Small membrane-bound structures located within the eukaryotic cell that each have a specific...



An inflexible barrier that protects a plant cell and gives it support. Composed of cellulose. Allows materials to enter, but it is not selective like the plasma membrane.

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Small membrane-bound structures located within the eukaryotic cell that each have a specific function.

• Has a few different organelles than an animal cell.

• A plant cell has a cell wall.

• A plant cell has chloroplasts.

• A plant cell has a vacuole.

• An inflexible barrier that protects a plant cell and gives it support.

• Composed of cellulose.

• Allows materials to enter, but it is not selective like the plasma membrane.

• Capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis.

• Has a double membrane.

•Inside the membranes, the thylakoid are arranged in stacks called grana. The grana is surrounded by a fluid called stroma. The thylakoid gain energy from trapped sunlight.

• Chloroplasts contain the green pigment, chlorophyll, which gives plants their green color.

• Only found in plant cells.

•Located in the cytoplasm.

• Temporary storage containers. Store water, food, enzymes, & other materials needed by the cell.

• Some vacuoles store waste products.

• Does not have a cell wall.

• Does not have chloroplasts.

•Has Lysosomes.

• Contain digestive enzymes.

• Digests excess or worn out organelles, food particles, bacteria, & viruses.

• Has a membrane to protect the rest of the cell from the strong digestive enzymes.

• Made of a phospholipid bilayer - the outside is water soluble & the inside is water insoluble

• Creates a barrier for the cell • Selectively permeable – allows only certain things in and certain things out

• Contains the genetic info (DNA) in the form of chromatin or chromosomes.

•Contains the nucleolus which makes ribosomes for the entire cell.

• Nuclear envelope is a double membrane made up of 2 phospholipid bilayers.

•Envelope has pores to let materials in & out.

• The sites where the cell produces proteins.

• NOT a membrane-bound organelle.

• Located in the cytoplasm, either by themselves or attached to the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER).

• The site of cellular chemical reactions.

• Located in the cytoplasm next to the nucleus.

• Highly folded – more surface area for lots of chemical reactions.

ROUGH ER: Has ribosomes attached to it. Produces proteins.

SMOOTH ER: NO ribosomes attached. Produces & stores lipids.

• After proteins are made in the rough ER, the proteins are transferred to the golgi apparatus.

• In the golgi apparatus, the proteins are packaged into vesicles to be transported to different parts of the cell.

• Located in the cytoplasm.

• Transforms food into usable energy for the cell.

• Has 2 membranes.

• Inner membrane is highly folded, which provides a large surface area for lots of chemical reactions.

• Food is transformed into energy molecules for the cell on the inner membrane.

• Forms a framework for the cell.

• Maintains the shape of the cell.

• Anchors & supports many organelles.

•Provide a system through which materials move within the cell.

• Composed of microfilaments & microtubules.

• Flagella – longer projections that move with a whip like motion. A cell usually only has 1 or 2 flagella.

• Cilia – short, numerous projections that look like hairs.

•In unicellular organisms, the cilia and flagella move the organism.

• In multicellular organisms, the cilia help move particles.

•Also known as cytosol.

•It is the “soup” within which all the other cell organelles are located.

•Mostly water.
