State Aid Weekly · Germany MSF...


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  • 1

    SSttaattee AAiidd WWeeeekkllyy ee--NNeewwss Nr. 31/08, 19.09.2008 12.09.2008 - 18.09.2008 HHiigghhlliigghhttss Conference on 21 November 2008: "The new approach to State aids – recent reforms under the State Aid Action Plan and next steps" - Brussels

    In the course of this full-day event, chaired by the Commissioner for competition, Ms. Neelie Kroes, the Commission will present the simplification package that will be the final step of the current reform of EU State Aid control. During the morning sessions the Commissioner and the DG Competition team will inform the audience about the achievements so far under the current State Aid reform and about the details of the new simplification package. In the afternoon, State aid policy will be analysed in a broader context in a panel with high level participants from the most important stakeholders of European State aid control: Member States, industry, academia and the legal community. Is aid making its full contribution to the Lisbon objectives? What is the role of State aid control in a globalized context? How can it help in tackling the

    numerous challenges that climate change poses? These are only some of the questions that the distinguished speakers of the afternoon panel will address. A detailed agenda and practical information can be accessed on DG Competition's website. Click here to register. The conference is limited to 400 participants and registration will be on a first come / first served basis. Should you have any questions or experience problems to use the registration form, contact us: The External Dimension of State Aid Control Herbert Ungerer, Deputy Director-General for state aid policy in the Directorate-General for Competition, European Commission EU State Aid Conference Brussels, 17th September 2008 To read the full speech, click here New issue of EC Competition Policy Newsletter (No 2/2008) is now available online To read the full text, click here Olympic Airlines and Olympic Airways: two state aid decisions The European Commission found that a plan submitted by the Greek authorities whereby certain assets of Olympic Airlines and Olympic Airways Services will be privatised in bundled form does not involve any State aid provided that the undertakings given by the Greek authorities are fully complied with. Thus Greece has received the green light from the European Commission to proceed with the privatisation. This decision follows a separate but related decision taken by the Commission to partially close the formal State aid investigation procedure it opened on 19 December 2007[1] concerning State aid granted by Greece to Olympic Airways and Olympic Airlines. The Commission has concluded that since its last decision in September 2005[2] concerning the Greek flag-carrier Olympic Airways Services and Olympic Airlines have received further State aid estimated at more than EUR 850 million. This Commission decision finds that this aid is incompatible with community law. Read more

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    Commission confirms receipt of restructuring plan for Szczecin shipyard and joint restructuring plan for Gdynia and Gdansk shipyards The European Commission can confirm that it received from the Polish authorities on 12th September 2008 a revised restructuring plan for Szczecin shipyard and a revised joint restructuring plan for Gdynia and Gdansk shipyards. The Commission will now analyse the plans carefully over the coming weeks to assess the compatibility of the plans with the requirements of EC Treaty state aid rules. The Commission opened the formal investigation into state aid for the Polish shipyards in June 2005. Read more

    II.. DDrraafftt lleeggiissllaattiioonn aanndd ppuubblliicc ccoonnssuullttaattiioonnss Closed public consultations: DG Competition

    DG Agriculture DG Transport and Energy DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

    IIII.. NNeeww lleeggiissllaattiioonn

    -- nnoonnee --

    IIIIII.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttoo ooppeenn ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn 11.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttaakkeenn bbyy tthhee CCoommmmiissssiioonn

    -- nnoonnee-- 22.. DDeecciissiioonnss ppeennddiinngg OOJJ ppuubblliiccaattiioonn Click here to see the full list 33.. DDeecciissiioonnss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee OOJJ ffrroomm 1188..0088..22000088 ttoo 1199..0099..22000088 –– FFoorrmmaall ccoommmmeennttss ppeerriioodd rruunnnniinngg * Where the last day of the public comments period falls on a public holiday in a Member State, the deadline for comments of parties residing in that Member State ends on the following working day.

    Country Title/Links to documents Case number Objective

    Decision date

    DG Competition cases

  • 3

    Italy Sulcis power plant project

    OJ C 240 of 19.09.2008, p. 19 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    Press release

    Deadline for comments*: 20.10.2008

    C 36/2008 (ex NN 33/2008)


    Germany MSF 2002 — EverQ

    OJ C 227 of 04.09.2008, p. 19 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    Press release

    Deadline for comments*: 06.10.2008

    C 21/2008 (ex N 864/2006)

    Regional development aid


    Germany LIP - DE - Deutsche Solar AG

    OJ C 217 of 26.08.2008, p. 19 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    Press release

    Deadline for comments*: 26.09.2008

    C 34/2008 (ex N 170/2008)

    Regional aid 16.07.2008

    France Réforme du mode de financement des retraites des fonctionnaires de l’Etat rattachés à France Télécom

    OJ C 213 of 21.08.2008, p. 11 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    Press release

    Deadline for comments*: 22.09.2008

    C 25/2008 (ex NN 23/2008)


    DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries cases

    Belgium Steunverlening aan de visafslag van Oostende

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 12 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    Deadline for comments*: 17.10.2008

    C 30/2008 (ex NN 21/2008)


    IIVV.. FFiinnaall CCoommmmiissssiioonn ddeecciissiioonnss 11.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttaakkeenn bbyy tthhee CCoommmmiissssiioonn 11..11.. NNoo oobbjjeeccttiioonn ddeecciissiioonnss

    Country Title Case number Objective Decision


    DG Competition cases

    Germany BMBF Framework Programme "Research for Sustainability (II)"

    N 283/2008 R&D aid 17.09.2008

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    Germany Richtlinien für die Gewährung von Beihilfen als Projektförderung durch die Innovationsstiftung Hamburg

    N 100/2008 R&D aid 17.09.2008

    DG Transport and Energy cases

    Greece Olympic Airways Services (2ème partie)

    Press release

    N 323/2008 No aid 17.09.2008

    Greece Olympic Airways Services (1ère partie)

    Press release

    N 322/2008 No aid 17.09.2008

    Greece Olympic Airlines

    Press release

    N 321/2008 No aid 17.09.2008

    11..22.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttoo cclloossee ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn

    Country Title Case number Objective Decision


    DG Transport and Energy cases

    Greece Olympic Airways/Olympic Airlines

    Negative decision with recovery

    Press release

    C 61/2007 (ex NN 71/07)


    22.. PPuubblliicc vveerrssiioonnss ooff ddeecciissiioonnss mmaaddee aavvaaiillaabbllee 22..11.. NNoo oobbjjeeccttiioonn ddeecciissiioonnss

    Country Title/Links to documents* Case number Objective Decision


    DG Competition cases

    France Soutien de l'Agence de l'innovation industrielle en faveur du programme « QUAERO»

    N 469/2007 R&D aid 11.03.2008

    France Support to live performances N 324/2008 01.08.2008

    France France Télévisions N 279/2008 Services of General Economic Interest


    Italy Shipyard Giacalone - extension of three-year delivery limit (n 124)

    N 69/2008 08.08.2008

    Italy Shipyard Giacalone - extension of three-year delivery limit (n 123)

    N 68/2008 08.08.2008

    Spain Public support scheme to films by the community of Madrid

    N 72/2008 Culture aid 22.08.2008

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    Spain Aid for theatre, dance, music and audiovisual activities in the Basque country - 2008

    N 368/2008 22.08.2008

    DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries cases

    Ireland Adjustment of Fishing Effort N 462/2007 13.11.2007

    Netherlands Waddenfund N 677c/2006


    Netherlands Regeling LNV-subsidies, onderdeel beeïndiging visserijactiviteiten

    N 525/2007 05.12.2007

    Netherlands Aid for investments in pulse trawl gear N 524/2007 18.03.2008

    Spain Ayuda publica Navarra a la inversion en el sector de la acuicultura

    N 658/2007 23.06.2008

    22..22.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttoo cclloossee ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn

    -- nnoonnee-- 33.. DDeecciissiioonnss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee OOJJ 33..11.. NNoo oobbjjeeccttiioonn ddeecciissiioonnss * Decisions not to raise objections are frequently grouped together in one single document for publication in the Official Journal. Since the link can only be made to the top of the first page of the document, you may have to scroll down in the document to find a particular case.

    Country Title/ Links to documents* Case number Objective

    Decision date

    DG Competition cases

    Denmark Roskilde Bank

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 5 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    NN 36/2008


    Germany WING-Program

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 7 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 219/2008 R&D aid 08.08.2008

    Poland Zensar Technologies

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 3 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 744/2007 Regional development aid


    Romania Ford Craiova

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 4 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 767/2007 Regional development aid


    Spain Notificación Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 6 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 188/2008 R&D aid 08.08.2008

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    Spain Programa ETORGAI

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 5 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 89/2008 R&D aid 18.06.2008

    Spain Torres Quevedo Program for Human Resources in R+D+I

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 703/2007 R&D aid 01.08.2008

    Sweden Energy research, development and innovation scheme (STEM)

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 561/2007 R&D aid 01.08.2008

    Sweden Research, development and innovation scheme (VINNOVA)

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 1 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 560/2007 R&D aid 01.08.2008

    United Kingdom

    R&D&I scheme for Northern Ireland

    OJ C 238 of 17.09.2008, p. 7 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 215/2008 R&D aid 01.08.2008

    DG Agriculture cases

    Italy Settore forestale - Rimozione legname dal letto di caduta in condizioni disagiate con svantaggi naturali (Bolzano)

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 5 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 598/2007 Regional development aid


    Spain Aid for agricultural holdings affected by the forest fire in August 2007

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 6 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 783/2007 29.07.2008

    DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries cases

    Czech Republic

    Zmírnění škod na populacích ryb v rybnících způsobených povodněmi v jarních měsících roku 2006

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 25/2008 26.06.2008

    Czech Republic

    Zmírnění následku škod způsobených povodněmi v období od 28. května do 2. července 2006 na rybích obsádkách v rybnících

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 24/2008 23.06.2008

    Estonia Kihnu Külmhoone AS

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 3 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    N 71/2008 Sectoral development aid


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    Netherlands Firma Erven K. Kramer (UK-170)

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 1 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    NN 20/2008


    Netherlands Firma Gebr. Bakker (UK-48)

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 1 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    NN 19/2008


    33..22.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttoo cclloossee ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn

    Country Title/ Links to documents Case number Objective Decision

    date DG Competition cases Greece A tax-exempt reserve fund for certain


    Negative decision with recovery

    OJ L 244 of 12.09.2008, p. 11 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    Press release: IP/07/1111

    C 37/2005 (ex NN 11/2004)

    Regional development aid


    Netherlands Investment by the city of Amsterdam in a fibre-to-the-home (FttH) network

    No aid decision

    OJ L 247 of 16.09.2008, p. 27 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    Press release: IP/07/1889

    C 53/2006 (ex N 262/2005, ex CP 127/2004)


    Slovakia Tax exemption to ALAS Slovakia s.r.o

    Negative decision without recovery

    OJ L 248 of 17.09.2008, p. 19 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    Press release: IP/08/853

    C 57/2007 (ex N 843/2006)

    Regional development aid


    DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries cases France Industries de transformation et de

    commercialisation du secteur de la pêche et de l'aquaculture

    Negative decision without recovery

    OJ L 249 of 18.09.2008, p. 15 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    C 1/2008 (ex N 283/2007)

    Services of general economic interest


    VV.. OOtthheerr ttyyppeess ooff ddeecciissiioonnss

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    Country Title/ Links to documents Case number Objective

    Decision date

    Decisions taken by the Commission

    DG Competition cases

    Italy Aiuti a favore di ricerca sviluppo e innovazione della Regione Toscana


    N 753/2007 R&D aid 17.09.2008

    VVII.. BBlloocckk eexxeemmppttiioonnss IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn sshheeeettss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee OOJJ * Block exemption information sheets are frequently grouped together in one single document for publication in the Official Journal. Since the link can only be made to the top of the first page of the document, you may have to scroll down in the document to find a particular case.

    Country Title/Links to documents* Case number Objective

    Austria Innovationsprogramm des Landes Steiermark für die Tourismuswirtschaft 2007 - 2013

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 10 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 185/2008 SME aid

    Belgium Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering tot toekenning van strategische investerings- en opleidingssteun aan ondernemingen in het Vlaamse Gewest

    OJ C 235 of 13.09.2008, p. 9 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XR 76/2008 Regional aid

    Germany Gemeinsames Umsetzungsdokument zum Programm Ziel 3 / Cíl 3 zur Förderung der grenzübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit 2007-2013 zw. dem Freistaat Sachsen und der Tschechischen Republik

    OJ C 239 of 18.09.2008, p. 7 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XT 83/2008 Training aid

    Italy Contratto di programma regionale

    OJ C 235 of 13.09.2008, p. 7 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XE 30/2008 Employment aid

    Italy POR 2007-2013 Asse II Sostenibilità Ed Efficienza Energetica Misura 1: Incentivazione alla razionalizzazione dei consumi energetici e all'uso di fonti di energia rinnovabile negli insediamenti produttivi. Tipologia 1A

    OJ C 239 of 18.09.2008, p. 5 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 183/2008 SME aid

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    Italy Bandi Por Fesr 2007 - 2013 Asse II Sostenibilità Ed Efficienza Energetica Misura 2

    OJ C 239 of 18.09.2008, p. 4 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 182/2008 SME aid

    Italy Agevolazioni per gli investimenti per la promozione della certificazione di sistemi di qualità del prodotto – 2008

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 13 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 181/2008 SME aid

    Italy Contratto di programma regionale

    OJ C 239 of 18.09.2008, p. 6 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XT 82/2008 Training aid

    Italy Incentivi alle imprese di grandi dimensioni per la formazione in azienda dei neoassuntii

    OJ C 235 of 13.09.2008, p. 11 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XT 77 /2008 Training aid

    Italy Progetti integrati per lo sviluppo della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro

    OJ C 239 of 18.09.2008, p. 6 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XT 75/2008 Training aid

    Poland Program w sprawie zwolnienia przedsiębiorców od podatku od nieruchomości w ramach pomocy horyzontalnej (Namysłów)

    OJ C 235 of 13.09.2008, p. 7 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XE 29/2008 Employment aid

    Poland Gispro sp. z o. o.

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 14 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 192/2008 SME aid

    Poland Przedsiębiorstwo Pojazdy Specjalistyczne Zbigniew Szcześniak

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 10 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 179/2008 SME aid

    Poland Romar Sp. z o.o.

    OJ C 239 of 18.09.2008, p. 4 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 178/2008 SME aid

    Poland Zakład Mechaniczny Mestil Sp. z o.o.

    OJ C 239 of 18.09.2008, p. 3 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 177/2008 SME aid

    Poland Tranz-Tel Bogdan Kulisz

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 9 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 175/2008 SME aid

    Poland Kontekst SP. Z O.O.

    OJ C 234 of 12.09.2008, p. 13 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

    XS 173/2008 SME aid
