The Media Equation Paper


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  • 8/2/2019 The Media Equation Paper


    4485-The Media Equation Theory Paper - 1

    PROPOSAL for the Critical Incident Paper1


    Steven Welch3


    March 22, 20125

    6 March 22, 201278

    Critical Incident Paper9


    COM 448511


    Media Studies Capstone13


    Instructor: Dr. Chuck Aust1516

    Kennesaw State University1718



























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    1. Life experience details47





    52As a young child beginning to grow into adolescence, I remember very fondly how53

    television played an important part in my development. The media equation theory by Byron54

    Reeves and Clifford Nass can be applied to my content, the long-running sit-com Friends that55

    aired on NBC. The six characters featured on the show were Monica Geller (Courtney Cox),56

    Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston), Ross Geller (David Schwimmer), Chandler Bing (Matthew57

    Perry), Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), and Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc). The show followed58

    this group of twenty-somethings who maintained lasting friendships with one another, and who59

    were essentially like family to one another (aside from the characters of Ross and Monica, who60

    actually were family). The show represented a cultural shift away from family oriented shows61

    that were successful in the 1980s and instead focused on issues friends might face and come62

    together to deal with.63

    Friends is, so far, the only show I have watched from beginning to end, as my older64

    siblings were the ones who first introduced me to the series . Throughout its ten years on the air,65

    Friends gained a loyal following as we watched Ross and Rachel break up, Monica and Chandler66

    get together and eventually marry, and Phoebe and Joey find themselves in both their lives and67

    their careers. It provided a realistic view of life in a major city and what comes with being an68

    adult out in the real world. The characters switched jobs several times, moved around (albeit69

    always within walking distance of each others apartments), and navigated the more rocky parts70

    of life like break-ups, divorce, and financial difficulties.71

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    The characters were not unlike someone most people know, such as an obsessive72

    compulsive type-a personality like Monica, a spoiled daddys girl like Rachel, or a ladies man73

    like Joey. As they progressed from their 20s into their 30s several characters went through the74

    stages of childbirth, divorce, and other experiences society faces every day. It made the show75

    more real, and the characters more endearing to watch. The series ended with two of the76

    characters, Monica and Chandler, buying a house in the suburbs after adopting twins. Even with77

    the notion that their group will not all be right around the corner anymore, they still remained78

    friends up to the very end.79



    I chose this concept for my final paper after initially choosing a different experience82

    because I feel this example better follows how I myself have progressed through life, as well as83

    the lessons I learned from watching Friends for all those years. It is my all-time favorite84

    television series as well, so this played a large part in my final topic selection.85


    3. IMPACT87

    Friends shaped the way I viewed my own friendships, especially as I grew older an88

    developed more interests that carried over into the people I became friends with . I developed a89

    tight-knit bond with my core group much like the characters on the show, so I could better relate90

    to what was happening on television.91


    4. HOW YOU KNEW93

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    A very specific moment I knew this show had impacted me came during the fourth94

    season finale, when Ross said Rachels name during his wedding to Emily. I remember getting95

    excited and anxious during the whole summer break, as my friends and I pondered whether Ross96

    and Rachel would get back together, and how significant and emotional a moment it was . I was97

    rather young when I first started watching the series, so this key moment is when I first realized I98

    was emotionally invested in the well-being of these characters lives.99


    5. AGE101

    The show started in the fall of 1994, when I was six, and ended in the spring of 2004102

    when I was sixteen.103


    6. CONTEXT105

    When the show first started I was younger, probably too young to really be watching a106

    show like that, but I was always curious about adulthood and enjoyed the comedic elements the107

    series brought. As I grew older and developed into a teenager, I was trying to navigate life and108

    find out who I was while also creating friendships that would hopefully last over time, much like109

    the six characters on the show.110


    2. How the required concepts from the Media Equation Theory apply to my life112


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    Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass Media Equation theory (Griffin, 2009) involves114

    interpersonal distance, similarity and attraction, and source credibility, all of which apply to my115

    life experience involving watching Friends through my formative years.116

    With regards to interpersonal distance, the media equation theory mentions that any117

    finding validated in interpersonal communication research should hold equally true in modern118

    media usage (Griffin, p. 407). The text compares this to how a person would react the same119

    way if someone was right in front of them as they would seeing something happen on television120

    or other forms of media. With Friends, I had different feelings and emotions when something121

    happened to my beloved characters, and I remember feeling like I was right there with them in122

    the coffee shop as they went about their lives. When Ross and Rachel broke up throughout the123

    series, the intense feelings they were going through transitioned into the real world, and it was124

    almost like I was feeling their pain as well. There were times when I thought of something to say125

    to the characters before realizing it was not real . Reeves and Nash even admitted an idea like that126

    may seem a little odd and that we can all safely say that real people dont reside inside of media127

    or on a screen, so it shouldnt matter whether images of people make them appear close or far128

    away After all, its only a picture (Griffin, p. 407).While I knew deep down that this wasnt129

    real, no matter how hard I tried, my feelings of being right in on the story showed the concept of130

    interpersonal distance to be true in my experience.131

    I believe that most of my fondness for Friends stems from the concept of similarity and132

    attraction.In this sense, Griffin states perhaps the most well-validated principle of relational133

    research is that perceived similarity increases attraction (Griffin, p. 408). I liked the characters134

    because they were similar to my own friends and I, and therefore I was drawn to the series . As I135

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    got older and more able to comprehend the storylines and the developments the characters went136

    through, I realized how they were in tandem with some things my friends and I experienced as137

    well. Much as we pick friends we have common interests with, the concept of similarity and138

    attraction essentially means we will also be more inclined to engage in any media we also have139

    an interest in, over media in which we dont.140

    The characters within Friends themselves also exemplified the notion of similarity and141

    attraction, as they were alike in many ways to one another, in that they were all young,142

    Caucasian, professionals living in Manhattan. It was very rare for them to interact with other143

    people outside their archetypes, a good example being the fact that it was well into the 9th


    that any of them dated someone outside of their own race, and even then the character did not145

    last until the end. While not exact copies of myself, my own friends and I are more alike than146

    any of us would care to admit.147

    While not as extensive, the third concept within the media equation theory, source148

    credibility, does apply somewhat to my own experience and ties in to what Griffin, Reeves, and149

    Nass have written and experimented with.Griffins text states that with this concept, the source150

    of a mediated message is the electronic messenger (Griffin, p. 410). In regards to the television151

    series Friends, I, as well as most of the rest of the world, saw the stars of the show as the ones152

    creating the series, not the writers who sit at the table hounding out the episode scripts . The153

    entire cast constantly broke records for the pay they received towards the end of the series, and154

    some of them like Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox were able to transition to other successful155

    movies and television series at the conclusion of Friends. These were the names we associated156

    with the show, with very few people knowing who David Crane or Kevin Bright are, despite157

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    them writing and executive producing the episodes for a decade. We see the stars as the ones158

    bringing the show to life, and those are the ones we idolize and give the credibility to . Griffin159

    states that credibility is in the eye of the beholder (Griffin, p. 410). We want to give credibility160

    to the people we see on the television screen each week, and often forget they just bring the161

    characters to life and deliver the message, which someone else as created for us .162


    Section 3. One specific, detailed insight, idea or process related to the theory that you will164

    take with you165

    I had never heard of this theory before beginning this critical insight paper, so it was166

    interesting to learn how each of the concepts factor into how we perceive media as more than167

    just a tool. One thing in particular has stuck with me already, and I know it will stay with me168

    well after my collegiate career is over, and that is the concept of source credibility. As I did in169

    my past experience with Friends, often times I tend to forget who really sends out the messages I170

    receive, and now I find myself being more aware of that fact and not giving someone like an171

    anchor the same credibility as the writer who created it . I also now notice advertisements more172

    than I used to, as they tend to use words to distinguish themselves from their competitors and173

    come off as the best. In the past I was not as cognizant of the fact that credibility can be174

    manipulated to seem like it comes from somewhere else, but now I find myself really thinking175

    about the overall message and who the sender is. There were times when I used to think176

    something was better than something else, simply because it was given credibility that made it177

    seem that way. I even once spent extra money to buy a Lexus over its Toyota counter-part178

    simply because of the credibility in the name.179

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    The Media Equation theory has better helped me tie in what made me feel the way I did180

    about something as trivial as a television show. From my experience of growing up with Friends181

    and learning how true friendships really work, to why I feel the way I do about aspects of the182

    show such as the stars, writers, and who brings it to the masses, this theory ties in to how I183

    developed with the show and in turn made my own friendships more valuable . Along with being184

    more aware of how this ties into my past, I have now taken parts of Reeves and Nass studies and185

    can apply them to my future.186

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    Bright, K.S. (Executive Producer). (1994). Friends (television series). New York: National

    Broadcasting Company.

    Griffin, E. (2009). First look at communication theory. (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

    Publishing Company.
