SwinTalks - Warren Frehse - 24 August 2016


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The upside of being a self-help career guru and author

Warren FrehseSwinTalks

Wednesday 24 August 2016

The evolution of work… The 4.0 Career Is Coming: Are You

Ready To Upgrade? The 1.0 career describes doing whatever kind of work

enables you to survive.

Version 2.0 emerged with the political and economic environments that supported the emergence of the modern "career." That is, work within increasingly large, bureaucratic organizations that developed from about the late 1800s into the early 20th century. 

The evolution of work… The 3.0 careerist struggles for more balance between

work and personal life, and is less willing than the 2.0 careerist to stick with an unfulfilling job, or settle for one when job-hunting.

In contrast, the 4.0 careerist is more focused on having impact on something larger than oneself.

The 4.0 careerist is motivated by a sense of service to and connection with the larger human community through the product or service he or she contributes to. It involves continuous new learning and creative growth, through which you use your talents and capacities for having a positive impact on human lives, through your work.

But is this reality for Chaithanya?

Three things he is really good at...


“Don’t give up. Believe in yourself and your purpose. Everyone who takes a risk, tries new things, and does things in new ways will fail

from time to time.”- Laurence G. Boldt,

Author, Zen and the Art of Making a Living

Prompts to discover your purposeWhat do I feel strongly about? What really moves me? What things do I admire in others? What would I like to be

remembered for?What do I wish to become?

The three bricklayers

From task to meaning...

Oriah Mountain Dreamer

“It doesn’t interest me what you do for

a living. I want to know what you ache

for...I want to know what sustains you

from the inside when all else falls


“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to

what lies within us”- Oliver Wendall Holmes

Explore what makes you unique

Acres of Diamonds

Where are your diamonds hiding?

Your values – what’s most important

Your interests –what excites you

Your motivations – what gets you out of bed

Your personality preferences…How am I energised?

How do I gather information?

How do I make decisions?

How do I like to live my days?

Planning or “happenstance”?

“Opportunity thinking”

12 A 13 C 14

Emerging trends...People will change jobs

between five and seven times

70% of jobs to be performed in 15 years time have yet to be invented

“Someday, when I get the chance, I am going to...”

Set a goal (and actually get there!)

“The vulgar bosses forced me to learn respect. The selfish bosses helped me understand compassion. The generous bosses allowed me to spread my wings. The patient bosses kept me on the straight and narrow. The ghastly bosses gave me ample reasons to focus on my career and escape their grip.”- Jonar C Nadar, “How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Your Boss”

When do I change?The sigmoid curve

Above all: Keep growing and know yourself

“We cannot live in the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning. For what was great in the

morning will be little at evening, and what in the morning was true, will at evening have become a lie.”

- Carl Jung (1875 – 1961)
