The Turtle Times (FEBRUARY 2013)



Newsletter for Division 10 North!

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the turtle timesI feel good OH



how do you feel?

I feel so good



I feel fine, all of the time


February 2013Division 10 North / Region 13

Cali-Nev-Ha District / Issue 10

KEY CLUB the turtle timesfebruary 2013

division 10 north / region 13 / cali-nev-ha district / issue 10

A Letter from the LTGHello Division 10 North!

We’ve come a long way since the beginning of the Key Club year. 4562 hours later, 3643 dollars fundraised later, here we are. It’s a time for transition. New officers are being elected, I’ve given birth to a baby girl, and DCON is quickly approaching. Save the tears for then - but for now, keep on serving your communities!

We’ve gotten past finals, gotten past first semester, and - nearly - another Key Club year. So while my term is ending, I will continue to do my best to ensure that these last 2 months are memorable. Continue to sail with me through these waves of service. We’ve accomplished a lot, and there’s so much more yet to be done!

Love you all, Jeffrey

CAN’T RESIST: A shot of LTG Jeffrey Xiong at Winter Board 2013.

Hello everyone!

Happy February! Can you beeeelieve that DCON is just next month?

This will be my first time going to DCON. I’m so so excited to see our entire district gather together, attend many workshops, and see who will be on the 2013-2014 Executive Board. And the Governor’s Ball of course!

Are you going to DCON? I hope so! Let’s show CNH how awesome D10N is!

Love, Christine

Message from the Editor

THUNDERSTICKS: Proud to be a ninja turtle! (photo by Alex Huang)

CONTENTS- - down to bees-ness - -

a letter from the LTG 01message from the editor 01

save the date! 02

- - features - -rose float building 02

call to dcon 03feeding the homeless 04

- - fun stuff - -congrats betty! 04

fact of the month 04

contact us 04

Do you have any articles, photos, or any random Key Club related material you want to send it?

Don’t hesitate!

Email to for it to be in the next newsletter.


down to bees-ness / features






























Sun M T W Th F Sat


> Jan. 26th January DCM

> February 23th LA Regional Food Bank

8 a.m. – 12 p.m.> February 24th

Firecracker 5/10K Run6 a.m. – 12 p.m. @ Chinatown

> TBD Divisional Banquet


Rose Float Building1


captions and visuals by Sonny An

1. FLOWER POWER: Man-Kit Tsay arranges flowers with careful precision, keeping count as he goes. 2. SIDE SWEEPER: Michael Ho will sweep you off your feet! 3. TRASH IS TREASURE: James Seto on trash duty, given the opportunity to display his fine, muscular arms. 4. SCISSOR WORK: Simon Chau enthusiastically cutting flowers for decoration! Yippie! 5. ARTSY: Annie Lu using tough-to-remove oasis glue and dried leaves to imitate snake scales.



Why are YOU going? Why should YOU go? Look forward to...DCON was such a great experience

the first time around! I’m going because I wish to relive DCON and be surrounded by the great key clubbers of the CNH and just be in “Key Club mode” for a whole 3 days.

- Jane Le

I’m a first timer yet to go to DCON to get my Key Club cray on (get it? G-Dragon reference holla) and meet fabulous key clubbers from across Cali-Nev-Ha. I’m also in it for the memories because I’ve heard so much positive feedback from those who went.

- Patricia San Pedro

I am going to DCON because of the amazing time i had last year. I got to spend final key club moments with our previous president and with our current president, as well with the other officers! I remember listening to Patrick Mower and he was such a great speaker. I really enjoyed all the workshops too. I’m going because of Jeffrey and food.

- Mariela Carrillo

You should go to DCON because it’s such a great experience. The whole experience is so fun and you learn a lot about leadership and Key Club in general. It’s a really great time and you won’t regret it!

- Jane Le

You should go to DCON so that our cute division will exhibit more strength in numbers (lawl) and to have a good time with those who love Key Club as much as you do.

- Patricia San Pedro

YOU (yes you) should go to DCON because Jeffrey will be there You should also go because it’s an amazing opportunity to learn about what key club is about and have fun while doing so. You meet a lot of great people and form genuine friendships. Also, the food is really good there!

- Mariela Carrillo

I’m looking forward to riding the million waves of service at DCON! I’m excited to see Key Clubbers from all over the District and see the bright spirit and energy on everyone’s face!

- Jane Le

I’m looking forward to meeting new cray cray people who think like me at DCON, and to as well have a blast at the weekend I’ve been anticipating since I first became involved in Key Club.

- Patricia San Pedro

I’m looking forward to the installation of our LTG elects because they really are amazing people and i’m so happy for them! I’m also looking forward to the workshops because they really are informative and you get an opportunity to gain a new skill. I’m also looking forward to Jeffrey and food.

- Mariela Carrillo


features/fun stuff

Feeding the Homeless @ Lake Ave Church

San Marino Key Club members went to Lake Ave Church and served up a particularly special holiday turkey dinner to over 100 homeless people. Along with setting tables, bagging popcorn, and plating mashed potatoes, Key Clubbers sang Christmas carols like O Come All Ye Faithful and Silent Night. The singing was just a spur of the moment suggested by Than, the event organizer. We didn’t sound great, but it got everyone together and singing. When the ballads ended, the pastor shared a few words of thanks and invited everyone to share a moment of silence to respect those lost in the Connecticut school shooting. After everyone had finished eating, club members brought out Lake Ave Church’s special Christmas gifts: Jesus Bags, canvas bags holding basic clothing and toiletries for every homeless in attendance. Clubbers helped clean the dining hall as the dinner came to a close. Than and the other volunteers thanked us, and we left. Serving up a special Christmas dinner to the homeless was a fun and unique experience perfect for welcoming the holiday season.

article by Alex Huang

CONTACT US > Jeffrey XiongLietenant 466-7618

Christine SituNewsletter/Tech 226-7775

Michelle HoExecutive 825-5613

James SetoExecutive 710-2842

Patricia Cridland – Region 391-6244.

fact of the monthThe theme is this year’s DCON is “A Million Waves of Service.” A Million Waves of Service was inspired by a metaphorical ripple effect that is started with one good act of service (i.e. Park Clean up, Can Food Drive, etc.) Each act of service done by proud volunteers will build this ripple effect to an eventual wave that spreads beyond the community. Inspiration is a KEY component to keep these volunteers hungry for bigger waves of service to surf on.
