THE CULVER CITIZEN. · 'uppm'l of t'Vt:ry indi1·idnal on the I in fine health und...


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Through Eternity


============~---------~~~~==~~==~--------~===--=~~ VOLUME XII. R .. cora ers Office MayH CULVER, INDIANA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1914. NUMBER 592



Viewing Road Rou tes.

~. C. Thurnuln, .\lurk D. Fah·.-y and \"erne S. Gorrt·ll n£ Knox :uul Ray ;.;choonowr :Hid .\ rthur Tho !lip·

bOO or Plymouth :11'1' going 0\'Pr u, •. roads to be gr:tl'(•lf'd in Gf'rn""' township.\

FROM THE ACADEMY W. C. T. U. The\\ 1'. 1'. 11 ill 111tt·l 11 ith THE WEEK

IN CULVER :\fr~. 1.. 1'. Zrc·hid Frid.J)', :! u"duck.

' :\lr:,. I l•·11r.'· z,., hi .. I. J,.,.,J,.,.

Brief Mention or Culverites and

Thei r Friends Who Have

Come and Gone

The first tWII g••utlt•JII('Il nameu art: member;: of llw Thur111an Con­struction Co., whit·h i" huilding tlu· gflll't•l rood~ in L'nion to11 n~hip :md will bid on the work hPrl'.

A Record of the Past Week's Work and Pastimes at Culver's Famous Military School.

Pro~~ra111: Sou~-:-"~oll lf' t :tad l>:ty." !:'criptttr<·-Prtll'. ht c·h:rJI . I I Pra~ ,., Lttt e terns o r Local Happenings of

Dr. \\' iH<'man ~pt>nl Sunday in Chi"ago.

D:lnicl Eusterday ill cddlratrug l1i~ 79th birthday tod:ly.

1t i8 heli!'l'ed that thP market fur bonds will b!' mnrh hl'tt!'r after tlw f1~t of the ~·E'ar. .\~ !'OOTI :li' th<·n• i~ :1 market for hone!" the contrud for building our ro:td~ 11 ill 1)1' 1•·1. ­Brcm('n ~:nquirer.

l•:,·c·rybo<ly and everything is in t'<' IHlilll'Si< for thP Thanksgil·ing fe!!· lil'iti!'H ancl the whole school is in sh:qu• to ~hem the visitoril ,.,ome· thing ahout Thank8gi,·ing they will IWI't•r forget. From the Dr11mutic o·lnh Wednesday to the baiiThnuk~-

io the railroad tra!'k. Th!'n from the sixth tee, whic·h i~ on the t<mall hill near Uw !<ll'tunp aero:<• till' rail­road track, yuu drive to th•· "ixth anti bst hole which i~ in the n•ar nf tht· artilll'ry 8ht•tl•. .\lr~. C'h:1s. H.tnbenow of Chicago

\I'H~ nn ovrr ~unday vi;~itor with her ROn Otto. Mr~. K H. Pugh and dnughter

Yi1wtln :lrP I1Pre for a Thnnksgiving Yie<it 11ith ~l r~. Pugh'!< l'i~t!'r, )[r.> .

J. F. Kt>nrich. .\li~~ C:ru<·e E. Bmd lo•y of Thrrc

Onk!l, Mio·h., is hero in nttendane;e upon .\I r~ . .\1ary Hollett who i!'. il l at tlw h<)me of her ~:r:1nd~on. Wil­liam TloiiPtt.

.\lr. and Mrs. Henry Zechiel, WiJ7 lard 7.ecbiel. James Shearer nnil )frs . Charity Stab! attended the fu­n erll l llf Mrs. Charle~ Berknell at PlylliOilth Sunday.

.\[r,.. ~I. C. Hill rc>turue•l to \'an· t·ouver, \\'al:!h .. last Friday after ~<pending ~ix weeks vi~:~iting with her brothers (the Wisemans) und sis­ter in Unlver. LafayPlte unci Indi­anapolis.

Owing to an illness duP to a change in climat<' Rev. H. A. Davis is com­pelled to give up his work in the Boston Th~ological Rl'minttry. He arri vcd home Tuesday C\'l'ning and will remuin uutil lw reg11in~ his health.

)Jr. und )lrs. \\'. B. ~lile~ of Ca­bool, Mo .. urrived Tuesday for a visit with ~Irs. Miles' brother, D. W. l\Lnrke, and olher relatives in this vicinity. Thanksgiving day will find all the brothers and sisters and their families at .MN. Sarah Hissong's on the East 11idc.

Death or Daniel Holderman.

Danit•l H. H olderman died at t!Je hom1• of hi~< daughtt'r, .\lrs. Frank Overm)w. in Burr 01lk, Thursday evening. lie was past !l:~. tmd hn~ kept n store nt Twin L11kes ~tation

for soml' yrurs. being known there as "Father" Holderman. BE>~ ide~ his daughtc>r he lt>I\\'I'R a "on m .\Iihnlll kf.r. I<'w1eral servil-E's were conduch•d hy Rev. J. F. A pplernan, of Plymouth at Frank o,·ermyer's Friday nfLC'rnoon and the body was taken to Uolumbia City.-Hepubli­can.


Th•· <·•llllpldiou of t <'II y<'ars ,,£ sc·n·it-1• 11 ith tlw :u·:ult•Jny hy .J. \\'. Ri~gt'll" :111cl E. J. ll••rgman . rP~pt•ct­il'l·lv horiH'r :m1l tailor, 11 a;; madt• the o<,<'nsion om Thur:.;day night at th!' lJII)'t'K t't'~laurn nt or :1 hanquet l<'ndt•J'('(l to the Ofli<·<·r·~ an1l otht'r~

whn ha.J f.l·r1·cd a ~i1nilar rwriucl. The llll'llll wa;~ an attr:JI'til'<' uJW. inclmling oystt'l ''"<'ktail. hl,ll'k bu~~. F'rt'n<·h frieli potatne,,l'feamed peu~. l'l'gPtable salad, olin·s. celery, SU!'I lJUdtliug. and wtl'.,... It "·a~ pn·parPtl under )lr~. Hayt•,' suprr­visinn. and more thnn tbat in proof of it~ excellence cnnnot be said. Wh!'n the cigars wc>rc> passf'd. speech­es ll't•rc• in order, ".\lr. Hig~cns acting ~~~ tnastlllll~ter. ~·I'Olll the ~UJ)Nin­tE'ndt"nt :mel the other ollicPrs ,,r till' acHdPmy ther!' wa~ an uuhrokt·n linr of l!'stimony th:u tlw lll'purt· ments c·onducted by :\lc»ri!. Ri~­gcml and Bergman '"' ''e in :l high uegrct• satisfac tory' and that these gentlemen had won tlu· rt·~pect and confidence of e,·eno1w conn!'Cted

";th Hw iu~titutio;.. TIH'Y ha1·• retiSnn h• feel pro\lll o f tlw reenrol tht•y han· mad!'. Tho~(· prc:;E>nt wPr<' ('ulnnd Gign­

illint, )I ajors Glu~col'k and Greiner. Cnptains Hand, Hunt. '\nhiP, Grant. KE>mwtly. Buy~, F.lliott. :lle~~r::<. Holt. Brunk!', 'lt·L'ormiek. Kunkh·. :\lill<·r.

Sunday Hunting Prohibited .

Sunday hunting will not hr pt'r­mith•d in Indiana tlurinf! thr quail seaoon (Nov. 10 to .Jun. 1). accnrd· ing to annnuncem<·nt madr b~· Dep· uty F leming.

1-(i ,·ing night, tlw program will ~~~- A ~core vr ;{2-13 gave Cnh·•·r the j .. y thP mo£t hrurty co-operation of victory lnst Saturday over hPI' 111o~t both ,·i;.itor:> and (•adets anJ will, frienolly ri,·ai,)Jorgan l'ark:waol1·n1y. thc·N"fnrt'. han• it-. >-mootlnw•s ;111cl Jnci,Jentally tlw ganw w;h lr.1· far

'U''''"" a~·un•d. the mo~t intt•n•,ting for tht• 'lll'<'la-Thanks~iving th•· \'ll'<Jtor,< wilt tor.;; that !111" lll·t•n played u11 tlu•

hn1·•· the npportunity of ~Peing "'1~ home gnnmtl~ thi~ ~c:t,.O il. Jlnth of ('ul\•cr'« f:llll(lll~ l'~tortB of lhf' t<idt•l'< marlt• frt•quc•nf an<) pfft•c•fii'P •·olur and hallfllion Tl'l'iPII". .\t 11 usc• of tlu• fnrwarol pa"~ an.l thPI'<' n'!'lo•·k tlw 'c••untl fnntball gaml.' ll't'rt' Jll:llly >'))l·c·tacular run,. ~paf-11 ith the .\lrrrimac Athletic club ford and ~ay~t·r "tarred in the pa·~ "ill be called. Then at 12:o0comes aut! run part nl the game, ami Xim­thl.' big meal eaten with a vengean('e mons anti Md.t-an on gains through in all Amrri('nn l l0111P~< and wlwro tlw line for Culvt•r. F'or the vi~itor~ thf' tnrk<'y n•ign~ ~<uprenlP. ~lr. \\'agncr madt• hi1ll'<Pif promin<'nl, Bolrldt h:1~ tllf' hattalion in susprn"P first hy ~•·n••Ping up a fumhlt· during "" t" what h .. "ill a••compli;:h with a ~crimm:tl(l' :111ol making a :30-yard hi, 1:allant arr:1y of c•ook~ and h;l· run for a tuuc·holmlll, and lal1•r h)·

k•·r~. .\h·eady thP mouths nre n•c·Pil'in:; a wPII·plac•f•d forward pas~ ~IIIli!' king in :mti(•i t)tltion of the an- nf 2!j-yurd;~ and thl'n running through nual hig fPPtl. ,\fter this lingering th•• Cuh·<·r nwn for :1>~ m:my 111ore

r~~~~~t t~w gre~_t<'~t e1·ent of tlw I yards aero~,; !hi' goal line_. Till' tc··

d.t). for some, \Hll come to pa~:<. feree of the gnme was K enfil!ld, a tht' game with f.jniversity of Akron. famous quarterbnck of )!organ Park Tlli~ game-to repent lhe timr-worn in the dnys wht>n she used to t'OIIH'

:11101 antiquated phras!', but whirh ln CulvPr and win year after )'Par. of thi~ g:~me i>~ V('ry true- will IH'

till' IJardl.';.t gridiron battle of this Alter a lhc·w!'ek motor trip )'Par :uul will tak£• not only the· c•l- thrnugh the ~uuth Culmwl <, ignil­furt,. of the team to win, but tlw liat and family rPturned to l'uln•r 'uppm'l of t'Vt:ry indi1·idnal on the I in fine health und spirits. Hide linc•s. 1 The roads~~~ fur u~ i\aslwillo w••rp

For other,_, till' more fortuna to good and the fJilrty met 11 ith no ont·~ 11 hu :lrt• till' proud t':.<<·orh of grt::ttcr Jifliculty than r1 driving f11ir tuaiclen~. tlw ~:r£'1llt>-'t ev•·n~ • ,, ru1n. llow~n:r. their trouhl!'., I.e· tlu• day will COlli<' in the (orrn of I gan "hen they :-ttlrtt•d to ems-< the thl' long-awaited Tlmnk~iving bop. C\Jmberlantl nwuntain>. Tho· roads Colonel Gignil lial, ('upt.ain -:-loblt•. WN<' slippt>ry. nnd it WB» v••ry dan­and la~t but not l<·a~t. our umiabl!' gt•rous going down stc•••p grade·,, profe"ior of t.l:uwing. Mr. GaynQr. On the r~turn trip tlw l'olmlt'l hun• he(·n a tllllllllilt•••• of thret· in planned anotllt'r routP tl•rough .\Ia· c·nnfcrenee with tht• H op club and bama which wa~ much better than ~uml'lhing new and original in tht• the lirst one, although it mi~,.~ol way o£ decorations and figure~< i~ ~c ,·erul of lhc larger cities. proHni:.;t·d, tog!'tlwr with a trifle IIIOrt' During the trip the party ,·i~itt'd ln•, ·dom in the modern dance:>. Th1• the Georgia Tndu~trial l'ollrg•· fur nn·hc·•tru will renclt•r all the lat1·~t \\'omen. whrn• the Cnlont:-1 oleli1·-hits.

L<'alh·t-"TJ .. :-! tucl) .. r Phy~iolo- ln!erest to People in Town

gy :m•l llnwrw in tlw Puhli<· ~··houl and Country a Deli;::ht. a Xt'n·s,it) awl a ;\a- . tionnl ~ar .. guard. ·· I

){, .1-lin~ 1,11 ,;uhjN·t .,f ~.·i•·ntilie . ~Th.•• ~~•·at~wr fort><'a"t forThank!'­and :\J,.,Ji, d 1\·mpc>r:uw 111-truc· J.:lYIIl:; '" P:ur." H•·rp ·~ hoving. tion. hy. \l r~. ('h: rit) :->tnltl, t ... n-l -Craul:•·rri~, arr ,,..))in:; at 10

er.d •h·•U--loll. , ... ,,ts-tiii<'C u" •·ht-ap a~ Ju-t \'t':lr.

, ... ~"',If- t'hri~t for till' \\"uri I, \\'ejL.-t u.; ~·in• thank,.. -

· Lg. - .\kron i" quamntin•·•l on tH·-BetiPd il'l ion. ____ •·ount ol' ~l'arlet fever. Tl11· ~chools


anti t•l•uri'!Je• are clo;.t••l. l.iltlt• lake frnzo u1·c·r a \\'l'l.'k

.!•1 'l'w•-•lal'. ;UJJ th•· t. .. , . ._ han· . . I, ·o·n ·katin;; un it t•\'t•r ~in•·•·.

-Tl11 )[pthotli~t l:uli•·" •·l<•an·d about :j;{j!j fro111 thl'ir :-al•• and sup·

''\\'hat llnpprn<'tl In .\rgos" is pc·r ~allmlay. .\ f]n,. ~ll]l]ll'r. too. told lw tlu• .;~•or!' of .i(j to 0 wllf'll 1 \\' 11 1 1 1 tl · 1 -. • •• 1a~ rt 11 t't u :' t.t:~vi .\rg11" md Cuh·.-r Frida) ni)!ht. H t-Ilde r•on farm (l, 111 iJ1., nurth uf Our bos,. startt'd. wit~• a n~-h and tu1111 nnol i~ movi·n~ from Cuh·.,r kept the bull gomg m tht•Jr fa\'Or this ll<•ek. until till' tir·st hal! was fini,Jwtl. At the COilllllf'llc't'IHC'tlt or IIH· ~l'l'llncl half .\rJ.:u" lwld the· l··au1 du11n l11r a11hil•·. hut linalh l 'ull'< r lrruke

-On aet·nunt of two c·a~r~ of ~car­ll't fp\"l'r in :1 fan1iJy Oil tJIO' Y eJ)U\1' rin r tlu• llihb:ml ~··hnul i" •·lu~l.'l.! thi- 1\t·l'k.

lcJOi't- 11 11<1 ro··UHIHl tlw tino• \l,rk uf -f:11ru '\m·. ~~~. tu \lr. awl.)ln,. tlw "1:1~1. lk(•a,ionally .\fl!""""uld ,(;, ... q.:o· tl. Cru":;land, a Ito). who g<"t a tlt~t:t lll >-hnt at tlw h:n•kPt. hut I will h~>ar the n:ww of c;1.0 ige Otto would lad '" 'cnrc·. a-.. lh<') a l"' . Cru"•lan•l. faih:d <Ill thc•ir l'rPe •hot,, Fine' 1 t 1'1 k · · ·'

. • - At" Hlll F~gl\'lll::: \\at-: u3lllJ)

p:l!'::-lllg, lln]'ron •c l tt':llll 11 "rk unci u all dn\' 1111,) foogy in tlu• 111 )rnina quick •·y<· fur till' goal IJI:ult• it po~- with t.hf' h•mp~~;turt· ~tt·u•h: :H 4.~ eible fm l'uher to scor .. !wavily. all da\". H<'member '' -

Th(' Px•·•·llt•nt work of tlw guard~ i::. ,\ umrri:tge licl·ll~t· hns be~;>n :tl'o to hi' praisl'<l. for~" •·lo-.· was · 1 l~><llo'< to \lan•in T. Loullun, a WPII-

kll<lll 11 faru ... r on tlw E11 ... 1 ,.iJc. anJ )Jr •. l 'lur;! L. "ht-lly of l'lynwuth.

-n •. ,.. \\'. .\. Yt·i"h·y 'HI" in­"tall•·•l la~t Thu~<lay 11i~ht as pa,;­tor of tho· Hdormcd c·hurch uf Ply· lllOUth. ){,., .. A. J . ~lici\IIP) COil·

tlw guardi11g that .\rgu" 11 ""' tm;d,J,. to bring tht· lrall into >':If<' ~locHlting

ch~tan•·o·. l "'"'h Dilluu "'·'.., that h1· is w••ll pl""""ll with tlu· ~Iocr\\ ing tlu~ !t"lluw/'i lll:ule. On Thank~giv· in!{ e1·ening lht· buy::~ wil l t·Ja..,h with tht' ~tron~ l••:1111 from Walton. The

uuf'tl'd tlw ceremon'. former ganu· ... 11ith \\'altuu han been 1·er) intt·r•·~ting, and it i" :b- T lw wcding of till' L'ommer­:<ured that thi ... will 1,.. ., 11 ex~•'•· 1- l'ial dul• Friua:r ni!!l•t wa,; fur tlw in~ly t·xpjtin~ ~tUl lt·. \II an· askt·t puq, ....... \ .. r taking 'lt•tt~ ln r~ltnovt• (o Collll' out anol supr,ort till· t .. ;lm the lUll II pi•·r lor tlw 1\ inter. On I) and a>,U<'Jation tim .... llll'lllh~r~ ·· •hm~<·•l up," but

King \\' i11t•·r 1 " t.,.,.n d ... itin~.: Prt"_.;id<·llt \l eclb<lurn 11 "" gi,·en the

I I I I jolr-11 II •Ill pay, WI' ' 'l•l)ett. t w ,. · wn aw I '"ug1 1 1 1thf'r un-plem•ant •·o11olitinn'. T11o of the • -In a rPc'• nt cl:\y of -..hooting E. recitation rtlnJII;; ha,·e )l,.1·n 1nad" , 0 .r. Bm<IJ..y ml<l Arthur ~!urri~< killed c•oltl by hi' 111·1.,.,e1w 1· that t•la~~~·~ :~0 dtll'ki' ( th~ limit), 2X nf wbil'h c·ould not 1., . •·mJ<ltH'tt·d m tlrPill. ll'l•rc • :111\'a>- hack~ that w<·ighed Thtre ~•·•·til• tu he a lilllt· clitlinlltv ahout ~ JHtiiiHl'- ,., ... h . Tlw 11eatbf'r during tho·•• • c·ul<l ~II:IJI" to j.(l'l ;11 i• 11 111 )I'( t·oloi<·JhlU!!h in the Xorth FUnicicnt a 111ount of heat in all nfJIO ~tart th•• hin), 'outlmar<lmlargt•

the room~ to 111akf' them n·al o•om­fortable, hut tiH•se two hncl to hE' ahandonNI.

The <'Ja_.,._ in doml'•lic· "Ci(•nce

n urn bl'f<'.

-Lil'<'l')'lllan .\lill•·r hu~ IIIOI'I'll imo .\lary .\ledhourn 'R housP and Je"se Hhoad~ ha~ mowd the :.\lo~e~

-Logansport bad n $90,000 fire on Fourth 11treet Friday. T hP places burned out were Waters' dry goods store, HotTman'~ drug store, Logans­port Busine~<s college, Lewis' jewel­ry store nnd a candy store.

In former years LIH• do•partmrnt has countenan<'ed this l'iolation of the bw during thP quail ~ca~on for the rE'a!'on that mnnJ tn<•n hni'P no opportunity to hunt rxcPpt on i'iun­dny, but there hns hN•n ~o mu<'h complaint hy farnwrH that C'ommiR­sioncr Mile~ decided to !'nf~tr<'f' th•· law.

TIH· e~cort or c·ulor last ;\[onday, whi<'h certainly wns a pleaRurc·, wnK a ~mall part of tlw mi li tary prepa­ration for Thank~gil'ing cxercil'<''· ThE' program includl'H battalion rt>·

ered a ~hort tnlk before iUO young women, an•l the Berry ~chou! fvr )fountain Girls nnrl Boys, where thr children of tlw mountainc•t•r,.. are educated. Thl'Y also ,-i~itl'd tht• )fammoth Cn,·e.

''it·w and escort of t·olor, garrison A contribution of something more

pnrudC', rough riding exh ibition , and b:tLlnlion drill, whieh include~ 11 than thirty dollars was sent thil:; mu~ic drill. Parades hal'e been nu- week toW. J. Chalmers of C:hicngo rnerou~ latE>Iy and both they and for the Belgian relief fund. Se,·eral tlw battalion drills ~how the six- days ago Major Gla~cock spoke in

ba,·e been -tud~·ing tht• :1rt of pre· )lt'n-l'r huuo~-hi, old neighbor· paring a guvu whnlesomt br('akfa~t. , hoot I. )Jr. \[enoer h:l~ gone to the On Tue'<olay morning the Sth !!rude farm l<• Iii'!. Hen Hkkmnn nnd S. girls servt>d hreukfast to the lower E. \\'i"t'r ha1·e rented thr i"ce~r grade teacher~. .\t noon tlw fre~h- bonsl' oppo .. itt· the printing office.

NEW CHURCH AT SANTA ANNA It will be rem embered by the SAnta Anna church is a8x46 feet

readers of the Citizen that last o1·er ~til with an auditorium 32x:{8 spring tho Methodist Protestant fee t. The arrangement i'\ in um­cburch at Ea.~t Washington ll'a!l de- pbitheut!'r style- n oue-foot incline stroye1l by fire, which left the mem- from entrance to rostrum, corner berE without a place of worship un- aisles and circular Rents-windows til they received permission to use I of fancy Florentine g lass and very the Christian church or Maxinkuc- large. T he S)'SlE'm or lighting will kee, which was accepted. They at I be gas. There> i~ a <'lasR room 1-lx once set about to de1•ise plans for 25 feet, finisht>d I he same as tbe rebuilding the church. [t wae fi- auditorium el'cept that it is seated nally ()ecilied to divide their re- with double chairs. Threr 7-foot sourceR fo•· :t Rtill greater work and doors roll into a clividl·d ll':tll which a larger field to work in, nnd they open~ the cln~s room into the au­purchased the Christian church nt ditorium. Four iron columns add Maxinkuckee. Office~ were elect- greatly to tbc effect ancl ~ecurity of ed who at once ren•odeled nnd re- the building. Taking .. ,erything built the Maxinkuckee church, add· into consideration-with the walls ed a furnnce and a lighting plant , plastered with the lnt~st. sand fin­and dedicated it some weeks ago. ish, and water rotors ovt·r all-Con-

Officers were also selected and tractor Thompson has built for the ground secured to build a church people of the community a good, at Santn Anna. This building was substantial and much bc>tter build­started in August and has just been ing than could have bl•{'n t-xpeett'tl C'Ompleted, and wh!!n Jcdicated from the plans furnished him. next Sunday will give to the com- Now come the flnal dedicator) munity of Santa Anna a fine new sen•ices on Sunduy, No1·. 26. Ev­church. The old-time membership erybody is invited to an all-day will have two fields to work in in- meeting as tables are provided upon stead of one, and will no doubt sue- which dinners may be spread in the cessfully handle both Santa Auna large basement which covers the and Max inkuc kee with harmony. entire foundation floor. F. T .

b tt I. t 1 d f'hapel of this work and a8kecJ for

t•nmpany a a ron o goo< a ,·an· . . . t Tile fi t I tt I

. d .11

any mterested to make contnbutlons a gr. rs >II a ton n wn~ 1 .

t d I b tt II th . from their weekly aJiowanct:>S. 0£

11 grea ca <' er lan e pess•- 1 th b · · t 1 d d' 1 1 Tb . e amount a out half was gll'<'n by

mrR ~ 1a prl.' tc ec. e musH' tr ·d 1

If b d drill. whicb is the ~ami"' as w:~s u~NI o •cers an 18. Y ca ets.

lust Thanksgiving, i~. after only n ,. 0

. .1

. f I I · II h rurs. rgm luu returned on ~un-ew re 1earsa s, 111 c•x<'e ent s apr. , C I I G

. 'II' t 11

<lay from the ~outb where ~hr hud o 011e 1gn1 111 ~eems very WI"' . . • •

I d 'th ll · 'rh 1

bl'en VISiting ~mt·r tlw return of p <'USe w1 e1·ory Hng. e on y , . . .

th . tl t · t t 1 1 · Colonel GignJihat two week~ ago. mg 1a tS no Rurt> o >e p ensmg , · tl tb Captain Bennl'lt entertained tht• rs w we a er.

uwmbers of the champion B. c·om-

Xt'vrr ag:tin will tlu• cnthusin:<ti<' pany football team to a turkP) .tin· nwmbE'rs of our gnlr club haw tu ner un S~tunln~ !'V!'ning. tramp to the otlwr ~i t!!' o r the lnkr I .\Jr. Miller 1\'lth !our 1'11110'1 clt·l··· in urilt•r to partiripat!' in this rt'- 1 gates at~en~NI lh<> state Y. :\l.,l:- A. nowned sport. a~ 3 six-bole cour~<' com·enllon 111 l.afayf'lte from ~ rulay

i, ht>ing construl't••tl on the drill :md rumlry fi!'ld .

The start ing point - or to usr a golfer's term, "lhl.' firsl tee," is in front of the 1mil('rs' quarters. From hE>n• you drivf' to the fir:;t hoi!', 11 hich i~ in tht' l'Outhen~t corner of tlw tlrill field. then to tbe ~econd hole :~00 yards !llruight ahend to­wnn.l;~ tho Shaw school house. The third t~e is across the field from the cavalry field. from where you drive to the third bole near the Shaw school bouse, then to the fourth bole in front of the grandst and. From here you drive to the fifth bole which is 375 yards due north

tu )!onday. .\!r. and .\lr:<. E. R. Cuh·rr and

Mr ... ~· B. Uuh·l'r were among Mit!

first arrimls for lhe Thanksgiving.

- \\'ayne Brown, who wns here with "Black Samson" recently. wns found dead in bt·d ut the Plymouth Inn Friday morning. H., ''a~ :3:3 y.,ars old and partially purulpe•l. Hr 1\'IIS in Plymouth to UrTllnge ror RIJOwing views of the Hawaiian islands whert' he spent 1:? year~.

H is wile, it is ~aid by Albert Earl Black Samson's manager. 011 ns \?~.-000 acres of lund in Texas. Brol\ u't; brothers came from Chicago ancJ took. cha rge of the body.

cC.:.· '""""'t uu La,, Pa.:•-1 QuitP :1 lllo1·ing tale.

NEW WAR TAXES ARE. NOW DUE Following nrr some of t11f' items

on which tlw wur reYenue tnx is due: Banks. on ••:11·h :ti.t~lt.l of •·apitaL


tin Lowrs of the Hihhn rd ~chon I will' IPrHI the di8cussion on "Agricul· turf' (rom thr Teacher's \' il'll t)()int." and till' Cuh·Pr high '••hool will

Theatrl'>' ~Patin~ •·ap:wity nnt furni'h music 0\'!'r 2.>0, $2.).

E.tch hillianl or pool table•, $ !1.

Vc•ulc>rs in cigar::< an•l tobacc·o (exempt "b••n annual rec!'i11t are

---Union Thank~giving Services.

In re~pun~l' to proelanwlion~ i~­

l'Ut·d by Prt~i<lent \\'iiRuu awl GoY· c>rnor flabtnn the pc>oph• of Culver

not owr $:WO) , $1.')1). . . art• urgt•J to .lttt"ntl union Tbanks-

ProruJ~~orr nolt'" . n.-•t ,.,,.,.,.Jmg . . · tl '! E b h · "ll'lng .,.n·u· .. ~ at w .• . ~. f' urc

$l!K). :? n•nt•. ;'1'1 l t 1(1 ' I ' · I' . JUr!"t. ~•Y a u ,. tWn. ro};{ruru: Dcr·liE<, ,·nluc• m·er $1110 1111d not I II '' J[ 1 1 1 1 1 .. . ,. _ ymn n y. 10 y. 10 y.

E'Xtec••llng $:,00. ·>ll c· .. nt-<; !':to·ll ad- Hymn-'' ( 'onll'. Thuu .\!mighty t!itional ;r;,oo in ,·aluf' .. ;o •·1·nt~. Kine;.''

Firt' ill'llr:IIH'<' pulic-it '· r .. r 0':11 h l'r.I\'Cr- 1:··'· . . l. F. ,,,., rid . :tl uf pr .. 111 i11111• ~ ce11t. .\n1iwm-" Pr.1 i~· Yl tl X ·uuo:

T I I d I I of th~ L••r•l." e egrnp tan tP ep wm· llll''"agc•><. ~eriptun•-Rev .. \. J. ~lit·hut•l.

1 <'Cnt, to IH' paid by Rl'ndcr. l'r<·~i•lt· n t'~; Proclamation-;\[em-Perfumt'~. c·n~metiP~ and Himilar her of th•· Christian chur .. t.

article~. ant.! chewing gum. frat•tiuns 11 yu•n-" A nll'ri<·;L' · o f a c·t•nt too ~mall to atr •c:l tltt' rc·· OITerilll!. tail priet·. ....ermui;-H,., ... J. E. Yuuu~.

Jam1•' f>. Btttlt·r of ~uutll ll< ·lul i- l>u,ulul!) - "l'nli"t- (unl " t'\('.

tb<.> coiiPctur for thi~ dibtrid B~m·didin11-Re1·. Walkl:r

Teachers' Institute. By UIJ:Tl'<' III Pnl anlOIIf! the mini~­

tcr~. tlw utT1•ring will lJ•· usecJ for Th .. )ldt">il.dl county in .. titut .. II ill the OJJl'ning of a rdid ruuu for the

lie in. st·•~ion at Pl~·mouth fritl_a~ l soffere~ :unong the Belgians. Thhs and !::iaturclay of th1~ ~el'k . ~~~'" fund will bo• placeJ in t!Je baudo ot Rose )lo!N of the Culnr ~dwol ''ill a ('ommittl.'e. to be :muounced at have a paper on "Te:whing Dolll('~tic the !<t'nic~. 11 ho will qe!' that it falls Science L'nder Difficultie:;. " A us- into proper channel:;, ao stated.


Lot us H•'• • uu1.. ~ • FARM NO PLACE FOR TYRo' IT«M<>K>+O<OOO+<>S0«>11 $100 Reward.

~·~e~~:;~ ~;(~:.s1;:;\~p~~;~~llt~~ri- n Tried Cooking ! Prof. ~~~~~.:.Hralnr'e;:oraurt'~;eFcirl~.yta. r~ee; t':ho 0 ~~ - OUR BOYS ~ ~ fo~~~ ~~:~~~):,:;~~~~:;~~i~~~;s;)r~:~~~ .l.RTHOI! 1!. HOLT. Puhll•bor.

SOI!~<:IHPTIO!< ll•\ '1'1:::1 Oo& Yesr~ iD e.d"aoco •.••..• ••.•...••...•.•• a .oo :11:~: Month..!. in ad•auee.... ... .... •• .... .. . . . r,o Three Mouth~. in ad•anc:e. .•...••.•.. ,. .. . • , !.)

Al>\'t:RTLS!M; Rate• for home and for~ilU advertlslul' made

knowu on applicau inu. L,ftgal advt~rtislng at tbe rst.e.l t11ud bJ l•• ·

En'-MN &\. tbe ~"~~"-'dice at t ~u.h•r. lodJ&D& & frCVa,J.-t.·l~ m.til m a tter

TO OLJR SUBSCRIBERS On the In hel of your paper tht­

dnle on wbich \C>Ur snhscriptiou t-xvir.-,; is 1•ri11tl'd t-ach .,.wk. All t~ubsoriptionR an· d"ll'd from the First of thn t1to111 h shown on tho lubo~l. aud tbt.1 li:.:tHPe indicate tbe Year. For l·x:,wplu, .lobu Jones' subs!'ription is 1>-~id to .)au. I, Hll-!, 1111d on tbo pink slip ou his paper lii>Pl'<lrs

Jones John JanH \\'bon yon waut to know wbPo

your timl' is out look a t tbe pink lab!! I, Lhou~h t be paper will not be stopped withont giving you notice.

Ct'LVER, I:-;o., XOVE)!BE:R 26. 1914.

Report the News! Editor Citiz1•n: Sine<' I began

writing the~t> articles for the Citizen I h:l\'c learn<'tl con:;ith·rablr about

can Citizen. Hometown. e. s. A.: X Recipes s . 0 d GIRLS I ~ high tt•mion in~ulator~. PlymouUl If Chri~tmns mean« anything tu r~. ()C)()C;')CQ(li()()()C:)QQCIQC)()CC()I()(IOC)()i Wublngtoo, D. c.-Prot. \\'!IIi am J. l ~ an j Electril' Light & Powl'r C'o.

you here i~ your opportunity. Thi• •• ~.. Spillman. chlet or the ow~ .. ot Farm 2 __ _ hns nothing to do with the war. lt HOW TO MAKE SALAD. Management or the Deparum·nt or Ag- 0 W

rlculture. warns city men that unleijS . O+C>T-Q·~<>+O+O+O+Of<>t-0+0+0 T earns anted. i~ about humanity. It i~ neutral- tbey have been reared on tb~ farm tt:; neutral a-< p:Jin an,) ,;ympathy THEY ARE REALLY VERY EASILY aod know something aboul farming are uniWI•al. CONSTRUCTED. tbe chances tor auccess to that Une

are very slim. For tim·•· week~ till' hospitnl~ uae Only the Beat Condlmento And "'l.'he young man In the <•tty who has I

ht-re htt\'l' been :lb~olutely without Do Not Attempt Too Much On t. hankering Cor farming should hire cotton to dro.·~~ the wound- of dying Your Flrot Efron.. hlllllll'lf out as a farm labot t'r for tliO

Salad~ are really very easily coo· or tbree years." •ald Prof Spillman ~oldier~. TJ.,. .\rn••ri<Uil Ro·d Cn.,s structed, nod one needs only to use "He should select a cunuuunlt~ tn corps. 11 hid1 arrivo ·d yc~tO'I'dny, care rut judgment lu their preparation. wblch farming Ia being ('onuucl~ suc­hrought a ~mall SUl>Pls, which ll':tS Do no t attempt too much at II rat. ceasfully. It be Is a good 111an h " can

Practice on plain aalads and simple ~et $30 a month and llis board >tnd immediately distribult·u amnng the garnlshlogs before you attempt mak· lodging. He can clothe hhnso;lf and ho~pihtiS nml Will Jn~l only :l f~w iog daborate dlsbea. buy little lncldentals (UI $1U Pd days, even with tlt!' n10~t <·<~reful Use onl)' tbe beat condiments. montb. Tbe rt:ulainlng $~0 must bt.

use. Doctor~ and nun<<·~ an· fon·1·•l to

u:w small hags of threads. Enry­bocly in \ 'i!'nna who c•au't hel tl in any other wny sprnd~ hi~ or her spare time in unrawling !'ntall square!' of cloth, cnt frnm !<lll'd0

and hanllkt•rc,hiefs. Tho ~hort pii'<'('S of thread :u·l' sew,.cJ into hags o£ gauze, which are ~tNilized. Tlw most dt·lic·:~tr wound" mu~t he tlresscd with thi~ rough ."harsh ma­tl'rial.

Ecouowy must uot ba overlooked, but de[loatted ln the b.,st bank lu the nt>ar·­it Is poor economy to use luf41rlor m~<· 11&t town. AC!el' ht; hab d~:lJOijltt<d bts terlala. i&>'lugs regularly tor a >car or more

All salads are &ood tor luncheon, tbe banker will bt<gln to take notlc., but only vegetable salads sbould be of hlm. Before long be "Ill otrer to s~;rved lit dinner. If u. Freucb dreijs· h;od blm mOnt!~ to rent und "''luiP " lng Is used, the salad may be mixed tl1rtu of hiS own.

"Tile young man who >tU<'lB in this on the table, as French dresalo~ will way wUl rent only a small farm. oay not bear waitlng. IItty acres. at tlr~t. Within a > "ar or

To make a good English dreaslng two, by hal·d work and lntrlligent put Into a bowl one ana one·halr tea- management, he will hiH e rO'paid the spoons or salt, one·Courth teaspoon loan and added to bls savings suUlci­pepper, six tablespoons oll, and two eotly to justify him 111 renting a Jar· or , ioegar. Add a piece of Ice size or xer arcn. A little later ht• "Ill be hi r­an egg, and stir with fork five min· tog rarm labor and will o" n Itt. utea. 11emove tee. beu dressing un· place." til thick and serve at once. • Prot Spillman advises would·b•'

AN AMUSING TOY. For "vrk on tJ,,. nt-w grnwl roads.

Apply tu ~- C. Thurwan. Culnr.

Notice. Hobby Horae and Rider Move on Pivots In Liff>llke Manner.

An ln;;<!nlous and amusing toy bas H idlest markl'l pri<'c pnirlat all t.oeen de,·bed by a Canadian and I» times fo r n>al, bnt!t>r, egl:{B aud all ~bo"n her.,\\lth. It comprises a bobby k inds <•f 1 onltry. PhonP 5 o r 4.4-2 horse, ou which Is mounted a man W v '-l 1 lkln. both horse and rider being pivOt· · · -------

I _.... ... l lttlt

ally conEtructed at different parts so Old uPwll )It ,..,8 J>t the Citizen that when put In o.cUon tbe motion I I I~ 'err llf~;llke. The two tlgures are -------------~­wounted ou a base which rocks oo ao t!ltiptlcal ijteel band, wblcb also act~ as a spring. 'fbe boree'a forefeet arc photed to a block on tbe stand nod hi• hindquarter.; are ph oted to bls !Judy. 'fhe rider Is pholed to the M•at and un clastic connection "ltb th~ animal's rear legs operates both ligures In relation. When lhe base or the toy Is J'O(:kcd ur made to

Fancy Golden Horn

Flour None Be tter None So Cheap

$ 3.25 p e r cwt.

th<' ncwspnpPr bu~inc·~~. and thi11 wrek I am going to urgt' thP rt•ader~~ American~. in tlw nanw of hu­lo) ht'lp the puhlisher out hy Rending jmanit.)', n~tght to ~··wl rot ton to in the itcr11s of news tht•y know. • Austna. \ o other c·nuntry can help

It seems tlw comnnmity in which in this way. The greate8t c·om-

Cabbage Salad. tarmera to avoid the mistakes or Chop t"·o cups cabbage fine wltb largely Increasing a particular crop

one cup celery aud add two tea- following a aeuoo or \'cry hiKh prkt:s. spoon minced chh·es. Mix this wrtb He displayed a llttlc chart sbowln!;' mayonnaise to which two drops to- tbe size and pr·tcu or tbe t•otato c·rov

a paper i~ pubJi,.heol I'XJl(•cts its new~paper t'mploye:> to know e,·ery­t hing that ia going on-ne,·cr thinks of Idling thr publiFher the items the) 1·xpert 111 ""e in th1• pap('r. but bbm('!' hiru if lu• faib 111 t .. arn of tlt,•m him~l'lf.

\\'hy <·au't 1'\'Lry c: hur1·h. school, lodge and C\'cry other ~oCillty in our community hnn• a reportrr of its own whose duty it woultl u!' lo see that news regtHding it wnq ~ent to the paper. I am sure tlw publi~her would appro1·e nf >mch a plan ami gladly print E>Yery item furnished him.

l'hcrc is nut 1 chml'h, t~houl or 01tlwr organiz •• tion that dot::; not h:t ,.e r.,:tl inter.•Hting happt·nings every wt·<'k and if tlu·~c Wt'rC li'J>Orted our Joe I paper wo 11 be ''<'luo·k" full of interest in I'Hry i~;one. Our Sun­(by ~chools could furni~h ncw:l; the public ~choolr; in town and HUrrountl· ing countrv could furni~h 1 t'W8: even . -lodg1 (·oulol reports its meeting'. A II that i;. nrt·olo:ol i~ a do•to·rmin•••l efiorl on tht' }Hirl of the a~Hociation" thrm~elw•«. Hurrly tho• IJ:lp<'r rtMs its part in granting u~ the• 'Jl:l<'e. free.

A great m:lny people frt'l they can­not write w(•ll enough. or <lo not un­der~tantl what i~ want<·d Wt'll enough tn act a!' such a r~:>port1•r, hut all of this is a mistake. I ha1·e learned that all a paper asks is that it be given the news, aud if it is not got­ten up correctly forpublicalion,some­one in the onice will he only too glad to put it in shape for publica­tion. And W(' ~hould not 1•enFor the publi~her if he changes our contri­butions. It is his privill'ge to alter items to comform to his t·ules. l\fy m1 tt contributions often arc ::tltered in the wording. :tnd I ha\'(• always had to acknowledge thl' change im­proved them.

We all depend upon tlw local pa­per to chronicle the items of the en­tire community. Why not let the entirt> community !'omo to a better undrrstamling with thl' pap1•r. It iA not only willing, hut anxious for your llllii'S. Ht.>ml it in. .\nd Jet's not forget the suggestion of having a reporter in all of our societies. Whnt organization will be the first to appoint one? Oa!'lERVER.

Must Use Stamps. Under the pro,·isions of the new

enu·rgrncy rt'\'o'llll\' lnw uny per~~on

who i~sues, ~ign~. or causPs to bo Rigncd any doc·umt•nt. in~trument or paprr of any kitlll :~nd fails to litamp ~nnw with th<' proper ta:t :;tamp will lw guilty of mis1h~me:111or nnd may lw fim·ll nol II lOri' thnn $100. Furth­l'r , if tlw J)l•r:oon who aflixe~ tax slum]' dol'- IU>l "rite his initials on th<' stump :lnol ttw date of affixing, thus <':tncelling the st:rmp against furth!.'r tt~P hi' is liable to 3 fine not e :tl·o·l.'<ling $500 ami nuty bt' imprison­ed.

--- -Wood for Sale.

C:ond. dry < •k wood 11! Castleman & <Vs.

Old newspapt: ra , any quantity, at the Oiti~en office.

plnint in .\ uu·rica i> the m·l•r-sup­ply of cotton. In .\u•tria wounolo·d men are dying iu agony for lack or 11 few ounct·~ of it. And soon it will be ChristmaS:tinw throughout tlr1• woriol.

By paro·o·l pn~t a vast quantity nf ah~orbl!nt o·OJtlon c:\n IH' "'ent lo \' i­enna if .\merican citi1.t-n" will takt• upon Uwrn~eh·es lh(• p~rsonal n•· sponsibility of t>:lch buying :1ntl mailing, at parer! po~t rates, a !<mall bux of colton. 1£ th1• J)n<'k-

. II I ''THE n '-~ I) ll~P I~ :1< l ro'oFel • 1\ r. <:ROSS, \'I EXN .\." and 1narkt·d "\V:ltte auf fur di<· \'erwundl'\e" ("CoUnt, fo•r tlu· \\'unn.Jed") it "t II rt•ach till• ho,.pit.tls within" thrt•t• weeh from the timt- it i!; pO:~tl in .\meri<•a. ll should ea~ilyl;read1 hl'rt> beforo• C'hristma~.

I h:tl·e n-:c·t"rtainn<l tht• exact ~ t-ltution in "regard tu <'olton in ho~ritalA. Evt•n tlw ~Upply of

tlu• ~upply nf Thci'C is nonP.

h<"pital l{mlt<

only 1\\'0-irwh ~quart·~ uf g:nw· tn­"'tPa:l uf tl11• regulation gall?.!' ol handk!'rl'hi..C ~iz1·. ~lore gauZt'. it i,., bclie1·ed, t·an lw manuludur.-d in Austria, hut ~~cotton for hospita 1~ must be Aupplied fron1 thefoul~idc world.

\\'ound(•cl men, with bad ~ur1•,;,

suffer exqui~itcly for lack of ~;oft cotton drc~~ing. Head wouncls, where portion8 of the ~kull are hrn· ken away, cannot be• l'afely dre!l~ed with anything but ~oftl:'.ot cotton. J n lhr operating rooms oi the great hospitals of thi~ city. which cnntniu some of till:' grt:ate~t nnd mo,;t fa­mons surgt'ons in the world, the skil l of the life-savers is often Sl't 11~ide and tlwir hand~ palsied for l:tck of cotton drP~,-inJ!.

.l\urses tell me tlw mo"t distres~­ing stories or being fon,ed to uoe tho clumsy :md harsh bags of ravt>l­ings on wounds wher<' the delicate nerves are exposed. A bag of rn 1'­elings. dipped in benzine. is thr means by whirh thE' lir~t w:lqhing is gi,·en tu all wound>~ except tlw most delicate and dnngerous.

nlcdicitlod, or absorbent. cotton may be purchased at any drug store and some olcpartment or general stores in l:ii x !'t::tndord size!;-~­

ounce, 1-ounce, 2-ounce, 4-ounce, 8-ounce unci 16-ounce. The aver­age price rl.:slJecti,·ely. nrc 5, 10, 20. 25, 30 and ;)Q cent~. Price~ nrP genPrally ltighrr aL tlw pre~cnt time brcausr of th(• long !<l:tgnation of tlw cotton market.

Ladies' Bazar. The ladies of the Chri~tiun church

will hold their 7th anmul Chriqma" sale on Dec. 4 and .:> tn Wickizt•r')' furniture ston•. Conw and get your Chri»tmns prc~cnts of n~-<. See our doll <'OUntl•r. Evt'r~ body come. Home mndt· l':lndib :ttlll pa;:,lrics. Don't forgd tlw J:tto•, Dec. -1 nnd 5. n19w3.

Money to Loan. .Money to loau at 5 per cent on

fa rm securi ties. H. J. Meredith.

Sale billa printed at the Citizen.

basco sauce has been added. Serve during tbe ten years. with parsley. I "You w111 ob84'rve," h{• >ald. "that

Pineapple and Celery Salad. • tbe price reeelved ror potatoes IS reg-Take two cups shredded pineapple, ulated absolutely br tht- d~mathl.

add one cup chopped celery and one Every year tbl\t the crop Is ovt•r-plan· pimento cut fine. Mix with mayon- t.ed tho price Is low, uuless it happens nalse serve Ice cold on lettuce gar- to be a bad year for potatoes. nish ~ltb nutmeats, or serve In cups " Men who know nothing about live made or apples peeled and acooped stock raising frequently make the mis-

Rocks on Spring Support. bounce up and down the horse's body mo,·es on his pivoted forelegs and hindquarters and gives him the ap­P~>arance or running. At tbe same time the body of the rider sways back and I ortb in th • manner or one urging his mount ror·ward, if not In tho best equestrian style.

out. · take or thinking theY <·an get rich Yellow Egg Tomato Salad. quick by purchulng bigh-gmde ani·

'fhle Is one or the pretlleet and mala and d.lsposlog of their otrsprlng most decoraUYe salads made. Sca ld at fancy prices. 'fbey may raise floe !)eel and chill one quart small yello"· cal•es and colts, but until they have

U tock aise1'11 The P~rrot's Mlat~ke. tomatoes, pile them on a dish or built up reputa oos as s r b Ul b dl l)olnted In the flnan Have you heard of "Merrie Eng-fresh green lettuc~. covel' wth may· t ey w e sap · •-• t ...,ecau e " mnn buys a l~nd ?" Well, it isn't always merry, onnalse and garnish with sllcP& or cu- Cuu re U\'0-S. "' 8 •

cumber. $1,000 cow, It doea not follow that bo but here Is a very merry sailor boy


Nothing More Delightful For the Morning Meal-Good Cold or Hot. These cakes may be made up the

"' eniug before. Place to the baking pan and set In a cool place to rlse slowly until morning, tbeo bake tor breakrnst Set a small sponge, just l'nougb to make a pint or dough. \\'hen this Is ready to place In bak· lng pane, add to It tour scant tabl& spoonfuls butter, two or sugar, the well heaten white of an egg, a salt­•poontul or soda dissolved In a little warm water, and b.alt a teaspoonful or ground clllllllmoo, or It you use It a few drops or rose water llavortng. ).fix thoroughly together. using aur­tlcl~ot flour to make a dougb still' enough to roll ouL Roll out quarter or au Inch thick and spread w lowing: two.thlrda or a cu,p

lth rol· or au-

gar. beaten light with one egg Roll up like JOJIIY cake and wlth a abarp kntre cut transversely loto plee es an inch tblck. Set oo ends, cl oae It>-gether In buttered baking pa na and

d let stand until very light an then bake in rather a thick oven. 1'bese are good cold as well as bot.

Rice and Peachea. rushed One-hi\ ICo cup rice, two .:ups c

peaches. one-halt cup sugar, o cup milk, one-half teaspoon sa tea~poon buller, a little grated meg or a few drops or \'&Dllla. and boll the rice 20 mlnutes; (do not blanch), put In top of boller, add the milk, halt the nutmeg or vatollla, aod salt slowly 20 minutes w!Ulout a The rice must absorb all tbe Brush tour custard cups with butter, till wltb the rice and regrlgeralor until Yery cold. out oo aaucedlah and con r .,. crushed peaches, to ..-olcb tb ance or the sugar (or au(CV to has been added. IC decorated two or three dainty green lea any kind it will make a nrt

oa.halr lt., ooe

out· Wash drain

double sugar.

; boll cover.

milk. melted set In

Turn ltb the

• bal-tute)

with •e• ot attrac-

tlve deaaert.

Molaoaeo Taffy. uarter One plot or molaeaes ; one-q

teaspoonful or bicarbonate or on&balf teaspoon.tuJ or letnoo Put tbe molasses In a aaucepa boll Cor rttteeo minutes. atlrrln stantly, It you flod It coming q to the top or t11e pa.n It Is be ll!t It oil' tor a moment. After been bolllog Cor fifteen mlnut tbe bicarbonate of soda and co to boil until brittle when a ll dropped Into cold water; then a lemon juice and pour In well·gr shallow pans to cool. Wbeo cold mark oil' In aquarea, or I be pulled until Is a brlgbt y and made Into sticks, or cut scissors Into little drops.

eoda; Juice.

n and g COD· utckly

tter to It bas

es add ntlnue ttle Is dd the eased

nearly l may ellow.

wltb a

The Hardeot Work. a that The hardest kind of woFk I

which Is put off. When a girl something lhat muet be done U last minute, she makes It tw hard, as a rule, than If abe had It the llrst minute. Procraatl as 1\ htlrd word, and It ou&bt lor It stands for aometblo~ ma.kea ilvery b.ard duty harder.

leaves 11 tbe

Ice u done

nation to be,

Wben next makln~ Jrlddle add a little brown eupr or IDQ

to tbe batter, the calr:a--wtll better and more eaatJy.


caltH laiMI


wUl 1et •soo tor eyery ~alt. He must Mory that comes trom there. tlrat make a orune Cor hlmaelt as a Some parrots can talk ln a \'ery breeder. cle' er manner. aod their droll saytnga

"RecenUy thla ollice made a survey oltcn make people laugh. or a county ln Pennsylvania tributary Que parUt'ular pari'Ot was tb"e pet to Ph11adelpbla. Several farmers were ou board il warship, aod It was >IO toun4 who were clearing on the aYer· "ry cle\er that ll learned to Imitate -.e $3,000 a year. Most of tbem madt~ " great many things. It often hellrd money on milk. Dut It apl)earcd that 11>" boats\\ ain of the ship blow bill all the ClLMilen who made a proftt oo wblslle wheu be waa orderlo& tbe m1Ut kept cows tbat ytelded a .1il0r wen bout tbel r work, and m a x1mwn amount. in scm~ tnstanc..s ; before , ery long It could Imitate 'Ute yield wu $100 per cow for tbe t'tl\ctly ... , t•ry kind or whistle. 7ear. Other rannera reported a yteld \\'ell, on._. day a party or ladle~ u low as $20 per cow. and tbey we1·e <·a me from tbe shore ln a small boat lo• ln&' money on m.lll<. •rhe cows un a visit to tbe warship, and aa tbe w llJeh ytelded $100 were oo more ex- sides or the ;,hlp were very b.lgh, they ~YO to keep than thosE' that yteld- bad to sit In a chair 10 be hoisted oo ed only $20. Tbe $700 farmera would to thtl deck. 11811 tbetr co·•n tor beet long before .\ <·opo Wllil fastened to the cbatr, the anoDAl yteld got anywhere near of courbe, und some sallormeo pulled UO pet' bead. the rop~ uottl the lady lu lhc cbnlr

got to tbll dl!<:k. 80NQ OF A CRIPPLED Poll) !be parrot Wll.l! looking round

BI RD WINS CHILDREN a t•orocr Wtltchlo& tbe ladles come

Orie-L to egged Gro.beak Convorta 10,000

Prvtectlon of Wild Life of Country.

Col tq ota

oradO 8prtop, Colo.-The chirl>­oo&-leggcd bird lulll won more

000 achool chlldren to the pro. or bird and animal ure ln this ol Colorado. The little bird,

thu 10. &eetioll ~Oil

a black -be">'ed groebeai, Ia a part of W. Arnold's "bird hospital,"

be eatabll.abe<l !Jult Call to care ow-b~t to bJm by the school

dl1ld.nrD. There are ftve bln1a in tbe

Dr. w. wbJeh tor

J>o.ptta1 at thl.l tlme. all thoro~ ~

Tbe IP'Ofl~ •aa shot wt fa.ll. a a Yin&' being broken. A ~ fDaDd the bird and took lt to

An:lol4 aDd 1t reooiYed caretol at­Tbe wing was healed bu~ the 1laUenld ud ha4 to be am-

lecud 8Cbo9 Dr. uratioa. lee ..... pldaaed

-rh1a -to bird Ht.l

UttJe wtvm p or a leg Ia dolo& make the cbJldren appr-edato 'tlwl an the boou that COQld

'be .. nu- or an the locturi!ll thAt be deUYWed." said Dr. Arnold.

leetttre at Fort :Y' Orp.Jl OD ut. ~ J alloYed 'Biaek:le' to

cldl4ral a IUIXDber ot tbem crted. '11 bpt up a merry song all the wu tal)1ng and I Yoold wager

- of the cb1ldren who saY Jt

.-ald. -.At the ..,.. u. ~btl dmil I wm - banD a bird ap.lD. All the ...,-up azl4 all the ......,. baclr: the little fell. kept liP h1l .our;. attracting ~ atU.ntlou..

die -co1orado 1!1~ Ia tJ>e onty clty in

1I"'rl4 m. w!lldl the children reed btr'l1a ~ d~ the

Dr. A.nlold otaU!d. "llany ot IID4a;y ecboola tu:e up ool18ctioD.ll

toed tor the bl.rds. and the commi.MSou h.u eata.bll.ahed llttle

pem Uld At the lime the pub are toll or

u..• tlwl 8 .. ~ pu'lr: I I S!DC Jil ., ...... WRONG WORD WINS NEW TRIAL

U• of

Yieted 0

...,.,- fOf' "'i1nd" Glvea Pick­pocket Another Chance..

lla.con, :Mo.-Jo~eph Durkin, con­e ptclr:1n~ the poeket.a or a rall­

ma.o ud lle'Dt.enced to aerTe two the State peuluoUary, wu

a D.8'W trtal ~nae one word ~ in an tn.troctlon.

.-4 ,..,.. In psnted ....


... or ...... .......

Wtruct.l.oo dell.ned larceny u "'1rrCmCfo.l or traudolent oteallog, tak­

eazrrtn« away." The court tllat the con.lanction "and" abonld beelt u.ed !Jatea(! of "or."

n hu ~ trled tbroo time• J)W'.L.

' . .. --· .._ .. _____ - ... . ..

ou deck In that way. And suddenly, as !he sallorwen were pulling up !In· other or tbe ladles,, Polly wblstled like tbe boatswain, and called out, "Let go!··

'l'lle sallormeo thought it was tho boatswain, wbo had whistled, and they let go the rope at once, and ln a mo. meot the poor lady was In tbe sea!

Most fortunately, however, some other sallormcn wen• on the watcb, and they quickly pulled lhe lady out of tbe ":1ter.

Helle of the r ... t.. "So, woman, you treasure a11otbar

tr.llo 's I•hotograph ~ .. "Don' t be Coolish. Ha rrY. Tbta Is a

portrait or you rself wbeo you had hatr."-Wasbington Hera ld.

Awful, Mabel. \Vby doos Sweden have to aend

abroad tor cat:Je! Becauoe she keeps her Stoc!!:bolm

Notice of Sale of School Property Thr umlt'rsigncc.l, \\'. S. Enster­

tlay. town~hip tru~tPe of L'nion ~chool townohip of :-ral"hall county, Indi:wa, h<•reby give~ notice thnt Ito "ill, on the Fourth day of Decem­her, 1911. at 2 o'<'lm·k p.m. , ~I'll the :-ame for the bighc,t price that t·an he ohtninccd tlwn·for. but IHJt lc~>< I han two-third" it>! apprai~ed v:~lttt·. iht• following dt>~C'ribed rPal ~-~tatf• :1nd pcr,onal property, to­wit: Commt-twing at the northea~t I'Ortll'r of tlu• northwc·st quarter (!) of ~ection funr ( 4), to\\ m•hip thirty­two (:32) north, rang!' ono (1) enst, in the centt·r ofthp main highwny, runninl); tho·ncP Eouth one hundred thirty-fh·p ( 1%) ft>l'l; thence west otw lrunclrcd forty (HO) feet; thEo'nco rtllrth on.- tnmdrl?J thirty-fi\'e ( 1:35) ···ct to tlw 'l·ttion lino·; thence east on .. huntln•ol forty ( 1-10) feet to the pluct• of brginning; nnd also the old ~chool hou8!· nncl coal hou~e siluut­!•tl t lrl'rt'OII.

The ~aiol l nion ~dwul townshiv hy a till t lrrough its tru,tce upOn the' payment of tlrc purchn~~· monry to tltt> townRhip trustee will execute to the purcha~er a deed of com·e) a nee tn ~aid de~cribed real ~state and a bill of sale of the buildings.

w. s. EAS'l'ERDAY. Trustee of Union School Town­

ship, .Marshall County, Indiana.

j SELECTED , /1_ .. _"!~ EAT _ ~


For S a le B y


At tbe Old MlU Telephone 109-Z

Fall:;s the Time to Kodak

Bright skies, invigorating air and brilliant foliage makes one seek the out-of-doors, And a Kodak perpetuates the scenes and inci­dents as nothing else can do.

Kodaks and Supplies Developing and Printing

Rector's Pharmacy The Rexaii Store


W. S. E4STERDAY funeral Dlrecror

and Embalmer


All Day or Nigh t Calls Receive Prompt Attention

You do the baking.· H ~ it : fails, we pay~ We're glad to be · able to sell you

Flour because we canguaran· t ee better Coeta More- ,

oven results Worth ~~ than you've had before - or refund the price of the flour. Ask us about O CCI D ENT befo re next Baking Day.

Ca.§tleman b Co. Phone 48- Culver


S ~!! F~!0!n!!~~! Call on J. A. MOLTER & CO. ====PLYXOUTB, UID.=====




E3E3F3E3E3E3E3E3 I:HAI''l'.t;K XXI.


For n long time Harcour t sat In the shadow, half dazed by the revelations or bls talk With Kandwabt. hardly able to realize aU that bad Ulken place In the .,.•eeks since tbe fatal oc­currence at hie engagement dinner.

·rhe sudden return or hie memory ot the past had come to blm like a sbocll.

.\t t!rst everything seemed contused, but gradually be tlgured out each step In the eventS that bad followed the murder. Little by llttl e he pieced to· gether what Kandwabr bad told him and those things bls returning mem· ory told.

It all came back vl,.ldly now. and for the first tlmo be understood where be was. Even now, In spite of his promise. hls Inclination to return to London was strong. In view or hie promise to MacDee, be wondered why be ha<l given his wor<l to Kandwanr. Again he round himself wondering It hl' could have kllled 'l'owneshend. The confidence or his friends made him doubt It, and n f!W Kandwahr's words had strengthened hi• l>eller that such a thing was lmpou lble..

Yet every circumstance set<med to point to his lr\lllt. and be could not account tor the bloodstained knife Fer·gus had round In hie pocket the morning after the murder. Then the memory of r be myterlous monoa-ram returned w1tb aU Its uncanny sugges· Uons. What was the thing- why did Grace wear It- and what, It anything, did she know about Towoesbend's death. One thing sure, she could be In no danger while at the lodge and baa failure to give himself up was not placing her safety In jeopardy.

For a long time, be pondered over the advisability or telllnc the others at the lodge that he now remembered everytblng. It might be better to Jet them believe he was still as be had been- to say nothing of bavlnc seen Kandwabr. Perbapa the Indian was rlghL A week. ml&ht clear up the whole mystery a.nd remo"e thle hor­rible suspicion from blm fore .. er Surely. no one could auJl'er from bla concealment for one more week, and It at the end or that time. be could be proven lr\llltleu, It wu worth walt· log for patiently. Established lnno. ecoce meant bls return to poaiUon and everything In the world that be cared for. It meant that Grace's part In the tragedy would be explained as 'll'ell, and then be might marry ber W!t~OlJl del11.

As be sat thinking In the darkneu he began to realize that ht~ loved Grace more deeply than he co~o~ld ba ve believed poaalble. HI& usually phlegmatic nature seemed to chance. and the passion a~o~rgtnc up within blm told him that be deiilre<l her for uls wife more tba.n anytblac else on (',trtb.

J uat as he bad decided to ao ln. a s light noise beyond tbe little garden attracted bls attention, and a s hw lookl'd Intently towards tbe trees, be saw a whlteclad ftgure strayln& about cautiously. Then be beud a long, low whistle.

A moment later the door ot tbe lodge opened, and Ha.rcout·t drew back into the corner to conceal hi~ presence. To his aurprlae and horror C1 race stepped out on the veranda, hesitated a moment, and then ran bur­rt.-dly toward tho white ft,;ure be bad tlrs t seen.

Astonished, Harcourt stood spell· bound. Then, before be could think rurther. the door or the &arace bane ed faintly. Looking In that dlt•eellon. Harcourt saw Kandwabr stop out and move away cauUo~LSIY. aa thoucb rearing discovery. Fascinated and UA·

able to understand It all, Harcourt stood watching Kaadwahr aa he walked along the roadway beyond the gate. Then he pulled blmeelr to· &ether with a atart. Who wu the man Orace bad hurried out to meat at bls signal! Where waa Kandwallr got n&? Why bad be exacted Hal' court's promlae te remain. oa ly to allp away hlmaelf. A do&ell reaaoDA ft asbed across Harcourt'• mind, aad In sl)ltto or hit~ fonner oonlldence, th8 old suspicions ot the Jncllan returned.. Then It occurred to blm perhaps thla was the danger Kandwahr bad s poken or-ven now the Fate be teared ml&bt be at hand.

Instantly, Harcourt started. olr after him, ta.klnr to keep out or el1ht In case any or the three be had aeen ahould look back. He could dimly makt> out the ftgure ahead or blm. seemed to be moYing cau­tiously, too, but there was no slcn or Crace or ner companion.

Now Haroourt saw Kandwahr pauae and conceal hlmaelf behind a tree. Harcourt stood aUll In hie tracks and waited-but It was only a moment before he saw two shadowy ftgu.rea appear beblnd Kandwahr. Harcourt'• heart leaped. He could only make them out dlmly, but apparently It waa Grace and the man she bad slipped out to meet. Suddenly be beard a piercing sbrlelr: and a shot rang loudly In bla ears: After that all was still and be could aee nothlnr.

Realizing that be was unarmed, and helpless against attack, Harcourt nevertheless spring forward ea&erly. Orace might be In danler-i>r per· hapa-tbls waa the thlnc Kandwallr bad feared. There waa no further eounda to guide blm, aud It waa aeT· era! momenta before b e came out

,upo.n. a U&p.a cltarl:pS. Tba IIUIOJIU&Iat

orealttbg through the trees lit up the llv. •·You don'l eupposeHarcourt did ttll wbat h<' ltn('w, hut r<'llPd on th~> narrow space, but before him, upon thi s to obtain thle confession, do you?' letter to do the justice he longed to the ground, Harcourt saw qulte plaJn. "Nonsense!" sald Marston. "A man do. In tact. he even trlPd to warn ly, a dark tl gure lytng stlll In a little clnes'nt commit murder tor a letter Captain Town('shend. It was that tn heap. and thc>n Iea"e It lying on the ground. I terference whlcb cost blw his lito

He glanced about quickly. but there Besides. be would have bad thi s to an· It was bls knife, that you, Lord Har· was no one tn sight. Perhaps some· swE>r tor In any evenL Harcourt I• court picked up unconsciously when 1

one lurkt'd nearbY ready to spriDit out no muroerer. 'l'IUa tnrernat 81gn. ana 'you were In the room with the cap· uoou him. and he abuddered a~ hf the bare footprint, will tell the story taln after the crime was com cent aown o.vcr ~e prostrate rorm. lit .MacBee can read their meaning." I mltted."

He gave an exclamation or dismay. Tbe thought or the detective sent "Who Is the prisoner?" Major !Jars I It wu Kandwahr, lying ftat upon his a thrill through them all. ·rbts time 1 ton asked. hack. starlnc With glued and sightless be bad been caugbt nappinl' In spite "Zln Gengh tbe leader or a band of eyes at the bllnk.lng stars overhead. of bls s kill and energy. Yet they Indian Freemasons." ~acBee said Harcourt looked at tbe man. and a wished he were within reach tu aid "He has been so elusive 1 could not vague semu; or terror came over blm. them now. I place my banda upon him until no-.. . Upon Kandwahr'a race was almon a ; Sudden!)· they beard son1eone com· Hid two companions are etl11 at largl', l look of triWDph. At Iatt the tate be Ing through tbe underbru>tb, and a but I will aliO have them soon. The bad spoken of bad overtaken him moment later Grace ran up, crying society bas caused me no end or

Death had apparently been iDIUin· bystedcally and throwing herself Into trouble." taneous, for, burled bllt deep In bls her father·~ armi . J.'or several mo- "But whnt had tbls breast. was a knJfe. Harcourt made 1 ments her sobs shook her body and against Townes bend?"

organization I Sir Harry I

no attempt to remove It, but be knew she could uot speak. Then, In answer queried. tbe blade was long and It had pierced to tbelr eager questionit13, she con· "As you know, Kand" abr was I the heart. Carved upon Its bandit! trolled herself with a great elrort. and Towneshend's hait·br·other:· MacB~(· was tbe myaterlous monogram. told what sbe bad seen. went o 1. "His mother was 1-:ngllsb

Harcourt abuddered. There were "They bave cal'l·ted olr Jack!" she and his father· Indian. As a boy he was »Ounds or aomeone approaching , and said breathlessly . " I left the bouse adopted by the elder Prloct> Kand for the aecc.nd Ume Harcourt round to meet Uajhab. He wished to warn wab r. and as an adopted child Inherits blmselt the Innocent victim or circum· me ot danger. but be was too lata." botb title and fortune In !nella. be ~><;. su.uce• that pointed to bls gull! u a "The Sepoy?" Cornish asked.


cam~ Prince Kand wabr blwselr wbt<ll murderer·. And this time, too, the In· ".!11y servant," Marston explnlncd. the old prince di ed. I atrument or deatb bad been a IODI! " I did not see-this," Grace went j "In his youth, before his adoption by dagger marked 1rllh the symbol tbat on. pointing to the body," but 1 hl'ard . the prince, he was Initiated Into tbe I bad pursued blm so relentlessly. \\'ha t tbe sbota. Then Bajhab and 1 rrc pt I •ecret organization that bas this mono· was the thlug- wbat did It stand ror forward and saw Jack bending o'er · gram for its Pmblem. It was becausE> - and why was It conatanUy put bt>· the body. Before we could reach bls or the monogr·am I was ablo to make I Core bJs eyu to torment his tortur·l'd s ide three men broke Into tb<' (•learlng my dlscoverles- altbougb noul' of you mind. and carried Jack away. Dajhab is thought I noticed it. I undc>rstood why 1

In unreaaonlng fear be crouched be· following them." Mise Marston feared to tell what she Hide the body, boptng those wbo were "Do you know which '~<RY they kn<>w or it, but I made her rather's approacblng might pau ou without no- went''" Marston asked quickly. Sepoy servant explain It all to m(>.l tlclog him. Then a weird Idea e~tm t' Crace nodded. "Come," she said. Kandwabr rebelled against the so· I to blm. Orace 'II• ore tbe terrible charrn 1 will lead you." clcty's hideous practict-R. bowt>ver. he bad learned to tear. She bad gone Without another word the> llttiP and while Townpsbend was Mt'ning in Into the wood wltb her companion party hurried oa across the lit' Ids and India , be ~'!'&led to blm •om!' or ahead or Kandwahr. Could It be that Into the bills beyond. the criminal plans or the society. sbe-or the man with her- could have Just around a tum In tbe r·ougb Townesbend succeeded In bringing struck the blow with tbe mttrked du&· road, Cornish, who was In the tead, three or the thugs to justice, and from ger! It wu imposalble-bonlble - stopped with :;;. sudden exclamation or U1at day on, waH a marked man. Zlu yet. it It could be true, be meant to horror '!'be others crowded about Gengb was selected to wreak their remain and save her from suspicion him quickly, and there in the road vengeance, and be followc>d TownP. by taking the blame upon himself. abead they saw n dark figure. lt shend to London. Kandwahr, suspe<>·

Now his eyes wandered from the was Bajhab, a.nd upon hls forehead tin&' their purpose. warned 'l'own.-­body and on the ground close by It he had been branded tbe mysterious mon- shend the night or Lord Harcourt's aaw a soiled envelope. Mechanic· ogram. It took Or. Maybrooke but a dlnnci"-but It was too late." ally be picked It up, and aa the sounds moment to discover there was noth· "Dut Dodson. the club servant. did drew nearer, slipped Jt Into bls por k!lt log be could do tor the man- another tbla man kill blm also!'' Harcourt without examination. victim of lhe strange symbol that bad asked.

Almost boldlng his br·eatb. and fear· been ~rr upon blm aa a mark or tri· "I am firmly convinced that be


Excel;alltother:;. Most powerful heating and economical harc.l coal stove ever made. ~lore :;quare inchrs of radiating ~urface than any other type of Bage Burner

ever c Jl'slructed.

The only perfect Duplex Grate, Fire Pot and Flue Construction

All dan~cr of explosion or· escape of g-as J•re\·ented hy ventilated UPJ.>t'l' mag-azine in combination with a ~a:-; Hue, found on!~ in the Radiant Home.


GREETING S! We are now approaching the day designated by lhc President of the United States as one of genera l

THANKSGI \TING and we gladly avail ourselves of the opportunity Lo extend our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to our numerous friends and patrons in the town and coun­try for the many favors shown us in such a liberal measure during the past year.

lng to make the slightest sound, be umpb did," said MacBt>e. "Dodson. 1 believe,

W e feel deeply gratified in having- apparently succeeded in giving satisfactory service to the large majority of our custome1-s, many of whom ha,·e not only patronized us for years, but have recommended us to their friends, which has prove n the best advertisement for us. Their interest in our behalf is highly appreciated by us, and we shall surely do our level best to justify the f'ame by rendering prompt and :,atis­factory sen·ice a t :111 times, with goocls of the best quality t hat money will buy.

\\' . E. HAND, The Store of Quality

waJtQd anx.louely. Then be beard tb!' " \\'bat Ia this Infernal thing &D)'· caught Zln GenRb escaping from the swish ot carmente behind him, tbl' way?" <'ornleb said nervously. club. and followed him down the fire parting or branches and the snapping Orac~ Mhuddered nnd a little cry or escape, by mcnns or wblch the thug or a twig. Before be could straighte n pain eKcaped her. CryJng softly she had ente red. AI tbe bottom a struggle up or even look about, aomeone •elx1.'<1 tore from ber neck the silver chain ensued, and the lndlan strangled Dod· him and be wu thrown heavily upon witb tbe carved monogram banging son to dea•b. Of course, thle Is mere- l his tace. Crom it . Iyeupposilion, but 1 think I can learn '--------------------------------·1

Strong banda were trussing blru up " BaJhab gave It to me himself. the rest from my prisoner before I ----....... ---------------- -----------, with a stroo11 cord that cut bis wri~ts she ~altl piteously. as she passed the am through wltb bim. He seems to and now sowethlng wu tbrowo over cbar111 to her rather. " 'l' be day before tonslder that he bas accomplished I his bead. He felt himself lifted a• ,. his death ('apt. Townesbend gav., me some holy rltl' In commlttln~ tbPSl' baby wight be, and knew that b" Wllij one like lr. He abo bad bls cl~llrettes murders!" A PA R being carried away hurriedly. marked with lt." Tbe men s tared at the powerful In·

I-lls captors moved along sllsotly, " Bur what Is It!" Marston !Misted. dian and shuddered as they watched giving their prisoner but scant coo- "UnqueRtlouably It Is an Indian 81gn or him. •ran. calm and detlnnt, he re­stderation. Tbe road they were trav· combin~&tloo of letters." turned their gaze Insolently, and thll ullng was apparently a rou.o:b one. tor Grac•· nodded. " Ba,lhab knew. men were glad his hands were shack­now and then they stumbled. shak ln~r When I loot the one poor Townesnend led.


Harcourt roughly. once tbey paused gave me, RaJbab made me promise ib ··Tben you believe that > ou can Thrs is the greatest salt. of \\all Pap.;r l'\ t. hdtl o11 Cuh cr. We and whispered among themset .. es, but

1 wear tbls. And on--" she turn~>d her completely clear me or all suspicion," have plac<>d on sale all our immense stN·k of stanrlard high grade

Harcourt could not make out what bead away and wept piteous ly. Con· Harco~o~rt ask(>d eagerly. papers, including odd:; and ends and discontinued lines at from 50 they were oaylng. Apparently tb~y trolling herself she went on. "I feared "I am sure or lt." :\lacBee repll~>d. to 75 per ct•nt reduction \'alut>s up to GU cents per double roll, are were aaUilled after a time. however, to tell yol.l I got the charm tor rear I confidently. " It has taken me a IODJ: priced at and they moved ott acaln at the ~ame would be connected with the crime. time to gather all the evidence, but brlslt pace and so I preferred to be ~uspected now therE' In nothing lac Icing. Thu 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Q 11

rather tban reve11l wbat 1 knew or 1• comple te." C, C, C, C, C, C' C' C' It and then. perhapa, lncre•ae the " But why dld these ntt'n rescu.: d b 1 11



The •ho' In the woods bad &wakened those In the lodge, and , dreaeing hur­riedly, Cornish and the other mPn were soon outside, Inquiring anxiously or the s ervants what had happened. Harcourt's a bsence had been dlacov· erec1. and now Adele rushed ou1 .,;rr. clte<lly to tell them Grace was not In ber room.

Carrington bad just returned from the &a.rage, reporting that Kandwabr waa cone. aod with one a ceord tb .. men ruobed out Into the roadway There wu not sound to break: the HUll· neu ot the night, and the little group were e row1ug more and more alarmed at fl'Yor y atep. There waa uothlnc to re'lf'&rd tbolr aearch, and their anxiety Increased. u their endeaTora failed to explain the shot they bad beard, and tbe a beMce or the three Cor whose safety they reared..

Suc!c!ealr Cornlah and Sir Harty heard a call ~om t he trees ahead, and Nayb.rooke' o .-olee ahouted to Them. llul'r)'lnc lo ~h d!reeUoD from whlcb hJa cry eame, tb&y arrhad Ill the llttlo cleari.Dg to dJacoYar :Varaton &nd tbe pb.yatelaa; o,..r Kandwabr.

" Wba t bu bappeue<l !" Sir Harry uked exc1te4ly. " Is he---t"

"Dead," announced thfl doctor look· luc up rrom a h&sty I!Xam.lnallon.

·• Apparently Kandwabr ftred the ahot.'' Cornish said, pointing to the revolver atUI Uc btly clutched In the Judlao's llteleRll band. "He tried. to ward oft the a ttack. but bls enemy waa too quJek ror him." He shuddered as be looked at tbe sUIIeto and the rapid· ly rrow1nc apot of red on Kandwebr's ablrt.

"'rhere bas been a struggle here, too," Farndale said, looking about at the &TOUDd. "Look, Dicky ! The foot· print you and Adele saw down by the a ate !,.

Carrington confirmed It in an ln­itallt. '"rhe same," be said. " And loolt at the ltniie. Tbere is that ID· fernal monogram acaln ! ..

"What's thls?" Yaraton demanded, as he picked up a crumpled envelope. It was the one Harcourt had picked up and slipped Into bla pock et. only to lose when be had been set upon by hie captors.

By the urnt or an electric lamp, tbe little group opened the letter.

"It's Randwabr's confesslon!" Sir Harry exelelmed. "The confe11loo h• ell'ered to write 1t we would aeud him a waY In s afety."

" But' where the devil are Grace and ~U" '""~!..b. im28!1!JU.

.. vidence ,.galnst Jack." Kandwabr from the poiiC!! It thC) 12%c, 14c, 21c per OU e ro Suddenly they h!'a.rd the throbbing were also seeking his liCe!" earring

of a powerful motor, and now 1\ bright ton broke ln. "Surely his e"ecutlon while ll&bt swung around the turn, for the crime would have dl!llgbted Illuminating the llttle group against them, and dherted suspicion from the dark background or the hills. themselves."

See our Window Display.

Tht>re was a shout as those In the car " ApparentlY. they reared be mlgb t SLATTERY'S DRUG STORE observed the party and the big reveal what he knew in spit<' or the machine came to a ~tandstlll within a oatb he had taken," snld ~lacBN• few teet or them. "They were taking no chancl's. Hov.

Two meo leaped from H and bur· rled forward, and Grace gave a cry or delight as she recognized Harcourt rollowlng Inspector MacBee.

" Congratulate me!" :MacBee ex· claimed with enthusiasm. "I have juot captured the murderer ot Captain Towneshend and or Ka.ndwahr! What I• tbia ?" he sald abr uptly ao be saw Ba.Jbab's body. "Good beavona, ba Ye they taken another life!"

ln•tanlly be waa aurrounde<l by a n eager questioning group. but be put them oft roughly until be bad ftnlabed examiutnr Ba.Jba b and the sian mark· ed upon hie forehead.

"Tbe !lends!" MacBee exclaimed. •Bring him here! " be called to his

man In Ute car beyond. "Mako him ~ook a t the body!"

Two detectives all&bted a nd led to· .,..arda the llttle group a tall powertul man. His banda were sbaekled, and they Bll w that be was barefooted.. lila clothes were rougb, and be wore a dlrty turban about his bead. His fea tures were made all the more bid· eoua by an ugly ecar that extended across his forehead, a nd his nose lay Hat aK~tlnst his race as thour b be bad, at some time, been struck a terrlftc blow. Tbe man surveyed them calm-1>·. and as he glanced contemptuously at tbe body In the road, a look ot hau&bty satisfaction came Into his eyes.

"It bas been a long search," eald MacBee. "but I was sure or my man. 1 thought It beat to let you all play out your Uttle game, ror I that 1 ... ·ould succeed In the end. I bad hoped to prevent the saeritlce or !be lives thal.have been lost tonlc bt, but the power of thls band Is over now."

"Then poor Kandwahr was Innocent In spite or his confession?" Cornish said, looklng up quickly.

"HI• confession ?" Mac Bee said, looking up qulcllly.

"'l'hla," said ~rnlsb. olrtrlng the letter and explaining tbe clrcumstan· ces.

"I can understa.nd tbat perfectly,'' MaeBee eald after reading the Jetter. "Poor Kandw&br was quite Innocent. H e knew he Will a marked man, and .,..rote this becauae be belieVed .It !!'Qll~ aau lll! H e dale4 DDt

he ~>scaped from them I do not knov. , THE NY AL STORE but It was their pursuit or him that ~-----------------..---------------enabled me to catch them." ~

"It Is marvelous that you ba ve beeu E • able to dlsco•or so mucb," Raid S ir lectrlC Harry In admiration.

" No not aa s trange u you think " Sh R • • ~acDee answered llgbtly. " It wa~ oe ep ~., rmg practically lmpoaslt>le tor Ztn Oengh ~ to eacape detection It be appeared Come in and see the new way openly. I secured ar excellent descrlp -modern, scientific-much bet­lion of him from Madraa and the po ter and quicker than old methods. 1 lice all oTer the world hue been oo See me about H arness, either the lookout tor him." k A d

" Nevertheless Jt Js a wonderful repairs, new wor or sets, n I thing you have done, and 1 can nevet I will treat you right, too. forget the aervtee you bave done me," eM 1 T H • S E l ectric Harcourt said warmly.

" I bave done only my duty," the HOEal. HARNESS Inspector r eplied. ''Throughout It all HOP ( Nor th of Hardware ) I My Lord, I have beUe.-ed lmpllclty Jn your Innocence. It was tor that reason 1 did not Interfere when :Mr Cornish landed you from bb yacht. I belien•d It safer to have you a t large than un der arrest. Cor a case could eas!ly 'aave been eatabllsbed against you."

" It ba.!l been a terrible experience;· Harcourt eald. " yet 1 believe It has made a better ma.n or me-ilven if at a lorrlble coat. Suffering Je the one tblntc that makea .nen- 8.1ld as tbf' r~ault ot thle ordeal. I belleve that

5 (.~ Guaranteed o~ Savings ac­/ ( counts or certificates. In­terest from day of deposit and compounded quarterly, at the

Indiana Sa\'lngs and Loan Association

~R. E. E. PARKER I PDJSitlil IIG S1rgro1

SJ,M!eialatt~ntioo arat .. o to Eye. tAr \~ aod Ttuoat. Ulu .. ~··~ tiu.eJ. Olhc~ ovttr E.zeb&OMO Baok. Otliee hour~. V :3U to 10:~ a. •~u .• 3 to 4 and 1 to 8 p.m. 'l<,lt!ophou~~-Oftlee tH; Rt'.-,idenc~ 18:!.


Dentist to Culnr Jllilltery Academy

B.W.S.WISEMAN,M.D. Pbgslclal 1n11 surgeoo:

Ot~1e" lU r~ar .r u. Pn· t.Htl.iee. b'•u r-. • .:. tn i am.t f tv S ,, . u•.

Telf!llb,,ue ~o. ii:'

Dr. R. H. BUTTNER Dentist

trom a hollow, self·centert>d auto· 67 North Broadway, Peru, Indiana II dJ matou I ba"e been turnt'd into a lt..=~:============~~~ man!" Wnte for full 10 formatron :

Olflce Over White S t ore Telephone 105


FOIUld at Last.

lllxplorer Bun-HI, Uli North Pola l

there; I've



You can buy the ~naterial

for Galvanized Iron Roof· I ing, Standing Seam.s and Corru gated Roofing , read:y to put on, at able praceli.

ver:y reason•

HENRY PECHER Sbop 01 Mala street PbOIC tn

\ \

Full supply of every description of

Plumbin~ Goods Pumps and Hose Ever-Ready Batteries. Repair work If a nything is out of fix call

4.M.R06ERTS Phonel01 Trustee's Notice.

The uu~l~r.~~ign~. 1r1 uf t:mou tu•b.iWP hereby I'UN Doli~ taat i office for tbe tran.­actioo or rown ... hip buiio~ will l.kt at E3'"ter day's r•.vru.,, Maio .. twet. Cul\et Iudiana, W, :>. J::i\l:!Tt:BDA' l'ru.ree.

EXPIRATION NOTICE! Swat T he Crow. THE WEEK IN OUR SCHOOLS George Frash come~ for11 arJ with --~uutU.uNI from Fir.t l'u~•)

- I -

IF YOU find !his spact marked "·lth 1 blut ptncll II muns

tho! your subscription txplru with this numbtr, and that our contract with you hu bun lllltd. II you wIsh to rtntw without misslns next wuk's paper, remit promptly.

a new rm•nns of proteeting farms . ---­from the ~pread of tho foot ami I man gu·l~ honoa·ed the ruembC'rs of

I I d o tht• -t·houl bo·t rd 'Uld their ll'i\'e

f*+++++++++++H+++++++·Hi I N Ews OF LOCAL C HURCHEs Thanksgiving Dinner + HUMOR + TJIE H \YES RE~TAl'R .\'.'' 1' ::: ' t I . l I .\;\f.l;UC.Il.. . -' t OF 1 HE. HOUR + :-<unday '<·hool. (1::10; pultli<· H'r· BPginningnt II n'<·lot'k a. 111. '\o\'. 2H

mout 1 asense. Iu a writtl'n ~tate- . • • '· t h ant! on \\ <>rlnNidav mornina the itl1 + : l'iCf·~. 10:~0 Y. P .. \ .. l);;~tl -tupi 1 • Hoa,l Turkey, 0),!Pr Dr .. ,:;ing

men t e ='avs: .. o

S t I • . I ,!!'ad• ent ·rt:1ined th• hwh 'Chool ll' a t tc crow antl :;top the thstri- f

1 ~

bution of hog eholera ami lhl· foot atu ty. Tlw rep:~~to t·onsi~lt'd o l' nnd lliOuth di~cu~e. Tlw l'rOII' is a tbro:• . t·our-e~. exct'lltntly sen·cd iu constant II undcrt·r; frnm about tht· a dullng room whkh was h rillinntly first uf September until th!' fir~t o l' ~le('urateol. The work <'Puke c xceed-

++++++-I·++H·++++-1·++++-1-·l-++++ 1" 11 ]f Cl . . l:oa;.t Young Pork .S11 i-, s11 ••. 1k ---~~---~~~~- --~ n11· ,1·cry lrll:!han l';tn 111• a •· ~ .Tt•llied ( 'ranh .. rrit>~

THE POWER OF A VOICE. I :\li••iunury.''kti.I;:G-lO(mi,,iun:try :\ta,..Ju·tl Potatoe' tu<·tting). ~lrs. .\lexnndt"r. leader; Bromwd ~llt>E'l Potatoe!>

Bad Tempered Husband Completely I rc\'i1·3l ~t>rl'iee,;, 7 ::1(). Ht'l'il·;tl Coltl ~I . w Ct>lerr Changed by Sweet, Low Tones. · - . . . II 1 p· p ·


i\J• r ·I 1 ·. r· 11 · f mgly wt>ll for the nhilit\' of the girl~ .-. '" t.: 1 ns w l •~ rorH coa~t tn t·oast .. -from the nortlwrn woool ln the <:ulf l :u"l murk~ lhC' ~LlCet·~s of thi:-; dl'-

\\'hen you Hve In l•ott:ls a grt>at meetm~r , :.3() t'l'l·ry t•\'t>ntng tlu~ onw-ma< t' H·~- urnpkin , Clwr-k r b I . . ry. !.(')non

d<•al, as have I more or les.~. you re- j We('·. WIry Ol Y 111\'tlell tu a lithe It:e ('r·t'alll Cak•• allzt• thl' power or the human vole., oo·niro-- .J. E. Yot'""· J>a~tur. r, .1• CufTt·e. )I ilk. nuttt·rtJlt'lk to soothe, or quit(' th<' opposite. 1 °

IIET IIIJIIl:-oT t:PJH'OP.I I.. T of .Mexico. Tht·y hunt their daih parltu•:nt Ill till' ~dJooL Jiving on ·1 np 1 f 1 1• :\T lNC 11 a8 rr~ume<.l Thursday for

I 1'0\'1~( llflll~. :lrgP I ' I 0 0 •

r II f d' f I 1 . t 11 ' hr-t ttme ,..mce the late \'UC'l·

Oh, what a lot or har.b. dl•agree- ht• uhon• will lw St· r1·cd all tlay. able voices there are in this world- Last 'untlay wn' a delight tu ·tiL ~peeial paius h:tl'l' ]


tuken to women's voices, too! The> pity oe It! 0111' ~t·r·l'iC!'H 1\'Prr l'XCeptionally in- 1

\\' I .1 . . rom 1e ce mg pens o wg::: , 1eep . • II. c 11 IS frequently easy for a and •Attl \ ·1 f laon. T lw classes in mu,..ic nrt: tu

• Cu e. . (•t•ow or a num Jl'r o t•utmt) to u;sue hondH and borrow


tl 1 . r 1. 1 he lu·ld oru·e a week now throughout

r . . 1em may )e tn vour E'f't Ill" pen:; money or unpronng highways, the tod I . · _, I n the !tornt.

. . . ny am Ill l\1<1 uav,: t 1c ~arne rntsmg of tht• mo ney to retire these cro'"S t . 1.• 1• 1 .\ -tol'f• ''"" hccn put UJ> in tht• b d . " may s Op 1 n e~t ang l'arc s I

on "'at maturtty should be taken f'ft .1 , f . I • bnsk<·t hall hall to tuke th<> chill ofT . 1 Y 1111 es ron1 your wnu·; or tlwv . . m•o acnounl. )I any counties , in may Htop iu inft•t•[pJ JlPlls 1111 ,1 th t';ll '.'unng pradu·t• aut! tu m:tkP it •·om-borrowing mone) for hond!'l. figure 11 • . • lot la hit' at t lw l(:lUW><

Y to one lifty mtlh anol stop m , , · . . that t lw amount of mont'y raised your pens or feeding y:1rds b,.fon• the I . llu· ~tu'.'t·nts 1\' t•ro• dtsnu~,1·d on repre~t-nls the total cost of the road, ge. rms of cholera o r foot :uul nwuth


\\ •·•hw•da,l' for· a two day~ vacation. forgetting thnt thr road must be

. tlasea~e they are t•arry ing llrP dt·ad. Sand on th" Pavl'n e~. maHHairwd and rr1>airrd if. ut the " ;,

The crow is not lhl' onl) di~trihu-t•ntl of the ll· t·n, of th<> bonds, the Tlw rea~on for ll'a1·ing tht- ~ami

tor ofinfect iousd i~ea~". but they lmnl t·otnHy i~ to han· nnything to show on tht pal'(,>d ~tree(~ i$ that the ron-

and d~>slroy eggs and ,l'uUn!! of the fm it~ inYestment. n oliliotl~ of the c·ontrador';. honrl re-

ro hin and m<>adm1· lark, tht- gn·au·•t · The ques tion o r fin:m<>ing ('OUnlr'' <jlllrt it. thnugh tlw wind i" ~-:radu-

J in~cct destroyinl( birtls tha t emu<> rond building 1. · clt's< ti'"C() r 11 · all.r lakin" tht• mattt·r· ntat ··I th<•

" • ' "· u Y Ill to fht.• farm. Tl I I "' ' De partment o f Agri<'u lturc J3ulletin wy " "

1 0 <·!-lrny o·outr· dor', hanoi;:. ln tllf' ('t•nter , . young quails, fl~ ll't·ll ;Is pull 1111 1· ll t t tl 1 1 1 .\o. 136, entitled •· Highway I3ond~." . " H' s l't't' H' R·utt. l't• >!'en

"PrOullng t•orn. Likt tho· En .. Ji-h , . · • · which is written by the otlicer o f "' pac-.. o I thowu:.:hh· mtn tlu· ~JI'IC'<'•

sparrow and the (:enuan o·ttrp lhcv l1 1 ll b · k. 1 1 •.

1 public road~ in colluhoration with . J •c "''"n tl' ru· ·8, >ut at t 1c ~I! r>< belong 111 snme other ('ountn·. Let I· . .

James\\'. Glm•cr, profeRsor of math- · IIJ ~·>Jilt' place< tlw hrH'ks are a trt-. . every man that can u~t· a gun gel a I 1 1 .

•·mattC$ and msuran<·•·. I.:ni1·ersity • : 11 d . 1 1

• I I' 010~~. aml 1t needs long rain~ to . . . c 0\\ t·a an ru t te countn of 1 1 . .

of ~ltch 1 gun. In lhts hullt•lin the 1. 1 • 11 ,.,..' t 1e >'and rn and ~ettll' tt. . 1 t liS grcot P<'~t an< nJt.·n:~c·•· to the 1 \ 1 . . .. anthon- tlt•cn;:s fullv the l'arious I 0 f I . . Ill tlu~ I" the n':l!-011 for· whl' ."

. • c 01en oot<·t fauuh·.-J:orh•··tt·r · method;. of lrnnneing mad bu ilding H ' P l;J'.. · . I R 1 E --T -- I and retiring del.J(~ for road ('tlllStruc- ~ t1 ll.ll1. _ ea state rans re rs. :md al~o deal frankly with the ac- HIBBAR D 1 \\'au .\llt·nt:ou to (, llutl'h insou. tun I to tnl COl't of a rO:tll during the Mr.. K. J . ll....t. Corre,,,,.uJ •. .,,, PI 't'o· W. \\'aluut. :j::{(i00. life· of the bonds. On the total cost Bukheriug is the III'Llo·r· of tl11· .\rtlrur \\ nullt ·y to E.nlllla \'oune-of a road the authors ci te the Col- week in this 1·icinity. !!IlL ~a iu '~'cor llW<t ~f'C J:l. L'niun,. lowing two examples aR affording at Mrs. John A ley of Jlo barl i-; 1•i,it- '1'1. lenst a ha~'<is for estimating the total ing Graudmn Lit'lttenbt·rgPr. .\"ina !"lt-l'le tu L Lotz. :lOu in ~ec minimum co~t or n mile of road: B. W. Lidgard of Gra~s Cn·ek wns

1 :.:!7, Polk, $:WOO.

in town )lond:t l' on bu--int'''· Dora F;lirchild to Tht-n )lcFar-~lA('AOA)J.

Cou~lru<'lion ( $10,500 ) under 5 pl'r cent s~ri­al bond "ith iutere~t for 20 years ..... . ... $16,012.50

Auuual repair and main-tenance ($600) 20 yrs. 12,000.00

1\lrs. Henry Z:echiel o f Culn·r l'i>'- land. 1>1 Ill\ (I St·l' :~ (5. rnion. $2000. itPd )J t!"i. )Jnrtin Lowrv Thur ... Ja, -- ----

The Ladie~· Aid witi nw~>t .at '1j11• " Eggs is Eggs" Now. hntne ot L. Jl. !"n:tpp uext Frio! .. ~· Tlu· •lnro·· aro· p;l,ting a:l t't•nt:o aft(•rnoon. fnt· ,·gg,;, Fill<' thin~-: for .111 r,;. Far-

and i\lr~ loll•lllo llllol • •' - -- -~lr . · , :\l·•u/ IIH·r-if ,Ju on)~ had the egg~.

Snapp were the uue~b ul tht :\lart It • Ho\\ _It Happened. T o tlll t•ost 20 ycnrs ... $28,012.50 , "


\\hat? fell down atalra! How BRlt:K. Alherts ~untlay. dl~. i~ happlln ?"

l'oustnwtion ( $18,500) 'lrs. E. J. ami \1.., ~ ~ li•·o·oll "hy, you . I started to so under ,'j pl'r cent ~erinl SJ)t'nt Sunday aftprnoon w1th 1\lt~. <luwn. •.nd my "Ire snld, 'Be careful

. . Juhn:· And I'm not the man to be - wt ... • !otatf'd o Y any woman, so down htmd with interest for T ' llttsa Ltchtt•tlbt•r-'er j t b

20 years ... ··.· .. ···· $26,426.73 ~amurl Burns nf '\orth Dakota 1 went." Annual repair ami main- 11 • I

lt•nam·e ($aOO) . 20 sr~ 6 ,000.00 w,as cu,, ingdon t.•ld frit·uth in tin~ I GREEN TOWNSHIP. I pace. 011 ay. '' ': t•ante b:u·k to :.Ji :.J. ''""' ('urro·-·~·ud•ul.

Total <'Ost20 y<>ars ... $32.426.73 beat thc!un('ralo!lushn>tlwr m-la11,l Tlot• oy, r supper nt Santa .\ nnu The author:< point out that the Samuel Rarrick. 11ho 11:1~ brought "alurola~ <>wning was well atlendt•d.

actual coal of buil<ling and main- buc k from Ladysmith. \\"i~ .. to he Tlw nvt pro<·o·c·.l~ anwurrted to about taining a !<pN·ific highway t:an he buried. $:.!;\. determinPd only a fter the chnract('r On Tuesday morning Mr. Lowry Tlwn· "ill be ~<·n·i•·•·s at Santa anti volume of traffic and actual di~co1·ered fin• in their wood lot m·ar .\una ltt•giuning on Thank;:gil'ing

wc:1r and tear have been Rtudit•d for a scrieR of yea a.... The ligures quoted abovP, of eonrHP. will not apply to ordiMry mncndam, gmvrl or clay road~. but in :~II tht.'~e cn~es tht> in­ler<·Kt on the honds muKI be mel, :md there mu~t be expenditures to m:~intain them in condition. The poorer the drainage and the less permanent the churactN of the road foundation, the greater must be the percentage that repair costs will bc:~r to the first cost. Similarly, the question of whether the actual sur­facing is designed to withstand the character of traffic and weather to which it is subjected also has an important. bearing on what it will cost the county to keep the road in RUCh shape that when thr bonds a re paid the locnlity still will have 11

voluable property to s,how as a result of its borrowing nnd repayment.

the edge of town. It hurrwtl all t'l't•ninl( and t·o>ntinuin l( uwr :-'uu­over the lot. destroyin~-: a nuuJht·ro£ tl:tl·. Sunrla1· ~chon! will h£· at !l::lO. cord~ of wood . The firt• i;: ~uppo~o·il I do•;lieation ~t·rvit·o·~ follo wing !"un­to have been ean~t·d from aut·ng-int d.1y ~··• 11 ,01.

passing on the railroad. I !"undny l'i~itor": Ht•rbcrl Warner Last :\fonday murning tlw hm·kel ;utol "if•· at L. Qui1·e~·'s; Olive L a ke,

brigadr wal' tailed out to extingui-.h I ~l arie \\"arn r r , Hel'. Albright, Neal a fire which caught in the ruuf uf aml L) It• !'haw and Ruth Gerard ul I ra Crum's hou~t· and which can~.:ht T . .J. Brll'~; T. W. Irwin, wile and the second time and was di~enl't•rcd son Francis ntHI Bert \\ltite and by some school t·hil<lren. It i, "ift> :tt .\)onto Long's nt Bc·thlelwrn: thought it wns cauHcd hy a dt•ft·<·tiw Blandll' Kimmel at Trt'lla Thomp­chimney. \\'e h;ll'e not learnt•<] tlu: ,on':,; ('lart·nee Quiw•y. 11ife and amount of damage done. daughter \lar~· ,\lice, :\orman B:dd-

POPLAR G ROVE. L. D. Personette is now :t residt>nt

or Poplar GrOI'e, h:ll'ing ffi()I"Ptl to his farm.

J. E. Myer~. Will ;\[yrrs :tnt I .John Stayton ba1·r or<IPrrrl furn:to't"' fnr thei r hom('s .

Mr. and :\lr:;. H arlry Pontiu~ <'ll· tertaincd Mr. and ;\•!r,;. :\1. D. Li1•-

11 in anol :\Iary Irwin at Elmer Irwin's; :\'el lie :-;nn1ge at AnRon Ov<'rmy<>r's.

DELON G. {.AO .. ti (lo. F ... Wulto. Corrt\tnondoot

Chr~ter E:ul vi><itrll rl'lntive• nt llarri"' !"unday.

Ed liorg~heimer "hreddNI ;tl hi~ farm :\Ionolay.


Increased Passenger Rat es Dec. I. ing~ton ~untluy.

)I r. anti :\Irs . Hurley Moore movl:'d to Hocht>stcr.

,\. :\1. Carper and L. K Wo lfe and tlwir wil·e~ l'isitPd Ro<'hC'~ter rl'l ntin·s ::lunday.

An im·h•ust• in passenger rntes on :til inl<'r~tult• tt·au~(lor!:llion will go intn t>fT<·t·t Ut·cember l. The rate will be 2! cents a mile. Of course the 2-cent rate bet ll'een points with­in the state will continue. The in­terstate commerce commission found, when it invcstijitated freight rates, that the passenger departments of the ~team lines were not paying. and orclPr<'d tlw increase nt that timt•.

Deat h or Mrs. Nearpass.

l~1·a E .. wift· o f !<'. \' . Nearpass, died at T erre Haute ::\'01'. 19 at 4 a . m. very ~uddenly. Besides her hus­baud shtl lea\'!'S two boys-Lyle, 5 ye:trs old, :~ml W a);nE>. 3 )·enr;:; oltl. )Jr. Neunmss fornH•rly lived in Cul­l't>r. and is now (·mployed on t h<' \"nmlalin llti dett•l'lil·e o n tlw Yan­d.alht p:~y car. ------

- A recent church census gives Rochester a population of 3,500.

Wilbur Arnold and ~I i"~ \' atltll•'lt•r expect to >'!Willi Thank"l(il·in" 11 ith friends in Logansport.

J. E. Lowry 11':1~ cal led to Fran­cesville Raturday hy the ilhw>'s nl his daughter, ;\fr,, Alma Cowrn.

Philip Pontius is laid up with a sore hand, h1wing lost parts of twn fingers o f the right band from being caught in u corn ~hrrtldPr. Tlrr set•ond fing<•r w:ts remol"t>ol at th!' first joint nntl lht• third ahol'l' tlw joint. A lucky man indeed to ~(PI

off so easy.

l ost, Strayed or Stolen.

A dachshund pup, almut 7 indw~ tnll, ,·ery heavy long body: rrd, with a vt•ry faint tlark 'treak alung l>a<·k. Return to mt• ot C. :\1. A. and n·­ceive $2 re1"1rd. Ch:1,. C. Bnhlctt.

For Sale or Trade.-:\ln,on & H amlin organ in good condition. Enquire at J. W . Riggens'.

T. A Pnt·ey ha" gone to PJ,ilu­<ltolpbia to "Pend U1e wintrr 11 ith his claughtt·r. :\lrs . .John O:lte~. lie first will \'isil a week in 1\Iuncic.

Charles t:ansch accompruried a • shipnwnt of turkeys to Dalton . 111., :\lomll\-y. :\Jr. G;msch has remod­

"'"" hi' farm lruu'~'· having rui8ed it. making it two 8torit>s hy build­ing another .tory on top of the t'C· mrnt bloch. s iding the additiona l atnry with ,,·rnll·<'tll ,Jtinglt•s.

Barred Roeks ro r Sale.

,\ nit't· lot of Barred Roc k cock· t·n·l~. Price reasonoblt>. W . R. Cro~~la111l. Culvor. n26t2

' Trustee Election.

.\l Washington church, Thursday, D('cembcr 3, 1914, ot 8:30 p. m.

J. "'· Tiedt, Pastor CuJver Circuit.

Que morning I was on the beach llll'e t•l'l'rytlting of tlw hl':lt, and aL the bathing hour when I heard 'flll'ln:,. ::;untlay 'ehool !'hllll't·d l."i.) prPp:lrt·ol iu our well-k.JJ0\111 home someone call "Tommy!" lntliscordanl prt•$ellt, aod a not ion that it ~houltl style 1\'t' ca u as~ur(' our patrons and tones that set my twn es n·tln~;., with bt· :.!OOriPSt O..:un•lu:. Tlte noorninn 1 th<•h· acid sharpnesH. The 1, 1111a 80 ' " fami Y pnrtit·-; a olimJoor tlt:lt will be callt>d frown~ nnd ans""r"d back 1~ l'lllm:il ~t·n·io·t• wa~ attended by X.) in l'I'Cry way ~>tli,fuctory. a tleevish way. pt·ople, whi..J, i~ a ~uh;.tnlllial lit· l'. E. H lYE~. l'ropriHor

I turned, exp<><·tinl( to ~<'e some un- en·a..,e un:r Jllt:l·iou::; SundUI' tuuru- - -- --couth nurtie-mald, tlnd to my >~urpri•tll iu~:s. Tlu: ehuir ro·ntl('l'l'ol e;o·· ptinn· Gordon's Hog Tonic. I beheld the t•xtremdy t>legant mo- . . . . ther of the llttl., 00, ally lino mu~Jt· at hoth the ruuruing Tlus I>' th t• tillll' iu thr year to

Now, thal wo~lln's hu~bllnd iij and <·n·ning "l.'rl'itw.. \\'c ,lf·c grate-I protet·t yonr ho:;~. l~n:r) hody i;; always irritable and peevltih, Just likt' ful for tit is in•·rea-ing intt rc~t. Tlw 1 lo1-ing 'tlllle. Tlois toni!' i~ a worm-the hoy, and "bo shall SU) hH \'oictl . , . . . . Is not r t>SI>Onslble for it! ;o.urlll:t) ~cllo,.] 1:< mganJt.tng a tram- tit -trt)~·t·r :1111! Jtl't'l't'llt:- all how<>l

One ot the \\OI'l!t·tempt>r~ men 1 inl( dt·p:lrllll\'llt 11 hit·lo 11ill bring truublt•. .\'k tlru,..p 11 hn ha1·1• U~f'd know mut·rled a woman with a sweet, grt·at ::<lr<'ngth to thP ~t·hool iu clalo 1 it. Thi~ i~ prepared and , 0 Jr] hy low I'Oict> and an t•l·en dlspo~ltion . , . · 1 • • • • lie ld DO\\ complet~Jy chuug~li You tu 0 IIIJIO 0

\\ e tnt,( tltal ntan.l' nf Dr." 0 1 c ... rtlon. l'elt'l'rnctr)'~llr£!o•nn know you simply can't quurn•l ull by our l>l'' •PI•· 11 rll takr :11h·:outnge 0 [ I of the ('uln·t :'IIilitar~ :to·ado·tuy. l)f. YOUI'I!elf \\hen e,·erythin~; i~ (l<•ncerttl ,..tu·h an o>p!J••r'llmit). \\'~> 11 ill have lio·o•, a :Jolt•n,v han.-. and soothing all arountl you. It R<•em• \111 t· tl 1 • I . to me it mort• womt-'n rcalizf"d thl. . '- tJ w n:;..:u nr St.•t'\'H·~·~ npxt Hun- - - -therl! would bo moro happy hon~s.~ "") 0 T ho Laoli£•,' .\id HIPJlt'r and Card o r Tha nks . Kat•• Clyde. ::tit• !"aturolay wa-. a prand Sll t't't'"" 1 We ,.,tf'nd our tril'nols, tht• puhlit~

Slim lllt·l·or) lla). Tlu Jaoli1·, "i'h t111 :tllll rlu :\la-un~ nur thauk, fnr Chances for Her.

A missionary who \\aS making his il1a11k all tiH• patron,, l'omt•ugaiu! l~yrnpatloy. as,.:istaru·t· aud lloll'ers at way through a backwoods region 1'01'1..\R <·R!t\'B. lth~ death and hunal nl :\[r. Bradley. came upon an cld woman sitting out- ]{,.1-j1·nl ~enict•s will open \\'erl- We ha1·c reasnn to renwmbf'l' all our aide a cabin. He PUterpd upon a 1 religious talk and nnaJI)· askt•d ht>r ne-olay night, :\o1·. :!.). 7:30 i~ tht• i,.,., the many tnko·n' of km•lnr·-~ IC shu didn't know tb~re wa:s a da}· lruur auol o•l'o·ry nil(ht until furtht•r I !<hown II~. of Judgmoul coming. \ · :\T 11 II \ l't ' a Jll ll>llfl<·o· n>o•nt. , 11<':-.o·t·ptiun. hull · • "· . · . • 'IIH.t:\ ,\, llfl.l>fiF.~.

"Why, uo, .. ~aid th" old lad) "I hadn't het>rd o' tlutt. \\'on't thero be more'u one ?"

"Xo, my friend; on I) one da>." Wilij the l'Cply.

-Well, then," ~"" mustootl, "I dou't reckon I l'an g~:t to go, Cor we're only got one mule, aud Johu always bas to go 1n·er) whero first --xatton­al ~t ontbly,

t·ln, uu ~unol.1y ni)!ht 11lwn .\h·iu )fnr, lt.l.l .. H., 11ill d•·li1·o·rhis lt-c.:tmt• uu · F'ratd Cat' " \ ~iho·r uffc·rill" -11 ill 1,.., ta ken . a pt·r t·t·ut ol whieh 11 ill Ill' u"·ol fur !'mula~ ,('JJUul pur­JHN•:-;. Ynu ar~> ~unlia lly inl'itcd to all tlrt· ~en ices. J. F Kenrich

No tice to C hurc h Mem bers.

Buggy ror Sale. Top hUf!l(), good

\\ rn. H unt, l'uh·cr. ('llllditiun. $:.!'J.

I Unclaimed Letter List I Use of Cosmetics.

Apropos ot the extra1a~aut u~e cosmetics, a wltticlij JU Is t·redi tt:d 'Reginald \ 'anderbllt.

A ludy said to ~tr Yanderbllt on., or the "com~:t" supperij:

or .\II n~t•nJiwr~ o f tlw Chri~ti:ln to I churo·lt intt•n·-tetl in obtaining a

miltistPr wlro 11ill n·~id(• in t.:ulwr.

Li~t of letl!·r:> n•maining uncallerl for in this oflirt- fur tht- we~>k •·nding .\" Ill 0

0 :ll.

Mi :-::-. t :rac·c· Suritlo.

1-\1> .....

Bro11 n, ~lr~. H. H . at ·' • are ro>qu .. ,..t.-v to attt·ml till' t 11 o tria I

"There are Ule three \'an 'fwiller ~:Iris."

.. Ar., tht•) all thre" still unmar­ried!" Mr. \'andt-rbilt askoo

"Yes," auld tho lady. "Th<!y'rt~ rich aod pretty, too. It's odd the> doo't go orr. · I

"Isn't It 9 " said \Jr. \'anderbUt. "They use enough pol\ dt;r. ·-~in­neapolis Joul'llal.

Engagement Ring to Wedding Ring. "What! ~larry an old mercenary

chap Uke you? Give up my treedom, my winter cru~hes and DIY summ~r

llirtatlollll? How dare you presume upon my friendship! You are ab­solutely sclfisb: certainly yours can· DQl... be the higher love. "-13rownlng's Magadne.

Her Claim. Mrs. Glllet-So there is a tablet in

your transept to her memory. Dld ahe do &.Dythlng to bring people l.nto I the cburch• .

Mra. Perr)- \\ell, I gua~s! She wore a. new hat every Sunday for I three year>J. Hlll'per's Bazar.

I"'Tt'cner• W llr Be Pitchers. Mr. Balfa.n (Immersed in the game,

llercely)-" If Ulat pitcher would only eettle down! •

Mra. Balran (Inexpressibly shock­ed)- •Dear me! You don't tell me! Is be as wild as all that, George!" I

Matter of Economy. Mildred- They were married In I

haste, I understand! Eleanor - Yes. Thtly had engaged J

a t.a.Iicab by th" hour, so Ul"> re­quested the mtntst"r to hurr) - :O..ews I

"Your wife's a Judge of human

•eruton$ hy Ht'l'. H. I<.:. !"aylor of Hiram, 0., at It a. 111. oud 7::30 Jl . m. :-;unday. ~ol'. :l!J. Everybotly wekouw. __ --

t ;J,~'II.I . . IJ L.ll. Juhu Bertngliu, Ho,t•it· :O:arl.ter

&i t•tt;l~. To" liP, Earl Mexeun, L: Tlrc,e ktt•·r-; 11 ill bt' "·nt tu tho:

llt·aol leltt·r olliee Dec .. 5, 1914.


Co u "''lttn tlou.o.

Dllren YaM, girls, just orr for a thirty-mile tranlt>· I find walking makt>s a man or one.

Girls- Really? Oh. then, hurry on: we wouldn't delay you for worlds.- London Judy.


.I ntTX Q,.;no H:>. P )1

I CULVER MARKETS I " ' heat. ............. . Coro. ~r bo, nl:'w ... .

•· old.... . f)ats. aSS< •rlf'ol . . . ... , R} " ...... . .. .. ..... . Clol'er SO'( d ..•........ Cow po•M, cl.•;uoP<I .... . Eggs (fn•eh) ........ . Bu ( e:ood) ........ .

do t rommon ) 00 00 00

:Sttring <'h ick• us ..... . F o wls ............... . LP~-tborn cbH:kt>us .... . R oosters ............ . . Docks .... . •. ....... . Geese ............... .

ami over ... ..... . Ln r<l . ...... .. ... . ... .

1.05 0 ;)()(({, :)i)

.00 .:-,o .7a

7.50 :?.!)()



.17 0~ .0~ 07



.08 12@. 14

. 12~





~~:JJ Values That Are Superior Our low cost of conducting business enables us to sell you at prices you will not meet elsewhere on qualities that are equal.

Men's Overcoats Everything that is really desirable in overcoat fashions you will find here now, including smart Balma­caan and double-breasted models in the best selected fabrics and pat­tN·ns. We know we can save you

~v~·~~a~~ ~~~~~ ... . $10 to $25 Young Men's Overcoats

We are beautifu~ly prepared to me(' t the exacting r equirements of young men with both quality and economy.

We save you $7 50 t $25 money on them • 0

Juvenile Overcoats Snappy little auto and shawl collar models in very attractive patterns and of the most durable materials.

'l'he extent of our ability to save you money cari best be judged at cl<?se range by an ~nspection of $J 75 to $5 these splendid overcoat olfermgs at... ... .. •

nature. tsn't she?·· 1 Men'S Suits Take a look into our window and you will ·Judge ! She's a pron'Cutiog at- be interested in the smart suit styles we

torney! "-Cleveland Leader. I show for men and young men. Then come in and let us tell

Th• av 1 you more about tbeir merits and how fully $10 to $25 v erage woman worr es more · f · d •

about we furnace than htlr husb&.Dd I II we guarantee satLS action an economy .... . doea about the hereafter. I