#SUPERNATURAL | by Milenna Casseb Saraiva



Milenna C. Saraiva new art series - 2014

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#SUPERNATURAL | by Milenna Casseb Saraiva

Supernatural: (Medieval Latin: supernātūrālis: supra "above" + naturalis "nature", is that which is not subject to the laws of physics, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature. In philosophy, popular culture and fiction, the supernatural is associated with the paranormal, religions and occultism.


At a time of great technological change and realignment; in a digital place away from reality and free from the constraints of society, an extremely powerful magnetic field was created, attracting trillions of colorful pixels to create substance. And as time passed and the post-digital era slowly emerged, an undulating, boundless biomorphic shape in perpetual motion took form to create a new planet: a place where all citizens of planet Earth would migrate to in the near future and generate new inhabitants. The registration of Earth’s population began to fall and all of a sudden, everyone’s avatar was a dot on the new planet. Citizens ready to apply information and make it the most brilliant place in the universe. To build their own place, to create a new image, to become leaders of their own kingdom. A Planet where everyone could say and do whatever they liked as there was no control but inexhaustible liberty. A place far away from reality. A place free from the constraints of gravity. A place where reality is manipulated and can only exist, operate and materialize within a screen. This natural evolution of human kind has made us redefine what it means to be a human being.



This series represents a personal journey of exploration of Nature versus Technology, Man versus Machine, Analogic versus Digital and our role as human beings within this new and ever changing landscape.



SUPERNATURAL is a multi-media series of artwork divided in 3 major body’s of work: photography, water-colour portraits on paper and acrylic and oil paintings on canvas.


!!“I do believe in an everyday sort of magic -- the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone.” ― Charles de Lint


!“This may be the curse of human race . Not that we are different from one another , but we are so alike .” ― Salman Rushdie, The Enchantress Of Florence

!“STOLEN PORTRAITS” !Using discarded or forgotten material, in this series a portraits are made using stolen pictures from Facebook’s friends, without their consent. The entire series was painted using a key-chain-sized water-colour kit the artist kept since childhood.


Nicole (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16" Charlie (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16"

Nicole (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16" Aline (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16"

Jackie (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16" Tobias (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16"

Karine (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16" Karina (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16"

Ana (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16" Milenna (2014), water-colour on paper, 21”x 16"

!“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious - the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” ― Albert Einstein

Mindful (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 24"

Flow I (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 40"

Flow II (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 40"

Melancholic Selfie (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 40"

Only a Kiss (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 40"

Mezzanine (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 24"

Control (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 24"

Under Pressure (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 40"

Samambaia (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 40"

Cervidae (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 40"

Elephantidae (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 40”x 40"

Art Exit (2014) Acrylic and oil on canvas 63”x 96"

Nature reaches out to us with welcoming arms, and bids us to enjoy her beauty; but we dread her silence and rush into the crowded cities, there to huddle like sheep fleeing from a ferocious wolf. Every thing in nature bespeaks the mother. The sun is the mother of the earth and gives it it's nourishment of heat; it never leaves the universe at night until it has put the earth to sleep to the song of the sea and the hymn of the birds and brooks. And this earth is the mother of trees and flowers. It produces them, nurses them, and weans them. The trees and flowers become kind mothers of their great fruits and seeds. And the mother, the prototype of all existence, is the eternal spirit, full of beauty and love.― Kahlil Gibran

Milenna C. Saraiva is a Fine Artist, Graphic Designer, and founder and director of Estudio & Galeria Milenna, born in São Paulo, Brazil. Graduated in 2004  from Santa Monica College, Los Angeles, in Fine Arts. Was selected by the faculty to be part of a residency program called The Mentor Program, also at Santa Monica College, for one year, studying oil painting under Linda Lopes, Nathan Ota, Mark Trujillo, Sharon Kagan and Ron Davis. Since her graduation she has been showing her work regularly in Galleries and Museums all over the USA, Canada and Brazil, including The Bergamont Station, The Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, the Katzen Museum in Washington DC, and The Peach Gallery in Toronto. Milenna is currently represented by the The Peach Gallery in Toronto, Canada, Gallery 1983 in Europe, and The New Creators Group in São Paulo, Brazil. The artist primarily works with oil paint on canvas and on wood but is constantly experimenting new mediums such as video projections on a painted canvas, drawing, sculpture, collage, photography, installations, and urban interventions. 

#SUPERNATURAL | by Milenna Casseb Saraiva | www.milenna.com | milenna@milenna.com