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TakeThisJobOrShoveit.com was developed in order to give a voice to former and current employees of US companies, in order to provide a place where they can freely express their perception or opinions of their employers, supervisors, coworkers and of their overall work environment.

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How to Unleash Creativity Among Your Employees

Every day the increase in demand for creative

employees is rising. With the technology that is

spanning the globe, and ever so growing networks

employers are looking for the employees that can

keep them at the top of their game. We know this fact

to be true when you take billion dollar companies like

google who let their employees take a small fraction

of their work day to do other projects. This is how

Google News was conceived. By letting the employee

get creative with their time, they opened up a new

stream of revenue for them.

Most people are going to think that creativity is something that is more of a character born

trait, rather than something that can be taught and trained. Well, even if this were true, if they

are not giving the appropriate and conductive working environment, then we will not see the

ideas coming from the creative employees. You should always encourage your employees to

seek new and innovating ideas on how to do a certain task or goal, how they could improve a

current operation in the workplace, or by how their idea can help achieve the overall mission

and business goal.

So here are 5 different ways you can unleash some creativity among your employees.

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The first thing that you can do is have a positive working environment. If you hold your office to

the highest level of a serious mindset, then your employees do not feel that they have a free

thinking voice, or that their opinions matters. Thus leading to just dull same in and out regimen

that they become accustomed to. And, it’s likely that no one will ever get to be inspired with an

absolutely brilliant idea. In the too serious work environment, your employees are not looking

to make your company blossom, they are just looking forward to the end of the day.

One cannot urge enough the importance of diversity. How could you get the best ideas or ways

of thinking if everyone is doing the same thing, the exact same way? Perhaps having everyone

thinking the same way will lead to business as usual, but when it comes to the ground breaking

and innovative ideas from creativity, how are you going to get that free thinker? Having

everyone dress, act, and talk the same, leaves very little room for creativity and idea


The third thing is reward creativity. If you want to have think outside-the-box employees, you

need to reward them for such. You also need to make sure that you follow through with some

of your employee’s suggestions. If you do nothing with their ideas then they will not have the

drive to be creative, because nothing will be done with it anyway. So make sure that you

reward and use your employee’s creative peaks. What some companies have done is set goals

for their teams. Make sure that they stay on track and work hard and answer any questions,

especially with a new employee. But you may want to ask them to come with one idea per

week for making work more efficient. Sometime during the week you could open the

suggestion box and read the different ideas to the employees. That way you can determine

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which idea is the best. This could be followed with a reward for the employee or employees

that came up with the creative ideas. These shouldn’t be huge rewards like a vacation out of

the country for say…opting for healthier options in the vending machine. These should be

things like monetary incentives, or recognition from the company by announcing the winner to

the rest of the company in a memo or email.

Always make sure to listen to everyone on your team. Everyone! Most employees are probably

and most likely creative. But, when they don’t have a way to voice their opinion. The loud and

outspoken employees are getting their ideas heard, but this employee may be too shy or afraid

to express the opinions that they have in mind. One way that this could be solved is to create a

suggestion box and encourage your employees to use it. If you don’t have a suggestion box,

and you do announce to employees changes that came from certain employees, you absolutely

can not take for granted any suggestion that an employee makes.

With that being said that brings us to the last thing that you do to spike creativity in the Your

company. Set up innovation teams. Each team can come up with ideas for their issues or

problems and propose them to the company. Some of the most creative ideas come from a

brainstorming session between several different employees. This is a great way to get creativity

going. From their collaboration, you will be able to build and develop on top of ideas in order to

get solutions to a problem. Even if business is down, you can go to your employees to get

suggestions about how to market the brand. This gives them a sense of ownership in the

company, and when you have a sense of ownership, you do your job with pride. Set the

employees that come with the most beneficial ideas on a project to come up with pricing,

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circulation, content, etc. You may also want to implement a bonus structure to reward these

employees who come up with these ideas in order to maintain that concept of marketing. This

is all hypothetical of course and just suggestions to paint the big picture.

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4 Ways to Deal with Workplace Stress

Do you hate your job? Are you stressed when

you come home from work every night?

Quitting may not be an option and this

means that you need to learn about various

ways to deal with workplace stress. These

can help you to breathe easier when you are

on the clock and be more enjoyable to be

around when you are off the clock.

Take a Break

By law, you are allowed to have breaks throughout the day. This may include a 30-minute lunch

break and potentially even a few 15-minute breaks as well. When you are given a break, leave

the building. Many employees choose to stay inside because they don’t have a lot of time. If

you are stressed on the job, you need a way of escaping, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Take a walk around the building, drive down the road to a local deli, or even sit in your car to

listen to some music. Being able to break up the work day without being inside the place that’s

driving you crazy for 8 hours straight can work wonders.

Leave Work at Work

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One of the reasons that you are so stressed is that you eat, sleep, and breathe work. Make the

promise that you won’t talk about work as soon as you leave. Forget about the job as soon as

you punch out for the day. If you are called by your employer, let it go to voicemail. You can

always call back if it’s urgent. When people ask about your day, keep it simple. If you launch

into a million reasons of why you hate your job, it will only cause you more stress.

Find an Outlet

Find a way to get rid of your stress. An outlet can be yoga, the gym, or anything else where you

can simply let out all of the stress that has been building up inside. Maybe you schedule a

massage at the end of every month or maybe you join a kickboxing class. Something will help

you free yourself so that the stress isn’t eating you up.

Talk to Your Manager

If things are getting so bad that you hate to get up and go to work every day, schedule some

time to talk with your manager. Your manager may have no idea that you are so miserable –

and may have a solution. It may be possible to delegate some work to someone else, change up

your schedule, or even provide you with some added help. It never hurts to discuss things with

your manager because it can lead to a healthier work situation.

Workplace stress can make life miserable. With these four ways, you should be able to

eliminate some of the stress that you have been experiencing.

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Whether you love working for your boss or hate it, anonymously let others know how your boss

is doing on the job. http://takethisjoborshoveit.com

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How to Deal With a Difficult Boss

Working for a boss with a bullish

demeanor is one of the biggest challenges

anyone will ever face. A bully boss is

someone who picks out certain employees

to antagonize. The bully boss treats the

targeted employees far worse than the

rest of the staff. The bullied employee may

be subjected to yelling, impractical micro managing, sarcasm, excessive criticism, and a lot of

other cruel treatment. The bully is insecure with the authority which was assigned to him/her

so some employees have to be made into examples.

This negative behavior can lead to employees siding with the bully in order to keep from

becoming the next target. The bullying is similar to other forms of abuse. The authority which

should be used to aid the victim is turned into a weapon to hurt them. Generally, there is

nobody to confront the boss because American society typically justifies bullying.

The best solution for dealing with bosses like this is to confront them immediately about their

behavior. A firm voice should be used to let the bully know that his/her behavior is

inappropriate and unnecessary. This could lead to more bullying later, but it could also lead to a

change in the bully’s behavior. If all else fails, go further up the chain of command. Let the

boss’s supervisor know that he/she has been abusing the authority that comes with being a


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Unfortunately, there are no laws against bullying unless the bully is choosing his/her targets

based on their sexual orientation, race, religion et cetera. This is why a plan of action has to be

taken to deal with the bully and the bullying. Though it may be difficult, not dealing with the

bully only leads to a feeling of empowerment which will embolden the bully in the future.

Whether you love working for your boss or hate it, anonymously let others know how your boss

is doing on the job. http://takethisjoborshoveit.com

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Favoritism in the Workplace: Inadvertent or Intentional

Without a doubt, there is favoritism in

every aspect of life, even the workplace.

Some employees benefit from the

favoritism while others are adversely

affected. Favoritism is just a natural part

of life, but it can have negative effects on

a company.

Employees who feel they’re being treated unfairly are far more likely to resign. A high turnover

ratio makes it difficult to build an experienced staff. When an employee sees a fellow employee

getting rewarded for no reason in particular, it breeds contempt within the workforce.

Favoritism also gives the preferred employee a false sense of accomplishment which may

prevent them from working their hardest. Many employers only allow the favoritism because

they’re unaware of the negative consequences associated with it. It’s natural to prefer certain

people to others but this shouldn’t become a determining factor in the workplace.

While it would be impossible to make the workplace 100 percent favoritism free, favoritism

should still be limited wherever possible. The first step would be to get the employer to see the

favoritism. This can be difficult due to something known as the Rosenthal effect. 50 years ago, a

study was conducted where a teacher was given a random list of students, and was told that

the randomly chosen students were special and expected to succeed. There was nothing known

to be special about the students on the list, but it created a false sense of favoritism within the

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teacher. At the end of the school year, the randomly chosen students on the list had succeeded

more than their counter parts. Not because they were special but because the teacher spent

more time with them and gave them special treatment. The fabricated confidence that the

teacher had in the randomly chosen “special” students led to those students having more

confidence and doing better than their peers. While the students who were not on that list did

not do as well because they were not called on as much, didn’t get the same patience or

positive motivation. Just like the teacher, an employer may be unintentionally showing

favoritism simply due to a false perception.

Many times an employer will have preconceived notions about employees based simply on

their appearance. When this happens it becomes breeding grounds for favoritism. These high

expectations of some employees will lead to them doing well while also leading to the

detriment of the other employees. All employees should be hired with the expectation that

they will do well. When a position is made available, all employees should be given equal

opportunity to apply for it. All promotions should be based on merit and not who the boss likes.

In short, there should be favoritism in the workplace but it should be reserved for those who

work hard for the accolades and not those who are deemed better for no particular reason.

Whether you love working for your boss or hate it, anonymously let others know how your boss

is doing on the job. http://takethisjoborshoveit.com

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I Hate My Job. Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Have you grown tired of working for your present

company? Do your daily activities leave you feeling

demoralized? Do you wish you could work for someone

else in another office?

If so, these are sure signs that you’re with the wrong

company and maybe even the wrong career field.

Changing jobs or even careers may be the solution to

your problems but you shouldn’t focus on the negative

while you search for a new revenue stream.

Concentrating on the things you dislike can lead to an

unhealthy stress.

You should continue your job search but try to focus on the positive aspects of your current job.

Keep in mind that the job is what allows you to provide for yourself and your family. Take some

classes at the community college or a vocational school to improve your situation. Lastly, never

quit your old job before you get a new one. This will only further serve to agitate an already bad

situation, and the added stress of trying to find a new job could lead to you having to take an

even worse position with an even worse company just to make ends meet.

Whether you love working for your boss or hate it, anonymously let others know how your boss

is doing on the job. http://takethisjoborshoveit.com
