The Messenger - North Royalton OH Messenger.pdf · The Messenger. INSIDE. CLERGY REFLECTIONS....


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A Monthly Publication of St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church OCTOBER 2017

The Messenger INSIDE








The Life of our Parish in Full Swing

With the New Ecclesiastical year under way, the ministries of our parish are in full swing: Sunday School and Greek school classes have begun, activities are planned for all our youth groups, Adult studies are taking place, Philoptochos has many fun events lined up, and more. Look for more information on upcoming events and activities in the monthly issue of The Messenger, our Weekly Bulletin, our website, Facebook, and email notices.

Our Hellenic Dancers have been performing throughout the Greater Cleveland community. Thank you to Eleni Johnson and all the instructors for your dedication.

S t . P a u l L a d i e s Philoptochos held yet another successful baking class bringing together parishioners and friends to make galactobouriko. Many thanks to Elaine Nackowiz for teaching this class. Mark your calendars for the next class to be held January 22, 2018 where Kim Kontos will teach us to make paximadia.

ST. PAUL GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 4548 Wallings Road • North Royalton, Ohio 44133-3121

(440) 237-8998 · (440) 237-4386 fax

E-mail address: A Parish under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America,

and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh

GOYA officers received the Oath of Office and held their first meeting at the Youth Family Picnic. Pictured: Joseph Linz Recording Secretary; Gregory Johnson Vice President; Ava Terovolas Corresponding Secretary; Father Costas;

Arianna Lindemann President; Michael Wilson Treasurer.

Altar Boys gathered for a seminar at the church then enjoyed an afternoon of fun at Sky Zone. Thank you to Peter Keares for organizing this event.


The following ministries are the lifeblood of our parish and perform many activities to promote the growth of our church. Your participation in these organizations makes our community more spiritually complete.

Philoptochos Rhonee Trakas-Iula Coffee Socials Pam Sitter Festival Michael Lignos John Trihas Messenger Editor Elaine Nackowiz Welcome Committee Helen Dadas Choir Director Vaso Boukis Cantor Nicholas Bodle Organist Rachel Nelson Bookstore Jim & Karen Sullivan

ST. PAUL FAMILY MINISTRY COMMISSION Chairman Little Angels Erin Kubat HOPE / JOY Father Costas GOYA Coordinator Father Costas OCF / College Ministry Maribeth Lekas Altar Boys Peter Keares Religious Education Toni Mannarino Bible Study Frank Chirakos Father Costas Keares Women’s Study Group Elaine Poulos Coffee & Conversation Kristine Tartara Jonathan Tartara VCS Keli Paragios Annoula Tsonton Greek School Kathy Glaros Greek Corner Maria Karlatiras PTO Tammy Parianos Senior Fellowship Maria Regan Hellenic Dance Director Eleni Johnson

Deadline for all articles and Organization Minutes is the 1st of the month. Please keep this in mind! Items can be e-mailed to

Like our PAGE to keep up to

date on the happenings of our parish. Even if you are not on Facebook, you can view our postings on the Home page of our website.


Priest Rev. Fr. Costas P. Keares, Proistamenos


PARISH COUNCIL President Alex Dadas Vice President Michael Lignos Secretary Rhonee Trakas-Iula Financial Secretary George Anagnostou Treasurer Christopher Cook

Nick Asmis Dr. George Markakis Anthone Colovas Stephanie Ocker Arthur S. Karas Nicolas Parianos Theodore Kokkas Effie Trihas Jason Kouvaras Drew Wilson


STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Bylaws Anthone Colovas Catering / Leasing Arthur S Karas Jason Kouvaras Family Ministry Stephanie Ocker Finance Michael Lignos Home Michael Lignos Nicolas Parianos Human Resources Rhonee Trakas-Iula

Membership Jason Kouvaras Public Relations Father Costas Keares Stewardship George Anagnostou Ways & Means Real Estate Management Arthur S. Karas

Telephone: (440) 237-8998 Fax: (440) 237-4386 Catering: (440) 582-1083 Website: Office E-Mail: Fr. Costas E-Mail: Fr. Costas Cell: (440) 669-1316


Pastoral Reflections by Father Costas I greet you all in the name of our Savior. As I look out my office window, I witness every day the progress of the construction of our new parking lot and my heart is filled with gratitude! It takes an

entire team to p l a n , t o execute, and to finish such a monumental task. Over the

last few years, our sanctuary as well as our overall Church facility has been, and continues to be, beautified and updated. With all these activities, it is imperative to stop and think about WHY we did all these renovations, and WHAT THEY MEAN for our Church Family. The main purpose and vision behind such activities is to maintain and build upon what we have received from those before us. Also, to be able to pass on to the next generation a sanctuary and a beautiful facility they will be proud to call HOME. It is in this home that we can expand our Church ministries and bring into a deeper relationship with our living God all those who comprise our church family, and bring them the saving message of the Holy Gospel. There are many recent surveys and reports in the news that show the decline of organized religion and church communities. In fact, in a presentation, by Rev. Dr. Anton Vrame, the chair of our Archdiocesan Religious Education Department, spoke on the topic “Does the Future Have a Church?” This challenging presentation showed the changing demographics of religion and religious life in America. A growing number of Americans are no longer identifying with any religious community. The younger generations especially are falling away from Churches and Christianity at an alarming rate. On one hand, this is depressing news for us as a faith community in America. Yet, from another perspective, it is simply a WAKE UP CALL and a CHALLENGE that stands before us. Who are we as a Church, and what is our Vision and Pur-pose? In many ways, this will determine whether we will be a declining and dying church, or whether we will be a relevant, vibrant, life-giving community of faith!

Will our Church Family continue to create a community that offers an exciting spiritual home for our children, our families, our single members, our elderly, as well as for the future generations? The answer is YES, we will still be a wonderful Church Family IF we remember WHO WE ARE and KEEP OUR FOCUS on what it means to be the Body of Christ. No matter how the world changes, Jesus Christ and His Church will always have an eternal message of GOOD NEWS to offer to the world! The mystery of death and the challenges of suffering won’t go away with the passing of time, and our Lord’s victory over death and message of hope will stay relevant! There will always be people in need of healing and comfort, and they will find strength in communities of faith! As our world becomes more and more fragmented, people will look for a place to find healthy, life-giving fellowship and community. And throughout history, people have always looked for answers to the deepest existential questions of life, and found answers when they gathered to worship the Creator of all. The Church will remain relevant in the future IF we are consciously striving to BE THE CHURCH as it was meant to be, and to ACT AS GOD’S AMBASSADORS of His love and mercy, His compassion and caring, His grace and truth to the world at large. We invite all people to join us on this journey into the Kingdom of Heaven. Let’s work together in creatively thinking about new ways to live out our Orthodox faith. As your priest, I need your help in developing healthy, fun, relevant, loving ministries that our Church can offer within our Church Family and to the larger community around us. Let’s dream and do great things for the glory of God and for the future of His Church!

On Sunday October 1st, the feast

day of St. Romanos the Melodist, is designated by our Archdiocese as NATIONAL CHURCH

MUSIC SUNDAY. And so, on this day, we pause to honor the gifts and contributions of our church musicians — clergy, choir directors, choir members, chanters and organists. On behalf of the entire community we THANK THEM FROM THE BOTTOM OUR HEARTS for their love and dedication to Christ and His Church and for leading us in worship before the throne of God!


Our Parish Her Life & People

Baptism September 23rd Louis ~ son of George and Georgann Poulos Godparents ~ Charles & Madalynn Wendland


September 23rd Steven and Rebeca Langos Koumbaro ~ Nick Karas

Funerals May Their Memories Be Eternal

August 30th Jim Dallas (Westerville OH) Brother of Rocky Dallas September 11th Despina Vianos September 23rd Philip Pyros

Choir News Vaso Boukis

Choir Director

It’s wonderful being back in the loft singing our beautiful Orthodox hymns! At our parish fair we had a few parishioners who expressed an interest in joining our choir and look forward to their participation.

Thank you for your support at our Loukoumades Sunday. We will be sponsoring a Pastitsio luncheon on October 29. For more details see the flyer on this page. Come for fellowship, come for a delicious meal, come to show YOUR love and YOUR support for YOUR Church as we continue to Pave the Way to complete our parking lot.

Our Choir is open to all. Please consider joining us on Sunday mornings. See Vaso for more information.

We would be happy to announce a special occasion in this column. All you need to do is notify the office at 440.237.8998 or


Little Angels / HOPE / JOY / GOYA ~ The purpose of the Little Angels group is to bring moms and little ones from ages birth to preschool together for fun and fellowship, support, to get to know each other better, and to strengthen our faith and church family through friendships and relationships. The moms of our Little Angels group will gather for “Paint Nite” in the Teen Room on Friday, October 20th from 7:00—9:00 PM. A variety of templates and price ranges to choose from. Join the St Paul’s Mommys Facebook Group and RSVP through there. See flyer on page 8 for more details... ~ The Youth Campfire for HOPE / JOY / GOYA groups will be held on Sunday, October 8th at 5:00

p.m. Register through our website so that we may plan accordingly. See flyer on page 7 for more details… ~ The next GOYA meeting will take place following Sunday School on October 8th. We invite all youth in 7th—12th grade to participate. ~ GOYA spirit wear is available for purchase. We have hooded sweatshirts, sweatpants, long and short sleeve t-shirts, which can be purchased through our website. Questions can be addressed to Mrs. Dena Wilson. GOYAns who are active participants of the GOYA program and wish to participate in the Metropolis GOYA basketball tournaments may also order a uniform. Visit our website to place your order. ~ The Metropolis GOYA Fall Retreat will be held November 17—19 at Camp Nazareth in Mercer PA. A $50 parish scholarship is available to offset the cost for GOYAns who are active in the program and whose family is an active steward of the parish. Look for more information shortly.

~ Toni Mannarino

Sunday School Director

We've had a strong beginning in Sunday School this year with over 100 children in attendance! We are so happy to see so many families attending regularly. Keep it up and continue to make it a priority in your family! Make sure to register your children so they may be included in our attendance incentives.

If you would like to become involved in our program, we would love to have you as an extra pair of helping hands in our classrooms. Just one Sunday of volunteering can make a world of difference to our teachers in the classrooms.

October's theme is "Evening Prayers." Classes will spend some time this month learning about how to pray before bed. Please spend some time at home each night to include this into your nightly routine.

October 22nd is Youth Sunday. Our children will serve as greeters, helping at the candle stand, ushering, tray collection, epistle reader, and leading Communion prayers. Please encourage them as they are always very proud to offer this to the church. We are looking for a Parent Volunteer who is willing to apprentice Dena Wilson on this venture. Please seek me out if you are willing to learn. Thank you, Dena, for your dedication and ability to make this event amazing.

Our Parish is blessed to have parishioners who thrive on seeing our children grow with God. Our Sunday School program is no exception. Our children are extremely lucky to be able to begin making their Prayer Books due to a sizeable donation to our program. The younger grade levels will begin making a year-long prayer book that they will be able to keep forever that will help them to learn Orthodox Prayers. Thank you is not enough.

Thank you all for your participation so far this year. It takes all of us—directors, teachers, parents and students—to make our Sunday School ministry a success. If you have not registered your child(ren), please see me, Samantha, or Eva on Sunday and we will give you the form or register on our website. Registration closes soon.

See you Sunday!


for Parents with Kids age 0—6th Grade Join us for Coffee and Conversation in the church hall after Holy Communion to meet other parents and learn about the Orthodox faith. If the partition is closed, you will likely find us in that section of the hall. This Fall we will be discussing, Parenting Toward the Kingdom: Orthodox Principles of Child-Rearing by Philip Mamalakis. This is a wonderful book and you are sure to be encouraged as you work towards raising your children in the faith. We will be discussing excerpts of the book, so if you cannot make it every week or keep up on reading, it is okay! If you would like to purchase the book, you can find it in the church bookstore. If you have any questions, please email Kristi Tartara at For announcements, please join us on Facebook. Search for St. Paul Coffee & Conversation and request to join the group.

Coffee & Conversation

~ Kathy Glaros Greek School Superintendent

The new school year has begun...and at the same time a new page is being written for the Greek school teachers and students who are getting ready for the new school year.

Our St. Paul Greek School enrollment continues to progress and grow. We are anticipating a year filled with challenge, learning, and excitement. All our teachers are looking forward to engaging our young students in our beautiful Greek culture and language with this year's curriculum.

Our learning journey for the school year 2017—2018 officially began on the 11th of September. Father Costas gave us his blessing for a productive and successful school year. We are happy to once again see that our classrooms are filled with new and returning students. We offer a warm welcome to all!

During the year we will offer our ethnic and religious holidays through various programs that all students have to participate in. Please encourage them to do so with interest and enthusiasm. Learning the Greek language will open new horizons and become a major asset in their educational future. Our rich cultural her-itage will inspire them on this journey of knowledge.

September 30th we participated in the Race for Ronald sponsored by St. Paul Ladies Philoptochos Society.

On November 12th, 2017 we will hold our first fundraiser ~ Loukoumathes Sales.

Thank you for affording us the opportunity and privilege to teach your children Greek as a second language as well as Greek culture. Once again, we welcome you back and look forward to an exciting and successful year for students, parents and teachers alike!

Please do not hesitate to contact me at 216.524.1766 or email me at

Happy Fall to all ~ Καλό Φθινόπωρο σε όλους σας!

Spiritual Progress ~ St. Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain

You must know that progress on the path of spiritual life differs greatly from an ordinary jour-ney on earth. If a traveler stops on his ordinary journey, he loses

nothing of the way already covered; but if a traveler on the path of virtue stops in his spiritual progress, he los-es much of the virtues previously acquired. In an ordi-nary journey, the further the traveler proceeds, the more tired he becomes; But on the way of spiritual life the longer a person travels, the greater the strength and power he acquires for his further progress.


~ Helena Johnson, Dance Director

With the new ecclesiastical calendar, we mark the beginning of another year of dance! The dance program is such that it is not just preparing kids to dance under the tent in July, it is a ministry of the church, to allow our kids to connect with their culture and heritage as well as to grow together with their peers. It is wonderful to watch the dancers get to know each other the first few years of dance, and then cultivating their friendships throughout their high school years. It is evident that this program helps with strengthening ties and brings our youth closer to our St. Paul Church community. At the parish fair, the instructors and I were lucky to meet several new dancers that will be participating this year. There are once again new dancers coming in at every level and we couldn’t be happier. The instructors and I want to welcome all of our new dancers and dance families, as well as welcoming back all the dancers who participated last year. If you have any questions or would like to help out in the various aspects of the program, feel free to contact me or any of the instructors. For dancers that are new to the program, registration forms can be found on the church website or you can fill one out at practice. It is not too late to join! Again, this year, we are asking that only new dancers fill our registration forms; returning families are asked to meet with their instructors in the next few weeks to verify that all registration information is correct and that nothing has changed. Registration and payment deadline is October 31, 2017. If your dancer is in 4-year-old preschool this school year, we welcome them to join the dance program in our beginner group. The entire practice schedule can also be found on the church website. Instructors do take attendance and we ask that your dancer be at as many practices as possible. Once your dancer gets into the Junior and Senior levels their attendance is extremely important because of the instruction given each week. If a dancer misses a practice they miss a lot and it may be

weeks before that material is worked on again. Please make every effort to be at practice. Please contact your instructor if your dancer is going to be missing a practice. Our next practices are: * Sunday, October 22 Beginner / Senior Group only * Sunday, October 29 Juniors Only This year’s Folk Dance Festival is being held at Archangel Michael in Campbell Ohio, Saturday, November 11 – Sunday, November 12. Many of our dancers attend year after year and the skills they learn at these events are vital to our program. The instructors will be discussing this more with the dancers as we move forward. All information can be found on the St. Paul website. Dancers need to be at least seven years old to participate. We look forward to another wonderful Folk Dance Festival!


September 12th ~ November 14

“Living the Beatitudes” Formerly tit led: Happy in the Lord”

by Kyriaki and Thomas FitzGerald

The Beatitudes contain many of the most important teachings of Jesus, emphasizing the responsibilities of

the follower of Christ both to God and to others.

For centuries, the Beatitudes have been used for basic instruction in Christian faith and living.

Here, the authors explore the eight Beatitudes with wonderful insight as to how

they relate to us in our everyday life.

Are you curious? How are we to be Happy in the Lord?

Then please come and study along with us this insightfully written book on a “God-pleasing life…

Tuesday mornings 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Please Join In!

Classes Begin September 10th!

Adult Sunday Catechism Immediately following Holy Communion

In the Teen Room Our current Book being Studied: “God and You, Person to Person: Developing a Daily Personal Relationship with Jesus”

by Anthony Coniaris

How does one come to Know God? …to have a relationship with God?

This study offers a fuller understanding of what it means to be part of the

Orthodox Church and how we are called through the practices of Orthodoxy into a relationship with our Creator, God.

How Prayer, the Sacraments, our Worship, the Creed, the Trinity, our Theolo-gy, Sacred Tradition, the Bible, our relationship with others, the very Resur-rection of Christ Himself are all portals, doorways, passages though which

we grow our relationship with Christ our God. Do you ever feel that God is not present? Then please partake in the study of our faith to help discover that truly He is always with us. And how we are called into His presence at all times.


Philoptochos News Rhonee Trakas-Iula

Philoptochos President

RACE FOR RONALD It was wonderful seeing so many of our parishioners volunteering or participating in our walk/run for Ronald McDonald House. We raised funds to support a room at the House for an entire year and could not do it without your generosity. We also received some very nice donations from a few benefactors who I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart. You really came through for us!

LOUKOUMADES ANYONE? Philoptochos will be sponsoring a loukoumades sale during the coffee social on October 22nd. Please see Zoe Moore if you would like to assist. Thank you, Bill Regan, for donating your culinary skills. We are so blessed to have you on the team.

OCTOBER EVENTS Sunday, October 1 Coffee Social Team 1 Sunday, October 8 Coffee Social Team 2 Tuesday October 3 7:00 PM Board Meeting – Budget discussion Tuesday October 10 6:30 PM General Meeting – Budget discussion Sunday, October 15 Coffee Social Team 3 Sunday October 22 Loukoumades Sale Sunday, October 29 Coffee Social Team 5

NOVEMBER 2017 Our pastitsio sale is back by popular demand, just in time for the holidays. Susan Langos is chairing this November 19th order distribution. We will begin taking orders October 19th at the Philoptochos table, by mail or via our PayPal button on the church website. Philoptochos is also sponsoring a shopping event that will help you acquire unique gifts in time for Christmas. Stephanie Ocker’s team is planning an evening of fun, food, and fantastic gift ideas on November 14th in our very own social hall. Please see Stephanie for details.

CONSIDER JOINING US Mary Steve and Angela Christian will be sitting at the Philoptochos table on Sundays to accept member-ships. Throughout the year we work hard to support numerous charitable organizations that rely on support from groups like ours. We welcome you, and your talents, with open arms.

COFFEE SOCIAL DONATIONS Pam Sitter ( will be happy to have your donation of a few baked goods or to reserve your coffee social sponsorship. We have a few openings in October and November. Thank you for your support!


AFGHAN PROJECT: WORKSHOPS BEGUN! On Thursday, September 28th an Afghan Workshop was held in our Teen Room. Yarn, needles, patterns and instruction(s) were available at this workshop to promote our two afghan ministries. Our Ladies Philoptochos presents every newborn in our community with a handmade afghan at their 40-Day Blessing. Each afghan donated has a tag that indicates that it was hand-made by Philoptochos and a card with the donor’s name as well as the children’s book “What Do You See at Liturgy” enclosed as a memento of this special occasion. If you would like to create baby afghans they should be approximately 30 x 36 inches knitted or crocheted in washable yarn. To date we have received 176 baby afghans for this project! However, we have distributed many of these afghans to our infant parishioners and only have about twenty afghans available for future new babies! Many thanks to Maria Lovejoy for knitting four beautiful baby afghans this month!

In addition, our Ladies Philoptochos continues to create afghans for our homebound parishioners who welcome a visit from our Philoptochos ladies. If you know of anyone who would enjoy such a visit, please let us know. Each lap afghan should be approximately 40x48 inches knitted or crocheted in washable yarn. To date we have received 75 afghans for this special project! We currently have 24 adult afghans in inventory, so we are asking everyone to consider crafting baby afghans to increase our inventory.

Monetary donations are also accepted in lieu of hand-made afghans to offset the costs of this project. Please contact Maria Lovejoy 330.220.3213 or Maribeth Lekas 216.408.6070 if you are interested in attending our next workshop. Feel free to come and knit/crochet and enjoy the camaraderie!

OCF—ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ~ COLLETE FRESHMEN ADDRESSES NEEDED! Our St. Paul Philoptochos reaches out to our college students by mailing OCF Connect Kits to their dorms or residences. New Connect Kits should be received this month and mailed to our St. Paul college freshmen. These kits include an Orthodox Bible, Icon of Christ, “Hear Me” prayer book, OCF drawstring bag, OCF lanyard and pen, OCF Water Bottle filled with delicious homemade koulourakia, as well as other fun goodies for our college students.

OCF is the National Campus Ministry Program for Orthodox college students. Greater Cleveland has four

active OCF Chapters that include students from Case CWRU, JCU, CSU, BWU and CCC. OCF plans meetings and various events for the college students each month providing free food and admissions. Please have your students checkout the OCF Cleveland page on Facebook for events in the Cleveland area. Free tickets and admission to various events can be reserved for college students by c o n t a c t i n g M i r a D a m l j a n o v i c o n OCF Cleveland Facebook page.

Please forward email and college snail mail addresses for any St. Paul college Freshmen and/or to donate, please contact Mary Steve or Maribeth Lekas







All Sundays 8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy Sunday School follows Holy Communion


1 2nd Sunday of Luke

National Church Musicians Sunday

Special Parish Assembly

1:00 PM Baptism


5:30 PM Greek School


7:00 PM Home Committee Meeting

7:00 PM Philoptochos Board meeting


7:00 PM GriefShare


7:00 PM Journey to Fullness


5:00 PM Rehearsal


2:00 PM Wedding

8 3rd Sunday of Luke


5:00 PM Clambake / Youth Bonfire


5:30 PM Greek School

6:30 PM Festival wrap-up meeting


6:30 PM Philoptochos meeting


7:00 PM GriefShare

7:00 PM Parish Council meeting


7:00 PM Journey to Fullness


5:30 PM Rehearsal


3:00 PM Wedding

15 Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council


5:30 PM Greek School

17 18

7:00 PM GriefShare


7:00 PM Journey to Fullness

20 21

22 6th Sunday of Luke

Youth Sunday

Loukoumades Sunday sponsored by Philoptochos


5:30 PM Greek School


6:00 PM Stewardship meeting


7:00 PM GriefShare

7:00 PM Great Vespers for Saint Demetrios at St. Demetrios Rocky River


St. Demetrios

8:30AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy at St. Demetrios Rocky River

7:00 PM Journey to Fullness

27 28

29 7th Sunday of Luke

Pastitsio Luncheon sponsored by Choir


5:30 PM Greek School


National Clergy Retreat Father Costas will attend







All Sundays 8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy Sunday School resumes in September



7:00 PM GriefShare


7:00 PM Bible Study


6:00 PM Rehearsal


2:30 PM Wedding

5 Daylight

Savings Time Ends

5th Sunday of Luke

Saluting our Veterans


5:30 PM Greek School


6:30 PM Philoptochos meeting

7:00 PM Home Committee Meeting

8 Holy


8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy

7:00 PM GriefShare

9 St. Nektarios

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy

7:00 PM Bible Study

10 11

Metropolis Dance Folk Festival ~ Campbell OH

12 8th Sunday of Luke

Greek School Loukoumades Sunday

Metropolis Dance Folk Festival ~ Campbell OH


5:30 PM Greek School


7:00 PM Philoptochos’ Let’s Go Shopping Night


7:00 PM GriefShare


7:00 PM Bible Study


5:00 PM Rehearsal

6:00 PM HOPE / JOY event


2:00 PM Wedding

19 9th Sunday of Luke

Stewardship Sunday

Parish Assembly


5:30 PM Greek School

21 Entrance to the Theotokos

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy


7:00 PM GriefShare


“Let us come before Him

with Thanksgiving”

Ps. 95:2

24 25 St. Katherine

26 13th Sunday of Luke


5:30 PM Greek School

28 29

7:00 PM GriefShare

30 St. Andrew

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Liturgy

7:00 PM Bible Study

National Clergy Retreat Father Costas will attend

GOYA Retreat Camp Nazareth


We want to take this opportunity to thank ALL the donors who participated in the initial Pave the Way Parking Lot Campaign. Together we were able to raise

$517,221. For those of you who still haven’t fulfilled your commitment or not made a pledge as of yet to this campaign, it’s not too late. Call the church office or see Chris Bodle or Thalia Marakas for more details.

Anonymous Families (36)

Alex, Rose Ellen

Anagnostou, George & Katina

Anastasakis, Mike

Anastos, James

Anastos, Mary

Asimes, Dean & Alexandra

Askins, Frederick & Christina

Asmis, Anthony & Peggy

Asmis, Nick & Tina

Athanasiou, George

Baltas, Emily

Barkoukis, Michael & Hope

Bartz, Presv. Zafira

Bodle, Chris & Georgiann

Bodle, Nicholas

Boukis, Christ & Photia

Boukis, Ken & Packy

Boukis, Peter & Lauren

Bozikis, Pete & Evangeline

Brown, Daivd & Kathleen

Cameron,David & Ellie

Cappas, Sam & Elaine

Carvaines, John & Becky

Carvaines, Bill & Elaine

Chames, John & Elizabeth

Chirakos, Frank & Gladys

Choukalas, Diana

Contoveros, Paul & Karen

Cook, Chris & Stacy

Cooke, Albert & Elaine

Cooke, Joelle

Crider, Randy & Mary Kay

Dadas, Alex & Rosalyn

Dadas, Helen

Dadas, Mike & Georgia

Dallas, Rocky & Rose

Daniels, Clara

Daniels, John & Victoria

Daniels, Steve & Elaine family

Daniels Sejka, Cynthia

Darakos, Liberty

Dellaportas, George & Teresa

Diamond, Dennis & Donna

Dimitris, James & Debrah

Downing, Jerod & Christina

Economou, Jim & Despina

Economou, Peter

Emanuel, Eva

Evanich, Michael

Evanich, Norm & Katherine

Forde, Tony & Mary

Fourmas, Ernie & Rita

Fourmas, Tom

Fox, Joe & Alexa

Gallagher, Georgia

Gallas, Steve & Irene

Geralis, Bill & Lucia

Gianiotis, Mary

Giatis, Dionysios & Elena

Gigis, Tom & Eva

Glaros, William & Kathy

Glasrud, Charles & Theodora

Greek Corner

Gregory, Jim & Connie

Gugliotta, John & Eleni

Harris, Katherine

Harriston, George & Stella

Hassel, Thomas & Martha

Hughes, Diane

IMO Domnitsa Cappas

IMO Jim M & Michael M Alex

IMO Mary Collaros

IMO Eva Gigis

IMO Elizabeth Kantartzis

IMO Anna Karadimas

IMO Mary Ann Katsiroubas

IMO Socrates Papadopoulos

IMO Nicholas Paterakis

IMO Althea Psarras

IMO Fannie Pyros

IMO Mary Ann Saridakis

IMO Rose Vardas

IMO Despina Vianos

IMO Tom Zervas

Iula, Christopher & Rhonee

James, John & Theresa

Javaras, Bill & Anne

Johnson, Frank & Eleni

Kadras, Effie

Kadras, James

Kaloger, Nicki

Kalucis, Chris & Sue

Kalucis, John

Kantzios, Jim & Maria

Karagiozis, Anthony & Gail

Karas, Arthur & Eva

Karas, Arthur & Susan

Karas, Chris & Dea

Karas, Sylvia

Kargiotis, Evan & Minnie

Kartson, Nicholas

Katsiroubas, Mary Ann

Katzakis, George & Thalia

Keares, Fr Costas & Nicole

Kelly, Shawn & Maria

Knouff, Gary & Myra

Kokkas, Theodore & Joanna

Konstantinou, Kyriaki

Konstantinou, Taso

Konstantinou, Theodore

Kontos, Bill & Kim

Kontos, Bill & Kim

Kontoveros, Mike & Maria

Kornelakis, Mary

Koulioufas, Tom & Maria

Kouvaras, Jason & Wendy

Kriaris, Ann

Kriaris, Demos & Joanna

Kriaris, Gus & Padmini

Kritikos, Joanne

Krokos, John & Frances

Krokos, Mathew & Areti

Kubat, Milan & Erin

Langos, Frank & Laura

Lavdas, Leon & Penny

Lekas, Nick & Kathy

Lekas, Stephen & Maribeth

Lekas, Tessie

Leon, Emanuel

Linz, Joe & Emerald

Makridis, Christos & Ivanna

Marconi, Stephen & Ioanna

Markos, Al & Popie

Markos, Bill & Kathy

Markos, Nick

Maropis, George & Helen

Marquardt, Eric & Daphne

Maskow, Brian & Julie

Matheou, G

Mazzeo, Dave & Debbie

Mellis, Mathew & Marlene

Mersinas, Marquerite

Moliatu, Robert & Paula

Moll, Bill & Becky family

Moore, Zoe

Moulagianis, Stamatia

Nackowiz, Bob & Elaine

Nicholas, John & Paige

Nichols, Lee

Niko's Bar & Gyro

Nikolaou, George & Kathy

Ocker, Stephanie & Sheldon

Page, Gus & Sonia

Pagonakis, Joe & Jody

Pagonakis, Mary

Palkovic, Franklin & Marie

Pallam, Evanthia

Panagopoulos, Chris & Maria

Pantazoglou, Ellie

Papanikolaou, Mike & Helen

Paparizos, Michael & Christine

Pappas, Markos & Rachel

Paterakis, Ergina

Payamgis Family

Pearl, Michael & Kathy

Perko, Annamari

Pontikos, Dean & Erin

Pontikos, Irene

Pontikos, Steve & Nicole

Porter, David & Jean

Poulos, George & Georgann

Poulos, Gus & Dorothy

Poulos, John & Elaine

Poulos, Nick & Chong

Psellas, John & Anna

Rackas, John & Christine

Rahas, Mike & Lela

Randazzo, Eric & Amy

Rassias, Gerasimos & Andriane


Regan, Maria

Ribich, John & Soula

Rokakis, Andrew & Dianne

Ross, Robert & Angeline

Rossi, Ernest & Betty

Rubertino, Joe & Frosini

Sabino, Anthony & Rita

Saint Paul Choir

Saint Paul Festival

Saint Paul Greek Corner

Saint Paul Ladies Philoptochos

Saint Paul Senior Fellowship

Saridakis, Manuel & Ruth

Saridakis, Michael & Brenda

Sarris-Orlando, Suzanne

Savas, Dennis & Mary

Savas, Kathleen & Betty

Schultz, Ken & Terry

Sekas, Theodore

Sfekas, Michael & Dorothy

Sfekas, Mike & Sylvia

Shinas, George

Simakis, George & Efty

Smith, Ken & Demetra

Sperellis, Tom

Squire, Brandon & Melanie

Stamas, Michael & Nancy

Steffas, Diana

Steffas, Michael & Renie

Steffas, Sophie

Steffas, Tom & Jamie

Steve, Paul & Mary

Sullivan, Erika

Sullivan, Jim & Karen

Sweet, Rick & Angelique

Tartara, Tim & Fran

Theodore, George & Irene

Theodore, George & Sharon

Theodorou, Chris & Kristine

Trakas, Bruce Wm.

Trakas, Jim & Anne

Trakas, Kathy L

Trihas, John & Effie

Trihas, Kathy

Tsigrelis, Constantine & Mary

Vasilakis, George

Vasilakis, Joe & Roberta

Vasilakis, Mary

Vedouras, Emily

Ventrone, Guy & Mary

Volanis, Mike

Vondrasek, Dennis & Diane

Wengler, Fred & Anna

Wiegand, Molly

Wilson, Drew & Dena

Xenos, Tom & Cori

Yurch Funeral Home Services

Zaharof, Phyllis

Zanoudakis, Emmanuel

The Magic Bank Account Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has Rules. The set of Rules are the following:

1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you

2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account

3. You may only spend It. 4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens

your account with another $86,400 for that day. 5. The bank can end the game without warning; at

any time, it can say, "Game Over!" It can close the account, and you will not receive a new one.

What would you personally do?

You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself - right?

You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right? ACTUALLY, THIS GAME IS REAL! Shocked ??? Yes!!! Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just can't seem to see it. The PRIZE is “TIME" .

1. Each morning we awaken to Receive 86,400 sec-onds as a gift of Life.

2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is NOT credited to us

3. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost. 4. Yesterday is forever gone 5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank

can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING...

SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds? Those seconds are worth so much More than the same amount in dollars. Think about it and remember to Enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than You think.

So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy each of the 86,400 seconds of every day!!


Beware of the Destroyer

I destroy homes, tear families apart, take your children, and that’s just the start.

I’m more costly than diamonds, more costly than gold, the sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.

And if you need me, remember I’m easily found, I live all around you, in schools and in town.

I live with the rich, I live with the poor, I live down the street, and maybe next door.

My power is awesome; try me you’ll see, but if you do, you may never break free.

Just try me once and I might let you go, but try me twice, and I’ll own your soul.

When I possess you, you’ll steal and you’ll lie. You do what you have to do, just to get high.

The crimes you’ll commit, for my narcotic charms, will be worth the pleasure you’ll feel in your arms.

You’ll lie to your mother; you’ll steal from your dad, when you see their tears, you feel sad.

But you’ll forget your morals and how you were raised, I’ll be your conscious, I’ll teach you my ways.

I take kids from parents, and parents from kids, I turn people from God, and separate friends.

I’ll take everything from you, your looks and your pride, I’ll be with you always, right by your side.

You’ll give up everything…your family, your home, your friends, your money, then you’ll be alone.

I’ll take and take, until you’ll have nothing more to give. When I’m finished up with you,

you’ll be lucky to live. If you try me, be warned, this is no game. If given the

chance, I’ll drive you insane. I’ll ravish your body; I’ll control your mind. I’ll own

you completely; your soul will be mine. The nightmares I’ll give you while lying in bed, the

voices you hear from inside of your head. The sweats, the shakes, the visions you’ll see; I want

you to know, these are all gifts from me. But then it’s too late, and you’ll know in your heart,

that you are mine and we shall not part. You’ll regret that you tried me, they always do…but you came to me, not I to you. You knew this would

You could have said no, and just walked away, but if you could live that day over,

now what would you say? I’ll be your master; you’ll be my slave, I’ll even go

with you, when you go to your grave. Now that you have met me, what will you do? Will

you try me or not? It’s all up to you. I can bring you more misery than words can tell.

Come take my hand, I’ll take you to Hell!

Pray for those who are suffering under the addiction of drugs or the many other addictions that destroy lives. May God have mercy on those who suffer from various addictions, and on their loved ones who suffer along with them. May our Lord, His saints and the Holy Angels be their companions on this difficult journey, and may they intercede to Christ, the physician of our souls and body, for the full restoration of their health!

Verses from Holy Scripture

You made known to me the ways of life; You will fill me with gladness in Your presence. ~Psalm 16:11

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who hopes in Him. For there is no want for the one who fears the Lord. ~Psalm 34:9-10

What is Success??? Fr. Anthony Coniaris

What do we mean by success? Success by whose standards? Jesus tells us that God is the final judge before whom we shall stand one day. He is the One who will proclaim us “successful” or “unsuccessful.” And the truly successful, according to the Lord, are not those who have only a collection of things to show for their journey through life, but those who are rich in faith and love towards God and other human beings.

Our society, and our ego, instill in us a desire for money, position and fame. We have to remember, though, that one day we will meet a Man who cares for none of these. Christ is not interested in our money, position, or earthly fame. He will not ask how much have we accumulated, but He will ask how have we helped others. How have we used whatever our earthly blessings are to help and bless those not as fortunate as ourselves. In God’s eyes, this is the mark of true wealth.

As St. John Chrysostom once said, “The rich man is not one who has much, but one who gives much. For what we give away will remain ours forever.”

Jesus Himself called a rich and “successful” farmer, who built larger barns to store all his wealth and who could retire early, a “fool.” His “success was nothing more than an accumulation of “material things” and in the end of life, he had nothing to show for it but his barns full of stuff.


Featured in our Bookstore

THE GREATEST OF ALL SCIENCES: TO KNOW ONE’S SELF There is a prayer that says, "Grant us, O Lord, the knowledge of ourselves without which we can neither rightly repent nor seek to amend our lives." The purpose of this book is to help us find our authentic self in the Trinity through relationships (to God and man), self-examination, inner stillness, humility, repentance, and the renunciation of the passions, especially vainglory. The most painful part of being human is that we are strangers to ourselves. Man can know his true self but only with God and in God, in Whom we discover our truest and best self.

INTRODUCING THE ORTHODOX CHURCH: ITS FAITH AND LIFE Here is a genuinely different and practical book for the inquirer and potential convert to Orthodox Christianity. It is different in a number of ways, all of which commend this volume to wide use by pastors whose task it is to introduce the members of their inquirers classes to an Orthodox way of life which will touch their lives in a full and complete way (Fr. Stanley Harakas). Chapters include: What We Believe About the One Apostolic Church, the Nicene Creed, Jesus, the Holy Trinity, the Divine Liturgy, Salvation,

THE NICENE CREED FOR YOUNG PEOPLE The greatest summary of our Orthodox Christian faith is made understandable to young people of the upper elementary and junior high level. Using stories, the au-thor simplifies the truths of the Creed and makes them relevant to the lives of young people in today's world. Attractively printed in two colors. A study guide on each verse of the Creed is included with questions and discussion starters.

Η Ελληνικη Γωνια ~ Μαρία Καρλατήρα (Μαράκι)

Αγαπητοί μου αναγνώστες νάμαστε και πάλι μαζί και αυτόν τον μήνα γιά νά τα ξαναπούμε. Το σημερινό μας θέμα θα είναι η Μόρφωση. Ναί φίλοι μου η μόρφωση γιά τον άνθρωπο είναι μεγάλο πράγμα. Σφιχτά δεμένη πάντα με την ανθρώπινη ψυχή η επιθυμία της γνώσης. Να γίνω μορφωμένος, αυτός είναι ο πόθος πολλών. Ένα από τα ξεχωριστά γνωρίσματα του ανθρώπου είναι ν’ανέβει καί να κατακτήσει τα υψηλά. Με την μόρφωση, ο άνθρωπος καλλιεργείται πνευματικά. Μαθαίνει να σκέπτεται, ξανοίγει νέους ορίζοντες γνώσεων, κατανοεί ζητήματα, λύνει προβλήματα και εμβαθύνει ακόμη στο νόημα της ζωής. Όμως η μόρφωση δεν είναι μόνο ο εξοπλισμός του διανοητικού μας κόσμου. Πλάι στο διανοητικό, υπάρχει και ο ηθικός κόσμος. Χρειάζεται και αυτός μόρφωση, ανάπτυξη και τελειοποίηση. Τό να κάνεις το νου σου αποθήκη γνώσεων, δεν είναι τόσο δύσκολο. Να είσαι όμως ολοκληρωμένα μορφωμένος διανοητικά και ηθικά, αυτό είναι το πιό δύσκολο. Ο μορφωμένος λοιπόν, για να ολοκληρωθεί, χρειάζεται να μορφωθεί και στην ψυχή. Να παρουσιαθεί στην κοινωνία με ήθος, με εξευγενισμένο εσωτερικό κόσμο, με καλοσύνη, με καταδεκτικότητα πρός όλους, με ηθικές αρχές, με τιμιότητα και αγάπη και σεβασμό στους άλλους. Έτσι τέλειος και ολόκληρος, σαν μορφωμένος, θα είναι ένα σπάνιο στολίδι για την κοινωνία μας. Το μόνο στολίδι που δεν φθείρεται είναι η μόρφωση, που βοηθάει στην ανύψωση της ψυχής. Μία ευεργεσία για το έθνος μας. Μία δόξα για το Θεό μας. Στ’ αλήθια φίλοι μου, τι ευγενικός πόθος!

Αυτά τα λίγα και για σήμερα. Ραντεβού τον άλλο μήνα. Εύχομαι σε όλους σας και του χρόνου για την 28η Οκτωβρίου. Σας περιμένω κάθε πρώτη Κυριακή του μήνα να τα πούμε από κοντά.

Our bookstore gift certificates are the perfect gift for every occasion. Stop by to purchase today in any denomination.

BLESSINGS FOR MY GRANDCHILD Blessings for my Grandchild is a beautiful and thoughtful book intended to be given by a grandparent to his/her grandchild and personalized, not only by writing the child’s name into prayers or by signing it as a gift, but there is also room to add a personal, spiritual family history, and to tell the story of how they kept their faith and how God answered their prayers. This book is written from the heart.


Boukis, Gary & Mary

Boukis, Kenneth & Packy

Boukis, Peter & Lauren

Boukis, Vaso & Steve

Bozikis, Mary

Bozikis, Pete & Evangeline

Brown, David & Kathleen

Bucciere, Scott & Alexis

Calabrese, Joseph & Deanna

Cameron, David & Ellie

Cappas, Samuel & Elaine

Carlotta, Vickie

Carvaines, John & Becky

Carvaines, William & Elaine

Celebrezze, Nicholas & Niki

Chames, John & Elizabeth

Chirakos, Frank & Gladys

Choukalas, Diana

Choukalas, Peter & Christine

Chrisopulos, Vivian

Christian, Angela

Christou, Steve & Alexia

Chrysanthus, Ifigenia

Cole, Thomas & Marilyn

Colovas, Anthone

Contoveros, Paul & Karen

Cook, Chris & Stacy

Cooke, Albert & Elaine

Cooke, Joelle

Costaras-Vasilakis, Irene

Cotronakis, Greg & Athina

Coundourides, Joyce

We would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all those who have made a commitment to our 2017 Stewardship program. Your generous donation keeps the doors open, the lights on, the staff to assist your needs, and the ministries running.

If you are behind on your pledge, take a moment to catch up; if you haven’t made a pledge commitment, take a moment to complete the bottom portion of your statement, and as always, feel free to call the church office if you have any questions. Remember, a pledge card should be submitted each year as your individual situation may change. Consider increasing your pledge if you have committed the same amount for the past five years or more.

As of September 28, 2017, we have 413 families who have pledged 289,901. Please remember, part of being a member of the parish is committing your time, talent, AND treasure. If you are in arrears with your commitment, you can bring it up to date through our website.

Aceto, Chris & Effie

Alex, Angie

Alex, Dean & Paula

Alex, Francesca

Alex, James & Nicole

Alex, John & Christine

Alex, Rose Ellen

Alexakis, Ginger

Alexandrou, Eleni

Almaliotis, Aris

Anagnostou, George & Katina

Anastasakis, Mike

Anastasakis, Pete & Theresa

Anastos, James

Anastos, Mary

Antonaklas, Elias & Elaina

Apostolakis, Nicholas

Arfaras, Spiros & Joan

Asimes, Dean & Alexandra

Askins, Frederick & Christina

Asmis, Anthony & Peggy

Asmis, George & Sandy

Asmis, Nick & Tina

Ayers, Antonia

Balis, Odess

Baltas, Emily

Bishop, Shawn & Megan

Blair, Robert & Marsha

Bodle, Chris & Georgiann

Bodle, Nicholas

Bosinger, Pete & Elizabeth

Boukis, Christ & Photia

Crider, Randy & Mary Kay

Dadas, Alex & Rosalyn

Dadas, Helen

Dadas, Mike & Georgia

Dadas, Skevy

Dalakas, Thad & Kyle

Dallas, Rocky & Rose

Daniels, Clara

Daniels, John & Victoria

Daniels, Lee

Daniels, Steve & Elaine

Darakos, Liberty

DeBow, Steve & Michelle

Dellaportas, George & Teresa

Demopoulos, Elaine

Demopoulos, Penny

Diamond, Dennis & Donna

Dimitris, James & Deborah

Dopoulos, Jim & Elizabeth

Douzos, George & Vicki

Downing, Jerod & Christina

Dunn, Darren & Mary

Dyke, Barbara

Eakman, Mark

Economou, Jim & Despina

Economou, Peter

Elliott, John

Elliott, Rae

Emanuel, Eva

Emanuel, George

Evanich, Michael & Sara

Evanich, Norm & Katherine

Fazio, Anthony & Mary

Felouzis, Michael & Maria

Filipos, John & Angelique

Filippakis, John & Amanda

Flinn, Mack & Alexis

Forde, Anthony & Mary

Fourmas, Anastasius & Rita

Fourmas, Thomas

Fox, Joe & Alexa

Frantzis, Alex & Nichole

Gallagher, Georgia

Gallas, Steve & Irene

Geanneses, Antoinette

Gemelas, Faye

Gemelas, Gus & Deborah

Gemelas, Sophia

Georgalis, Anna Maria

Geralis, Bill & Lucia

Giatis, Dionysios & Elena

Gigis, Tom

Giurukis, Andrea

Glaros, Bill & Kathy

Gousios, Andreas & Barbara

Gregory, Jim & Connie

Griffin, Timothy & Era

Gugliotta, Alissa

Gugliotta, John & Eleni

Haritakis, Michael & Connie

Harris, Katherine

Harriston, George & Stella

Hassel, Thomas & Martha

Hazinakis, Nick & Anna


Hoiseth, Michelle

Horwath, Donald

Hourmouzis, Peter & Bessie

Hovanec, Eleanor

Hovanec, George & Cindy

Hughes, Diane

Ingalls, JD & Christine

Iula, Christopher & Rhonee

James, John & Theresa

Javaras, Bill & Anne

Jaworski, Rikki

Johnson, Frank & Eleni

Kadras, Effie

Kadras, James

Kalina, Richard & Maria

Kaloger, Nicki

Kalucis, Chris & Sue

Kalucis, John

Kantzios, Maria

Kantzios, Nora

Karagiozis, Anthony & Gail

Karas, Arthur & Susan

Karas, Chris & Dea

Karas, George & Judy

Karas, Nasso & Heather

Karas, Nicholas

Karas, Sotere & Sophia

Karas, Sylvia

Kargiotis, Evan & Minnie

Kariotakis, Alex & Frances

Karlatiras, Maria

Kartson, Nicholas

Katsaros, Nick & Connie

Katsavrias, Jim & Vivian

Katsiroubas, Maryann

Katzakis, George & Thalia

Katzakis, Gus & Kimberley

Kavourias, Helen

Kavourias, James & Margaret

Keares, Fr Costas & Nicole

Keares, Peter

Kelly, Shawn & Maria

Kiriazis, Christine

Knouff, Gary & Myra

Kokkas, Demetrios & Irene

Kokkas, Ted & Joanna

Konstantinou, Kyriakoula

Konstantinou, Taso

Konstantinou, Theodore

Kontos, William & Kim

Kornelakis, Angeline

Kornelakis, Mary

Kostantaras, Dean & Patricia

Kostantaras, John & Clara

Kotian, Rakesh & Valerie

Koulioufas, Maria

Koulioufas, Thomas

Koutsoulias, Anastasia

Kouvaras, Jason & Wendy

Kozanis, Costas & Toula

Kreinbrook, Michael & Deb

Kriaris, Ann

Kriaris, Aristides & Olga

Kriaris, Demos & Joann

Kriaris, Gus & Padmini

Kritikos, John & Joanna

Krokos, Caliope

Krokos, John & Frances

Krokos, Mathew & Areti

Kubat, Milan & Erin

Kyriakides, Rod & Louise

Laios, Alex

Lamakos, Alice

Langos, Frank & Laura

Langos, James

Langos, John & Susan

Langos, Julie

Langos, Steven & Rebecca

Lavdas, Leon & Penny

Lekas, Stephen & Maribeth

Lekas, Tessie

Lekutis, George & Yvonne

Leon, Emanuel

Leovaris, Chrisoula

Lignos, Michael

Linz, Joseph & Emerald

Loizos, Bill & Athina

Loizos, Michael & Sophia

Londrico, Phil & Linda

Loucas, George & Sandra

Loucas, Penny

Lovejoy, Chris & Maria

Lucchese, Mary & Leonard

Makiaris, James & Diane

Makridis, Christos & Ivanna

Makris, Bessie

Mannarino, Peter & Antonia

Manuel, Evangelia

Marconi, Stephen & Ioanna

Markakis, George & Maria

Markos, Al & Popie

Markos, Bill & Kathy

Maropis, George & Helen

Maskow, Brian & Julie

Master, Mary

Mastronicolas, Bill & Diane

Matheou, Mary

Mavros, Chris & Kathy

Mazzeo, David & Debbie

McClatchey, Jay & Nitsa

McGillick, Kathy

Mellis, Mathew & Marlene

Mellis, Rosemary

Mersinas, Marguerite

Mitsiopoulos, Athansios & Anna

Moliatu, Robert & Paula

Moll, Bill & Becky

Montemarano, Jim & Julie

Moore, Zoe

Moraitis, Helen

Mount, Jonathan & Angela

Mouzakitis, Sue

Nackowiz, Bob & Elaine

Natsis, Demetrios & Caroline

Natsis, Effie

Nicholas, Deno & Joyce

Nicholas, John & Paige

Nicholas, Michael & Cynthia

Nichols, George & Annette

Nichols, Lee

Nikolaou, George & Kathy

Ocker, Stephanie

Opria, Matthew & Michelle

Outten, John & Mary

Page, Gus & Sonia

Pagonakis, Joseph & Jody

Pagonakis, Mary

Palkovic, Franklin & Marie

Pallam, Evanthia

Panagopoulos, Chris & Maria

Panagopoulos, Irene

Pantaleo, Annette

Pantazoglou, Ellie

Papadopoulos, Eftehia

Papanikolaou, Mike & Helen

Paparizos, Greg & Charlene

Paparizos, Mike & Christine

Pappas, Ermioni

Pappas, Marko & Rachel

Pappas, Yianni & Andrea

Paragios, Andreas & Keli

Paragios, John

Paterakis, Ergina

Pateras, Barbara

Paul, Harry

Payamgis, Antonios

Payamgis, George & Jennifer

Pearl, Hal

Pearl, Michael & Katherine

Perk, Kathleen

Perko, Annamari & Robert

Petsas, Anna

Petsas, George & Gail

Petsas, Georgios & Georgia

Phillippi, Jordan & Ellen

Phillips, Joshua & Kirasoula

Pimpas, Angelo & Mary Jo

Pistiolas, George & Maria

Polichuk, Andrew & Lindsey

Pontikos, Dean & Erin

Pontikos, Irene

Popadiuk, Elizabeth

Porter, David & Jean

Poulos, George & Georgann


George & Olga Vassilakis We invite you to join us for the coffee social which follows the Divine Liturgy every Sunday for fellowship. We look forward to meeting you!

Stewardship Commitment Form

Have you submitted your Fairshare Estimate of Giving card? Simply complete the form below or go to our website.

I / We commit $ to my/our 2017 pledge

Have you fallen behind on your stewardship? Please take a moment to submit your donation today by using the form below or go to our website.

Please apply the enclosed $ t o m y

2017 stewardship



Email Phone

Smith, Richard & Christina

Sophocleous, Soph & Val

Sperellis, Thomas

Spooner, Sam & Mary Ann

Squire, Brandon & Melanie

Stamas, Michael & Nancy

Stames, Matthew

Stassis, Persephoni

Stavropoulos, Chris & Pauline

Stavros, Dena

Steffas, Diana

Steffas, Michael & Renie

Steffas, Nick & Renee

Steffas, Sophie

Steffas, Tom & Jamie

Stergiou, Petros & Mary

Steve, Paul & Mary

Sullivan, Erika

Sullivan, James & Karen

Summers, Jay & Heather

Tartara, Jonathan & Kristina

Tartara, Michael & Connie

Tartara, Tim & Fran

Terovolas, Jason & Georgia

Tetkowski, Conda

Theodore, George & Irene

Theodore, George & Sharon

Theodorou, Christ & Kristina

Timms, Ronald & Barbara

Trakas, Bruce

Trakas, Jim & Anne

Trakas, Kathy L.

Trihas, John & Effie

Trihas, Kathy

Tripodis, Chris & Kathryn

Tsakalos, Demetrios & Heidi

Tsesmelis, Efstathios & Asimo

Tsigrelis, Constantine & Mary

Tsirambidis, Tim & Julie

Tsolakis, Emanouil & Daneen

Valantasis, Thomas & Rose

Varlamos, Cynthia

Varlamos, Nick

Varouhas, Emmanuel & Olga

Vasilakis, Constantine & Eleni

Porter, David & Jean

Poulos, George & Georgann

Poulos, Gus & Dorothy

Poulos, John & Elaine

Poulos, Nick & Chong

Psarras, Goerge

Psellas, John & Anna

Pyros, Nick

Rackas, John & Christine

Rahas, Michael & Helen

Randazzo, Eric & Amy

Rassias, Gerasimos & Andreanna

Regan, Maria

Regan, William & Susie

Ribich, John & Soula

Roditis, Harilos & Maria

Ross, Bob & Angeline

Rossi, Ernest & Betty

Rubertino, Joseph & Frosini

Sakellakis, John & Effie

Salvo, Salvatore & Katina

Sampson, Adam & Samantha

Sarantos, Virginia

Saridakis, Louise

Saridakis, Manuel & Ruth

Saridakis, Michael & Brenda

Sarris, Mathew

Savas, Betty

Savas, Dennis & Mary

Savas, Kathleen

Schultz, Jeffrey & Amy

Schultz, Ken & Terry

Scordos, Rena

Sekas, Theodore

Sfekas, Mike & Sylvia

Sfekas, Michael & Dorothy

Shamblin, Brian & Susan

Shinas, George

Siamidis, John & Charoula

Simakis, George & Efty

Sitter, Pam

Skaljac, Gregory & Stella

Smith, Kenneth & Demetra

Many thanks to those who are using your stewardship envelopes each Sunday. Please note the special enve-lopes inserted in your September / October set:

* Support a Mission Priest * Benevolent ~ anonymously assist those in need

Varouhas, Emmanuel & Olga

Vasilakis, Constantine & Eleni

Vasilakis, Joe & Roberta

Vasilakis, Mary

Vassilakis, George & Olga

Vedouras, Emily

Wengler, Fred & Anna

Whitacre, Kyle & Maria

Wiegand, Molly

Wilson, Drew & Dena

Xenos, Tom & Cori

Ventrone, Guy & Mary

Vlahakis, Liberty

Volanis, Mike

Vondrasek, Dennis & Diane

Vourliotis, John

Yeager, Connor & Eva

Yeropoli, Dean & Sevasti

Zaharof, Phyllis

Zampetis, Ted & Ann

Zanoudakis, Emmanuel


Holy Scripture

You will show me the paths of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ~ Psalm 16:11 Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name… And forget not all His benefits; who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercy ~ Psalm 103:1-4



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