Selling Online Masterclass · send me a copy of your resume and schedule your session time using...


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Selling Online MasterclassLet’s build your first automatic online sales system!

Welcome and stand by!







This will be A LOT of intel. Take your time to process it.





?Who did the homework?

What did you learn or feel?

Put yourself in your client's shoes,

so you can understand their experience.


Break down each piece in detail, so you have the necessary goods ready for your clients

Introduce the 4 key pieces of your automatic online sales system, so you know what to create for your business, as a new(er) coach

Review some do’s, don’ts and examples!

Take questions during each section (of course!)

What you need to create as a new coach

What we are focused on today

Your 4-part online sales system

Your Introductory

Coaching Package

(Under $100)

Your Freebie or Lead Magnet

Your Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)

Your Email Nurture

Sequence offering your

intro package!

Once you get clients into your system and your intro package, they are qualified and set

up to want your BIG profitable package or program!

Your 4-part online sales system Client view

Your Introductory

Coaching Package

(Under $100)

Your Freebie or Lead Magnet

Your Customer Relationship Management

System (CRM)

Your Email Nurture

Sequence offering your

intro package!

If they are a fit, you offer

your big coaching

program or package!

AND… This same automated 4-part system will

work for different offerings!

Career Crystal Ball


Career Crystal Ball

Career Crystal Ball to Private Coaching

Career Crystal Ball to Retreat

Disclaimer: You do need to have a niche for this system to work! :)


Step 1: Intro Package

Design your Intro Package

The intro coaching package is one small paid session that you sell from

your website, your automated email systems, and

anywhere else that makes sense.


? ??




?QUESTION:Why do we sell a $100 intro package, and not a bigger more expensive package, in our automated online sales system?

Most people don’t know you, or understand the value of coaching, well enough to purchase a bigger package

simply from emails.

And since you are a new coach, they don’t have a whole lot of ways to learn

about you prior to buying.

The intro offer allows them to experience coaching without a huge commitment. They are then set up to

want more!

Finally, you need to talk to big private clients to determine fit before you agree

to coach them!

Let’s design your intro offer!

A great Intro Offer: Strategy

Is no longer than 45 minutes long

Offers some concrete and tangible outcomes that your specific clients want (so - being vague is a no go).

Is clear and easy to understand to anyone on the planet

Opens the door for your bigger coaching offerings

Why is it 45 minutes or less?

Why are we concrete with outcomes? Isn’t that against the ethics of coaching?

Which is more compelling?

“Let’s do a discovery session. That’s $99.”

“In 45 minutes I can tell you exactly why you are stuck in your

job and can’t seem to leave, no matter how many times you tell

yourself you will.”

Why does it need to open the door to my bigger package or offering?

“All of your problems are solved! But let’s

keep working together. That’s $2000.”

“Now that you understand why you are so stuck at work, you know you need to make a change. But what should you do next? How do you

find your real passion?….”

You are not magical. You cannot create lasting

change in one session.

It’s a disservice to your clients to not offer them more help.


What is one key thing you know the majority of your ideal clients are struggling with that they want solved?

Using your coaching skills and other expertise, how can you offer them a critical breakthrough or insight that will help them with this problem?

Brainstorm a list of struggles

What do your people complain about to their friends over happy hour as it relates to your niche?

What is one obstacle that they see as in their way to achieving their goal?

What are they searching for help with on Google?

What tools or methods can you adapt to help them?

DiSC, Values Assessment, Strengths Finder, Coaching tools etc

Make a list of your skills!


“I feel so stuck at work!”

“I hate my job but don’t know how to find something I want…ugh.”

“I want to quit but can’t get motivated to find something else.

Client problems Expertise

Energy Leadership Index

Life Values/Work Values Assessment

Resume expert

Wheel of Life

Now match your skills and expertise with the problem you identified to

come up with a plan for your session!


“I feel so stuck!”

“I hate my job but don’t know how to find something I want…ugh.”

“I want to quit but can’t get motivated to find something else.

Client problems Expertise

Energy Leadership Index

Life Values/Work Values Assessment

Resume expert

Wheel of Life

Then, develop your SPECIFIC promise for the session, one that

focuses on your niche and clientele.

Lay out your specific promise

In 45 minutes or less, you will ….

“In 45 minutes or less you will know exactly why you are stuck at work and three ways to immediately get motivated to find a better job.”

“In 45 minutes or less you’ll know exactly what’s wrong with your dating profile, and you’ll have 3 upgrades to help you find the right women for you.”

Finally, plan out your agenda for the intro session.

Key Agenda Pieces:

1) Pre-work (logistics and/or content)

2) Welcome and agenda setting

3) Deliver your promise

4) Make your offer for your big program

Plan out your Agenda

Finally, open the door to your offer and invite them to keep working with you, using what you learned in the session to educate them on why coaching will help them (only do this if you actually want this person as a client!)

Welcome them to the session, and tell them the agenda for your time together. Tell them that if you have any additional resources based on your convo, you’ll share them at the end.

Go into the meat of your session - deliver on your promise.

Think about any pre-work they may need to do before they get to the session. What information do you need to send them?

Leave time for questions and conversation throughout, taking notes on any bigger issues or patterns you see.

At the 45 minute mark, wrap up on your promise and recap what they’ve learned.

EXAMPLE TIME! Let’s say you were offering a Resume

Refresh, with a promise to refresh the 3 most critical pieces of someone’s resume in 45 minutes, so they’d be ready to apply

for great jobs.

Example Agenda: Resume Refresh

Agenda (5 minutes): “Welcome to the resume refresh! Our agenda is simple: We’ll refresh 3 things: Your summary, experience section, and layout in the next 45 minutes so you are ready for the job search! And if I have any additional resources for you, I’ll share those at the end…”

Session meat (35 minutes):

1) What makes a great summary + refresh

2) What makes a great experience section + refresh of two most recent jobs

3) Layout recommendation

Pre-work email: “Welcome to the Resume Refresh. I can’t wait to work with you so you can start to apply for great jobs! Before we meet, please send me a copy of your resume and schedule your session time using this link. Please allow 48 hours for resume review before your scheduled session…”

Example Agenda: Resume Refresh

Recap of refresh (5 minutes): “Okay, we are done! As we wrap up here are the key things to keep in mind as you apply all of the changes in future…. “

Open the door: “I know you said finding the right job is your #1 goal right now. As you know, the resume is just one part of the job search, but there’s so much more that comes before and after. Finding the right jobs to apply for, interviewing successfully, negotiating salary, and determine job fit so you stay on once hired - so you know you are in exactly the right job. Given that you mentioned you’ve struggled with all of these steps in the past, I’d love to invite you to join my Job Search Greatness Coaching Program…”

Choose your price!

Choose $99 or $97 or anything close to, but under, $100 :)





?What are your questions

about the Intro Offer?

Step 2: Freebie!

Let’s build your freebie!

Your freebie is a small free piece of content you offer people in exchange for

their email, in order to start a relationship with them (and begin your

sales funnel!)



Create something interesting that will help your potential clients, that gently and strategically leads to your intro coaching offerEducate them on their problems, and by doing so demonstrate your own credibility + open the door that they *might* need more help, which you can do via your intro coaching offerBottom line: Create goodwill and strategically help them get to know you and your coaching

Freebie Strategy

Let’s talk some DO’s and DON’TS!

Do make sure your freebie is something people WANT.

Do make sure your freebie is related to your Intro Coaching Offer.

Do make sure it feels *easy*, helpful and interesting.

Don’t get caught up in the format, instead focus on the problem first and


Do put it in your website banner, about page in your blogs, and anywhere else it

makes sense to you!


Is there a small piece of your intro offer that you can pull out and drill into as a freebie, that you know people want help with?

Job search intro offer: Freebie =“The five best interview questions and answers for millennials” Date profile intro offer: Freebie = “How to write a great headline for your dating profile as a woman over 50” Get unstuck at work intro offer: Freebie = “6 steps to help you find work you love”

Why do we start with the topic and not the format?


A series of articles on your website that you link to in your emails

A check-list

A guide

An ebook

An audio training

A video training

A short challenge

A series of emails

Don’t make it hard. Pick something easy for you to create that fits the

topic idea.

Remember, the goal of the freebie is to get the right clients who need your help to

start to engage with you (while you sleep!).

If you are struggling to create it, record yourself talking and brainstorming, or buy

a friend some coffee and talk to them.





?What are your questions

about the freebie?

Step 3: CRM!

Customer Relationship Management

A CRM is a tech tool you use that allows you to capture and manage emails and

client communication history.

CRM Example

CRM Example


You use it to manually or automatically send emails to your list (or both!)

It provides the tech to capture emails, manage contacts, and in some cases manage products and take payments

It operates behind the scenes, and will be a key part of your sales system

Let’s go take a look!

You’ll be able to learn how to use a CRM by yourself. But please plan on spending

time learning how to use it :).





?What are your questions

about the CRM?

Step 4: Nurture Sequence!

Create your Nurture Sequence

Your nurture sequence will build on your freebie, and offer more insight or ideas on that topic to generate goodwill and build connection, so you can invite people to your

Intro Offer without being salesy.

( That’s why the world *nurture* is involved!)

It’s usually 3-6 automated emails, that drip out over a few

days to a week or two.

Nurture Sequence Strategy

Help your potential clients get to know you by continuing to help with their problems

Generate goodwill with your help, so you build trust and rapport

Slowly show them that they need more help than simply a small free offering

Gently offer those that want more help an option, by inviting them to purchase your intro offer!

Selling is really strategically educating people about their problems.

Let’s talk Do’s and Don’ts!

Do keep it to one topic per email, so it won’t be overwhelming.

Do keep each email short and conversational.

(Write like a human, to one person).

Don’t jump straight into selling - make sure to build a relationship first!

(Otherwise you are asking for marriage on the first date!)

But DO eventually make an offer that shows clients the concrete benefit of

your intro package, as it relates to them.

“You’ll get more clarity and abundance in your life!”

“You’ll know exactly why you can’t seem to get a second date, and one thing to fix

immediately in your profile.”


DESIGN YOURS: Content Strategy!

Are there common questions you think people will ask that are not answered in your freebie? Make those your nurture sequence!

Or, provide more in-depth answers to things you cover lightly in your freebie

Or just have your freebie be delivered in pieces over email, so it doubles as a nurture sequence

DESIGN YOURS: Brainstorm!

What are your client’s burning questions, that relate to your freebie?

What are the things they object to, or worry about that relate to your freebie?

What common mistakes do you see them making?

DESIGN YOURS: Brainstorm!

What are your client’s burning questions, that relate to your freebie?Example: Date Coach for Women over 50 offering freebie around best profile headlines. “What photos should I post in my online profile?” “What information should I absolutely include?” “Should I list my age and real height in my profile?”

DESIGN YOURS: Brainstorm!

What are the things they object to, or worry about that relate to your freebie?

Example: Date Coach for Women over 50 “Are there enough men to date my age?”“Should I even online date? Am I too old?” “Are there good men out there?”

DESIGN YOURS: Brainstorm!

What common mistakes do you see them making?

Example: Date Coach for Women over 50 -Not posting enough photos -Only using one dating app instead of several -Writing a long list of what they want, versus being conversational in their profile -Writing really bad headlines -Not starting conversations with men online

This list will become the content for your nurture sequence emails!

DESIGN YOURS: Example Outline

Email 1: Welcome and deliver your freebie. Day 0.

Email 2: Answer a burning question or a common mistake. Day 2.

Email 3: Answer a burning question or a common mistake (or go deeper on a topic/worry). Day 4.

DESIGN YOURS: Example Outline

Email 4: Answer a common objection or concern that your people have (that may prevent them from taking action on your offer). Introduce your offer. Day 6.

Email 5: Talk about your intro coaching session and why they need it. Get concrete. Day 7.

Email 6: Remind them to take action on your offer, stressing why it will help them. Day 8.

Career Coach Example

Email 1: “Here’s the goods: 6 steps to find work you love!” (Welcome and deliver your freebie)

Email 3: “The difference between passion and a hobby” (Answer a burning question/go deeper)

Email 2: “The #1 mistake about passion.” (Answer a burning question or big mistake)

Career Coach Example

Email 4: “Yes, there is a passion out there for you - here’s why…” (Answer a common objection + intro your offer)

Email 5: “This will 100% help you find your passion!” (Dedicated email about your awesome intro package and why they need it)

Email 6: “Did you see this help on passion? Time sensitive!” (Remind them to take action!)

There are a LOT of ways to do this. Be a human, be helpful, be brief…and be


Let’s take a look at some different examples to help you with your copy!

Example Script: Welcome

Example Script: Worries

Example: Burning Question + Offer

Example Intro Offer

Example Reminder

Make sure you highlight the concrete benefits of your intro coaching package

in your nurture sequence. Be clear, not cute! :)

“Buy my Peppy Life Package where we’ll pep up

your step!

“Buy my Peppy Life Package, where you’ll learn not only why

you can’t seem to get motivated in life or work (it’s not what you think), but also three ways to

instantly get more energy today (even while sitting on your



Also write in the style that you enjoy after experiencing other people’s nurture

sequences. What you like, your clients will as well.

Recap: Your 4-part online sales system

Your Introductory

Coaching Package

(Under $100)

Your Freebie or Lead Magnet

Your Contact Management


Your Email Nurture

Sequence offering your

intro package!

My intro offer is concrete, less than 45 minutes, and priced under $100

My freebie relates to my intro offer, and it is something people really want

My contact management system is set up to deliver my emails to anyone who signs up for my freebie

My email nurture sequence is 4-6 emails, and is friendly, focused and continues to build goodwill with my prospective clients.

My email nurture sequence gently offers my intro package to my prospective clients.

Check List

Sign up for 3-4 freebies from coaches in different niches. Notice what you like and what you don’t and why. What emails are you opening? What emails are you reading? Why? Use these insights to guide you in creating your own personal brand and style!

Interview some folks in your target niche for ideas and language that you can use for your Intro Offer, Freebie and Nurture Sequence! Talk to at least 3 people, ideally a few more.






?What are your questions?
