The Bare Essentials AP Review PowerPoint



The Bare Essentials AP Review PowerPoint. In 1620 this became the 1 st agreement for self-government in America. Signed by the 41 men who settled Plymouth colony. Mayflower Compact. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Bare Essentials AP Review PowerPoint

In 1620 this became the 1st agreement for self-government in America.Signed by the 41 men who settled Plymouth colony.

Mayflower Compact

He became the 1st governor of the Massachussetts Bay Colony. Famous for saying: “We shall be as a city upon a hill, and the eyes of all shall be upon us.”

John Winthrop

50 acres of land would be given to each colonists who brought others to Virginia, led to the importation of indentured servants and the creation of large plantations.

Headright System

His discovery of how to successfully grow tobacco & cure it for export saved Virginia in its early years as a colony. He married Pocahontas.

John Rolfe

When was Jamestown founded?


In 1619, this became the 1st legislative body in America.

House of Burgesses

In 1676, settlers of western Virginia formed an army and marched on Jamestown to protest the unwillingness of Governor Berkley to protect the frontier settlements.

Bacon’s Rebellion

Puritan preacher during the 1st Great Awakening, whose most famous sermon was “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

Jonathan Edwards

The Toleration Act was passed in Maryland to protect religious freedom. In what year was it passed? What was the religion of the majority of Marylanders?

1649, Catholic

The colonial economy was based on what theory regarding mother nations and trade?


The trial of this newspaper reporter set the precedent for freedom of speech in the colonies.

John Peter Zenger

Fought between 1754-1763, this colonial war between Great Britain and France was a turning point in relations between Britain and the 13 colonies.

French & Indian War

This Ottawa chief united the Indian tribes of the Northwest territory in an uprising in 1763.


This British tax on legal documents and newspapers led to a successful boycott and a Congress. Colonists objected to the tax because it was an internal tax imposed without allowing them to participate in the decision making. What was it & in what year did it happen?

Stamp Act, 1765

Philadelphia lawyer who wrote “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania” and the Olive Branch Petition. The only member of the 2nd Continental Congress who did not sign the Declaration of Independence.

John Dickenson

The Coercive Acts were designed to punish who for what?

Massachussetts, Boston Tea Pary

Who wrote “The Crisis” and “Common Sense?”

Thomas Paine

When the British soldiers marched to Lexington and Concord, they were under orders to arrest the leaders of the rebellion in Massachussetts. Who were these two men?

John Hancock & Samuel Adams

What battle was the turning point of the American Revolution & why?

Saratoga,French Alliance

The two main accomplishments of the government of the Articles of Confederation were the passage of laws dealing with 1) setting a procedure for the surveying & sale of public lands, and 2) establishing the method through which a territory could become a state. What were theses laws, respectively?

Land Ordinance of 1785,Northwest Ordinance 1787

Known as the father of the Bill of Rights, he also helped draft the Constitution.

George Mason

Who wrote the Federalists Papers? (3 names)

Alexander Hamiliton, James Madison, John Jay

In 1794, farmers in Pennsylvania protested Hamilton’s excise tax in the..,

Whiskey Rebellion

The Federalist Party lost the Presidency and control of Congress in the Election of 1800 due mainly to their passing what legislation?

Alien & Sedition Acts

The War of 1812 was caused by the _________ of American citizens by the British navy, and the British occupation of _______________ in the _____________.

Impressment, forts, Northwest territory

Why was Jefferson’s conscience troubled by the Louisiana Purchase?

As a strict constructionist, he believed he didn’t have the authority to make the


What was Jefferson’s most unpopular action as President, and what region of the country protested this action?

Embargo Act, New England

Shawnee Indian leader who united the Northwestern tribes. He was killed at eh battle of the Thames in 1813.


The Federalist party died out after being branded traitors because of ______________________________. This was part of their protest of __________________________.

Hardford ConventionWar of 1812

Name the members of the Great Triumvirate and the regions they represented.

Henry Clay, westJohn C. Calhoun,

southDaniel Webster,


Name the four major elections in which the results were contested and settled by Congress, the Supreme Court, or committee.

1800, 1824, 1976, 2000

What did Henry Clay’s American System do?

Build roads, canals, bridges, schools, libraries.

The two most significant transcendentalists in America were…

Ralph Waldo EmersonHenry David Thoreau

Who wrote each of the following?1. Moby Dick2. Scarlet Letter3. Annabelle Lee4. Rip Van Winkle5. Leaves of Grass6. Leatherstocking Tales

Herman MelvilleNathaniel

HawthorneEdgar Allen PoeWashington Irving

Walt WhitmanJames Fenimore Cooper

19th Century reformer for humane treatment of the mentally ill.

Dorothea Dix

Anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic feeling that arose in the 1840’s. Let to formation of the __________________ Party

NativismKnow Nothing

Supreme Court decision that established Judicial review and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who made the ruling.

Marbury v. MadisonJohn Marshall

In what decade did John L. Sullivan coin the term Manifest Destiny?


What native American tribe fought the Indian Removal act in the Worcester v. Georgia case?


During whose Presidency was Texas, Oregon, California & the Mexican Cession added to the United States?

James K. Polk

The Republican party was created in opposition to what law that led to territorial unrest as Free Soilers battled Pro-slavers?

Kansas Nebraska Act

Lincoln said this individual and what they wrote started the Civil War.

Harriet Beecher StoweUncle Tom’s Cabin

In what decision did the Taney court rule that a slave is property and the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional?

Dred Scott

Name the candidates for the Presidency in 1860 (4 of them) and the parties they represent.

Abraham Lincoln – RepublicanStephen Douglas – N. DemocratsJohn Breckenridge – S. DemocratsJohn Bell – Constitutional Union

This two battles that were won on July 4, 1863 were the turning point of the Civil War.

Gettysburg & Vicksburg

A Union victory in this battle enabled Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. The deadliest battle in the Civil War.


When was the Homestead Act passed?


Andrew Johnson was impeached for violating what law?

Tenure of Office Act

The 14th Amendment gave African Americans ….


Reconstruction ended with as a result of the …

Compromise of 1877

Who controlled the political machine in New York City during the Gilded Age?

William Marcy Tweed

What political cartoonist was responsible for bringing down the Tweed Ring?

Thomas Nast

In response to the assassination of James Garfield, Congress passed the _______________________ creating the Civil Service.

Pendleton Act

The “Cross of Gold” speech was given by _________________ who was chosen as both the Democratic and ______________ candidate for the Presidency in _______.

William Jennings Bryan,Populist, 1896

This 20th Century Architect was the pioneer of the modern style of Organic Architecture.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Match the Entrepreneur with their field:---Oil Monopoly---Steel Technology---Wall Street Investment Banking

John D. RockefellerAndrew Carnegie

J.P. Morgan

Irish born labor activist from Chicago who worked with the Knights of Labor, UMW, and the IWW.

Mary Harris (Mother) Jones

In 1892, steel workers at the Carnegie plant were locked out by Henry K. Frick leading to one of the most violent strikes In American History.


Eugene Debs was imprisoned for refusing a court injunction ordering the end of what strike?


This Platform included a graduated income tax, secret ballot, 8 hour work day, and the unrestricted coinage of silver.


Founder of Hull House.

Jane Addams

Anti-saloon hatcheter from Kansas.

Carry A. Nation

Turn of the 20th Century writers who exposed the problems of urbanization.


Wrote & photographed “How the Other Half Lives.”

Jacob Riis

Leader of the anti-lynching league and one of the founders of the NAACP.

Ida B. Wells Barnett

The Pure Food & Drug Act was passed due what book?

The Jungle

Identify the presidential program that is associated with each of these presidents:--T. Roosevelt--F.D.R.--Harry Truman--JFK--LBJ

Square Deal, New Deal, Fair Deal, New Frontier,

Great Society

What did the 21st Amendment do?

Woman’s Suffrage

American Anarchist who a tried to assassinate Henry K. Frick. Was deported to Russian during the Red Scare.

Emma Goldman

Leader of the Women’s movement when they got the vote.

Alice Paul

The trial over the theory of Evolution.

Scopes Trial

President when the Great Depression began.

Herbert Hoover

Name 8 of FDR’s alphabet programs.

When was Pearl Harbor bombed?


The Munich Conference turned over part of __________ to Hitler.


FDR’s ill health at this conference might have helped cause the Iron Curtain.


City of the Airlift in 1948.


Economic aid to war torn Europe.

Marshall Plan

Presidents during the Korean War.

Truman & Eisenhower

1946-1976 growth period.

Baby Boom

Ike’s Cold War Foreign Policy

Massive Retaliation & Brinkmanship

Caused increase in spending on Science & Math Education.


The closest we came to Nuclear War.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Turning Point in the Vietnam War

Tet Offensive

High & Low Points of Nixon’s Presidency.

Visit to ChinaWatergate

Communist Leaders of these countries:--Russia from 1954-1964--North Vietnam

Krushchev & Ho Chi Minh

Congress authorized the Vietnam War:

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Diane Nash and John Lewis formed…


Led the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wrote the Feminine Mystique.

Betty Friedan

Led the Grape & Lettuce Boycotts.

Cesar Chavez
