The Trials of Spring


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Andrea BogojevichChristine CainJeffrey Fisher

AC4 Presents: Perspectives on PEACE

• The Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution

• Columbia Peace and Conflict Community

• Panelists: Gini Reticker, Peter Coleman, Hend Nafea

• Trailer

Our Out (Bahrain)

“How to stand up for yourself”

Life’s Sentence (Egypt)

“This is what happens to girls who participate”“In order for a revolution to succeed, there needs to be a revolution of the mind”

Wake Up Benghazi (Libya)

“Gaddafi raised everyone with fear”

Brides of Peace (Syria)

“Change the authoritarian regime!”

Keeping the Promise (Tunisia)

“Queen of Resistance”

When is the Time? (Yemen)

“Shake the throne of tyranny!”

Discussion After the Film

Activist, Hend Nafea• “When political revolution and social revolution come together and

they will complete the world”

• When asked about international intervention: her request would be to keeping pressure on the issues and highlighting awareness

• “Media continues to interfere with her narrative and the narrative of women in Arab worlds”

Director, Gini Reticker • Talking vs taking a position “Women are the key to Global Security”

Group Discussion

• While the project puts a spotlight on activists, the films themselves are not heavy-handed works of advocacy. Instead, the works hope to amplify the voices of the women who are profiled.”

• "We certainly wanted to avoid the thought that here are some Western filmmakers trying to help these Arab women -- because they're incredibly strong women who can help themselves and are doing a lot to help their countries," said the project's Digital Director Lauren Feeney.

Group Discussion

• Idea that “women are natural peacekeepers”•Pros and cons to this statement

• Examples of women in your life/ that you know of the either fit or do not fit this mold

• How can we perpetuate the positives of the idea of women as peacekeepers, as they become more politically involved

Iron Jawed Angels•

•Throughout history minorities and in this case females have been oppressed.

•Their oppressors are fierce at first and eventually tire in time.

•This was evident in the early United States and not only with the woman’s rights movement.

•Originally women in the US had to fight for their rights to vote and work and break the glass ceiling.

•Today women are the CEOs of many fortune 500 companies.

Female Fortune 500 Leaders


•Do you think something similar as to what happened with the Suffragette movement in the US could happen in the countries of the Spring?

A Fortune 500 Company with Many Women Managers

The Women of Berkshire Hathaway

