 7 p. m., w ork on Kingdom hall. All welcome. No collections.

M i s s M o r s e I s B r i d e

I n R o x b u r y W e d d i n g

Roxbury, Oct. 12.—^The home of Mr. and Mrs. H arrison C. Morse was the scene of a quiet wedding Sunday afternoon when th e ^ daughter. Miss Nancy Jane Mqrse, became the bride of Wilson David Haring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­son H aring of H avertown, Pa. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. R ichard Guise, pastor of the Roxbury M ethodist church, in the presence of the immediate femiilies.

The couple was attended by Mrs. Erwin Straehley of Oreland, Pa., sister of the bride, and Peter. H aring of Havertown, brother of the bridegroom.

The bride wore a navy blue wool sheath w ith a corsage of pink carnations, and her m atron of honor wore a gray wool dress w ith a corsage of lavender mums.

A reception a t the home fol­lowed the ceremony. P resent were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H aring and sons, P e te r and Richard, of Havertown and Mr. and Mrs. E r­win Straehley of' Oreland.

Following the reception the couple left for home, which will be an apartm ent on the campus a t the University of Pennsylvania, w here Mr. H tuing is a senior and Mrs. H aring a sophomcye. She is an aluhnmus of Roxbury central school, class of 1958.

Republican Rally & SupperHam Supper '

Sponsored by

TOWN OF ANDES REPUBLICAN CLUB Served by the Methodist Church

Thursday Evening, Oct. 22, at 7:30 Andes Legion Hall

Tickets on Sale Until Oct. 20ADULTS - $2.00 CHILDBEN UNDER 12 - $LOO

KHRUSHCHEV SAYSOne Party Is Best for the People

BUT...America has found that a fairly even balance of power between parties has given it the efficiency and know how to give us the highest living standards of any country in the world.

These so-called off-years in politics are MOST important to us personally." This year we elect the men who will run our town and county.

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