Solemnity of Pentecost - TeamRCIA · Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 5 I...


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By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved.


Solemnity of Pentecost Year C

Children’s RCIA Resource


Dismissal Session

The Dismissal Session is for catechumens only who are dismissed from

worship before the Creed (RCIA #75.3). The Dismissal Session group may

gather for the Catechetical Session at another time during the week.

Catechetical Session

When the Dismissal Session is immediately followed by the Catechetical

Session, parents or other sponsors join the group after Eucharist. Baptized

children preparing for confirmation and Eucharist may also join in the

Catechetical Session (RCIA #254; Appendix III, #19). During the Easter

season, the Catechetical Session may be used both for the ongoing

catechumenate and as postbaptismal catechesis with neophytes. Adapt your

language and choose options appropriate for your group’s stage of faith and

adjust your time frame.


Sunday’s readings

Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11

Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34

Romans 8:8-17 or 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13

John 14:15-16, 23b-26 or John 20:19-23

Doctrine correlations

The Holy Spirit is professed in baptism, and “Spirit” translates the

Hebrew word, ruah, which means breath, air, and wind (CCC


Promising the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus uses the term

Paraclete, meaning “called to one’s side,” translated as consoler,

advocate (ad-vocatus), and “the Spirit of Truth” (CCC #692).

RCIA team notes

For dismissal discussion, check with the liturgy committee about

which passages will be proclaimed for the second reading and gospel.

To close the period of postbaptismal catechesis, a celebration should

be held near Pentecost Sunday (RCIA #249).

Children with special needs

Children with cognitive behavioral differences may need special

assistance to make social connections in the faith community.


Items to prepare

check-in sheet, nametag materials

poster paper or white board, erasers, and erasable markers

red cloth on table or counter for prayer, percussion instrument

Bibles, one set to John 14 or 20, prayer cards

floating candles in container of water, matches

index cards

hymnals, posting notes

Sharing Faith questions, copies of “Faith at Home”

red decorating supplies and refreshments, selected activity items

Gathering Prayer Ritual

Set a prayer space with a red cloth and floating candles to represent the

waters of baptism and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Print the five readers’

parts for the prayer adapted from the Veni, Sancte Spiritus Sequence on

separate cards numbered in order. Bring red paper, markers, and clean

recycled lanyards.

Singing option

Use music from your faith community resources. The suggestion is a

guide available in Gather Comprehensive and Give Your Gifts, Melody

Book, GIA Publications, Inc. Bring songbooks and music in a player.

Building Community

Print one key word on each index card. For extra sets, use different color


Snack option

Send a reminder to the sponsor providing the snack this week.

Engaging the Word

Bring hymnals and posting notes. In Bibles, bookmark this week’s

readings. Option: Invite a music minister to lead Holy Spirit hymns.

Sharing Faith groups

Put the Scripture citation with the questions on cards for group leaders.

Crossing the Ages Activity option: Pentecost Party

Coordinate with other RCIA leaders. Invite members of the faith

community. Bring red streamers, balloons, removable tape, red punch,

cupcakes, and cake decorating supplies (red icing or white icing and red

sprinkles). Decide which activities to offer. Ask sponsors to help gather

supplies: (1) balloons; (2) bubble solution, assorted items with holes

(strainers, wire whisks, clean fly swatters, or plastic connectors from a

beverage six-pack), and wire; (3) flashcards with words for peace printed

in various languages with their country of origin.


Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 2



Catechumens, having heard the Sunday proclamation of word, are dismissed from the Mass. Greet the

catechumens as they arrive. Have them check in and put on nametags. Ask them to cut red paper into a

flame shape, print their names, and attach to lanyards. Distribute prayer cards to readers to prepare.


Chime a percussion instrument as a call to prayer. All stand around the prayer focal point.

(†) Light floating candles.

Song Suggestion: “Send Down the Fire” (GIA Publications).

Ask everyone to respond at the end of the prayer, “Amen. Alleluia.” (Prayer adapted from the Veni, Sancte Spiritus Sequence)

Reader 1: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Shine forth from heaven.

Reader 2: Come, Father of the poor. Come, shining Spirit.

Reader 3: Light our hearts, comfort us.

Reader 4: Holy Spirit, come to us. Come, breath of God.

Reader 5: Renew and strengthen your people. Holy Spirit, come to us.

All: Amen. Alleluia.

Invite everyone, when you lift a hand, to respond, “Send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Alleluia.” Prayerfully say the following verses inspired by Psalm 104.

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

My God, you are great indeed. (response)

May God’s glory endure forever.

May all we do be pleasing to God. (response)

Send out your Spirit, O God.

Recreate us and renew the face of the earth. (response)

Extinguish the candle flame.

Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 3


Invite everyone to sit in a circle. Introduce anyone new. Invite sharing about their experiences with the

“Faith at Home” pages from the previous session.


Celebration Cycle: Determine the number of catechumens present, and randomly distribute cards in

complete sets, giving two connecting cards of the same color to some members if necessary. Ask them to

find other members with the same color card and the matching keyword. When all have found their

match, have them decide in what order to stand based on the sequence of their keywords. Give them

opportunities to change order after you explain each of the following:

Collect the cards and have everyone be seated. Say :

The words on the cards tell the celebration cycle of the church. We call this the

liturgical year. Beginning four weeks before Christmas, Advent is our period of

preparation. During Christmas season, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. During

Ordinary Time we reflect on Jesus’ ministry. The path of Lent leads us to reflect

about Jesus’ death on the cross. During the Easter season, we celebrate Christ’s

resurrection. Now we celebrate Pentecost and remember that Jesus sent the Holy

Spirit to live on in the people of faith.


Have everyone sit with Bibles in a circle. Use the following as a guide. For information, refer to “Insight

for the Catechist” and the reflections on the “Faith at Home” page. Always affirm the catechumens’

responses adding comments to broaden their understandings.

Help the catechumens find Acts 2:1-11. Mention:

When men and women disciples gathered together and prayed, Jesus sent the

Holy Spirit. The people from many territories heard their proclamation. They

were astounded and amazed.

Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 4

Order Keyword Description

1. Preparation The Jewish people anticipated the birth of the Messiah.

2. Birth In the Incarnation, Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

3. Ministry Jesus’ mission was to teach God’s way and the forgiveness of sins.

4. Death Jesus, faithful to God’s way of love, suffered death on the cross.

5. Resurrection Through totally selfless love, Jesus was resurrected.

6. Eternally Jesus sent the Holy Spirit and forever lives on in the church of believers.

Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 5

I wonder: Why does Saint Luke describe the Holy Spirit coming like wind and


What happens when the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit?

Are you more like the disciples before receiving or after receiving the Holy


Help the catechumens find the second reading proclaimed during the liturgy of the word: Romans 8:8-

17 or 1 Corinthians: 12:3b-7, 12-13.

(For Romans 8:8-17) For Saint Paul, “in the flesh” meant being concerned only about

things that give enjoyment in this life without recognizing the Spirit that dwells in


What kinds of righteous things do you do through the Spirit that dwells in you?

What does being a child of God mean to you?

(For 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) Like you, members of the first church communities

were just learning how to be Christian. They discovered that the one Spirit of God

gives people different gifts for the good of everyone. In the one body of Christ,

everyone is to be treated equally regardless of ethnic background, way of life, or

social status.

I wonder: Why does the Holy Spirit give us different kinds of talents?

What different kinds of service do Christians do?

Why is it important to treat everyone with respect as equals?

Note: The gospel proclamation may have been John 20:19-23 or John 14:15-26. Have the catechumens

find the appropriate reading and introduce it.

(For John 14:15-26) Saint John tells how Jesus taught the disciples about the Holy


I wonder: What do people who love Jesus do in order to keep his word?

(For John 20:19-23) Saint John records the scene of Jesus appearing after his death

and resurrection.

I wonder: Why did the disciples feel at peace as they received the Holy Spirit?

Affirm the members’ comments. Summarize:

At Pentecost the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, came through Jesus to the disciples,

and the church began. Many disciples told about their experiences. For some, the

coming Spirit was powerful like wind and fire. For others, the Spirit brought a

sense of peace and willingness to forgive those who had crucified Jesus.

Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 6


With concern for all, we offer prayers. When I lift my hand, please respond, “Spirit

of God, divine Advocate, hear our prayer.”

As catechumens experience the coming of the Holy Spirit, may they be

enflamed to boldly testify. (Lift a hand for the response.)

Inspire children of God everywhere to bear witness by including everyone

equally. (Lift a hand for the response.)

As we strive to live by your commandments, make your dwelling with us and

bring us peace. (Lift a hand for the response.)

Invite the members to contribute intercessions. Then conclude:

Divine Holy Spirit of God,

you breathe your life into us.

Enflame us, your faithful people,

as we celebrate your coming among us.

Move us to follow your way of justice and peace,

as we strive to live like Jesus, our friend and teacher,

One God for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Option: Break for a snack or social time. If the group disperses now and meets for catechesis later in the

week, collect nametags.

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved. Photo by Christos Loufopoulos, via flickr, CC BY 2.0.

The Catechetical Session follows the Dismissal Session either immediately or

at another time during the week. The catechetical session is designed for

catechumens and parents or sponsors to grow in faith together. The status of

the catechumens never is to be confused with that of baptized children

preparing for confirmation or Eucharist, who may join in this catechesis as

supportive companions (RCIA, Appendix III, #19).


Welcome the catechumens, parents, sponsors, and any baptized

children arriving from liturgy. If this Catechetical Session is not

following the Dismissal Session, allow an additional ten minutes and

begin with the Gathering segment in the Dismissal Session. Have those

arriving check in and put on nametags. Option: As members arrive,

invite them to put up Pentecost decorations.

PRAYING Invite everyone to stand around the prayer focal point. Use the (†)

prayer from the Gathering Prayer Ritual in the Dismissal Session,

another prayer, or sing a gathering song from liturgy.


Gather the neophytes in a circle. Pray the Apostles’ Creed together.

Encourage each neophyte to respond to the questions. Others may ask a

clarifying question or affirm. After everyone has an opportunity to

respond to the first question, ask the next.

Remember the night of your baptism. How did you

feel as the fire was lit to begin the celebration of your


How does your experience of receiving the Holy Spirit

compare to the disciples’ experience of receiving the

Holy Spirit like a driving wind with tongues as of fire?

Help alleviate any anxieties some children may have about their

changed status as they move into new groups within the faith

community. Give the neophytes information about sessions and

summer activities for children. Introduce the children to partners in

faith who will accompany them and introduce them at parish functions.




Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11

Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-30,

31, 34

Romans 8:8-17 or

1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13

John 14:15-16, 23b-26 or

John 20:19-23

Insight for the Catechist

For the Evangelist Luke, the

Holy Spirit is the driving

force of the new movement

that began at Pentecost.

With the new era,

repentance and forgiveness

of sins are to be preached to

all nations.

The inrushing Spirit comes

upon disciples as tongues of

fire. Those enflamed are able

to proclaim the mighty acts

of God in many languages.

Empowered speech marks

the importance of the

mission to the Gentiles.

Saint John emphasizes that

Jesus, our Advocate, conveys

another Advocate. The Spirit

of truth, the Paraclete, comes

upon the disciples through

the breath of Christ.

Divine unity dwells with all

who love and keep Jesus’

word. Peace is their

hallmark. The group of

disciples, originally a close

knit circle of men and

women friends of Jesus,

continually expands under

the guidance of the Holy

Spirit and becomes the

whole people of God.



Introduce the activity:

This week we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to guide the church. Spirit

translates the Hebrew word, ruah, which means breath, air, wind. We who love

Jesus keep his commandments, but we are not alone. The Advocate, the Paraclete,

the Holy Spirit is sent in Jesus’ name to teach and remind us to live in loving ways.

The church selects hymns for worship that remind us of the Holy Spirit’s presence

with us.

Distribute hymnals. Have everyone find the section with hymns for Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.

Assign mixed-age groups of four, each with a leader, a bookmarked Bible, and posting notes. Show that

the readings are bookmarked in the Bibles for easy reference.

Ask the groups to look over the hymns for the Holy Spirit. Encourage them to find song words that

reflect the readings proclaimed in the Pentecost celebration. Ask them to pick Holy Spirit songs they

would select if they were on the liturgy committee. Each group chooses a song and marks it with a

posting note. After about seven minutes, invite representatives from groups to talk about the songs they

selected and why.

Option: Introduce the music minister to lead in singing some of the selected Holy Spirit hymns and omit

the Sharing Faith questions.


Form groups of four to six mixed-age groups with Bibles. (If there are only a few participants, lead the

discussion as a whole group.) Print the questions on large paper or marker board or distribute questions

on cards for an adult to lead. Circulate to offer support as needed.

CONVERSING ABOUT JOHN 14:15-16, 23B-26 OR 20:19-23

Why is the coming of the Holy Spirit important?

How does it feel to have the Spirit of God dwell within you?

Which name for the Holy Spirit do you prefer and why: Advocate, Counselor, Ruah,

Paraclete (means “called to one’s side”), Spirit of Truth, another term?

With the whole group, explain for the catechumens:

When you are baptized, the Holy Spirit will come upon you in an intense way.

When you are confirmed, the gifts of the Holy Spirit will be sealed within you.

Then, as a member of Christ’s church, you will share in communion at the

eucharistic table.

Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 7

Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 8



Invite everyone to gather around the prayer focal point. Encourage them to offer insights from this

week’s session.

Our Pentecost celebration concludes the Easter season. We continue to celebrate a

little Easter every Sunday as we gather to worship the one true God and rejoice in

Christ. The Holy Spirit, as counselor, Advocate, and the Spirit of Truth, will come

to you more and more as you become deeply involved in Christ’s church and



(With neophytes, say the Lord’s Prayer.) Invite everyone to respond “Come, Holy Spirit, enflame us with

the fire of your love.” Lead the following prayer:

Holy Spirit, empower us. (response)

Reach into the hearts of people. (response)

Grace us with your gifts so that we may serve and glorify God. (response)

Raise your hands in blessing over the group. Say:

Go forth from this place to fan into flame the gift that God has given you, not a

spirit of fear but a Spirit of power.

And may the ever-living God bless us,

(Make the Sign of the Cross on yourself as a model for everyone.)

protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.

All: Amen.

Distribute the “Faith at Home” page. Collect the nametags.

Friends on the Way - Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C 8

Crossing the Ages Activity

(Optional activity for children and adults together: 20 minutes minimum)

Pentecost Party (Activity accommodates to the liturgical year, RCIA #75.1.)

If possible, catechumens join with

neophytes to celebrate Pentecost and

the completion of initial mystagogy.

Provide red streamers, balloons, and

removable tape. Invite everyone to

decorate the space, if it is not already

decorated. Set out red color punch,

cupcakes, and cake decorating

supplies (for example, red icing or

white icing and red sprinkles).

Encourage everyone to decorate

cupcakes and join in the festivities.

Pentecost Party Possible Activities:

1. Upward Balloon Bounce: Form one or more circles. One person bounces up a balloon, and everyone

keeps it bouncing upward. Add another balloon, then another. See how many balloons the group can

keep up.

2. Bubble Blowing: Gather outside in an open area. Carefully pour bubble solution in wide shallow

containers. Use assorted items to blow bubbles. Try strainers, wire whisks, clean fly swatter, or

plastic connectors from a beverage six-pack. Shape pieces of wire into a circle, and twist ends


3. Peace Guess: A volunteer draws a peace card and says “Peace” in that language (see Faith at Home

activity). Others try to guess what the language is. They can ask questions, such as: How is the word

spelled? Is the country in Africa?

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved. Permission is given to reproduce this handout for family home use.

Faith at Home Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C

At a convenient time for the family, gather around a dining table or in the living room. Silence all

electronics. Place a Bible opened to John 14 in the center. Begin with a moment of quiet.

REFLECTING ON JOHN 14:15-16, 23B-26

(During liturgy you may have heard the optional gospel reading, John 20:19-23, from part of the

gospel proclamation on the Second Sunday of Easter.) The Evangelist John conveys Jesus’ challenge

to dwell with God. All who love Jesus keep his commandments but are not alone in efforts to love.

The Advocate, the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit is sent in Jesus’ name to teach and remind us always.

What challenges have we each encountered in seeking to follow Jesus’ command to love?


During the liturgy of the word, one of these messages from Saint Paul was proclaimed. In one letter,

Paul is writing to people in Rome and in the other to people in Corinth. The message is similar in

both. All who are baptized are led by the Spirit of God and are children of God. The Spirit of the One

who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us and will give life to our mortal bodies. We each manifest

different types of spiritual gifts.

In what ways is the Spirit of God that dwells within us manifested for the glory of God?

Each person draws a body outline. On the shape, draw or write ways the Spirit of God is manifested

in you. Add to one another’s drawings.


The Spirit came to the disciples of Jesus when they were gathered, men and women praying together.

Rushing in like wind and appearing like flames, the Holy Spirit filled the disciples with amazing

energy and the ability to communicate God’s saving love and peace to all people. Those who heard

were astounded and amazed.

In what ways have we experienced the Spirit’s presence in our lives?

What attempts do we make to share with families whose primary language or social

background differs from ours?

Remember Sunday’s Word

Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11

Psalm 104:1, 24,

29-30, 31, 34

Romans 8:8-17 or

1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13

John 14:15-16, 23b-26 or

John 20:19-23

Solemnity of Pentecost, Year C

Peace in Many Languages

Learn to say “Peace,” as Jesus said to the disciples, using various languages. Referring to the chart, declare

peace to one another often. The chart uses traditional English spelling. Make a game by trying to guess

which language a person is using.

Language (location) Word

Batak (Indonesia) Pardamean

Bemba (Zambia) Mutenden

Bangi (Congo) NyiEe

Cheyenne (North America) Nanomonsetôtse

Czech (Czech Republic) Mir

Danish, Swedish (Northern Europe) Fred

English (worldwide) Peace

Estonian (Estonia) Rahu

German (Middle Europe) Friede

Irish (Ireland) Sίocháin

Ibo (Nigeria) Udo

Laganda (Uganda) Emirembe

Masaba (Uganda) Koosi

Oluta (Nicaragua) Maxu

Persian, Farsi (Pakistan, Azerbaijan) Soln

Scottish Gaelic (Scotland) Sith

Spanish (worldwide) Paz

Swahili (East Africa) Amani

Tonga (Zambia) Malino

Yiddish (Israel, worldwide) Sholim

Yu’pik (northern North America) Kiñuiñak
