SAINT PATRICK ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH...2015/12/27  · December 27, 2015 Feast of the Holy Family Of...


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December 27, 2015

Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph


St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church

3500 Washington Street McHenry, Illinois 60050

PH: 815-385-0025 Fax: 815-385-0861

Rel. Ed. 815-385-2959

Rev. Godwin N. Asuquo, Pastor (

Dennis Holian, Deacon (

Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM—4:30 PM Closed for Lunch: 12:00(Noon)—1:00 PM Friday: 8:30AM—Noon



Mass Times Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:00 AM Thursday: 9:00 AM w/Montini (September-May) 8:00 AM (June—August) First Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM

Communion Service Friday (other than First Friday): 8:00AM

Rosary 40 minutes before Saturday Mass 30 minutes before Sunday Masses Wednesdays 8:30 AM

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00—3:30 PM 30 minutes before daily Mass or by appointment

Holy Hour with Benediction Saturday 3:00 PM (September-May)

Catholic Schools Montini Middle School 815-385-1022 Montini Primary Center 815-385-5380 Marian Central 815-338-4220

Page 2 Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Dear Friends in Christ,

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. In a few days we will also celebrate the Solemni-ty of Mary the Mother of God. It will be most fitting that we start the New Year 2016 with God our Father and Mary our Mother. We are fortunate to belong to the family of God here in St. Patrick Church.

In the Feast of the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph exemplify the virtues that we, as members of God’s family, must emulate. At Christmas Jesus was born to show us the way of unconditional love, unity and peace. Though He was in the form of God (Phil. 2:6) Jesus’ submission to Mary and Joseph teaches

us trust and submission to God in all things. In the Gospel according to St. Luke 2:41-52 Scripture tells us that the boy Jesus was subject to Mary and Joseph. Yearly until He was twelve years old he would take the three day, eighty mile journey from Nazareth to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. At this point Jesus addresses God as Father while talking to Mary and Joseph. Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house? His relationship with Mary as a Mother and Joseph as His earthly Father must have enhanced and fostered a good relationship between Him and God His heavenly Father. As such, while aware of His unique qualities, He nonetheless entrusted himself into the loving care, paternal and maternal embrace and guidance of Mary and Joseph. Like all Godly parents, Mary and Joseph raised Jesus in the fear, wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

God, our heavenly Father, calls each one of us to a unique task and mission in this world, which is our vocation. As we journey to fully discover that vocation, God calls us to cooperate with Him through those He has put in our lives as our guides. Some of them may be our parents. Others may be our leaders in the Church and in governments or any other who may assist us in loco parentis on our pilgrimage. As we prepare to begin the New Year, we entrust all parents, chil-dren, leaders and those that they lead into the loving embrace, the paternal tenderness of Joseph and maternal patron-age of Mary, the mother of God and our mother. May we imitate their good examples bringing our children to God and fostering a loving relationship at home to an extent that our children and all those we lead and guide may come to know God our Heavenly Father.

Thank you for all your love and support for our parish family. May God bless and keep you.

Happy New Year in advance.

In Christ,

Fr. Godwin

On New Year's Day, the octave day of Christmas, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God, the divine and virginal motherhood of the Blessed Virgin.

It is the highest title of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Theotokos, Mother of God. This title was given to Mary at the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D. The council taught, however, that the humanity and divinity of Jesus could not be separated and that they exist in one person, with the momentous implication that we can rightly give Mary the title of Mother of God. Mothers bring life, a gift from God, into the world. That's why you sometimes hear the Church referred to as "Mother". The Evangelist, Luke, describes her as the silent Virgin who listens constantly to the Eternal Word, who lives in the Word of God.

This feast is the celebration of Mary’s motherhood of Jesus and is the oldest feast of Mary celebrated by the Catholic Church. Mary has an important role to play in the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. She consents to God’s invitation conveyed by the angel (Luke 1:26-38).

Elizabeth proclaims: “Most blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled." And Mary said: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior.

Holyday of Obligation

Mass Times: 4:00PM December 31st

Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Page 3

Winter “Frozen” Festival Sunday, January 24th at 1:00PM

Cool fun for all ages! Join Elsa, Anna and Olaf

Enjoy Sweet Treats in Muldoon Hall Sing Along to the Frozen Movie

with our marvelous Cecilia Adams Raffle Prizes and all sorts of fun!!!

St. Patrick’s Marriage Ministry

We extend our congratulations to the following couples celebrating a

December Wedding Anniversary

Gary & Carolyn Hackney, 13 Years, December 24th Jim & Kathy Stockwell, 21 Years, December 3rd

Bill & Sue Snow, 50 Years, December 27th Dick & Sue Robinson, 52 Years, December 14th

Heavenly Father, as we come before You this Christmas, we thank You for sending Your Son into the darkness of this world to shed the light of Your love and to make THE way (John 14:6) for all of us to be able to experience eternal life.

And Father, as we thank you for the gift of eternal life we also want to thank you for the gift of marriage and this is our Christ-mas Prayer for our marriage:

We re-commit our marriage to You, Lord, that You would cause our thoughts to become agreeable with Your will. We understand that our union is a picture of our relationship with you and it is Holy.

Help us to pray together, to trust in You and walk in obedience to Your word so that we will have peace and joy in our marriage. Give us revelation of Your great love and understanding of how to love each other better. Teach us (again) as a husband how to love as Christ loves the church and teach and to treat each other with honor and respect, as You would have us.

Forgive us for our self-centeredness, anger, lust, and foolishness. Give us your patience and help us not to blame and accuse one another. Help us to see You as the source of acceptance, heal-ing, justification, and provision.

We ask you to remove the blinders from our eyes so we can see truth and walk courageously in it. We resist the enemy that would try to destroy our marriage. We put to death the words we have spoken against one another. We forgive each other for past of-fenses. We agree that the enemy is bound away from this mar-riage and invite the Holy Spirit into our lives.

Lord, we ask that you would surround us with Godly counsel. Draw us into Your word so that we can be cleansed and receive wisdom for our lives.

Lord, thank You for your faithfulness. Thank you that you watch over us, and that You are at work within us causing us to desire and do your will. You are the Lord, Almighty, and if You are for us, who can be against us? We love you Lord, and we entrust our marriage to You again this Christmas.

For we give You all the glory and ask these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Jubilee Year of Mercy Feast of the Holy Family

of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Imagine: three New Year's celebrations in little over a month! In late November, Advent be-

gan the new liturgical year; December 8, the Jubilee Year of Mercy; this coming Friday, the New Year 2016. In to-day's Gospel, after three days of anguish, Mary tells Jesus how desperately she and Joseph have been searching for him. Mary could be speaking for the whole human race. With religious persecutions raging, international and do-mestic conflicts seething, our family and friends suffering various difficulties, not to mention our own personal prob-lems, how much our world needs Jesus as another New Year veiled in mystery begins! As we pray for God's mercy to enfold our world and embrace each of us in 2016, let our New Year's resolution be to live the Jubilee Year of Mercy by being for others, as Mary was, a channel of God's mercy and an instrument of Christ's peace. --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc

St. Valentine’s Day Dance Saturday, February 13th

Come celebrate God’s love with your Parish Family

(Sponsored by the Marriage Ministry) More Details in Future Bulletins

Page 4 Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

St. Patrick Adult Faith Formation

Part 2: Living the Faith Wednesday Evening

January 20th—March 23rd (10 weeks) 7:00PM - 8:30PM

Parish Library Cost $25 for Workbook

Payment: Cash or Check (drop in collection basket or at parish office) OR Online via GiveCentral ( OR payable on the first night of class.

For More Information or to Register:

Contact Carleen Murphy (Adult Education Coordinator) 815-385-0025 or

In order that your workbook is available for the 1st session, please register by January 13th

Vocations Corner: Being in Awe

Three days ago we celebrated the birth of our Lord. Imag-ine what it must have been like for Mary and Joseph on the third day of beholding their miracle child. They were probably completely in love, completely in awe of what God had called then to do, and just maybe a little appre-hensive as to what would come next. I think that most parents are in awe but also overwhelmed on the day after bringing their newborn home from the hospital! I think that sometimes we don't even give our vocations a chance to make it to day one because we're too con-cerned about what will happen on day three, week three, and year three. What we have to understand is that God gave Mary and Joseph the grace to thrive one day at a time! He wants to do the same for us, but in order for that to happen, we have to say yes today. Don't worry about what day three well look like, just be in awe of God's plan today and say YES!

Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Page 5

Hosted by St. Patrick Concludes Saturday, January 2nd

1.Go to confession. Available at St. Patrick beginning at 7:30AM. (Confession can be completed eight days be-fore or after the First Saturday provided the communicant is in a state of grace when receiving The Lord.)

2.Receive Holy Communion - Mass will begin at 8:00AM 3.Say five decades of the Holy Rosary - Recited after Mass 4.Meditate for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Holy

Rosary - After Mass

All the requirements can be fulfilled at St. Patrick if you chose to stay after Mass for the Rosary and Meditation. You may complete the 3rd/4th requirements at a later time, but it must be completed on that Saturday.

Stand Up and Be Counted As One Who Defends Life

January 22, 2016 will be the 43rd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that made abor-tion legal through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason or for no reason at all.

Since that time more than 57 million children have lost their lives to abortion. The number of abortions has de-creased every year since 1990, but unfortunately there are still over 1 million every year.

Each year Right to Life McHenry County brings attention to this devastating decision by placing an ad in the North-west Herald. The names of those who oppose the horren-dous results of Roe vs. Wade are listed. The probable date the 2016 ad will run is January 24th. Last year's ad was an awesome four pages long! Next weekend, Janu-ary 2nd and 3rd members of the Respect Life ministry will be collecting signatures after all Masses to be in-cluded in this year’s ad. Please join the hundreds of other participants from all over the county by taking the time to add your name!

A free will donation from those who participate would be appreciated to help offset the cost of the ad. Right to Life McHenry County is an all-volunteer organization, and any funds raised over the cost of the ad go directly to other pro-life projects and activities, materials, etc.


† May this light which reminds us of Jesus’ presence in the Tabernacle welcome her

into His eternal presence.

Saturday, December 26 - Feast of St. Stephen, The First Martyr 4:00 PM Mass - † John & Dorothy Kolby

Sunday, December 27 - Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 7:00 AM Mass - † Holly McLaughlin 9:00 AM Mass - † William Rabelhofer 11:00 AM Mass - † Rosalie Doherty

Monday, December 28 - Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs 8:00 AM Mass - † Ray Jablonski

Tuesday, December 29 - Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; Memorial of St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr 8:00 AM Mass - † Francis Bergsma

Wednesday, December 30 - Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 8:00 AM Mass - † Julian, Evelyn & David Scripp

Thursday, December 31 - Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; Memorial of St. Sylvester I, Pope 4:00 PM Mass - The People of St. Patrick

Friday, January 1 - Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God 9:00 AM Mass - † Carmel O’Connor

Saturday, January 2 - Memorial of Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church; First Saturday 8:00 AM Mass - Members of the Marriage Ministry 4:00 PM Mass - † Theodore Pitzen

Sunday, January 3 - Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord 7:00 AM Mass - † Kay & Larry Huck 9:00 AM Mass - † Clara McAndrews 11:00 AM Mass - † Dennis Birmingham

Bolded names have recently been added to the prayer list.

Prayer Requests

Page 6 Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph The following have been given a share in the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please remember them and their families in your prayers. Jean Adams William Kirchner Stanley Alm Elaine Kolner Marie Asuquo Dan Kowelec Josephine Beninato Beverly Linsner Margaret Bedulski Tom Low Ron Bergsma Brian Lundquist Susan Bjork Lauriel Luther Sr. Eleanor Blake SSF Michael Major Michaela Bogdanske Joanne Maloney Dave Boger Carol Makowski Irene Bole Elaine Marshall Kale Brenner Donald Marski Mark Brown Norita McAndrews Tim Brown Heriberto & Elisama Medina Deen Bryan Ben Meek Jake Brzovich Alice Mirro Lillian Cairns John Mostyn Anthony & Marguerite Canzoneri Sheila Murphy Tracy Christensen Arianna Nelson Anna Ciesielka Jean Neumann Bridget Clarke †Chrissie Noble Thomas Clifford Mary Jo O’Brien Susan (Brefeld) Coston Eddie O’Connor Bob Coughlin Tom O’Connor Lea Ann DeMarais Bill Ogryzek Jr. Marya Dixon Stanley Pankiewicz Geri Dreyer Renata Pokorski Richard Dunther Deborah Rannie Joseph Eisele Dorothy Reinboldt Kris Felix Chuck Riemma Annette Feller Richard Robinson Robert & Helen Foster Ron & Lydia Rother Bernice Franger Larry Rother David Freund Susan Rother Kay Godina Joan Rubino Christopher Goerdt Terri Sawin Ray Greenwald Lincoln Scatena George Haegler Helen Schaefer Catherine Hansen J.L. Shade Stephanie Hansen Ken Sien Bill Hartmann Marianne Simon Peter Harwood Elizabeth Serritella-Smith Robbie Harwood Jim Smith Greg Haze Joyce Smith George Haze Jr Geraldine Smith Mary Haze Nick Stevens Ralph Heaven Terri Swanson Jeanette Heinisch Collin Swedberg Lance Heinz Kathleen Swedberg Carolyn Herriges Frank Sweeney Tom Hester Richard Szparkowski Emil Houda Drew Thorstenson James Houda Phyllis Venable Eileen Huff Kathy Wehrheim Ann Hurley Kevin Wellington Steven Jaszka Paul Wember Mark Jozefik Michael Werner Sharon Justice Mary Ann Whittenhall Baby Henry Malebashian Robert Zeller Maura Kirchner

Let us remember those serving our country

PFC Sara Mahan, Army-Wisconsin National Guard, Fort Leonard Wood MO. PFC Hayden Troy Canning, USMC, Camp Pendleton Tech Sgt. Timothy Davis, USAF Bagram AFB Afghanistan Airman First Class Paul Reber Corpsman Ean Reid, U.S. Navy, Camp Pendleton Sgt. Daniel Snow & Sgt. Melissa Snow, U.S. Army, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas LTC Thomas Snow, U.S. Army, South Korea CPL Kennon Speciale, USMC, Yuma, AZ Pvt. Ben Zeller, USMC, Camp Pendleton

Please remember to let us know if you or your family member’s name can be removed from the prayer list. Please contact the parish office at 815-385-0025 for pray-er list name additions or removals.

Monday December 28

Tuesday December 29

Wednesday December 30

Thursday December 31

Friday January 1

Saturday January 2

Sunday January 3

7:45 AM Morning Prayer

7:45 AM Morning Prayer

7:45AM Morning Prayer

Parish Office Closed Happy New Year!

6:00AM That Man Is You

6:30AM Rosary

8:00AM Mass

8:00AM Mass

8:00AM Mass

4:00PM Mass

9:00AM Mass

7:30AM Confessions

7:00AM Mass

6:00PM Cursillo: Women’s Grp.

8:30AM Rosary & Divine Chaplet

5:00PM Youth Ministry Christmas Prty

8:00AM Mass/Rosary 1st Saturday

8:30AM Rosary

7:00PM Hearts Afire Retreat

7:00PM Cursillo: Men’s Grp.

9:00AM Hearts Afire Prayer Cenacle

9:00AM Mass

7:00PM Celebration Choir

3:00PM Holy Hour w/ Benediction


3:00PM Confession

9:00AM Mass

3:20PM Rosary

10:00AM Youth Ministry

4:00PM Mass

10:00AM Baptism Prep.





Week At A Glance

Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Page 7

Church Hoban Room

Boylan Room Lane Room

Grounds Montini Primary

Hoban/Boylan (Library)

Music Room

Muldoon Hall/ Kitchen


Youth Lounge

Color Coded Room Legend

Monday:1 Jn 1:5 -- 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 Tuesday:1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Wednesday:1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Thursday:1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Friday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Saturday:1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12

Readings for the Week Divine Office: Proper Psalter/Week I

The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for January

Interreligious Dialogue: That sincere dia-logue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice.

Christian Unity: That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions.

Article Deadline for Upcoming Bulletins: January 9/10: December 30 January 16/17: January 6 January 23/24: January 13

Send articles to

Word of Life

“Regardless of our circumstances and whether people acknowledge it, nothing and no one can take away our God-given dignity.”

~USCCB 2015-16 Respect Life Program “Maggie’s Story: Living Like Dad”

Finance News

Page 8 Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Sometimes, the simplest things we take for granted are the very things our neediest neighbors need to live with dignity. Recently, Vincentians reached out to assist an older gentleman get to his job interview by provid-

ing a tank of gas and a quart of motor oil for his car. A haircut completed his wish list as he prepared to enter the work force again. A second neighbor in need asked for help in purchasing inexpensive materials so he could make a shelf for his food, his very small apartment had no cupboards or built-in shelves. Your donations to St. Vin-cent de Paul help the neediest among us all year long.

Mark 12:31 “The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other command-ment greater than these.”

Due to the early deadline for this weekend’s bulletin, the Collection Report for December 19th/20th and Christmas was not available. The collection amount for December 19th/20th will be printed in the January 2nd/3rd bulletin, while Christmas will be reported in the January 9th/10th bulletin. Thank you for your understanding.

Baptism of Infants: To schedule a Baptism, please begin by calling the parish office. Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month immediately after the 11AM Mass. Please consider scheduling your child’s Baptism before your child is born to ensure an opening in the month of your choice. In addition, a Baptismal preparation class is required for the parents. This class is offered on the 1st Sunday of each month after the 9AM Mass. Sign-up is required and you may take the class before your child is born.


Sacrament of Marriage: At St. Patrick, couples planning to marry need to meet with the Pastor before a wedding date can be set. Please contact the parish office to setup an initial meeting at least 6 months prior to any requested marriage date. This initial meeting will give you an over-view of the requirements for marriage and the preparation required. At least one of the couple, or their parents, must be regis-tered parishioners for at least 6 months and be active participating members of St. Patrick Church in order to be married at the church. Both individuals must be at least 19 years of age.

Marian Central Freshman Placement Testing

Saturday, January 9, 2016 8:15AM

1001 McHenry Ave, Woodstock, IL

Students should report to the school by 8:00AM with the registration form and a $15 Processing Fee.

To print the registration form and for more information, please visit: or contact Mile Maloney, Director of Admissions, 815-338-4220 or

May your marriage experience the blessings and joy that Christmas promises. Strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on Jan. 22-24 in Brookfield, WI; Feb. 12-14 in Crystal Lake, IL or March 4-6 in

Madison, WI. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or call (888)574-5653.

Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Page 9

Parish Staff Cori Fiore—Media Coordinator

Greg Freund—Maintenance

Carla Odahowski—Office Manager

Karen Buenzli—Bookkeeper

Carleen Murphy —Liturgy Director

Cecilia Adams—Music Director

Lisa Johnson—Youth Director

Steve Doherty—Cemetery Director

Bonnie Curry—Coordinator of RE

Sandy Speciale—Admin. Asst. RE

Shelly Knight—Receptionist

Why You Should Join the March for Life Chicago

1. The March for Life Chicago is an annual event that takes place each year during the month of Janu-ary. It is held near the anniversary of the tragic day on which the Supreme Court decision, Roe vs. Wade, legalized abortion in the United States in 1973. Thousands of people from diverse ethnic, social, and religious backgrounds come together and march through the streets of downtown Chicago, com-memorating the many innocent lives lost after this decision. Through marching, they share a message of love for life, hoping to reclaim for our state and our nation the respect that all life deserves and promote

a culture that values life, from the moment of conception until natural death. 2. The March for Life Chicago saves babies! 3. The March for Life Chicago brings together Midwest religious leaders and members of all faiths and cultures. 4. The number of first-time marchers increases every year, giving more Illinoisans the opportunity to proudly display

their pro-life values. 5. You can be a part of the largest pro-life event in Illinois! Our goal is to increase the number of marchers from 4,000

to 8,000 this year. 6. Who doesn’t love dancing in the streets of Chicago during the middle of January? This is a great way to have fun

with your friends and make new friends too. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—————————————-------------------------

St Patrick Respect Life is participating for the 2nd year This will be an annual tradition as long as life is in jeopardy!

Date: Sunday, January 17 Cost: $8 round trip adult/ up to 3 children 11 and under ride free with each adult Where: Pingree Metra Station – Crystal Lake We will gather on the platform at 10:45AM - train departs at 11:03AM. Please allow enough time to park

and get to the platform! Parking is $1.50 you will need quarters or a debit card. 12:23PM – arrive in Chicago and walk about 8 blocks to Federal Plaza

Return trip: Your choice - Train #719 at 4:30PM (back in CL at 5:48PM) or Train #723 at 6:30PM (back in CL at 7:48PM)

Dress for the weather and bring a sack lunch if you wish For more info contact Billie Crotty: or 815-382-1605 (calls or text)

You are invited to a weekend retreat where we will bask in the love of our Heavenly Father as we strive to more fully em-brace our identity as beloved daughters of God. This is an opportunity to step out of the busyness of everyday life to seek renewal through prayer, talks, reflection, Mass, praise & worship music, and fellowship with extraordinary women of God. This retreat is open to all women - married or single, those with no children, young children, not-so-young children, or grandchildren.

Page 10 Feast of the Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Liturgical Ministry Schedule

Ministry January 2 Saturday 4:00 PM

January 3 Sunday 7:00 AM

January 3 Sunday 9:00 AM

January 3 Sunday

11:00 AM

Jan. 4-6 Mon.-Wed. 8:00AM

Jan. 7 9:00AM

Lector Jon Meyer Bob Sharp

Pat McAndrews Allen Broughton Brian Arnet

Nicole Meute Belinda Veillon


Sacristan Tim Madden Geri Davis Stephanie Teta Henry Glick Mon./Thurs. Carleen Murphy Tues./Wed./Fri. Geri Davis

Eucharistic Ministers

Ellen Mahan Bill Preston Althea Schwartz Justin Santopadre

Daniel Roycroft Carole Manion Mary Ellen Feeney Bonnie Curry

Cristine Bunting Tad DePorter Chandra Broughton Kathleen Weisenberger

Christine Burkhardt Carleen Murphy Michael Walsh Kelley Orr

Servers Lindsey Huff Katie Huff Isabella Saxelby

No Servers Vincent Broughton Gaven Hedberg Riley Hedberg

Isabella Meute Molly Mocogni Stephanie Schaefer

Isabella Meute


Gary Baseley Jim Smith Judy Smith Mike Unterfenger

Larry Huck Jim Miller Rick Quinn John Simon

Andrew Menner Tommy Menner John Salemi Matthew Shelton

Claire Harrison Molly Harrison Tom Harrison Mike Mocogni

Anthony Canzoneri

Gift Bearers


Rosary Jean Brown Mary Mattoon Rodriguez Family Eileen Kaminski No Rosary

Ministry Schedule

CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD January 3: Shannon Caruso, Dana Crow, Johnathan Hopp January 10: John Huff, Austin Thompson

COMPASSIONATE CARE—MCHENRY VILLA January 3: Carrie Sabatka January 10: Terry Lanning

CENTEGRA—MCHENRY HOSPITAL January 5: Marie Farley & Marie Galan January 12: Roger & Cheryl Kriewaldt

CARING FRIENDS—Alden Terrace January 5: Bill Hartmann, Jeanette Teller January 12: Carrie Sabatka, Marie Galan

ALTAR LINEN DUTY January 4: Kathy Kokoska January 11: Kristine Hoffman

CHURCH / ALTAR CLEANING January 4: Billy Crotty, Lisa Godzicki January 11: Nancy Schroeder, Phyllis Hester

COLLECTION COUNTERS December 28: Annette Cuda, Del Grala, Carol Freund, Tim Mad-den, Patti Preston, Carrie Sabatka, Kathy Schultz, Ann Schweder, Julie Carey January 4: Ann Schweder, Carrie Sabatka, Joyce Diedrich, Pat Coughlin, Ruth Zabielski

Thanks to our Advertisers for their Support

The UPS Store 518 S. IL Rt. 31 815-578-9340 (Parishioners)

Ministry December 31

Thursday 4:00 PM

January 1 Thursday 9:00AM

Lector Carleen Murphy OPEN

Robert McLaughlin Bob Sharp

Sacristan Tim Madden Geri Davis

Eucharistic Ministers

Lisa Godzicki Maureen Pintozzi Nancy Schwall Althea Schwartz

Cheryl McLaughlin Jim Thennes Rita Thennes OPEN

Servers Courtney Sensabaugh OPEN OPEN

OPEN 3 (B)

Ushers OPEN (4) OPEN (4)

Gift Bearers


Car to Donate? Please contact the parish office at 815-385-0025 if you or someone you know has a car that you are not using and would be willing to donate to help out a brother/sister in Christ. We have had two recent requests and hope that we will

be able to respond positively with your help.


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