The Sunday Good News -


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HIS WORD TODAY BY Rev. William J. Reilly

The Sunday Good News Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Church of Saint John Bosco July 30, 2017


Teen Breakfast Bunch ................................................. .................... Sunday, July 30, 10 AM, All-Purpose Room

Vacation Bible Camp .......................... July 31 to August 4, 9AM to Noon

Spiritual Passages + Beatitudes ....... Saturday, Aug. 5, 9-11 AM, Room 7

Grief Support Ministry Training......... Saturday, August 5, 10 AM to Noon

Liturgy Committee Meeting ......... Wed., Aug. 9, 6:30 PM, All-Purpose Rm

Rise Against Hunger EVENT ..... Saturday, August 12, 9:30 to Noon, Gym

Social Committee Planning Mtg ..... Wed., Aug. 16, 6 PM, All-Purpose Rm

Golf Tournament ............................... August 19, Sugarloaf Golf Course

Nite at the Races ................................................ Saturday, October 14

“Jesus said to his disciples ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.’”

Jesus, the teacher, offers three parables today for our reflection. The two the treasure and the pearl, followed by the net, ask us to consider what the kingdom is really like. Do I find it in my church?

What is the treasure I am looking for, His kingdom? It is His grace, the Sacraments, the life of the church. The pearl is the Christian life which I sometimes fail to appreciate.

I am the one searching for a treasure, the pearl and I live in a community where the net has been thrown and collects all, bad and good. I am asked to sit down and sort out what is good for me and what is not. I resolve to continue my search, discover the treasure offered to me, and work hard to preserve and persevere in my quest. The kingdom is now.

FIRST FRIDAY Friday, August 4, is the First Friday of the month. Mass will be celebrated as usual at 8:00 AM. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be held following Mass for those who desire quiet time for prayer and contemplation.

Remember to pray for our Prayer Partners!

POPE FRANCIS QUOTES TO LIVE OUT 2017 This column features quotes from the 2016 Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy to help you to grow in holiness and live out love and mercy in 2017!

“Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history.”

~ Pope Francis


Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me.

Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ,

wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me

O good Jesus, hear me. Within Your wounds hide me.

Separated from You let me never be.

From the evil one protect me.

At the hour of my death, call me; and close to You bid me.

That with Your saints and angels, I may be praising You

forever and ever.


~ St. Ignatius of Loyola

PAGE 2 The Sunday Good News

Faith Formation Corner

Thank you to all who helped decorate for Vacation Bible Camp. We are ready to turn our young boys and girls into Super Heroes this week! Please keep our young boys and girls, and adult and youth volunteers in your prayers during this week’s Hearo Central Vacation Bible Camp.

Faith Formation Registration Packets are available outside of the Faith Formation Office or on the Parish website. Incoming 2nd Level students must sign up for a Prayer Review interview prior to registering for 2nd Level Faith Formation. Incoming 8th Level students must turn in a signed Commitment Form with registration.

Adult CLOW and Faith Formation volunteers interested in attending “Catechist Camp” in August are welcome to stop in the Faith Formation office for more information or to register for one of the many workshops being offered the week of August 8-12.

Don’t forget to bring your bulletins from churches you attend while on vacation this summer. Thanks to all who have contributed to our “Summer Faith Adventures” Bulletin Board so far!

SUNDAY STEWARDS 1,115 families receive envelopes

396 white offertory envelopes were used on the weekend of July 22/23

Total Mass Attendance: 897 Total Sunday Offering: $9,189.00 Thank you for your generosity!

Adult Faith Development ~ A Journey of the Heart Attempting to Live our Lives with Integrity of Word and Deed

The Call to Generativity: 2017’s Grandparent Connection to Saints Joachim and Anne “When we embrace the call to the Art of Eldering a path of blessing opens up to us.”

Though Scripture says nothing about Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary, tradition holds, based on an early Christian text, they were a righteous and prosperous elderly couple. Their story however, begins on a note of lament and desolation as they suffer childlessness, a source of shame and a sign of God’s disfavor in their time. What can their unique vocation as parents to Mary and grandparents of Jesus, say to us today? Bishop Robert Morneau reflects on the disposition of their hearts. “As recipients of God’s word, they exhibited obedient hearts and a willingness to do God’s will. And the fruit they produced was more than a hundredfold.”

The baby boom of people born between 1941 and 1957 has become the grandparent boom. There are now more grandparents in the U.S. than ever before - some 70 million, according to a new report from the U.S. Census

Bureau. Comparing this same birth cohort living as young adults in the 1970s with how people the same age lived in 2016 Census researchers found the changes are startling. “Today’s young adults look different from prior generations in almost every regard” according to researchers, who established four milestones of adulthood: moving out of your parents’ house,

getting married, having a child and getting a job. In 1975, 45 percent of Americans reached those plateaus by age 34. That number fell to 24 percent in 2016. Among other findings the percentage of women ages 25 to 34 who were out of the labor force to take care of their home and family dropped from 43 percent to 14 percent between 1975 and 2016. In The Essential Grandparent, author Lillian Carson says “Grandparenting is healthy for us. Being in touch with the younger

generation literally beefs up the immune system.”

NEW ALTAR SERVERS We are planning to train a new group of altar servers this summer for service at our parish. Any boy or girl, grade 3 through 12, is eligible. Please contact the parish office at (570) 788-1997, ext. 3 or 4 and leave your name, grade, age and phone contact. We will be in touch with you for the training session. We ask our parents to encourage their sons and daughters to serve at the Lord’s Altar.

SECOND COLLECTIONS This weekend, July 29/30, a second

collection will be taken for Catholic Relief Services. Please be generous.

The Second Collection next weekend, August 5/6, is for the Care and Education of Priests. Thank you for your generosity to this monthly diocesan collection.


I am very happy to announce that our parish proposal for funding through the Social Justice Trust Fund of the 2016 Diocesan Annual Appeal was accepted. We received a check in the amount of $4,000 which was deposited in the St. John Bosco General Account under our Saint Vincent DePaul Society. This will enable our parish to continue, and even expand, our outreach to the needy which is a major part of our Parish SERVICE component. Your generosity in the Diocesan Annual Appeal in meeting its overall goal, as well as our parish goal, has helped to make this possible. Forty parish grants were awarded this year throughout our Diocese.

YOUNG ADULT – BOLD CHOICES RETREAT Finding your Passion and Living it fully!

A retreat for young adults, aged 18-35, will be held at St. Gabriel’s Retreat Center, 631 Griffin Pond Rd., Clarks Summit, Friday, August 18, 7 PM – Saturday, August 19, 7 PM. This 24-hour retreat includes presentations and interactive sessions on prayer, making choices based in faith, finding your passion, the art of discernment, small group discussion and more. Cost: $65 (a limited number of scholarships are available for those in need of financial assistance). Register online:


Saturday, 4:00 PM July 29 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time James Stagg By Cindy Ulanoski

Sunday, 7:30 AM July 30 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. John Bosco Church

Sunday, 9:00 AM July 30 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Amelia Pecora By Family

Sunday, 11:00 AM July 30 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sophia J. Byorek By Fr. Ric & Pasta Dinner Committee

Monday, 8:00 AM July 31 Charles Klouser By Diane Klouser

Tuesday, 8:00 AM August 1 Luigi & Erminia Lamberti By Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Ruggiero

Wednesday, 8:00 AM August 2 Dolores Minda By Tier Family

Thursday, 8:00 AM August 3 Grace Yamulla By Mr. & Mrs. James Kennedy

Friday, 8:00 AM August 4 Joseph & Marguerite Bayzick By Melanie Pensock

Saturday, 4:00 PM August 5 The Transfiguration of the Lord Marchetti/Piazzi Family Reunion

Sunday, 7:30 AM August 6 The Transfiguration of the Lord Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. John Bosco Church

Sunday, 9:00 AM August 6 The Transfiguration of the Lord John Monteserrato By Wife, Jeri

Sunday, 11:00 AM August 6 The Transfiguration of the Lord Andrew Mylet By Wife and Family

The Sunday Good News



Men of Marian 47th Annual Picnic - at Marian Catholic, Hometown, July 28, 29, 30. Food, games, prizes, entertainment, flea market.

Annunciation Parish at St. Gabriel Church, Hazleton - Healing Service, August 3. Confessions available before service. Doors open 6:30 PM. Service begins at 7 PM.

Annunciation Parish International Festival - At St. Gabriel Church, S. Wyoming St., Hazleton. August 4 and 5. Food, music, games, raffle.

Holy Dormition Friary - Pilgrimage for Peace, Sunday, August 6.

St. John the Evangelist Parish, William Street, Pittston - 18th Annual Bazaar, August 10 through August 12. Entertainment, food, raffles, bingo, flea market.

St. Mauro Festival - Queen of Heaven Parish (Our Lady of Grace Church) 750 N. Vine St., Hazleton, Saturday, August 19 (2-9 PM); Sunday, August 20 (Noon–8 PM). Food, Entertainment, Flea Market, Tricky Trays. Solemn Mass, Sun., 10:30 AM; Procession, 11:30 AM

Annual Garlic Festival - Saturday and Sunday, August 26-27, Zanolini’s Nursery, Drums. Our Parish Knights of Columbus Council 8613 sponsors a food stand.

Lattimer Massacre Memorial Service - Sun., Sept. 10. 120th Anniversary. 3:30 PM - Memorial Service held at Monument; 4:15 PM - Gathering at Lattimer United Methodist Church for recorded Radio Drama written by Bill Bachmann.

Hazleton UNICO 10th Annual Bell’Italia Festival - Sept. 16, 17, Hazle Twp. Community Park, Hazle Township. Visit for more information.

TABERNACLE CANDLE The Tabernacle Candle burns this week in memory of Andrew Mylet by Wife and Family.


Sister Jane Connolly, IHM, pastoral associate at St. Rose and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Carbondale, will conduct a workshop at St. John Bosco Parish for those who wish to become grief support ministers, as well as those who would like to develop further their abilities to walk with the grieving. Topics will include the grief process, common emotions in grieving, complications and grief history, and listening skills. Sister Jane will also provide an outline for a five-session grief support group. Please call Marie Guza, (570) 455-3874, to register. The workshop is free.

CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL Our Diocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal is sponsoring its 35th annual conference at the University of Scranton during the weekend of August 4 - 6. This year’s theme is: “All were filled with the Holy Spirit” and will focus on celebrating a jubilee year. The Conference will feature a variety of inspiring speakers and uplifting music. Mass is celebrated each afternoon. A well-stocked book/gift store will be available. Separate tracks for Children and Youth are also available. The full weekend Registration Fee is $50 up to and including July 24, and $65 after July 24. Single day registration is also available. Commuting and brown-bagging is encouraged, while dormitory housing and cafeteria meals are available at a moderate cost. For Registration Forms, please write to: CCR, PO Box 3306, Scranton, PA 18505, call the CCR Office at (570) 344-2214, or email

If you wish to go to the CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CONFERENCE at the University of Scranton on Saturday, August 5 from 9 AM to 5 PM, meet us in SJB upper parking lot at 7:45 AM to join our car pool. We will return about 6 PM. Any questions, please call Arlene at (570) 788-3643.

ALTAR CANDLES The two altar candles for the week beginning July 29-30 burn in memory of Joseph and Marguerite Bayzick given by Matt and Betsy Bayzick.

PAGE 4 The Sunday Good News

FEED THE HUNGRY Dear Parishioners,

Have you ever considered the important role food plays in our lives? Not just for nutrition, but also to mark events? Many of us have fond memories of gathering around the dinner table for Thanksgiving dinner, for birthdays, Sunday dinners, time to be with family and friends. And then consider other times we celebrate with food: weddings, the sacraments of baptism and Eucharist, having lunch with friends. After a funeral, the dinner that follows provides an opportunity to share memories of our loved one, to find comfort in the meal and in one another. We send treats to school for our children’s birthdays. And finally, what would the Super Bowl be without food? Families also have special foods for special occasions: tamales on Christmas, black-eyed peas on New Year’s for luck, hamburgers and hotdogs on the 4th of July. Food is a very important part of our lives!

What role does food play in those important times in your life? What are the ‘special foods’ for your family? We also hear from scripture the importance of food. Jesus’ public ministry began with the wedding feast at Cana. He spent part of his last evening on earth at the Last Supper with his loved ones. In the parable of the loaves and fish, Jesus was concerned with the hunger of the crowd. Although he was God and could have created food, he relied on those present to share what they had, in order that all may be fed. A reading from Matthew (Mt. 14:14-21) is when he saw the vast crowd, and his heart was moved with pity for them, and he cured their sick. When it was evening, the disciples approached him and said, “This is a deserted place and it is already late; dismiss the crowds so that they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.”

(Jesus) said to them, “There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves.” But they said to him, “Five loaves and two fish are all we have here.” Then he said, “Bring them here to me,” and he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds. They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left over – twelve wicker baskets full. Those who ate were about five thousand men, not counting women and children.

What is God saying to you in this reading? What is your responsibility in ‘feeding the hungry?’ There are millions of Americans who go hungry every day. Children going to school without breakfast. Senior citizens having to decide whether to buy medicine or food. Parents working two jobs in order to survive. The most basic principle of Catholic social teaching is the belief in the dignity of the human person. Each person is created in the image of God. Each person is precious; and as we heard from Pope Benedict in Deus Caritas est, “When we close our eyes to our neighbor we close our eyes to God.” He also wrote: The Church is God’s family in the world. In this family no one ought to go without the necessities of life. Yet at the same time caritas – agape extends beyond the frontiers of the Church. The parable of the Good Samaritan remains as a standard which imposes universal love toward the needy we encounter “by chance.” (cf. Lk 10:31), whoever they may be. What do these teachings mean to me personally? Dealing with poverty is not a luxury to which our nation can attend when it finds the time and resources. Rather it is a moral imperative of the highest priority. Statistics gathered by Catholic Charities show a steady increase every year in requests for emergency assistance, food, and utility assistance.

As a Catholic organization we believe in the dignity of each human person and that person’s right to adequate food and nutrition. To provide less is unacceptable and yet we read the above statistics and realize poverty and hunger are increasing rather than decreasing. A principle of Catholic social teaching is the right for every individual to participate in the decisions that impact his/her life, to be actively engaged. In our agencies we continue to feed the hungry, but we also must advocate for an end to hunger. We must find ways for the poor to help themselves. Effective social justice must seek solutions that actively engage the poor to help themselves. In the words of St. Theresa of Avila “Christ has no body now on earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” Yours in Christ Jesus, Deacon Maurice J. Cerasaro, Jr.

Exciting News . . . It’s time to volunteer for our RISE AGAINST HUNGER Event Held in SJB’s gym Saturday, August 12 at 9:30 AM to Noon

Sign Up ASAP! Sign-up Sheet is on our main church bulletin board.

Reflections from the Deacon’s Diary

Dear Parish Family,

WHAT? Here’s the latest news on our RISE AGAINST HUNGER Event.

WHO? Realizing that a phone option would be useful if you didn’t get to sign up on the bulletin board, you can call ASAP Jo Robbins, Co-chair for the event, at (570) 578-4773, or email Jo at Please give your name and contact phone number. We will add your name to the bulletin board list.

$ RESULTS We have collected our goal of $3,000 from our two weekend second collections of July 8/9 and 15/16 plus a very generous offering from an anonymous donor. So our 10,000 packets of meal ingredients are assured. Now all we need is the missing ingredient of YOU! Do consider, if you are able, to volunteer your presence on Saturday morning. Thank you for your generous support; as always our service projects are possible because of our community.

Receiving/Giving Christ’s Mercy, Sr. Marilyn, RSM

HUGE BASKET OF CHEER We are in need of a chairperson(s) for our GIGANTIC BASKET OF CHEER that will be raffled off at our Annual Election Day Italian Dinner, Tuesday, November 7. The chairperson(s) would be responsible with organizing the basket (one was given to us) and arranging the “cheer” in it. They would also arrange for sellers at weekend Masses and for the day of the dinner. We usually have at least 30 bottles: beer, wine, spirits, snacks and mixes. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Ric at the Parish Office, (570) 788-1997. BOTTLES OF CHEER are being received at the Parish Office. I know that it is 4 months away, but time goes fast!

PILGRIMAGE FOR PEACE The 2017 Pilgrimage for Peace will be held Sunday, August 6, at Holy Dormition Friary, Sybertsville. Desserts for the bake sale (nothing that needs refrigeration) can be brought on Saturday, August 5, 10 AM – 2 PM. If you have a truck or trailer to help move tables and chairs, we’d like your help! Volunteers are needed to help (1-2 hour shifts) with food service, drinks, setup/cleanup, welcoming and parking. If you can help, please contact Fr. Jerome at or (570) 401-8684. The pilgrimage schedule: 10 AM Matins, 11 AM - 1 PM and 3-5 PM Food Service, 11:30 AM Holy Anointing for Healing, 1 PM Divine Liturgy, 3:30-4:30 PM Children’s Program, 4-4:30 “Transfigured by Peace” (talk by Fr. Jerome), 5 PM Vespers.

NEW TO ST. JOHN BOSCO PARISH? We are glad that you’re here!

The Church of Saint John Bosco is a very vibrant community of faith that offers many opportunities to enrich spiritual life, serve those in need, educate your family and most importantly, to belong to the family of Christ. Whoever you are, no matter where you find yourself on your journey of faith, you are welcome and wanted here! Please take time to discover for yourself an authentic and welcoming community that you can call home. Here are some ways to get started . . . Contact Fr. Ric to formally register and to have a conversation about our parish and the opportunities that are available. Bookmark our parish website: Take and read a copy of our weekly parish bulletin and become involved in at least one ministry, organization or event.

THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The Little Sisters of the Poor at Holy Family Residence, Scranton, invite the community to join them for a fun-filled, family-friendly evening as they celebrate their fifth annual “Little Sisters of the Poor Night” on Tuesday, August 15, at PNC Field, 235 Montage mountain Rd., Moosic. Prior to the 7:05 PM game where the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders will take on the Gwinnette Braves, the Little Sisters will be available at the plaza entrance of the stadium to talk with visitors and also provide a pregame, on-field interview about Holy Family Residence and their mission of serving the elderly poor throughout the world. At 6:45 PM, one of the Little Sisters will throw out the ceremonial first pitch of the game.

LITURGICAL MINISTERS Lectors, Special Ministers of Holy Communion and Altar Servers are asked to sign up for the Mass they are available to minister at for the Solemnity of the Assumption. The schedule is in the sacristy. Masses that need coverage are Tuesday, August 14 at 5 PM and Wednesday, August 15 at 7 PM. Cantors and musicians will be assigned through the Music Director. Ushers are asked to be present and Mass Coordinators should sign the schedule posted on the sacristy bulletin board. Your cooperation will help our liturgies be dignified and prayerful. Thank you!

CANTORS NEEDED Saint John Bosco Parish is in need of additional qualified cantors for our weekend Masses. If you are interested in being considered for leading song occasionally at one of our weekend Masses, please contact the Parish Office with you name and phone number. We will be in touch with you.

GOLF CLASSIC We are grateful to all who have already responded to be a “HOLE SPONSOR” and/or registered to play in our Annual Golf Classic on Saturday, August 19. Information is available by simply calling the parish office at (570) 788-1997, ext. 3. A form will be mailed to you.

There is NO VACATION from our Christian VOCATION. Information on Mass times can be found at Going on vacation should not mean taking a vacation from God!

Sunday 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 or 13:44-46

Monday Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Mt 13:31-35

Tuesday Ex 33:7-11, 34:5b-9, 28; Mt 13:36-43

Wednesday Ex 34:29-35; Mt 13:44-46

Thursday Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Mt 13:47-53

First Friday Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Mt 13:54-58

First Saturday Lv 25:1, 8-17; Mt 14:1-12


WEDDING BANNS Mario Tombasco and Alyssa Duksta

Wedding, August 12, 2017 Brian Daily and Erin E. Sarosky

Wedding, August 18, 2017


KUBISHIN & ATOR, P.C. Bulletin Advertiser

Please support all our advertisers. Tell them you saw their ad here!

Members of the RCIA Team: Fr. Ric Polmounter

Deacon Maurice Cerasaro Jason Seiwell

Thomas Pandolfi Sandy Honis

Frank Polidora Scott Green

WEDDING BELLS We extend our prayerful congratulations and best wishes to SAMMUEL JOEL YOUNGCOURT and NICOLE MARIE CULP who were united in the Sacrament of Matrimony on Saturday, July 29, 2017. Fr. Ric Polmounter witnessed their exchange of wedding vows and rings. May they continue to grow in their love for God and in their commitment to one another.


SAINT JOHN BOSCO BELL CHOIR will participate in the following Mass: August 13 - Sunday, 9:00 AM Mass

Lighthouse Catholic Media Kiosks provide resources to parishioners who desire to deepen their understanding of our Catholic faith. A variety of books, CDs and booklets are available. The voluntary contribution continues to be $5 for books, $4 for CDs, and $3 for booklets and 50 cents for pamphlets. Two different kiosks are available: one near Faith Formation and one at the main entrance.

Do you know someone who might be

interested in becoming Catholic?

Are you a Catholic who never received Confirmation?

Please encourage them to contact Fr. Ric or a member of our Parish RCIA Team. During the summer months Fr. Ric will meet with any prospective candidates for an INQUIRY SESSION. During this meeting he will listen to your faith journey and discuss the wonderful process for spiritual growth called the RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA). In this process, adults with other adults learn about the Catholic Church, her teachings regarding the Bible, Jesus, the Sacraments, spirituality, the moral life and discipleship.

ANNUAL SUMMER APPEAL We are very grateful to all who have already responded to our 2017 SUMMER APPEAL. All registered parishioners/families were sent a letter along with a pledge/contribution card and self-addressed envelope. Our parish goal is $25,000. This is in place of a Summer Festival and helps us to do the necessary repairs and improvements to our parish properties. If you did not receive your mailing or misplaced your letter/envelope simply call the parish office and one will be mailed out. Contributions may be deposited in the collection basket in August or September or taken or mailed to the Parish Office. The first report will be printed in the bulletin next weekend. Thank you!

THE BOSCO DERBY – RACE SOCIAL Our recently organized Parish Social Committee is planning “A Nite at the Races Social” for the adults of our parish on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, in our Gym. Doors open at 6:00 PM, and a hot buffet will be served together with complementary beverages. Post Time is 7 PM. Although our parish is strong on WORD, WORSHIP and SERVICE, we would like to enhance our

COMMUNITY component by sponsoring activities that involve our adults. It is open to the public, aged 21 and over. Admission is only $10 and will include the buffet, snacks, baked goods and refreshments. Tickets are limited to a maximum of 200 people and will be made available in mid-August. Mark your calendar and plan to enjoy a fun and inexpensive night out. We are in need of adults to assist the committee in planning this event. Call the office and leave your name and contact information. Our next planning meeting is Wednesday, August 16, from 6-7 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room. Let’s work together to make this a huge social success for our parish family.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SPEAKER I am happy to announce that JONATHAN KUHAR, a Seminarian studying for the Diocese of Scranton, will be the speaker at the Knights of Columbus meeting this Tuesday, August 1, at 7 PM. We encourage all of our Knights to be present at this gathering. Jonathan

is a 2nd year graduate student at Saint Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore. He has a very interesting vocation journey which he will share with the group. Jonathan’s home parish is Saint Jude’s in Mountaintop.

OUR LADY OF FATIMA SERVICE will be held Sunday, August 13, 7 PM, at Holy Rosary Church, 240 S. Poplar St., Hazleton. The service includes the Rosary, Prayers to the Lady of Fatima and Benediction. All are welcome.
