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Study Guide- Progressive Era

Across2. - in 1877 there was a ________. Hayes would become President if he removed the army from the north, it ended reconstruction because not the north has no one to protect them3. -Most textile mills located in the Piedmont/Upcountry because of cheap labor and plentiful ___________ supplies. 4. -Amendment allowing citizens to directly elect their Senators.6. Immigrants -People from Germany, England, Scotland, and Ireland who came to South Carolina during the late 1800s to work were more commonly known as8. -The campaign for the right to vote for women. 18th Amendment9. Political minority group experienced the MOST success for voting rights during the 1920s11. - protect the political and economic interests of farmers and laborers.12. -separate facilities for the races13. -In the early 20th century nearly 150 African Americans were killed by what white supremacists called "a form of social control." What is the term for this kind of murder?14. -1916 – The General Assembly passed a child labor law that raised the minimum age for employment to fourteen, 1918- The General Assembly passed legislation allowing women to practice law. All of these were promoted by Governor Richard Irvine Manning III. Based on these events, Manning was MOST likely a p_________ Governor.15. ______box law -to prevent free blacks from voting in the late-1800s16. -Followed Wade Hampton they wanted to restore antebellum ideals. They believed the government should be less active in citizens lives, so they did not have to pay more taxes17. Which transportation method played the GREATEST role in the industrial revolutionDown

1. -a farmer who does not receive any money for his work. Paid with a share of the crops that he helped grow.5. -Laws that segregated public places7. involved the movement of about 6 million African-Americans from the rural south to urban area in the north to escape discrimination, racial segregation, and Jim Crow laws.10. -New industries that appeared in South Carolina in the early 1900's?
