The Benefits of Healthy Exercise Habits on Human Physiology THE DO’s and DON’T’S


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The Benefits of Healthy Exercise Habits on Human

PhysiologyTHE DO’s and DON’T’S


• AIM: I Know the Benefits of Healthy Exercise Habits On the Human Body System

• DO NOW: Answer in your notebook• What are some benefits of physical activity

that you can think of?


•1. Identify the 4 components of fitness?•2. What changes occur when you engage in vigorous exercise? •3. List 3 physical benefits of exercise


• Aerobic respiration-Increased O2, non stop, repetitive, strenuous exercise that last more than 20 minutes

• Anaerobic respiration-intense physical activity lasts only a few seconds to a few minutes

• Body Composition-The amount of lean fat compared to lean tissue (bones and muscle

• Cardio Respiratory endurance: The ability of your heart, blood vessels, and lungs to distribute Oxygen and


• Endurance: the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear

• Exercise: activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness.

• Fitness: the condition of being physically fit and healthy

• Flexibility: the quality of bending easily without breaking

• Hormone: A substance that acts as a chemical messenger in the body

• Muscular strength endurance: The ability of muscles to keep working for an extending period of time

• Metabolism: The chemical process by which the body breaks down food to obtain energy

MYTHES and FACTS• No Pain No Gain=

• Sit-ups will reduce fat in just the stomach area

• Drinking water before exercise can cause stomach cramps

• Thin people who do not exercise are likely to have poor heart, lung, and muscular fitness.


• Woman have less muscle tissue than men. They also have a balance of HORMONE That prevents the development of large muscle mass

• Hormone: A chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs)

4 main health related parts of physical fitness?

• 1. Cardiorespiratory endurance• 2. Muscular strength and endurance• 3. Flexibility• 4. Body composition

What is Fitness?

Fitness means being fit.

What does it mean to be fit?- Having energy for the whole day- Being able to deal with stress- Having self-confidence- Maintaining healthy weight

Physical Benefits of Exercise

• Strong muscles

• Strong coordination

• Healthy heart and lungs

• Healthy weight

Identify Physical Benefits:

• Strong muscles– excellent physical benefit

• Weak muscles– benefit of not exercising

• Healthy heart– important physical benefit

• Unhealthy lungs– benefit of not exercising

Mental benefits

• Exercise makes you feel energetic

• It relieves stress

• It gives you self-confidence

Identify Mental Benefits:

• It relieves stress– important mental benefit

• It gives you self-confidence– important mental benefit

• It gives you the feeling of tiredness– false mental benefit

Social Benefits

• Exercise allows you to meet new people

• Friends encourage you

• Friends motivate

Identify Social Benefits:

• Motivation– very helpful social benefit

• New friends– exciting social benefit

• “You can’t do it!”– negative and false social benefit

Develop Muscle Strength

Strength means being physically strong

To develop strength, you pull or push against force (push or a pull/capacity to do work or cause physical change)


- Lifting weights


• Write down your fitness goals. You’re more likely to stick with a program once you have set some specific goals.•.


• Assess your current fitness level before starting an exercise program.

( to establish goals that meet your specific fitness needs• Consider talking with your health care provider before embarking on a fitness program, particularly if you are struggling with a health condition such as diabetes or obesity


• warm-up before your workout and cool down afterward.

• Change your workout routine. If you do the same exercise everyday, you’ll get tired/bored• Work out with a friend. You’ll help motivate each other.• Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workouts.• Start small. Aim for just 10-15 minutes of exercise when you're just starting


• Don’t overdo it! Try doing too much at once and you’ll burn out quickly. Slowly increase the intensity of your workouts.

•Don’t • Over-train. Your body needs time to recover in between workouts

• Skip breakfast. Eating breakfast will jump-start your metabolism and provide you with the energy you need to get through the day.

• Skip stretching. Do it after every workout.

• Skimp on sleep. It'll give you the energy you need to focus on your exercises.

• Set unrealistic goals. A healthy rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. If you have 50 pounds to lose, don’t expect it to come off overnight--you’ll set yourself up for disappointment.

• Compare your successes and failures to others. Everyone is unique, and what works for some may not work for others.

• Work out randomly. Work out on a consistent schedule to maximize the benefits and help you form the habitt. .

• Give up. Consider talking with a friend in times of discouragemen


• Forget to reward yourself on occasion. Just don't use food as your rewards.

• One of the most common mistakes first-timers make is taking on too much at once. You’ll be too sore and too tired within a few short days to continue. Always start out slowly, ALWAYS.

Develop Endurance

Endurance means that your muscles can work for a long period of time without getting tired

Example:- Aerobic exercise- Running

Develop Flexibility

Flexibility is the ability to move your joint through full range of motion

Stretching exercises will develop flexibility


- Yoga

Strength and Endurance

What will lifting weights will improve?

- Muscle strength

What will swimming improve for your body?

- Muscle endurance

Flexibility – Feel and Look Good

What will yoga improve for your body?- Flexibility

If you will exercise on the regular basis, how will you feel and look?

- Feel energetic and look good
