THE NEWSLETTER OF HAMPTON LUCY, … Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us in the...


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is printed by Think, Design and Print, 1 Windsor Court, Windsor Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6LF

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December 2014

January 2015 Issue No 165

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New

Year from all of us in the Grapevine team!



Photo: Eddie Hoare

The Charles Church Appeal – ‘We tried, she came, they conquered!’

Day 1. On a lovely sunny morning, the Hampton Lucy ‘Band of Brothers and Sisters’ set off for the Falcon Hotel in

Stratford. Hopes were high because, the month before, SDC had announced that they had identified a land supply for 5.4

years,so we hoped that they may not need the Hampton Lucy site. The Charles Church development had already been

rejected twice, so we were optimistic. However, at the very beginning, the District Council representative stated that they

would not defend the appeal and that the development would cause ‘no harm’. There ensued a laborious explanation by

SDC of the estimated five-year land-supply, during which Charles Church’s barrister more or less tore them apart, at one

point offering to lend the speaker his calculator! Undeterred, we carried on and, by the end of the day, were still

optimistic. The Inspector was very professional and pleasant and was prepared to let residents have their say, where


Day 2. There followed presentations from Hampton Lucy by John Dunkerton, Jackie Williams, Chris Schroeder, Sue

Main, Angie Chedham, Mike Woodman, Clive Letchford and Alan Scaife. Other residents put their questions via Jackie

Williams and John Dunkerton, who were ‘Rule 6’ participants and thus permitted to engage in the discussions and cross-

examination. So far so good. Charles Church proceeded to dispute the land-supply figures, before moving on to the plans

for the development. The speaker for Charles Church, talking about SDC’s land supply, provided one of the few

entertaining episodes in that he was barely audible. Mike Woodman asked him to speak up, and we all got closer. He was

visibly thrown off-balance and then became fair game, being asked by the Inspector to move his table forward whilst

others asked him to speak up, and everyone else moved ever nearer!

Day 3. Final statements from SDC, Charles Church, and Hampton Lucy residents were heard, followed by an official site

-visit by the Inspector. The Parish Clerk wore his wellington boots to make a point but, unfortunately, it was a lovely dry,

sunny day with neither mud, silt, nor sign of a flood!

The outcome of the appeal in early November was disappointing, to put it mildly. As a result of their successful appeal,

Charles Church were awarded costs against SDC, (in reality us, the Council Tax payers). We lost the fight primarily

because the District Council could not defend their original decision and the land-supply figures were poorly presented

and deemed to be inaccurate – or were they? It was revealing that three experts came up with three completely different

figures. Nevertheless, as a village, Hampton Lucy could not have done more and a real “thank you” must go all those

who wrote to SDC, posted objections, and in particular, to the speakers who had to undergo a real battering from Charles

Church’s barrister. In retrospect, it was a frustrating but interesting experience. Hampton Lucy can be proud of its

campaign and of the many parishioners who supported the Action Group over the three days of the enquiry. If anyone

would like a copy of the report, please contact John Dunkerton (01789 842573, 42 Church Street, Hampton Lucy or (Now see Wellesbourne Matters- page 3...Ed.) JD/HD

Watch this space! Photo: AJW

Electronic communication If you have not yet given the Hampton Lucy Parish Clerk your e-mail address and would like to do so, just e-mail John

Dunkerton at the above address. It’s so much quicker and easier to exchange information. The e-mail address will, of

course, be confidential and only used for appropriate village communications. JD

From the Registers

Baptisms: Hampton Lucy 19 October Darcy Robyn Pinkerton

Rev’d David Jessett The Rectory Church Lane Barford CV35 8ES Tel: 01926 624238 E-mail:

Parish News A complete list of church services, including those at Barford, Wasperton and

Sherbourne, is displayed on the notice board in your church.

The Parish Letter Dear Friends,

As this is the Christmas edition I thought I would talk

about – crackers! Why crackers I hear you ask? Well,

because crackers say a lot about Christmas. After the

bang, when you get inside the cracker you find three

things: a gift, a crown and a joke.

Christmas is a time for gift-giving. The wise men

brought gifts; and we talk about Jesus as being God’s

gift to us at Christmas. But it is really important to

remember what a gift really is. A gift is something given

without asking for anything in return. The message of

Christmas is that this baby in the manger is God's gift to

us, offering us life in all its fullness, both now and

beyond this life. And we obtain that life, not because we

deserve it or we earn it, but simply through trusting God.

So however insignificant the gift in your cracker may be,

let it be a reminder to you of the Christmas gift that

really matters – God’s freely given love for you, shown

in the birth of Jesus!

Second there is the paper crown. Right from the

beginning of his life Jesus is called a King. But the

crown is not for Jesus. The thing about the crown in the

Christmas cracker is that on Christmas Day we all put

them on. And that tells us something important about

Christmas; that God, the real King of the universe, made

Himself unimaginably humble so that He might show us

how important we are to Him! In a sense, he makes us all

kings by inviting us to share in his abundant life. Some

early Christians put it like this: "God became human that

we might become divine." So the crown reminds us that,

in God’s eyes, each of us is as important as kings are in

their countries.

And finally there is the joke. They are usually terrible

jokes but they are jokes. Sometimes it can seem like

religion is all seriousness and no fun. And it is serious if

we care about people who are suffering in our world and

believe that God wants us to do something to help them,

but our Christianity should be very deeply joyful too

because of God’s love for us, and because of what God has

done for us in Jesus. So we need to have some fun and

laughter as well. After all, when you think about it, it is

amazing but also quite funny that the creator of the

galaxies, of life and being itself should become one among

us in a newborn baby, born in a barn in a small Palestinian


So Christmas is the day when we are reminded of the way

God first showed us how much He loves us. And that is

not a joke but it is a reason for joy and laughter. May

laughter, joy and love be with you all this Christmas and

into the New Year.

David Jessett

A Philosophical View The news for the three Parishes is published elsewhere in this issue, so here is a photograph depicting the close of autumn,

preparation for winter, and the promise of spring. Ryehill Spinney forms the backcloth. AJW

Photo: AJW

Wellesbourne & District Lions Club

I can’t believe it is nearly Christmas. I hope that

you are well down the road with your preparations

for the big day. From Monday, 8 December through to

Monday, 22 December, the Lions will be out and about in

the district between 6pm & 8pm accompanying Santa and

his Christmas float. Every day we will be supported by a

different local charity and each charity will receive a share

of the money collected, so please give generously. We shall

visit Charlecote and Hampton Lucy on Thursday, 11

December, and Loxley on Wednesday, 17 December. Before

I sign off, I have been asked by a few senior citizens to find

out if they have missed this year’s lunch, which is normally

held in November. I can assure you that it hasn’t been

forgotten. It has just been put back to the spring. Please

watch this space for more information. On behalf of all the

Lions and partners I would like to wish everybody a very

merry Christmas and Happy New Year. AS

News from Charlecote Park By the time you receive this Christmas edition of The Grapevine, the Orangery Restaurant make-over

should be completed and ready for our Christmas visitors. Our catering staff, who have been manning the

temporary tea tent outside, will be able to put away their thermals at last. The service counter has been enlarged to reduce

the queues when the restaurant is busy. The toilets behind the Orangery have also been refurbished – hooray! The three

weekends in December will be filled with Christmas cheer, with music and traditional Christmas decorations throughout

the ground floor of the house. Father Christmas will be welcomed in the house this year, a lot warmer than he has been in

the Gatehouse in previous years. All young visitors who want to see him will need to book in advance. Apologies to those

of you who came along to walk in West Park recently, following our news in the last issue that we were keeping it open

during the deer rut. It soon became apparent that the deer were very stressed by the presence of visitors, so the Ranger

reluctantly decided to close off the area and leave the deer to sort themselves out in peace! However, the mild weather did

mean that the rest of the park and the gardens were a colourful delight for a pleasant stroll. We hope we’ll see you soon for

some Christmas shopping and a mince pie in the Orangery, and Charlecote Park will be open every day except for 23, 24,

and 25 December. MG

Wellesbourne Matters Due to irregularities in Stratford District Council's master

plan, it appears that they do not have a five year supply of

housing land after all, thus putting the Wellesbourne

Airfield site very firmly back in the firing line. The fight

continues. We would like to thank Neighbourhood Watch

for their fantastic job in delivering our latest leaflet.

Support, both financial and practical, is essential to our

success. We shall be at the ‘Christmas Lights’ event in the

precinct in Wellesbourne on Saturday, 29 November, from

6pm. We are a very small working group and welcome any

help you can offer. Contact Frankie Stuart, Wellesbourne

Matters, on 01789 841819, mobile: 07766 581301 or e-mail

to: FS

Hampton Lucy’s Defibrillator About eighteen months ago, Maurice Strevens negotiated a WCC grant for a defibrillator. Residents and organisations also

donated money to this worthwhile cause. Instruction in CPR and the availability of a defibrillator can make all the

difference to saving life following collapse - time is of the essence. The village hall, ‘phone kiosk and the Boar’s Head

were all considered as suitable locations, the village hall being the preferred site as it is accessible and has a motion-

activated security light. After some debate with SDC, that site was approved and the defibrillator will soon be installed

and commissioned. If you would like to be involved, or to refresh your CPR training, please contact Dr. Maurice Strevens

on 01789 842008. JD

Hampton Lucy and Charlecote WI Our AGM was on Wednesday, 5 November,

when Kath Clarke became our new President

and the new committee was voted in ‘en

bloc’. The business of the evening being

concluded, everyone enjoyed a glass of wine. Our speaker

was Mark Lane, who gave us a most interesting talk on the

history of West’s Bakery in Wellesbourne. The bakery

opened in Barford in 1904 before moving to

Wellesbourne. There were, at that time, five bakeries

operating in the village, reflecting the demand by families

buying up to four or five loaves per day! How things have

changed. West’s still use local ingredients, including flour

from our very own Charlecote Water Mill - which, in turn,

sources all the wheat from local farms. Mark brought

along samples of white and brown bread for members to

try. The next meeting is the Christmas Party on

Wednesday, 3 December, at 7.00pm in Hampton Lucy

Village Hall. There will be a ‘bring and share’ supper,

followed by our speaker, Kevin Barfield, who will give a

talk on The Life and Works of George Formby. MJW

“Thank You” Janet & Alf Formstone wish to thank everyone for their

kind offers of help during Alf’s convalescence after his hip

operation. Special thanks go to Gary and Sonja, and also

Pauline. Your help has been greatly appreciated. Very

many thanks. JF

Hampton Lucy School Remembers Hampton Lucy

C of E School

and Nursery


the eleventh

hour, on the

eleventh day

of the eleventh

month, by

holding a two-

minute silence.

The children

then placed their own poppies outside the school as a sign

of respect and thanksgiving. The poppies were all designed

by the children and were left on display during the day,

creating a fitting tribute. ML

Loxley FOLS Annual Bonfire and Fireworks Thank you so much to all those who came along to enjoy the Loxley Village

Bonfire and Fireworks. We are pleased to announce that we raised a

whopping £2480! We still have a few expenses to come out but we are

absolutely thrilled with this amazing total. Thank you all for your support on

the night and your generous donations! We hope you enjoyed the Dr Who

theme to the show! We are already working on the theme for next year...

Massive thanks must go to our building and catering teams, to all the

volunteers who ran stalls and collected donations, to the marshals for

keeping us safe and, of course, special thanks to the Gregory-Hood family

for hosting us once again! We really couldn't have done it without you! HC

Remembrance Day in Loxley On Tuesday, 11

November, children, staff

parents and parishioners

walked down to the

Memorial Cross on the

Village Green to join

Rev’d David Jessett for a

memorial service for

Remembrance Day. He

shared a soldier’s prayer

from a bible which had

belonged to a pupil’s


who had fought in WW1.

The children, along with parents and the other participants,

showed respect to the memory of the fallen by observing the

two-minute silence. MO

Christmas at The Boar’s Head, Hampton Lucy On Thursday, 27 November, The Boar’s Head will host an Italian Night, with a full Italian menu, a choice

of starters, mains and desserts, and a bottle of Italian wine per couple. Tickets are £29.95 per person. The

Village Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, 20 December. Tickets will be £10.00, as before, which

includes one of Phil’s splendid buffets and a drink on arrival. The maximum number of tickets is seventy

- when they're gone, they're gone! The pub will be open for New Year’s Eve celebrations and the fancy dress theme for

the night will be The Wild West. Angie and Phil will also be opening up early for a Village Brunch on New Year’s Day

from 11.00am, giving everyone a chance to kick off 2015 in style (- whatever happened to the Millennium? Ed.).

Entertain everyone with your Christmas cracker jokes and you might even be able to pass on that pair of Christmas socks

and the reindeer sweater from Auntie Lil. The Boar’s Head opening times during the Christmas holiday will be:

Christmas Eve - 12 noon to midnight; Christmas Day - 12 noon to 3pm; Boxing Day - 12 noon to 6pm. Normal opening

hours will recommence from Saturday, 17 December onwards. AH

The Poppies at the Tower

“Thank You” from Shipston Home Nursing ‘Hospice at Home’ in Shipstone, Wellesbourne and

Kineton. I would like to thank you all for your help over the

past year, and for your support and generosity in raising

funds for Shipston Home Nursing. Without you, this

wonderful local charity could not function and be the

success it is. The Trustees and I are extremely grateful for

your continuing support. Thank you so much. May I take

this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and

peaceful, happy and healthy New Year. RM

Recipe for Success? You are invited to send Pam Howarth a recipe, any recipe

you like, so that it can be included in her “Absolutely

Fabulous Recipes" The book will contain a collection of

tried-and-tested favourite recipes, quick and easy, a

favourite with your family and friends, off-the-cuff or

from your own repertoire, and donated by all of you. The

book will be sold in aid of Shipston Home Nursing. Send

your recipe as soon as possible to

You will be helping to raise funds for a wonderful charity

which looks after terminally-ill patients in their own

homes without charge. This charity costs an enormous

amount to run and relies solely on donations from its

supporters and fund-raising events, so please do send a

recipe as soon as you can and help to make this book a

huge success. PH

Boom Boom..(couldn’t resist this one - Ed.) There was once a great Czar in Russia named Rudolph the

Red. He stood looking out of the window one day while his

wife, the Czarina Katerina, sat nearby knitting. He suddenly

remarked, “Look my dear, it has begun to rain!" Without a

glance, she replied, "It's too cold to rain, husband. It must be

sleeting". The Czar shook his head. "I am the Czar of all

Russia, and Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear!" Anon

Hampton Lucy Grit Bins

Grit bins for the treatment of public footpaths and roads.

are located at the end of The Close and on Snitterfield

Street. AJW

Charlecote Village Books

Borrow fascinating books on life in Charlecote from

11thC. to the present

day. All we ask is a modest donation to Village Hall funds.

“Thank you” to our advertisers for your valued support in 2014. Your patronage helps us to deliver this newsletter free

to all households in the three Parishes. When responding to an advertiser, please mention ‘The Grapevine’

Our correspondents this month are: DA - Darryl Armstrong; HC - Helen Chidgey; MLC -Margaret Clayton; JD - John Dunkerton; HD - Hilary Dunkerton;

JF - Janet Formstone; MG - Mary Gleave; AH - Angela Heron; PH - Pamela Howarth; Rev’d DJ - Rev’d David Jessett;

ML - Margaret Lunnon; RM - Rebecca Mawle; MO - Marie Osborne; AS -Andy Stokes; FS - Frankie Stuart;

AJW - Jeremy Whyman; MJW - Margaret Whyman;

(Editor’s note: Thank you, one and all, for your help and prompt copy over the past year!)

Funding Available for Youth Projects The Norton Foundation, a local charity, is accepting proposals from organisations in Birmingham, Coventry, Solihull

and Warwickshire that are planning capital projects to help young people under the age of twenty five. Successful

organisations will be awarded a contribution of up to £250,000 for their prospective project. With the aim of

improving the personal development of young people by creating opportunities within the region, all bids must be in

line with the Foundation’s objectives: “To help those who are in need of care or rehabilitation or aid of any kind,

particularly as a result of delinquency, maltreatment or neglect, or who are in danger of lapsing or relapsing into

delinquency”. The announcement comes at a time where there is an increasing lack of provision for young people,

both due to cuts in services by statutory bodies and a reduction in grants to voluntary organisations. For further

details, including details of how to apply for a grant, see the Foundation's website DA

TROPIC Skincare and Beauty

‘Pure honest and effective’ Christmas bookings now being taken.

Indulge in all natural skincare treatments at home

Free 1 to 1 consultations

or host a ‘Pamper Experience’ with friends.

You’ll receive a FREE facial and hostess gifts.

Call Helen on 07833 249345 07507 953659

Take the Internet Safety ‘MOT’!

As part of a national campaign to promote internet safety, Warwickshire Trading Standards are encouraging

residents to take ten minutes out of their day to give themselves an internet safety ‘MOT’. Can you answer “yes” to

all these questions?

Am I using the latest anti-virus software?

Am I downloading the latest software updates?

Do I keep sensitive information away from unsecure websites and social media?

Do I look for ‘https’ and the padlock sign before I enter sensitive information on a web page?

Do I look at Internet reviews of online businesses before I shop with them?

If I have a credit card, am I using it when I make purchases over £100, to give me extra consumer protection?

Am I backing up all my data?

Am I keeping passwords and PINs secure?

Do I use strong passwords that are unique for each website?

Do I delete unexpected emails without downloading attachments or following links?

If you have answered ‘no’ to any of these questions then you’ve failed your ‘MOT’ Take action now to keep

yourself safe online by visiting: Warwickshire Trading Standards

Loxley WI

Our meeting on Thursday 13 November, at our usual venue and time, Loxley School at 7.30 pm, will be

the AGM, when we look back on a wonderful year of interesting talks and enjoyable outings, and hear of

the plans for 2015. Voting will take place for the offices on the committee. The final talk of the year will

be on Thursday, 11 December, when Alan Winterburn will talk on "Little Known Warwickshire". On 8 January we

will enjoy our Annual Party at the Houndshill. The first talk of the New Year will be on 12 February, when Ginny

Davis will talk on "To the Fringe and Beyond," New members are always made welcome. MCL

Hampton Lucy Website - The Kraken Wakes!

Those who have braved an excursion into the Hampton Lucy village website over the past couple of years will be

very aware that it badly needs updating. Alan Jacobs, who set up the original website and is our webmaster, will re-

build the whole thing, using up-to-date software, so that updating the information will be possible by un-cool folk,

like me, who have no idea how websites work! Fortunately, a knight in shining armour, namely Simon Dobson, has

recently moved into the village and he is cool. He knows about websites. So much so that he has agreed to work with

Alan and me to revamp the site and maintain it regularly. We plan to set about it as soon as Alan has done the ‘techy’

bit, so watch this space! AJW


Hampton Lucy C of E School and Nursery

Christmas Fair Friday, 5thDecember

3.30pm to 5.00pm Santa’s grotto, gift stalls, refreshments: including

sausages, pork and apple and vegetarian options in bread

rolls; home made cakes, and lots to do.

Free entry

Everyone welcome

All proceeds to school funds for science equipment.

The Boar’s Head Hampton Lucy

Italian Evening, Thursday, 27th November, £29.95 pp

(a choice of three courses and a bottle of Italian wine!)

Village Party, Saturday 20th December, £10 pp

(including Phil’s Buffet and an introductory drink.)

New Year’s Eve, Fancy Dress Party, ‘The Wild West’!

New Year’s Day, Village Brunch from 11.00am


Saturday, 13th December, 2014 Karl the Miller invites you to

Carols at the Mill with the Choir of St Nicholas’ Church, Warwick,

Mill open from 3pm - Carols: 4.30pm to 5pm.

Hot drinks and nibbles

Free admission Donations very welcome

to St Nicholas’ Church and Charlecote Mill.

For more details, call 01789 842072

Hampton Lucy Children's Christmas Concert

St Peter ad Vincula Church,

Sunday, 7th December, 3.30pm

Do come and hear them all performing!

£3.50 includes tea and cake.

Tickets at the door

or from Sue Appleyard (Tel. 841457)

All proceeds to St Peter ad Vincula Church

and Hampton Lucy Village Hall

Loxley C of E School

‘Festive Fun’ Christmas Fair 2pm to 4.00pm, Sunday 14

th December .

Activities for all the family, children’s craft workshop, Santa's Grotto, and a Festive Market

with a big selection of stalls selling gifts, cards and decorations’. Grand Prize Draw.

Carols by Loxley School Choir

Refreshments including mulled wine and mince pies!

The Charlecote website:

Hampton Lucy and Charlecote WI

Curry Night The Boar’s Head, Hampton Lucy

Wednesday, January 14th at 7.30pm Proceeds in aid of the Leamington Brain Injury Unit

Everyone welcome!

is published in colour each month. To view the colour edition visit either the Hampton Lucy or Loxley websites, or request an e-mail copy.

The The Notice BoardBoard Hampton Lucy website:

The Loxley website:

The next Grapevine will be issue 166 for February, 2015.

The copy deadline will be Friday, 10 January. It will be

published on the websites on 18 January, with the printed

copies delivered on or after 21 January.

Winter Warmer


Sunday, 7th December, 11am to 3pm Charlecote Wallhanging calendars and cards for sale

Refreshments, including

homemade soup and bread rolls

Christmas Crafts for sale,

(made by our Charlecote Crafters)

Book Swap - Bring a book you have enjoyed reading

and swap it for a 50p donation

Police: Police enquiries: 01789 842114. e-mail:

Website newsletter, with regularly updated local information:

Contact details

Grapevine copy by the 10th of the month please

with a contact telephone number,

to: Jeremy Whyman, 9 The Langlands, Hampton Lucy

CV35 8BN. Tel: 01789 470911


For advertising contact: Jackie Williams, Tudor Cottage, Hampton

Lucy. Tel: 01789 841155. e-mail:

Charlecote Celebrates Christmas! On Sunday, 21 December, from 12 noon, all residents of Charlecote, together with any guests who may be staying with

them, are invited for Christmas Drinks in the Village Hall so that they can wish their friends and neighbours a "Happy

Christmas". This party will be preceded by a village walk for those who fancy a bit of exercise, all ages and dogs

welcome! Please meet by the Hampton Lucy signpost outside The Malt House at 10.30am. The walk will take place

come rain or shine! HH

Hampton Lucy Christmas Drinks

As a ‘thank you’ for the support we have enjoyed over the past twelve months, the Village Hall Committee invite all

residents to the village hall from 6.00pm on Monday, 22 December, for a warming drink, carols, and the opportunity to

extend Christmas greetings to friends and neighbours. We look forward to seeing you all there. HW

For your diary: December 2014

Tues 2 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome.

Tues 2 Ladies’ Coffee and Cakes, The Boar’s Head, 10.30am. All welcome.

Tues 2 Dene Valley U3A, St Peter’s Church, Wellesbourne, 2,30pm, (visit website)

Wed 3 Tai Chi, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 9.00am to 10.00am.

Wed 3 Hampton Lucy and Charlecote WI, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.00pm. See page 3.

Thur 4 Lucy Lads, Meet at the Boar’s Head, 11.30am. Call 470911 details.

Fri 5 Hampton Lucy C of E Primary School and Nursery Christmas Fair, Notice Board .

Sun 7 Hampton Lucy Children’s Christmas Concert, 3.30pm, St Peter’s Church, Notice Board.

Sun 7 Charlecote Village Hall ‘Winter Warmer’ Open Day, 11am to 3pm, Notice Board.

Mon 8 Loxley Parish Council, Loxley C of E School, 7.30pm.

Tues 9 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome.

Tues 9 ‘Home Instead’ Open Evening, Charlecote Village Hall, 7.30pm, see insert.

Wed 10 Tai Chi, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 9.00am to 10.00am.

Thur 11 Lions Club and Santa visit Charlecote and Hampton Lucy from 6pm, see page 3.

Thur 11 Loxley WI, Loxley School, 7.30pm, see page 5.

Sat 13 Carols at The Mill, Charlecote Mill, from 3.00pm, Notice Board . Sun 14 Loxley School ‘Festive Fun’ Christmas Fair, Loxley school, 2pm to 4pm, Notice Board.

Tues 16 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome.

Tues 16 Loxley School Nativity, Loxley Church, 2.00pm.

Wed 17 Loxley School Nativity, Loxley Church, 2.00pm.

Wed 17 Tai Chi, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 9.00am to 10.00am.

Wed 17 Lions’ Club and Santa visit Loxley, from 6.00pm, see page 3.

Thur 18 Loxley School Carol Service, Loxley Church, 2.30pm.

Sun 21 Charlecote Village Walk, meet 10.30 by the Malt House. See below for details.

Sun 21 Charlecote Village Hall Christmas Drinks, The Village Hall, 12.00am. See below for details.

Mon 22 Hampton Lucy Christmas Drinks, The Village Hall from 6.00pm. See below for details.

January 2015 Thur 1 New Year’s Day Brunch, The Boar’s Head, 11.00am, Notice Board.

Tues 6 Ladies’ Coffee and Cakes, The Boar’s Head, 10.30am. All welcome.

Tues 6 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 7.30pm. All welcome.

Wed 7 Tai Chi, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 9.00am to 10.00am.

Wed 7 Hampton Lucy and Charlecote WI, Charlecote Village Hall, 7.30pm. See page 3.

Thur 8 The Lucy Lads, (change of day), meet at the Boar’s Head, 11.30am. Call 470911 for details.

Thur 8 Loxley WI Annual Dinner at Houndshill, call a committee member for details, see page 5.

Sat 10 Copy deadline for the February Grapevine.

Tues 13 Dene Valley U3A, St Peter’s Church, Wellesbourne, 2,30pm, (visit website)

Tues 13 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall,7.30pm. All welcome.

Wed 14 Tai Chi, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 9.00am to 10.00am.

Wed 14 Hampton Lucy and Charlecote WI Curry Night, The Boar’s Head, Notice Board.

Wed 14 Hampton Lucy Parish Council meet, the village hall, 7.30pm.

Mon 19 Loxley Parish Council meet, Loxley C of E School, 7.30pm.

Tues 20 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall,7.30pm. All welcome.

Wed 21 Tai Chi, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 9.00am to 10.00am.

Tues 27 Keep Fit, Hampton Lucy Village Hall,7.30pm. All welcome.

Wed 28 Tai Chi, Hampton Lucy Village Hall, 9.00am to 10.00am.


7 December The Second Sunday of Advent

9.30am Charlecote Morning Worship CW

9.30am Loxley Holy Communion BCP

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Holy Communion BCP

14 December The Third Sunday of Advent 9.30am Hampton Lucy Family Service CW

11.00am Charlecote Holy Communion CW

11.00am Loxley Matins BCP

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Evensong BCP

17 December 7.30pm Charlecote Carol Service

Six lessons and Carols

with The Festival Singers

21 December The Fourth Sunday of Advent 9.30am Charlecote Holy Communion BCP

9.30am Hampton Lucy Come and Worship CW

11.00am Loxley Family Service

6.00pm Loxley Carol Service

Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Carol Service

Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols

with The Festival Singers

23 December 4.00pm Hampton Lucy Christingle

January 2015

4 January Feast of The Epiphany 9.30am Charlecote Morning Worship CW

9.30am Loxley Holy Communion BCP

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Holy Communion CW

11 January The First Sunday of Epiphany (The Baptism of Christ)

9.30am Hampton Lucy Family Service CW

11.00am Charlecote Holy Communion CW

11.00am Loxley Matins BCP

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Evensong BCP

18 January The Second Sunday of Epiphany 9.30am Charlecote Holy Communion BCP

9.30am Hampton Lucy Come and Worship CW

11.00am Loxley Family Service

25 January The Third Sunday of Epiphany (Conversion of Paul)

8.00am Charlecote Holy Communion BCP

11.00am Loxley Holy Communion CW

6.00pm Hampton Lucy Evensong BCP

Church Services

Stripes Garden Maintenance

Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming,

Patio Cleaning, Garden Furniture Cleaning. No

job too small.

Local reliable service.

Call Chris Clarke, 01789 295909

Mobile: 07928 895501


L Brooke Joynson


All aspects of woodworking undertaken

Phone 01926 842547 or 07909 901989

for further information and advice,

and for a free quotation

H T WILLIAMS PEST CONTROL Rats, moles, mice, wasps, ants, insects

Tudor Cottage, Church Street

Hampton Lucy

Telephone: 01789 841155


Chartered Physiotherapist

Registered with the Health and Care Professions


Hampton Corner, Warwick Road,

Stratford upon Avon, CV37 0NZ

Tel/Fax: 01789 263891

R. Turner


Specialist in re-upholstery and

restoration of cane and rush seating

Tel: 01926 624077 Mobile: 077685 71593

Hunscote Farm Shop Stratford Road, Wellesbourne

Tel: 01789 840240

‘A Farmer’s Market on your doorstep’ Open Monday to Thursday

8.00am to 5.30pm

Friday and Saturday

8.00am to 6.00pm

A Merry Christmas to All Our

Local Service Providers

Curtains, Blinds & Cushions

by Juliet Seccombe High quality

curtains and roman blinds. Free measurement and quotation.

Mobile: 0781 809 8306


24 December Midnight Eucharist

4.00pm Charlecote Crib Service

11.30pm Charlecote Holy Communion CW

25 December Christmas Day

9.30am Hampton Lucy Holy Communion CW

11.00am Loxley Holy Communion CW
