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Table of Contents

DISCLAIMER .............................................................................................. 3

Easy Guide for the first Time Gun Owners ..................................................................... 4

1. Choosing the Survival Gun that Suits You ................................................ 5

1.1 What to Look for in Any Survival Gun ....................................................................... 6

Reliability ...................................................................................................................... 6

Availability .................................................................................................................... 7

Size/Weight .................................................................................................................. 7

Simplicity ...................................................................................................................... 8

Versatility ...................................................................................................................... 8

2. What to Do After Purchasing a New Firearm ......................................... 10

2.1 Read Up ..................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Clean and Lube ......................................................................................................... 11

Cleaning / Lubricating Kits ........................................................................................ 12

2.3 Cartridge Selection ................................................................................................... 12

2.4 Test Fire ................................................................................................................... 13

2.5 Practice, Practice, Practice ....................................................................................... 13

2.6 Legal Considerations ............................................................................................... 14

3. Training to Shoot for Hunting and Defense ........................................... 15

3.1 Rules to Keep in Mind .............................................................................................. 15

3.2 Safety Issues ............................................................................................................. 16

3.3 Skills to Practice at Home for New Shooters ............................................................ 17

The LaserLyte Training System.................................................................................. 18


Airsoft Pistols .............................................................................................................. 19

Spring Action .............................................................................................................. 19

Automatic Electric Guns (AEGs) ................................................................................ 20

Gas Blow-Back (GBB) ................................................................................................. 21

Safety and Shooting Features of a Good Range ......................................................... 21

Types of Shooting on Your Outdoor Range ............................................................... 22

Build and practice in a Hogan's Alley shooting range ............................................... 25

Gallery range ............................................................................................................... 25

Wooden Target Stands ............................................................................................... 26

Auto-popper Steel Targets .......................................................................................... 26

Ground strike targets .................................................................................................. 26

Recording Your Sessions ............................................................................................... 26

3.4 Training Tips ............................................................................................................ 27

4. Rules for Carrying Firearms across the US ............................................ 28

4.1 Rules to Be Aware Of ................................................................................................ 29

Resources ................................................................................................. 32

Survivopedia Articles on Shooting & Survival Defense................................................. 32

Survivopedia Articles on Weapons & Ammo ................................................................ 32







THE AUTHOR OF “MY FIRST SURVIVAL GUN: Easy Guide for the First Time Gun Owners”




THE MATERIAL IN “MY FIRST SURVIVAL GUN: Easy Guide for the First Time Gun Owners”




















Time Gun Owners”


My First Survival Gun

Easy Guide for the First Time Gun Owners

Whatever you’re prepping for, self-defense is one aspect of surviving that you can’t skip

of your plans if you really want to stay alive. Everyone has their preference as to what

qualifies as the best survival weapon, but there’s one thing you can’t deny: the best

weapon is the one you have in your hand when you need it.

If you’re a first-time gun owner, there is a lot to be learned in terms of maintenance and

regulations. Also, you need to get the proper training. A gun is an excellent tool for self-

defense, and can also be used for sport and hunting. If you don't practice, however, even

the best gun won't make up for lack of experience and skill in shooting and evaluating


Practicing at home can give you cheaper alternatives, and give you more time and

privacy to work on your skills and develop them.

Here are some steps you should be aware of, and the guidance you need to help you start

as a responsible gun owner. Keep reading!


1. Choosing the Survival Gun that Suits You

Everyone has their own opinion and preference when it comes to survival guns. Some

insist if you only had to choose one, it’d better be a Mossberg 500. Others say the .22

LR is the name of the game for survival.

Then there are the community of military and law enforcement professionals who swear

upon their M4s and M16s.

Ultimately, there is no such thing as the perfect survival weapon and everyone is entitled

to equip themselves in the matter they deem most fit. With that said, a survival gun

should be able of performing with deadly effect whenever called upon in an emergency.


1.1 What to Look for in Any Survival Gun

Though there is no perfect survival gun, there is also no single gun that works best for

each type of individual and level of shooting. While an able-bodied adult male should be

capable of handling most common handguns, shotguns, and rifles, the same cannot

always be said of women and children. The elderly and disabled are at even more of a

disadvantage when it comes to arming themselves.

While any handheld weapons like knifes, bats, and pepper spray can be used with

relative ease by the untrained, they can also be used against you if taken away by an

attack. Since they put distance between you and your target, guns have long been hailed

as the best form of weapon for defense and survival.

Therefore, anyone in your family, young and old, capable of learning how to use a

firearm safely and effectively should consider doing so. There are a few qualities to look

for in any survival gun, no matter who will be using it or what the target.


In a survival situation, your firearm could be the piece of equipment that determines

whether you live or die. Not only will it be used to protect you, your family, and your

property from others who want what you have, but also to put food on the table in the

form of hunting when other food sources run scarce.

A gun decked out with fancy optics and rail accessories doesn’t always equate with

something that will fire effectively every time you pull the trigger, as is its intended

purpose. Typically, a more industrial gun without all the bells and whistles will serve

you best for both hunting and self-defense practicalities.

If a gun will still fire after falling of a ledge, being dragged through mud, or while it’s

raining, it’s a reliable gun. If you could only have one gun to survive, you want it to be

something that will shoot with the same accuracy straight out of the box and after a year

collecting dust in storage.



A firearm without ammunition is nothing more than a paperweight, as is a broken gun

without spare parts. For that reason, a survival gun shouldn’t be something obscure

that requires the use of expensive or hard to find ammunition. The more common--and

affordable--the gun and its ammunition, the more chance you must stockpile extra parts

and ammo before SHTF, and the more likely you’ll be to find replacement parts and

usable rounds in the aftermath of an emergency.

That’s why many advocate the use of a .22 LR for all-around survival usage. Their

widespread popularity in times of peace equates to the circulation of plenty of ammo

and replacement parts when disaster strikes, though this also applies to 9mm and 30-06

rounds as well.

Whichever firearm you use, make sure it’s something you can afford to replace, fix, and

fire at any given moment.

3 Second SEAL Test Will Tell You If You’ll Survive A SHTF



Simply put, a larger and heavier firearm is less versatile

and less effective in a survival scenario. Though scoped

bolt-action rifles and high gauge shotguns are capable

of providing extreme firepower, they are simply too

heavy and cumbersome to be used for self-defense or

home protection in most applications.

Whether you’re firearm of choice is a pistol, shotgun, or

rifle (or one of each), your selection should be

lightweight, compact, and convenient to carry, draw, and shoot both out on the road and

in the halls of your home.


If you find yourself on the move, you will already be burdened by the weight of the

water, food, and other essential supplies you must carry. Not to mention that as the

caliber of a gun increases, the number of rounds you can carry on your person

decreases, as they too are heavy.

If it has enough takedown power for hunting and self-defense, smaller is better when it

comes to survival.


Your gun should be reliable and fire every time you aim at your target and pull the

trigger, but doing so should be straightforward.

The process of loading and clearing rounds, using the safety, and pulling the trigger

should be so easy that a nine-year-old could do it with ease. And while it’s up to you to

decide when to teach your children about gun safety, you never know when you may

have to arm the members of your family, children included, for the sake of security.

Families with young children should consider keeping their weapons unloaded and

stored separately from its ammo at all times to avoid accidents, but they should always

be stored in such a way that they will be easy to access, load, and use for defense at a

moment’s notice.


Ideally you will be in a position to equip yourself with a layered defense with some

combination of handgun, shotgun, and rifle. But if you had to choose only one, it should

be something that will be effective for a variety of survival needs, defense and hunting


To that end, the rifle you use to hunt elk in Alaska may not be the same gun you’d want

to defend your home or apartment. In a survival situation, you never know what your

target is going to look like or how many of them you will face.


Accordingly, you can never gauge the distance to your target until you’re staring it in the

face or taking incoming fire. Whether you’re defending your home perimeter or

protecting your family while on the move, an ideal survival weapon should can take

down targets in close quarters and at long range.

If a gun adheres to the characteristics listed above, it can be considered as suitable for

use in a survival scenario. The more you option you can handle and range-test before

deciding on a go-to the better, as you never know when you’ll have to call upon your

choice for your own survival. In the end, a gun is only as good as the person shooting it.

If you don’t take the time to learn how to safely and properly handle and fire your

weapon, it may be more of a liability than an asset.


2. What to Do After Purchasing a New Firearm

Most new gun owners can’t wait to get out to the range and start shooting. Your dealer

may even try to coax you into coming around back to the range to “break in” your new


In fact, shooting is the last thing you should do with your gun, especially if it was bought

used. You must take the time to learn the ins and outs of your gun and how to properly

maintain it; doing so in advance will help extend the life of your gun or restore life to a

used gun that might have come with some problems.

Let's see a few steps you should take to get to know your gun before relying on it for

protection in a real-world emergency.


2.1 Read Up

The first thing you should do with your new gun is read the owner’s manual. Unlike

televisions and Swedish-made furniture, both of which are relatively straightforward to

assemble and operate without the aid of instructions, firearms are complex and

potentially dangerous weapons in the hands of those unfamiliar with the way they


If you bought your gun used, or it otherwise didn’t come with an owner’s manual, call or

write the manufacturer that made it and request a copy--they will usually send one for


If you purchased an older model gun or cannot find a manual to match your gun,

consider grabbing one of the many books available on basic gun assembly, disassembly,

and maintenance.

Read the manual cover to cover to learn about the different parts of your gun and how it


2.2 Clean and Lube

Once you’ve learned about it in theory, you must take time to practice disassembling,

cleaning, and lubricating your gun, as these are integral components to ensuring it will

fire effectively and reliably.

Most new guns come coated with a protective grease to protect against rust and

corrosion. Unfortunately, this coating is ineffective at lubricating the various moving

parts of your firearm. Accordingly, if you purchased a used weapon, you have no way of

knowing if the previous owner may have used a water-based solvent like WD-40 to clean

the barrel--something you should never do with a gun.


Cleaning / Lubricating Kits

If your firearm didn’t come with a cleaning/lubricating kit, you will want to purchase a

cleaner designed to remove the factory grease, in addition to an oil-based lubricant

made for guns.

After removing the factory grease, your firearm needs to be properly lubricated with gun

oil. Keep in mind that before you go dropping oil into the cracks and crevices of your

firearm, you should be familiar with how to field strip and reassemble your firearm with

ease, ideally with your eyes closed.

You should apply oil to each of the moving parts of your firearm such as the slide rails

and hinge pins. You may also use a thin coating of oil on the outside of the barrel as a

rust preventative to replace the gun’s factory grease.

Do not lubricate the chamber or breach face of your firearm, as this will alter how your

cartridge cases respond to the pressure generated by the firing pin. Also make sure the

barrel of your gun is free from any grease or residue, as this could have a dangerous

effect upon firing.

As a general rule, do not apply lubricant to any surface of your gun that comes into

direct contact with the cartridges.

2.3 Cartridge Selection

Selecting the proper cartridge for your firearm is integral to safe and effective shooting.

The barrels on most guns are marked with the type of cartridge recommended. As a

general rule, only use the type of cartridge marked on the barrel of your gun.

Most cartridges come in a variety of bullet weights--measured in grains--and styles, and

each type is intended for a specific use. There are some redundancies when it comes to

ammo selection, and one type of cartridge may be suitable for both hunting and self-

defense, but specialty ammo has become quite common as of late.


Do the research and consult with expert gunsmiths as to which bullet weight and style is

best for your firearm and your intended use.

2.4 Test Fire

After your gun is cleaned and lubed, it’s still not quite ready for action. Before loading a

full magazine and heading out to the range, you first want to test-fire your gun--rifles in

particular--with a single round.

That means you load your gun with one round (and one round only) and shoot it. Ideally

you’ll be able to do this on your own property if you’re fortunate enough to own a large

piece of land where you can go about your business undisturbed.

Bear in mind that not everyone agrees with the practice of single-shot test firing. If your

gun was purchased used or it went through a gunsmith for barrel maintenance, there is

a possibility that there will be some roughness or leftover sediment inside the barrel.

Variants of this process involve changing the number of rounds fired before each


For example, you fire one shot, clean the barrel, then fire two shots and clean the barrel

again, then fire three shots and so on. Bear in mind that this initial effort, however

inconvenient, will reward you with a lifetime of safe and reliable shooting.

2.5 Practice, Practice, Practice

It’s recommended that inexperienced shooters enroll in some kind of training to educate

them on proper gun handling and shooting techniques. Consider taking a training class

that would teach you how to use your gun for real survival purposes.

Granted, training is meaningless if you don’t consistently practice to keep your skills

sharp. Hit the range as much as possible, set up different targets and obstacle courses on

your own property (if space and legality allows), and consider enlisting in an occasional

refresher course to keep your skills up.


Regardless of what type of training or practice you go with, both will help ensure you’re

better prepared to face a survival scenario.

Ultimately, everyone has their own idea of what steps to take after purchasing a firearm.

Whether your gun is intended for hunting, home-defense, or everyday target shooting,

safety should always be paramount. The more familiar you are with your firearm, its

parts, and its ammo, the more effective you will be when it comes to actually shooting,

whether your target is a piece of paper down range, a deer in the woods, or an intruder

on your doorstep.

3 Second SEAL Test Will Tell You If You’ll Survive A SHTF


2.6 Legal Considerations

Gun laws vary from state to state, but some require the possession of a permit to keep a

firearm in your home or person.

If you intend to carry your firearm on your person for protection, the laws become more

finite. Some states require concealed carry permits while others allow you to carry your

gun concealed or open as long as you have the proper permits and registration.

Check with your state and local governments to see what laws apply to you, as no state is

the same. Some states still ban the carrying of handguns altogether.


3. Training to Shoot for Hunting and Defense

Whether you have just become a proud, new gun owner or are learning how to shoot a

firearm for the first time, the process can be a time of great excitement, trepidation, and

uncertainty. Just keep in mind that your best mentor will be your training.

As with driving or participation in any activity that could possibly lead to death if

improperly or recklessly performed, learning to shoot a gun for hunting or home/self-

defense comes with tremendous responsibility and requires complete attention and

confidence of skill.

Training to shoot is a process that necessitates practice, and it can also be quite

gratifying, not to mention lifesaving if or when SHTF. But when it comes to training for

both hunting and self-defense, safety must come first.

3.1 Rules to Keep in Mind

- Always assume a gun is loaded. Even if you think you’ve removed the

ammunition, handle the firearm as if you’ve had a lapse in memory. Prevent a tragic


accident. Better safe than swearing you’re right. And, of course, never believe anyone

else’s gun is unloaded.

- Get your finger off the trigger. Only when you are prepared to take the shot

should you reach for it, and only when target is in sight.

- Be positive you know

what you are about to

shoot. What you think is

an animal, might be a

child. Know exactly what

your target is and where it

is. If it’s nearby anything

that could get hit if you

miss your shot, do not

take the shot. (As a novice, please assume you will miss your target.)

- Keep your gun stored unloaded, and in a different place than the

ammunition. Depending on your state’s gun laws, you may need an approved trigger-

or safety-lock. A safe, a lock-box, or both are recommended and may be legally

mandatory in normal times.

3.2 Safety Issues

While considering this topic of preventative and protective wellbeing, it would be remiss

not to educate on how to handle the subject of firearms and children’s’ safety.

Data from the Department of Justice informs that, “A child's thumb has twice the

strength of the other fingers.” Never underestimate what can happen or how strong they

are; keep their little fingers away from a trigger.


As for their brains, try not to let their imagination and curiosity lead them into trouble.

Be open and honest and if they are older, show them your guns. The less scary and

taboo, the less chance they will mess around or perhaps feel the need to “show-off”.

!! Teach children the rules of gun safety!

A child must be taught--in an age appropriate manner--that a gun is real and can kill.

Thus, they must know to only ever pull the trigger if their life is in danger or food is

needed on the table.

For those training to hunt or for self-defense purposes, how to choose the right firearm

for your particular needs and comfort is incredibly important.

A five-foot-two, 112-pound woman would have a ridiculously difficult time shooting a

500 Smith & Wesson Magnum. If fact, the recoil might hurt her more than the target

she misses. This is not sexist; it is practical. Your handgun or rifle needs to fit you.

3.3 Skills to Practice at Home for New Shooters

As a gun owner, you will enjoy many rewards that come with being a responsible and

competent carrier. Practicing effective and efficient shooting skills reduces the risk of

injuring innocent people and also makes it easier for you to handle a crisis.

Gun owners today must practice many different scenarios, including when and when not

to shoot until it become second nature or muscle memory.

When you have developed a sufficient level of muscle memory, you will have to think

consciously about drawing your gun, aiming, or firing. Rather, once you know that you

have to fire the gun, it will all happen in one fluid motion from start to finish.

From that perspective, practicing isn't just about ensuring you can hit the target, it is

about being able to evaluate and follow through as quickly as possible without

making mistakes. Even though professional shooters make their actions look effortless,


hours and years of practice go into their skills and marksmanship. Here are some ways

you can hone your skills at home using some basic devices and drills.

3 Second SEAL Test Will Tell You If You’ll Survive A SHTF


The LaserLyte Training System

LaserLyte makes training kits that use a colored polymer pistol or revolver that looks

and feels just like a handgun that you plan to carry. Instead of firing live ammunition,

this gun fires a safe laser beam that will show up on the target. These kits can be used

for drawing from concealment, target practice, or gallery shooting.

Types of training kits available (each contains your handgun replica of choice):

• Laser Quick Tyme Kit - The bulls eye target in this kit has a built-in timer that

can be used in the on or off mode depending what your shooting requirements


• Laser Steel Tyme Kit - contains two steel Tyme targets that make a metallic sound

when you hit them.

• Laser Rumble Tyme Kit - contains two can shaped laser targets that spin and

make a rumbling sound when you hit them.

• The laser Gallery Kit - contains one bulls eye target, one steel tyme target, and

one rumbling can target.

Once you have mastered stationary shooting, you can adapt the system for shooting at

moving targets. Did you know that you can use a Roomba vacuum cleaner, remote

control truck, or other robotic devices to improve your shooting skills? Just put a laser

target on top of it, pick a location to shoot from, and let the Romba run around the


You can practice concealment, and use all different kinds of furniture for your

drills. This includes shooting down from staircases, or other locations at head level or

other heights of interest to you. When you use the Roomba vacuum cleaner, you can be


as creative as you like formulating drills. Since the Roomba's activities can be quite

random depending on how your furniture is arranged, you will also get to work a little

bit on adrenalin control.

If there is a large barn or other large storage builds on the property, you may want to try

using a drone to carry a laser target. With a good drone pilot, it is possible to make the

target shooting training session into a custom training course for shooters.

With this type of target practice, you can work up from slow moving to faster ones, plus

include plenty of variety. Or, if you need to work on your form, drill on the same

patterns as much as you like.

Airsoft Pistols

Airsoft pistols are replica handguns that fire a plastic BBs. These pistols are designed

after the most popular pistols of today to the point they are exact replicas, except there

is a a RED ring on the barrel at the muzzle end.

You can shoot Airsoft guns in the house, garage, or outdoors. You will also find that

Airsoft BBs are much cheaper than ammo you have set aside for practice at the

range. To keep from losing the BBs either indoors or outside, I would recommend using

a BB trap or a tarp behind the targets.

These pistols are fired either by spring action, automatic electric guns, or by gas.

Spring Action

Supplies you will need to shoot.

1. Ammunition- 6mm pellets.

2. Targets- shooters choice.

3. Eye protection- shooters choice.

These are the cheapest and lowest velocity of the Airsoft pistols. To fire this pistol, you



1. Load the ammunition reservoir.

2. Pull back the slide or cocking lever back until the spring is all the way back and


3. Aim and pull the trigger. When the trigger is pulled, it releases a piston that

shoots forward through a cylinder at high speed and pressure. It is this pressure

that pushes the BB out of the barrel.

Note: These pistols are very slow and must be cocked every time in to be fired. I would

not recommend using them to shoot in semi-auto pistol practice.

Automatic Electric Guns (AEGs)

This firing system is good for automatic firing rifles or semi-auto pistols. These

weapons use a small rechargeable battery to run a small electric motor. This motor runs

the sequencing gears, and operates the piston travel.

Supplies you will need to shoot.

1. Ammunition- 6mm pellets.

2. Targets- shooters choice.

3. Eye protection- shooters choice.

How the pistol operates when fired.

1. When the trigger is pulled, the electric motor activates, turning the piston gears,

which pulls the piston back and loads the pistol.

2. Releases the piston to pressurize the cylinder.

3. Fires the BB down the barrel.

4. The trigger resets for the next shot.

Notes: Be sure the battery is fully charged and the BB reservoir is full. Some of these

pistols can simulate the recoil of the fired pistols.


Gas Blow-Back (GBB)

These Airsoft pistols use a compressed gas system to shoot the BBs out of the barrel.

Many of these pistols have a gas blow-back feature that causes the slide on the pistol to

slide backwards and return after being fired. These gas blow-back pistols are the closest

of the three types of Airsoft pistols that feel like firing a real gun.

Supplies needed to shoot.

1. Ammunition- 6mm plastic pellets. Don't be cheap, buy a good quality one

without seams or cracks. Low quality pellets can damage the pistol.

2. Targets- Shooters choice.

3. Gas- There are three types of gas that can be used in the pistol. CO2, Propane, or

Green gas (Propane gas that has silicone mixed in to self-lubricate the pistol.) If

you use CO2, Propane or Green gas in cylinders a special converter will be needed

to fill the magazine with the gas.

4. Eye protection- Shooters choice.

When the trigger is pulled:

1. The gas activates, which pulls the piston back and loads the pistol.

2. Pressurizes the cylinder.

3. Fires the BB down the barrel.

4. The trigger resets for the next shot.

Safety and Shooting Features of a Good Range

In order to get the most out of shooting at home, you will be well served by building a

range where you can practice safely and without distraction. It is very important to

build the range with safety in mind. Here are a few things you can do to ensure your

range is as safe as possible:

• Build the range facing away from occupied dwellings.


• Have a well-built back stop and barricade side walls that will stop all ammunition

that will be used on the range.

• Remove anything that might cause ricochets on the range.

• Target stands to hold paper or steel gong targets.

• Motor or hand operated moving targets.

Types of Shooting on Your Outdoor Range

Pa in tba l l

Paintball is a sport in which players compete in teams or individually to eliminate

opponents by tagging them with paintballs fired from a paintball gun. These games can

involve role playing and be carried out in many kinds of terrain.

Paintball sports give your hands-on training at “shooting” someone without using ammo

that can wound or kill. It also gives you a chance to work on strategies and hone your

skills while addressing adrenalin related matters.

Like all shooting sports, when using paintball guns, the competitors need to know the

capabilities of their guns and what safety gear is necessary to protect them. The

following is the basic equipment needed when using paintball guns.

• A paintball gun kit of choice.

• Paintballs will be the shooters choice.

• Protective clothing

• Chest protectors that are full wrap around to protect front, back, and sides.

• Elbow and forearm pads.

• helmets or head wraps.

• Goggles for eye protection.

• Knee and shin pads.

• Neck protectors.

• Groin cup.


• Gloves for your hands.

Players outer clothing

• Some individuals like to wear camo pants and shirts to better blend in with

surrounding terrain.

• Full body Ghillie suit for total camouflage.

• Boots of your choice.

L i ve F i r e - FB I Q Cour se

When I was a police officer, my department used the FBI “Q” course for pistol

qualifications. This is a sixty round timed course that all FBI Agents must pass to

complete the requirements to become an agent. It has since been adopted by many

other departments at the national, state, and local levels. This course is not difficult, but

it's a good indicator of the shooters abilities.

Your minimum passing score will be fifty out of sixty in the center squares only in a

certain amount of time. Anything outside of this square is counted as a miss. The time

requirements give you enough time to shoot each section of the course. The shorter time

limits are designed to add a little stress and to give you a baseline to keep from shooting

too slowly.

Never forget that a gunfight is fast and very violent. The faster you can shoot accurately,

the better chance you have of coming out alive.

Cour se o f f i r e

Starting at the 3-yard line. You will need a magazine loaded with 12 rounds total. Re-

holster after each part except number 3. Don't re-holster between strong hand and weak

hand portions.

1. Time limit 3 seconds. Draw and fire 3 rounds with your strong hand only.

2. Repeat 1.


3. Time limit 8 seconds. Draw and fire 3 rounds with your strong hand only. Then

switch hands and fire 3 rounds with weak hand only.

4. Re-holster an empty pistol.

Move to the 5-yard line. You will need 12 rounds total. Two handed shooting is required

from this point on.

1. There will be 4 repetitions of 3 seconds each. Draw and fire 3 rounds each. Re-

holster after each 3 rounds portion.

2. After the fourth-round re-holster an empty pistol.

Move to the 7-yard line. You will need 16 total rounds. 12 rounds in the first magazine in

the pistol. 4 rounds in the reload magazine.

1. Time limit 4 seconds. Draw and fire 4 rounds. Re-holster pistol.

2. Repeat 1. Re-holster pistol.

3. Time limit 8 seconds. Draw and fire 4 rounds (the gun is empty). Reload, fire 4


4. Re-holster an empty pistol.

Move to the 15-yard line. You will need 10 rounds.

1. Time limit 6 seconds. Draw and fire 3 rounds.

2. Repeat 1.

3. Time limit 8 seconds. Draw and fire 4 rounds.

4. Re-holster an empty pistol.

Move to the 25-yard line (barricade shooting).

Time limit 15 seconds. You will need 5 rounds.

1. Draw and fire strong hand barricade.

2. Re-holster empty pistol.

Time limit 15 seconds. You will need 5 rounds.

1. Draw and fire weak hand barricade.


2. Re-holster empty pistol.

Build and practice in a Hogan's Alley shooting range

Hogan's Alley is any shooting range devoted to tactical shooting. These ranges are best

known for teaching shooters when to shoot and when not to shoot. This is better known

as Shoot Don't Shoot Drills.

They can be very sophisticated with remote control target systems or as primitive as

targets mounted on a wheeled carriage pulled along by ropes operated manually.

The Hogan's Alley range is built to look like an average US small town or city street. Pop

up targets can be used singly or in groups set at different ranges.

Remember to have a good mix of good guy and bad guy targets to keep the exercises

interesting. When used in a Hogan's Alley, set up pop-up targets to appear in windows,

doorways, or looking over objects like cars, boats, or walls. To keep the drills from

getting boring, move the targets around to make different scenarios.

Gallery range

The Gallery range can help the shooter to shoot different types of targets at different

ranges. You can use tin cans, aluminum drink cans, or plastic bottles. These targets can

be placed on a stump, suspended from frames or tree limbs, or just thrown into the

target area at different distances from the firing line.

When the targets are different distances. This helps you judge distances better, hit the

targets more often, and teaches you how much hold-over to use at different distances.

When you can keep the targets dancing and bouncing with multiple hits, you will be well

on your way to mastering this type of shooting.

When finished shooting for the day always go over the shooting area and take the brass

and trash with you.


Wooden Target Stands

These target stands can be used to mount different types of paper targets at different

distances from the shooting line. This is an excellent way to shoot a bull’s eye target or a

“shoot don't shoot” course of fire.

Auto-popper Steel Targets

These are steel targets that use springs to return hit targets to the upright shooting

position. The targets come in many sizes of circles and animal shapes. The steel targets

should be placed at different distances from the firing line and off known distances that

are used regularly.

Ground strike targets

There are ground strike targets that are made of durable materials that can take

hundreds of shots before being shot apart. They come in ball, animal, and jack


When you are shooting on your range:

1. Learn to shoot from the standing, kneeling, sitting, or prone positions at different

distances from 3-25 yards from the target or further.

2. Learn to shoot both strong and weak handed.

3. Learn to shoot from behind barricades.

4. Practice drawing, shooting, and reloading from each of the four positions.

Recording Your Sessions

When you are practicing at home and away from an instructor, you may not realize that

you are making mistakes in both shooting form and other maneuvers.

Using a video recorder for your sessions will make it possible for you to compare your

form, and discover mistakes that might otherwise prove fatal in an actual shootout.


While you may feel uncomfortable with video cameras at first, they are well worth what

they will show you.

3.4 Training Tips

➢ An experienced firearm instructor can guide you, but truly, until you actually

practice with your weapon, you may not know which model best fits your needs

and capabilities. Picking a gun is like buying a new pair of shoes; you need to try

it on first.

➢ There is an abundance of firearm training schools. If the goal is to learn how to

shoot for self-defense purposes, then enrolling in a program is highly

recommended, if not mandatory. An experienced instructor can teach you about

your gun, how best to use it, and has access to many more for you to practice


➢ Shooting at an indoor range is great practice and going as often as possible or

affordable is advantageous. Thoroughly and intimately knowing the workings of

your gun, inside and out, can only increase your shooting ability.

➢ For hunters, in particular, you want to be trained on how to open your gun’s

action with ease. Checking the muzzle for any kind of hitch or obstruction before

your hunt can help you capture your target, and it may also keep you out of

backfire and harm’s way.

➢ Always wear safety glasses. When training and when out in the field, one must

utilize protective eyewear.

Lack of knowledge and experience will be your biggest stumbling blocks when it comes

to safe and proper shooting. Training is available through websites, books, magazines,

instructors, and most valuably, guided-practice from an expert.

Most important to keep in mind, whether you are a novice or an experienced firearm

user, is that the most basic safety premises will always hold true and must always be

practiced. There is no place for arrogance, only knowledge, experience, and confidence.


4. Rules for Carrying Firearms across the US

The Bill of Rights--the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution--was

ratified in 1791. This included the Second Amendment, which protects the right of

American citizens to keep and bear arms.

In 1968, over 170 years later, Congress passed the “Gun Control Act”, which prohibits

illegal aliens, felons, those diagnosed with mental illness, dishonorably discharged

veterans, and other codified people from legally possessing or purchasing any firearms.

Today, federal guns laws are enforced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and

Explosives (the ATF).

However, the ATF does not create laws, nor can it always enforce federal law in certain

states. It is often a slippery slope when it comes to which branch of government


(federal, state, or local) defines the ultimate law when it comes to the possession of

firearms, especially when traveling across state lines.

United, these states are not particularly when it comes to matters of gun laws. This

makes for carrying firearms from one portion of the country to another a precarious and

often indefinable matter.

To begin, there is no federal permit available (or required) for transportation of a

firearm from state-to-state. That sounds like a done and simple deal for someone who

has a registered handgun in Nebraska and wants to bring it with him/her to Colorado on

vacation. In reality, doing so is easier said than done.

By the verdict of Printz v. United States in 1997, states are not legally obligated to

enforce federal gun laws. Additionally, some states have preemption, meaning the

regulation of firearms is only governed by the laws of that particular state.

To complicate matters further, the local governments in some states are able to pass

even more restrictive gun laws. This is not to suggest that firearm restrictions are bad, it

is merely pointing out that local legislation can trump state and even federal regulation


4.1 Rules to Be Aware Of

The main rules for using/owning a gun (while staying put) are essentially the same for

traveling. They include:

➢ Keeping your firearm unloaded and stored in a case or lock-box

➢ Keeping ammunition separate and preferably in a locked vessel

➢ Not carrying a gun onboard a plane - it must be stored, unloaded, in checked

baggage, and the ammunition kept in a separate checked bag

➢ Declaring that you have a firearm or ammunition when traveling across legally

defined borders - honesty is definitely the best policy here

If you plan to carry a gun across the US, you have to be ready and willing to comply with

each state’s jurisdiction. The Firearms Owners’ Protection Act (FOPA) promises to


protect anyone carrying a firearm for lawful purposes from local restrictions.

However, as mentioned above, local laws may come into effect as soon as any firearm is

“carried on or about a person, placed or loaded, or readily accessible in a vehicle”. Be

aware that many states will recognize FOPA statues only after you’ve been arrested to

view your neglect as an affirmative defense.

If traveling by car or bus, the “Safe Passage Provision” basically protects a gun-owner

from being put in jail if he or she is traveling through a place that has strict gun control

(stricter than where he came from). That is to say that he/she must be on his way to

somewhere else when stopping to eat or refuel and then moving on to his intended



A competition shooter driving with a rifle on his way from Virginia to Maine could not

be arrested and incarcerated in New Jersey because he was passing through. If he

decided to stay in New Jersey for a prolonged period of time for some unknown reason

then, yes, he could be prosecuted.

Carrying a concealed handgun across the United States has many diverse stipulations.

Residents of one particular state must get a license from the state to which they are

traveling. Or, on a broader scale, one may acquire a license from a state like Florida that

allows nonresidents a permit to travel into approximately 28 other states with his/her

concealed permit. Always remember that one is more subject to the gun laws of the

state one is traveling to or visiting, as opposed to the laws existing in the state in which

one lives.

The majority of U.S. states accepts a “Shall-Issue” jurisdiction, which is when a person

meets reasonable criteria for owning a gun. In many cases, these individuals are

allowed a license for a concealed weapon if they choose.

A “May-Issue” ensues when a state requires a permit, but one that is at the discretion of

local authorities. This type of stringent concealed-handgun law exists in California and

New York, perhaps because of celebrity-stalkers and the need for extended personal-


protection from actors, producers, etc. Regardless, these states may enforce trespassing

laws on individuals from other states with concealed weapons as hanging around too

long and not just “passing through.”

Basically, if one is a registered, legal firearm-owner in his/her state, the best advice--if

the plan is to travel across the United State--is to seek an understanding of the laws of

each state you will travel through.

A quick search on the Internet or even a call to a town’s Chamber of Commerce can

facilitate your trip and ease your legal worries. Remember, we still have our Bill of

Rights. Although some states have limitations, we still thankfully have the ability to

travel freely.

And more importantly, we have the right to own our guns and use them for home

protection if we choose.

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How To Identify A Presumptive Shooter

Survival Myth Explained: Can Playing Dead Save Your Life?

Survivopedia Articles on Weapons & Ammo

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