Targeting an older audience


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Targeting an older


The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

This Film targets an older audience, How?

1. The plot: It is about some pensioners moving to an retirement Hotel in India. Older people who are about 60+ can already relate to it.

2. The cast: The cast consists mainly of older generation people, who are well known not only to the older generation. For example Judi Dench, Celia Imrie, Bill Nighy, Ronald Pickup, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson and Penelope Wilton.

3. The atmosphere: It isn’t an action movie it’s a comedy-drama, which old people are more likely to watch.

The King’s speech

It targets an older audience, because young people are not interested in history that much or wouldn’t pay to watch a historic movie which doesn’t have any action scenes in it.

Older people would watch this movie because they might have been there when King George IV hold his speech.

The whole movie has a relaxing atmosphere and , in my opinion, doesn’t have a real climax.

Many other examples of movies, which target an older audience are:

• Song for Marion

• The Bucket List

• Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

• The Descendants

• The Ides of March

• The Iron Lady

• The Artist

• Shakespeare in Love

• Mrs Brown

Why?So why do these films attract the older audience, the more mature audience?

Because older people can relate to those movies much more than young people can. Often it is a historic film, or it is the plot.The characters face illness or loneliness.

For example in The Bucket List, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson face the fact that they don’t have much longer to live, so they decide to do what they always wanted to do, like being at the Himalayas, driving a race car, parachuting etc.

Older people are more likely to watch a film which has a deep meaning because they don’t just watch the movie and forget about it, they like to talk about it to their friends and family.

It’s not only the cinema experience but also the Social cinema experience.

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