Solemnity of Pentecost/Solemnidad de Pentecostés · 2019-11-09 · SAINT EUGENE CATHOLIC CHURCH...


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Administrator: Rev. Archie M. Tacay, CICM

Vicar: Rev. Leoyd Sanggaria, CICM

Intern: Brother Emmanuel Mandona, CICM

Deacon: Rev. Mr. Willie Foggie

Office Manager: Gail Hernandez, Ext. 200

Finance & Accoun"ng Manager: Shannon Coltrain, CPA, Ext. 203

Director of Religious Educa"on & Hispanic Ministries:

Alexis Franco, Ext. 202, 919 404-9393


Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Friday: 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM



Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wednesday & Friday: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM


SATURDAY 5:00 PM English

6:30 PM Español

SUNDAY 9:00 AM English

12:00 PM Español



MARTES 7:00 PM Español


Every Thursday from 9:30 AM

un!l 9:00 PM


Godparents must meet requirements according to Church law. Parents

& Godparents must a"end bap!smal prepara!on classes . Please

contact the Parish Office./Los padrinos deben cumplir con los requisitos

de acuerdo con la ley de la Iglesia. Padres y padrinos deben asis!r a

clases de preparación bau!smal. Por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial.


SATURDAY 4– 4:45 PM, WEDNESDAY 6:30–8PM or by appointment.


Please contact the parish office for an appointment Six (6) months

prior to your wedding date./Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para

una cita Seis (6) meses antes de la fecha de su boda.


If the person is in need of Anoin!ng of the Sick,

please call the parish office for a priest at 919-365-7114.

P.O. Box 188 ~ 608 Lions Club Rd. Wendell, NC 27591

Phone: (919) 365-7114 ~ Fax: (919) 365-9431 Email:

Solemnity of Pentecost/Solemnidad de Pentecostés May 20, 2018

Declaración de Misión

“Nosotros nos hemos reunido por nuestra fe común como el Pueblo Santo de Dios.

Fortalecidos por la Palabra de Dios y nutridos por Los Sacramentos, avanzamos en la fe al amarnos y servirnos los unos a los otros.”

Mission Statement “We have come together in our common

faith as God’s Holy People. Strengthened by the Word of God and nourished by His Sacraments, we step forth in faith to love

and serve one another.”

We extend a warm and loving WELCOME to anyone new to our parish family and all

visitors who celebrate with us throughout the year. If this is your first time in our parish, please introduce yourself to our priest after Mass. If you would like to join this parish of Saint Eugene, please call the office or register online. Thank you for joining us for worship this weekend and we

hope to see you again!

Queremos dar una cálida y amorosa BIENVENIDA a

cualquier persona a nuestra parroquia y todos los visitantes que están

celebrando con nosotros durante todo el año. Si es su primera vez aquí, por favor,

preséntese a nuestro sacerdote después de la Misa. Si le gustaría apuntarse a San

Eugenio, por favor llame o inscríbase en línea. Muchas gracias por acompañarnos en la Sant Misa. Lo esperamos!


Solemnity of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-11; Galatians 5:16-25; John 20:19-23)

On this Pentecost Sunday, if you come to Mass at my parish you will see a sea of red all around. The choir, the lectors, the extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, the people in the pews, and of course the celebrant and our deacon, will all be wearing red. We are one of those parishes that strive to reflect the color of the liturgy in our dress. It can be a sight to see.

What we put on our bodies serves only as a reminder of what is really important during these liturgical celebrations. At Pentecost, it was the Spirit of God that filled those in the first Christian community. We wear red to call to mind that very Spirit, often depicted as a fire or flame. However, if we just use red as a reminder of the power of the Spirit without letting it change us, then our actions become merely sentimental.

We are filled with the Holy Spirit through the sacraments of the Church. God touches us and enters into us in a profound way, just like in that upper room at Pentecost. That first powerful movement of the Spirit led to a Church that grew and flourished and remains alive today. What is the movement of the Spirit within calling you to do today? Do we allow God to move us and do great things through us? Red is a bold color to wear at any time. But our actions should be even bolder. --Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK First Reading ~ We hear today about the descent of the Holy Spirit onto the Apostles and the birth of the Church. What do you think the miracle of Pentecost means for believers today?

Second Reading ~ Paul implores the Christians in the region of Galatia to "live by the Spirit." Where do you see your faith community living by the Spirit?

Gospel Reading ~ Once again this Sunday we hear from Jesus' farewell discourse to the Disciples where Jesus foreshadows the coming of the Holy Spirit. Why do you think Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as our "Advocate" and "the Spirit of truth"?

Meditación Evangélico Gospel Meditation

Solemnidad de Pentecostés

(Hechos 2:1-11; Gálatas 5:!6-25; Juan 20:19-23)

En este Domingo Pentecostés si vienes a misa en mi parroquia veras un río de rojo por todos lados. El coro, los lectores, los ministros extraordinarios de comunión, la gente en los bancos y claro el celebrante y el diacono estarán todos vestidos de rojo Es un espectáculo.

Lo que vestimos sirve solo como un recordatorio de lo que es importante en estas celebraciones litúrgicas. En Pentecostés, fue el espíritu de Dios que lleno a los cristianos de la primera comunidad Cristiana. Usamos rojo para recordar al Espíritu, representado como una flama o un fuego generalmente. Sin embargo si solo usamos rojo para acordarnos del poder del Espíritu sin dejar que nos cambie entonces nuestra acción será solo sentimental.

Los sacramentos de la Iglesia nos llenan del Espíritu Santo. Dios nos toca y entra en nosotros de una manera profunda, como en Pentecostés. Ese primer movimiento del Espíritu creo una Iglesia que creció y floreció, y que permanece viva hoy. ¿Qué te llama a hacer, desde tu interior el que Dios nos mueva y haga grandes cosas con nosotros? Rojo es un color fuerte que usamos en cualquier momento. Las acciones tienen que ser aún más fuertes. --Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA Primera Lectura ~ Hoy escuchamos de la venida del Espíritu Santo sobre los apóstoles y el nacimiento de la Iglesia. ¿Qué crees que el milagro de Pentecostés quiere decir para los creyentes de hoy?

Segunda Lectura ~ Pablo les implora a los Cristianos de Gálata que "vivan con el Espíritu." ¿Dónde ves a tu comunidad de fe viviendo con el Espíritu?

Lectura del Evangelio ~ De nuevo este Domingo escuchamos una parte del discurso de despedida de Jesús a sus discípulos, donde Jesús anuncia la venida del Espíritu Santo. ¿Por qué crees que Jesús se refiere al Espíritu Santo como nuestro "Abogado" y "Espíritu de la verdad"?

Instrumentos del Servicio de Dios,

Innumerables vidas se transforman espiritualmente y se elevan gracias a la generosidad de individuos como usted a través de la Campaña Anual del Obispo. Haga oración sobre cómo puede hacer el sacrificio de un donativo a la Campaña Anual del Obispo de 2018. Un donativo ayudará a dar continuidad a los ministerios de la Campaña Anual que forman y educan a los futuros sacerdotes, así como proporcionan alimentos, ropa y otros programas de servicio social que ayudan a los más vulnerables de nuestra comunidad. Si ya ha respondido a la carta del Obispo enviada a su hogar, ¡gracias por su generosidad! Si aún no ha tenido la oportunidad, lo invitamos a orar y considerar hacer un donativo a la Campaña Anual de este año. Los sobres compromiso y lápices están disponibles en la iglesia. Una vez completado, coloque su sobre compromiso de la Campaña Anual en el ofertorio durante la misa. Los donativos en línea se pueden hacer en Gracias por sus oraciones y generosidad. ¡Que Dios le bendiga! Con Cariño, Fr. Archie & Fr. Leo

Instruments of God’s Service

Bishop’s Annual Appeal Update

Responses to the 2018 Bishop’s Annual Appeal are ongoing. As of April 17, 2018, a total of $50,348.00 has been pledged and a total of $32,689.00 has been collected. As you may recall our 2018 BAA Goal for Saint Eugene is $77,722.00.

We would like to thank all of our Parishioners who joined together in one time gift or pledging their gift to the 2018 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. If you have not made your commitment, today would be a convenient opportunity to do so. Pledge cards and envelopes are available in the Narthex area (lobby area) of the Church. Once completed, kindly place you pledge card in the offertory basket. Every gift is very important. Thank you for your generosity. If you want to do an online donation please visit

MAY 19 ~ MAY 26, 2018 Saturday May 19 5:00PM Mass in memory Anne Marie

Tomb and Mildred C. Daun

6:30PM Misa para El Pueblo Sunday May 20 9:00AM Mass in memory of Kenneth

and Evelyn Buettner, and Wanda Fish Joyner

AND Happy Birthday to Father Leoyd

AND Happy 10th Anniversary of Ordination to Father Archie

12:00PM Misa para El Pueblo

Tuesday May 22 9:00AM Mass for All People 7:00PM Misa Para El Pueblo

Wednesday May 23 9:00AM Mass for All People

Thursday May 24 9:00AM Mass for All People

Friday May 25 9:00AM Mass for All People

Saturday May 26 5:00PM Mass in honor of Penny Keenan

6:30PM Misa Para El Pueblo


Masses This Week ~ Misas Esta Semana

Stewardship of Treasure Living The Liturgy ~ Vivir La Liturgia


We live in a world torn by conflicting interests, jealousy, aggressiveness, and so many forms of enslavement. All this is the consequence of SIN, from the first to the latest sin that has darkened the horizon of mankind. Left to ourselves, we would have been unable to overcome such destructive forces. That is why God promised and sent the Holy Spirit, as the divine healing Power that can undo the tragedies of division, mistrust, hatred, and death brought about by human sinfulness.

As we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit over the disciples gathered in the Upper Room, let us open our hearts to Him so that we, too, may share in their wonderful experience. May the Holy Spirit fashion us to the likeness of Jesus and into a community characterized by mutual acceptance, appreciation, solidarity, and love.

"Hay diferentes tipos de dones espirituales pero el mismo Espíritu; hay diferentes formas de servicio pero el mismo Señor; hay diferentes trabajos, pero el mismo Dios que los produce a todos en todos ". - 1 CORINTIOS 12:4-6

Todos nosotros somos bendecidos, independientemente de nuestras circunstancias individuales; Dios nos ha dado a cada uno de nosotros muchos regalos. Cómo usamos esos regalos es el regalo que hacemos a Dios. Para que el plan de Dios funcione, cada uno debe hacer lo que estamos llamados a hacer, y adivinar que: ¡no todos estamos llamados a hacer lo mismo!

Sunday May 20 10:00AM Kermes (Food Sales)

10:15AM Choir Practice

10:15AM Knights of Columbus Open


10:30AM Breaking Open The Word

1:30PM Comité Ministros Hispanos

6:00PM Youth Ministry Meeting

Monday May 21 7:00PM Cub Scouts Pack Meeting

7:00PM Coro de Grupo de Oración

Tuesday May 22 10:00AM Prayer Blanket Ministry

6:00PM Devotion to Mary

7:00PM Ladies’ Recovery Support

Wednesday May 23 6:30PM Confession/Reconciliación

Thursday May 24 9:30AM Adoration/Adoración

7:00PM Pastoral Advisory Council

7:00PM Alcoholics Anonymous

8:00PM Grupo de Oración

9:00PM Benediction & Repose of the

Blessed Sacrament

Friday May 25 7:00PM Lideres de Grupo de Oración

Saturday May 26 9:00AM Brown Bag Ministry

9:00AM Community Garden

2:00PM Boda de Jorge y Christina

4:00PM Confession/Reconciliación

6:30PM Coro de Grupo de Oración

7:30PM Coro Hispano/Los Niños

Activities This Week ~ Eventos Esta Semana

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” - 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-6

All of us are blessed, regardless of our own individual circumstances; God has given each of us many gifts. How we use those gifts is our gift back to God. For God’s plan to work, each must do what we are called to do and guess what – we are not all called to do the same thing!

Coordinator of Faith Formation

Saint Eugene Catholic Church seeks a qualified individual for the part-time position (approx. 25 hours/week) of Coordinator of Faith Formation. The Coordinator oversees the sacramental preparation of parish candidates of all ages, who attend the Parish Religious Education Program. Applicants must be Roman Catholic in good standing with the Catholic Church, a person of prayer who is committed to the authentic teaching of the Catholic faith, and possess excellent leadership, and organizational skills. Job description is available upon request. Salary will be determined based on talent and experience.

Minimum requirements include: Bilingual (English and Spanish), ability to effectively communicate with and work with children, youth, volunteers, and parents. This position will require some Sunday and evening hours.

Resumes and 3 references should be submitted to: The Search Committee, St. Eugene Parish, P. O. Box 188, Wendell, NC 27591 or to:

Resumes should be submitted no later than the close of business Friday, June 1, 2018.

Saturday, May 26, 2018, 5:00PM

Altar Servers: Maya Ryba, David Lytle and Mara Bear Extraordinary Ministers: Gail Hernandez, Charlene Giacco, John Broderick, Ralph LaNeve and Mary Monck

Readers: Beth Teel and Jeff Maas Ushers: Mary Flores, David Horvath and Don Govan

Sunday, May 27, 2018, 9:00AM

Altar Servers: Antonio Ponzio and Ian and Paddy Kennedy Extraordinary Ministers: Bree Anna Poe, Sandy Parisi, Margaret Foggie-Kimber, Lin Cosgrove, Christy Scott, Luke and Pat Tarnaski and Jennifer Byrd

Readers: Mark Byrd and Vinny Parisi Ushers: Adan Duran, Ruth van der Grinten, Ricardo Martinez and Tom Falvey

Martes, 22 de Mayo de 2018, 7:00PM Lectores: Miguel Villalpando Ministros: Margarita Zamora, Adela Vasquez y Voluntarios Acólitos: Ruby Lopez Vazquez y Voluntarios

Sábado, 26 de Mayo de 2018, 6:30PM Lectores: Maribel Carbajal y Griselda Salomon Ministros: Andrea Sanchez, Juan Amador, Gisella Medina, Narcisa Duran y Marely Conde Acólitos: Estrella Batista, Karla Garcia, Esmeralda Batista y Ivan Mendez Ujieres: Elizabeth Tinoco, Ana Vargas y Griselda Salomon

Domingo, 27 de Mayo, de 2018, 12:00PM Lectores: Enedina Ayala y Victor Hugo Silva Ministros: Eudocio Durazno, Marely Conde, Trinidad Jaramillo, M. Carmen Campos, Rosa Torres, Adela Braulio, Lorene Cira y Marbella Ortiz Acólitos: Juan Lopez Vazquez, Miguel Campos Torres, Josahandy Avila y Perla Juarez Ujieres: Ubaldo Garcia, Jose Cervantes y Jose Gil

Liturgical Roles

Our next Prayer Blanket Ministry Meeting is on Tuesday, May 22 at 10am in the Parish

Hall. All are welcome!

Papeles Litúrgicos

Youth Group! ~ ¡Grupo de Jovenes Youth Life Night/Reunion del Grupo Juvenil

Sunday, May 20 at 6pm/ Domingo, 20 de Mayo alas 6pm

Please call or text Beth Teel for more information at 919-325-6433.

Please join us!/ ¡Por favor, acompaña nos!

Please pray for sick members of our parish family and friends/ Por favor oren por familiares y amigos enfermos:

Tommy Beneck Sotero Lorenzo Esther Bowling Deacon Willie Crystal Sprissler Aiden Flannery Dorothy Cicchetti Mary Ponziano Joel Rivera Deadre Davis-Hall John Brewer Gail Brooks Antonio Guardiola Clarence Harrison Marie Bush Fred Bradshaw Barry & Alice Mote Ronda Zayas

Shevawn Bingham Marguerite Ambrozevitch Colleen Yasenchock Wanda & Ben Citero

Please call the office to add a name to the list, 919 365-7114, Ext. 200/ Por favor llame a la oficina para agregar un nombre a la lista.

Men's Mass & Breakfast -Saturday June 2 Mass at 7:00

am breakfast and fellowship 'til 9:00. Suggested Donation for

breakfast $3. Come as you will, sign-ups not necessary. Start

your day right! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Misa de Hombres y Desayuno - sábado, 2 de junio Misa a las 7:00 am desayuno y compañerismo hasta las 9:00. Donación sugerida para el desayuno $ 3.

Venga como lo desee, las inscripciones no son necesarias. ¡Comience bien el día!

Single/Single Again Ministry – If you are single, separated, divorced or widowed, you are invited to join us at our monthly Mass held at Cardinal Gibbon HS chapel at

5:30 pm. A pot-luck social follows Mass on Sunday, May 20. For more information contact Celia at or visit or on Facebook

Music Ministry Concert

All of the groups of the Saint Eugene Music Ministry cordially

invite you to an evening of prayer through song celebrating

"A Celebration of God's Amazing Grace"

Sunday Evening, May 27th at 7:00 P.M. in the church

A small reception will be held in the Parish Hall following the concert.

Graduation Mass ~ Sunday, June 3 at 9am ~ Congratulations to you!!

Please join us for a Mass to recognize and celebrate our high school and college

graduates. Graduates, please wear your caps and gowns!

A short reception follows. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

La Misa para todos los alumnos graduándose este ano de secundaria y de la Universidad será el 2 de Junio a las

6:30pm, y el 3 de Junio a las 12pm. Favor de venir con sus todas. Gracias y Felicitaciones a todos!

Respect Life News


Hispanic Ministry

When Choosing Life, know that help is available –

Birthchoice can help. Call 919 781-5433 - 2304 Wesvill Ct., Suite 340, Raleigh, NC 27607 - near Rex Hospital in Raleigh. In His Hands can help. Call 919 989-9897 -13 Dail St., Smithfield, NC 27577 – Off Brightleaf Blvd in Smithfield

Project Rachel Post Abortion Healing - (919) 852-1021 or email


For all the latest Human Life & Dignity news and activities happening in our Diocese, please contact Mary Turner, 919 365-8354, or Cindy Yauger, 919 623-9933 or visit: or follow Office of Human Life and Dignity, Catholic Diocese of Raleigh on Facebook.

Faith Formation News

Would you like to have your parish bulletin emailed to you each week?

Please email Gail at the office:, subject line: email bulletin, and as soon as we have your email addresses on file,

look for your bulletin, “hot off the press!”

Holy Land Pilgrimage

Join St. Ann pastor Father Mel Portula CICM and Mission Hurst Fr. Bill Quigley on a pilgrimage to the

Holy Land September 10 -21 2018. The Bible will come alive as we walk in the footsteps of Christ and encounter

the Christians who live there today.

For more information or to register please visit: https://

pilgrimages/ pilgrimage-destinations/holy-land/ The deadline to register is June 30, 2018.

La Importancia de Estar Registrado

Si usted esta planeando bautizar a su hijo/a o ser padrino/madrina es muy importante que usted se registre en la parroquia de su preferencia.

Son muchos los beneficios que usted puede obtener si se registra, por ejemplo, si usted necesita una carta de recomendación para inmigración en caso de una reforma migratoria o si esta en tramites con inmigración, o una carta de patrocinador para bautizar en otra parroquia la puede solicitar en la parroquia perteneciente.

Al momento de registrarse en la iglesia, y para permanecer activo en su parroquia, es muy importante que utilice sus sobres de diezmo cuando realice una donación para su iglesia.

Si usted necesita actualizar su información, por ejemplo, dirección de casa o número de teléfono, por favor de comunicarse con la oficina al 919 365-7114, Ext. 200 o Muchas Gracias!

The Knights of Columbus would like to thank the parishioners who came out to support the Mother's Day Breakfast and

Basket of Cheer. We will be donating $385 to Operation

LAMB and $279 to the church to help with our Priests’ expenses.


Peer Ministry is selling Food Lion & Lowe’s Food Cards! Come see us after all weekend masses!

We have various denominations of cards


Thank you for your generous and continued support!

English Baptisms

English Baptisms are now the fourth SUNDAY of

the month, taking place following the 9am Mass.

Baptisms on Sunday, May 27, at the 9AM Mass.

Class on Saturday, May 19 at 10AM.

Please contact the office, 919 365-7114, Ext. 200 for more information.

Catholic Parish Outreach

is in need of plastic and paper grocery bags! Your donations are greatly appreciated.

2013 N. Raleigh Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604, Phone: 919-873-0245, 10am - 1pm Monday - Saturday

Brown Bag Ministry…

….is seeking your support!

We provide almost 1000 lunches each week, straining our resources. How can you help? We need:

· Prayers ~ Please pray for our poor and hungry,

· Volunteer your time on Saturdays at 9am, please visit, or email to schedule.

· Financial Help ~ Checks may be made out to “Brown

Bag Ministry” and are tax deductible. You may drop

them in the offertory basket, and

· Donated Items~ these include sliced bologna, sliced

cheese, bread, plastic gloves, zip-lock sandwich bags and

#4sized lunch bags.

For more information, please contact Tom Falvey at

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” (Matthew 25:35)

Adult Faith Activities

BOW (Breaking Open the Word) Attention all!! Please join us for our first official Summer BOW (Breaking Open the Word) Program for an opportunity to discuss the Sunday scripture readings, how they tie to Church teachings, and what it means to us in today's world as Catholics. For whom: Any parishioners interested in growing and deepening their faith are invited. When: Sunday mornings from 10:30 am - 11:45 am with coffee and refreshments. Where: Trailer # 1 For more information: Please contact Matthew Johnson at

The group discussions are led by the Holy Spirit so be prepared to be knocked off your feet just as St. Paul was on the road to Damascus. Hope to see you there


Adult Bible Study

What: Adult Bible Study Group

Description: Are you looking to learn from God’s Word and enrich your faith? If so, you are invited to join a lively group of disciples on a journey through the Bible! When and Where: Thursdays 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall CURRENTLY ON RECESS UNTIL SEPTEMBER! Contact: John and Sharon Benton at 919-295-5289 for more information

Inviting Parishioners to Spend an Hour Before the Blessed Sacrament

"The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time that you will spend on earth. Each moment that you

spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly

more glorious and beautiful in heaven."

- St. Teresa of Calcutta

Our Parish is calling for Adorers to answer the Lord’s call to spend a holy hour of adoration

once a week (every Thursday) in our chapel from 9:30 AM until 9:00 PM. We welcome new adorers

as our Lord awaits for each and every one of us to come and stay with Him.


A new name? A change of address, home phone or work number? Have the children moved away or maybe you

have a new baby? A death in the family? If so, be sure to let the Parish Office know.

Please call 919-365-7114, Ext. 200, or email to update us.

It’s important to keep our records current.

Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us.

Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us

in our time of need. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our

Lord and Savior. Amen.

Prayer for Our Men and Women in the Service

It is always a pleasure to see our families, young and old,

with us at Mass. If you have a small child who gets uncomfortable

during Mass, please know that

we will understand if you move over to our Daily Chapel, which doubles as a

Family Room during weekend Masses. God Bless!

Would you like to have your parish bulletin emailed to you each week?

Please email Gail at the office:, subject line: email bulletin, and as soon as we have your email addresses on file,

look for your bulletin, “hot off the press!”


Liturgical and Sacramental: Commi"ee Chair and co-Chair: Mary

Monck, 919 630-5447, Liz Hall, 919 266-4221

Altar Servers: Mary Flores, 919 496-2820

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Mary Monck, Liz Hall

Choir: Jennifer Hebert, 919 365-7114, Ext. 204

Readers: Geri E"ensberger, 919 272-7034

Sacristans: Bruce Tarnaski, 919 412-5804

Scheduling of Lay Ministers: Gail Hernandez, 919 365-7114, Ext. 200

Ushers: Ruth van der Grinten, 919 365-7212

Religious Educa!on and Faith Forma!on (REFF):

Director of Religious Educa!on: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393

REFF Commi"ee Chair: Ed Keegan, 703 953-1086

Adult Bible Study: John and Sharon Benton, 919 295-5289

Children’s Liturgy: Joan Conn, 919 359-2616,

English Bap!smal Prep: Please call the office at 919 365-7114, Ext. 200

Evangeliza!on and Adult Faith Forma!on: Marguerite Ambrozevitch,

919 374-7099

First Communion and Confirmation: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393

Peer Ministry/Life Teen: Beth Teel, 325-6433, Dan Strain, 919 550-9290

RCIA: (registra!on) Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393;

Charlie & Dee New, 919 553-2129

Social Ministries: Commi"ee Chair: Dave Wagner, 919 269-0138

Alcoholics Anonymous: Joyce K., 919 830-4684

Brown Bag Ministry: Tom Falvey, 919 539-4579

Catholic Parish Outreach: 919 873-0245

Community Garden: Ed Sanderford,

Community Spirit (Socials): John E"ensberger, 919 271-6052

Migrant Ministry: Ruth van der Grinten, 919 365-7212

Prayer Warriors, Prayer Blanket: John/Sue Broderick, 919 365-3479

Respect Life: Mary Turner, 919 365-8354; Cindy Yauger, 919 623-9933

Senior Programs: Pat Tarnaski, 919 412-5334

Sick and Homebound: Ralph LaNeve, 919 217-9437

Wendell Council of Churches: Bruce Tarnaski, 919 412-5804


Finance Council: Joe Korostynski, 919 413-0051

Interna!onal Food and Music Fes!val: Gene Zack, 919 624-1380;

Joe Howell, 919 632-9234,

Maintenance Commi"ee:,; or call the office, 919 365-7114, Ext. 200

Safe Environment: Alexis Franco, 919 404-9393

Welcome Commi"ee: Geri E"ensberger, 919 272-7034

Readings for the week of May 20, 2018 ~ Lecturas para la semana del 20 de Mayo de 2018

Sunday/Domingo: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/ Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-28, 29, 30 [cf. 30]/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39

Day: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34 [cf. 30]/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15

Monday/Lunes: Jas 3:13-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [9a]/Mk 9:14-29

Tuesday/Martes: Jas 4:1-10/Ps 55:7-8, 9-10a, 10b-11a, 23 [23a]/Mk 9:30-37

Wednesday/Miércoles: Jas 4:13-17/Ps 49:2-3, 6-7, 8-10, 11 [Mt 5:3]/Mk 9:38-40

Thursday/Jueves: Jas 5:1-6/Ps 49:14-15ab, 15cd-16, 17-18, 19-20 [Mt 5:3]/Mk 9:41-50

Friday/Viernes: Jas 5:9-12/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8-9, 11-12 [8a]/Mk 10:1-12

Saturday/Sabádo: Jas 5:13-20/Ps 141:1-2, 3 and 8 [2a]/Mk 10:13-16

Next Sunday/Domingo Siguientes: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22 [12b]/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16 20


Are you out of ideas for the appropriate gift for a birthday, anniversary or another special event/ occasion? Masses are for the living as well as the dead. There are plenty of dates available between now, the end of the

year for you to remember those loved ones who mean so much. Please call or email the parish office for more details 919 365-7114, Ext. 200; Thank you!


Liturgia y Sacramentos:

Presidente y vice Presidente del Comité: Gisella Medina, 984 255-4660,

Eva Contreras, 919 703-7413

Coros: Domingo, 12.00 pm: Luis Felipe Ruiz, 919 426-9225

Sábado, 6.30 pm: Jennifer Hebert, 919 365-7114, Ext. 204

Horarios para los Ministros Laicos: Lupita Huerta, 919 366-9158

Lectores: Griselda Salomón, 919 585-2920, Yiseel Flores, 919 269-0118

Ministros de la Comunión: Gisella Medina, Eva Contreras

Monaguillos: Adriana Avila, 336 624-8485

Ujieres: Francisco Lara, 919 413-3309, Lorenzo Hernandez, 919 269-4787

Educación Religiosa y Formación de la Fe:

Directora de Educación Religioso: Alexis Franco, 919 404-9393

Clases de Quinceañeras: Georgina Mercado, 919 202-0839

Coordinadora de la Celebración de las Bodas: Lorene Cira, 919 723-1502

Coordinadora de las Ventas de Comida: Enedina Ayala 919 669-2741

Mujeres de Fe: Alexandra Gochi, 919 291-2558

Pla!cas Pre bau!smales: Gail Hernandez, 919 365-7114, Ext. 200,

Lorene Cira, 919 723-1502, Ruthie Margarin, 919 671-1421

Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393

RICA: (registración) Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393;

Jesus Hernandez, 252 363-3265, Carlos Casas 919 366-2741



Comité del Ministerio Hispano: Ricardo Mar!nez, 919 880-5707

Grupo de Oración: Margarita Zamora, 919 631-8233

Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Carlos Ayala,

Divina Misericordia: Isabel Castro, 919 532-9324

Apostolado de la Oración al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

(Primer viernes alas 7PM): Nieves Garcia, 919 671-8951



Pastoral Advisory Council (meets the fourth Thursday at 7PM):

Joe Howell, 919 632-9234 - Chairperson

Knights of Columbus (meets the 2nd Wednesday at 8PM):

Tom Monck, 919 819-2428, - Grand Knight

Ladies Guild (meets the first Wednesday at 7:00PM):

Sharon Benton, 919 295-5289 - President

First Friday Seniors (meets on the 1st Friday of the month at 10:00AM):

Mary Ruth Chauvaux, 919 217-9580 - Chairperson

Cub Scouts (meets most Mondays at 7PM):

Keith Acree, 919 880-2970 - Cubmaster; Chris Hemphill, 919 816-7385

Grand Rental Station 2635 S. Saunders St. Raleigh, NC

(919) 828-1101JIM MOORE, Parishioner



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